Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Nov 1886, p. 8

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 â- Iȴi*^* jCegal. â- i\ fil 1; I ' I' 'â-  |i i f F». .McOultomgrh, BARRISTER, SOUOITOR, Ac. OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥ER HefiRLMHD'S STORE, mab:kbale. money to ILiOan. liANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (SUCCESSOKS TO I,ACDEB HANDs), BABRISTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, c. Money to oan at lowest rates of interest. Offices iC King Street East. Toronto MASSON JnASSON, BAKRISTEBS, SOLICITORS, c. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massom. U B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent Wm. Brown, XSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES.c Commissioner in B. K. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj nttended to and carefully executed. N. B. Money to Lend on Real Estate se luritv. WM. G. 6UTIIIUE, P/a/n A Ornamental P/aster Opposite the new Presbyterian Church lark- daSe. Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Galsomining Lime Washinii and Repairs promptly attended to. WILLIAM STUART, KlMiJEELEY, Issue.' of MarriaRe Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few iarms for sale. Terms easy. ' G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBER of the College of Pliysicians •and Surgeons, Ont. • " tarOffice and residence, .H. L. 8teph«i s Drag Stft:e, Markdale? 298-11 rpTMARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, /- RADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL T of Dentistry, will be attheMarMale ri^se, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and alsoa Munshaw s Kotei: Fleslierton, the day |o]lowuig the third Wednesday in each month for theprac tice of his profession. maTsioOouse, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARRD ALE HOUSE, nXTT ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, SydenhLam Street, MRKDALE: MAEKPALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh,^ \_Z'^£l 'co^mmTrcial hotel. PRICEVILLiE, Out. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, *c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler s ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Treats all dis THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor City KIotel, mabkdale. ThP qubscriber begs to inform the travellmg puwfc'geSly, that he ^as leased he above LToX!r°^'iaHirrrifa^^^^^^^^ faiona^" ^^Ld Larder well supplied. Good Btabling and attentive ho^tl^e^r^^^,^ proprietor. ISAAC STII^SOK. -Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 " Residence, MARKDALE. W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI TECT, Markdale. 1241y WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now Drerared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving, f «d«nce old stand, opposite Presbjtcrian Church, g^t, ARCH. BOYD R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. ronvevancer Appraiser, Valuator and Money T il\^ TWrts Vlortsases, Leases and ^Vllls l^lwfup andWiuSs 4ade on shortest nouee Charges very low. Ap^I^V^Ve. Money Lender Postmaster. Fl^erton. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Horses exam- ined for sound Ls«^c=^^i=^ hess and certi- tic animals. kj^^^^^^ficates given. Veterinary -Medicines Kept and Dispensed. CHAKGES MODEEATE. CAl^LS PKOMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, ItHLL STREET. Opposite Standard Office, MABKDALE. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done iu a workmanlike manner and ou very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solitited. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept. 28, 1886 F. J. RITCHIE. MONEY Simple To Loan on real estate security. Interest, low rat^s,^and^e^^y^t^erms. ^.j. Standard Office 6 FEB CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of ^^^^^S^"^^ CoBvevancer Postmaster, FlesherUn. STRAY_ STEER. CAME to tlie DiemiseB of R. Smith lot 108 3rd line east Artemesia. about the middle S pt asteerpiangtwo spottedred and white. Tlie owner is requestia t* prove proper^ pay • xpeuces and taks h'm. â-  â-  â-  â-  ' At thia Beason of tiiB ve«r it U very DAcefls- »T to kttp a bottle of West's Congh Syrup in tie Ikwe l^r ialdea eolda. Nothing ]jle CoiM Kkcnagie- .1 ' TO SGHOOLjrRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing 'an ex- eellent' assortment of Sohool