wmmmmmi- H; ' H i" ^rr Al»d) writas ahaat ^stapB al^ iuMlDg. Whan a wwnaa gafei BUTtod A« knvwi sIm hM â- hooM to keep aad bH bo baiiMli it» gvlmwrbd mlMiih* opwli to kâ€" phf«nt Md kftTlBff MOtptod tiM p««mW •) ^uer kMpor. if nH fit for it, â- M^ftodll ptMood at oooo oad ofaocrf^ t#fi»A«f|L Yob woBld d«^fai jiirMJl, IftooMd iato a gnat Ma, jBataitlaMrtrti^U far a baat, abBoy. artha jhara. 8a, wkas yaa fiad yaanalf alma^t oranriuisMd «ith wjififaa aad oava, aad Aa â- toakia tiawfcia. thabalnr falkaaalolbadiBad^VBrhlABad ^^ lywantiabattaaMVB an^-Jiald tka with aaa arm, lift thastMkwiaitiia ol aad tall Jokn to bring yoB a aaod tkroad. Say aa mara. Tknra an iHMBrfoBoi b aot aaJf jaUaa bat dla- BModa, and ftia !â- «aa al than. Thaaghti aia ghaati wkn aaapakea, aad traap hum- loaly aboBl^ Imtoaaa apakm thay aio llTia MBtleaiCbdagi thaiafaN do aot apeak of a tooBbla ar aaaoyanoa, aalaa moaldag of it oaaraaMdyit Vary llk«ly aifaBos wfll ia twaaty-f oar hoar* laytha ghaat, bat aaoa giTo it a Toioe and it may lira fovarar. Nezltoailaaooiiordar. If tbat ia Haav- aa'afintlawitfa twafold, tko boaaakaoper aad oook'a. "A plaoa fw avarytl^iBg aad ararythiag iaita pboa" mlgbt w«U ba finua- «d aad aabitttatad for "Homo Ehraet HoBM," ovar per doon. la Bilapbkoa a kitdiaa iark or noao auy bom to a oiodar tho moat oaraf alfy prapar- ad diafa,. Iha oeaTaaieat boldar loit from ita aaQ may bom tha oaka or rafai tho ida, acd iaoanae thaoodk. A ooak tabia, fall, 91 drawora, where floor, aploaa, roUiagpiaa, aad oake-oattara are kept, with baka-paaa haagiag OTer it, will aave yea milea of teaT- ol aad hoon of tima. A amall aholf aoar the atoTo, kept for an extra popper and aalt diah, ha^Yod me fifty mHaa' travel, I thiak iatenyean. Oalyforoae day oooat how numy timea yea go from oook table to atove, aeaaoalog yarioaa dlahoa, aad yea will aoe what thla meaaa. Before pattiaga atroke io year kitohea atand by the atove or raage aa the objaotive point, draw a atraiaht lie from tat to every object wbioh ia ofton oaed there, aad plaoe it aa near aa poaaible. Keep kettlaa and gridlrena ao near that yoa need bat to tarn to reach them, and alwaya, if poaaible, waah them aa aoon ai aied, bisoanae they waah eaaler aad it aavea time. In finding plaoaa for kitohea atonafla atady every time to place them; where it will take the feweat atopi ie reach them. The walk, walk, walk, atop, atjq^, atop, all day of aome heaiekeepeis remind aa of the tread-mill work of a berae en'a whed. The /poor, de j acted animal looks alwaya dewa, and ooonta the seme roanda hepeleaa- ly interminably. There ia nc nie of it. If bralna do net aave atepi in hoaaekeeping, then braina aheald go to the w)I and machine work oomfs in. I(a sane woman will go twice or thrice a day down cellar and brhig np five or ten potafeeea at a time, inakead of a peek, and wash them at once, then my talk ia not for her, for I caonet abnplify hoaaekeeping. A japanned aerver ia the keyatone of the kitchen arch, and a dnmb waiter between the cellar and the pantry or kitohon It one of the anpperting pUlara a ventilator over tho atove la another. In the aitting room the greateat aid to aimplify heaaekeoping ia a work-table with foldlng-leavea and the aidea fall of amall drawera, ae that whea the heaaekeeper, aita doaro to aew ahe can pat her lumd at oaoe, and withoat ariaing, onoreohatand knltttig needlea, tapea and darning cotton, and every poaaible neod. I reitorato. Pat all the artiolea of ovary day oae at the point where they oaa be reached with fe treat atopa. Once a year weed eat the feoliah