Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Jan 1887, p. 5

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 m^ m w^ 100 acres, 20^ frame hotfie] ce well wood-f dale; V/iU fteJ or exchanged ' rkdale. Apply j DUNCAN, Harktlale P.O ii m \t.^ •j-i â-  » ii± FlesHerten. From our own correspotuUnt. Improviiig at not Hard frosts. Good sleighing. Business brisk. Prices for grain Flesherton Monday last was fair day, but fis many cattle on the market as asnal; a few heads changed hands with local buyers being Messrs. Fetch, Good, McMuUen, Wright, Coojkand Purdy; tliese with outside men make this an interestmg market. Steps are being taken by the Presbyf lerian congregation here for the erec- tion of commodious sheds on the grounds at the church this is much needed and will supply a felt want. W. Henrick, Esq., who has been in the employ of M. Richardson Co. for some time bidadiew to our town. Tuesday last, with a view of taking a position in a Wholesale Di-J Goods House in Toronto. Master Henrick carries with him the kmdest wishes of his numerous friends here, we wish Ijim success in his new field. New School at Flesherton S tation Miss Hopkins the late popular junior tfjacher of the Flesherton P. S. has isecured the position of principal ot the Station School; probably this explains why she refused the offers and Bolicitations of our Trustees for re- engagement. We congratulate the Trustees of the new section on securing such an efficient and popular teacher. As we understand Miss Hopkins, lex- tension of Certificate expires in July, 'sye doubt not but by that time she \yill "fully qualify for further useful work in her profession The alarm of fire being sounded ifrom the MethodistParsonage here on Friday morning last, for a few minutes there was a general stampede; the whole fire brigade about a score of men strong were on the run, arriving at the scene it was found only a bad chimney flame pretty well subdued by the Parson himself, but not before ie had his fingers well frost bitten. Mr. Wm. Eutledge's dwelling narrow* ]y escaped being destroyed by fire on Sabbath Morning last while Mr. Sutiedge was at ehureh, Mrs. Rutldege at home ill, confined to her bed some neighbors discovered the fire hastening to ihe scene removed the patient in her bed and soon succeeded in con- quering the fiames not however till some considerable damage had been done to the dwelling. 91^ XM4^jQQODS. NO^VSr GOING ON A T 25,000 dollars wortli ol goods to be cleared OFF. Old Ma â- Â« i Cal;. -TO- ^ANDâ€" Se« his magnificent stock of Xmas goods which are going fast OUR-ISTM AS sLDd. 1SJ:^W "5f E Alt CAK.rS IN ABUNDANCE of endless vriety to choose from. IMEagfnificent Assortineixt ot Albams. :GRAND COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S XMAS BOOKSâ€": PLUSH GOODS! PLUSH GOODS! VASES! VASES! VASES neat and attractive. MUGS/ MUGS! MUGS CUPS and SAUCEBS.' CUPS and SAUCEBS DOLLS f DOLLS I DOLLS I TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! Bvery de cription, come and see them^ oasi't make a mistake if you. BUY AT STEPHEN'S DKUG STOKE. -*jt-:- â€"â€"WEEK AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry Btore, FLESHERTON. â€" ' Corisisting^f GOL D tod S ILVER W ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRI, SPECTACLES, SILVER-WARE, FORKS, SPOONS. KNIVES. Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS. VIOLINS^. ~vâ€" JL.IVER."S" •WHAT TEUE MEBIT WILL DO. The unprecedented sale of Bcschee's German Syrup within a few years, has as- tonished the world. It is without douht the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the severest Lung troubles. It cts in an entirely different principle from the usual prescriptions giyen by Physicians, as it does not dry up the Cough and leave thee d^eas still in^the system, but on the contrary removes the cause of the trouble, heals the part affected and leaves them in a purely k«althy condition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the disease make their app;arance, wUl save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious illness. A trial wUl oomvince you of these facts. It is positively old by all druggists and general in the land. Poce, 76 cts., large bottles. E. 0. W. TVOTE the I»JRICESs â€"Men's $9.00 Over Coats for $6.00 Boy's $6.50 Over Coats for $8.76; Men's $6.00 Genuine Persian Lamb Caps for $3.75 Men's $10 Genuine bonth Sea Seal Caps for $6.00 25 good Robes only $8.75 600 yds. 25 cent Dress Goods for 15 cents; 7 dozen Pairs Metfs Fur Top Gloves $1.00 regular price $1.50; 60 Childs; and Misses Wool Padds 5G 75 cents half price; 200 Cbildrens Wool Squares 12^ cents 75 Ladies' Wool Sqares 50 cents, sold everywhere for $1,00; 12 dozen Womens Wool Vests, a great Bargain for 60 cente each; Ladies Linen Collors Hand* somly Embroidered 2 for 12^ cents, SeetheizL. 50 cent Black Velveteen 80 cents 75 yards Fancy Ulstering $1.25, goods for 75 cents One Case Old Ladies' Lined Sevred Buff Boots 90 oente, just half price 200 Gent's lovely Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 CJOOT TtlG^S. r3^^» :^ Miod.ei-a.te Oharges. Any one looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Flesherton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low, It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S. is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time, CS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELL S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. To Consumers Doalers IN OILS, Buy the Empire Oil Co*s RfiYAL P ALACE LMJHT lUummating Oil for Machinery of tki kinds. Our CA.STOR. E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manufacturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. .108 -6m SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COH/lMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYisOR. PROPRIETOR. ARE -:- YOU -:-60IN6 -:- TO â- :- PURCHASE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? YEtilQIt s HFOBIK POWDER^. Am ploMUrt to take. Contaia their otm nKBttrg, Is ft Bote. rare, and *tleetaai in Otalldxen oar Adolte WSY The latest remedy for Conghs, Cold iCroni Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, etc! McGregor's Lung Gompoond, Thera is no Temedy in existence containing any one of :tbe active ingredients composing McGregor's Jjting CcHnponnd, so do not say you have taken everything until you have tried this for your cold or cough, and your opinion will Le the same as all who have us^ it, viz., that it is the best. Sold in SOc. and S1,00 bottles by E. L. Stephen, Druggists, Mark- dale. 1 West's "Worid's Wond«r, or Family lioimeDt, a never failing cure for rheomatism neuralgia, cuts, bums, bruises, wounds and irost bites. 25 and SOc. All druggists. "WHEBE EVEEYBODY OF COM- mon sense goes. Where you can obtain the neweBt, cheapeet, and best eelection of goods in the county, at the Head Quarters in Markdale for BOOKb, STATIONERY TOYS, PAUCY GOODS, e., c. REYNOLDS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE. Casuoian Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Honda/, July 28th, 1886. GOmO NORTH. STATIONS. "â- ^*.