Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Feb 1887, p. 4

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 eT"W ^Hm, 'V â- v V mmm I r !« i C, W. Butledge, Publisher. ItARKDALE. FEB. 8. 1887 OURSELVES. The amoant of reading matter has been somewhat condensed in the Stand\bd for some weeks owing to extra adr ertismg space being required but we trust our readers will take it all in good parts and console them- selves with the tJiot' that what is their loss, in this rebpect, is our gain. Our reading space will now become great- er, and thus our loss will be your gain by the way, if you had a glance over our exchanges you would find that the Standabb gives more reading by a good deal than the average rural paper; this is however as we desire and hope to continue to the fore. Editorial Notes. â€" Four British men-of-war is to be despatched to Canadian waters to help enforce the protection of Canadian fisheries. â€" Hamilton has contributed $5,000 to the Presbyterian Missions in the North-West. â€" ^^Great excitement exists in Germ- any this week caused by 115,000 reserves being called out for practice with the new repeating rifles. â€"The coal conspiracy case in Toronto ended on Monday m a verdict of acquittal after six days steady court- ing. The deaf made to Heab- â€" "After eight years Buffering from deafness so bad that I -was unable to attend to my business, I was •€ured by the use of Halyard's Yellow Oil. With gratitude I make this known for the benefit of others afflicted." Harry Bicardo, Toronto. maxwell. One of our citizens is the recipient of another blessing The arrival of a young son is the mainspring of his joy. Mr. W. J. Wright of King, has taken charge of Dr. Kerr's farm for the en- suing year, and of course everything will be done up in '-Wright" style. On Monday last, Miss Ella Kerr, re- turned to Gollingwood, to resume her studies at the Collegiate Institute. We regret to learn that Mrs. Milne, of Toronto, haying come up for the pur- pose of attending the funeral of her brother, Mr. Duncan Heron, is now lying seriously ill. We are glad to notice that Mr. Bobt. Gordon, who has, for some time been engaged in pastoral work in Michigan ia home again for a few weeks. We un- derstand that Major Sutherland, grace- fully remembered by man in this sect ion of the (iountry is discharging the duties of a pastor in Mr. Gordon's absence. â-  There is always a welcome home for Mr, Gordon. Whiz To The Electors OF sopneREY. Gbntlehen. â€" In parsaance to the Qonstitutional principle, that when there is any material extension of the Franchise, the House of Commons has been dissolved, uid a new election will take place on Tuesday, 22nd Feb- ruary. Having been chosen by the Liberal Conservative party as their Candidate, I beg to solicit year sufirage in the approaching contest. If elected I shall give a fair support on all vital questions to the present Government, believing that it has shewn by its past re«ord to be heartily in accord with the progressive spirit of the age, and that under its care the laws have been fairly and impartially administered, but on some questions I may be compelled to differ with it. 1 shall favor the repeal of the pres- ent Franchise Act, and the substitution for it of Manhood Suffrage. 1 believe there should be some radical change made in the constitution and functions of the Senate, or if this be not practicable then I should favor its abolition entirely. The present fiscal system which gives protection to our manufactures has shewn itself to be successful and should be continued. The depression existing- in our agri- cultural interests and the small returns received by farmers from their invest- ments and labors should engage the earnest and careful attention of our Legislators. Believing that the high rate of interest at which farmers are compelled to borrow money, causes a constant and large flow of their hard earnings to the capitalists of the old country, I think the Government should assume the control of the cur- rency of the country, and that the ne- cessary legislation should be passed to