Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Oct 1886, p. 4

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 ipipiiPP|Ppipi5PWt?'w^pi^i«\=f'U«^J'» i If 1 i !i; 1 1 I J-^vJ-J :^ The Standad. O. "W. Batladgtt, Pobliah^ir. MABEDALE. OST. 86. 1886, OUB YILLAaE. That Markdale is a healthy sub stantial and vigorcns business centre, ^oes withoni saying. It progresses slowly bat constantiy, and is fiillng up year by year with a substantial class of buildings, chiefly brick, and each succeeding year surpasses former ones in quality and architectural beauty. Its location is a most desirable one, being neither flat nor hilly, but snffi ciently rolling for good drainage. The water is excellent and abund- ant. The railway station jnst near enough, five minutes walk from the â-  centre. Our buisness men are enter prising and progressive; market always steady and reliable, thereby drawing a large and constantly m creasing trade from the surrounding country. Our citizens are, with very few exceptions, industrious, prosperous and hospitable, but, under the circum- stances quite too content, being bled to the tune of at least $600 a year during the past 10 or a dozen years, by the townships of which we form a part, in the shape of taxes f township rate, Licenres, Fines, Ac.,) over and above the regular rates, and that without any return. Our village has expended some $1,500 in sidewalks, Ac, during that time, but never a dollar did we receive from the muici- palities into whose treasury our tithes have been paid, but raised the amount from the village by special tax in- dependent of the regular township and other rates. Now this kind of thing is growing monotonous, and as there is no prospect of bettering our con- dition without a change of mucicipai relationship, the sooner our village seeks and obtains incorpoi ation the better; this would secure for our town an influence and position of advantage in many respects, besides creating an increased interest in its prosperity and welfare generally. As to the cost of a village council it is customary for such councils to give theirtime gratuitious with the excep- tions of the Clerk and Treasurer, and we are satisfied that less than one half of what we now pay out without getting any return for it, would pay all costs of maintaining such municipal expence while the other half could be used for local improvements, or for improving roads leading to our village. A MosnH MiBACLB.â€" In a recent letter n)B W.B.Inisan,ofIekniBe, Ont, he atate that he has reeovand from the wont fram of dyc^wpsia, after soffering for fifteen years; and when a oooncil of doeton {hto- noonosd liim ineorable he tried Bmdoek Blood Bitters, six bottles of whidi restrared his hflaltii. GENERAL EOOTH m OWEN SOUND. The efficacy of oiling depends much upon the way it is done. In the evening brush the shoes clean, and then wash it n-nnai-oi Tio,»fi. ;» *u T 3 #ii J with lukewarm water, rather to moisten General Booth is the founder of the than to clean it. Set it where it will balvation Army, and is now on a tour dry slowly. It should not be perfectly through Canada, having arrived in dry the next morning, when the oil is Toronto from London, England, some applied, but feel damp not wethowever. three weeks ago. The Armyin Owen "^^^ ^^^^ mixture for oiling shoes is Sound have been twice burnt out, but '^*^® ^^ one-half of neat's-fool oilâ€" be have apparently came to stay, having ®^® ^^^ ^®* *^® genuine articleâ€" one- this summer erected a brick' barracks *l^d ^^f tallow, and one-sixth castor about one hundred feet lnn« .