Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Nov 1886, p. 1

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 at6ia£e " HEW TO THE LIKE, LET TEE CHIPS FALL "WHERE THEY MAY.' ;i;EVEXTH YEAR.-Xo. 325. MARKDAUE, ONT., l^OTEMBEB 25, 1886. C. W. RXJTLEDGE, Publisher. ai anil Other Hems. I '»Ti("' 'â- â- ' f '^e coluniiiiiiitendedtobenefit i,^ imiiiuihdl (ir Socivtji tcill be charged ten ,,(,•,! ' "" for tJie first ingertion and five ,a lii'i' "firli siihe]i:ent intertion. S^1 FORI Mentation Purposes. â€"» â-  â-  old and Silver Watches, Fancy Clocks awd Silverware. |?rices Close, in plainfigures. MABKDALE. SOTICE.â€" Correspondence, cojnmunica- rnji,. AdvertiKcmnit.-' dx,, mnst be in thi$ lice by noon cti Tuenday to insure publication Mhjt Wfek. Jlild weatlier, Good â- svlieeling. :â-  " Business loisk, Politics booming. Municipal interest increasing. Lots of Salt at Anderson's. A CuTTKH for sale see J. G. Anderson Master W. L. Davis is home from ilcaford. MiLLiGAN Brotlicrs will have a credit a'e iiGxi ilouday. A jair of good ^voolen mits (lost) were oft at I Lis cflicc for an owner. JIks. Bust's house m Durham was de- itro^ed by fire last Siinday week. Cash for hides and skins at the Mark f: iile tannery, bring them along. A T^vKEn Suit at Anderson's for jfj, ask to see that suit for $6.95. JIastek James McRee, is Tisiting friends ^^ear Cookstown. W. J. McFarland, wants this winter 000 cords first class stave bolts. Angus Beaton returned to British lolumtiia last Monday. Navigation has closed for the season ||ia Bells Lake. Call and see J. G- Anderson's wool wis, cash $1.00; best value ever yet iffered. FoK ail kinds of rabbersfgoto McLeod's Ifhoe store, he keeps the best in the I -narket. â-  EvEtY department of Canadian farm- f^ag practically dealt with in the Hueal 'aXADIAN. â-  Cheapest place in the county for Sctlue framing is at the Markdale I Photo Gallery. Colored Eyeglassesand Spex, Goggles, "idiuj,' Bow Spex and Spex cases at W. i. Brown's Jewellry, Markdale. Kemembee that J. G. Anderson can 1 itityou in Furs the largest and cheapest Sock in to\vn to select from. ilRs. K. McKinnet of HoUand left on i â- ionday to spend the winter with friends tte North -West. Sir John, will be at Orsuigeville next Monday, ^vhere great preparations are '«ng made for him. â-  " :.â- â-  -J off clothing at J. G. Anderson's, '^aud see that Black Worsted Suit for '-W; worth $10. Wasted.â€" 2000 cedar piles 30 feet " '^vith bark on, dehvered at Berkeley '^^ Markdale Stations. G. S. Bowes. ^•^ large quantity of the celebrated I'^ordAxe, the best in the market, J ^^ at right prices. Hill Bros- ^« meal and Corn naeal arriving every p*^t and sold by cwt. or lb. at Benson's liast House. l^fes'.Womans'and Childrens, Ovc ^R^^ Rubbers at special prices. \^^^ Markets.â€" Fall wheat 65 to I "^Dts spring wheat 65 to 70 barley 'â- jo; H6 e "P^^46;oate26;butterl0 to •^Sgs 16; potatoes 50 per bag. se's Cele- .^7 ^P^"acles, a fresh stock to heai^il^^ inspect them at 4he •'^^•^al Hall. A. Turner A Go. Will O. K. please let us have his name so that we can proceed not for publica- tion. The Home Circle and Music depart- ment of the Rural Canadian make it jin- veduable to the ladies in every house, hold. No TROUBLE to show goods at the Mammoth Hx)use, ask for the Ladies* Buttoned Boots, cash $1.00 worth $1.50 at Anderson's. Lost. â€" In Markdale on Tuesday of last week, a square gold and stone oufi button. The finder will be suitably re- warded by leaving at this ofce. Thkee tons of Tea reputed to be the best value in the county, prices from 20 c to 50c per lb special prices to large purchasers, Hill Bros. Wood taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes, delivered at Berkeley and Mark- dale Stations. Come quick for fear you be too