Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Sep 1886, p. 2

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 â-  1 i 1 I si » .* 11 iH ii-- ,1 ^1 !â-  :!!: i il l;i 1 Jil 111 11 TOUNG FOLKS. Bhjmes ot the. Haj-zroimd. NoTMrj rhymn luv« notittd maoh tatloB af Ute m la wpriMw o( llf«, ftnd BSkDy GollMlhn •ttbnt 1wt« auda. The quftiat rbymn •! the play- grouad, Mme of whfeh m Tmj old, ut« nooiTed Iom attootion. H. OKringtoB B»l- too, of Triaitir Ocllsge. onttibatM to the Boaton Journal of Mdueation kho following iproimoai of •' oonnting oat " rhymaa, ool- looted by him fmn oliildren and by oar- raepondMioe. a faTorita jingle ia " Ora-iy. o-ry. Ickeiy Ana, FUllton. foUUos. NIoholM. J^ha QaMTjr, qury. tag.Ub tmry, Siltfaliiin. itMKalsu, back." Thia rhyme b widely naed, having been reported to me from Cenneoticat, Philadel- phia and CfaioinaatL It fa tabjeot to many TariatioBi " EnglUh navy " beoomei « Irlah Mary;" aeme inaert the word "berry" or the word " John " before " book " In the lait line. •• lokery " ia "hiokery," eto. New York City: mona. Hike, Baroalona. bona, tUtka Out, wan, f row, f nok, HklUoo. bUUoo. we, wo. wac^" Thia alM ia anbjeok to ooontlen varia- tiena: "Baroolona" becomea "toioalens" eto. Oaefermendafnâ€" Central New Yorkâ€" " Hnddy, gaiij, boo, oat goaa }oa." " Ana, mana, oippary Oldk, Delia, DoUa, Oamlnlok Hllolu, pltchk. domiaitctaa, Hon. poB. toaa." In aeme diatrioto the third line ia given aa " Hontoha. poatoha, domlneateha," and In othera •' Hotoha, petoha." eto. "laah" may alae beoome '• tni " or " toak." Dala- wat«, Rhode lalaod, eto. "Haley, maley, tlppety, tg, TIney, tutej, tomb, nl^ Ooat, thioat, conntry note, Tiney, toney, nig." " One, two. three, Nanny otvight a flea ' Xhe Am dlid, ana Nanny orleCI oat goea ihe." Scotland " Batiun, peatnm, penny pie, Bablyonl, eUokom. stye." Beaidea rhymei of the oharaotor of the above,â€" *, e, ooniiating of gibberiah, with diacenneotod word*,â€" there are very many rhymes oontUning no nnooath word*, bat peaacaaing, in general, a jingle eaaily reo- egnizible: " One, two, three, lonr, fiva. alz, seren, elg:ht. Maty St the oottsgra gate, eatlag grapei oS » plate. One, two. three, (oar, five, lix, leren el^ht." Thii la given alae " plmas " in plaoe of " grapei," and " garden gate " for " cot- tage gate." ^^en " oottage deer " enda the aeoond line, the oaanting atopa at "four" to aatiify the rhyme. /The oolleotlon U qalto inoempleto. What Weatom foity -year- eld bey or girl doea net reoegnfza the fellewing? " Intry. mlctry, entry, oom, Apple-seed and »ppl -thorn Vier, brlei, Umber, Took, tiiree traeee In one fl:ok, one flaw east, and one fl^w west. And one flaw over the caokoo's oelt. One, two, three, out goei he." Oar " devU " oentribatoa thcf following â€" " One--all. twcs-all. dga all gan, Bobtail vinegar, tioklem, tao. Harem, eearem, popalarem, Bi, baw, book." WhtojiDf. oonaMi of The Man Under the Apple-Tree. There wai once at the Uaivenity ef Cam- bridge, Ejglnd, a atadent who, in aftor Jreara, gained a groikt name. A diaeaie break- Dg out in the college, drove him to hia father'a heme. Oae day he went into the orchard and tat dotrn to read aader a tree. He raised hia eye ft oan hia book and aaw an apple fall. That wasj a common thing. Millions ef people had seen apples fal*. Bat this yoong man was set to thinking. Wh»t made the apple fall 7 Not the wind it waa a qoiet day. Why, when the stem broke, did it not stay in tho air This thoatihtfal yeaog man did not stop thinking »boat the falling ef the apple nattl he had ditoevered the oaase that made the apple fall and that the same oauie keeps the moon and planets in their paths. This yenng man waa Sir Iraac Newton. Naw, let OS see