Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Dec 1886, p. 5

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 IE itock gifka, liECK --ET8, [DING Staples Plush Have close \OAILL. (DAL .IC. Iiieand [iiess in pleas- mks to |r their leasin" d. ° d new Inch I better 'ly the 'enuine lie best employ cau be iurs and article faction. 'lay my itock of vy and full as- Whips, together Valises, extended our new relations ;tc.ry and ATHEWS. II Plain Fac- everythimj attODS, I to none in )artment, I f* 'ess€d[ rniug done. SHIRGS I notice, rates. (rices, ice- â- r remedy »jl ,bichcnr^j\tJ HEAP QUARTERS. SAUTA CLnSlOM Uaiu Calling. XMAS GOODS. /y£fr eoaos arriÂ¥Ing every â€" WEEK AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry Store, FLE8HERT0N. I -AJiD- See his magnificent etock of Xmas goods which are going fast OHR,lST«l-A.S and NK W TTE Alt CIA.K.TS of endless variety to choose from. ]!\£a,gTiificeiit ^.ssoirtxiient ot .AJlltume. â€" :GRAND COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S XMAS BOOKSâ€": Consisting^f GOL D and S ILVER W ATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SPECTACLES. SILVER-WARE, FORKS. SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS. VIOLINS c. In making our Annual Holiday Annoimcement we desire to thank our patrons^most heartily for their most generous support during past years. We take pleasare in stating that we have' received and are opening out a very large and varied stock of goods«uifcible for the Christmas trade. -The fullowiag are a few lines to which we mvite special inspection: â€" Fancy Goods, Books ISlotions, Childrens Toys, China Cups Saucers. Christmas Cards, Albums, Plush Goods, Hymn Books, Prayer Bo oks, Bibles. c., Scc. As we have been in this business for some years and as our stock has been pnrchased uuder personal supervision at lowest cash prices we claim to be in a posi- tion to give our customers every advantage. We earnestly request inspec. tiou of goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. IS- SPECIAL DISCIQUNT TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS, and parties buying in lets for Christmas trees. TELEGRAPH VICKERS EXPRESS OFFICE. PLUSH GOODS! PLUSH GOODS! VASES J VASES.! VASES! neat and attradtive. MUGS/ MUGS! MUGS, CUPS and SAUCERS/ CUPS amd SAUCERS! DOLLS f DOLLSl DOLLS â-¼ TOYS! TOYS I TOYS! Every decription, corns and see themj can't make a mistafceif yon BUY A3: STEPHEN'S DKUG STORE. Any one looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Flei^herton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low. It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is theiplaco to take it: A satisfactory job every time, IS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry. Store, FLESHERTON. TORONTO -:- HOUSE MARKDALE. A.. Turner Co. -Jr- IMi^IiKlD^VY^E C^oor Berkshire Boar. IVIoderate Charges. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYlflOR, PROPRIETOR. ARE -:-Y0U-:-60IM-:-T0-:-PDRCHASE CHRISTMAS PBESENTSP W^HY V7HERE EVERYBODY OP COM- mon sense goes. Where you can obtain the newest, cheapest, and best selection of goods in the county, at the Head Quarters in Markdale for BOOKS, STATIONERY TOYS, FANCY GOODS, c., c. REYNOLDS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE. When you want WALL PAPER go where you can get an assortment to, choose from, and at lowest prices, now in stock over three thousand pieces from 5c. to 75 cents per Roll. Also a choice selection of Borders. In TOYS you will find the best assortment ever shown in Markdale. Dolls all sizes from 5c. to $1.50, childrens Toy Books from 5c. to $1.25, Purses from 5c. to 75 cents, Moustache and Tea Cups from 20 cents up, Mugs for presents in great variety and Christmas Cards, at prices that will astonish you from 2c. up. Special to School Trustees, Sabbath School Supermtendents, and Teachers, lio uecessity going a days journey or sending to Toronto or elsewhere for oiir prizes or Librarys, you will find my stock large varied and in every way -uitoU to your requirements, and prices satisfactory. Special discount liliow- ii on all school orders. Full supply of School Books, Note Paper, c., c., at prices to suit hard -itLes. lis- NOTE THE ADDRESS, A. DINSMOBE. i^NEXTJDOOR TO MANSION HOUSg.^ jigentfor Dot^'""' "Paner Fasi"'"" o.r^. NewYr»rt " v-*'"?- nf nif^a..--' r-.--- We are now offering extraordinary bargains in Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, and fancy suitings, -ATTRACTIVE AND STYLISHâ€" Men's all wool Tweed Suits $6.00 up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 upwards. Boys and Youths Suits and Overcoats $3.00. TO L.AI3IES. Wool Shawls and Mantle Cloths in the latest styles and patterns. 