r '**',«*•• I ft » !ti. !( i ;i r. BITBBTAIBIV A BOBBSB. AWMB«e« MM VrO •I 7«n â- «â- , ft tanMr bM»m DPp' UriBir iB Outei* wHb i» U^»i the hraae U tbe bwsto mmMJIm dfaMTwrnd ft bftdly wnMtaiiil iNft li Vbm path. Tha atniinr, m wat ftftanmrd kaowB, had baen ta wa bam ia tha wl^t, but fftiUng ta Moafa anttaiioa had atartod far tiiaShaoaa. Oreroama bj pain ftod ,hahadfalluinftfftfait,ftad bad baan ^ing an tha groand an hour iriMO dlaoaTared by tha lai;mar. Ilia woondad maa waa at aooa ramavad ta tha haoaa and plaoad an a bad, and ha aoon ravirad aoooghtataUhbatary. Ha aaid that ha «aa a jawalry paddler, gaing abaat tha oonntry witii a campaalan and partner. Tha twa bad qnamUad tha prarkma aran- Ing, and Skalltag, aa ha gara hia name, bad baan ahat and LUT BT THI BOASSIBBIK) DH. Ha had bnllat In tba ahaoldar and another In ttia oalf af tha lag. Bath ware alUl In tha flaah, and wban Both anaaoaoad that he weald brlag a dootar, SkelUag bagged himaatte de ao. Hla waaada ware aat daagareaa, and ha weald raa all tiia ritu, Hia barnfaig desire waa that Ua paitoer aheuld believe him dead. Ha weald thea be efi hia gaard aad 8killiag'a ohanoea ef oTerhanlbg him wanld be geal. A daatar weald ealy apread tha newa arenad aad give the weald be murderer appertaaity to eaoape. The Buhea, maa aad wife, were aimple Ceple, ud the atradger foaad ready lievera ia aay atety he teld. He ladno- ed them te give him aa np ataira bedreom, aad te oeaoeal frem every one the f aot af hia praaenoe in the heaae. It waa in the fall, aad the weather waa maoh ia faver af the patient, who got alaag reauurkftbly well. He laatracted them HOW TO DBBSS HIS WOUNDS, aad, natwithatuidiag the preaeace ef the lead in hia body, there waa oetther fsrer nor bleed peiaeniag. In two weeka he waa able te be aboat, aad at the ead ef the third he diaappeared. Tbe Baahea foaad bim te be a well-edaoated, pleaaaat-apokea, aad kind-hearted maa. He net ealy paaaed maoh of hia time readiog the Bible, bat was fall ef religfena qaetatieaa aad fam- iliar with tbe writloga ef all the apeatlea. The Boshea were Chrlatian people and Bible readers, bat he aeemed te kaew veraea where they knew lines. He had viaited all the principal cities in Amerioa, and the leog eveninija were spent in telling them ef the sights he had seen and the adven- tarea he had passed threngh. Nethlng had been said as te pay, and the Biahea did net knew whether he had monty or was penniless. The secret ef his presence waa preserved from the neighbers, who were dally in and eat, and aa he grew better Skelliag boasted that the man who tried te kill hui in cold bleed weald aeen be hnnted down and joatly pnnished, Oae evening, as the three sat talking, there came a strange koook at the deer. Shelling had time to get ap Bt^ira Iwfereit waa answered. The traveller proved to be a dttMtive frem Toronto, en the track of a trio ef criminals who had oemmitted several robberies in and abent that oity. llidr last exploit had been the BOBBKBT OV A TBSASUBB CHEST belenging te a band ef fifty Nerwexian im- migrants going te the Siatee. The trnnk had baen token from the midat ef them aa they satin the depot,. and aad net been ndssed aatil the mea were well off. They had baen tracked te