Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Sep 1886, p. 5

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 -***,-r;--.l j^l -rtig jn.^T^ ^5-â€" :â€" â€" W^^W -:j^^:,;^it distinetl? amtentood 'bold onrseivM raspimul^far 6Xpi •*' pressed by oar eorrespoodflnto h# octagonal eorrespaadent.) yerywarm with very cod fa«n AaniTnniry craie off Hgnday •Tcning. It HM not- aa kn^ » gfetho^ oanal op aooih ocwwia heaa, gwing to it'Mngkanraattime.tteM-wM a very good M, the ehiiteMi esnog gis Smitli took a mbon ludit â-  toPresquelsle, on Thnraday «t there was a nice party râ„¢, who enjoyed the ride very IK, UcKenzie of that place had rJk "nicely lit up with Chinese ^^W torches which afforded a ofi the water. Citizeas Own in attendance, ^er Alberta brought a car fjiaiibition goods down onjier 'ITahich came through irom ' JJriombia, and the North-Weat. "Lckfrom pine teees were a I size, some measuring ten fleet ,.,„^ quite clear suid soondt alao *Sto block and board of tiie Ivee, IS a sight. Also • ^Moontfa !«^ Tery large boms. A fioeky, hJn goat's and a elk's head was J lie cariosities. The grain came Imsampleas weU as in sheaf, of which stood about live feet ktith very large ears of grain, tha jrfhay was very fine it ^stood- Jjfeethig^- The appearance of the jjoes a long way to say that, the [^ the western country have :had e harvest, and large returns. flbe electric light was not lit on Ijj^ht we learn it will not be in order for a few weeks on of the stone masonery work _J»w8y, the street lamps will have [5Jdr»wninto requisition again for liHxt few weeks. [dfeD Sound will be well represented ]laronto Exhibition with HotaeaT Poultry, Orain, and Fine Arts jilldescriptaon. IlliB AlberU left on Saturday last iiTBfirst and 5 second class passen- itDd 850 tons of merchandise the k cargo this season. I^ers Campana, Atlantic, uid were in on their regular trips large loads of passengers and Jii ' Chief of Police Egerton and bleDealey arrested a man and m Saturday as they were jthe steamer Alberta for B. C. telegram c rom Chief of Fblice, of Toronto, charging Hbe with stealing^ money and from a man she had been with for some time. The man g was living with her was charged t affecting and helping the woman njwith what he knew was stoleii iy. It appears the woman was 1 to a man named Duncan, she I and took up with another man ^Toronto who done business in hard* Band jeweUery line, when man No. f tuned up and advised her to steel iNo. 2's money and jewellery and pwith him to B. C where he would bei. They wiU -be sent back to Itonto to stand their trial. ty Httm tt agow at wj KMniigil WUeh irin fee EvedMdl atflkf^flpMr Mte. Uiera wilLte aff«nA far Ml* br PfMt WMh tkm at the **â€" ^^Vr HonM, te the vSliiatfat IbiMalci, on Thsnday. tteSOCk day tk Bt^tm- ganre^ wnoe dunce aeleetiohs. :Also readings Ami redtstiiHig.trere gjb'Cin in good tMteiuid stfle noifcioaable a reading bv Hisa Ifooce was well roadered. Aoo'qpeechtqr Mr. ^pears on Sv^day on Sunday School work, and Bev, /. Hart of Ghatowortit, aabieet, the use fli catechiam in sduml, «nd what it' is intended te teadk ^A^ wellpleaaed. TSe meitt 28ih day of Atignst. present. HAnntes of last session of cona- cU read -and ooa^med. The, Taxes chafed against William Oilroy, f S^59, to W\^. C|U»on |2w4a md to B. Bobin- son, J2.42, were struck off callector's role on account of age, affliction, and indi|0Hice. Jeaqih Ifaiuury appointed .collec^r tax eorretnt year, salary #110. Jaines Fall8,appadfeed jamtor of town- ship hall, s^ary I16XM), and ord^ed to tnalBe retoms to treastirer of all inoney received for rent. The Beeve, Mr. Boyd, and Mr. ^tskine, were appointed a financial committee to ascertain the as- setts aud liahilitieB, of the township, with a .view to levying the rates for the current year. Said oammittee reported that 5i miUsin the dolla* will be suffi cnient to cover all oaaalby and Town- ship ezpeaoea. exeept amool trustees rates, and solnuftted » By •law aooprd- ingly By-law N» 873, to levy the rates for the oorrent yeuwaacarried through