Â¥^iTr*nitur*e« Consisting of SCaOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and- most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comf or t^nd compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand, bend for catalogue to Chatsworth P.O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. MONEY TO LOAN. ON real estate secnri^y, at low rate of interest, no commiBsion chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Conficlemtial, J. S. BLACK, 190 â-  Pomona, P, 0. FARM FOR SALE. IOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, J 100 acres, will be Sold eneap and on S 9j terms of payment, for farther partiealars apply on the prsmises.w by letter to J.B.BLCK, M04f. ' MfeMaa.r.o. MtiS^rn^ EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKERi FUHERIL FURNISHmeS supplied On the shortes notice. A. Sulendicl Hearse lor hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of-=â€" In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" LarRest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, \\ ill be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OFTHEHEAMrt ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH^ DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every spec'os ef c H ss oâ€" arteln* disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. fiTOM, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. f^ILDURU k go.. '^^•"•JSSSHTa BE SURE m CiTYOUR 1^/[L FKOM- 3, MARKDALE, He makes as good a pump as there is iu the market, and at the lowest possible prices, besides it is so cou- veuient for getting repairs besides when bn;iiig from a distance. Have some style about you and suuport home enterprise by buying from Quiun. ' ACENTS WANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men. NONE NEED BE IDLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL. We Pay either Salary or Commission. 1 i \(\ S^^^T MEN wanted at once to iv/v/ canvass for the sale of Canada Grown Nursery Stock. THE FONTHII^L NURSERIES. L.iRGEST IN CANADA OVER 400 ACRES Don't apply unless you can furnish first- elass References and want lo work. No reom for lazy men but can employ any number of energetic men wiio want work. Address STONE fe WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, Toronto, Out. FOE SALE. 4 THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL CALVES. AU from jiotecl fami- lies. WiU register in the Canadian Herd- Book. Inquire of H. Parker, Will You Suffeb with Dyspepsia and Live Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by R. L, Stephenr Druggist. Markdale. A World's best. West's Liver Pills cure liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache and indigestion. Sugar-coated. 30 pills. 2fc. All druggists. A Common Expression, â€" "I was troubled with liver complaint for three years, tried many remedies but never found hny that has done me so much good as Burdock Blood Bitters.' James Higgins East Templeton P.Q. National Pills are nnsu passed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, anting upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. Cbodp. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately rehevcd by Shiloh's Cuie. For stiile by R. L. Stephen, Druggist.Markdale. A The Right way- â€" The only proper way to cure a cough is to loosen the tough mucous or phlegm that clegs the bronchial pipes. This is why Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is the most successful remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. A DoTiBLE Purpose- â€" The popular remedy Hagyard's Yellov Oil, is used both internally and externally, for aches, pains, colds, croup, rheumatism, deafness and diseases of an in-: flammatoiy nature. A Good Inyxbtiient. â€" "I suffered with eruptions on my face for over two years, I detetmined to give Burdock Blood Biters a fair trial.SAfter taking four bottles, I can say it was the best inTestment I ever made. Jean Claney, Bflkaseioor, Manitoba. Delays are dangerons. Proenre a bottle of West's Cough Syrap at once and cure that troablesome haokiog coogh and sore throat, xdieviog pain and miaeiy. It is the honse- hold remedy for all throat and Ioor diseaie?, ,AJ1 dniggista. Markdale Roller Mill. FARMERS HAVING No. 1 WHEAT? •and preferring flonr from their own wheat, can get it by bringing twenty bushels or more. Flour always on Hand To give in exchange. "Baker's Patent" and best family flonr for