several places and it waa believed they had oat aoreaa the cenntry in a rig atolea frem a farmer. The rig had sabseqneatly been fenad aban- doned by the roadside. The cffiaer qncs- tiened the Rnahee very olcaely as te wba,t strangers had been seen in the neighber- heod, and they answered all inqwies with- ont giving their gneat away. Whfla they did net In the least snspect him ef being one ef the fale, they had paased their word net te reveal hia presence. The detective waa in the hense abent an hoar, aad when he was ^riaady te depart he diacevered that the hers9 aad boggy which he had left at the gate had beea stelea. Buh lent him a saddle horse, and, after a search np and down the cenntry reada, the effioer re- tamed te town In no agreeable frame ef mind. When Koah went np stairs te give his gneat the news THE HAN HAD DISAFPEABED, having opened the window and climbed down en a ahed. There was no qnestion bnt he had taken the detective's rig, and. altheagh the Bashes were rather slow-wit- ted, it did net take them long to camete e oonolnsien that they had freely and fenerensly entertained one ef the criminals, hey were, however, in no meed to iMferay the fact te the world, and in a few daya the excitement snbaided, and nethicg farther was said or dene. It waa nearly five years after the stranger left tbe farm hense that Bub one day re- ceived a letter from the priaen at Jeliet, Mick asking him to came at enoe and ask for a convict named William O'Neill, He went, and he found the man in the hespi- tol and dying of censnmptian. Ndll proved to be Skelling. Fortiier than that he acknowledged that he was one of the robbers who stole the treasore oheat af the immigrants. They were proceeding aoross the cenntry, and got into an altercation within aboat a mile of Baah'a place, with the resnlt that Neill was shot. After hia eaoape frem the farm henae he vidted variena Sfeatea, oontinaing his criminal career, and was finally Jnggra at Jaliot en a fifteen years' sentence. He had net forgot ten the kindness shown him at thefium hense, and he waa now ready to repay it. He gave Bnah direotiona where te find a anm ef money in Chicago, and Bnah went there and get ttâ€" nearly $8 000 in geld and greenbacks. Inaide of a for^ht NaiU waa dead. The money waiae donbt tha preeoada of a robbery or gain frem a gambl- ing taUa, bnt thia awpioion did not prevent the eld ooaple from ntaklBg naa af it, ar from aoBM ef the aeighbera azhlliitlns their envy by aeelring ta liav^ tliem i n d letad. â€" ^â€" -^ €)«ni Sowing laaprooaai oaadnotad by tha aflenqy tight baofea aU tha year rood. Om rcip- lag ia boat oeadaotad Anagb tka agaaqy ^Pataam'a Pa^saa Ooca Exlnoler, Mm ooIyaaioaadaBn-BopMfaoBn. Pataam*! ExtnetoriiaMrwU^iiidlatad. Btrnm at all THE WOBLD OYBB. ThMifht iaPJitaiN aftho ^(Ma4l^ mifl oanMod inMohir •MSi«a~iMteli«f tto SMSad iwrildiag deatroyad. A CallfMaia oow awaUawod • twoaty iaahaa laag aad asarly aa tUakrftBdladae oearaa af tiaalt varkad. its way aat ef her aide withaat dobg her ma^ damage. Fiva Ohiaaaa atowaways ware foaad «a a Paoifio mail ateamsr at Saa Traaolaoa tha atfaar day. They ware all young aaoa. and had pidd mambon of the orew from $150 to $200 to amoggla them aahera. A small bey