«,i Hf^ °^- ^^ thoroughly over a gentle heat. about one hundred feet long and fifty ieet wide, which will seat 600, and ;o6ts about $5,000. The Genwal was invited to O. S. on the occasion of the dedication of the barracks, which took plaeelast Thursday. Theserrioes were enthoeiastic and largely attend- ed. Willtbero be ageoeral deeti'm this Aatumn Thisis the geoMral qoastion. The Toriaa an raserred and the Oziti ace puBsled. Here is a grand ohanee fiir the immortal Vfifspna. He might have more look with a politioal pro- gnostioatioii. Let as hear from the Profeaeor. Polygamy still exists to an alarm- ing extent in Utah, and the State Governor's report, j ust issued, states that the Mormons, who number five- sixths of the population stoutly main- tained an attitude of defiance to the law of Congress. The United States has a great evil to grapple with, but the spirit of the people is to continue to fight until the abominable custom is wiped out of the land. Probably one of the best means to the end is the work that is being conducted by the Christianidenominations among the younger generation of the State. The Sunday-schools are still flourishing despite immense opposition. A (Complete Bbkaxbowit. â€" "Forten years" sys Jennie M. Harrett.of Wallacebnrg. Ont., "I did not see a well day â€" was all broken down with dyspepsia, liver complaints, catarrh and debility. Threedoctors abandoned hope for me, when Burdock Blood Bitters came to my rescue. It is the best medicine I have ever taken. I say this for the benefit of all suffering as I diu. An editor died and slowly wended his way down to where he supposed a warm reception awaited him. The devil met him and said:. "For many years thou hast borne the blame of bad spelling your printer has gotten off in the paper, the paper has gone out. for $1, but alas the $1, has not come in. The printer has bedeveUd thee for wages Saturday night when thou hadst not a farthing in thy unpaid-for pants. Men have taken thy paper without paying for it and cursed thee for not having a better one. Thou haslbeen calleda deadhead by freight con- ductors and a dead-beat by the pass- enger conductors when thou has shown thy annual pass to their envious gaze. All these things hast thou borne in sUence. Thou canst not enter here." and he fired him. "Heaven is his home and besides if I would let him in here he would be dunning delinquent subscribers and thereby creating much discord in my kingdom." â€" Ex. Hehd CHE Biliousness â€" " Whenever I feel outoof sorts. bUions, my liver not work ing right, or racked with a headache I take Chase's Liver Cure, There is more real be- nefit from one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some medicine," â€" John McNasser Bond Head. Oil your Boots and sboes. THE NOBTHEBN KAILWAY A recent trip oy^r tite N. and H. ft N. W. Railway by C. P. B. t^ciak has renewed the belief that au early change in the maiia;ement of that road will be made. This would .in- clude the Calianuar branch which taps the maiu line of the p. P. R,; sliortening thedietenee by all rail route ifoin Toronto to Winnipeg by seve;rf^ ii'iui^red miles. Bji^iiu^ lh^ i^oniB' the N. Nid,B^ikM.aWmme6. amcions Depend upon the rubbing rather than the heat to get the oil in â€" ^to eiqtress it differently, two parts of rubbing and one of heat. If the shoes are pegged, as iarmers' shoes usually ate and Always should be, get the ofl in well be. tween the uppers and the sole; it will prevenl4thel8otepul]ingloo8e,(nrtheleath- er breaking away ^m the pegs. Shoes at farm work should beoiled at leastonce a week. It requires only m few minutes to do the work, and it is decidedly pro. fitable ilabor.iâ€" Anwricm yfgriciiitarwt for Thk Foub Gabdixai. Po"T8.â€" The four Oardinal peiata of healtti ace the stomaeh :the.liTQr. the bowels a«d the Uoed. Any inefrnluity of their action brings â- ^t'tmiso and dorangement to the hole spatem. Begolate thor o(in£ttoD with Bordoek Keod Bitters t»Mcun peuCed keahh. AiMrtise if lit Stictk to it wkn M^SttiJi* «!«• «" komm vabie. livie QD Saif fx«iKiBf mBdaoeoeae is encored. Allisnot GoM that glittera. It is ea^ to be deoaived on Wstobea, Ico. I AM « IBABS UJ pUSIKBSS last week, and from the ^^ff^^J inereasing patronage of the pub- lic, I feel to oonolude they ap- preciate my efforts to deal xis^bt, and to estabheh mysdf in thehr midst as a Bbuabu* Jbw».»b. My heartfelt thankaare doe to all for liberal support, «md I tons* for a continuaiice on the basis of honest representation on erery article sold. AHeliabh Jeweller, -THREIE- TEACHERS WANTED. riE First, Second andTldrd IJepartments- AppUcatipns stating experience, certifi- cate held and salery wanted will he received up to the second Monday in November. Apply to BENJAMIN COLEMAN, Secretary, 321-22 Markdale. â€" Teacher Wanted. FOB School Section No. 17, Eaphwtia, holding a 8rd class certificate, mate ' or female. Duties to commence let Jan. 1887. Apply stating salary to JOSEPH MANAKET, Secretary, Goring,P. 0- Sir Ricbard Cartrigbt will address the electors of South (k East Grey in the Drill Shed. Flesherton, on Thursday, November 4th. 1886, at 2 o'clock p.m. Subject **Fiscal Policy ftc., of the Dominion Government." October 26th, 1886. 