Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Jan 1887, p. 1

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 ^fanbatd .Him "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." SEVEN ril YEAK.-Ko. 332. MARKBAUE], OXT, JAIOJABY 13, 18 8^-1 C. W. RUTL.EDGE, Publisher. Local aDd Other Items. Sniirr.s 171 these columns intended tohfnefit â- uanx (I I ill I' rnrJi iiilunl or Society ici-*7 be charged ten ;/• wr the fuxt in.-vition and five suhieuuent insertion. se SOTICE.â€"Corre.pondmre, communica- ll-ni! .. Adrertiaciiu'vts. d'C,. ?7ii:.v( fee in this â- jV'ir.- ' V iKKin (i:i Tvf.-'.ddy to ijisvre pubticatioti liuit iC'-rk. ' Cmiutj- Cor.ncil ^^â- iU meet in Owen Sound next week. Foil all kinds of ladies' -winter slippers ^o to W. McLoods's. T}iE Grey Ekview is nine years old and bids fair for long life. Geo. White, of Arteniesia, left for .St. Thomas last week. A T)UDE on land is disgusting bnt a -swell at sea is sickening. Pete Mdnshaw, of Fleslierton, lost a valuable horse last Thursday. f iiK Union Standard, Thornbiary, has doau'd a new hed-dress. Tht; Colliug^vood Eulletin is now- â- % i.rii.tcd on a Camj.bell Power Press. Ar)\KirnsiNG is like hugging a pretty rirl â€" it can't 1)0 ovcrdcne if done jud- iciously. C::.\N'c.i:viLi.i: lias a toboggan slide' aud the young men adA-ertise it by going »i*oand town on crutches. Mus, Paul, hostess of Paul's Hotel iVicaford, died last week after a short dlncss. Dundalk has chosen a substantial " Cwen Sound Presbytery Meeting council, at least rhvsically, their aver ^^^t week it was decided that Mr. Mc ago weight being 190 lbs. Laren, of Euphrasia, remain where he " '",, -,. â-  -,.,. is notwithstanding bis urgent call to Tee Canadian edition of Ayer s Almanac has not been published this j vear, and others are very scarce. Business men, get a supply of Enve- lopes and Letter heads printed for '87. We have a select stock of material on Ed. S. Entledge of the firm of Kutledge Bros, of Fort William has been elected a member of the council of that to-vrn. A grand masquerade carnival will be held in Markdale Roller Rink on Friday evening the 21st inst, Look out for posters. W. J. Rowe wants a large quantity of saw logs at Barrhead Mill for which he will pay cash, also 5.000 ties to be de- livered at Markdale Station for spot ' cash. Holland Centre Agricultural Society will hold its annual meeting for the election of officers c., in Fitzgerald.s hall on tlie 25th inst at one o'clock.' Casnot BE ExcKLLEiT. â€" "I have pleasure in saying that HaRyard's Pectoral Balsam cannot he excelled for curing colds, congfas and lo?s of voice. It cured my brother com- pletely." So says Ira McNead, of Poplar Hill, Out., regarding this reliable remedy. There is a decided improvement in the Orangeville Advertiser under the new management; We \yish Mr. Kem nedy the success his enterprise deserves. Meaford has a toboggan slide â€" a work of nature we presume â€" "down down the bill, how swift I go c." Ma. AxDREw MoGiLL, proprietor of Ci;atsworth Foundry, entertained all liib employees and th^ir wives to a grand dinner at his residence last week. Ills LAST iiESOET. â€" Mr. Eicliard Eowe, of Harloy, Ont., was afflicted for iour years with dyspepsia. Two experienced doctors tiijiited him. Otttiuu discouraged, he trie! i3uidoc v Blood Bitters. He states that two 'uottles cured him. Ho is now doiug heavy work and as well as ever. The third Monday in January is tbo date for first meeting of all Municipal Councils, that will be nest, Monday. John Bryden, who has been in Battle Creek, Michigan, the past four years returned recently. What has become of our Centre Grey Farmers Institute It's about time a .^fiies of meetings were announced. Mn. AND jIrs. McCoy, of London, have been visiting friends in Markdale and Walter's Falls recently. Glenelg Agricultural Society's annual meeting is to-day (Thursday) at •2 o'clock. East Grey Electoral Agricultural So- ciety's annual meeting will be held in Fleslierton nest Wednesday at 1 o'clock. The Ketcham company are meeting with great success: This week they are at Collingwood, Thornbury and Meaford. Wm. Condy of the Mansion House, Kimberly will give a shooting match and Oyster supper on Friday the 18th Jan. Notice.â€" All parties indebted to W. MfeLeod will please call and settle before the 20th inst. ' If j'ou want to keep your feet dry, go to McLeod's shoe store for the best water-proof blacking made, only 10c. The Grand Jury at the Toronto Assizes this week presented true bills in the Coal Conspiracy case Bt Paddy Burns c. We had a friendly call yesterday from Mr. Wm. Hall of Thornhill, formerly of Traverston. hand. There are numerous critics in the world Sam Jones says, "It takes less sense to criticise than it does to do any- thing else in the world," that is perhaps why there are so many. It is not an indication of good judgement, or- educa- tion, much less good sense to be ever- lastingly criticising the motiver words or actions of others, but rather, an evidence of weakness and want of respect. Worth its weight in gold. Weat's World's Vonder, the cheapest and best liniment m the world cures more cases and goes farther than any other medicine. Bheumatics, try other 25 and 60c. C. J. Smith the big wood and Coal dealer in Toronto roped in $8,000 on the late Mayoralty election in that city. t?Jcliool Books. â€" A new stock just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner. Co. For Sale. â€" A three-year-old n are, •'Clear Grit," also a six-year-old mare. Apply to Wm. Sargent, Berkeley, P. O. Money to loan on easy terms and at lovf rates of interest. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Markdale. Cheapbst place in the coonty foar -Picture framing .9»to Gallery. medicine, it. 25 and 60c. All druggists. Markdale Markets. â€" Fail wheat 77 to 80 cents spring wheat 77 to 80 barley 48 to 53 peas 50; oats 27; butter 15 to- 17 eggs 16 potatoes 50 per bag pork 5:50 to 5;70 hidse e-s" to 7:00. Changed Hands. â€" By an agreement with Mr. Jas. Bryan, Mr. L. Knapp of this place has assumed control of the Mansion House and is nowlin possession. Mr K. is an offhand genial and obliging sort of man and will doubtl ess receive a fair share of pubUc natronage. Joined the Arsit. â€" Our esteemed townsman J. J. Irwin V. S. has grown weary of single blessedness and on Wed- nesday joined the army of benedicts. Miss Ramsay is the happy bride. They took the 3;52 train south on their wed ding tour to (Eastern points. We wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life. â- Worlds best. West's Liver PiU*, a sure cure for liyercomplaintdjspepsia, eick head- ache and indegestion. 30 pills 25c. All druggists. is at the A. G.. HuNTEB of Dimdalk has invent ed a manuscript holder for the use of pnbUc speakers which is said to be a most convenient and useful inventioii. Tick's Floeai, GuiDE.^The New Year brings us another volume of Tick's Floral Guide, from Rochester, N. Y. Every year this publication seems more beauti- ful and valuable than before. This reli- ble firm is long establidied and enjoys an enviable reputation for reliability All orders sent to ViA will receive prompt attention and satisfaction goar- anteed. « i.a 1 Ponnd! that "West's Cough Syrup m the Markdale ' ^^^ f„ eouKh, eolda and oil throat and long i i J-- All dniopata. ' If you wish to buy or sell a horse, cow or such like, yon cm tell four thousand persons through the Standard for twenty five cents. West's Cough Syrup instantly relieves and speedily cures bronchitis, sore throat, and all throat diseases. Try it and be convinced. All druggists. On Tuesday morning of last week Mr. T. W. White of this village captured a large wild-cat measuring 9 feet from tip to tip. He learned that one had a nest in a hay-stack a short distance from here and sat a' gun in the enterance with a piece of meat attached in such a way that as soon as it was pulled the gun would discharge its contents in that direction. The plan worked beautifully and we congratulate Mr. White on his skUI. â€" [Creemore Advertiser. Sick headache and all liver diseases yield immediately to West's Liver Pills. Sugar coated. All drugsists. A Severe Trial. â€" "I tried all the doctors in this locality for liver and kidney troubles (which I had-for years) with no benefit. Four bottles of Bnrdoch Blood Bitters cored me," says Lemuel Allan, Lisle, Ont. R. 8. Rae, Tailor, is moving'this week to his premises next door to Steyen's drug store, Mill St. Mr. Rae is one of our [most respected citizens and has been a resident business man in our town for 13 years. He will now be in a better position than ever to supply the wants of his many customers, and we can cheerfully reccommend him to the public for a good fit and substantial work: TojouK Readers. â€" If you suffer from head- ache, dizziness, back ache, bilhousness or humors of the blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters, It is a guaranteed cure for aU irregularities of blood, liver and kidneys. Faithfcl. â€" J. R. Faithful, of Stroud, Ont says he sullered from quinsy for several years, until cured by Hagyard's Yellow Oil which medcine is a specific for aU painful com- plaints. The Methodist Observer, the new religious weeklv, published at Bowman- ville. Out., at$1.00ayear,comestohand this week enlarged to eight pages and is well filled with church news, editorials and choice miscellany. Clubbed with this journal at $1.75. Methodists, send for a free sample copy, or call at this office and see one. M. A. James is the pubhsher. $500EEWAED. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dysjiensia, sick headache indegestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly com- phed with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar-coated pills, 2.5c. For sale dy all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactorsd only by JOHN C. "WEST CO., Toronto Ont. Batchelors Feast. â€" The batchelors of Markdale met on Tuesday night at the Revere House to tender a farewell supper to Mr. J. J. Irwin V. S. on the eve of his going over to the Benedicts About 30 sat down to the well spread tables for which nine host and liostess of the Revere aire noted, and did ample justice to the profusion of viands set before them, after which the chair wa^j taken by Mr. P. McCullough and the usual round of loyal and patriotic toasts gone through. The one to our guest was especially well received and Mr. Irwin may justly feel proud of the re- ception. After the formal partjof the pro- ceedings were over a couple of very pleasant hours were spent in conversation by those present after which the com- pany escorted the guest of the evening to his house and separated, every one declared that it was one of the plieasen- test evenings they had ever spent in Markdale, and that Mr. Irwin had only received a due recognition from his fellow townsmen for the gentlemanly manner in which he has carried him- self since he came among them. MINERAL POISON. Nothing bat pore extracts from plants and roota are used m preparing MoGlregor.s Lung Compooad, the modem and now popular remedy for Gold8.Goagh8, brondiiris Gi onp. Asthma, .fl»d all affeetionsof the throiU. lungs and chest. AU minerals prasons and dangers ons substances are avoided, which renders it- safe for children or adult*. Sold at 50o. and 91.00 pel bottle atB. L. Stephen, Drug Store. Matos Howland's Plea roa thb Chil- DBBN or ToKONTo. â€" The Young Men's Prohi- bition Club of Toronto has undertaken a series of Sabbath afteimxn mammoth gospel temperance meetings. At the opening meet- ing, when over 1,500 people were present Mayor Howland. who was greeted with pro- longed applause, raid Let ua rid ourselves of this horrible vice- producing death-dealing, miserable system. Take this saloon system. It is the centre of infidelity the centre of blasphemy and corruption. Before one hundr- ed years are oyer, people will look back and say we must have been barbarians to have to lerated it bo long. There is no man or woman who has not at times felt his ntter helpless- ness in seeing those who are nearest and de- arest debauched, while he had no right to prevent it. Within the last year how many young men and women under twenty years of age do you think have been in the hands of the police in Toronto One thousand I tell you friends, it makes my blood boil when I think of the workingman's children. (Ap- plause.) How those traps are put on the edge of the street to catch the workingman's boys- I tell you, I don't see how we stand it. I don' understond how we allow such things. Look at those great breweries I Look at the great buildings! Their pize. Look at their strength They are made to last. They are not built for to-day's trade. What are they waiting for All their present stock of merchajsdise may be gone in a week See the bright rosy childien of Toronto dancing joy- fully home from school it is for them the breweries wait 1 They are waiting for our children. (Applause.) J hope there will be thousands brought here and s ayed from that miserable ruin. Let us have a clean city a city cleansed of one of its worst curses. I want to say I would rather see the light come into the face of some poor man, {some poor sin-Btained wreck, as he says with power. "I'm going to be a good man," than I would be Mayor of the city of Toronto- (Prolong- ed applause 51.000 FORFEIT! Having the utmost confidence in its sup- eriority over all others, and after thousands of tests of the most complicated and severest cases we could find, we feel justified in oi- lering to forfeit $1,000 for any case of cough, cold, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, consumption m its early stages, whooping cough, and all die eases cf the throat and lungs, except asthma, for which we only claim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when taken according to directions. Sample bottles 25c. and EOc. Large bottles I Genuine wrapped only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or sent by express on receipt of price. JOHN C, WEST CO, Toronto Ont. The Queen of Madagascar is too much of a barbarian to appreciate that orna- ment of our civilization, the saloon. She shut up, lately, every establish- ment of that sort in her kingdom. The proprietors, in their injured innocence, asked for compensation. "Compensate those you have wronged," said Her Majesty, "and I will pay the balance," upon which they departed in a very reflective state of mind. "Reader," in informing you of the wonder- ful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that \/e are doing you a great kindness, as if you have any of the aboye complaints, if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Ask for McGregor' Lung Compound. Price oOc. and 81.00 per bottle at R. L. Stephen's. Drug Store Markdale. 