^m •;-;-,-«* Jv^ "HEW TO THE LIKE. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." SETEXTH YEAII.-X0. 331. MAEKDAUE, OIN^T., JAlOJAItY 6, 188 /7 C. W. RUTLEDaE, PubUsher. Local and Other Items. KoTicEs in these columns intended to bcTiefit imj indli-idiial or Society will be charged ten :gntf .J- line for the first insertion and Jive tenti a line each svb-iequent insertion. (l HOLIDAY GIFTS " IDL RABLE SEAUTrFTJL arid useful in S/LVEmÂ¥.W£ NOVELTIES WN, A. BROWi^, Jeweller, MAEKDALll NOTICE. â€" Correspondence, communica- ons,. Advfrli-ffinent!;, d'c,, vmst be in this lice hi; noon on Tuesday to insure publication It week. iGoou Hliigliiug. (Bcsixess brisk again. IWhi'-atup seven cauts. IPeas also ui) two cents. M.uiKDALE school openecl on Tuesday [Will tjiosc LriDgir.g US wood kindly i,ll aiid f^tt p. receipt so tha,t there'l be mistake. TnovsAXDS of Imshels of grain coming Markddlo juarket daily. I Laeof. quantities of wood now being irketed. i (rfic«.VJiH-i-fTrect majority is 112 and ^Ijrth's '2.59. " ^~^- The annua. meeting o^K^ll township i^gricultiiral «o:;ieties is held "Sl^-^Lg, Bcond Thnrsd.y in January. The Cnvc-n Send Advertiser is twenty Dur years old. a;d quite vigorous and Jearty. with prosiects of long life. Our report of E.genia L. O. L last hek should read No. 1118. Also 38 lembers instead of 35. We extend our sincere thanks to all lose who haye so promptly renewed tieir subscription for ISftT. This being week of prayer, serrices are held each night, except Saturday ,in the Methodist Church of this place. The following resolution was passed at the annual School meeting of S. S. No. 9 Axtemesia, and is sent for pub- -lication "Moved by J. HicMing Second- ed by Geo. Meldrum, That we desire the trustees not to allow the teachers to use the Bible selections if it is possible to avoid it. but rather use the Old Bible instead. Sealed Tenders will be received up to the 13th inst for the supply of ten cords dry and twenty cords green wood 3 ft. long, to be delivered at the Method- ist Church. Must be smooth body timber and well split, the dry to be de- livered by the 20th inst, the green this winter. Address marked Tender, Standard Office Markdale. OuE foreman Mr. Jackman has been now six weeks confined to his bed since the surgical operation, but is otherwise hearty an4'in good spirits He is be- condng an expert in Ladies Fancy Work, such as Crochet and Darned work He says he used to darn the boys for ntunerous typographical errors c., but now practices a different kind of darn- ing. I Sudden Death. â€" !ilr. J, S. Plews of Shelburne, brother of Mr. Angus Plewes of this village, died suddenly on Thurs- day the 23 ult, He dropped dead while driving in liis sleigh in Shelburne. Deceased was a man of 40 summers, strong, hearty, and an enterprising business man, proprietor of Sherburne roller flour mills, was highly respected. ,e_wasji prominent member of the A. O. U. W. abblit one hundred of whom attended his funeral rfea'^es a wife and seven children. .. The Presbyterian annvial tea-meeting MiBACULous Escape, â€" On the night of the Ontario Elections while D. Arnott was returning home from Markdale on horseback, he fell asleep and the horse (a three-year-old colt) wandered into Thos. Campbell's lane half a mile from town and dropped into a well some 50 rods from the road. There were loose boards over the well, which is 27 feet deep and some three feet of water in it. No body appears to understand how j Arnott ^escaped 0oing down with the hcrse, and it is said he huntedjabout the field for the horse not knowing what happened him when he found lum he hastenedjfor help and secured the service of Jo. Irwin, a well digger, with windlass c., and they soon wound up the animal but when about to land him he shpped through the tackling and fell again to the bottom. The second time however the horse was safely landed and strange to say not much the worse, and is now all right again. BUSINESS LOCALS. Mink Set, regular price 615, only $11 at Anderson's. Doixs Dolls Dolls thirty varities to choose from, at Head Quarters, Mark- dale, A. Dinsmore. Cheapest place in the county for Picture framing is at the Markdale Photo Gallery. Glaswabe in great variety and at bottom prices, at J. G. Anderson's. Christmas, New- Year and Birthday cards an extensive assortment to select form. 2c. cents upwards at Head Quarters, Markdale, A. Dinsmore, Glassware at