Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Dec 1886, p. 1

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 action of â- ^ Meeting " Ireton hole for "ant the ^iH take Mr Bowes r 8 dav^ â- ^, -8;^ carried e granted. Siilhraith, it'll. Ola! ^; ^v. J. »; T. J. •GO; Geo. '*^' 45.00 Cr.llougi,; II. lireeaei Ilioiaas ii- 10.00 'â- ^'-!. 10.00 -^^ I'trsons I. and E, 'V-!a\v be liat Lhere I'oanl of t â€" Howey a-1'roiutinu I-'epnty- 11^ C'rcfford ^Viliiscroft f tiiDe for- iv.'S-] meet- jcve â€" tba*^^ â- i re-:ister- I ir the WiH.iscroft SINK riK. It !:, Clerk. s licre on large clian- canj^lit on j'lvuty o^t )re tlio fire J^' •vjis torn a;,' oil, antl rianie.s ex- e was done i aud black ii smoke. â€" elected at f Markdale V. M. W'm. â- hai)lin. R. S. Elately, ;e^% Troas. ^ei. James kerR. Askin aiit^ Joseph Ibis Lodge ou vrith a ease of lb. but ProTin- i hard bui Eurch and jly, quite »â-  taked one C, ont last week. "A enne and? rtie m Proprietor benefitted the uie burden o£ ig ihia the i^uABoschee' a of twenty added to ia- itaining these e-filth more The Augvst ei Complaint- gh and Lnng est sale of any advantage of Ql be greatly icted, in every itries. Sample â- e same siae^ HEW TO THE LlIsE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." SEVENTJI YEAE.-Xo. 330. MAUKDALE, OXT., DECEMBER 30, 1886. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Publisher. Local and Other Items. .OiI(r. f\rti it: hi rf:'-- (I ' C'-nU •â-  I s in thi.-" ahimiis intendedtohenefit iihiii! Ill- Sociftij Hill hf chnriied ten ivr for tiip llrf.t itL-iertion find Jive III- enrh f-iih :i'ijiient insertion. u HOLIDAY GIFTS n DU 11 ABLE BEAUTIEL^L and useful in SILVERWARE NOVELTIES W. A. BROWN, Je-w?eller, MABKDALE SOTU'K. â€" Ciiryspnndfnce, communica- tions.. Adrertii^nn/'rit.-. d'c,, vnut be in this c-rirehij no'inon TucMlay to insure publication that vi'i'k. We vv'^ish all our read- ers a Happy and pros- perous ITew-Year. Tm;:u-: was -ood sleighing iu Toron- to cm C'livNtnias. John Davis is after a lot of good beef tattle, i'lirties having such should see him. ;r. candidates Avrote at the i^xii!iiiiation in ilarkdale last M-:VF. I'.p.traucu' ' WLL'k. A nrdert:l t; ' Algou:;i. EvK'iY farmer should read the Piural Canadian, the agricultural authority of 4'anada. steel stoauier has been take place of the ill-fated" Vol; ^ardei Rural on seasonable hints i'.;^. stock or poultry farming, read the :l!. luiau. Mr. from I busine iv.ard Davis has ;\.!i:q) the grocery purchased and liquor and is now in possession. A wat'-h-niglit service will be held in the^Methodist Church to-morrow even- \u^ iFiiriay) commencing at 10:15. "Will IluxLtuivi; formerly of this office is uow iu charge of the Fort "William Echo, a rcmcmerative position.. Mi;. James King of Dakoto, brother- iulaw of Smith the barber is spending the Hoilidays with friends in this part. TuE Rural Cauadian for 1887 will be better tliau ever before. Its columns will be fully alive to the best interest of the fai-mer. The Auuiversary services of the Methodist Church were concluded last Sunday when Rev. Dr Aylsworth of Mt. Forest vreached morning and evening. He delivered two powerful sermons which were much appreciated. Collect- ions $i9.r)7. GLTtlio best local paper and the most â-  useful i\;;neultural journal in the country At a no:iiiiial price. The Standard and the Ruva^ Cauadian only $1.50 from now till 1st a:;., 18SS. Thi: v,'eather was pleasant and sleigh- ing good on Christmas Day, yet with the exL-eiilitn of numerous sleigh-riding parties the day passed of very quiet in our town. The tea-meeting aud Sunday School entertainment held last week in Eben- czer church, town line, Rev. Mr, Hosk- ing's work, was in every respect a suc- cess. Proceeds $34.00, Mr. JoH.N Stebwill losta horse recent- ly bybeiug choked with»ts. Mr.Wm. Burnet also lost one by b^ng pierced in the bowels with a stake wliiie jumping over a fence. Markdale Presbyterian animal tea- meeting will be held in Haskett's Hall on the evening of New-year's-day when the usual tea and pro-am will be given. -^11 are invited. Admi8si(»25 cents. Tea Sets! Tea sets! Chin* Sets Decorated Sets, Colored Sets White. "Wheat