In Btagor,' Ms., ftoaght it woald be fan ta tie paper aad straw ta hia dcg'a tail aad set them afire. The dog raa late tha bey'biattior'abara, which, with ui acj fining hoaaa, wa« baraed ta tha graaad. Laaa.KOOO: Henry WertUngteo ef O Aeaeo, IlL, la a aioe yeang maa. Darlag tiM long evesuaga of laat wiater, iaatead of foeliag away hla time ia reading or atadyiag, or alelghridlag witii tha girls, he aaade a patohwork qailt. It ceatalna 6,022 separata piaoaa. Henry ia j sat 21 yeara old. Joe Harris ef New Laadaa f auad a Ut poeketbook, aad as semi as haooald find the owner restored itte him. The maa waa delighted. ' There was $90 ia it." he aaid. •U'mawfBlgladyeafouadll Hora, ameke thia." The oigar waa bad enough ta almoat make aa honeat man tara thief. Oa the firat Saaday ia Angnst one of the empleyeas la a taaaory at Dntter, Ma., shwpened hla raiar on ft strap en which tha carriers sharpened their knives, and pre- oeeded to shave. Be out hla chin aligbtly, and a few daya after his face began te swell, and on the following Satarday ha died of bleed poiaening. A fine fiih atory oemea from the Saokar State. Ilia that a Oaaasoe laan .floating down the Illiaels went to sla^, leaviag a atoat fish llae dangling in tha water. Whoa he awoke hia boat waa fiftaea mUea further np atream than when he went to aleep. A monster catfish had swallowed the bait and tewed the beat up the river. Mary S. M wtia ef Philadelphia, a mem- ber ef the Ssoiety of Friends, saw William 0. Elsenhower beating hia hone. She re- menatrated, and he awere at her. She had himarreoted, and tha Juitico looked over the Btatntea until he found an old law against swearing, and he then imposed the fine provided therefer. The fine waa 67} centa. C»tinued dry weather near Danville, III., led Samuel White to dig a well. He bared twelve feet, and struck water that flowed so freely that the dry bed of a creek near by has been oonverted into a fine atream. FArmera oame from long diatanoea ta aao what aeema to them very much like a miracle â€" a stream ef osld water flawing threogh lands that are parched and brown with drought. James Myer, Jr., of Kingston waa raking hay with a wire heme r^e drawn by a male. The miUe stepped into a bees' nest with the usual results. When the bees got through with tiie mule and the mule stop- ped ronnlng, Mr. Myer, who had been apending the meat ef the time with the hay among the rake teeth found himself nearly devoid of elothlng, but quite oevered with ssratohea and Dmisea. WhUe the Baahwiok Bffles, a crank Georgia company, was drilling the other evening ft despatch, apparently frem Wash- ington, waa handed to the Oaptaln, asking how many at his command ceidd start at onOe for Mexico. He read it te the beys, who with oneaooord began te make ezcusea. They wished that they had talked mora warlike when they learned thattho despatch waa a hoax, Lse Fang, a Ohineae woman, brought to Gallfwnia aa a alava for baae uaea, and aold to Ah Kee for a wife, has brought suit against him for diverco. This is the first case ef the kind known in Oalifemia. She aays that her husband forced her to live In a house of prostitution, whence she was taken on a writ of habeas corpus and removed te tbe Cliinese