Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Nov 1886, p. 4

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 t Hif immpM m M â-  •v.-ai**-^ â- --." I The Stattdad. O. W. Kutledge, Publisher. MARKDALE, NOV. 26. 1886, Holland Centre. From our otcn corretpondent. Mr.'iRobert Timson, passed away oo the 17th inst. at the af;;e of 82 years He claimed through life to be a Free- thinker, but those who waited on him during his last hours say he called for mercy. He had formed his opinions from reading that kinds of books and hearing lectures. Me. Camerov, our township reeve is to have opposition at the coming election iu the person of Dr. Oldham of Chats- worth, while James McComb is^said to likely oppose Mr. Shute the deputy. The candidates for councillors are too numerous to mention yet. ' That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by ShiloJi's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by E. L. Stephen, Druggist, Marx dale. A ITIeatord Road. From our own Correspondent. Mr. Pritchard has started storekeep- ing at Vandeleur. H The nimrods of this Dart'had a competi- tion for game on Thanksgiving Day. S; Gilbert and W. Eells were captains, the former winning the day. Another couple captured by cupids cunning courtesy R. Smith and Miss Osborne this time. The Wesley Church was re-opened, after painting audca Icomining last Sun- day followed by a tea splash on Tuesday evening. EUen, second daughter of Mrs. Merrick died on the 9th, after suffering severely for some time with inflamation of the ungs. The^e is no necessity of passing a sleepless nigh; and annoying the entire household with that cough as West's Congh Syrup will cure you like magic, The best known remedy â-  for coughs, colds, consumption in its early stage, and all throat and lung diseases. All druggists. 25c., 50c. and $1 per bottle. maxwell. From a Corregpondent. Miss Jane Madill, who lived on the Gravel Road a mile and a quarter west of our town, and who has been very low some months with cancer, died last Monday evening, and was buried on Thursday afternoon in the English Church burial grounds. There was a large attendance of fiends, and the sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Ward. Miss Madill suffered ereat pain, and her body was wasted away to simply a skeleton. Her age was about 40. Our sympathies are with her bereaved rela- tives. Mr. Charles Drummond, of Owen Sound has been engaged by our trustees to take our school next year, at a salary of «3.80. On Sunday the 7th, Mr. George Harrison was made happy in the additi- on of ahoy |m his family. Congratula- tions, George. There was a big time "so I hear among about half-a-dozen residents and others last Wednesday evening. A nicely .wrapped up parcel of "ever-be-joyful" was seen procured in the early evening and as the time wore on it was freely imbibed, but it did not agree with some it appeared. Later on, however they paid a visit to one of our merchants and tried to get some eatables; but the hos- tess had retired and would not get up so nine hosts had to prepare the beef, Dotatoes, c himself and, some sitting on the floor, and, some otherwise, they partook heartily, about fifteen pounds of the beef being consumed, so the story goes. When they all got home I can't say. There was a very successful social here at the Manse on the evening of the fifth. Quartely service was* held in the Methodist Church last Sunday. I could give you perhaps a little more news, but I must stop, as some people are so inquisitive. Flesiien^B. ifTomowroicneormtomdeM. Tharaday last. Thanksgiving day, was daly obscryed by. our citizens, basin- ess being suspended in almost every line. Tbanksgivuig service »s held in the Presbyterian ^harch in the afternoon and Methodist Oborch at night. At a congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon to consider the organ qnes- tion application being made by some of the members of the chnroh for the use of the organ to assist the choir and congregation in the Psalmody. After some discussion, a vote was taken, which was ahnost unanimous mfayor of the introduction of a organ. Professor MorgSn and his little daughter Fairy gave a very pleasing Concert in the Town Hall here under