Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jan 1887, p. 5

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 w m ia â- Mi liBii ki sYerythiii to none IB ^rtmenti I essed ruing dfla*. I. SHIN8S notice. S[e£Ll*8ie rates. )rices. AMING tice. ASKIN. J4A£ 100 acre?, -261 frame, hotisf c well wood- ale; Will Be] r e.'cclianged lidale. Apply] iUNCAN, arkclp.l3 P.a :ou§e! LE. |::traorclinary I mgiirih and! [ucy suitings, I STYLISH- |its§G.dOup' upwardfi.j id Overcoati lES. |e Cloths ip| Irns. finest Ki^l Isaitable foi| I "Tea" Ivery choi |new "DtrBt" a splei Jered B bing sei |r worki No prompt as in 1st matt and px \rest paj i CALL. towi T GREJtT: IN ORDER tT --ra V ^: "1 Ov^s^ FOR kU •v^ J. G. Anderson has decided to offer at SIjAUGHTSBED PRICES his entire stock, which is large and well assorted. Note a few of the sale prices Mens Tweed Suits worth $8 to $12 selling now at $4.75 to $6.75. Overcoats, original price $6.50 to $8.50 now $4 to $5. One case Ladies' Button Boots worth $1.50 for $1. One case Ladies' Buttoned and Lace Boots worth $2.50 for |1.50. One case Mens fine bnfEworth$2.25 to $3; now$1.50 to $2. Three cases Mens long Boots worth from $2.25 to $4 now selling from $1.50 to $2.50. Furs, prices no object. Don't fail to come early and secure your choioe of a large stock at half price. B. UDERSOn. DUEABLiE -:- RELIABLE. ALSO â€" Waltham, Elgin and Colombiers, IN STOCK Amsrican Clocks, Silverware, Wedding Rings. 2S^ "Watch repairing and fitting Spec- tacles a Ruecialty. A T-ELIABLE JEWELL3R, MAEKDALE. " HURRAH " FOR THE NEW YEAR GoodByetotlieOIdOne. The Hev Drag Store, which is still in Mart- dale, and the plac;e to get cured of your many ills, in the shape of a little Soothing Syrup, Paregoric, Teething Po-wders or a Rubber Bing Should ^hey fail, then resort to a box of STEPHEN' S PARNELL DUBLIN DOGERS. In returning thanks to my nnm- erons customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in i?hich I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con* tinuance of the same, I would also, intimate that I have rd-moved to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Ding Store, and opposite to the Post Officei where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Eespeetfally Tours, R, S. BAE, Markdale XMAS GOODS. ooor itios. jsap*^ JL.IVER^S' IVEodeirate Oh-arges. SPECIAL ATTeNTION TO COMMmiAL TRAVELLERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYbOR. PROPRIETOR. PartnersMp notice. Db's SPEOULE BEODIE, have entered into a partnership for the practice of their profession, Dr. Spronla mil be found at his old office Turner's Dmg Store, apd Dr. Brodie at his office Mathew's new block. 383-46 SHOULDER BRACES I SHOULDER BRACES I Ladies and Gents, SHOULDER BRACES I II I fHE KEY TO HEikLTIL Pure Cream of Tartar, Fine Baking Soda, Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Allspices, ground and on- ground of the finest grades. Sohool Books 1 Sebo(d Books I and Stationary at STEPHEN'S Drag Store. ^Dnloefa an the eh^ed avemiaofthc ^w»l8, Kidneys anl Lirtr. cani«g off padnally without weakening the syita^ all the impurities and foul hundn of the S*»«rtions at the same time OORectillC Acidity of the StomadL cnnne MP onsness, STspepsia. HMdachee. Dis- anega. Heartbum, OonstiiMitian. vryness of the Skin. Dropsy. Dim- ness of Vision. Jaundice. SaOBlieiHn. ^7»pelas, Scroftala. UntteiiBg of TkliT^F^ Nervonsness and CtaMral i'eNhty all these and many other sioi. â„¢^^Pl"ntsyidd to the happy iaflueoce •fBUKDOCT: BLOOD BIITBES. SMuple Bottles 10c rBegnkrsin fL For tale by all tl.030 FOEFEIT! Having the ntmost eonfiddaee^ia its nw- eiriority oTer all othois. and aflat t hoaianai of tests of the most coiaplieatiid and aeyereat oases we eonld find, we feel jostifiad n, of- fering to forfeit f 1,0CM