Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Dec 1886, p. 6

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 tobeeot HWBJW â- PH *np"f ViHiil MfHMtt ^ttfei •:-x-:- HEAD QUARTER^. it.-' NMIS OtM* H â€"AMD- Seo his magnificent stock 'of Xmas goods which are going fast CHil^lSTrMLAS and TVK W "5^E AJR CuA.KTS IN ABUNDANCE of endless variety to choose from. Ala-gTiificeiit ^sso]*tiiieiit ot ^Ibams. :GRAND COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S XMAS BOOKSâ€": }0ae ^$$A$ aa07 In making our Annual Holiday AnnoTincement we desire to thank our patrons most heartily for their most generous support during past years. We take pleasure in stating that we have received and are opening ont a very large and varied Btock of goodB suitable for the Christmas trade. The following are a few lines to which we invite special inspection â€" Fancy Goods, Books ISIotions, Childrens Toys, China Gups Saucers, Ghristnaas Cards, Albums, Plush Goods, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Bibles, c., c. As we have been in this business for some years and as our stock has been pHrchased iUnder personal supervision at lowest cash prices we claim to be in a posi- tion to give our customers every advantage. We earnestly request inspec- tion of goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. IS- SPECIAL DISOOUNT TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS, and parties buying in lots for Christmas trees. TELEGRAPH VICKERS EXPRESS OFFICE. A. Turner Go. iwc A.itK:r A i^E •€»- GOor R:iOS. FLUSH GOODS PLUSH GOODS VASES! VASES! VASES! neai} BJid attractive. MUGS-V MUGS! MUGS, CUPS and SAUCERS/ CUPS and SAUCERS! DOLLSl DOLLS I DOLLS I TOYS! TOYS I TOYS I Svery^escxiption, come^'O.d see them^ ca^'t make a nxibcakeif you â€" BUY AT â€" STEPHEN'S DKUG STOEE. t Noted Jeweliiy ttiiin, fllSHERtilf. Contasting of GOLD and SILVER W ATOHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SPECTACLES. SILVER-WARE, FORKS, SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS. VIOLINS 4c. TORONTO -:- HOUSE IIARKDALE. Berkshire Boar. IVtoderate Charge*. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLEI^ Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYbOR, PROPRIETOR. ARE -:-YOE-:-GOINfi-:- TO-:- PURCHASE CHRISTMAS PBESENTSP WHY WHERE EVERYBODY OP COM- raon sense goes. Where yon can obtain the newest, cheapest, and best selection of goods in the com)ty, at the Head Quarters in Markdaie for BOOKS, STATIONERY TOYS. FANCY GOODS. c., c. KEYNOLOS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION -HOUSE.â€" When you want WALL PAPER go where yon can get an assortment to, choose from, and at lowest prices, now in stock over tiiree thousand pieces from 5c. to 75 cents per Roll. Also a ^oiee selection of Bordeia. In TOYS yon will find the best assortment ever shown in Markdaie. DoUs all sizes from 6e. to $1.50. childrens Toy Books from 5c. to $lJt6. Parses from 6c. to 75 cents, Moastache and Tea Caps from 20 .cents up, Mags for presents in gteat variety and Christmas Cards, %% fnow tiiat will astonish yoa from 2e.' op. Special to School Trastees, Sabbath Scheol Snpenntendoits. Aod TeMhers, ^0 necessity going a days journey or seit^g to Toronto or dsewhere for 7our prizes or Libra^s, yom trfll find my stock large varied and in eyery way eaited to yonr requirements, And prices satisSaetory. Spedal discount allow- ea on all school orders. /. Full supply of SchooIBooks, Note ^aper, Ac., Ac, at price* to suit hard times, ra- NOTE OHE ADDRESS, A. DINSMORE. NEXT DOOR TOblMliUlON HCHIM We are now ofieriug extraordinary bargains dn Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, and fancy suitings, â€"ATTRACTIVE AND STYLISHâ€" Men's all wool Tweed Suits $6.00 up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 upwards. Boys and Youths Suits and Overcoats $3.00. TO L.u^IIJES. Wool Shawls and Mantie Cloths m the latest styles and patterns. Boots Shoes from the finest Kid to the serviceable Stoga suitable for all classes. With us the "Tea" busi- ness is a specialty, 4 lbs. very choice Japan tea $1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dust" of the last May pickings a splendid article for the price. Customers requirinp^ ordered Boots h Shoes may rely on being served with despaieb as another workman has been added to the stafil No « pense will be spared in promptiy meeting your wants, and as in ttie past nothing but the best material will be used in the shop, and prices will be kept down to the lowest paying figures. IS- GIVE US A CALL. â-  ^^^ WM. BROWN, Â¥ov. 1886. ' FOS service this season, thoroogkbred purchased from Snell the celebrated stock breeder of Edmonton. Terms 51. cash. B. Coleman 328-32 adjoining Markdaie. THE ksdatiosCu'lStoiIs. HAVIM8 PURCHASED FIRST-CUSSHEARSE. Any one looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Flesberton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low, It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is tbe placo to take it: A satisfactory job every time, IS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELL'S Noted Jev siry Store, FLESHERTON. To Consumers Dealors IN ohjs. Buy the Empire Oil Go's BfiYL PiU£E LieHI IlluminatiDg Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CA.STOIi E. Oil- Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manufacturers and Refiners TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. "sos-fim Bailt bj3. J. Mash, London, also having a large stock of Ck£Ein8, Caskets and fnneral fom^ings, we are prepared to supply the pnblio in ttra nndertaking lin« on the ishortest notice. A larga â- toek of fomitore always on hand at lowest liring prices. Haviag a fi^t-dass cabinet maker, we are prepared to make all kinds of fomitore to order, also lepairing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Mezt door to Enapp's stoie, M A B K D A L E. m lUKSS SIOF, R. OABHAMAN would respeetfnlly intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding eountiy that he has opened a genex^l faaraess shop on King street in tb4 Tillage of HOLLAND CENTRE. whers te tetoada to mannfactore and keep on hand • %cn^ stock of LIGHT and HEAVt BASNBSS, long and short togs, 8TBAW X^LLABS, WHIPS, CO^BS, BBUSSBB. HABMF.SS OIL c. I wiJl use •nl^ first class material and those reqeiring anything in the harness line will find it to their interest to oall at the new hniioM shop and get prices before go- ing elsowlma. Bepairing done with neat- ness and iispatoh. Soliciting a share of pobUo patNMiee. I am reepeotfolly yonrs. R.OARNAHAN. Canadian Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday. July 28th, t88ff.' QOINQ NORTH. STATICWS. '-^. IF YOU WANT FANeT GOODS, TOTS OB StATIONABT, GO TO T^ CHEAPEST ANIXBE8T HOUSE tK TOWN Where you win find everything BaitaUe for Xmaf • Mew Tear presetilB. sndi aa:â€" Ioll8..BoyB Tools* Violins. Snowshoes, 4mk Soy Banks, Yenng dplite en Wheels, we can safely say, im ^ave the finest aasortineBt of Toys atadiaUs. i... â- " ^HaUeatt ami iM/taet a^aiaekifb^hf €HM8TMAS OJlBIW I i^„ 1%M best aaerted, and eheiweatligil^jHilh of 4tnalmmmm, ndne- Agent for D«neBtic Papa Fasluoii^ New todE,4|JMk:of p^^ ooi|^ tion aade to 8.^Jqr 8eluMjl»|p()fn|tQ9diBii^i^^ to^piuphaMtJSmM tm* ]0M^ Toronto.... Leaye.. ...... Cardwell Jonction... Oraiige- 1 Arrive. ville. /Leave OrangeviQe Jon Shelboiae., Dnndalk Flesberton Markdaie. Berkeley HoUand Centre.. Ghatsworth...... Owen Soond., »*•••••• MaU. 74oam 9 25" lOOJS" 1020" 10 32 " 10 68" 1122" 11 47 " 120^m 12 14 " 12 23 " 12 88 " Exp. 4 50ptB 630 " 7 03=* 7 22*' 7 34 •. 804 8 30 8 56 9 10 9 22" 9 82" 9 49 106" 11020" QOiNC SOUTH. STATIONS. • • »«•• • • • « • •«••« • •*• Owen Soond............. Chatsworth Holland Centre Berkeley Markdaie.. Flesherton ..... Dondalk ....... Shelbnme ...... Oi-angeville Jnn. Owmge.) Arrive, ville..) Leave. Cardwell Jonction. Toronto Arrive • ••• • •• • »•*•««• COMBINATION OPPBBi SAVE MNEY! la -THE- STANDARD -^ AKD Itot* »f Itiral CAKADIAH. Front now tai Jst Jannaryr js^^ rOR THE SMALL SUM OF $1.60; ByaaaRngn»«it with thci poUiaha of iha Jiiml CoMadian,, aow in its tenth year ofp«Uiiation,.W|panenrti0ato oir^ both ^|pm. far f 1.50.. ThomgnliitrMnrioe ol the twofSljOO. The BnraliGoittditti ia« monthly fflnstrated jugasme far the FArm and]B The loltowinRsn the leidia^ JOsMrtmentg â€" Ssr'S,£"2.^^»°*^SflEThe Ds*rrah6S|»«ldftt|^; GarSah aui^ CfaNlefffcth erange Itecot^- ' „.. Bb««ilioM Hints: TdSii^ Canada: neiuiitifl m b.ihi ii imilhi iiiiL_ "***^ ,»»l^ia«o«tftae»pB|J,jia««?«iAiriripti*nt -^H* it Onluud; Be«« sa^^o Aual Notes; HmwilioU Peta; HoBft *k6 9iit _,-_^^^^gBgi.^

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