3 Now, is there nothing in your house- hold to change? Is there nothing in your disposition to rectify? Is there nothing in your purposes to be different Is it an aim that you have constantly before your mind to so carry yourself that every one in your presence shall go away feeling that for a time, at any rate, he has been made happy â€" Beech- er. Many a man of respectable intellectual powers has gone down to ruin, and died miserably, because of hislinapness, which made it impossible for him to break new ground or to work at anything what- soever, with the stimulus of hope only. He must be bolstered up by certainty, supported by the walls of his groove' else he can do nothing ;andif be cannot get into his friendly groove, fae lets him- self drift into destruction. I do not think that flowers knows how much the dews bless them but the dews do bless them immeasurably. In heaven you will find how much good you have accomplished â€" and I pity the man wh» can estimate in this life all the good hr has done. He must be living a starvel- ing, poverty-stricten life. But blessed is the man the result of whose good deeds will be disclosed to him in the other Ufe in greater measure than this â€" Beecher. MCGREGOR'S LUNG COPOUNl). Ijave you a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse- nss, a feeling of Lightness in the Chetit, Weak Lungs, or any similar complaint If eo, buy at once a bottle of McGregor's Lung Ccmpoimd. "It will°cureyou." It contains entirely new specifics, of which one does is more effectual than a whole bottle of the old time remedies. It is put up in 50c. and $1.00 bottles. Sold by R. L. Stephen, Druggist. Try it, and you will never havo eason to complain. 4 Eupbrasia Council. The council met pnr"'Uant to adjournment en 24th December, 1886. Members all pre- sent. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. By-law No, 375 fixing in- demnity of "jouucil carried through tlic. different stages and passed, Jumes Stinscu relieved from paying taxes on his new saw mill for five yeares as he suffen, ' heavy losa, recently, in the destruction of his other saw mill by fire, a By-law was passed according- ly. The collectors time returning his roll was extended. The treasurer was instructed to.remit to C. R. Sing. Esq., $2.50 making deed of site of Town Hall. â€" On motion of Meissrs Erskine and Fawcett, the amount of rents to be charged, for use of the Tow^n Hall was fixed as follows and a By-law wa passed accordingly, viz. For Church enter- tainments, $2.00, Secret Society meetiDg:i $3.00, shows of all kinds $2.00, concerts $3.00, agricultural meetings. Political mse:. ings, and all other meetings, in the interest of he public to be free except the reasonshle charge made by the caretaker, for furnishing hghts. heating the hall and cleaning after meetings, dancing parties to be charged $10. per night, said amount to be paid in advance to the caretaker. The treasurer was instructed to remit to J. Cleland $1.60 for ballot box, and to R. Agncw 75 cents for envelopes, and also to pay members of the local board of health an fellows Thomas Gilray chairman S6.00 A. C. Paterson $5.00, D. R. Ellis, $4.00, A. T Buchanan $5.00. Uobert Dunlop secretary $6,00 and 55 cents to pay for locks for ballot boxes. The Reeves orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz, Irwin Fawcett,, $29.40 cutting down hill William Kcman $5.00 repairs on 3rd line lot 8; Joseph MyerF $20.00 work on 3 4 side line, con. 12 Robert Martin $30.00 making^snow fence on rock, 4th line James Clugston $1 6 00 fencing in front of town hall John Camack $15.00 cutting dovrn hill on 12 and 13 side fine Allice Martin $1.00 land for the use of municipality J. L, Wilson $50.00 grant to .Vgricultural society William Londiy 6.97 repairing bridge over beaver river William Lewis $14.50 cutting down rock oh 3rd line. A, McCauley $1.25 repairing bridgt* on Valley road Joseph Manary $4.24 over- chaige on roll of 18^5 ;J. G. Sing P. L. S. $8.00 Surveying site for hall and 6 7 sid" line Johnston Howard $2.90 ditching on C and 7 sido hue E. DunJop clerk 81.30.OU balance of salary and $20.00 foe postage and freightage. The treasuier was iubtructed to pay to the members of the coimcil the following amoimtK- as indemnity on account of attending meet- ings of council, and all other services through- out the year viz. Thomas Gilray Reeve, $90.00 WiUiam Fawcett. Deputy Reeve. 566. James Boyd councillor 69.00^ James Erskine 61.50. Henry flurd, 71.00. On. motion being made and seconded the Reeve vacated the chair, and the Deputy Reeve called to occupy the same, motion wa « then made as follows by Messrs Erskine anit Boyd, that the thanlui of this council bu tendered to Thomas Gilray Esq.. our present Reeve, for the very able and impartial mann- er in which he has presided "over the de- liberations of this council throughout the year now closing. â€" Carried unanimously. The Reeve rose and said he was taken by surprise with such resolutions, and expressed his confidence in all the members of council as men of integrity and faithfulness in tlie discharge of duty, CocHcn. Aaou, JV Puauor, dark.

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