Cost, â€" Benson's is the cheapest and best nlace in town to buy your groceries crockery and glassware. To Kent. â€" A two story brick dwelling 1 ir. • XX 1 jj.. TT 11 XT. /with 8 rooms, good cellar, cistern was held m Haskett's HaU on the even- 1 ^ood gbed, apply to G. S Bowes ing of New Years-Day and notwithatand. ing the inclemency of the weather there and McLeod the boot and shoe merchant can fit yon every time, any shape or makie yoa please. See his adv. in this paxer, the newest out in boots, if that one don't suit, just call and leave your measure. Markdale Makkets. â€" Fall wheat 77 to 80 cents spring wheat 77 to 80 barley 48 to 53 peas 50 oats 27; butter 15 to- 17 eggs 16 potatoes 50 per bag pork 5:50 to 5;70 hides tt;50 to 7:00. Haying refitted mill putting it in :first clsrss running order, and will be in operation from this date. Custom saw- ing solicited and will be done for cash or on shares â€" Saw logs wanted Having made special arrangements for the purchase of an unlimited quantity of HAPLB and BIBCH for which the highest price will be paid spot cash. M- W. ARMSTRONG, Markdale, Dec. 29, '86. Hirkling Orange No. 391- The following officers have been elect, ed for 1887. J. Hickling, Master- F- Whewill. Overseer. W. Moffat, Secre- tary. W. Hopper, Treasurer. R.Coop- er, Lecturer. H. Wright, Chaplin. R. Clemes, Stewart. J. Kinghorn, Ass. Stewart. J. Inkster, G. Keeper. Mrs. J. Hickhng, Ceres. Miss. Inkster, Pomona Miss A. Kinghorn, Flora. Miss A. E. Hickling, L. A. S. Mr. J. Hickling has been master of this grange ten years, cou. Cannot be excelled. â€" "I have pleasure insayiugthat Hagyar-d"' Pectoral Balsam eaunot be excelled for curing colds, coughs nd loss of voice. It cared my brothsr com- pletely." So says Ira McNead, of Poplar Hill, Out., regarding this reliable remedy. HONOR ROLL OF S. S. NO. 7. Mr. p. C. Brtden agenftfor the Mer- mtile Fire Insuranca Cb. will please ccept tLanks for a fine large callendar pr 'R7. ly our report of the Methodist Chris- las anuiversary last week we omitted I recitation by Miss Cornish irhich was ^el rendered and much appreciated. IsEkz was three polling booths in la-kdale last Monday, one forJiteaiesia kni for Glenelg and oife'fdr our village iteeTJiectibn. PtJR Brass Band serenaded Mr. J. W. i, last Friday evening on the occasion lis silver wedding, snd were hand- lely entertained. The Hanover Post is six year old, and comes to hand neat, clean, well put ?ether, and always neatly folded. We ph bro. Ashley and the Post continued jsperity. jackey Abbott of Berkeley are 3g into the planing, aad sash factory in that village ind expect to re their factory in opention in March tt. r ttLallour subscribers ]Jease refer to ir address label on the Itandabd and how you stand; If tlere is any btake, kindly let us kno^ If you are Btrrears we will be glad o hare a Bndly ill. ];eedii Sale. â€" Mrs. Pollock will have adit sale of farm stock, ii^plements on her premises lot 97, con 2, east S. R., Artemesia, on W^esdaj j 12th inst. Sale to commeno at 1« lock. Terms 10 months o) good er. Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. O. L. Na 1340, Kimberly -w^ give band Soire« on Friday the 14th Jan. reral Revertnd gentleman will cttiver ^eesses, misic by Mrs. Aldxob of iberely, Miss Carmthers of ;wood akd W. J. Benson qf ^xk- f itt'g GonghBymp, it a sore eoTf in lu, colds CHOP md ooiwamption. was a fair turn out. A^plentiful supply tea and eatables were served and appar- ently reUshed, after which the program was entered upon. The choir gave several selections which were well ren- dered; recitations and music also by local talent and a short address by Rev. Geo. H, Cornish and Dr. Sproule, M. P. after which the entertainment concluded at an early hour. Tes Brass Band made their annual eereudB on the last night of the old year. It was piea san+ indeed to remain comfortable in bed and listen t ijlie ex- cellent music as the band went ir, m house to house, but not so pleasent to turu out at 2 o'clock in the morning to entertain our worthy young men and replenish their finances. We are glad to know however that the results are satisfactory. and that, as the place has grown so rapidly they were unable to "do" the whole town but will complete the sere- nade on "Old New-year's-eve. Chbist Chtjech Christmas Tree enter- tainment was held in Haskett's Hall on the evening of Thursday last, and was in every respect a grand success. The hall was crowded to the door. The Operetta "Laila" was well rendered, in fact this was something extraordinary for a rural School to attempt and tho' it must have taken a great deal of time and practice it was exceedingly well given; The Bcenery and costumes were also appro- priate and handsome. Two Xmas trees -were heavily laden with presents for the children and others and were dis- tributed by Santa Claus Himself, to the delight pf the children. Miss Ford des- erves especial credit in connection with the Operetta which was under her supervision. 