what kind ef boy he waa. His father waa a yaeman or a farmer. He wai tent to school bnt " he waa always fall of tbe bcsineca he was bcrn for." When ether beyi were at play, he woald be aftor ' hia ewn work, call it what yoa like. He made water-wheels, models of milla and machines. Ha made a water clock from an old box, and fixed It to an index which moved as the sinking weed, floating on the water, fell B it hij father weald not hear of yenng I(aaodcing snob foolish thirgs. He mast farm. He was ta learn about wheat and grass lands, and to feed and sell sheep. So he was sent to the fields, and was asaally foand lying nnder a tree reading wlea he sheald have been with the cattle and the labarera. When lie waa sent to market, he permittod an eld servant to sell the sheep, while he went into a haylcft to work oat a mathemt.- tical problem. His father f cand that he could not make a farmer oat of him, so he let him devote himself to study, and he be- came a great phllotepher. Xheie waa in England a breed of very small early-haired degs, called King Charlea Spaniels, beoanse they were great taveritea ef the king. New- ton owned one ef tiiem, whom he called Dia- msnd. He waa very fond ef the little crea- ture, and waa oonttanally oareaaing it and atraking ia glcaay hair. One night he left hia library and in it thia little black Diamond. The dog jamped upon the table, evertorned the candle, and aet fire to papera upon which were fagorea that had coat hia master yeara of hard work. They were all deatroyed, â- â€¢ that when New- ton retaraed to Uaroem he found, in plaoe •f the papisra, aothing bnt aahes. What ahonld le do T F«U to boating and kicking the dog I No he waa a great- sealed, aelf -governed man and he anply â- aid. "Ah, Diamoad I Diameadl little thea knowaat the mlaohief then haat done." Ihe Queen at Osbdme. The ragnlar aomg^^giMim vf ham okarai for the aofll part a* qpMB'a poMioMn aad oaBployw. wrttea aa lato of Wtoht OMrreapaaAsnt of TAd Phi- adebthia Ptut Bha psJl fmr tte wtire o«M of Ito anetiHi It waa darignad by tte prinoa oaaa«(^ to whoM aieaiwy it oaataini a taMUfal kmrtl wDn m ant^ pot qp *• by bis devoted and tawk«s-hMrtod Vlatarla. ' It Is under the aliadew af thia moaomanfe, aeoare from Ae vulgar gsae, that tha qaeea'a ohair ia plaoed, in view of the memban ef bar ewn hooaehold aoatad in the fthyn^Ttlt bat oompiatoiy hidden from ttio onrioaa orawd who threag the little oharoh wheaever there la a prasjpeot of her majeaty atteodlag one ot ito aervioaa. Viotoria never permito heraelf to farget her huaband Irat in her remembranoa of the dead ahe doea not neglaot the living. Her aeareat neighbor at Osborne ia her yonngeat daoghtor, who haa allotted to hor a little bit of a hease, sooh has may be f oond by the dcssn in auborban Lendmi, having a doable frontâ€" L e., a door ia tho oeutei; with awiadow eaoh aide, a graaa lawn and fiewar-b«d in front, Tho reaidenoe of the orown prinoeu of Jermany and of the prince of Walea are only divided by a wire fenoe atretohed aoroaa the groaod, and they are trithin easy reach of Oaboma, Thara ia alwaya aomeono at Oaboma, the qaoea having plenty of graadohildren, and oenae- qaently tiio establiahment is aomawliat ef a large one. Bat the ateblea are by no neuia eztenaive, meat of the boraea and oarrlagea being 'hired. In faot, the qaean keapa only eight en the island. To look irfter tlieae eight heraoa there ia aaoh a namber of nppar aervanta that the poor atablemen get very badly paid. Throe dollars a week and a bed ia the ratam they receive for a day of twelve hopra. Thry rise at 5 a, m. and knack off at S'p. m. with an boor for dinner, and in the absenoa ef the queen the eoonpanti ef her hease take oare there