Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jan 1887, p. 1

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 â- JtB"K. 'â- i' 'â- ^^-•(JiMWH.-i' '^i**k._;ill.»t!l»i- '^^â- i^'rjjkVlW^ "• .ffl 'I. â-  sv^p^* •»"i»»W!WW»B also bavinp and funeral supply the tiic shortest ays ou hand iker, we are- furniture ti pat6J)af e ^fanbatJ) SEYEI^TH YEAR.-JS^o* 3i3. HEW TO THE LIKE, LET VHE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY/ MAKEDALE, ONT., ^TANTJABT 20, 18S7. C. W. BUTLEDGB, Pnbliflhep. Local and Other Hems. Notices in these columns intended to benefit fly individual or Society will be charged ten its a line for the first insertion and five its a line each sub.iequent insertion. NO TICE. â€" CorresTpondence, commnnica- finns,. Advertisements dtc„ mnst be in this Hce by noon on Tuesday to insure publication it xceeTi. Koads Tery bad. Weather stormy. Trade and commerce qlliet. Dominion Elections the great topic. The Mail's new platform has many ^dniirers from both sides of politics. J. J. Ie-vvin, V. S.and Mrs. returned ^n Tuesday. AVateb is low in the rivers and getting tcarce in the wells. John "Walker of Holland township ^as returned froin Wyman, Mich. No dangerous places in oar" iddwalks low-a day. For all kinds of ladies' winter slippers to W. McLeodss. W, J. Bowe wants 2.000 hemlock 5gs to f 11 a larpe order, will pay top prices in cash. Tke Stanpard and Rural Canadian H.50 cash for '87, any time np to 1st cb. " No need for a gj-mnasium club this i ^nter-there's plenty of exercise shovel- ^!g sno^T. Mr. Geo. S. Brown Jr. and Mrs. jrown returned from Arkansas last reek. Cheapest place in the county for ?icture framing is at the Markdale Photo Gallery. Tho war cloud in the East is growing larker, and extensive war preparations pontinue to be made. Scliool T3ools:gi;. â€" A new ffock just received at the Medical Ifili. A. Turner, Co. We recently received a handsom fold- 3g card "New- Year- Greeting" from W. Doll, wholesale, jeweller of Winnipeg. Money to loan on easy terms and at pow rates of interest. Apply to Wm. Jaclvson, 3Iarkdale. Euened. â€" The Northern Railway ouudhouse at Barrie was destroj^ed by ire together with 3 engines last week* Coorqo James Gale, Esq., one of the ildcst citizens of Owen Sound died last a ck aged 70 years. If you want to keep your feet dry, p to McLeod's shoe store for the best [water-proof blacking m ade, only 10c. 109. â€" Mrs. Geo Dean who lives near I Primrose, Mono, is 109 years old, has |the use of her mental faculties and [reads without glasses, The Dundalk Herald is urging upon the attention of the new council the lecessity of procuring a newf ceme- farey. A grand Masquerade will be held in [arkdale Roller Tlink on Friday even- 21st. See the handsome bills got 3ut at this office. Mr. R. RANr has purchased a large lumber of horses in this part, and wants lore. He will be at the Markdale louse on Thursday and Friday, 20th and Jlc-t. The candidates in the field for the 3ming Dominion Elections are â€" ^East rrey, Dr- Spronle conservatiTe and R. jGilray, reform. North â€" Jaoies Masson jconservative, B. Allen, reform. South- iDr, Jamieson, conservatiTe and Dr. |lianderkin, reform. At the Glenelg Council meeting last [Monday Alex. Bell was appointed as- sessor. Mr. Bell made a terrible botcb of the work tm years ago ^nd tvb are surprised that the cooncil inade soich appointment. A handsome new English Chnrch was dedicated at Oreemore on Sunday the Sthinst, Mb. James Handson wishes to sell his farm, the Larey property, see adv. in another colxmin. The morning train from Owen Sound on Wednesday was over liiree hours late, being the first train materially delayed this winter on this line by the storm. A citizen said to Harry Large â€" ^vou'r the largest boy at School, No, said his chum â€" ^not when Charlie Bigger is there, Markdale is a famous place for E's Wefhave 32 subscribers at this Post Office alone, whose name begins with B, and yet honey is not over plentiuful. Good Rolled flour from $3.90 to $4.S0 per bbl. at Victor RoUer Mill. Markdale. Flour bran, shorts and chop always for sale at the mill. Angus Plewes. 