Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Nov 1886, p. 5

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 r-'-^ -*,;**F»igfc^."7-, f«- • un Pac- im. 1^ b It I I none i° tment, I ^A, f5. 7m\ ed onl in I t door l et, is P«^l on Bhor*| dxargps- ited. e malt o^^ Jan. 1887^ \Jt i i i n i ij| ii «jin i j j««w lUr. Elliett^s IjCtter. jli. Epitok, â€" For reasons Ineednot name, I with great rela"-tance, notice Mr. EJiiott's orotix. and to a considerable cxt«nt«irreTaient, letterâ€" and but for its notable contortions, gnd incidental accomplices, â€" no reply would be necessarjâ€" perhaps it is not generally known that ^he -Union Standard" of Tnom- bary and Bob Myies, have been playing the same game, and appealed to the Ex-Deputy Beeve of Artemesia, for advice â€" heuce, I bare the transparent, Lively triplet Elliottl Miles aud tar A-ell, to do, what any honorable person disdains â€" What evidcDtly g^ves point to Elliott's extraordinary, production is liis recent, defeat, he illy brooks its crushing effect, and is out of sorts, because the Town- ship thinks less of Km than he thinks uf him- self â€" The Beeves cliair has been bis ambition, for yearsâ€" and if by any means he could (laaiage. his character, he seems to be any- toUy's humble servant â€" ^But I shall show he has written without connting the cost â€" ^^He gays, the "celebrated letter' "was written by me, as a public one"â€" of which, however, I Lave no knowledge â€" The lettei was a sealed tins loBM the benditot gadi tains as may have faUan moeh sooner than, with' eheltac, would have been the case. There is, too, another an«l very important caose. The presence of woods tends so to distribate the yearly rainfall, as to glTe, doling the growing season, many refreshing showers â€" showers which woold otherwise have added their amount to the heavy rains of spring and summer which are of eoorse,, not so valuable. These reasons have given foundations for the statement made by those who have con- sidered the subject that a country one-third or even one-fonrJi in woods will give more crops with less labnr than one totally cleared. I woold suggest that it should « the en- deavour of every one to keep some portion of forest on his farm. To do this, it will be found of very great assistance to exclude cattle. If necessary a portion of jroods may be reserved for them, but not the portion it -WHERE- oneâ€" it was addressed to A. Elliott only â€" I jg intended should remain in permanent .Bimply one councillor to contained L^^^^j ^^j^ j^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ 4^vi^ons to a conversation witli a third party " 4^vi^ons to a conversation witli a third party and which "pinched" as he alleges-it contained uo authority, for inspection or transference to a third party. It contained certain promises, oi obhgations from myself â€" viz. to support a motion in Council, for "a grant" â€" the grant had been previously spoken of, in his presence at the Council board, viz. 8 100 â€" Bat for reasoiis, directly to be mentioned, this innocent Deputy â€" requires "special marks" â€" t.o-.denolc;l3 privacy. The Council remem- bers, and he remembers, that in his presence, the Keeve, spoke of and explained thoroughly, regarding;, this communication adressed to iiim â€" Then it wasA private letter to ail in- dents and purpose? â€" no one thought of it in â- any other aspuct â€" Would'nt a considerate councillor, [Lave seizeu the opportunity, to imprebs his confreres of its import, and possible results and in the face of his allegements,iBhenot guiity of gross derelic- tion â- ? and if such grave consequences were impendiuK â€" should he not have introduced motion, to meet Euphrasia in her expenditure But far from tliis, he did not inform us, that he was a party in letting the workâ€" so under- stood by Mylesâ€" that he Elliott inspected it and gaveiuierm certificates on Euphrasia ior payments â€" which was first learned by ihe writer so late as the trial at Owen Sound. Why were not mterm certihcaies issued against Artemesia, if S3 be, as stoutly argued â€" my letto|rmacle Artemesia equally liable What rational personâ€" whatever might have been ^the uecessitieE â€" would have assumed so large an undertaking without the usual authority Ail the intimation, all the author- ity, cousisied in one soUtai^ and ominous sentence, "they are going on with that work." not we â€" no joint action asked. And not- withstanding it was in hand for months â€" and this representative Councillor supervising it no further information