shall be no lack of work. Women tervajito, butlers, lacqueya, waltora and flnnklpya ride abeat in imitotion of ladiea and gtntlen:en in widting, who are muoh moreroyalthantheqaaen. Oneof the old wo- man living in the Wtaippingham alnuhoase was aaked how ahe like herma jasty. Tbe eld lady, aa Irlah woman, aad not far off 103 yeara eld, said " Sara, and her msjeaky is adarlint; bat the Lord preserve us from the ladles in waiUn'" There are nnmer- ons inconsistencies attracting attontlon in the management of the queen'a eatate, Bsarlng reins have been loudly and widely cnndomned when used in Hyde Park to shew ff a fine horse by keeping the head up and the neck alwaya aiched, and yet the qaeen not only permito their employment, bnt encourages it, and even her cart horsea in the field are suVj acted to the cruelty that they may look their best. Still her majesty has a tender heart. The land she sableto b poor, overiun with rabbito, and giving the farmers a meager return. But her ma- jeaty will not allowaaingle "pussy" to be shot, or a stock dove killed. Wlutt ia the const qaencoT la win tor all the leaf era in Ryde are poachers. They disregard the severe penaltiea, and walk about Oibomo with lurcher dega. Sometimes they oeme into contact with the keepers, and last febniary they laid in wait for oce, and maltreated him to such an extont that the^ left him for dead. A Oonntei-Irritant' A physlciaa occasionally prodacei an ir- ritotlen in one part of the body in order to relieve an Irritatien ezlating in another part. Not unfreqnently a oountor irritant is as useful in a moral as it h in a phyaloal diaeasr. A aelf- willed yoang man, living in the Smth, and siok with intermittent fewer, sent for a physician, a nataraliaed Frenchman, who waa noted for in«l«ting upon litoral obediei-os to hia presoripdont. He came, inquired, prescribed, and lift two or three sorta of medioine, with minnto di- rections for taking them. The next day, a little before the time when the patient aheuld have ezperienoed a re- turn of the usual chill, the doctor rode up to the house, aad eataring asked hew the siok maa was. He found that the wilfnl young gentleooan had net taken a drop of the medicine, and that the chill, coming on earlier than the expeoted tlm?, had sent him to bed shaking with the aitue. The angry doctor atunped np to [.the pa- tient's room, stripped off the bod-clothea, gave him a aauurt whipping with a riding- whip, covered him np, and left him roaring w{th;j;ialn and vexation. A profuse perspiration followed, and neither the ague nor the doctor returned. Bnt the youog man, as Eoen as he got out, sued the doctor for asaanlt aad battery. At the trial the doctor pleaded his ewn case. " I enly did my duty," said he, "as a doctor. I had to preaorlbe, and when I found my preaorlptlen neglected, I bad to admlnlstor. It waa the crisis of the dlaeaae there waa net time to make a mustard plas- tor, and I therefore administered the only remedy whioh the time and oircnmBtancea admitted. I uaed a counter-irritant, and ito effect was beneficial to the patient's mind and body. The patient began to get well from that very hour. " I do promiae the court," he contioned, speaking in broken Eaglish so as ta intonil- fythe laughter, which already convulsed the judges, "thaf do ahtrge of aault and baUer is not true. Cooks use salt and bat- tor, but a doctor â€" nevare " The Uughing csurt gave the young man onoshillIngdamges, aad the next day he received from the doctor ablUfor " medical treatment in his intormittont fever." Polson'8 N erTiline. Hnndreda who have experlenoed the won- derfnl power of NervIUne in anbdning pain have *«"""• *».