10,000 bushels good fall and spring wheat wanted at Victor Roller Mill, Markdale for which the highest market price will he paid, Angus Plewes. Mr. Geoege Ireton says his offer to Holland Council to drain and keep ia repair for 20 years Allen's sink hole was 83,000, not S30, as reported in minutes. Rev. Jas- Ward preached an apropri-. ate sermon last Sunday evening to a crowded house, on the occasion of the death of the late lamented A. Elliott, Esq. The Misses N. and M. Sullivan ac- companied by their cousins the Misses Coleran and Nalone has returned to Detroit, Mich., after spending very pleasent holidays at their home in Glenelg. Boys, or girls either, has just as much right to go behind the counter in any of our stores as they have in the mechanical department of a printing office, but they don't seem to think so. J. G. Anderson gives no nncertain sound but speaks this week in tones loud a.nd clear to all who wish to save money by providing the necessaries of life in in his line at surprisingly low prices. Be sure and call, for he has a tremen- dous stock which he is determined to clear out at unheard of prices. The Canadian Fruit Grower is the name of a new monthly pamphlet pub- lished by the D. W. Beadle Nursery Co. St, Catherines. It is nicely gotten uji, well|edited'and printed and will doubtless be yaluable in the orchard and garden line. Price 25 cents per year. Johnny laboriously lugged a pail into the parlor where" the family were as- sembled, and asked his maternal grand- mother to kick it. "Why should I tick it Johnny?" grandmother inquired in amazement. "Just to amuse papa," said Johnny. " He said he would give ten dollars any time to see you Licl^ the bucket." A WriNKLB WorxH Knoivq. â€" "The way to keep your windows from being enameled with frost," said a Chicago mercnant, "is to rub them once or twice a week with a rag dipped in glycerine. I have found this to be the only way t. keep my show window clean. The dis- covery has been worth many dollars to me, but I don't mind letting the cat out ofthebag." Reasons why yon Bboclcl .pm chase Fip'd Lightning in preference to all oth^rieaici b are Rapid result â€" cnies infttanUy. It is easily applied â€" ^no troa'ole â€" ^no lost time. It dose not require constant nsn â€" oii6 snpli- tdtionjs effectual. One boiUe irilliemore more pain than any other reiiie' ' ra e .- iseteen. Try it for Neandg-a, 'i'ooUiaabe Headache, Bhenmatirai. 8dct at SSs. bottle 1j B. L. Stephen, Dmggist, Wmti.- dale. S A FINS Peraan Latnb Gap was taken from the house of Ckoige Walker, Esq. Markdale, last Satnrday ught or Simday, and one of nmilar make bnt poorer quality left in its plaee. It was donbtless taken in kaistake, and the penon will confer a iavor by reiom- ing it at their eariiest oonyenience. One of the most severe and prolonged snow storms in the history of the country has been experienced since New- Year's, extending throughout the Dominion and part of the United States. Railway traffic has been seriously im- peded, and the roads in the country generally, are badly blocked with snow, BO much so that business^is almost at a stand-still. Our railway trains has we are proud to say, been very little de- layed notwithstanding the severity of the storm. Still in the Land of the LiviNO. â€" Mr. W, Eeid a barrister who formerly practiced in this county, is at Bm'k's Falls, Parry Sd. district and doing an excellent practice. He was nominated as reeve this year, for Armour Tp. and if he had accepted the nomination his return was certain, at least to say Mr, John Livingstone, who has been at Burk's Falls an a vLsit.â€" [Durham Chronicle. Creemore Advertiser We believe that our village can boast of having the most polite old lady on record. On getting on the train tho other morning, this old lady knocked for admission. When in- terview*, d by the conductor as to he^ reason for so doing, she replied, "the people? told me that it was a slow parlor coach that moved on this line and the occupants being so long together looked upon it as home and it would have been very rude for me to break the harmony of -the home circle." Tho conductor looked "wild cats' as he shouted "all abord" and whistled to the driver to "let her bile." Paetnechip. â€" It will be seen by re- ference to our advertising colunms that Drs. Spronle and Brodie of this town have entered partnership for the prac- tice of their profession, which agree- ment is now in operation. This arrange- ment wiU doubtless add strength and influence, as well as usefulness to our respected M. D's. Dr. Sproule is a pbysician and surgeon of undoubted ability and extensive practice, while Dr. Brodie, though but a short time in our town, is already widely known as a physician of more than ordinary ability. He is remarkably attentive to his patients and is becoming more popular every week. Dr. Sproule's office will remain in Turner's Drug Store and Dr. Brodie's in Mathews new block. Following are the officers elected at the annual meeting of S. Grey Conserva- tive Ass. held at Durham on the 10th inst: â€" President J. Robertson Esq. J. P. of Nonrianby Vice President, H. Mock- ler Esq. of Durham Recording Secre- tary Thos. Davifj Esq. of Glenelg; Corresponding Srcretaries, Jas Allan aod John T. Black Esqrs. of Egremont end Gleuele respectively Auditor Alex. lucLaclilr/iiEsq. of Durham Trcar.iircr Jaj. Liu^e Loi|. .T. P. of GVaclg ami Dnrhaiit. 