Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Sep 1886, p. 7

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 ^m LOST. k'li^it wtllâ€" the Uttl* KnTa f'.lt^ifci*** r«« blownbg Ek" ' Kew. liuM tha Urt mooth, »««"f-a«Boll»-bloiMiM dr»! OTW K"iisrâ€" â-  â€" â€" AadtiM fc*i*J'-oaiMi who had ehugfi •! il"^, picked hh way MMiigrt J^Jing with wreath, of .mmor- fi; ted with oolenrod figuree and ^^^•â- ^iJlrtlovely with the «prM.toB tofc^"'*«[»;5Ir rememberailoe aad undying l'*^f»jthfnl heart!. J*^B^v! «ithin the frlsgo of cyproM ^â- iJi^edbf a â- plendid magnolia. ^•Ske foft Pty«« teara oyer Ujo "tki »»in« »^"' •" *•*• marble rSsB DlWBME DAKTEBB." -.ill. bttt *h»t ^** enough; that Vk« h»d Mine to aeok-aBd had I, flidrew » deep elgh of relief ai ho tJi iTttd thei ha â- mUed with an „-uB9t h«w people generally looked KCJ their dead. And monatenr had l^tfUnito find thie one; hu faoo ^logird and oarowom that ahe Jjht Itwu Mine dear friend ho waa |,B« date," he said, preaently. :^Hibe-dIe!" if S»' Io»n«t tell I It ii little fLnt yew einoe I oamo here j the Ifuilretdy here then. A womanâ€" Ti ihBuld layâ€" oamo often, at firat L:tiwfl)»eriand to water the roao /iBeveripeke to her; ahe oamo and liithwt I word te any one, nntil the IL Then ihe bade me water the ttarher, »nd ihe gave me little feeâ€" Iniill And linoe theae laat montha LiiM», and I water the roaea alwaya. rjjiing woman ihe waa, grave with InMt Mirow or care, I afaonld aay. I Boh oeme here to this place, mon- ' the guurdlan of the oometery, not ijmed by her task, oenoladed with a Ltoiienr waa not of that kind. There KHriev In his look, there were no teura Jhm, flit haggard faoo had brighten- iBdhiiiternly-Mtlipi relaxed, as with liitiiief, in light ef hia dead and the Idi he laid in the woman'a hand waa tthitihe tamed it over donbtfolly ipilffl u he left her. Ot what waa Ixld piece the price? There waa an In- (li the qaiok-wltted Senthern blood |iwin«d oer of a motive in thia nncal- Jrlberality and the woman reaolvod lie meney ihenld be apent only on anoh lutoacbed neither hearth nor home. iTut If it ihonid bring a oarae on the ^(ui! ' the laid with a ihadder, aa ahe dherbandi together to oleanae them Itatcuitaot. tutthlogiitraniparent enoogh," For- 1Duy«n oeogratolated himaalf, aa he [actmetery behind him. "It ia joet Ibgined, The woman â€" the old aer- VtM traced me eat, either for revenge It f hat sbe hoped te gain, never dream- utLihoald oome here to oonfoondher ^Mr; or perhaps reckoning that (he liintpNltet the wagei wraog from httfherievelatien. One atop more, |liethbg is let at reit forever; the ill uttohed that would ating me te a wu ne pity, do remorio in hia aanl, ^itMd bef are the prieit and demanded legal proofs of death of Marie iDuven. iipleit was a yonng man, and had not liHD appointed mire. He eohoed the liiththe indii!»ence with which it ha already ipoken aa he taqied over Pjia i! bii register. riatdata! What year " I'Duyfn ihrngged hia ahouldera. Iw-five years ago, Ian not rare," tned. " Ihat is what I deahe to jintohed the priest's forefinger aa it fw Blowly down the page, and he wore it etepped, that the name waa ' it it. • Mirie Dalorme Danvora. I M«25A, 187 -, interred June 26di.' l«Be entry " I.'