9500 BEWAItD. We will pay the above remuA for any ease of liver complaint, dyspepsia, siek iuadaehe indegestion, constipnticated or oostiveness we e«Dnot core with West's Yegetable Livnr Pins. wh«n the dizeetions are strict oom- pliedwith. They are paielT"t«Rrtabto. and nmvr boL to itive satisJartioB. LarKe boxM oontaioing 80 suffar^floatad pills, 35o. Fw ff^^f ij all druggists. Bemti* of oonnteifnts •ad iin*r" ""«- Tbaganaine manofaetaisd onljliyJOHH C. WSST A 00.. Toxvnto Oat. J. G. AirPEBSON is clearing off his stock of overcoats a;t and under regular wholesale prices, coma and get one. Go to Benson's for Cramberrics Labrador Herrings, Oranges, Lemons, Confectionery, Biscuits all kinds cheaper than any one in the trade. Monet to loan on easy terms and at low rates of interest. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Markdale. J. G. Anderson is selling his inunense stock of ready-made clothing at wonder- ful bargains, biggest discounts ever be- fore known. If Yon want 5 or 10 lbs Tea that will suit you just to a T go to the Mammoth '-.ea store, J. G. Anderson, Markdale. R Sale.^ â€" ^A three-year-old mare, "Cll trit," also a six-year-old mare. Apply^oV Wm. Sargent, Berkeley, P. 0- JScliOol liooks. â€" A new stock just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner. Co. Remembeb if you want a good drop of the "cratur" for Xmas or the "N§w Year" Benson's is headquarters. Haying just received a stock of Rye and Malt direct from the distillery. Brandy, Rum, Gin, Irish and Scotch whiskey, very best of Wines which I will sell cheaper and better than any one in this county. Tea Sets Tea sets 1 China Sets Decorated Sets, Colored Sets White. Wheat Sets; Benson have the best stock and variety{in town, and.wiU clean them out cheaper than any ong else in the trade. Call and see for yotirselves. Annuals. â€" ^Boys own paper. Girls own paper $2.10 each, Good words and Sunday Magadne 92.00 each. British Workmen, Cotsage, artisan and British Workwoman SDc. each Band of Hope Review. The advice and childs own Maggin 85c ea«h, and a host of others for 5c. to tl-OOat Head QoartersMsfk- dale A. Dinsmoce. Personals. Master Eddie Reynolds spent Christmas week with his parentsin Mark- dale. Mr. Chas. Lee and mother are the guests of Mrs. Reynolds. Oscar Wright of Toronto was home for Christmas. W. Cornwall has been home for the Holhdays his brother was also on a visit. Will McFarland spent last week with his friend Bert Casson at Mitchell, Miss Christina Wilson was home from Toronto for Christmas.- Mrs W. A. Brown spent Mew- Year's in Toronto. Reynell C. and Fred W. A. Cornish of Toronto were home for Christmas. Capt Jones was home to Cape Croker for Xinas. F. Porter was home to Sand Hill for Xmas. Messers. Wliite, Breckenridge and Rorke of Owen Sound, were the guests of Mr. T- L. Moffat on New Year's. Misa Clapp spent Xmtis in Toronto. We had a friendly call from Mr. Robt. Dunlop, Euphrasia tp. clerk last week. John Telford and family spent Xmas in Markdale. Misses Jennie and Millie Lyons of Tar a were home for the Holhdays. Misses Maggie and Minnie McNea are spending a few weeks with friends at Bellwpod. Josiah Payne of Warshaw spent New- Year's with friends at Markdale. Mrs. Donnelly is visiting her daughter Mrs- A. Walker. Mrs. E. S. Mabee is spending a few weeks at Castlederg. W. A. Brown spent New-Yoar'sjin To- ronto. Herb. Allen of Allenford spent Chris- tmas with Markdale cousins. Charhe Lawrence returned to his post this week, his father died in Toronto last week at the advanced age of -82 years, Christina Bryden was home from To- ronto on a visit last week Mr. Joseph and Delila Williams of WUhams Tp, were the guests of F. Sarjeant last week. Mrs. W. M. Clarke has removed from Toronto and became a Markdale citizen. Rev. Mr. Fairleyof Chatsworth ex- changed work with Rev. Mr. Ward last Sunday. Rey. Mr. Ayers of Flesherton, ex- changed pulpits with Rev. Mr, Cornish on Sunday evening. Miss Anderson, of Owen Sound was the guest of Mr. Wm. Armstrong last week. Mark Armstrong was in Toronto for New-Year's. Holland for Dec. 1886. 