Sets; Benson have the best stock ^nd variety in town, and â- will clean Oietn ^ut cheape^r than any one else in the ^cade. Call and 8^ fpr yoniselTes. The following were nominated can- didates for police trustees in Markdale, viz: R. S. Rae, G. S. Bowes, Ed. Datis, "VVm. Haskett, A. Turner and S. J. Cole- man. The election will take place next Monday. Souxn Grey Inspectorship. â€" .At the session of County Council held last week, Mr. N. G. Campbell, of Whitby (a native of the township of Bentinck), was ap- pointed to the vacant inspectorship of South Grey in place of "W. Ferguson, re- signed. The Mt. Forest Representative re- produced last week an editorial from the Standard of the 9th inst, "Balance Accounts" We are tickled to think that some of our best exchanges value onr efforts in that direction sufficient to be worth cabbaging. Mr. M. E. Bebee of Chatsworch is coming to Markdale to open a branch Agricultural shop. A reliable pushing man will be put in charge with a full line of farm implements, cutters, buggies, waggons, pumps, cutting boxes, fanning mills c. Mr. Bebee is a live business man and will make things in- teresting. OuK annual School meeting on Wed- nesday was the most interesting one for years. Tw o candidates were nominat- ed and a poll demanded- W. A. Brown and D. McDuihe were brot' out and an animated contest was kej^t up until 4 o'clock when the vote stood. Brown 71 McDuffie 02. C. W. Rntledge was chair- man aud Thos. â-  Elliott secretary, the latter was also elected as Section auditor. Poisoxed. â€" A distressing case occurr- ed iu the township of Sydenham, on the night of Friday or morning of Saturday last. It appears that Mr. Arthur Bye, a well-known and respected resident, hav- ing an attack of colic, got up during the night to take a dose of pain-kiUer but mistaking the bottle, took some liniment instead. When the mistake was discover- ed. Dr. Sloan was immediately sent for but medical service was of no avail, and Mr. Bye died in a few hours. The de- ceased was well known and had a large circle of relatives. And the sad event has cast a gloom over the neighbor- hood.â€" [O. S. Times, The annual Christmas gathering at the Methodist Church in this village was no exception to the rule of success- ful entertainments. An excellent tea was served in the spacious basement from six to eight o'clock after which the usual routine was gone through in the auditorium. The pastor presided and gave a neat address, the treasurer read his report showing the finances in a satisfactory and hopeful condition, Rev. R. I. Hosking gave an appropriate ad- dress, also JohnE. Richards a recitation which was well received. The Choir gave a number of choice selections, and The following is a list, in order of merit; of the successful pupils of the Markdale PubUc School at the Chris- tmas Promotion Examination. I to II A. Hurey, Geo. Hill, V. McDuffie, John Rooke, MiUie Mason, E. Walker, A. Douglass. Jun. II to Sen. II Alex Nesbitt, Susan Mathews, Ella Foster, Wellington Dormer, Annie McLeod John Bennett, HiUiatd Elliott, Wallie Lucas, Samuel Ireton, Willie Ricketts Thos^ Walker, Sen. II to III Fannie Bowes, Lottie Bryan, .Willie Csesor, Margery Msnn, Maggie Rntledge, Bella Mercer, Bennie Rae, Sam Hamilton, Ollie Austin, Lily Bryan. Jun III to Sen. Ill Sarah Cunningham, Eliza Steer, Popham Irwin, Frank Hill, Kate Dormer Violet Mann, Meedie McNea, Bertie Elliott. Jun. IV to Sen. TV John Knapp, Percella Dormer, "Violet Ford, Mary Stevens, Edgar Rntledge, Ada Reynolds. Sen. Ill to Jun. IV Mary Large, John W^. Ford. Jennie Rae, Arthur Rutledge Fred Dundas, Minnie Wilson^ Mary Mercer, Sadie Lncas, MaudMabee. Sen. IV to V See result of Entrance Examination, F. Porter Teacher. BUSINESS LOCALS. Eaptarasia Conneil.. Glassware at Cost â€" Benson's is the cheapest and best olace in town to buy your groceries crockery and glassware. Anyone in need of Xmas or New- Year's gifts will consult their own interests by calling at Russel's. FleshertMi. Dolls Dolls Dolls thirty varities to choose from, at Head Quarters, Mark- dale, A. Dinsrnore. Cheapest place in the county for Picture framing is at the Markdale Photo Gallery. If your watch or clock needs repair j ing, take it to RusseU's, Flesherton it v The conncil met porsnant to adjcuroment on 27th November, 1886. Members all present. Minutes of last session of conncil read and confirmed. The clerk was ordered to notify R, Johnston to remove obstruction from 9tb line. The treasurer was ordered to pay Euphrasia portion arbitrators fees in ease of Artemesia and Euphrasia re Hugh Walton as follows James Boweij,. 