was received â€" until the uotablebillfor the work, he had been direc- ting, was placed upon the Council table â€" One would have thought now that a Uttle man- Imess would have been displayed 1 not a bit ol it â€" Every member, cried sname, at the un reasonable expenditure â€" And my good man went tor repudiation, with the rest of us â€" no motion, nothing to vindicate his subsequent actions was attempted by him. Up to this point, he eviueully was in harmony with his confreresâ€" but a change occurs â€" Euphrasia IS sued â€" The opportune time has arisen, for defamation and treachery â€" the private letter has become a public one â€" the hand of the traitor is seen and contrary to every thing honorable my letter is found passed, to do service against the Council and myselfâ€" and to climaxjthe Doctors rascality, with sinister motives of the most hedious character, he says the Dr. swore that he did not sign the letter as lleeve-^andat same time suppressed, willlully, the fact, that the lapsus, was rectifi- ed there and then and the letter acknowledged in its entirety. I confess I can find uo words equal to the, infamous and open attempt at. the Township's chief officer's character. Which he lor previous, personalfavors, should have deleuded. Not enabled to point his linger to any Municipal irregulaiity or de- fault â€" to hide his own, defects in the matter under discussion, and so prominently set forth he resorts to meanness and deception to fasten the blunders Of him aud his accom- pliees on myself â€"How far he succeeds, the people can judge â€" ^in conclusion, let me say the ruling of the judge, made it clear that they acted injudiciously â€" in opperatiiig with- out authority and procured no weight in this case at court as those who were there, well know â€" Mr. £. disingeniously suppresses the for to mention it â€" would be to reproductive condition, it phonld retain its soft leaf-bed over the ground, and shonld have a great many young trees springing up in all directions ready to replace the older ones in time, and in the meanwhile, Jto pre- vent the forest bed drying np and gettintt into grass, and to shade the trunks of the larger trees from sun and wind. Both of these objects, cattle if allowed admittance, will destroy they will trample and harden the leaf -bed and destroy the young trees. I would also recommend the planting of lines of evergreen trees along the exposed sides of a farm â€" say the north aud west. These have proved of very great service in protecting the fall wheat and clover in winter, by dim- inishing the drifting ot snow, and have also been of much assistance in giving shelter from wind both in winter and summer. Eyergreena are easily propogated if planted in the last week in May or the first ^in June, and care taken to keep the roots covered and mois« between digging and planting. Tours, c., R. W. Phipps. The Best Combination. â€" The best com- bination of blood cleansing, regulating health giving herbs, roots and barks enter into Burdock Blood Bitters â€" a purely veget- able remedy 'that cures diseases of the blood liver and kidnies. Euphrasia Council. The Cooncil met pursnaut to adjoarn ment on Oct. 30th, 1886 Members all present â€" ^minntes of last session of councillread and confirmed The Eeeve and Mr. Boyd, were in- stracted, to get fence erected in front of the site for Township Hall. Mr. Boyd was authorized to make improvements on 9 and 10 side road con. 9 and 10, â€" By-law- No. 874, appointing polling places and Deputy Beturning Officers, carried through the different stages and passed. The Reeve and Mr. Fawcett were ap- pointed to get repairs made on 8rd line at lot 12. Moved â€" Seconded â€" ^And Carried, that the collector be instructed to return his Roll on or before the 25th November The Treasurer was authorized topiave the Tovraship Hall, insured in the Sydenham Insurance Company. The Treasurer was instructed to pay for the Selection of Jurors as follows viz. to the Reeve $4.00 Asse ssor $4.00 Clerk *6. The Reeves Orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as, follows, viz. John Clugston, $11 2 Culverts on 4th line Abraham Crabtree,910 work on 7th; doyoa get the best value for your money? â€" 4Tâ€" StepMs Drag Store! 'â- - â€" WHO has the largest stock of patent medicine intoirn? Stephen, tbe Droggist â-  WHEREâ€" do you see the best assortment of T ooth-Jtirushes, and Brnshes of all kinds? -^â€" ATâ€" Stephen's Drag Store! WHO keeps the largest stock of Pipes and Pipe- Mounts Stepkntte Sro^st. SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! NOTE PAPER NOTE PAPER of the best quality and the place to get it is at STEPHEN'S Drug Store. R.L.Stephen. CKto l%fti*s« Olement's MAREDALE FOR. Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys Games Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. Special attention to the Dress- maknig department. The latest fashions and neat fits guaranteed. Dunlop's Block, MARKDALE. imim STOCK -OF WATCtlES^ CLOCKa, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, C., Just received at JAS. G. RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. A fine stock to select from in such lines as the famous' Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, which wc^sell from 99.00 up while other dealers ask from #12.00 np, iook to your own interests and bay at the noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, it will pay you to come 26 miles to do so. All Repairs personally attended to by Ruasill the Boss Watchmaker and Jeweler of this District. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. No trouble to show goods at the NOTED JEWELRY STORE, Flesherton. JAS. 8. RUSSELL. Judges ruling, lor lo uit^uuii *« â€" ..v»u». «« «, tt v. n *n en a i. r exonerate myself and Council; and show his Ime, Hugh Curry, $2.50; fixtures for situatiou and arguments completelj' abortive â€"In one sense I smoerely regret this episode â€"I have treated him always coarteoualyâ€" lorgaTe much â€" but, I am bound to sustain and vindicate my character at all hazards. Da. Chbisiox. OQrForesttftlie Great Assistaitt t« Fertility. To the Editor of the STAynABO. Bib,â€" I shonld like to address a few words to your readers on a yery important subject â€" that of the relation of forests, woods, or even •of lilies of trees to the fertiUty of the adjacent 'and. It has been thoroughly observed and is a ma»er of history that those countries «uch as Syria, Spain, parts of Italy and Prance, and many another where forested W was altogether or chiefly deprived of its trees, ^ew less and less fertile, some portions '^coming altogetheT: barren. And this being •bceryed, some of these, by replanting, are "^ow, after about fifty years of gradual im- provement, becoming fertile again. The reasons are these. Where a country .^ deprived of its trees, rain falling, passies **ay at once oyer the surface in torrent/i '^rrying with it much of the best soU to the ^6s s,u(j rivers. Where woods abound, Moisture is held for a long period, passing Sradnally away in creeks, water eonrsaa and numerons underground channels of fte **^. thus pret erving the ground its Rreat. *^«stant to grouthâ€" its natufal moisture ^vire, too, there is no shelter fnm rapid ^ds, ground dries out very quickly, and Town Hall, Bufus Wickens, 4^3.40 balance on i^proaches to bridge, George Crinckshanks, $2.50; work on bridge «nd scraper, W. Hewgill, Esq., t4.00 to pay for work on town line, William Brown, $29.00 work on 11th line at lot 10, Thomas Bassett, $1.50 work on town line Holland, James Smith, 50c. removing- stumps from road, Jsonea Falls, $4.50 work in hall stove pipes freight c., Bobert Allen, $15.00 work on 3 4 side line, and $9.80 work on blind line between 8rd 4th con's, Irwin Fawcett. $1.00 removing timber from 6 7 side lines, George Graham, $6.90 repairing bridge on 4th line, Henry Ellis, $2.50; repairing bridge on valley road. Coimcil adjourned nstiU the last Saturday in NoTember neiit. BoBVtT DxrsLOT, Clerk. TORONTO -:- HOUSE MARKDALE. New Bakery. I would resp artfully intimate to the in- habiiance of Markdale and surrounding country that I have opened in MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keef on lumd a good supply of BBEAD, SCONS. BUNS, CAKES A PASTRY Of my owii manufacture, also BtSCaiTS 4 eOHFeCTIONMRY. ORANGES. LemOMSr « BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of public patron- age, and tmst by honest dealing and dose attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Tours respectfully, 291 W. M. SPEER- D?E.CMSTS FoKTie LIVER BLOOD Stomuh To Consumers Doalors IN ohjs. Buy the Empire Oil Go's RQIU P/UME LWHT lUummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOR, E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Mannfactorers and Refiners, ^O^ONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. AND Fbkkxan's Wobm Powbbiw are safe in all They destroy and raoova worm injohildren or adnlta. â-  • « â-  Paw Low's Haoio Siruaoa Sa*p.~Heai- ina smoothing and eleanangf»att eruptive d^eases of the skin. DaUgbtfBl fortoilet nne. A BAStesi. OHAve*.