the different stoges and passed. The Beeves orders were issued on the treas- hrer, to pay as follows viz Gteorge LogKn,tl5,00 work on 11th line George Ke^e, f 10.0Q, funeral e^qsences of in- digent; Neil McDonald, 14.00, work on towntlhie Collingwood; C^r^e Biekie, $1.S0 repairing road scraper John Baby, 184.50, work on townlme Collmgood; Bobert Myles. |10;00, extra service ren- dered, to township; W. Hewgill, Esq., #6.57 repuring heathoote bridge Teo- mans Little, #728.00, balance in full on ereetnig hall; Drmcan Mclntyre, 11.50, work on 11th line. Council ad- journed until tho last Saturday in Sept- embernext. BOBERT DUNLOP, Tp. Clerk. Km*' of Uad tftpktad i« tamrn^ap at Ma- pbA^fii flie GoimtT rf Onry. eaatsiatat-M* •cnsinoreorlMi,eompoMa «f ttioEaflttelf o( Iiot Ko. i in the Ml. ConeeMJon of Htm- ssU CoBBfy. ^e p ro perty te wlttite tSx mn.Mi of ^-Tj^rt*' anff withia two mQea of Kimbertey, a^- jnfthin two miloB of a chnreh, aebo(dlioiiM ftnd M«inilL There is about twenty aeFM eleued. and theie ia • yonng orehend npon the property, nie Miil iB a elsy loam, and the Uxm WU watered. There is a frame dwelling house and â- table upon the' premises. Th^T ^pert^ will be wld sotajeiet to a reaa r ve bid. Terma 'miA eoodltion* made known on day of sale. IVnr farther pertiealats s|ply't(i Jli., •Jii I i eomaa met pnrsqiqt io a^owm- .^j!!*^;!^!^*^S!L?* " i at the new township liaU on the "'Tn WMWfCK. BUtCKSTOCKi BUT, lay of A-Dgnst, 1886. Members all! .»5'"'***"®*'***'**"'!^***«*»- Dated atToMutQ this 90th day of Aqgiv^^J) im THE CHEAPEST YET We Sell as we Ailveftis9. ALL // nNDS// OF // FaMlTlttE will be sold elose to wholesale ptiees fnr The aaxf Thirty Says. Having a large stock of Furniture from 'different firms gives oastomers a good dbanoe to choose what they want. All £^ds of PICTURE FRAMING done at lowest rates. We also have on hand a large stock of Oaeifeets and CJo^QLns and Funeral FnmisWHifs. which will be supplied to those that wifl biwr us with their ou»ton at low piioes. Also A Hii;ABSE in Conuection. COLEMAN A HAHnLTINI, â- Next door to Kbapp's store. Maxwell. From our own correspondent. I Hie harvest is getting pretty well ipletedia our neighborhood now, and returns will very probably be great- tban they hare l^en for several years. Kfirait crop is also good. fc- Robert Gordon, or I suppose I loyld prefix "Eev." now, but he will me this time, is now home as I d in my last. He islookii^ well, w likes the Americans very weU. He '"oteii at Baiisom, Hillsdale Co., 'ot 50 miles south of Lansing, the ital of Michigan. He has two chnrch- CongregatiouaJ) in his pastorate and "~~ for a year, having received â„¢Mimous choice of his oongr^a- He \rill be home a few weeks ?sr, and I am sure we all wish him ^ant success. «• Enoch SiUey of the 3rd line of 'reyafew days since buried two of â„¢laren Iti the Church of England ground here, within a week, being the victim of scarlet fever. «• Adouirano Heron last week tiirough here on his way home Dnndalk Tvith a new Cornell ;*«n Engine manufactured at 'P*on. It seemed quite strange a locomotive tied up to our Moor. This is the second soeh Heron has got, the other '*en burned a few weeks ago. Ella Kerr has return^ to '^^ C. I. to prepare for aseoond ce^cate. Miss Drummond leaves jwkfor Owen Sound to attend â- ttodel School, g' pleased to see that Mr. Jno. Maikdale, September 4th '86. ToihtEdit«tofthe\iiuxDhVD Sib, â€" ^I notice by your last issue that yoii have paased another milstone in the printing bnsineas I also notice that yon t^e credit, in a very modest manner, for the harmnu6ns relations whicb has existed between yourself and those with whom you have to do. I know there are those in our town who would, long e're this, have cirushed you out of existence, if it were possible to do so, and that for tiieir own black deeds, or at least because yon had the audacity to allow them to be es^osed 4^ougn the columns of yoor paper, yet you treated their unjust and ungentle- manly opposition with a silent contempt which was indeed praiseworthy. It