late. W. McLebd. Albest Taylor, a butcher in Owen Sound was arrested last week and sent up for trial on a charge of cattle steal- ing. Have you seen the new kind of bot- toms for tin pails, dippers and such, which don't rust? We haven't seen them. The date for the Ontario elections has been changed from the 29th to the 28th, on account of the first date named being annual school meeting day. Bankrupt stock of 2000 prs of boots from the finest French Kid to the' heaviest Cow-Hide; remember these goods must be sold, HiU Bros. The annual school meeting comes on the last Wednesday of the year. Trust- ees should call in time and get their printed notices. An Agricultural Exchange says the coming cow will have no horns. Neith- er wiU the coming man if the Scott Act can prevent it. RoBT. and Wm. Drummond will have an auction sale of farm stock, implements c., on Wednesday the 1st December on the premises lot 27 con. 8, Euphrasia W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. We sincerely thank our numerous pro- mpt paying subscribers, not only for their patronage, but for renewing their subscription jjunctually from year to year. In stock now, famous Lazarous Moris Spectacles, Gold. Steel and Nickle frames. Largest stock and lowest prices in Markdale. W. A. Brown Jeweller. Have you lost a shawl, robe, horse blanket, whip, coat or any such article? If so we will only chargie you 25 cents for advertising it one week, and if the article is not found we refund the money. OuE enterprising new Druggist, E. L. Stephen, is to thefore with a large and tastily arranged stock of goods in his line. Read his new ady. and see if he has what you are after. Between May and November this year Mr. McGill, of the Chatsworth Foundry, manufactured to order 291 of his celebrated school desks. â€" [Chats- worth News. We have a few subscribers who are a long way in arrears. We wiUgive them to the 15th Dectember to pay tip, and if not paid at that date their account will be placed in court for collection. Now is the time to renewforthe coming year, and, as the great majority of subscriptions expire at the end of Dec- ember, we trust each will make an effort to renew before that time, smd thus made the editors heart glad. The C. p. R. has recently issued an extensive time table covering their whole railway system. The main line from Montreal to Victoria, B. C. is 2.906 miles long, and the time reconed by the 24 o'clock system. THANKsaiYiNa Di^ was observed, as a pidlic holiday in our tOIi^ The day was stormy, and qmetness pzeTailed. Service was held at lOM in tiie Pres- byterian and MethodktChiirches' and failifjraiteiidefL :: '*- Go TO Benson's for Liquors, Brandies, Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Beer, all kinds of Wine, Ale, Porter both bottled and draught. Just thiuk â€" ^best bottled Ale 10 cents per bottle. We make all competitors shake in their boots as if they had the ague when we talk. The reason is easily solved-^-We buy for cash and get our discountsâ€" We sell fo* cash and save lossest When the leavds begin to turn And the sununer days are past. And the chilly vrinds of winter Make the wood-pile lessen fast When the flakes of snow are scattered O'er the meadow, and the hill. Don't you think the time has come To pay yonc printer's bill The next will be something else, â€" The young ladies of the Methodist Church will give a Corn social in the lecture room on Wednesday the 8th Dec. Vandeleub Nimeods.