Ohristian Mission at San Fran- cisco, where she now ia. James Lyon of Elmira dealred a photo- graph of hia fine; St. Bernard dog. When the dog saw the camera pointed at him he anspeoted that something was wrong and bolted out of the door. He was ooaxad back and posed again. Again he took alarm, and, the door being shut, jamped out of a window, fell on an awnbig, broke through, fell on two young ment smashed a hat fiat, and terribly soared a email oolerad bootblask, ThO dog welgha 150 poonda. '^•'v.^-^^is^ A CVSB FOK DKVN KEMIIESS. Opium, morphine, choral, tobaooo, aad iMuind habita. The medldae may be sivea ia tea or ooffoe withoat tho kaowledge ef tho persoa taking it if BO deaSwl, Send 6o In stamps, for book aad testimonials foam tiioao who have been cured. Address M. Y. Luboa, 47 Welling- ton Ss. East, Taronto, Oat. Oat this eat for future r^eroaoe. Whea writing mea- tioB thia paper. Yea, my child, Woddiagaday waa pat im- mediately after Cheeaoday oa purpose. A Free Fisht. TheTfcreat reputation of B-igga'KIeotrlo Oil is Bach that it has induced onprloclpied per- sons to adopt other names ae near like it aa posBlble. The praprietora of BiiggB* Bleotrlo Oil have tho name and style of theKlectrio Oil registered both in Canada aad the United Statee, and no one oannae it bnt tbemaelvaa. Othen healing at the aaooeas of Brlgge' Sieo- trio Oilhavo adapted other names rinnTlkF annh aa " Bolectrlo OU.* ' Kleotnm 00." ftc and an atrlvlagto Indnoe the subUo to Iray them ia- atead o{ tha Konuina Kleotrio OIL In tarn aodietannined were ther ttiat tfaar brouiAta auit at Iaw,in the High Ooart o( Oaiiaaa,to d9lvoBrin8 Sonaot their right tocoatrol the aamei mt the Courta aad oia Minister of Agrioulturo at Ottawa fullr tained their nStatend trade mark. ariggO* Klaetne OQ enrasShenmatiasn. N4 ralgia.ehgaatasaiidBinaea, oompialota t eremOoHB aaoiiaaSQrolluaatkOoatfi. ma. Broaehltla aad diffleult BrtiatblBg/ Pfttcoai qt Haabaadry^-Wlrw. aa Full. BaltS- wn.. iBowatagwtlyb iliiigiKaa tta gratafal ooaatry wba SSI â- wiula tha lh iaii « ri yM j^yt hava triad hftv« sMtflyiiM e OatftRk BoMdy k*^* iMaataodtiMtaat •f i*^ haadiada af tfeaaaaatf- •« woman laall pwta af taatUytoltaiffieaoy. of tho All Wisdom la aaattsMtra lislaawv. That'o what makaa H ta hard ta baat. Breaeb, Baptwe or Kcnla- OaNiia^ntatoediaaawofatoaaaa. Na kaHe or »maa twfttmoat. Pamphlet aad raferoaoea, 10 oeota ia â- ^P*-.!^"**^ Diapaaaary Madioal AaaooUtiea, 663 Mala Streat, Baffalo, N. Y. laeia are aavaral towna ia Mmtaaa wUh- eat ft alagle oamftrrlad womaa. Tkey WIU Not Ho It. Thaao who anoe take Dr. Ploroo'a "Plaa- aaat PargallvaiPellala" wlU aavor oeaaent to aao aay other eathartia They «ro ploaaaat totakaaadaiildlatteirapantlea. Small- er than ar^nary i^ aad laoloaad In glaaa vlala; vbrniea aafiapaired. By draggleta, A.e. 296 M' â- Hâ€" XHBIK-aBd wo ladla^-HW Oaai goedpar. H. â- . Kbiibt, toiaat^ Oak _^ A VBm fOU HIW PABALUL rAlOLT j\ BEBUS-lain tfpa. qdaadid napSb baaoM- ETDhNlmfloBS ooataba 4,000 qnteliinis and aa- BweiaoaBlbk Copies jUbaiellanDa. latMaalieaal Book and Bible Ho osa teioBte.OBlL 4 asm wijnni*â€" iH bvbbt towh ahs eeoaty, lor the 0. K. Paisr »mA SOau. Baal jc out I aaDa at sight j aam^ KaUa seal oa rsoaQtl of piiea, Ue. Q