.lii:^" y" supply me with a copy I'Rined " P^ proceeded te draw out the ro- fiwm, and Psroival Danvora watohed I*"""**, a anppreised fire gleaming l^t M " eyobrowa. HU atrong pwta litjie S3 he took the document iiil^'^uf'""^**^^**^! tt»e eagemeaa l^*°"»8r"P3 a coveted and hardly- H'Meparbapsthe father?" the cure K !r* tbeee signs ef an agitation he "nupeoted until now. [^father?" r=i^l Dinven laughed aloud at the ' ie Wit toe content to be dla- teT",^*^""^^*^* ^^ P»«»»W«- Kwtotr'"'^«""«dthechUd'a l^'d What child "â-  ^2' ^y®* ®P«»»»d wide. What a l««hS°^j ' man had, who trembled PXe i" "°^ "" «'••• |S» child?" 1^. °ild whose death b atteated â- B â- i â- B fMoaalf.. Xhaagala dowB tiMlWt npU walk Pjwoival Dinver'a eyea feU for the hij. !^° he held in hia hand, VhL/'il.""' •«»'»«» to make hh ohS,.*^ '" ' t'«»Ste?*°T««- AgedSyeaM," 'f^hne. 'P'"**ori«dMeiBgtiie y«»«rioeinmanded himaelf the next »U,!y?*» the cure; "the agaii kS!' ^*^^^^ l^to rteady Mhtaa Ha Vktvm the iea tha tobia aai nuhad Mkbtp witha â- toOk Mva* hoadiac Mm aaktag Ik* ahad*. m* balan O* gala af a Imr « half hUdn ia a riflh gMWIh •! age, iti MMinllBg Toraadaht e rim aa n paaa ioa -ilowara aad aj^ondld parpla bloMu and laog drooping antaya •! fli ooloarad MaaaaM, all uatrbuBad traiaad la Oair wOd laxoriaaoa. Tha haoaa ataad aOaat and like the eaitio of Urn Sleq^ Beaaty ia tile fairy-tale. Perhapa it waa wiMng lor the teooh of the prinoe te awaken it te life andleve. PeroiTal OaaTon abeek off thelandfnl tiieoght impatiently aa he trod the naglooted path and tliroat aaido tiie dnatwiag wide- leaved fan, pangent-aoanted myrtle, and crimeen b?OMemiag pomagriBate. Aa elderly wemaa aaawered liia anmmena at tiie deer. "Thiaiathehoaaeef Mr. Daierme!" be aald. " Are aay of tha fanuly liviag hm aew t" ' Mr. Delarma liaa been dead a long time," the weouui anawerad. " niara waa oaly lib daoghtar bft. She weat away five yean age. Are yea a friaad ef the faoiily, air t' ** Yeeâ€" tiiatia, I knew Mr. Dalerme. Caa yea tell me whoa* Miaa Daleraie wont ' ** Miw Delerme! Ah, that taa aad atenr It mnat ba away years ainoe yen kaew the f amUy, air, er yon weald kaow. If yon will l^eaae te eater, 1 will tell yon." ' la ahe liriag ' That waa Paroival Daa- â-¼er*! next qneatloa, and beada ef perqpb- atiea ateed ea lib pale f erdiead aa he aaked it. Bat the aan-bUada were dowa all ronad the oool, ahadad apartmoat, aad the wemaa waa toe fall of the tale ahe loaged te tell to aetioe the pallor of lier viaitor. ** la ahe living I' he repeated. " That b more than loan tell. Semetimaa I think ahe maat be dead, aiaoe evea tiie grave ia the oemetwy haa boea navidted for meatba, and that b tlie laat tiling ahe wenid acgleot. But it haa lieen a aorrewfnl life, and a lonely one, and alia mnat have had little te grieve for. D'd yea kaew her, air, when yen knew Mr. Delerme I" ' It b a great many yeara ago, and alio mnat have been quite a child than," he aaawered evaalvely. ** Yea, ahe waa only a ohlld when