1 Boots Shoes from the finest .Kid 10 the serviceable Stoga suitable for all classes. With us the "Tea" busi- ness is a specialty, 4 lbs. very .choi«6 Japan tea $1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dust" of the last May pickings a splendid article for the price. Customers reqaiiamg ordered Boots Shoes may rely -on being served with despatch as another workman has been added to the staff. No ^• pense will be spared in proo^tly meeting your wants, and as in the past nothing but the best material will be used m the shop, and prices will be kept down to the lowest paying figures. 13- GIVE US A CALL. WM. BROWN, FOB service this season, thoroughbred purchased from Snell the celebrated stock breeder of Edmonton. Terms $1. cash. B. Coleman 328-32 adjoining Markdale. THE keiatiiiiGu'lSlQiDs. HAVme PURCHASED FIRST-CLASSHEARSE. To (^sumers Dealers IN OILS, Buy the Empire Oil Go's ROm P ALACE LIGHT Illuminating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our O^STOR, E. OIIL. Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EIVIPIRE OIL CO., Manufacturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Rep.forlJorthern Ontario, A Goodby. 308-6m YELLOtm CURES RHEUMATISM Built by B. J. Mash, London, also having a large stock of Coffins, Caskets and ftmeral furnishings, we are prepared to supply the public in the undertaking line on the shortest notice. A large stock of fumitore always on hand at lowest living prices. Having a first-class cabinet maker, we are prepared to make all kinds of furniture to order, also i epairing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Next door to Enapp's store, M A B K D A Tj E. B s WORM powders; Ara pleasant to take. Contain their own rarsative. la a safe. snro. and elteetuMi ' at wrma in Children ovAdnltK Canadian Pagifid r. r. OIVEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday. July 28th, 1886. GOING NORTH- STATIONS. Nov. 1886. E. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding countiy that he has opened a general liArncss shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS, long and short tugs. STRAW COLLARS, WHIPS, COMBS. BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL c. 1 will use only first clase matenal and those requiring anything in- the harness line will find it to their interact to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a share of public patronage. I am respectfuHv yours R. CARNAHAN. Toronto Leaye Cardwell Junction. Orange- 1 Arrive... ville. [Leave.... Orangeville Jun... Shelburne Dundalk Flesherton... .. ... Markdale ......... Berkeley.. .. .... Holland Centre.. Chatsworth.. .... Owen Sound.. Mail. 7 45ain 9 25 " 10 05" 10 20 " 10 32 " 10 58 " 11 22 " 11 47 " 1202pm 12 14 " i2 23" 12 38 " 1 05 ' Exp. 450pm 630 " 7 03-' 7 22' 7 34 8 04 8 30 8 55 9 10 9 22 '• 9 32 " 9 49- 10 20 '• 3SOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. Exp. IF YOU WANT FANCY GOODS, TOYS OR STATIONARY, GO TO THE CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE IN TOWN Where you ^will find everything suitable for Xmas New Year presents such as:â€" Dolls, Boys Tools, Violins, Snowshoes, Guns, Toy Banks. Young Colts on Wheels, we can safely say, we have the finest assortment of Toys atamable. ias/es who requin Hand S«tche/s, Wor^ Boxes Whiske, Fancy Shelled Boxes, Vases, Tout Sets Fan.y China-ware, §piit Baskets, Autograph or Photo Albums, should call and inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS The best assorted, and cheapest lot north of Toronto. tS- Special redue Owen Sound.... Chatsworth ..... Holland (S^ptre Berkeley ........ Markdale Flesherton ...... Dundalk ....... Shelburne ..... 540am 6 10 " 6 25 " 6 34" 6 47" 7 02 " 7 26" .| 7 51" Oiangeville Jun ' 8 22 Orange- Arrive..' 1 8 30 " ville.. Lfiave. 8 45 " Cardwell Junction... ...... 9 25 " Toronto Arrive........ il0S5 ' Mail. 2 40pm 3 07" 3 30" 3 40" 3 52" 4 06 " 4 31 " 4 57" 5 23 " 5 35' 5 55 " 6 30" 8 10 " -THS- tlor "STANDARD " AND THE Rnral aANADIAN. From now till Ist January, 1888, FOR THE SHALL SUM OF Sf.SO. By an armget^ent with the publisher of the Rural Canadian, now m its tenth year of publiQotlon, we are enabled to offer both papers for $1.50. Tj;e regular price of the two»2.00. The Rural Conadian is a monthly illustrated magaziivB fcyr i^e Farm and Home. The following aro; .the: leading Departments: â€" ifarm and Field; Horses and Cattle: Tho Dair Sheep and Swine Garden and Orchard; Bets and Honey; Pojiltr ami Pets Home Circle The Grange Record Rural Notes Household Hints Yoiim; Canada; Scientific and Useful. Ihe musi» alone is worth several years' subscription., r:^* C!TT-r»c^/--'-CT"D TTJ â€" »-»-t_ V,Ah

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