knidmacka of baada and cardboard, and the like, which aeem to aconmalato like frogs cf Egypt, over night, and drop from oar ceilloga, camber oar walla, load our ahelvea, and rrqaire heara of daatiog. They are a delosien and a anare, and a cuioatnre on tras art at beat. -- â- ^-^ Oparat Awiad A* oarIy«ia6^Tla^kbra oliok. ICbaar Midam^m^iaiiiall Uborf- Ma Hub aay ether daaa of bmu. ' A Ohat About Oatmeal- No one can live long in a Sratoh com- monity wltheat noticing the healthful leek of the children, whoae food conalata largely of oatmeal, oempured with thoae fed on fine graina, or even groAta, which are the aame, only withoat the hoska. Thla cbafl er hoak however, whioh ia left In the meal, centalna aome pointa that aot aa a atfanalant on tilie ooata of the bewela to keep them active with oat medicine and reader tbla food 9i great beaefit to the dyapeptic. There u no me- thod of cook i ng eatmeal eqaal to the making of porridge, aad when proporly prepared it b generally a favorite dbh for braakfaat. " Wha| makaa year oatmeal ' pmidga ao good?" b a freqaent qneatlen In ear henaa nun atrangeri^ aad they thiak tha meal maat bo of aaperior qaality. Bat to prepare it properly tiia water maat be hoUing, aeoea- aary aalt added, aad the oatmeal then atirr- ed in alewly alf tine it threagh the fingera. The prooeaa aot to be harried If lampa weald be avoided. When it begiaa to bul i^ wall atop stirrlag and doee the pat tightly. Set at the back of tt« atove while yen oook the reat of the braakfaat. Lift the porridge wltheat any mara ttiBiag.aa it bthb that breaka tiio graia aad laake^ it waxy. Tho Scotch do aot atir with a apeea, bat with a amooth flattened atick called a "apartle," that aay aae oaa make aooard- iag to theb own idea. Thbgiyaa mara avea- aeaa to the mixiag, and if eiwked la thia way the porridge will bo aweet, wholegrain- ad, and wholaaoma. He Gnied the Honw. A CDBBootiaat larMar drove a horeo at- tached to a ra^-wagoa to tin waOt let for a amall Icadtf wee d Ibo animal weald aot pall a pooad. Ha did aot baat him, battledhlmtok tiaa aad bthim ataad. He went to tiw lot at aonaak aad aAad him to draw, bat ba waold aat atrai ght e a a tog. "InadaBprnyaifealt" mid tha fanaar, Mwhaatliat harm wast to tha ban ha wwld take thatlaad al ^raod. I weat to tiia baca, got Idaakot^ and oevared tha bona warm, aad ha rtood nitil Thcaiharefa^todrav. ASt foaa I dawa,aad.|M waa kHB«ry^ a H i draw ttmtkadalwwidflio fin* tima I m^^ him. I I iad hte. IkBi?«~dra iDoaw OaaalMMtaadto AMw. lafe laahamwBMataitfar Btarted •• I aim totaUJha«nrfli.^^*f Vaib" mA. roptad aaacqaaiataaoe, "bat yaa an a vary badahat. Spaakiag af drfaUng it may 1m obaarvad who •'aaataha it er laavait kkaait r IHaaiiMiii "Wlitt aolmal ta tiio maat oaaablo of attaching itaelf to a maaf Head ^the daasâ€" ' Tho leeeh, air." ' Ah," aaid Jakokaa, takiag hia Irbad'a baby. " ha baa gat hb mathar ayaa and my hair," haaOdd, aa^lM iafaat prodigy gnbbad him by tha fttratoip. ' I am aamiag by aad bf yoa Will hear my ^aiativa ecy, ia ao:eato aiild aad gaa- tbaaalamb. I'm aot ooaiiagea a frolic, Imt to give aiaall boya tta oelio, aing hey I tha amall g raaa appto tliat I am." "How b ttda^ 8oa-b-la# yea «ant to tha ball hat alght aad here it b acaroely two meatha aboe yaa kat year wife ' "I atdoBowladge it, my' dear mamma bat yoaknow,! daaoo ao aadly I" Old Strictamâ€" See barol what CB ao Iato thb mamin|[T " Offioe boyâ€" **I d to get my hair oatr Striotnmâ€" *• Well yoa oonld have aent aonu one ebe to attend to that. Dan't let it oooar agaia." Foad BMther (to