Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Dec 1886, p. 4

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 mmmmmm r'jiQdumvAO IrtiTfr C, sue Jattta)g», Pnblisher. MARKJDALE. DEC. 16. 1886, -The Manitoba Electiona look lara k,]wca, ^^AiaBtmeo. S^^^es, Iepiity BeeycM, jimdCoaiMaUoxs'.of any. sach persona as reside in. the Municipality, or within two miles thereof, and are natoral born or naturalized sabjects of H^ Majesty and males of the foUage cyt twenty-one 'jjr^arB, aifd h4ve,"at the time (tf the place last week rescSting in a return election, in their own right, or in the to power of the J orqaay (conservative) right of tfiair yiiim. as proprietors or "^^^-^i, ?• TIE UESTORS To tiie frwtiad^im/epeadent -Wti-K ttf,-,?"" GoTomment with a good working but reduced majority. On Tuesday evening of last week a number of young people of the village assembled at the residence of Mr. Wm. Haskett and presented Mrs. Haskett with a handsome Toilet Case and the following address. To Mr». William Haskett, Markdale. Respected Madam. â€" Permit us, on be- half of the Ladies and Gentlemen of Markdale, to express to you our high sense of esteem for yourmany estimable virtues, whenin are exemplified those Christian virtues which render your sex the highest adornment of God's work upon earth and on ever lasting blessings to society. The virtuous mind has its own reward in the i)erformance of good deeds and, if anything could be added to the pleasur- able emotions arising from moral recti- tude and philanthropic duty we trust you will accept the congratulations of the people of Markdale in your noble performance of that duty. You will please accept the accompany- ing Testimonial from om- hands, on be- half of its donors â€" not for its intrinsic worth,|but as a slight Testimonial of our respect, and hope it may be retained as an heir-loom for the gtiidance of succeeding generations in the path of duty in which you have set such an ex- cellent example. With heartfelt wishes for the future prospenty and happiness of yourself and your worthy partner in life. Markdale We are December 6th l (on behalf of the people 1886 j of Markdale) Respectfully Yours F. PORTER Chairman, R. O. WHITBY Sec. tenants, a legal or equitable freehold or leashold, or partly|freehold and partly leashold, or partly legal and partly equitable, rated in their own name on the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality to at least the value follow- ing fover and above all charges, liens, and encumbrances affecting the same.] (1) Incorporated Villagesâ€" Freehold to #600, or leasehold to $1,200. (2) In Townsâ€" Freehold to »800, or leasehold to $8.6000 (3) In Citiesâ€" Freehold to #1,500 or lease hold to $3,000; (4) In Townshipsâ€" Freehold to $400 or lease hold to $800 "Reader," in informing you of the wonder- ful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Astbma, Bronchitis. Consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that v/e are doing you a great kindness, as if you have any of the above complaints if you will orly try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Ask for McGregor' Lung Compound. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at B. L. Stephen's. Drug Store Markdale. 3 .2^1 sill _ii ;rti;rj' '3 OG MoTHEKS Take Notice. â€" West's Cough ;Syrup contains no opiates, opium or any TDinerals and can be given to the youngest and most iielicate child with perfect safety. It is an infallible care for croup and hoop- iug-cough. A bottle ehould always be kept convenient, as it is always a certam cure for coughs, colds consumption in its early stages, bronchitis, asthma, and all throat and lung troubles. 25c., 50c. and $1 per bottle. All druggists. CONSUMPTION CUEEP. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a similar vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure for Consumption Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having testified its wonderful cnrative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hisdutv lo make ii known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this receipe, in German, French or English, with fn!l direc- tions for preparingand using. Send by mail by addressing with siiaup naming this paper W. A. NoYDES, 149 Tower's Block RochesUr Notices ofBirtJis, Marriages, and Dcatln, twenty five cents. Maxwell. From a Correspondent. Politics are booming just now, throw- ing municipal matters altogether in the ^hade. Last Monday evening while Mr. James Coutts was returning from visit- ing his father (who has been very ill, tbut^ on the mend) and while near the village trotting along leisurely, one of the horses suddenly reared up, fell over, and died in about ten minutes. Mr. Wm. Bemrose is now home. He was engaged the past summer as wheels- man on the S. S. "Telegram." Will likes the sailor's life and looks as though it agreed with him. OnJTuesday the 7th, Messrs. Sandford Tuck, William Long and Thos, Maxwell three of our young men, started for Bay City, Mich., to work in the lumber shanties for the winter. On Wednesday the 24th ult. Mr, Lochiel Cameron was united in marriage to Miss Nettie Sonberger, by Rev, W. F. Ferrier also on Wednesday last, 31st Mr. Alex. Campbell of the 4th line to Miss Wright, daughter of Mr. Hugh Wright of the 10th line. More to follow. MARRIAGES Hodgsonâ€" BLAm.â€" By the Eev. R. I. Ho'-k- ing at the residence of the brides father Wednesday Dec. 8th. Mr. William Humble Hodgson, to Miss Isabella Blain. All of Artemesia, Geeenâ€" Thompsok.â€" By Key. A. Thibadeau, on the 24th Nov.. Mr. Thomas Green to Miss Ehza A. Thompson, all of Holland. EowE-WiLUAMS â€" By Piev. A, Wilson, assist. ed by Eev. G. H, Cornish, on the 8th iust Mr. Chas. H, Eowe to Miss, Katherine- Williams all of Glenelg West's Liver Pills, the stancTord lemecly for 1-ver complaint. cVspeps^a, Jnd,"3esi,ion, and s'ck headache. 30 sugar coaled pills' Soc. All druggist. AGENTSWANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men. NONE NEED BE IDLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL. We Pay either Salary or Commission: nn SMABT MEN wml^d at once to *-\J\J canvass for the sale of Canrda Grown Nursei^v Stock, THE FOOTHILL IVURSGRIES. LARGEST IN CANADA OTJSE 400 ACRES Dont apply unless you can fumi-h L-iU rt383 Beferencesand want to work. No )ooai for lazy men but can employ anv numbe- of energebic men wuo want vrork. Address STONE fe \A (51.7 inc TON, Nr.«H'vroea. To-^iK ro. Ow». HARKAWAY GRANGE. At a meeting of this grange held on the 11th inst. the following officers were ;elected for the ensiung year, viz Master Secretary " Overseer " Steward " Ass. Steward" Chaplain " Lecturar " Gate Keeper ' Treasurer " Ceres Flora " Pomona " L. A. Steward Wm. Darbert and E. W. Moore. P. Smith, Geo. Ptolomew. Wm. Carbert. D. Squire. R. Elliott. Jos. Hawken. J. Thompson. R.Emott. £. S. Moore J. Smith. F.Elliott. A. Smith. Oeo. Ptaloiiittw WHAT TRUE MERIT WILL DO. The unprecedented of Bcschee's German Syrup within a few yeais. has as- tonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedv ever disoovereJ for the speedy and effectual cure of Coo^s, Colds and the severest Lung troubles. It actsmaneutirely different principle from the usual prescriptions given by'PhysiciaDs, as it does not dry up the Cough and leave tlee diseas stiU in the system, but on thecontratv removes the cause of the trouble, heals the part affected and leaves them in a pnre healthy condition. A bottie kept in tbV house for use when the disease make the.r appearance, wiU save dootoi's bills and a long speU of serious illness. A trial ,rin oonvinceyou of these facts. It is poatively sold by aU dmgRiBts and general m the land. Price, 75 cts., lame bottles. E. O. W. The huneasing demand for West's Cooah throat aad lung diMa«». Thi^ giaes. amgguts. AU Auditors. B. Elliott, Jaa. L^aB aad Geo. Ptolomew, standing oommittM. F. Bmi del^^ tQ PiiriskiaL Gxaqge^ andiUwhattwunMWBtlfcmiMe. Dr.Low»« Wot« fiia^arfi*, ttpah^ y,^' "' " •«HAv«Mtqiktf with Prof. Low*. ^i»sc n^i^^s:^:^ GENTLEMEN:â€" Bie writs lor a General Eliption for the Loiokli^Jatare will be jsfaed immediately. OaTtesdAy the 21 at day of Decembur pext, the noounaticHis are to be made and Tueklav