D. DAT, Agnl. 40 ToBca at., ntioate. Oat. -DAHB SAW MAOHUriB-AIiL SfZU-LAZSR ta ImptoTeiiMBtB biaokel bead aawa for alladi Gg to pools; aaat, ohaap aad donblo send lot dnalaisTjOHH aiUJB ft OO.. OaiiatoaFlaoa Oal £a EPBBgBSrXATIVB la aaoh oonnay to seU "Pio- L poaalandKepoasal"â€" abookOB Love, Oooit. p, Hatrimoor aad Uadied baaiaa. Write lot oirealaia. Inlamatlnial Book tad Bible nse, SofOBlo, Onl. S700 CS-pi sa Acre Vanaâ€"95aa M Acre _i mils tmn Daodalkâ€" 100,000 aoUng ,â- U cen tal 1 00,000 B oenl moalo inolraineBts l-prioe. BUTLABD, S7 King«. W., Xdonlo. SCH««I. Teachers A SCndeaia Atteatlaa I Daring Holidays a apedal comae U private leasoas, by hiriiest masters, wU! be given Bohool Ceaohen and Btadenti, on Bhorthaad, Diawiag ot PalBtmg. All who eaa ahonld oome. Sand immedi- ately lor epedal oliaalaiB. Tna Unoa Saoa*- HAMDns* AflASsm, 80 and 41 Adelaide St. B., Up. slai/, IoNbIo. ABSHTBIâ€" TOU OAITT TSSJ A aOOK THAI giree beMer MtWaotlon or that yea oan make Boaey-laoler witt Ibaa •* Worid'a Wonden." Sellato all olaaaBa Cfhriatlaaa aad laddrii^ OathoUea and ProteslaBla, eld and yeaag; old agenta who have aot oaavaasad tor yean are going Into the flald with it; 0. r. JeBkinaBOldU8thellnlweA;J.K.Biaoe sayi •• Ttia giat week with " Wooden" netted mo one haadred and atxteea doUan." A good Ohaooe lor anemployad penona; entfll tree to aotnal aaa Taaaen, write for tonus. Bbabut, AABBanoaA; do. Bnuittoid MONEY TO LEND â€" oaâ€" FiodaotiTe Town, Yillacce Fann Property. m, â- RCHUA UOfMAIiW, BarHater, • Valaa Blockâ€" leteato SIfsot â€" Tonat*. UI -I B. SPEMCE ft CO.. OoasoaMn will And It to their advantage to aak tha tnda loi ont make of llleo and Baips. â- ••CaMacaBpeclalty. Bend tor price Ust aad laims. â- amlltoiif Ontario. CO â- 0 Felt ft Slate BoofeFr Maautaotunr aad dealer hi Tarred Felt, Rooflnf Plloh, Ballding Papen, Carpet aad Deelealng fWt. Keady Rooflns, Ac For Low prioee addieea H. WILUAMB, « Adelaide St. «,, Tofoata. BRANTFORD GOLD WATER BIOE STAROB NEVER FAILS Gnelph Business College GUELPH, ONTABTO. TheThMSoholaaUaTMt beitlns Bept. lat. Patron- age dnwii Inm Taa Statss ahd FaoTnosB. Toang maa and boTa thoion^h^ prepaied for bnaineai par- aclte. 0(«daatea eminently raaooKhd. Pn-^oal work, modeiate aatea and atraltrht drallac ohaiu- teriaetheloaUtatlon. Lttdlen admitted. For infat. matlon addreea M. lla«OOBino Prtoolpal And laraeat TraUlag SdMol la Cwaada. Send tor CUeater. 1 .m\ i:r ^c ELECTRO STERE0TYPE:R5 /^,SK FOR THE GLOBE Washboard KEPT By ALL GROCERS Wake-VvooQs ufo. TORONTO BtwrFMer.he nreoMe Wad^. Sixaerial £to^J^exncettalentedaniho»|£ieaclflaiiae. Anambor of interesting Complete Tales otIioveL Romanoe, and Adventure, CMoe Poetry^ Bhoci metobel^BonaehoId Bedpes, Science, wit end Hun^eto., contained in each laaue of Tfce niveUieWeekhr. 6cpercopy;or.witt40af the maat dcelxsMe aaase of the day $2.00 ptK year; six months and 90 pieces mnaio, U; tluOa months and !• pieeeo morio, 50e. Saneolba mmw^. Agents wanted ererywhero. laberaioonH miaeion. Haaarle eapice A«e. Taa Fnasm WsBBur. 9B Colboma Bfe. TcnntOb Canada. Awningrs SBND rOR~PRICI LIST. ivimg, Raid Tent ft Gamping Depot 169 YONQE STREET, TORONTO â- We IroBi bm •^-^" *«W W.-.ha,i.,.jS^»?^ ortm ahonld brBiA?