â€" a shooting con- test took place in this vicinity on Thanks- giving Day under the command of Capt's S. Gilbert and Wm. Kells, vrith 13 krak shots each, the loosing party to pay for a supper. The bush poultry met with sad havock, as the result ^owed Gilbert to have 660 marks and Eells 500 When it came to hash however, the def eatigd sogers pulled up wonderfully on their mof e fortunate neighbors. Mr. I Geo. Pritchard got up the supper, which was sumptuous toothsome, and thorough^ ly rehshed by all. Com. Thunder Lightning and Blue Biases what do you think Benson has got now TEA! TEA! TEA! Japan at 23c. per lbs. in 10 lbs. lots, or 25c. by single lb- the best value ever offered in town guarantee it, if not what it is represented to be, bring it back and your money will be refunded. Come and get some before it all goes. Hill Bbo's new plateglass front is a wonderful improvement to their fine mercantile establishment. The finely dressed MiUinery window, when illu- minated at night, is very fine and city like. The finest Assortment of Glassware, (colored or uncolored,) China Cups, Moustache Cups, Shaving Mugs, Pipes Briar and Meerschaum finest stock in town, Perfumes, Florida water, and everything in this line cheaper by than any house in town. Come right in and see prices, and then you vrill see for yourselves. At Benson's. Don't mind reading McFarland's new adv. but go and see for yourself. He has an immense stock of choice gemds well selected and bought at bottom prices, so' that competition is out of the qties- tion. The Young Men's Pancake Social in in the Lecture room of the- Methodist Church on Thursday evening was well attended considering the inclemency of the weather. A very palatable repas* was pertaken of, (cooked and served by the young men) comprising buck- wheat pancakes, molasses and tea. The young men did their part admirably, and those present appeared in the best of spirits, even after pertaking of the buck cakes. The program was short and spicy and an enjoyable time spent generally. Fresh Oysters on hand at Benson's, he gets them right direct from Balti- more, and c^ course will be able to give them to his customers, nbetter, fresher, and cheaper, than any one in town, and will not be undersold. And don' t yon. forget it. 'Closino ottb Books. â€" Tneonseqnence of Mr. Tbomss Hill retiring from the basinesi of Messrs. HiU Bros., befj^n- ing of the year 1887 on acooant of ill health, we have decided to close our books in order to wind up the affairs of the firm. In the meantime we will sell oar entire stock, atanda|Rler cost, for cash and prodnce only, wd would idflo intimate we have pnrehased an extonsiv* Bankront Stock, eon- aistinit of general Dry (ioods. cGroJeer- ies, Croekoy, ^lawfware. Boots A Shoes, wludi we are prepared to sell it 60 cents on the dollar. Hiu. Baos. J. Q. Irving of Gait is in town. Opened out this week at Benson's Crate of Tea- Sets, comprising China Sets, Decorated Sets, Colored Set, White Sets, will be sold for cash cheaper than any plabe in town. Casualtt. â€" Dinnie Wright, a yonng man about 92 years old, of the 11th line Euphrasia, met with a serious accident while out shooting on Monday last. He was standing with his hands over the muzzle of the gun which was loaded with shot, talking to other boys who were with him, when the weapon accidentally went off the charge entering at the vnrist of the left hand destroying the joint, and passing on shattered the bones of the pahn of the right hand. Dr. tIcCullough of Walter's Falls assist- ed by Dr. Brodie of this place attended to the injuries. The case is considered critical. A meeting was held last Tuesday evening at Mx. Brown's store to oansider the propriety of forming a Yonng Men's Liberal Club, when about 20 were pre- sent. The result- of the meeting was the organization of "The Markdale Young Men's Liberal Club," with the following officers, R. O. Whitby â€" ^Pres- ident, J. G. Anderson-â€" Vice President, T. L. Moffatâ€" Secretary, F. Porter â€" Treasurer. Directors â€" A. Plewes, E. S. Mabee, J. Henry, W. Stevens. An invitation is extended to the