favor the establishment of Farmer's Banks, and the supply of cheap money to the agricultural classes. Now that all the great public works rendered necessary by Confederation have been completed, I think the time has come to exercise the most rigid, careful and economical control of our expenditure, and to endeavor to carry out the affairs of the country without further increasing the public dept. Hoping my views will meet with your approbation and that you will fayor me with your support and earnest cO' operation. I am, Gentlemen, Your Obt. Servant, David Jahiesom. M/tF^KDALE B 'm-. m::^ Threatened Danger. â€" In the fall of '84, Bandall Miller, of MaitJand, N. S., was pro- strated to his bed with an attack of indpient consumption. Cough remedies had failed. He rapidly grew abilitated. and friends despair- ed of his recovery He tried Burdock Blood Bitters, with immediate relief, followed with a sjieedycnre. Ferersham. Found that West's Coagh Syrup is the best for cough colds and all throat and lung isdeases. All druggists. •m ♦ Priceville Roller Mill From our own Correspondent. It is some time since you heard from iiere, but Feversbam is yet in the same place. Times haya bren doll owing to stonny weather and bad roads. We axe 8or]:y to have to chronicle the death of on 3 of our youth, Maudy, daughter .of Chas. Neil, merchftnt. Her runains were :iollowed to Betbel Church yard by many friends and neij^hbors, where her body, was interred. The S. A. Army is making good progress under the Ietdership of Lieut. Bowe. Bey. L. Hall contemplates retnmiiig to Michigan to preach. B. J. Colqaett and wife *n visiting ftienda in Brantford. The boya.say Mathew out up shamefully the other night at the wake. The Sawmill has oommaDoad operationa, •cuttmg cheny for Mr. Irwin. Camp, is kept hxuj in the grist mill, and giving goad satisfaction. THE NEW MILL IS NOW COM- pleted and in full working order. The Boiler process is thorough in eyery respect and a full line of rolls. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE will be paid for any quantity of Wheat. Positively no credit will be given in the Mill. The Saw Mill is doing splendid work. Bring in your logs and yon can get the lumber home with yon. FirsUCIass Planer and Matcher. Mr. John McLeod manages the Saw wan which I hope is a 8u£Bcient guaran- tee for good wodt. BOBEBT MaOGWAN. Jan. 34th 1887. 884-7 TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS wiU be received by the mi- dersigned up to Saturday, the 19th day of February, next, for the erection of a brick church at Epping. Tenders to state amount required including board for workmen, and also wioutlboard.The committee is.not bound to accept the lowest or any tender. Plao^ and specifi- cations niay be seen on appUcation to Thomas uiLKiv, Esq., E|^ping. Ten- ders to be addressed to JOHN F.EATON, Secre^, Epping. E^^g ^anoary 24, 1887. 885-6^ NOW^ GOING ON AT 25,000 dollars worth ol goods to be cleared OFF. ]VOTE the X»rtIC3ESs â€"Men's $9.00 Over Coats for $6.00 Boy's $6.50 Over Coats for $8.75; Men's $6.00 Genuine Persian Lamb Caps for $8.75 Men's $10 Genuine bouth Sea Seal Caps for $6.00; 25 good Eobes only $3.75 600 yds. 25 cent Di;es8 Goods for 15 cents; 7 dozen Pairs Men's Fur Top Gloves $1.00 regular price $1.50; 60 Childs; and Misses Wool Padds 50 75 cents half price; 200 Childrens Wool Squares 12^ cents 75 Ladies' Wool Sqares 60 cents, sold everywhere for $1.00; 12 dozen Womens Wool Yests, a great Bargain for 50 cents each Ladles Linen CoUors Hand* somly Embroidered 2 for 12^ cents See them. 50 cent Black Velveteen 30 cents 75 yards Fancy Ulstering $1.25, goods for 75 cents One Case Old Ladies' Lined Sewed Buff Boots 90 cente, just half price 200 Gent's lovely Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 cents np; 100 gross Buttons, half price; Womens, Misses, and Childrens Wool Hoods, from 10 cents np Mil- linery Goods, half price, PLUSHES, SILKS, YBLVETS, GLOVES, TIES, BIBBONS, aU reduced. Ooxne Early Belox-e THE CHOICE LOTS ABE SOLD I.;i McFarland, Direct Importer. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fa^ tory, containing all the latest aud most approved machinery, everythi^h being new, I am now prepared to turn out J Sash, Doors, BMs, Mouldings, Hollow Battoos, FRMES, LITH, FENCE PICKETS. c..; And ever3'thing needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noueft Canada, and haying ep.gaged superior mechanics in every department, I would now respecttulW solicit pubhe patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PI NF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 308 THO!?*- IVIclVEA.. OWEN SOUND MA RBLE WORKS H.B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUUER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST EECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble fSi* Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin. Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H.B.HABRISON SSOm, FDTISIDI -AND- IN J. G l|isen iSfeble p to $6/ One Xjace B to $2. $2.50 Furs, at half LIQUOR STORE. â- â- â- Â»â- Â» â- â-  A fresh stock of grocer- ies just opened at store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and will be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. Japan Tea worth 45 cents selling for 85 cents. Japan Tea worth 55 cents for 45. Gunpowder Tea worth 65 cents for 45. 15 lbs. extra granulated sugar $1, other grades accordingly. Agent for the Liquor Tea Co. A valuabl6 prize given with every six lb. packages bought. Flour Bran, Shorts, Chop, Screenings, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Ac, c. I Bye and Malt, Port and Native Wine, Brandy, Jamaica, Rum, Scotch Whiskey, the best in the market, also a choice lot Bottled Liiquors in finest Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Superior Malt and 5 year old Rye. Parties requiring liquors for medicinal purposes will do well to give us a call as they may rely upon getting a good article. A. Call Eespectfolly Solicited, Watches DUKABLE RELIABIiE. â€" ^ALSO â€" Waltham, Elgin and Colomblers, IN STOCK American Clocks, Silverware, Wedding Rings. 13" Watch repairing and fitting] Spec- tacles a specialty. A HF.T.TABT.E JEWEIXEB, MARILDALR. PartnersMp Notice. Db's SPROULE BRODIE, have entered into a partnership for tha practice of their profession. Dr. Sproule will be found at his old office Turner's Drug Store, and Dr. Brodie at bis office Mathew's new block. 333.4 EOBT. ASKIN, mDERTAKER, FBIERIL FUMISRINGS supplied on the sliorteB notioe. A. ^ilendid Hearse ler hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinclB ofâ€" In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. MAKKDALE. McGIJEGOB PABKE'S CARBOLIC CERATE. Hay you an old fikae, Cut, Bum. Bruue ,C^Junion. SaltBheun..Piiple»,BtoZJ: Bough ^ds or Pace? If so. there ia bnt NoHen •/ Btrtlu, Homage; and Deathe, twenty five emu. DEATHS. CAmBSLL.â€" In Flesherton, on the 28th ult., Annie HUd» only daughter of Mr. N. Campbell, aged 3 years, t months. MARRIAGES. At the residenoe of thelnride's father, by the Rav. JMeAIpine,on the 20th iost., Mr. John McDonald, Clerk of Divigion Court. *? -^ne Christina, lautrhter of Mr. Arch, ibald Campbell, Saddler, all of Chatsworth- The Amer FOR fe: is a remarkable in yariety of res illnstrations, eq «ny preceediug ioU. Prof. Chi Ahe Inflnence o )Seth Green giv sh Culture of Nitrate eter Hendersc id the imporl i\ Fuller coi article on the 1] iihe other -writi jramber, are Hexamer, Co] Powers, D. W; Miss Midy Mo; forty otbers. winter are illu gravings tb portrait of tb Wilder, and a g of Farm Anin House aud Ba Teniences, etc ,,on the A. B. '.in this numb Boys' and Gi usual well suj: entertaining z Columns is against fraud: per year, En numbers 15 c American Ag New York. Royal The Annua! Black Chapte Boom of Mar] 1887. When Elected to Ofi Stt Kt. J. C. " " Jas. •* " Jas. J •• " J. H. " " Thos " " Jas " " Jos. J " " Thos Jos. R. A. Wm. T. Ml Wm.: Wm. B. Mi Thos, J. Li1 J. M( Geor{ R.W. I.J. Chas W.H.. ¥• â- %â- â€¢Â«Â« BE( Bon't allow t iSnd sorely ran be^edfor2o( Ctttti A levi lto2 1 to4| boxes is Try: rail dru iHii jiiMiiiiiiiirrrfiiiiiiftiri s-.j^^^^j^^-..-^.

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