ahe met the man who married her and miaed her life," the woman aaid. "She waa away from her father then, ataying with her aunt. She waa a aweet young ^I, and aa beantl- fnl a one aa yon would wish te aeo and, yonng aa ahe waa, she had plenty of lovara. Amenmt them waa an Englishman. Madame Delorme, the aunt, did not like him, but the yonng lady did and â€" Oooila Laoroix, who waa her fionne, told it all to me â€" they met in aedret. Then Mr Dslorme heard ef the affair, and ho called hia danghter heme. The yonng man waa anmmoned away at the aame time by hb father, a rioh merchant in Toronto. Mr. Dalorme waa not rioh he h^ had great loaaos, ud hU danfthtor wonld have no dowry. The young people were in doapair at tha aoparation, and the young man perauaded her te marry him privately, with only Caoile aa witneaa. She waa a Roman Oatholio, the B-iglbhman waa a Pteteatant he bribed a prieat te make them one. Then he went away to hb father, and ahe oamo home here. He waa to get hb father'a oonaent, and to retnm to claim her and they parted, full ef love and hope. But the bleaalng ef the Church waa not en that marriage hew oenld it lie I The bridegroom never bame back he never even wrote. He waa a villain I • Our poor flower faded and pined. Then the truth oame ont. Mr. Uolorma waa furiona, and he wonld have hnntod the Eog- lialiman to the end of the earth but the priest put in hb word. It waa ne marriage that had been celebrated, he aaid ^e bridegroom waa a heretic, and there oonld lo ne aacramont of marriage betweui ono of the true Ohnrch and a horotio. So Mr. Delorme forliado her te call heraelf by the Engliah name, evea when her ohUd waa bam. I think ahe wonld have broken her heart but for that aweet ohild. For her ahe lived on, and even Mr. D^lormo grow aoft and tender te the little thli:^. Then he died, the old manâ€" they aay hb death waa haatea- ed hy lib danghtor'a trouble â€" and ahe lived on hero, wl^h Cecile and the child. " Parhapa the EagUshman died. I have thought so aometimea. Sorely he oould not have been anch a monster aa te have for- aaken her all theae yeara if he had lived 1 We.may have called him hard namoa whioh he did not doaervo, and have slandered the dead." She oroaaod horBolf, and went m. " Then came the hardeat trial of all the ohild died. She waa well and bright one day, playing here under the magnolla-treea, and the next day ahe waa In heaven. It waa a snnatroko, aame aaid. Odiera aaid it waa fever. It broke the methar'a heart. She never looked up aftarwarda, and aho could not live here, where the ohild'a voice aeomod alwaya in the air. She went to live with Madame Delerme on an eatate a few miles " Bat they aent the noUoe of tiie ohfld'a death te the Eoglbh papera ao Oeoile told me. It might reach tlie father'a eyeâ€" who knew t ' Aad Coolie at least never believed that ha waa dead. Then, mere than a year ago, Madame Dalorme died. She left her littia fertnao te her niooe, and Caoile oame here. She alwaya aaed to oome aad toad the ohild'a grave in the oometery, and ahe told me they were going awayâ€" aho and her mbtreaa, f er a long