the auspices of the Lacrosse Team of this place on Thursday evening last On account of the eaclemency of the weather the turn out was not as good as it would otherwise have been, but tboae who were present were favoured with a very enjoyable evenings enter- tainment A. FawcetcEsq,, occupi- ed the chair. Professor Morgan pur- poses locating here for a time after the New Year, and forming a class for yocal music. Dr. Chris toe occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church here^on Sabbath morning last. Professor Morgan and little daughter Fairy spendmg the Sabbath in our village, were invited to sing at the evening service in the Methodist Church this being made knov7u before the hour of service the church was cro wded and filled to its utmost seating capacity. The Kev. Mr. Ayers preached a short and very interesting sermon entitled "what good do I receive from being a christian" the sermon,througlJOut was replete with practical truth; during the service Fairy and Professor Morgan sang two Solos each and a Duet the audience were charmed with the sweet music. Professor Morgan has a very fine and cultured yoice. Fairy is very sweet on notes not too high or her, has a very strong voice hut on the high notes her voice is shrill. Mrs J. L. Wright who has been spending the summer with her iam^y in this locality, leaves this^ week %r St. Louis, U. S. there to spend the winter months trith her sons iu the more balmy climate. Geo. Moorehouse Esq. who formerly resided here, has again returned from Detroit with his family. We under- stand he purposes opening out in the Milhnry business at Flesherton Sta- tion. Sbiloh's CknoH and Gonstunption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cores Con- sumption. For sale by B. L. 'Stephen, Drug- gist, Markdale. A TO THE PUBLIC. Thzbb is NnTHnro r ikk n.â€" There is no one remeily oSFered to safferiuff humanity 'Whose nsi is no aniveraally and froqiieat^ «3 Ui»;,'yftr t's Y -How Oil, for rheuaatiam SaiLoa'iiViTAUKaHwiMl j«in need for neuralgia. coIOs. spie throat, deafues3' «rottp CoustipatioB^ Lobs of Appetite, Dixzinms flimltag.), and aches paiiw, Uineneso wail «nc! nil symptoms of Dvapspmi^ Eriee ti mcn-fes of «It Inais, uhou iatL:iia!Iy anJ aud 7r cents per bottle. ' For sale bv R L Jitorualiy tiscHl. Stepljen, Druggist, Markdale. ' ' Twenty-one years have come and gone since I commenced business in Markdale, audit becomes my pleas- ing duty to return sincere thanks to my numerous customers for their liberal and constantly iucreasiiig patronage during that period. Having this season erected new business premises, into which I have just moved, I am now better than ever prepared to supply the increasing demand for a genuine article in my line. I shall continue to use the best stock in the market, and employ the best mechanics which can be procured, so that my customers and the public can rely on an article that will give genuine satisfaction. Having more room to display my goods, I have now a large stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness, as wdl as a full as- sortment of Horse Clothing, Whips, Brushes, Combs, dec., c., together with all sizes Trunks and Valises, at prices to suit the times. A cordial invitation is extended to all, to give us a call in our new premises. Hoping that our business relations may continue to be aatislaetoty and mutually profitable. I uu respectfully, XHOS. l^THEWS, AMERICAN WATCHES IN GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER, and Silver-ore cases. 7, 11, and 16 jewelled, from 18.50 to ♦41.00 war- ranted fine timers. I can do better by customers on these goods, than any other dealer in Central Grey. Grade, case and warrant consid^- ed. New lines in Chains, Rings, Bar Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, atnd Necklets. FiNB STOCK-Clocks and Silverware also Musical Instruments, Watches, Clocks, c., carefully repaired. r GOODS AND WORK WARRANTED. A Beliable Jeweller, MARKDALE, HiHHOTI mil, Markdale. We are opening up a choice and finely selected stock of Fall and Winter GOODS at surprisingly LOW. PEIGES, while all goods remaining of Mr J. B. Trimble's stock we will run off at a slight advance on cost. Our Stock of Dress Coods s the