is certainly a blessing for a community to have one wielding such a power as that of the press, who possesses judgement and forbearance' coupled with common sense and caution. Had I held your position, I would doubtless have acted very differenMy, "An eye for an eye" as it were, yet I can see how foolish tiiat would have been, and would not only compliment you on yonr past course, bat encourage you to continue in the aame line. X.Y. Z. Gro to ]Vf rs. Olexnent^s 6 MABEDALE FOR Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys Games, Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. Special attention to the Dress- making department. .. The latest fashions and neat fits guaranteed. -I Dnnlop's Block, MARKDALE _ii3 «• ^MBrtr Pretoria. " Hair 'Vigblr.. »9k^f h'i^aj^A .^W* 0.9* ' »»3 «««'5 AtU fit /f.'AV linai tt9 Miiietuii6il^$tock 49 S^^tdff^, 'fSafeCore., r Norviae Core. 'DiAetie€are,'^^ ^^^â- ^â- -^^ 8«fePill». 8hiloh*8 Consnmption Cajre. Catarrh â-  ** System VitiJiMJr.^ McGregors Speedy Gbi». " Lai^ Componnd. ♦• Carbolic Carale. /V Allen's Lang BatsAm. ' f ' Lydia Hnkhamls Compoiind, Northrop Lyman's V^. Case OnteeaiMi Besolvent. Dr. King's New Discovery. Fellow's Componnd Syrop, Sntpbor and Iron Bitters^ Bardock Blood BittjBrs. V CwBon " ' Ch«en Aagnst Flower. Bosobee's German Symp. And all other Patent Medimnee nansl- ly kept in a first class drtig store. ie v^ak ^fobr Wateh'^Kit properly. .i^^-^^^^u 6^-i \^' "Wis iMiilAgiiS^a3^i V miM:mi^M;ijiS^T^ H»8 Emkt* iob WtUIMIt6d«f0A^ tilam' i*£l' TsiM Alipo a f all line of floods, PorfMMri* Sboulder Braoes, Sponges, and all kinds of Draggists' sundries. PARi8~CREEN Best in the mariiet. Buytthe^rnllliiiOtrik^sI MML MUI^ UOKt^' ^mmatiog 5k far 'Madiinery of alf CJASTCMBt K. OrL. U gparEnke4i)^e i^l^pf ^libilaW thamarirat.' ' " EMPiJlE CML CO., }.fc Mannfaetttrecn' |Ji4t^.,|t|^neri,,^; TOBUNT Jk J[iftKbo»i Bep. ior Northern Ontano, A! Goodby ' .;,/:. 808-ftm K. B. â€" Medicines dispensed day and nigbt B, L. STEPHEN. Markdale m GENUINE SINOER THOSE IN NEED OF A g MEWINC -:- AlACHINg bboald be sore and get-tbe aaBWEiiEWYeftigwa The best is the ebeape-^t, ahd this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Ageqt, 2iM) Markdalfc. ^UaloekraU tbeetaeMdravcaBctofthe l!Wiall. r*^tirT MMbUVMlcaajFiac ' offomdiMlIyiatfiMit wi^evngihp afstaa, all the imparities and,foiil.hinois.flf tt»ic Mcntiow at the aain« time JLtUitf of.tha. nomaidLcwiw: of naiiofYisioii. hrCei jf®*^ DeUUl^ i all tliese and nitny oO^ riink ipl»Bo*«laa lbe;Segidardbafl. rbrsilietviiirdMleR. a t ' Mew Bakers Want^ Immediately! CAKTA8SEBSIKTBK COUNTY misnsmop. B. CABNAHAN would respeotfull^ intimate to tbe inhabitants of the sur^ rounding counby that be has evened a general harness shop on King street in tbe village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to maanfiwtine and keep on hand a lance stook of LIGHT and HEAYT HiBNESS. lc»g and short tugs, 8TBAW 'COLLAB8. WWTPH, COHBS. BBUSH£8,UAKMKSS0ILAe. ' I will use only first cian mati^iid aad those requiring anythiUK in the liameM hoe will find it to. their iateieat to eall at the new hameassho]^ land K»t ptioeft before gb- in(«lsewhn«. Sepalrlag done with neat- nan and diqiatah. fiolirittug a share of' poUia patroiiac*. i am respeciiNlHT younl I would respectfuIlT. ^mwte ,tp tbe in haUtants of llarkd^ uai ^onmoiing oontiy that I have c^^ed^ -^ MbNtQOMPfiY'S STANa, where I will keep on han(|a.8ood .sopply at 'â-  BREAP. WJOKS. «^ ' ' BIQJS, ,. CAXES^^-epiSTBT Of; my o«n, novinnfaekise, aisu fi BliCUITM A- COMKeTfOMMnr. ORMMGES;: LErnOHS. A BEST BBA0OS_qF FUfU/t' Fknir, Butter, and Egjja. taken in ezehaoge. I ooriialfy Molieit a share of pnl^patron- •Ke, and trust by faoneRt dealing iiad cloU attention to hnsiuesS to merit your cimfi. denee aadBupporti-^B^Itertto'ioro C^^ " *¥»*«« rwpertlftttiyi"" «t WrfA- SPEEHv FOB â€" R. CARNAIiAllp Health la MfeiiMii BRElll, 6ttElli» NK^ HtCHITt ANP CMVIffipMr of all luQ^AD biimL 4- 8!»yMoSitti;,SlmM"iM^-i' 3: ja'S»**

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