*«MiS«it leallaa. OotaSL* '*«S2?5l 'SSL* ••^•nid'Sft^^PsSl OO. U,). OUELPHfbgfeiSj MWiTBiiiTai MANTJFACTUBEoiHY ik.snciiltixT*stl Oollefire WILL RE-OPEN ON HRST OCTOBER. Ooona ia Agrioallaia, Lira Sto Daiiying. Yet- eriaaiy Sdenoe. and BagUeh. opeoidl/ adapted to the waale «t faimen' aeae. Far eltoafar giflag la* toimalloa as to cost, terms rt a rtsal aa lnw e«o., ^yply lo JAS. mUA, M.A.. President. Qnelph, Angast, 18M. Please mention the paper in iHdoh yonsawAisadTt. Sausage Casings. New aUpmant trem BBgiaad. Bxgteamehtp "Vov- weglaa " Lfweet prioee to th» tiade. Wa aia aole agenta in Oaaada o' MoBride'a Oelebrated Sheep Oail^s. Write lor qaotatiaas JAMEB PARK A SON, TORONTO BROMIDE CRAYMPORTBAIT BeaaUtoI. LKe like aad Artlatie AbaOtately nott- Ing to eqaal It. LUe-ilaad poilralta diawn trem oidlnaty i^otog mph^ and wananted firat oliaa. Portialla painted la 00, Water Ooton, aad India lak. Photographeis; agenta aad othen ahonld writs (aaoloalng aaamp) tar eiieolar Ajnata are malting nvoo per week. II will pay oa to caaTas for oidrn. Look eat lot ma at Toronto exhIbltiHi. J. L. RAWBOHE. Artist. 06 KING STREET E^ST, TCilONTO' SILVER-PLATED Allan Une Koyal Mall SteamsMps BatUas dniing winter ftom Port an' araiy Xhnndat. and HaUtaz every Batwdar loIilTefpool, and InaoHaaet from Qnebeo every Satarday to Uverpool, ealllac at Lon- donderry to land maila and paaaeoaen for BeoUand and IrelMid. AlaofroB BalUnMgre. via BaUfaz and SUohn'a, H. F., to Uverpool fortnightly daring iommer aumlhi. Xhe aleamen of the Glaapow UnoaaaU dnriag winlet to and 1n» Halitas, Portlnnd, Boetoa and Pblladel' phla; and dnring aonuaer between Olaacow and Moo treal, weeklr, Olaasow and Boatoa, weeny; aadOlaa â- ow and Fmudelphla, fortnightly. Vor freight, paaaaare, or other informadea apply to A. Sohnmaoner tc Co~ Baltimore i 8. Oimard AsOo.. Halifax: Shea bOo^ St John's, N. F,. Wm. Thomson Co.. St. John, N. B- 1 ft Co., Chicago Love ft Aldan, New XXamllton, q J nelMiun 1/ h%mg^a â- â- ^=s^ il Dormantt Hopper 4 w^ Scales for MJitoandBerJIJ We manofiMtiire all styles of SCALXS, whloh ate aneqnsUed for] •ocaraoy, dorability Ad elegance of finish. OSBOME00.,Haiiilltii,ft Yorki H. Bonrlier, Toronto Allans, Bae ft Co.. A PERMANENT BLACK POLISH ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR ILADIESCHILDRENSFINESHOIS, F ARMERS AND THRESHER Ql Use on your MaeUnerr only the Weil*lai6wB PEEBLESS Olii filY Pni n liPIIAI ft kavo been awarded it dnring the bit Ifcrtaytkii. Tiyilaoani Ol A ilV IM m ^UltUO MMKUt, AXIS SBBABB tor your Waggoai and How ft* Maiaafaalared at «aoem City Ml Wwks. by SAMUBL BOGBBS CO., SAW MILL MCHINERY OUR SPEClUn, IN ALL ITS VARIETIES. The Fii^-R«or CHAnptatf H ea vv a n d Pobtabu. 6S««MlLL.*| Ms ^^yy substantial Engmes, from ^z to aoo botse power, noted for their P*»* '"^SS simplicity Md economy. Bollen of all the leading designs of the best tested fja«»Lj^ ton, made m very best style, tested and guaranteed, prices very low.. Water Wfleeft^ Mills (sev|tal vaneties), Lath Mills^aad Bolters. Wood Working Machmery-sawsi*" Belting. Ewart Drive Chain, for elevatiag and conveying everything. WATEROUS EHeiRE WORliS CO., Brairifiri. OMii NEW HARRIS AND ^, STEEL DOIOE HOT-AIR FlTSNAGIi^l