â- * II. •_ ».t â€" »â€" "B ifmut JTaahienable Lady: "Don't yea think. Doctor, that my haaband oaght to eand me to seme faahimiable watoring-plaoe for my hfoltht" Deotor: 'Why, madam, yoa liave a pheaemenonally rabast phyaiqae. FaehlenaUe Lady ** I knew ftere waa â- cmetidng the mattor witti me. Where have I to go to get rid ef it."â€" tertlfied that it is the meet potent remedy in ezutenoe. NarvUine la eqaaUv effioaoieua aa an internal or an extern^ remedy. Polaon's NervIUne cores flatnlenoe. ohIlla.apa8ma, cholera, orampa, headache! â- ea aokaeee, saniBier oomplafaito. k%. A-t N«jllln. 1. ..Id by aU dru^SK* aid USa: toydealera. Oaly26oenta bottl* £ •• BOly Jonee ekmek a great anap." aald a man to an acqoaintanoe. " Haa he. lnda*d? hoar It Buly ta a fiiak-olaaa, hard-wMig. young feUew and deeerve. a go«| »hKg ftjw did ha nn aoroe. it t ' •• ^hy h.^ I keyed with a tartleu ff«it el a mtauMtT" Tested Beoipai. A Daintt Dish.â€" Tate te for Imakfaat w ln n**â€" and ia inade ef Ireah eriep toaet« bnttored vwy al^ktiy. Oa eaoh elioe pnt sitmirt aad otMomber, er oeld meat and Aotaay, aprinUe with pepper and wrap eaohalieeiaa lettaoe loaf that haa been â- teeped ia vinegar. Tomato Soup.â€" Te one qaark ef boiling water add one qaart ef tomatoaa boU again and pat In eno teaapoaafnl ef aoda and aa â- ooa as it haa oeaaed foaming, add one pint of milk, fear rellod oraoker^ battor, pepper and aalt, aad aorve very hot. Cbbam Potaiois.â€" Chop eold, belled Ktotoeo, pat two or mere tablaepeenfnle of ttor into a frying pan when hot, rub Into it a apoonfal ol flonr, bat do not brown. Add a oup of rioh milk, and when it bolls, a tablespoonfal ef ohoppd parsley, peppsr and â- al^ then the potatoea. Boll ap well and aorve, a little onion may be added If do- aired. TcTTi Fbucti.â€" One qaart ef rioh oream, one and one-half onnoes ef iweet almenda, chopped fine, one-half pound of augar heeza and when anffioientiy oengealod add one- half pound ef preaenred fralta, with a few white raiaiiu chopped, and finely siloed oitron. Cut the fruit small aad mix well with tho oream. Fracao like loo oream. Keep oa loe until required, CuBKAiiT Caxs.â€" Oream ttuea eunoea of buttor with two ennoee ef powdered angar aad throe orgs, oae at a time, using one ounoe of floor with eaoh egg, and beat well until qoito amoeth. Add one enaoe of citron, dnely mtaoed, and pear the mixture into bnttored onpa or meoloa. Have an ounce and a half ef corranta nicely cleaned, and â- prioklo them over the topa of 'ho oakee. Bake la a moderato even lutil light brown. OoiTAOE PcDDiHO â€" Twe cggs, onc onp of sagar, battor, sizs of a walnat, 1^ oupa of flour, two teaapoonfolls of bakiLg powder. Bake la a loaS like a cake twenty minutes and serve with lemon aaace. Two eggs, yolk of one, oup ef sugar, one-half cup of battor, one tabloepoonfal of oem- staroh. Beat eggs and snga^ tUI light, add grated rbd and jaioe of one lemon. Stfr the whole Into three gills of boiling wator, and oook until snffiisiently thick for the table. Snow-Flaks Caki,â€" Beat half a capful of buttor to a oream, add gradually a copfol and a half of aogar and the juice of half a lemon when very light, add one fourth of a cupful of milk, the whitoi ef five eggs beat- en to a stiff froth next add two oopfuls of flour in which a toaspoonful and a hidf of baking powder, or one toaapoonfnl of cream of tarter and a half a toaspoonful of soda, is mixed. Bake in sheeta in a moderato oven. For frosting, beat the whito of three eggs to a stiff froth, add by degrees two large cup- fuls of powdered sugar, half a grated coooa- nut and the jaioe of haU a lemon. PAYOBITI. SNOWDRiF^l rAKNG POWDER 1 THSRB IBJn BRIBS ha Bbow Drift BaktafMiMler Oa., Htaatload. Oa inrealde IVeekly. Sizseria Story Paper, The Vlrealde ITeekly. Six serial Btoriesbythemoettalentedantbors ineach issue. A namber of Intereeting Complete Tales of Iiove Bomance, and Adventure, Choice Poetry, SI fetches. Household Becipes, Bdenoe, Wit^and Humor, etc, contained in each issue of The nrealde nr^eeUiy. 