sale. Retail price per bbl. »4.60. Three barrels or more, ?4.1i» to $4,25: SHORTS, per tbh $13.00 BKAN, " 1000 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wlUbt. J. W. FORD. Victor Roller Mills, n^ARKDALE. farmers are driving from one to twenty-four miles to the Victor Roller Mill, and are so highly pleased with tije results thai they always come back No waiting, or return trip necessary as you get your gjist home with you ev?ry time. No change made in the scale of exchange from the past. Parties wishing choice flour, be sure and go to Plewes Mill. Good mixed chop, bran ' and shorts always for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wlieat in the four townships, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- Tlie MarMale Standard Is issued every Thursday, by C. W. RUTLEDGE. Markdale, Oi.t.. Terms â€" ?1 per year in advance; 81.60 if not paid within six months. Professional and business cards one inch space and under, per year, 84. 1 TB. 6 MO. 3 MO. Whole column 850 00 827 50 815 00 Half column 27 00 45 00 10 00 Quarter column 15 00 10 00 G OC Two inch space .. 7 00 4 00 Three inch space .... 1 00 5 00 as ual advertisements 8 cents per line first in^;ertion, 3 cents per lire each subsequent iu.^ertion, nonvareil measure. Editoriiil notices, or notices in local col- umn. 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequent insertion. Stray animals c, advertised 3 weeks for $1 No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid except at the option of the publisher. X JOB PRIKTrN^G. The Standard office has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. All orders filled with dispatch. West's Cough Syrup, the household remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, bronchitis, hooping- copgh, asthma and con- sumption. 25c. 50c. and 81 per bottle. All diuggists, Fob lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Potous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by R. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A All enterprising druggists wishing to supply their customers with the best, keep West's Cough Syrup and recommend it, as it is the best made. Do not neglect a cold or cough, as it frequently results in consumption. You will find a never- failing remedy in West's Cough Syiup. All druggists. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for yon For sale by Rl L. Stephen, Druggist Makdale. A West 's World's Wonder or Family Liniment a sure cure for rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, bums, wounds and bruises. 25c. and 50c. All druggists. Catasbh Cure, health andj sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price, 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by R. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Yet she'd shirk no hSSSdTuW And she even had a hSl*^' O'er her face smiles chased «» i Like the sunbeams in the rS°*^«' And she never let her mother Sweep the steps or wash the cloth, Every hight the grand piauo fean^, responsive to thetouch- And this maid of charmiuT "â-  „ Oft made bread and i^etSid" es. such. She was fair of form and feature diamonds paled beneath her tU Yet this handsome, dazzlinf e? ^.^^^^ Lsed to mend her brother's paSs ?yseFl„ulLi„i,t,i ?t^e Fluid Liditnin^ fihtning.. I'lglitning, as Have you Topthache Us Have you Rhumatism Have you a Stiff oint Have you Neuralda r Use Fluia Have you Lumbago? Use Fluid TriT"" Are you troubled with Headacbe' u4 v|"^; Lightning. Haye you any Pain? Use y\l Licbtniug. It will cure yoa the inst«,, " is applied Tt it, 25c. p'er bottle at RL Sephen's Drag Store, Markdale. ' I WONDER. If North (Jre^r is any .safer to the party on account of Sir Johns recent visit to Owen Sound. If Reformers really despise him much as they profess. If they wouldn't be on^y too glad to have just such a leader. What does party really amount to any. vray, nowadays. If a mock parliament would succeed in Markdale.- Of course it .wouldn't do to let Dr, Sproule or Wm. Brown into it. They would gobble us all up. How many Markdaleites visited the brewery while in Owen Sound on Jlon- day week. And felt big after it. U. Bet. SEVENTT] )cal and encKS t» these coh ^tftuHvidmal or Soci 5 i line for the fi tiiU line tach sttbsei isentation not W and Silver i Cioch and I'ices Close, in OT'ICE. â€" Corr'.ipn}i s,. ifdvertineinftits, ,/â-  '.ht/moonon Tue.