bachelor nacle)â€" " Why, Joha, doa't bt the baby play with that geld taethpbk. He'U awaDow H." Bachelor Bade--" Oh, that won't do aay harm. I have a atring tied to it ao I caa't loae it." A dealer advertiaea ' I am aellioc fiae oorkaorewa in mea'a |Muita at $5 " Unleaa there b a loaded flaak in the hip -pocket tiie indaoement of a fine cerkacrew ia the panta will aot captare many pBrohaaora. The bopefnl 6 year old aoa of oae of Watorbary'a beat known lawyera walked into the Diatriot Court room the other morn- ing and preeamting a black kitten with a atnng abaat ita aeek aaid " Papa will yea take care of my oat aatil tchool u oat V Eastern yoang lady to Weotara yoang man â€" " We were dbappeinted in not set- ting carda to year abter'a wedding, Mr. Breezy. Were tilere no oarda!" "Well â€" er, dator didn't play any, bat aome of aa had a little tiro dollar game after the minb- ter get away. It b aaked how aditora paaa their lebare momenta. Bleaa year dear aoal, they don't paaa.them. They never oatch np to them. An editor b aanUly from ten to' forty yeara behind hia lelanre monieata. Mid ho alwaya dies befere he geta within ganahot of the rearmoat of them. " Mary Ann," aaya one chambermaid to another engaged in filling np vacated reoma. " are ye there " " I an," a«ya Mary Aan. "Thin, Mary," aaya the other, "tiie gea- tlemaaoat of twinty-dven haa Idt pomade." " WUlye take It into the office ' " Faith, I'll not; ita me own hair that reqnirea the aame." A jaaloaa woman a few nighta ago went threagh the pocketa of her haaband while he waa in bad adeep. expecting to find a love letter fren another woman bat, in- atead, finding only an old pocket-knife, a dime, two naib and a don for hoaae reat, aba weat back to bed and imprinted a kba Ml hb oalmly aleepbg forehead. A wag who b often merry ever hb peraond plaJnnnaa tdia thb story of himadf " I weat to a chemiat the other day for a doaa of morphine for abk friend. Tne aa- alatant objected to rive it to me withoat a preaoription,^ evidently fearing that X Intended to oemmit anbide. "Pahnw'l" add I "del look like a man who weald kill himadf ' Gazing ateadily at me fpr a moment he rsplied "I don't know. It aoema to me if I looked like yAi I ahoald be greatly tempted to kill myadt" rOBBBV haa btfeii Uaek- W. K. VaadarfaOt 1 by tiM PaalB Jadeay dab. flpahiwffltryto atli ^000.000 .widballdaaavj^wliitha MStoo3gp%\i Mra. 411aa, ot Ll iat p eai, Qoean Vietaria wHh a fanm 1^ a peer Iriih weaua. M. DeLamipa b gaiag to hafld a maat to Laaa Biyar, tta eatihaar, whm vkd at Faaama a vioUm a forar. Oat of tha twaaty-aiz Boaiui peaMali iaaaipalad by U. Paitoar, eight aia already daadaf hydrophobia. Ilva diad fai Paria aad ttraaaaoottmbad Mi their ratorahama. Hbbart Paaha diad ia tiia araa af hb wife, a ymng Sa^bh Udy oaly twaa|y-MV- eayean dd. Oiaa of hb 4yiag reqoatta waa that ha might ba latnxad la TatkHi â- aiL Mary Aadanaa teUi a Laadoa aawipivar naathat aha will nay la Sorapa faar yaan, aaid that ahe idD aat act for aome tima. af weak rooa^ty' haa proved a great atraia aa her health. She will ipand tha wfartar ia Rama. A onv af "tha WUc BlUo." whldi priatea fa O e a a va taawriMlpi tabe] ?r\^iK U yaan vi «n 4iad ttrvBtt aftamMa at hb raaHannTlB ikm «M FrthtA â- eoHota af Haw (Mtaaa, flraarlfe^aflBatfe, aa h|i ^HaMa hriiovCWh taedlM ahirm-^ Pf Mya^E^tema #liiahthiy«««g paralyaia aai move Uka hb limbi la hb Making a Hanof ffim. Oaei^ Aagastaa Sala mq[»: I had a aoh^lmaator who waa a clever and excellent man, bat a little mad, aad who had a oraze about making boya "hardy." He