finest ever 6hov;'n in thie part of the country. Call and examine our Wool Goods. AH iNVrrATION to ALL When you visit Markdale ""'â- ' '.ONEEY, T( Block, Marlidal don't faU to call at the new BOOK STATIONERY, TOY piv^ GOODS and WALL-PAPER Sfcrre, Reynolds' Tiiâ€"i- ' ' **^^CY. to the Mansion House, where ycru wUi see a full and complex "' stock of the above gxxds. TOSS'S! TO^X^SI TOYSS: in great variety, Dolls ail sizes and prices from 6 cents to $1.25. Aq' 3, variety of Goods suitable for Birthday and other preseutatjoa ' comprising Autograph and Photograph Albums, Birtbday ' Cards, Vases, a splendid variety, Perfumery, Sets Moustache and Tea Cups, Children's Mugs, Ladies' Leather Bags, from 60c. up. Violins, Accordians, Mouth Organs, Flutes, Writing Desks, Ladies lukB Papeteries, c., School supplies in full variety, also a large assortment of ' Drawing Utensils, Paint Boxes, Childs Companious, c., c All the Fashion Journals not in stock obtained to order on short notic A large stock of sheet music and musife books kept constantly on hanj First instalment of wall paper just to baad, oyer one thousand pieces fto five ceots per Roll. A stock of Bibles and Psalms, secured at from regular prices. Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hjmn and Psalm Books in lar A. DINSMOBE, Proprietor. 16 to 20 per cent befcv vanety Don't fail to call. M/ff^KDALE R FACl! we are TO THE FRONT, having just opened, in GENTS* and LAD- IES' a choice lot of PERSIAN LAMB and ASTRACHAN, and other Fashionable Furs. Boots Shoes we show a very LARGE STOCK and will not be undersold; call and be convinced. Ready-made Clothing, Dont forget that we give 25 percent off anything in Reaby-mada Suits. See OTir $5 Overcoats. J. G. Anderson, Successor to J.R. Trimble. Having erected and flitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fae- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everrthin? bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Hollof Bate, FRAMES, UTH, FERCE PICKETS, e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noDein Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department, I would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Oareful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOgJ. ]\lc]VEA. LIVER.Y. FARM FOR SALE. SOUTH half of lot 14. con. 21 Euphrasia Smiles from Markdale 100 acres. 60 acres cleared with dwelling boose and stable there on, good well. Will be sold cheap and on very eagy terms Possession given in October 1888. For further particulars apply at this offiee- or to 991- J3HN EATON. ^^*-^ Epping.P.O. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuiRL TRAVELLERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WJVI. T;«tYbOR, fROPRIETOR. ESTRAY SHEEP, TI'BOMthepremises of Thomas Dunma, Jl lot 67, E. T. S.B.. Holland, about ^e first week m October, 4 Sheep, one ?w^ •??,* J**^ ^*"*®- Information tnat willlead to their recovery will be rewarded. THOMAS DIMMA, Berkeley, P. O. 8246 CAME_ESTRAY. TO Tm: premises of James Bruce, lot 15, con. 10, J^iUand, in Jnne last »two-ywc-old steer, spotted red and white alsoAboatthefirstoi AuguBt. four year W «rf which three aie rteers spotted red a«d white, and one a «ed heite. TheowMroan liav» tiiem by P»yM»g «!•*-**â€" ' iiaiyaiik,pto. 324.6 Db. Low's WonHSTKurwili remove kinds of worms from cliildren or aiults. ell MOBTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Village Property, Under and by virtne of a Power of Sale contain- ed m a certidn mortgage which will be nrodnced at the time of sale, were will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 27th day of November, 1886, by J. W. Monow,Esq., auctioneer at the "Markdale Bouse" in the VilULge of Mark- dale, at the hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon, the following lands and premiBeB. namely,â€" All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the "Milage of Markdale (otherwise Cornwoss), in the Township of Olenelg, in the County of Grey, in the Province of Ontario, containing the fifth of an acre more or less, b^ng composed of a part of lot number one hundred in the first concession south west of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad, in the aforesaid Township, and which may. be more particularly known and described as ViUage Ijot number twelve on tfaenortb westerly side of Mill Street and fronting thereon as shown on a plan of said village madeby A. Maenab, Esq.. P. Ii. S., registaredin the Bei^stry office for tfa South Biding of tile County of Grey afmresaid. • On the premises above described is a small plaster dwelling house with kitchen attached in fair state of repair. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms and conditions rf saleâ€" Twenty per cent of the purchase money to be paid to ttie vendors soUcitors at the time of sale, soAoiait with the saidtwentyper cent tomake OBhalf of the pur- chase money within two months thereafter, and the balance to be' secured by first mortgage over le above premises wittiiBiareBt at tiie rate of per cent per aonnm payalide half yearly. ' For farther partlonUnrs apply to J. W. BSbrrow. Esq., Dundalk. or to MessA. Mnlock, Tilt, Miller andCrewther, t Vendors SolieitacB. CUSTOM WEMIfl^- THE subscriber having oi'ened on» u the weavinK business ""t door Haskett Bros, on Elizabeth Street. mP^ pared to do aU kinds of ^f "f 8 "JT g- Goodworkandmoderate^^ Teacher Wanted FOB School Section '-.}^'^^^^ holding a 3rd class (^rtificate ^1887. female. Duties to commence wi •"»• Apply Btatinp salary to JOSEPH MANABEY, Secretary. Gorii«.P-0- Kovsmber 8. 1S86. 9»Kiq|(SlneCEast, :- ^-' Toronto. TEMCHER WAHTED. I Holdivg t))«d elfiss jnrtifioal^ lor $.8eekioaiNo. 16-, XpphcMria. Duties lb o rnnmnh oe Is* JEMnMy; Ayffystatiiig ^«tty to « ^AMBSEUaOTT, Secfc-Trew., 324-C MwrWiae, P. 0. Teaclier jf 3rdcl£^8 certificftfe eonu salary to 822$ ^antei commence IsJ Jauuary 1887. Apply stating «-'"'"'-M"i-f-«- STEATBD! 322-5 nr.i s'jIi'iiDrroB,- I irMi great rel Br0tix.andtoa( letterâ€" and but gttd incidental t be â- eeessaryâ€" joiosm that the buy and Bob ]\ m»e game, and Beeve of Artei faw« the transp Miles Mid Far .v( person disdains to Blliott's extr reoent, defeat, dieet, and is nu ^hip thinks less mUâ€" The Beeve icff yearsâ€" »nd daina^ie, his cha body's bnmble s has written witl 8a3rs,'tiie "celeb me, « a public have no knowle( one â€" it was adc loniply cue coun i^ltuidons to a CO .and which '*pincl po authority, fo: to a third pa promises, or obL support a motioi the grant had b( iiis presence at tl JBat for reasoiis, innocent Deputy tOvdenoicit? priv hers, and he i en the Beeve, spoke regarding, this e iiim â€" Thenii wa Xents and pnrpos «ny otlier aspuc councillor, [have imprebs his cou possible results alleKements, is he tion and if sucl impending â€" siiou motion, to ineut J â-  But far from this he was a party in «tood by Myles â€" and gaveinterm t jmyments â€" wliicli writer so late as t Why were not agamst Artemesit â€" ^my leUo|rmade What raiioual pei â- heeu ]the ueuebsi "so large an mide: authority All tin ity. consissed in sentence, ' ' they ai not we â€" no joint withstaudiuK it wi this representativ' no furiher inforn: the notable billfor ting, was placed u would haye thoug liness would have of it â€" Every mem reasonable expend went tor repudiati motion, nothing t actions was attemt point, he evioeutl] confreres â€" but a is sued â€" The oppc defamation and tr Jias become a pub traitor is seeu anc honorable my le eervice against th( to climaxjthe Doc: motives of the u says the Dr. swor letter as Beeve^^i -willlully, the fact, ed there and then in its entirety. I equal to the. iufa the Township's Which he for prev have delended. finger to any Mi fault â€" to hide hii Tuder discussioi forth he resorte to fasten theblui pliees on myself- people can judge- the ruling of the they acted injud oat authority au oaae at court as knowâ€" Mr.E.di Judges ruling. f( exonerate mysel situation and ar â€"In one sense 1 â€" ^I have treated feigave much â€" 1 and vindicate m OvirForesti To the Editor o| Bni,â€" I shoi to year readers! ^iiatof'therelai «fline8 of trees] ^d. It has a* a matter of •"^t as Syria,] "â- 'â- 06, and mf "«d was altoge] .**•â- â€¢Â» grew leas I â- tMiiiiingsltog^ **««yed, somt "^t after abot ^â- â€¢*aiwnt,l Jfcemawms i **I«ivedof ii T"*^ ** once i ^^^»og with ij f^kas and riy ^^iitare is hell Hiai lit to • fraood

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