'J'ltc Vire Prcrideuts ".ppoi ot- c d for ih J dJffereat i.'uaiclpr.litie:! Arc-c c. follows: â€" Normaaby, S'o.v' i;"' Lyucli Esi-. Bentiuck H rTish.""!! Esf. Gleneljiono. iIcMillaiir..s •. Arie n^caia Jas Brodie 'E.n. DnrLcm P. W. Bu^u, Esq. Proton, Thob. IIr«abury Is-n-. Tns: CO as^aat stream c? farmers tec .us. f/om 20 miles aravoid lauea with whe?' to bo e-ichansed for i-oller flour is }iroor positive that the IstTics uaow wharo nrst-cla?s flour ca i bo •(i03Pi-ed, and the lollowiog fi-^ures wJU a aor J some idea of the business doae «t Victor Edler Mills, SJarkd^e Our first ycir, from the 15th Nov. '84 to 1st Nov-. '85 onr SrisSi^g amounted to 18,851 bushels, ;jeoond year to 1st ^ar, '86, 28,577 bus- hflis, and tlie two last months of the jeax'86, 6,400, making in aU 46,828 bnsheli it is thus evident that the roUer flour xocess has adTantagee which command a greatly increased trade from year to year. We ^tom most hearty thanks to our numerous costomars ijik general, and the farmers of the disttiet inpar^ada^r for liberal patronage ini the paust, and trst onr foiore' bnsineaB relationr may prove as a atiflfac tqicy as the oap belonged to the late lament* i um past Angm Plii«]^ ea Hr. Elliott ' BsJirvxirATOB Bitten purify the blood gives a good apeiite, and thus enables yon to stend the cold weather without being near so liable to bad colds which are prevalent. Sold by Smith the barber. Smn cuBB FOB KEB0MAnBii. â€" ^If the system is properly cleansed by soma raedioind that acts upon the bowels, kidneys and skin, such as Burdock Blood Bitters, and the sufferer will use Hagyard's Tellow Oil according to diiections, there are few cases of rHemnatism however bid, but Trill yield promptly to the treatment. Any of our snbscibers whose subscription expired the l^t January '87 and who wish to discontinue the paper, they vrill please let us known be- fore the 1st February, otherwise they will be charged for the year. No paper discontinued if in arrears. Have you Toothache? Use Fluid Lightning' Have you Bhumatism Use Fluid Lightning. Have you a Stiff oint? Use Fluid Lightning. Have jon Nenraltna Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning. Are you troubled with Headache? Use Fluid Lightning. Haye you any Pain? Use Fluid Lightning. It will cure you the instant it is applied. Tiy it, 25c. per bottle at B. L. gephen's Drug Store, Markdale. I Sealed Tenders will be received up to the 25 inst for the supply of ten cords dry and twenty cords green wood S ft. long to be delivered at the Methodist Church. Must be smooth body -timber and well spUt, the dry to be delivered by the 30th inst, the green this winter, Address marked Tender, Standard Office Markdale. Be om Youb Guabd. â€" Against sudden colds, irritating coughs, and soreness uf the throat. Keep Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at hand f cr these prevalent troubles of Fall and Winter A young mother should not be too annbitious to correct her children. She should begin at the bottom. THE LAST YEAR, 1886. After the abora year is ended there need be no more suffering from Bhenmatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Lumbago, or any acute pain, if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid Li^tning, as it cures instantly. Pain cannot stay where it is used. The name is Fluid Lightning. Sold by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. 2 "What does your husband do " asked the census man. "He ain't doin' nothin' at this time of the year," said the young wife. "Is he a pauper?' asted the census man. Understanding him to say "papa" "Law no 1" she exclaimed, somewhat indignantly " we ain't been married more'n six weeks. Threatened Dangee, â€" In the fall of '84, Randall MUler, of Maitland, N. S., was pro- strated to his bed with an attack of incipient consumption. Cough remedies had failed. He japidly grew 'bUitated, and friends despair- ed of hi sc j s v V He tried Burdock Blood Tioterp, with immediate relief, iollowedwith a speedy cure. SOITING THE WOED TO THE ACTION. A New York Sunday School teacher told her pupils that when they put their pennies into the contributing box she wanted each oae to repeat a Bible verse suitable for the occasion. The first boy dropped in his cent, Saying "The Lord loveuh a cheerful giver." The nest boy dropped his penny into the bos, sajring "i Je tuat '.Ivaiih to the poor lendeth to the Lord." Tue third aud youngest boy dn-"^ec: in his penny, saying: "A fool aau