time, enalongjenmey. Semethnee I think ahe haa gene to aeekher chUd'a father, and that we ahall never hear ef her agala, aa we have aever heard ef hiai. It b the land ef forgetfnlaeaa there, ever tiie Boa." â-  ... PeroiTal Diaven rei* np, while aad shaatly, aad alaggered eat late the air, ' •• Tfch natfaia^' he aaid le Ihe wen* it'b aatiiiag7' he aald le Ihe w m ii, ahefeUewodbtaiaaxtoariy. "I-avewalk. ed toe far lathe ion. It will ge off pr*- sSwent to feloh him waler aadhe aat there ia tiie flewer-haag veraadah withhb I^ afmiaa ab*athb fe*t aad artaea ^beckeaiag him wtthpab head lehta *^dld a*l meaa le d«frt h«r he cried â- laad. itrlTiag le Ihroel baek the aeeaaiag ML "It#aa my lOher I l*^^ Suhta. Aad tiMB I heart ihawai dead." la tit* *«T*aih*wgiB««M!i itiialwayaw; tfc*, wihbw Umt mt muti, Iha ge*i aad fMMiTetaaf A eoeet *Kd faeebfallaf ••Tea, It a L" **Ihbfaaoghe*t{ itba flsah," he mattarad, aa ahe heldaoaplehtaltoaL •• What haa happea- edloMt WkmiaAir ** Taa have baaa v«ty QL YeaaiaheN. iatii*heaM*fyoarwiii^ Maria Debmeâ€" where aatalyl^Hiaaghl lb* r^hlaoaa |adff- neat ef Heavaa had brenght fo« lo die," ahe added to heraelf "Maria-bahehei*?" 'No,ahetaia heavea." Thaaext maaaeat ake waa aeny ahe had apekan, for a iaah ef joy lighted ap the pab featarea OeoUe kaew that aet eveaahe oenld wla pity er aerrew from him for the weaum he liad treated ao oradly. ' O'l, that my luada aheald have aaracd himbaokteUf^theT^orl" ahe exdaimed le Ihe henaekee p e r Bat he lived aad grew atsoag oaoaghfer the homeward joaraey he waa ao Impatbat le mak*. "He geea le the yonag biida," CeoO* gTMrned; "aad aheâ€" ia Ilea ia hw graTa." " Oeolia. whoa did ahe die r Veageaaee waa witUa her gtaap, Oeald ahe forego Itt Thai ralaolaat piwaibe le her dead iBk|Maa waa fer goH e a ia Ih* whirl- wlad of her #htii aow. "She died the day ahe wrote yoa that loiter at St. Sebaatlaa'a. Ihat day killed her " "' And yon bft her there " " No, I breoght her here. She Uea with her ohildâ€" aad yeara." " That b eaengh. Mow leave me." Aad ahe weat for there waa aemetbiag ao dark aad terrible ia hb leek Ihat ahe waa frightened. It waa tha day before lie waa le aaDfer Eoghnd. Ha had aot dared to aak her the qoeatioa npea whioh hb fate hang until then. New he drew from lib pooket-beek the record of hb ohild'a death aad apread It ont before him. At he glared at it with wild eyea, he aeemed te aee a demon poiatlag te that aolltary figure "3." and to hoar It whbparing aomething It had whbperod be- fore in the darkneaa ef the night, whoa hb mind waa at ita weakeat. Haw aaay It wonld bo te write another figure before tiiat one I See, there waa apaoe loft for It Who wonld know? Hs thruat the paper haaUIy from him. Ha started np and walk- ed te the farkheat oomer ef the room, and turned hb face to the walL Bat the blank wall ahowad him a vlaion ef a mined man, bankrupt in honour and happlneaa, alirink- Ing before the soom ef the world whioh had ao lately amiled on him and ef a f^r aweet faoo, with horror and laathlng written upon It, tnmed away from lilmfor ever. And the tempter whispered more Importuaately