the 28th day of December fixed for polliog. Having received the nnanimons nomination of the largecst and most inflnenti^ Conserva- tive Convention ever held in the Riding, which met in October last, and having since received the most encooragiug assurance, of support from the electors generally, I beg most respectfully to announce that I feel it my duty to accede to their wishes and ac%pt such nomination. I have been a resident of the Riding for thirty-eight years. During the greater part of that period I have been, more or less, actively engaged in the administration of your municipal affairs and while occupying prominent positions of trust in your County Council I haye invariably been guided by a desire to protect and promote your interests. My long residence in the Hiding and prac- tical knowledge of the working of our municipal institutions ensbie me the more readily to anticipate your special require- ments, represent your grievances and obtaiu relief trom oppressive legislation. If elected as your representative, I will endeavor faithfully to discharge my duty by giving effect to wholesome legislation and wil^ ad- viKsate a more economical admimstratiun of the finances and of the Crown domain. As there is not space in a short address to fully explain my yiews I shall endeavor to attend meetings in the various Townships of the Biding before the elections and there discuss in detail the various questio/is now before the people. In conclusion, I shall advocate equal lights and privileges to aU classes and creeds of Her Majesty's subjects. Being a resident of the Riding and like many of yourselves engaged in farming operations, our interests are identical I shall do my best to advance them. Relying on your cordial and generous sup- port to elect me as your representative I have theh.mor to bo. Gentlemen, Your obedient servjxnt, JOSEPH EORKE. Clarksburg, Nov. 26, 1886. â- j'HiL. GALL SEE fi^Tn T.TgMF-^ -â€" Tb" ^jn^- is a€ t^ahd when yop will erciseyonr'fieaacfaisO'.in ^o.selectitm of a represeut^tiv^ Assembly ofOBtarid. ' The ddty which you owe to your u,a andtoposterity detajaiids that you exercise that privelcTo settled determinttimi to advance the bast interests of om- iai heat of iarty strife meo rf impulsive temperaments are art to issues involved in the tmNO present, and to allow tlieir warped by the nanw •'ahiboleths" of the.OEAD past. The intere t "rf the advancement Of nrteUigence and the hunuuiizing influence ' Christianity demand that we lay aside the religious strifes and i)a t which have so long^istorfoed and distracted the National mind i ^^""""ioi of our common cotmtry, loyal subjects of ourbelovedQueen,we'ro"ha "***'^l gether mutually intent upon the achievement of a higher chilizat ' " moraUty and a more libwal christian sentiment, and while firmlv •* our own rights, yet willing to grant the same privileges which we clai" ^T^""' selves to those of our fallow countrymen who may differ from r- "' °' nationality. " "" "^^ With the view of giving effect to these sentiments, I beg to anuonuc t' a candidate for your sofirages at- the coming election, and I resoectfi 11 r " that all my fellow electors who share these sentiments, will b r tli " • '" influence do what they can to secure my election. " It is pn^per that you should ask, and it is ri^t that I should declar opimons are in reference to the issues which divide the "Parties" ii o "' the present time. "" In the main I am in accord with the general course of legislatiou pursu vrith the principles ennnciated and saxried out for some years bv t'"" ' administration, and if elected I shall deem it my duty in the iuterest' (° Province to snstain the present Government reserving of course to right to judge of each measure which may be brought forward irrespective of the source from which it may emanate. I am free to admit that with all Governments there is a tendouCT to ary extravaganceâ€" against all such tendencies I shall deem it my "duty as representative to raise my voice and exert my influence. " In reference to the school law generally, my opinion is that recent iHslai has been