waa pleaaed to fix open irte aa a " chilly mortal," and expreaaed a determlnatien to " make a man of me." The preceaa of manufactare demanded that when I waa annggling over the fire and a book In pbytime, I ahoald be driven forth into the bl«i and bitter open "to play." Now I never oeald play. At thb date, when I am itrizzling, I aoaredy know a cricket bat from a stomp, ei a priaoner'a baae from a rounder, I never could threw a ball er catch one properly and in childhood I waa utterly unable even to " tuck in my twopenny" at leap-frog or to drive a beep. So, whUe a hundred mer- ry lada around me raced and gambolled, a need to luric fa the comer of the play- ground and ahiver. We had a large bath- room and (dwaya with the benevobnt idea of " making a man of me" I waa pot tiurenith a baatard oourao of hydropathy. I dedare that fa the midat of the moat biting Wmter weather I have nndergene the odd dendie, the cold ahewer-batii, and the odddta} that I have been packed fa wet aheeto that I have been ^nade to pat a dry pair af aeoka over a wet pair, and thaa aoooatred have been ordered to walk from Hammeramith to Key Bridge, bdora ' breakfaaL fa the dark, to make me " hardy." Unlom another boy of ttie aame "hardy" breed waa aeat witii mo to aae that I weat throagh my trdung properly, I need to perfecm the jea,Ti|iy ftaan Bainnw- •mith to Key Bridge by â- w«.Htig to tiie widow Crnmp'a ahop at Tumham Greenâ€" ahe add fniit,toya, periodioab aad aweat- â- toffâ€" aad uOOBig by «w fire fa her Utlla pttbr, diiakfag waim-giBgar boar aad readiag tlio Uvea of the pbatoa aad Ugh- did to ba up Aa it e baa oa d, aiy good ocaay only a afebJy, laog' â- tara paiaa fa tte boneaL davakpadfafat»yaarafato ohraab faha IMlth it ai it fa la ;i»:-iJ-T-:,W^li"' fa 1562. b aaaeanoai aa ior aate fa K^and. Hia i^uraaa whioh rival Iha baak ifa BMdIaHaa oooari fa Mattiiawv.,9 It rajSh " Blama J are the paaeama k era." Tha aditieo b p rare aae it b aot eftea foaad fa a parfeot atata. Tha lata Kiag oi Bavaifa'a favailto horar- ago waa a miztaM af whilawlao aad diam- pagaa, prapMrad fa a bowl with a thi^ Layer oifraah, atrav-aoeatad'vldato fiaatfag an the top. IIm vlalati gave a dalbioaa parfamad flavoor to the auxtBia. modi to tbeKiat'itaata, aaLadwig waa ao foad of aoeata that the ab araaad him waa gaoaral- lyradoleat of perfama. Thb fancy ooat him qaito £10 daily. Baoaat arrivab from Egypt, "weary, aad worn, aad aad," have toniMo tdea to toll. Aotfve ompleymeat for Enropeaaa, with the tiiarmemeter 120 dagraaa ia tha ahada, aeema almeatoat of tha quoatiaa. Tat the treopa ara deaoribed aa " rettiag far want of work " at the atatioaa np tho Nib, m a country where no Ulna are required by the membwa af tho aadaat Iniok-makiag craft The aan b tboraao aoarohfai^ ia ita power, that in/twavty-foar hooca wabifaka are baked aa bard aa ear hmk **lwaiia- made." At one atatioa an the Nib. whan there b hardy aaffioleat warfc ior hidf a-dasf OB men. iq^warda of fifty "Pâ€" k'fy trafaad addiera aremafatained fa idfaaeaa. toaiokaa and die. Thoae who have joat ratornad from thb vall^ of tho ahadow af death atato that at Wady Haifa tiien won farl^ two f unerab fa f onrtaon dayi, aad fa deaeanfflng theNOe they paaaad a atotiaa whan 710 favalida were awdting tranaport to convey them to Cairo. In Berlin, aaya thaPdl MaU Gazette, there b an aaaocfation of theelegiod eta- denta bearing the name "WiMolfitea" which haa for yaan abaervad aa the Wadaoa- day before Aaoenaion "Dnj the oorieu oni- tmn of divining for the Emperor'a deatiny. The way of d^ig thb b nniquo. ,The