%, UVER BLOOD Stomuh cents up; 100 gross Brass Battons, half price; Womens, Misses, and Ohildrens Wool Hoods, from 10 cents np linery Goods, half price. PLUSHES. SILKS, VELVETS, GLOVES, TIES, RIBBONS, all reducea, Oozne Early Belore THE CHOICE LOTS ABE -SOLD^ W. J. McFarland, Direct Import^. When yoa want WALL PAPER go where yon eva get an assortment to, choose from, and at lowest prices, now in stock orer three thousand pieces from 5c. to 75 cents per Roll. Also a choice selection of Borders. In TOYS yon will find the beet aesortment aver shown in Markdale. Dolls all sizes from, 6c. to $1.50, ohildrens Toy Books from 5c. to $1.25, Pnrses from 5c. to 75 cents, Monstacbe and Tea Onps from 20 cents up. Mugs for presents in great variety and Christmai Cards, at prices that I will astonish yoa from .2c. up. ^^^ Special to School Trustees, Sabbath School Superintendents, and Teachers, no necessity gomg a days journey or sendmg to Toronto or elsewhere for your prizes or Librarys, you will find my stock large varied and in every way suited to your requirements, and prices satisfaetorj. Special discount allow- ed on all school orders. Full supply of School Books, Note Paper, Ac, At^ at prices to suit hard times. 13' NOTE THE ADDRESS, Toronto. .Leaye. Cardw^ell Junction. Orange- 1 Arrive. ville. I Leave.... Orangeville Jnn... Shelbnrue Dundalk Flesherton, Markdale Berkeley Holland Centre.... Ohatsworth Owen Boond....... Mail. 7 4oam 9 25" 10 06 " 10 20" 10 32 " 10 58" 11 22 ' 11 47 " 1202pm 12 U '• i2 23 •• 12 38" 1 05" â- H P 4 50pm 6 30 »• 7 0a" 7 22« 7 34 804 8 80 8 55 9 10 9 22 " 9 32" 9 49 •• 10 20 " QOINO SOUTH. A. DINSMORE. 1^ NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE .sa Agent for Domestic Paper Fashion Oo. New York, a stock of patterns oon stantly on hand. STATIONS. Exp. -^ AND mm QANDEUON XnfiOUblA B1M« PmUte, tmiK, DhtrcOs liOM of AppMito, TuiUgwtinB, S^P9^ ffUioiuneM, ViHuidioe, ^vMr C««ntol»t, Btaeaniatinii, aU Kidsoy DiteuM peenUar to F«aalM. BcaeniA and aO Skia S ^^ Jon C. VWJI0 ' 8aK BcKBralii. .1 IF YOU WANT FANCY GOODS, TOTS OR STATIONASY, K) TO THE CHEAPEST AND BEST qpUSfi ni TOWN Where yon will id 0v«rytfaiiig isnitable for Xmiaa 4 New Year presents, sncb as: â€" DoOs, Boys Tools, "^(diiis, iowBhoeB, Gttss, TOy Baidd^ Yoong Ccdte an Wheeled we ean ^ely aay,^ we Ipam ibQ.J$9eafc ai M M h ii Mii^ tf Toys atninsMa. Laain mko rnmif Mud i^bdtnk iH^ Mvm ^iii^ik:^^^^ fi^Mffit M»*Mk. ram$. T»U$l i*l^ Fatnf aikm-mmi% fmit Owen Soimd. ...... ...... 540am Cbatsworth 610" Holland Centre 6 25" Berkeley 6 34" Markdale 6 47" Flesherton 7 02" Dundalk 7 26" Shelbome 1...... 7 51" Ottmgeville Jun. 8 22 •' Orange- 1 Arrive 8 30" ville.. [Lnave..., 8 45" Cardvell Junction 9 25 •' Mail. Toronto. .. JLrriva. 2 40(tm 3 07 8 30 •• 3 40" 3 62" 4 06" 4 81" 4 67" 5 28 " 585' 5 65" 6 30" 110 55" 1 8 10" m lisisss sior. B. OABNAEAN would respectful V intimate to the inhabitants of the suv- ronnding couhtiy that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the Tillage of HOLLAND CENTRE. w^erc he intawta to mannfaetore and keep 4m faiHid a iaXKP Btock of LRJHT and fflSAYY HABNS88.1oDg and short tugF, ^. COMBfc- iBBDSpBS. H4BNES8 OIL Ac. '-t^9m», STfiAW 0OLLABS« WSlPfl, COuSi 1 wilt we oa^ first dws natarial aad those nqtnring Miythiiii: » tb» fasmeaa wfflAidiftto tbair ia«MWS» to «all «f %] harness Aop and get ytieM before hp- IU|isuflii| «on» «rith nesk thi itnlMthn • shue /A Ul i mi^w i j i. t SIS iwpssifsBryoar*. iiiiiii j ii II ' â-  »ft utb i i i iiir" 'iifti 3!t***^ "

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