94 H, Meldrum $4 S. Campdell 92 and topay witness fees $4 The clerk was ordered, to notify the clerk of Artemesia that this council is prepared to carry out the award of the arbitrators in the case of H, Walton vs. these corporations, as soon as Mr, Walton nas given the proper title to the land for road. The treasurer was ordered to remit to to G. Cralckshank the sum of 98.62^ being Euphrasia portion of repairs on Heathcote bridge. The Reeves ordftrs were issued on the treasurer to pay as follows John Aber- crombie 533 building crossway concession 8 John Ormsby, $30, catting down hill Elijah Gilbert, 83. culvert and reoairs H. B. Boyd, $1 plank and repairing bridge John Manary 95, building culvert Frances Bowser, $2, repairs of bridge and culvert; W. HewgiU, ftl6.2J to payjfor work on town line, CoUing- wood paying an equal amount John Clugs- ton, 5.50, building culvert; John Lyons, ?o, statute labor charged in error Refuse Wickens, $1 repairing culvert James Wal- lock, $26, work on 12 and 13 side line; J. Burns, $12,50. work on 15, 16, 18, and 19 side line Joseph Manary, $110, salary as coUeetor for 18$6 W. P. Caison. $12, indigent expenses Samuel Breadner, $2.50 banking town hall; James Gilray $1.05, plank and repairing bridge on town line, St Vincent paying an equal amount. Council adjourned until 24th December" next, RoBEKT DuNLOP, Clerk* NO'W GOING ON AT arlaDQ s f â-  â€" » I MoTHEES Take Notice. â€" West's Cough .,, J „ J ,•„!, ^„ .Syrup contains no opiates, opium or any will pay you to do so a good job every ^fj J^i, ^„a can be given to the youngest time. and most delicate child with perfect safety. It i» an infallible cure for croup and "Vv'hoop- Money to loan on easy terms and at low rates of interest. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Markdale. Christmas, New- Year and Birthday cards an extensive assortment to select form. 2c. cents upwards at Head Quarters, Markdale, A. Diusmore. To Rent. â€" A two story brick dwelling with 8 rooms, good cellar, cistern and wood shed, apply to G. S Bowes Go to Benson's lor Cramberrics Labrador Herrings, Oranges, Lemons, Confectionery, Biscuits all kinds cheaper than any one in the trade. A fine stock of silverware at Russell's noted Jewelry store, Flesherton, at manufacturers list prices. Don't fail to call and see them. Markdale Markets. â€" ^FaU wheat 72 to 73 cents spring wheat 72 to 73 barley 48to 15 peas 48; oate 27; butter 15 to- 17 eggs 16 potatoes 50 per bag pork 5:50 hides 7:75- Remember if you want a. goodl drop of V the "cratur" for Xmas or- the.- "New ing-cough. A bottle should always be kept convenient, as it is always a certain cure for coughs, colds, consumption in its early stages, bronchitis, asthma, and all throat and lung troubles, 2aG.,. 60c. and $1 per bottle. All druggists. Artemesia Grange IVe. 359. 25,000 dollars worth of goods to be cleared OFF. I *«â-  25 7 last but not least were the "Peak Sisters" j Year" Benson's is headquarters,. Hawng just received a stock of Rye. and; jfalt direct from, the distillery, BEandJivBnm, Gin, Irish and Scotch whiskey,. Teey best of Wines which I will sell cheaper and better than any one in tiiis: connt?