tlian ever. " It b net a crime. It oaa harm ao oaa. Who would know " In another moment It waa writtoai, " Marie Delerme Danvora. Aged 23." The next day he waa gone, and Cadle aaat an impreoatloa after him whidk made the tondet -hearted henaekeeper Judder. " May the cup ho wonld drink be daahad from hia lipa I May vengeance dog hb foot- atepa, and juatloo aeiaa iiim and drag liim down I" the faithful aervant aald, with railed hand and aolemn voice. CHAPTER X. " Miaa D jveton I" Lady Keith waa aaybg anxioualy. " It mnat have been CyatUa. Albinia, It mnat have been C/nthla." Lady Saltmarah aald nothing, aad Sir George Viviaa alimgged hb ahomdera. " AU oata are grey ia the dark," he iidd, quoting » Freaoh proverb. Lady Keith took np her knitting aad aat down. There waa aa agitated floah ea her delicate cheek, aad her abndar white haada trembled Lady Saltmarah'a ahaf ta, eftea ouayed in vain, liad taken eflEaot at laat. it waa aftemoeaâ€" growing late liy the ahadewa, bat early aa yet by the oleek. There were no lighta In LadyKeith'a mam- ing room, wldoh epeaed on to tiie lerraee and looked over toward tiie paik aad witii- out the gergeena orlmaoa uid gold ef the antumnai glory liad reaelved themaelvea Into the aombre aontral gray ef twUlght. Sir George glanced entwarda, aad aaw two poraoaa preaently meant the lerraoo atopa alowly, llngerlngly, and panae at the lop, looking liack at tiie abrended ^aata In the park below. Lady Keith aaw them toe. " It b Cynthia," ahe repeated falatty. "Cyathla b in the mndo-reem," Lady Saltmarah aald, pointing te tiie half-epea door, wheaoo oame eoheing rooad the ridi tenea wliioh all knew to bo Oynthb'a Then a wUte liand oame flattering agalnat the glass, and a gray-robed fignre atole ia ont ot the ahadewa and aat down, jaat aa a footman threw open the doer, with a lighted lamp in hand; and, ia the illnniination, Etith Dovoton, all nnooaaoioaa, raJaed her tieaatifal glowing face â€" ^traaafermod iaaomo myateriona way ainoe they liad aeon It laat â€" and leeked at the three who wore, each in their own faaUon, sitting in judgment upon her in their hearts. There waa only one thing whioh oould caoao each a traaa- formaUon in a womaa'a faoo. Sir Gsorge knew what it waa aad looked grave lAdy Saltmarah knew what it waa ard leeked trlumphaat. Lady Kdth gneaaed dimly aad her heart aaak. MIsB Dovoton wai the only one who did net knewâ€" did not gneea. Wiiat die did know waa that tho woild had grown brigiit- er, mere lieaatf fnl tiiaa her draama that a rabtio phnter, aweet aa tiie aeolar ef tiie goda, waa roaniag tiirongh her veiaa aad thrilling her heart witii aa InaflEibbjav. Laenard Hape, oemlag la bdiiad her, look- ed daaad, aa if Ike aaddea light bUaded him. •* What are yea all doiag in there T" oal- led Cyathb'a veioe from the next room. ' Yea ate ao qabt. Mamma, b tiiere ae leayett" With the lart aeataaaa dM waa wMi ttom, aad aemethiag â€" a "adad-wave" parhqe, or aa eleotrio lenA ef qabk aympatiiy â€" waiBod her. Her praod head waa haul a afaade hblier tiiaa oaoal, bal her oheek wai pale. Sir G aalf atlhe Kl eraa,aad It'Ladf l^aiHQrf