hit; money ij sooa parted." Ora DEATMAUE TO Hbab' â€" "After eight years suffeiing from deafness so bad that 1 was unable to attend to my business, I was cored by the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. With gratitude I make this known for the iioneflt of others aMictcd." Harry Bicardo, Toronto. Wbat we may Expect. A Jisinuary thaw. Followed with an increased BUjiply of water. New moon on Snnday. A scarcity of potatoes. An abundaat ice harvestik The days grow noticeably longer.. Prospects of an open winter gone qp. An impzovemeDt in times the coming season. yoney to oontiini% dosi^ tiie bidanee of this season. But not dose enough to get holii of. The printecB wood fole grow large in GREAT FALL OF ROCK AT NIAGARA. Prospect House, Niagara Falls, Jan. 14. â€" ^That portion of the rugged bank nearest the Horseshoe Falls, on the Canada side known as Upper Table Rock, fell at midnight Wednesday night with a deafening crash^that was heard and the concussion felt for over a mile away. Thousands of tons of solid rock fell into the gorge below, carrjring with it tons of ice. The exact position of the breaking is between the Prospect House and the Great Horseshoe Falls, just above the old Table Rock and next to the spiral stairway leading to the path behind thesheet of water. The Govern- ment iron railing for over 150 feet was carried away. Had this fall of rock occurred in the daytime undoubtedly a loss of liyes would have been added. The formation of the precipice is entire- ly changedi One can stand on the bank above and see behind the heavy sheet of water into a dark chasm. The mass that fell is over 100 feet in length by about 60 feet in width and 170 feet deep of limestone and slate. One hundred and twenty three thousand yards |of rock is calculated to have fallen. The supposed cause of the rock giying away is the low water, steady freezing weath- er for the past three weeks, and the heavy weight of accumulated ice. INVISIBLE AND INSTANTANEOUS- All pains or aches will be inttantly remov* ed b a few drops of Fluid Lightning applied over the affected part. No time lost â-  no nauseous medicine needed no poulticinj.; or using greasy liniments. It will not blister or discolor the skin. Soil at 25c. per bottle by R. L. Stephen, Dauggist. Sufferers from Neuralf^ia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of Fluid^ Lightning. 4t The liaw^ Concerning JWewspap- ers. 1. Any person who takes a paper regular ly from the post-ofHce, whether directed in his name, or another's, or whether he. na^ subscribed or not, is responsible for pay- ment 2. If a person orders his paper discontinu- ed, he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the oflSce or not. 2. In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the plase where the paper is published,'although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4. The courts haye decided that refnsinfr to take newspapers or periodicals from the post-oifice or removing and leaving them un- called for. while unpaid, is prima facie e vid- ence of intentional fraud. "What is McGregor's Speedy C ure for It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Corapliint, Indi-? gestion, BUiousness. and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world to day. 'Docs, ' it give satisfaction " We cannot point to one instance where it did not. "Where doesit, have the.largest sale " Right in the City of Hamilton, where it is manufactured, there hasMieen over one thousand dollars' wrorth sold in the last year retail, and the grearer majoritj" of the sale is by one recommenda- tion it to another. For rale at oflc. and *l .00 per pottle by R. L. ° Stephen's, Drug Store Markdale. 3 Worlds best. West's Liver Pills, a sure cure for livercompJaiutdyspepsia, sick head-l' ache and iniegestiou. 39 pilld 25c. Al druggists. Worth its weietht in gold. Weat's World's Vonder, the cheapest and best liniment in the world cares moro cases and goes further than any «ther medicine. Rheumatics, try it.. 25 and 60c. All druggets. BE ON YOUE GUARD- Tkm't allow a cold in the head to slowly and wuAj ran into Catarrh, when ynu ean be cored for S5c. by nxing Dr, Chase'tf Catarrh Core. A few apphcitions cure inspient catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary oatarrh I to 6 bozeA iff gnarsateed to cure ehronio eatarrh. Try it. Only 25e. and aore euro. Sold by all druggists. 8S8-86 Siek headache and all liver diseaste 3rfeld immediately to West's Liver POli. Sugar Mated. Andnif^Bts. Fonnd I that West's Coof^ Synip la th« hast for oongb, eelds and aU tiooat and lose diaaases. AU drngpsts. igSJlM^.^1^

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