mem- bora of the aaaodatioB proceed tnm Barlfa to the village of Pkhebwerder ontha Havd and hen they odebrate the annlveraary tf the guild at the Wilhelmfhohe Beetenrant. They imiuedfately dlmb ap an oak tree fa the ooihrojof the garden and aeat themadvea en tha branohea. Beer b handed np from the ground and after the third g^u haa been drained the preaidaat deliven the annlveraary apeech, after whioh a cheer b given for the Bmpenr. Then at the word of eemmaad all glaaoea ain hnrled to the ground and Ae notion b HuA tiie Eaq^eror will live aa many yean aa then an broken g)a«8ea Thb yei^ twdve glaaaea wen broken, N that the Emperor ahoald yet be a oentanarian. The First Been in Thoae Waters. The fiahermen of Gabaroa, N. S., have been exdted ever the appearaaoe of a mer- maid aeon fathe waten by aome fidurmen a few daya apo. While Mr. Bagnell, ao- oenqianied by aeverd fiahermen, wai ant fa a boat, they ebaerved floatfag ontheaar- f aoe of the water a few yarda tnm the beat what they aappoaed to boa oorpoe. Ap- praachfag it for the pnrpoae of takfagit a^on for bnrial. they obaerved it to move, when, to their great aurpriae, it turned around in a aittiag poaltlen and looked at them and diaappeared. A few momenta af- ter it appeared to the aurfaoe and agafa leaked toward them, after whiefa it dbap- poarod dtogether. The fao^ head, ahoid- dOB, and arma reaembled thoae of a human bebg, bat tho lower oztreaitieB had the aroearanoeefafiah. The baok of ita head waa oovarad with loag dark bdr reaemblfas a horaea mane. Tho arma wen diaped«^ actly like a hnmaa befag'a, except that the finsen rathe haada wen very long. The odor of the akfa waa not aalike Oat of a human being. Then b no doubt that tho myaterieua atranger b what b known aa a mmndd and the firat teen fa Oape Biatan ^VnMUrBe A Sonth African Adventnie. Thebarkfag of the jaokab and hyanaa T^!^' *7 ««««««-; fait, with ttS T^SKr?' v!' â- '•P' ™«» â- «»dly than IdUthat night fa the bndi. At dawnl woke and waa rubbing the aaad tut i^, eyea, not fedtag qae aun when I wS when my eyaallilid on a hMamfaLSS mfae. I aefaad my gaa, but the hdatTwhe murtbo mbtaken, and labhod my»al aaud mere firmly fathaa ever TkJ^ •fadght fa front iJ me, Waa a toaan hS!i -* bnahman by hb aetar-etarfa* and «ff Macadad behfad aribwhu â€" «â- T?*!?^ Pnlnod adaeraHhr whBa •thladdrflaya^^^^ y«*'»f*«». bnt BtfUiawSr* iSTiJJ Heooaid Ola head raaaiabifar«fakt made by a Hfahgi aad bifcr ware vary maoh iwdbn. the bdkf fal ve power af tha. Toodea fatfaoh to work good er anl to fanaaa balaigi at tho win of thama^hditt er modlofae man, whoooatrali«MmyiMrfa!M ioanta,baot earifiaad to «ho odend people; Many whitai havo hnpUdtfidth fa thOM ooojora- tiena. and held tiiem fa dread. It b add tiiat a mya t mbH a drag waa ad- Bdabtetad to hhn. and that a totiaoh or oharmhaibooa faufad aoawiriien oa the primiaaa todeatray hb aoaaea by ooae.oooalt power. HbfaOer aaid fchat hb aoa, aeme three meaitha ago, mui takea abk. He call-, od a odoffod dootorâ€" Df Salomanâ€" who aaU^Oathbaoithad beaa given aomotUag to luart Um. Oa Sk Jeha'a Day tiie yeaag man waa aent fer by Dr. Salamon to eemo to Oe fako. and faid that he jroold then be bathed. St. Jeha'a Day. Ihe 24A of Joao, b a time peoalfariy aaored to the Toodoa mya- terlea, aadatthattbtothe aogroaa an ao- oBatomed to gather en tho ahoroa of Lake Fentdiartraia. whan aeorol) aad myatorioai ritea an aaid to 1m porforaMd, D^. Solem- oadidaotBliew njp^at the lake oa the ap- pofated day. althaiagh tiie riok man waa didy oarrled there, and tiio patianVi Mendi