â€" Daniel SnIfivaD. of MMBora, Ont., tskwpbasnre m reeommead- ing Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia. It cured him after yaars of suffering. Frcwa being a sceptic he 's mjf a confingfdb^eyer i« that medij»pe. We are now offering extraordinary bargains in Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, and fancy suitings, â€"ATTRACTIVE AND STYLISHâ€" Men's all woolTweed Suits $6.00up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 upwards. Boys and Youths Suits and Overeoats $3.00. TO i^A.riJE:s. Wool Shawls and Mantle Cloths in the latest styles and patterns. Boots Shoes from the finest Eid to the serviceable Stoga suitable for all classes. With us the "Tea" busi- ness is a specialty, 4 lbs. very choice Japan tea $1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dost" of the last May pickings a i^lendid article for the phce. Customers requiring ordered Boots k Shoes may rely on being served with despatch as another workman has been added to the staff. No exr pense will be spared in promptly meeting your wants, and as in the past nothing but the best material will be used m the shop, and prioes will be kept down to the lowest paying figures. JS" GIVE US A CALL. WiiirBROWN, Nov. 1886. ' DftNDEUOK Canuiin Pacific R.R. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, July 28th, 1886. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Notiee» ofBirtkg, Mtumm§e», amd DeatlU, tmentM five eenU. DEATHS- • Wiuuia^â€" In QkaaOg on the I8th intt. Blixabeth wiie of Mr.Bobk. WilfiMns. aead 62 yeaa... ' 'â- â-  â- .â- .,. J.. !â- -...-' ±i 'it Singors and public spMkara win find per- feet relief for all ttiroat diJBeiilties in tiie use of West's Cough Sy^np. InfiOUbls Blood Pmifler, Tmie, Dtntetla Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsi*. BiliooaaeM, Jaundice, ' JLiver Complaint, Bhenmatiam, all Kidney Diaeues, Sciaftila, Diaeaaea pecoliar to Femalea, Salt Bheam. Ecaema and aU Skin Diaeaaea, He ada oto Palpitation ot the Heart, Sour Stomach and Botat Bun. Purely Vegetable. Jomi C. wksT Co., Tannto, Ont. m liUESS SIOF. R. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabit-ants of the sur- rounding countiy that he has opened a genersJ harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE. where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and ^AVY HABKESS, long and short tugs, 8TBAW 0OLLAB8. WHIPa, COMBS. BBU8HB8. HABNESS OIL Ac I will use only first class material and those requiring anythinj; in the harness line will find it to theur interest to call at the naw harness diop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Bepalring done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soheiting a shioe of pnUie patronage. I am respeetfnllv yours. R. CARNAHAN. THE CHEAPEST YET lÂ¥e Sell as we Adwertiee. AUV/iaRDS//OF//FURWTUK will he sold doae to wholesale prices |Qr Thi Mxf Tkfarfy Itys. Having a huge stock of Fnraitwe inm different firm* gives eoatomvB a mad dianoe to ehooee vriiat th^ want. AU)iMstf PICTURE FRAMING :^ d(Mi» at loweat rates. We aho )iav« ««£rhand alatgeatMkQf ^^W^ Toronto.... Leaye.. Cardwell Junction,. Orange- 1 Arrive. ville. [Leave...., Orangeville Jun. Shelburne.......... Dundalk Flesherton Markdale.. Berkeley Holland Centre..... Chatsworth Owen Sound... Mail. 7 45am 925" 1006 '• 10 20" 10 32" 10 58" 11 22 " 11 47 " 1202pm 1214" 12 28 " 12 38 " 1 05 " Exp. 450pm 680 " 7 03" 7 22" 7 34 8 04 8 30 8 56 9 10 9 22 " 9 32" 9 49' 10 20 •• GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound Chatsworth Holland Centre Berkeley Markdale Flesherton Dundalk Shelburne Orangeville Jun Oramte. Arrive ville.. f Leave Cardwell Junction Toronto .. Jirrive COMBINATION OFFER I SA VE MONEY! -THI- f« r^_ rhuh Will be rapfplied ta ttew tharrinf«|9t «• with their ear ton, at .|vw piuea. Atoo 1 HiilABSB i«!go^otioik COLEMM 4^ HAMTOiir 8TANPARO r-AND TKK ftnral CAMAiriAH. Prom now till^ j Bt January, 1888, FOR THE si^ijL SUM OF Sf.50. By an amigemeLt wit^ the publisher of theJiufaICai«a»aa.nowu» its tenth year ofpnbhcation,%eaareembkNl to offer both PTS'iSi •^•^- The««ulM price of the ThoBrntfCooadianisamonthlyilhistrated tnagazme fttt tfa# Kam aud Hoaw. The ioDowianaie the kadinj; Department. :-v *tom and fidd; Hoprsas and Cattle; The Dairy: Shaim and Swine; Owtden and- 0»Bfcard Bees and BaimV Awltty awTr ^^.^W^R^^W* Htsite; loan* WI» ^i«^«md.Us«W^mfc iM^ MioiMia wAtii seveial yfanfsSbnoripHoB IS-STJBSC^lto J3(Wq SI 1 1J ii ' 'I i 'Â¥^ V

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