young men of the vicinity to join. The next meet- ing vriU be on Friday evening next, 26th. Painfully Sad. â€" Last week Mrs. Robert Williams, a good christian woman one mile from Markdale, pas'd peacefully away after a short illness. Mr. WiUiams her husband, received injuries from a fall a number of years ago which so affected his reasoning faculties that he has not been altogether rig^ht since, and at times quite deranged but not danger- ous. The death of his wife was however too much for his weak state of mind, and he became dangerous, so much so that he had to be sent to jail for safe keeping the day previous to the fuqeral. This is indeed a sad affliction for the family, who are highly respected and have the sincere sympathy of the com- munity. blstioi o! FarEaBesL -rrjEiK- ELECTION'S TAKES PLACE NEXT MONTH. OR IT- -OR: TORY DO BE WISE ts- ACT HONESTLY, .si QUIT YOUBSELVES LIKE- BRI TAINS! â€" VOTE FOR THE MAN OF YOUR CHOICE. Vote early but not often IV I May Tbe Best Han Win. DO BE "WISE I IIoR«r Boll. Honor Roll of S. S. No. 4 Holland, for October, 1886- the names being arranged in order of merit. 4th and History ClabS â€" :Maggie C. Farley, Lizzie Lambert, Eddie Troughton, Thomas Troughton, 3rd Class Annie O, Givens, Fred Silver- lock, Bertha Love. 2nd Class Lena E. Wise, Russell Stephenson, James Hanna. 1st Book Part IlJoe. O'Brien, McLellan, Wm. McLellan. 1st Part IJoseph Wise Minnie Silverlock, James Shute, Cast Srey convention Why is Neil McColman kicking Has he any of the following reasons 1st Did Rorke's friends make a personal canvas before the convention 2nd Did not the secretary of each town^iip call out the names of delegates from his respective tp. 5th was their not a full attendance 6th If any were absent, were they sub* stituted by Sorke's friends If Mr. McColman has the above reasons for kicking, he is a faithful horse who is justified in doing so, if not, he is a mule, whose natue it is to kick. An Independent. Entrance Examination, THE HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE Ex- amination will be held in the PubMc Sdiool, in tke vinage of Mwkdale on Tnes-' day, Wednesday and Thorsday; Slst. 22nd •od S3rd. Deeonber. 1886: begmoioK at 9 o'dodi eaeh daj. Caodidatea wiabini; to write m Maikdi^, will please notify the Head Haator not later than Dec. Ist. Blank forms for application may be had by ^^yingto FBANK POBTEB. H. M.. n HsiUble. tBaebiniHflationnniai ba â- Â«wi»»»fv».{H by aV«ef^.OO.] And don't give up your hard earned dollar without first seeing Mc- FARLANDS grand piles of DRY GOODS, MANTLE CLOTH'S. PLUSHES, MILLINERY, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, (3ASHMERES, GLOVES, and the thousands of other goods he has piled on his Shelves and Counters. Don't be foolish and pay $1.00 for goods Mc- Farland will sell you for seventy- fiye- centSi Don't be foolish and think yoa can do as well somewhere else, but DO BE WISE! And let us help you to save money,. DO BE WISE and come and get the benefit of a selection from the largest- stock north of Toronto, and Importeil Direct from the English Markets thereby saviug the wholesale Merchants profits. DO BE WISE! aud the wisest thjn^ you can do is to go direct to McFarland's with your Cash, Bnttei Poultry and Eggs, right away, quick. Cords of Overcoats, Cords of Mer/ and Boy's Suits, thousanda of yani- of imtearable Tweeds. Stacks of Si'k Kandkerchiefd, Mufflers, Undershirt Drawers, Furs, Ties, Booots Sho.-s and Carpets. Htondreds of pnuud Teas from 10 cents up. VVaggau loads of Sugars, Raisins, Cnrrevits Peels, Spices aud Essences fur tur^ Xmas. Puddines and Pies. Bk; Bargains, Boyal Bargains, at cFarland's Direct Importer M AB KB AXi E i' i II «i m IHkAiWUllliiBftMlilMMMMHMI^^

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