4th Class â€" Maurice Fitzegerald Jennie Ervin 2nd Willie Sqears. 3rd Class Jennie Jackson, 2nd Jonnie Fitzgerald, and Beatie Thibedeau, 2nd Class Joseph Hampton and Thos. Erwin, 2nd Albert Roulston. Jr. 2ud Class Jennie Camp- bell, Frankie Baliey, Francis Freeborne- Part 2nd Class William Crowther, 2nd Maggie Erwin. Part I Class Susannah Hutton, Penninah Freeborn. I «â- ! Worlds best. V^'b Liver PiUSt a saie onre for liTeroomilaint, dyspepsia, siek head- ache and indcgeAion. 30 |^Is 86% All dznggists. Worth its Height in g|^ Weat'sWorid's 'Wondn, the/eho^psit and best linioMntui the vorld ;ai^ a«s ^wrn and goes fmiher Hian any owr asofaine. Bhsnmatfcs, \/j it. tfaadf)^. i^$««l|^ Holland Centre. Mr. Moses Smith is]going out of the flour miU business here haven't heard who will operate it. Considerable excitement at our annual School meetingintheelection of trustee. Mr. Thos. Armstrong was the lucky man, A tsABsient lodger at the '^Qaeen's" one night recently, ran short of fuel daring a cold i^ght, and burnt all the boots and sqpka he coold get hands on. He left ear\y in the morning. Mr. StOTenaon, who had his dwelling baxnt aboat a numth ago. has re-built •ad will be into his new house shortly. g|^^U;%beaT;^ loom^r hf the fi««. Found that West's Cough Syrup is the best for cough, colds and all throat and lung diseases. All druggists. ArFLicTioNS are blessings to us Avhen we can bless God for afflictions. Suff- erings has kept many from sinning. Fiery trUals make golden Christians. â€" Dyee. West's Cough Syrup instanUy relieves and speedily cures bronchitis, sore throat, and all throat .diseastts. Try it and be convinced. All druggists. One thing is clear to me, that no in- dulgence of passion destroys the spirtual nature so|much as respectable selfishness. â€" George MacDonald. A Severe Trial.^â€" "I tried all the docters in this locality for liver and kidney troubles (whicli I had for years) with no benefit. Foiu: bottles of Bnrdo;h Blood Bitters cured me," says Lemuel AUau, Lisle, Out. The first book read and the last book laid aside by every child is tne conduct of its mother. Sick headache and all liver diseases yield immediately to West's Liver Pills. Sugar coated. All drugsists. Vice stings us even in our pleasure, but virtue consoles us even in our pains. West's World's Wonder, or Famly Liniment, a never failing cure for rheumatism neuralgia, cuts, burns, bruises, wounds and frost bites. 25 aod dUc. All druggists. Do not speak of the evidence of Chris- tianity being inadequate. Have you ever tried it? There is here a celestial chemistry which, no man can learn, who does not go into the laboratory himself and use his own crucible and his own fire. â€" Dr. McClintock. â- His last besobt. â€" Mr, Bichard Bowe, of Harley, Ont., was afiflicted for four years with dyspepsia. Two experienced doctors treated him. Getting discouraged, he trial Burdock Blood Bitters. He states that two bottles cured him. He is now doing heavy work and as well as ever. FBE£TKADE.: The reduction of internal levenue aud the ' taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medicine, no doubt has largely benefitted the consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manufactures. Especially is this the case with Green's August FUmer and Bosehee'i GenrMU Syrup' as the reduction of twenty siz cents per dozen, has been added to in- crease the size of the botile containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size. The August Ftower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complamt and tho Qerman Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicine in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottle will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and of village civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the siuue sijfe. B. O- W. SALT BHEUM CUBED. MoGr^or ft Parke's CarboUc Cerate has been tried and fcnnd to be the only positive cure for Salt BLome, Pimples, Blotches on the face or lumds. Cats. Bums, Bmises, or any Soro that notiuqg else will heal. Try MeOr^or A FUka's Garbolie Cerate Piic* 25e. per box at Jk Ih Stephen's Dmg Store. Markdale, *â- ' A^mMim^ i^f^i^ r*^**