1 WM. BROWN, Sec. E. G. B.Asa. Markdale. We are opening up a choice and finely selected stock of Fall and Winter GOODS at surprisingly LOW PEIOES, while all goods remaining of Mr J. R. Trimble's stock we will run off at a sUght advance on cost. Our Stock Of Dress Goods 8 the finest ever ahown in thi£ part of the country. Call and examine oup Wool Goods. we are TO THB FRONT, hanag just opened, in GENTS' and LAD- IES' a choice lot af BEBSIAN LAMB and ABTBACHAN, ^nd other Fashionable Furs. in great wrfatyv-^iBtolls all siaw and praces from 5 cents to ?^^* variety, of 5t9o4«^#"»1^T^^^ Birtbday and other !^'"-^ iOom'piieingiAutograph «iid Photograph Albams ??**"°^ ' ;:^:^r3s^frW8, a fijapudid variety, Perfu^^ "•• 'Mouirtaohe and Tea Cups, Uhildten'g ... J ' ' h, ii v^*^*' ^*^®8' Leather Bags, 'â- â- â- '.i. 7 from 60o. up, Violins, Acooyd%lsKMoufii Organs, Flutes, Writing Desks Ladi P«peteri««,io., School supplies in full variety, also a larce '^N ' ':!Drawibg IJten« Paint Boxes, Childs (Jompanions, ""^^ All the Fa«hion Journals not in stock obtained to oraw 1 I ' • A large stock of sheet music and music books kept cohstantlj 7/ First instkiuient of wallpaper just to hand, oyer one thonsa«/" ' fiw cents per BoU. ^nswdpie A stock of l^ihles apd P^ftlmSf secured at from 15 to 20 regular prices. Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hjfmn and Psalm Book ' variety Don't fail to call. " ' ' Whea you visit Markdale aon't fWl lirA«aU lat «»- nwr BOOK STATIONEBY i.' GOODS and WALL-PAPER Store, Reynolds' Block, M ' ^^ to U^e Mansion llonse, where you will see a ftili J!^ "ekii â- tock of tbe above goods. *^ •"•"" TOYS! -iciH 'rian;;!! A. DIlsrSMQRE, ProT^rip^ Having erected and^ fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and luu tory, containing all the latest and most approved machmery, eyei being new, I am now pr^ared to turn out Sasli, Doors,: Ms, MoiildiHgs, Hollof Bi FMKS, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, tc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second ton Oanada^ and haying engaged superior meclianics in eyery departae^l would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptl PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undress Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy TnrniDgi Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS. McNEA.] TW[ARI£OAr-.E LIVERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMlHuial TRAI/EUEIIS- Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale Hoiwej Wjy/I. T/cYbOR, fROPRIETOR. mfoif^E^'ii^ icj,ettBro8onBzatethSjt;i pared to do aU k.nls fj^^^^fi Uice. Goodworkandmo^^jggjy^t 313-26 ^^^^^viM^ i^heifei, 2 spotted i^«»^^^,liirt| The owner can l^ve«^ property and paying eif^^ gtrf«4 MARKDALE FOR. Stationery, FanoyGhpods; J3?oy$ ^Bjnes, Fruits in SeaiKii» And pmise^ i^ reason. m XP^ •l^i^i^iOl and I BQ Mill I ll|»fcl V J f r the change, as the line is not being the partwi,^ 1* cSBcuntly managed of late. -imbU BheBsidtohim in a pet. "Trrr innHiiut «n affinnatiTB, mj daur;;^i go and sae le aoxinnd. VuMj, Bhfr we show a ymy LABe£ SrOCK aud will not be be eoQTineed. "'^^^1^:^^^ Shits. *il?feritipii to; the Dt^' aaiakifagikipaartnient. I t TENDERS Lionel a frame^f^orfti*' -«,•*». «hoD in Markdale- smith shop in .^ »^i i^i;^a^'piixtte^"|i^g;dtnst |nir- Aiaa. ^WiIIiakli«eBlQr:1ffir.6Q «a^ Ju^e 6th, MBffL Wfta^i||iiiu.]h94^ aainpndateibe Ofamiiiiiv, Oet. U, 1866^ line wiU receive profflptj;;^^ Holland, about May "^^ IW old, spotted red and «^,ltf requeued to prove P«»" sao-aa From our ov

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