TdglVw ead of it,aadir«a it drawiag^ watofafal. thai pjaaaaal eheia. B WM~aa If Aeair heavy wM the Oyalhla atiUdy laaa aoaal all her datha ae thellMIe â- Â«â-  wfa* Leoaarl waa grave Sir Gaerge aibal aai Lady Kalth'a hd^-hnd diatarbad. She waa reatiea* aervoai, aad a taA baral atUl en her oheek. Only Mba Pe v eHea wai radbatiy h^ppf aad lovely, w ra pped la a aerl « droMB, wUoh raadered her deaf la tiie matlatlngB ef tiie alerm. Aad there waa â- emetiilnga la haraaeo n eele Ba iaaeoeal hi^ pheai aad ia the a we e l aeM 9i her beaa^ whioh told ita owa atory aad leaohed tho hearta whtoh alMBld have beaa hardoaed lewarda bar. " We have beea le Uama. Poor ehUdâ€" hew oeald A» kaew t" Lady Keith add. â- ' We eaght te |have told her it eaght to have lioea nadoratORd. She b yonag aad aad aleae aad Leoaara haa kiadleher. I wOl loll her to- il" Ytdaaifer flmtnia HrSirdeena httoMnI le Lady Kdth aat by tiie fire la the gbl'a later the aame ovealagâ€" it waa' a methorly ooatem wiuoh ihe liao efblddlag her geed-abht tiiereâ€" aad teld bar what alMald have beea teld bdere. ' So yea â- ee," aiu oeadnded, " 1 am qolle happy alieal dear Oyatbb'i fatore. la iMT obatimataaoea and witti her reapead- Uiltiea it would have liaea aa aaxleaa mat- ter te ohooee wlaely but dear Leonard ia all aad mere thaa all we oould deali*. I oonld net have tamated her to a atraager, but he aadinlaada her le Ihereoghly. It oaa aoaredy fall la be a fertnaato aad happy aianiage." (to bi ooaTunraD,) Ozu(m of BUmtiiMr Boob. To fiad the aoarco from which the Ea- repeaa aatioQi liave derived the art ef Imild- lag ia atone, we mnat leek to the land of tlie Pliaraeha. From Egypt the craft paaaed to Greeoe, aad from the Greeka it waa takea np by the Remana, te be by them dlaaomia- ated tiirongh the aortii aad west of Europe la the preoeaa of ooloniiatiea. The aimilar- ity, la regard le Ihe oeaatmottve parte of the ancient Greek baildlaga te aome of theae found In Egypt ef older date, afferda atrong oonfirmatioa ef the tradition that the Greeka borrowed the art from tiie Egyptalna. Tho Greeks, however. In adeptSig It added a aew feature, the pediment, and the reaaen for thb addition b eaay to find. Egypt b praolioally ralaloai. All the proteoUoa from the olimate required In a palace or temple in anoh a oonatry b abdter from the ann by day and from the cold by night, aad for thb a flat roof, supported liy walb, er pU- lara with arohitoavee, b quite anffioloati but, wlien, aa la all European oonntriea, rdn has to be taken into aooeunt, a alanWng roof beoomaa a neoeadty. Tiie Greeka, with their eye for ^mmetoy, provided for tiib by forming tita roof witii a oontral ridge, at aa obtnae angle, from which It aloped down oqoally on dther dde. The triangular apaoe thna formed at the end ef the balldiag above the arohltrave waa oooapied by the pedlmeat aad thb part of the boade, whioh owed ili liirth to the exigeaolea of dimate, waa tiieaoeforth regarded aa ao oiaentid to the artbtio oemploteaeaa of the work Ihat it waa aald that If a temple were te be ereoted In tho odeatid rogiena, where rain would net he poadble, the pediment oonld net tie emitted.