largely in the iut^est of the teachmg profession, and that tiie hteral of the public which ought to be paramount, have to a certain extent beeu ij d. I am of opinion that the present 'holiday" terms are too long, especially to the requirements of rural communities, and that some change is desirable ia tH respect. Of the many important questions which claim attention at tliis particnll juncture it is impossible within the compass of a short address to speak w inteUigence aad precision During ihe canvass however 1 purpose to discuss some of these with vod the public meetin«^» to be held at central points throighout the constitaem when I hope to have tLe pleasure of meetuig mauy of you and fonni acquaintances which I trust vrill be mutually agreeable acd lastinT. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Markdale, Your obediant Servant, Dec. 4, 1886. • WM. BROW.\, iuyself I upon its M/cf^KDALE The finely assorted holiday stock now displayed in my â-  â-  Show Cases. 1 have some good substantial gifts, in Ladies' GOLD WATCHES, CHAINS, KOLL-PLATE HEOK- LETS. LOCKETS BRACELETS, ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS. SiLvBBWAM. â€" lu Staples and Novelties. List Prices Plush Goods â€" ^Ladies' Jewell Cases. Have boaght right, and will sell at close prices. II SEASOHS COKHJMe/fTS TO AU. W- A. BROWN. Jeweller, MAHKDALE, TO THE PUBLIC. Twenty-one years have come and gone since I commenced business in Markdale, audit becomes my pleas- ing duty to return smcere thanks to lay numerous customers for thek hberal and constantly increasing patronage during that period. Having this season erected new hnsmess premises, into which I have just moved, I am now better than ever prepared to supply the mcreasing demand for a genuine article in my line. I shall continue to use the best stock m the market, and employ the best mechsmos which can be procured, so ^hatmy costomers and thopobhc can rely on ah article tn^^pve ^{ennine satiawjtion. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sasb, Door asd Plain Ft tory, containing all the latest and most approved nacbineij, erei;tliii b eing new, I am now prepared to turn onb Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollov FRAMES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS, tc, An d everything needed in the bailding trade, in a manner second to none Canada, and hayiog engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, would now tespectiuUy solicit public patronage Every Effort Made to jail Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undresse Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hsud. Plain and Fancy Torningi' Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS. McNEA. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS ifgbt HaraessTiVell «1^*^ â€"rS?^f^?*°^' **••*«-, tocethw ^BopSOff tlaUWIK IniB^kaa. ...1..U â€" «^;^- "" „,Bi^|Bss f^iations â-  MATp|;v«r^, H. B. HARRISON, MANUJ?ACTUF.EB OP MARBLE AND 6BAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantlet, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST BECEIVED 3 Carloads ft/iesf Variegated Uarbk **" Larfjeet stoek in the Dominion to select from. PeiaoM% eeiected at the qnar ries ia Termont. Will be sold at ptioes vhieh 4fif7 oompotittoa. iMTiSFMCTtOM GUMRMMTEED. ST. B. Be««ie cf Ifomraients and, Head- «(T9i,8peIt«r,or Zine, soldwed to- • •â- foiled aad SandUasted to hide s, snd called White Broue. H. B. HAI^BISON. All parties axe Herebjrinuniad against Ri^^aooda toaayperaononsiyaooount exc«Dfc to pyselt «c my. ^rntten otdar as I wia«6t Im KSHMMible for the same. ^^ JOBN MdOALLUM, Sr. Bw-S Qi {istEnpiirasia, Nov. 29th '36. EOBT. ASEI UNDERTAKERi FMEML F0MISHIM5 auppUedonthesiortesDobce. J^ Splendid Hearst for hire at moderate rates. _AII tdcds ofâ€" _^ --, F-URNlTUfE PICTURE FRAm •^IVI r^ -, 'â- -)â- 'â- 'â-  ".stt :.:;fT; â-  :i^. :i-s,.l, i iS .:â- â€¢â€¢â-  'i^ ai -; :• lut -â-  tliet, 'inobeco, â- choose 1 from 5c laTi Dolls a] Parses Hugsf| irillae 8pec| no nc your pij suited I ed OQ I^illl times. Fiirs.- Breto"i5'aYeil"f

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