^. renderings which called forth hearty applause. Rev. Dr. Aylsworth who was to dehver an address was detained by the train being late so that he did not arrive in time. Proceeds $103.42 Spellin. â€" We have been repeatedly criticised for speUing progranune with- out the last m-e. The reason why we spell it thus is because it has become custom in the best city papers as well as our most progressive rural exchanges and furthermore because it appears to us the common sense way. We do not believe in carrying about any unnecessary accompaniment, and are convinced that the m-e is no more neces sary in the word p-r-o-g-r-a-m than the second g in sugar or wagon as formerly,, or o-u-g-h in plow. Custom becomes law, and while it may take years for such ina- provements to find their way into our standard dictionaries, it is no reason why they should not be generally nsed and considered proper. We do not pre. tend to be an authority in such matters, but rather inslined to improve and progress by every available means and to that end wonld Qpiu^ criticism^ iu a ' confidential way.. At the December meeting of this grange the following officers were elect- ed for '87. John Boland mastej, Thos. KeUe, Overseer Jas. Brodie' Secretary. Robt. Buchanan, Treasurer John I- Graham, Lecturer James Hanson, Chaplain Joseph Buchanan, Stewart D. Thompson, Ass. Stewart W. Heath, G. Keeper; Miss- E. L, Brodie L. A. S. Mrs. J. Boland, Ceres Mrs. J. WarKng, Pomona. Auditors, Joseph Buchanan and J.I. Graham. Delepate to Division Grange, Joseph Buchanan. This grange meets on the Friday on or before full moon of each months, com. A Ceting Evil. â€"Children are often fretful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr, Low's Worm Syrup safely expels all worms. L.O.L..]yoll8. Annuals. â€" Boys own papeti. Girls own paper $2.10 each. Good word^aad Sunday Magazine $2.00 eaclu. BziJd^ Workmen, Cottage, artisan andt Bulnsh Workwoman 50c. each Band, ol H»j) Review. The advice and childs own. Maggin 85c. each, and a host of olfflBS for 5a. to $1.00 at Head^.QuartersMiack- dale A. Dinsmore. Having refitted mill putting it iit ^csk class running order, and will bsi iiii operation from this date, Costom. aaof' ing solicited and will be done- for caabi or on shares â€" Savr logs wanted; Hania^ made special arrangements tot Ibj purchase of an unlimited quantity- (ȣ KAPLE and BiBCH for which the higher price paid spot cash. M- W. ARMSTRONG, Markdale. Dec. 29, '86.. The increaung demand for West's Gjomgh: Syrop is eridsnoe of its grott virtaa in all. throat uid long diaeasw.. Thtm sizes. All dmggiBts. At the December meeting of Eugenia Lodge the following officers were elect- ed for 1887, viz: Master, H. Williams, D. Master, S, Pediler, Chaplin, Rev. J. S. Corcoran. R, Secretary, James Williams Fin. Sec. James Brodie, Treasur er, John'W. Hoath, D. of C. John Williams, Lecturer, Ephrain Brodie, Committee men-Robt Campbell, George Parks, Joseph Fenwick, Henry Weber jand Josiah Cooper Tyler, Thomas Crow. This lodge is in a prosperous condition having a surplus in the treasurer and a membership of 35, being an increase of aa^en daring the past year^ Meetings QBOi Wednesday night on or before full nuMUL in. each night. Visiting brethern always welcom com.. ]VOTE the I»JRICE SS: â€"Men's $9.00 Over Coats for $6.00 Boy's .$6.50 Over Coats for $3.75; Men's $6.00 Genuine Persian Lamb Caps for $3.75 Men's $10 Gennine bouth Sea Seal Caps for $6.00 25 good Robes only $3.76 600 yds. cent Dress Goods for 15 cents; dozen Pairs Men's Fur Top Gloves $1.00 regular price $1.50 60 Childs; and Misses Wool Padds 6C 75 cents half price; 200. Childrens Wool Squares 12^ ceate 75 Ladies' Wool Sqares 50 cents, sold everywhere for $1.00; 12 dozen Womens Wool Vests, a great Bargain for 50 cents each; Ladies Linen CoUors Hand- somly Embroidered 2 for 12^ cents, See them. 50 cent Black Velveteen 30 cents 75 yards Fancy Ulstering $1.25, goods for 75 cents One Case Old Ladies' Lined Sewed Buff Boots 90 centE, just half price 200 Gent's lovely Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 cents up; 100 Brass Buttons, half price; Womens, Misses, and Childrens Wool Hoods, from 10 cents up Mil- linery Goods, half price- PLUSHES, SHjKS, VELVETS, GLOVES, TIES, BIBBONS, all reduced. Come Early Before THE CHOICE LOTS ABE SOLD A.S)BasoNABLB.HiNT. â€" H^uriug the breaking vp.Qt winter, when the air is chilly and the wjaatfaar damp., snob complaints as rhemna- IttesBk. Qfiuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, croup ao^othtf punful effects ol sudden cold, are piaraknk. ItistbenithatHagyard's Yellow OB.iijfiiuut tml; val]aidle as a hoaseho)d W. J. McFarland, Direct Importer..

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