5o. per copy or, with 40 mt the meet dcelntMe aeaipe of the day, $2.00 per year six months and 30 pieces muaic, SI three months and lO pieces music, 60o. Saibacgribe new. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal oom mission, (taasyto ceplea Aee. Thb FmasiDa WUZI.T, S8 Colbome St.. XorontOb f!""«^fK GnelpbBasiness College GUELPB, ONTARIO. CheThlid SoholasMoTeat beclnsiiaDt. 1st. Patron* ^fa diam froai Taa SrAvaa tno Paovnraasi TonnK PEir ct Allan Line Royaiiaji, from Qnebecmen hL^^ *«S!L,*^I beland. AlMfromBilu. "M^Sl**^ Allan tc Co boya thonnghiy pteparad for business pnr^ salts. Ofadnatea emlDaatly saooassfal. Pn^tloal work. Dodeiato i«tse aad steatob* dfellac (diac*c- teilae the lostltation. Lvdle* admitted. For lafor- natlan addiMe JC. MAcOOBmOK, Principal. MERIDEN BRITANNIA GO. MANUFACTURE ONLY SILVER-PLATED N.F, York:r Qnebeo AUai Co.. Chloi5o*^^Ji;* H. BourUer. ^S^S^,,' Artistic Desigrns, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. Hamill^oii. Out ELM CITY HARNESS OIL THE MOST BASED ONNEATSFOOT Oil SOLDBYALLHARNESSDEAliT MANUFAOTURBRS AND MILLERS WILL SAVE MONEY B? HcGoIIV Lardine try it once and yoa will oae no other. (_ Bvary Bmmio-,-. Wo are the Sole Mannlaetwen ef the Cennlne Lardine. ** M-Also Cylinder, Enslne, Wool and Harness Hint;. Remove flower-pot stains from window sills by rubbing with fine wood ashes and rinse with clear water. Washing pine fleer in a aolution ef one pound of ooperas diaaelvod in one gallon of strong lye gives oak color. Stains on ivory may bs^ taken eat by washing with soap and wator and plaolng it, while wet, in the air to bleach. If matting, oeuntorpanes or bed-spreads have ell spilt on them, wet with aloehel, rub ^th hard soap and then rinaa with dear cold wator. To take ink atains out ef toble olotha, napkins eto., put the artlole to soak imme- diatoiy in thick sour milk, changing the milk as often aa neosssary. Waah hair bmihes and combs in soft wator and L*quid.ammonia In the propor- tion ef four teaspoonfnls ef Ifqnid anunonia to one quart ef wator. Kitchen tables may be made aa white as new if washed with soap «and wood aahei*. Fleers look beet sorubbsd with odd water, soap and wood ashes. Egg shells crushed into smalt bits and ahaken well in deoantors three p»tte Oiled with odd water will .not only olean them thereoghly, but make the glass leek like new. To prevent lamp wicks from smoking they sheald be soaked in vinegar and then thoroughly dried. It Is said that they will never smoke if this prooese is adopted. cCOLL BROS. CO.. OilH Try Oar Canadian Goal Oil, "SUNLIGHTt" Market- Brand, rineatutlu NEW HARRIS AND MAMMOTI STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACES ^THE «he Heat caae«lve.^Clean. »araMe:aeO!eonoaleal Heaters la the «ark«t toi mala and ventUatlaff Ohurahas. lohoola. Public BulUUags. Stores: aad Private Beridenoei. Slmplt Is ooaSW UoB and aaaUy maaaced. capable ot gMng mora heat with less^iSDiampUon of lael Ihu wj othei kallii apparatos. iVAhaelntelj Saa ncht.-M UchtaUes "aarrls" aad foarsUei "MuMtA' are made and can be set ellhsi In Bflok or FoftaUs Iorb. O«iie«poaileno« soUdted. tot auloiw at torthei latormatlOB addiets The I. C. PtURHET 00. (Limited), OOOK OS o I o I THE LHMn. ARGEST LONGEST AND BEST FIRE-BOX HAS SWING Sl drop FLUSH OVEN DOORS VEN. and to M^^UFAOTURED â€" BYâ€" *. ^... «„. cu« sure „^^.^^ Z^Jll^^lJ^l,^. The B. A o. Gnmey Co., TORONTO-

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