for mj case of ooagh, oold, sn» Afoel. inflaenxa, boarseuess, bronchitis, eonmn^lion in it* early stages, whooping ooagh, aiid att dvi eases cf the thz»at and longs.' MW^kuthma, for whioh we only 1V^ xdi^, that we eaa't esiii vitk West's Gongh Symp, when \a3iBa. weordi«g to diieetions. S«m[de' h O lt te t t« *a4 P0«. lisrge bottles f I Uenniiw waijfM ooir in bine. Sold by all droggists. or seat brtixpien on receipt of price. JOHN 0. WEST QD, Toronto Ont. NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY â-  Wi^EK AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewcilrv Store, FLESH Eft TON. «•» ARE -:- YOD -MM -:- TO -:- PURCHASE CHRISTMAS PBESENTSP WHY "WHEBE EVERYBODY OF COM- mon sense goes. "Where you can obtain the newest, cheapest, and best selection of goods in the county, at the Head Quarters in Markdale for BOOKb, STATIONERY TOYS, FANCY GOODS, c., c. REYNOLDS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE. When you want WALL PAPER go where you can get an assortment to, choose from, and at lowest prices, now in stock over three thousand pieces iiom 5c. to75 cents per Eoll. Also a choice selection of Borders. In TOYS you will find the best assortment ever shown in Mwrkdale. Dolls all sizes from 5o. to $1.50, childrens Toy Books from 5c. to $1.25, Purses from 5c. to 75 cents. Moustache and Tea Cups from 20 cents up, Consisting of GOLD and SLLVEii Mugs for presents in great variety and Christmas Cards, at prices that will astonish you from 2c. up. Special to School Trustees, Sabbath School Superintendents, and Teachers, no necessity going a dajs journey or sending to Toronto or elsewhere for your prizes or Librarys, you will find my stock large varied and in every way bdited to 3roor requirements, and prices satibfactory. Special discount allow- ed on all school orders. Fdll supply of School Books, No|^ Paper, c., e., at prices to suit hard times. IS* NOTE THE ADDRESS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, SILVEK-WATJR, FORKS, SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancv MIRRORS, ALBUMS. YIOLLNS At:. Anyone IdokiBg for Xmaa presents wiUdowaUto eaU at RUSSELL'S, Flesherton, a fine stock to select from, and prices veiy low, It your watch or dock wants repsuio^, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfaci.J^ job every tine^fS*' Remember. JAS. G. mSSELL'S Koded ieirahy Store, FIiEBHEBTON. A. DINSMORE. 3- NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE .£1 Agent for Domcotic Paper Fashion Co. New York, a stock of patterns con stantly on hand. West's Ooogfa Syrap instantly relieres and speedily eures brtMiahitis, sore throat, and all throat dba«HS. Tryitsadbeoonvioead. AiU dmgRistB^ Ts Gmbmmts 1 Bealsrs 151 OUiB Buy the EmlMro Oil Co'a mUL M^ LfflU Ilhnnnatog Oil for Machinery of tSi kinds. Onr CJASTOIfc E. Oil-. Is gvsfBoteed the peer of Ml (Nb in the^market. EMPIRE OIL CO, Mannfactnrers .and Reflsea^ TJBROKTO LONDON. B^vforrNortbem Oniano^ A Ooodky. MBS. GLEliEENT'SP iF YOU WANT FANCY GOODS, TOYS OR STATIONARY, GHO TO THE CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE IN TOWN Where yoaVill find everything soiiaUe for Xmas ft New Year presents, such as:â€" Do^ Boys Tocds, 'Violins, Snowshoes, Onns, Toy Baoks^ ft Young Colts on TlfheelB, we can safely say, we have (he finest assoctenoit (tf Toys atainable. LttHhs mho I9^lr9 Kahi Satsk9f» Ww* Bmbs WhitH. Fancy ShelM Bomm. fates. TaOat^aft Fkm^r OMm-imuv, Fnit BatMa. Autograph w fMo Albiimt, iki^ caJI ofid iMtmetm/ tUek htfWaparchaBmg e/aemhtre. CBBJSSMlBCAB.Ml • • • OiRISTMAB CARDS The besiasserted. and ^ijeapest lot north of Torcato. IS" Special reduc- tion aia^ W 8r SL 4v Behoi^ Bapvttki^l^lei^iers or a^^vho JUst Vo vweiMM XatMi IreoT h:i-:-..-^^ V- •J

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