-^^duy week. THE LAST YEAR, 188G. After the abQ,-e year is ci.Jcd tLcre need be no more suffering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia Toothache, Headaciie, Luniliagoi or any acute pain, if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid Lightning, a.s it cures instantlT. Pain cannot stay where it is used. Tik name is Fluid Lightning. Sold by 11, L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. ' Prcprietary Jfledicincs. A visit to Dr. Green's La'ooratoiy, at- W^ooibury, N. J, has consiJerably chaaRei; our views, and especially our prejudices in regard to what are generally known as "Standard Patent Medicines." Of course we are getting to that age m life when we are forced to conclude Life itself is a Luaibng and naturally distruct anythiuf; that has act withstood long and tried experieces. Being a physican I had the curosity to know how Buch a sale cf two medical preparations conld. be sustained for so many years. The perfect system upon which tha business is conducted and the pharmaceutical arrangements for tie manufacture of two recipts with which we were made acquainted, are suificier.tly con- vincing to us that the Auodst Floweb, for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and Bos- cheb's German Sibup, for Throat and Im, Troubles, were for the complaints they we recommended, most excellent remedies, tsd only regret that in much of our practice, medical ethics prevent us form prefcribing them without making the formulas pubhc. When we were shown the great quantity of voluntary letters having been forwarded Dr. Green, from all parts of the coimt:?, smi from all classes of people, lawyers, ministers doctors, give a description of their aihnents, testimonials of their cures, etc., I leel liw endorsing Dr. Green's suggestion that tM Goyernment accept such valuable fonnnlM, and license them for general u^o by giâ„¢g protection to the inventor same as parems' generally.- Copied from N. Y. DrvgguU Circular of Oct., 1886. I-'fieigliiug. fleajttint weather. lusiness Foominff. olitics more interes ire wood moovin« eddings getting i libs. Raisins $1.00 fext Saturday is cai [bs. good Sugar $1.0C hoice Fruit of .all ents. UNxy Council in SALT RHEUM CURED, McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate us â- been tried and fcund to be the only poa"' cure for Salt KLume, Pimples, Blotches on the face or hands. Cuts, Burjis, Bruises, any Sore that nothing else will heal, McGregor Parke's Carbolic Certe. Price 25c. per box at R. L, Mai'kdale. Stepheu's Dru^ Store It from WHAT TRUE MEEIT WILL DO. The unprecedented sale of Bosc «- German Syrup within a few yeais has as- tonished the world It iswi-.i-out doubt tn^ safest and best remedv ever """"' the speedy and efiectual cure of to»_' Colds and the severest Lung trouble actsinanentirely different principle ^.^^^ the usual prescriptions giyen by â-  ^^ as it does notdryuptbc Cough and diseas still in the system, but on thee ^^ removes the cause of the trouble, l^a ^^^ part affected and leaves them m a F^ ^^^ healthy condition. A bo"' /J. jteir house for use when the disease m^^^^^ appearance, wUl save doctor s n ^^^ ^^ long speU of serioas^ lUness. _^ .^^j. convince yon of these facts, -i j, Bold by aU druggists and general m Price, 75 cts., large bottles. E-^- IMPORTl^Sf ^hfd b^" CooKSTOWK.-Mrs CampS j^^ troubled for a number of J^ ^^, ^inced» EACHEES WTNTED.â€" ns. i^esh Oysters the be [rs. Clement's. i lbs. bestgranulatec Garland's. [LK handkercliiefs ii G. Anderson's. I M. CuMMiNGs is ho n.. GRAND Overcoat fo land's. tLENELo Council w n hall on the 13th lbs. go©d Japan H IcFarlaind's OLLANS) Council m itre on the 13th Dei best Scotch Caj HcFarland's. BIT Monday, 6t] ill meeting at Fl J. McFakland, cords first class Bed's 20 lbs. the bun, come i '"OTH the barber IMondayâ€" fair da ^^H yards All 50c. per yard i '*sa for hides and le tannery, bring tJ 700 lbs. Tea via. "^y received at "siNEss BoomingI " goods at half ^Uss and Chinaw! '• Cr. Anderson's. " Maktha WeI '^y from a '^y department I '"^ticaUy dealt f sevi IS "w place framing 'Gallery. •*«« of stray 'ttwSTAW). ^y wanted. l'*.«»kind8ofrul ' he keeps] F" gesiion and CoMtipatioD, fry McGregor'sSp^y^3 ^^I^ that was needed, and ^,^iied. J use to any person sunua .^ invaluable remedy i| =•« i^tUe. Canada at 50c. and «1.WP II.L. Stephen's Drogo' part/ SoldJ* J^' At •Berkeley, xooran Rob r** *hop©B

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