- Popular Seknee Monthly. InTallds' Hotel and Surgical In- sUtnte. Thb widely oolenratad iaatitntfoa, lo- oatadat Buffde, N. Y., b organiied with a fnll'ataffef e^hteen experienced andaklll full Phyalciana aad Sargeona oonatitutiag the moat complete eirgaabatiea of modlod aad anrgloal MSI ia America, for the treat- meat of dl ohroaio diaoaawa, wliether re- qnirtaig medical or anrgiodmoana for theb euro. Marvdona aucooaa haa been achieved In the cure of all naaal, threat and lung db- eaaea, liver and kidaoy diaeaaea, dbeaiaea of tho ^eativo orgaaa, bladder diaeaaea pecu- liar te women, blood tainta and akin diaeaa- ea, rhonmatlam, neuralgia, nervona de- bility, pardyab,eplbpay (fits), apormator- rhea, impotenoy and Idndred affecttoni. Thonaanda are cured at their hemea through corroapondenoe. The cure of the worat rup- tures, pQo tnmora, varicocele, hydroodo, and Btriotnrea are guaranteed, with only a abort roaidenoe at tho institution. Send 10 oeata In atampa for the Invalids' Guide- Baek (168 pager), whbh glvoa dl partfcu- lara. Addreaa. World'a Dlq^anaary Medlod Aveoiation, BnfiEdo, N. Y. A great deal of talent b loat ia the world for the waat of a littio oonrage. "GaldoB Modlod DIaoovery"â€" the great bleed-parifier. Notiiiag raakka ia the heart like in- joaUoe. Try to nodoratand the motivea of oondnek, aad iiever doubt the word, or ro- fnaa ta accept the explanation ef erring oMldfon. Offandve breatii vanbhea with tho nao ef Dt. Sage'a Catarrh Bamedyi Dont nao any mora naoaoonspurgatlvea anoh aaPllla, Bdta, fto.. when you can get In Dr. Cazaon'a Btemadi Bitten, a medlolne fliat movee tho Bowob gently, oleanalng all tepnr- Itiea from the ayatem and renderins thoBliDOd pweaadoooL Great BprinsModloinenita. Whoa a maa alaka ae bw that he ae bager hai a frbadea earth Ihe poolllea ef baae bdl ampbe b all thalb left hba. A Free Mcht. niesreat reputation of B-lgga' Xleotrlo (Ml ta anoh that it nas induced nnprinolniod por- aoaa to adopt other namea aa near ulte It aa poadble. Tlie p ro pt ieto r a of Brigtf Bleotilo Oil have the name and a^le ot the aleotrio Oil legtataced both In Canada and the United Stateai and no ono can nao it but themadvaa. Othesk hearing of the Biiimiaa oC Brlggir XlaO' trio Oil have adopted other aaaiea aiidliur aooh w " Xdeotrlo Oa.'" Bleotron OtL" ftOn aad are otiivingto Induce theaabUo to buy them In- aiead oC the seandne BeoMo 00. Ia foot ao diatennlaad ware they tiket they a anlt at Law. la Oa mgh Goort ot ^,to devtiveBriops* SoaaaCtheirilfdit itrd the aame: tat tbe Coorti aad 9i* K Of Aeiealtaie at Ottawa fdlyaaa- ttietrteStotaccdtnde [^â- tooSieoaeaiaaB and" A ovBi v»^ jpiniftanniia eared. Addiea M. â-¼. Lobea, 47 Wellii«- tnaSt laet^ Tetoale. Oal. Oal Ihk eal ferfolBvai A. I*. OL loodpay. H^K. IdlihialkMH. »â€" oaBMe toeleai BBdBIUaBNae PABAUbn VAIOLT A Moty. fai«haO.K.Famaadaiesb Bsal tUM MM iaH* at sIgMt aMsde Kails ssal ea nM^dpclee,Ue. .. _0 P-PA Tj.A«siH ._^ M Tooee at, xaMalo^ oai. MMObUeentsi 100|OpO • esM Bosie CSt-piiee. BineLAjfniirKiBrot.w^ BAOHSLOB'a'iDVBmnanâ€" lUBMAai sad i«» Basalts i MvlTttillastnHoae: â- is i sts •ot Mae aadWoaiew. ie; advoBtofM of a asih f i il lIaa,S6c: Oaaalofoe aad afeBtrtsina,tx *-TBB aiiOBK 00..* PasuBOBO, V.J.. TT.g A. 'iuro liiiwT udHiMMPa3uriiiM~f 7i -n AID â- 41 OeL doialilai k oa. " â-  O IPUaKHtAnVI la M% VMal aad â-  i p oBSs I "â€" a £$, ftaMsBS^r aaO UadiM •eaaU "Pio. Lovs. Oawt' k wiUs foe Book ind BiUe nas, Xanmob ObL theflsidwHk SCB«*IveadMnA taeato A tt ea tt eaa t DwinK HoUdaya a spaeial eentas ol Brlrals lessons, by kl^Ml aoaelon, wUl bstivsa Wheal Caaeheis aadStadrnts, oa itaaithaad. Dtawtoc w Palnaaa. AH iriio can shonM oome. SsadlsMMdl- aldy for spedd oliodais. Xn Unoa laoae. namaaaP AoaaaiiT, Anads. Tonato. rrmJt Taaasv* arauBsa c*i.ixfw.â€" X Be-opaas Wedncsffay, lepl, lot. Ysomiot for two hUBdred mon stodOBie, oa taoithand. Type. viUlBf, Bookkeeplar. WtMor. AitthoMtlo, Oiam- â- Ai, DiawlDg, PaintlBir and FeispeotlTs, atd all othe* Uoomandal ad KngUsh Oooises. All giadn- etM helped In prnooriiift good iltaalionB. Apply tanneditMy. 87. 80 and 41 AdalaKe 9^. KhTuob^ aBBmxâ€" TOD OAiTT mn a book thai â- Jves better satWaotlon or that yon oan make moBsy taster with tba* Weild's WoBdan." BeUate aU chMSMâ€" OhnstUBS and Infldeisi O at ho He a aad Proteatanta, old aad yoaaf old arails ^whave BOl oanvassed for yearn are galBK late th It 0. P. JeaUas sold US the fltsi week; says I "T6» dtst wMk with " Wondais*' i eae hnadied and sixteaB doaaia" A good for onemployed penons; onlflt frss to aelad oaa- vasssts, write for tems. BaaauT; Oaaaasaoafc Oo.' Biantfoid BRANTFORD COLD WATEB BTOE STABOH NEVEB FAILS. c» ar "iKr.d^ 3E z «^ A-firricult-ural Oollegfe WILL RE'CPCN ON HRST OOTOBER. Coarse In Aatlenltara, Live Stook. DaJijiag. Tat- eiiaaiy SdeiMM. sad Bagllah speolallT adapted to the wants ot farmeis' sobs. Per olicalar glviog la- fonBatiim as to oosi, teims d admlssloB. eso., ^pply to JA8 HILLS. ILA.. PrsaUeat. Gnelpb, Angnsi, 1880. Please meaUon the paper in whidi you saw this advti â€" Dairy Salt. Finest bread rf BBglish Dairy Salt, In qnarter sacks. HUrtciB*' Bnteke. WMhington Btmnd, Wotth- logton, also the Oelebrat»d Akiiten end leadiag bMuids ot Oaoadaa Ddiy Bait Batter Worksn^ te.- Bead for Price Ust. JAIWgB PARK A SON, TORONTO Ai^nings SBND FOR~FrICB LIST. Awning, Flag:, Tent ft Camping Depot 169 YONQE STREET. TORONTO Armstrong's PATENT TEMPERED STEEL Cutter Sleigh Gears, Hade from Best lan-peKd Spring Steel. LIGHT, HANDSOME, STRONG, AND VERY DURABLE Wa ars having a laigs demand *his season from iMti3BS wlvre sampi* lots were sold laat winter, aad orders skodd be pltoad ewly to secnra prompt at- tenUon. Ooxnlng, ITcHlaad, aad "Jnmp 'eat," BMH«e ta solt, t,% all kt vaty modertte prices. Have you u««d our £(««{ Bob-SUighg «d «er tfe. aoi^ptiva oUrrnla,. j. B. ARIMSTRONG M'PO' CO. LD GUELPH. CANADA. Aa4 lava eat Tnalaiac Sdiael ta Canada* MtmA tne Cale a dag- GLOBEWashboard KEPT BY ALL GROCERS MANUh H'hLL- L HAMILTON Wallci WoOdSuC. TOR0NT0 J.L.J ONES WOOD ENGRAVER TORONTO. ELECTRO 2.STERE0TYPf.R5. sa^^^il^aiBiiiiiyii '"'" miii iHillHMiil

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