then loat oenfidoBOO fa the aabfa phyddan; A medbd man who oodd oembat the powen of ToodoB aiado waa nooaaaary. mid tha family aezt oalled la Dr. Glapiao, aDothor oOlored praotf ttoaer, who doouurod that the patient had been made a vfatim of the aocaraed powen of the veodoaa. The father of tho viotim aaid "On the 25th of Joao, fatheovoBiag, I reqaeated Mr. Glapioa to aeo if then waa aaythmg like a voodoa fatiaoh baried on the premiaoB. Mr. Gfaj^on examfaed tho pn- miaea. and faund that than waa aomethlng buried under the henae, aad that it waa aeoeaaary to oat tito flSwiiag to" got at the baried fetfaojli. Ihb waa doao by oaa of my empfayoto. aaid after half an hoar'a wodc Me.: Qbfion oaoaod the oharm to show Itidi, aad *9A It oat It oondtted d a^aiAagoahowiBg^ allk owd. wn^od arennd gdd leoiV ataok fall af large atod needlea la aBkfadi of podtiena, thewhofa enveloping a Iwttio. Mr. Gla^oa took hdd of the parage and oawnuiped it The aUkoord waa of Bmaad length, fally alxty feet. The gold leaf Jraa fdded aqaara fa fear fdds, and^tha aeedlea raddy npnaea- ted the ahape of a atar. The bottle waa nnoerked by Mr. Gfapion, who found it to contafa a mixturaef vfargarand gunpowder, with other anbatanooa whoae natan waa aot aacertained." The aame evoifag the fetboh waa thrown fatotiie river. After thb the patient appear- ed to improve, and hb i^petite. which had diaappeared, rotamed. Bat Gfapfen waa nnable to everoome the evil apella, as the patient took another bad turn and died. Gfapion b d medfam hdght, apare, nerv- oua. and alnawy. BU almoat jeWbfack akfa blnatroaaandefapeoallaroefar. He wean a thfa moaataoho, pofated at oaoh end, and afRtcn a nice way of talkfag thoFrenoh lan- gnago, which he apeaka rather flnentiy. Hb eyea an large* pnmfaent, and roatbaa. »^tIi»aLAM»»«fcr* Afaw doBo, as she atoiML"**«wL through the wSSSL"" »l«iT5f donee with iti .^^ » £!»• t^.aniItiU'y;*» that while tt^tliS, 228-1? suDoSaa. ,0 tSftj**:* 14 ftj: «ioh might eaj!;,^P»»MV haveah.w»'S?,5S'£?i"' far any pnfesilsnSfe'n tiio odtlvatton of iw.** «k dlthebettarpr,p£3^'Sl5 fa^yfoJr•th•r^a^K^J'^^, »ao that one mav 1mâ€" t"«W fmn w oparatf w bf^'^^k over beooma profiolaST2"»' dapartmeata afiorriSlwJhh oapaoltiaa. ^*'"^ila, I once employed a vmm mer,whoIthtkii'S22"»» •nd fadoatrien. aa wiS*^.»»w!. «d yet he never bElSt^^'H •mmfor tiie varioKiS^^ bwfaeia uatfl deijh JZi?!" atoBoeheexhIblSS5».' ttioh could edv hiT!^ â- or tea ponnda er ffMJlS^,^^ day fafbe iLkfn?4!5!£'«J tore, whioh oenld mSH!^ "' or tea ponnda er am^2!^X d.yfaSbeiiifniJSLcr' ^itiifakltiawelfflu?'"^! hBvealittiepatohefJLS:!.'*! ~dj«fandiartSi;s3S2a fat tiiem glow what ib^SHi; tiie prooeedatebeiutdfc-. " Thb^hdp.themSSa'la Mlvea. Whenchildrenawfei!!' let tiiom help arrant th. J?^^ boBqneta. and the, nflil.A'SS" mere. fawii«Sl' tfca|thoH_. atiU w orth. iBhdd.1 dsyi .11 \Fft^ BEMAB KABLE rAOTB. Jay Godd'a Inoome b said to be tea oenta every time the obok tioka. A newapaper haa been disoovered fa PoUn that waa atartod fa the year 911. Philaddphfa grave d^gera havo organiaod a braaoh of the Knigbta ef Labor. It b a roae of dear green that the Parisian fierbta new talk abent A Hebrew fa Peroafavl dbd latoly at the given MO of 117 yeara, The Knvlanen n- portathat ho had been arranging to marry for the dntii time ahorUy befan hb death. The Medical Worb} haa an account of a patient whoae prematardy gny hairb re- tomfagfaitaorigfad oolor nndor the fa- temd adminiatntlQn of phoapherlfzad ood- llveroiL _^Mm. Jennie Wright, of Indianapolb, haa brenghtsdtto rebover the vdae of her sewfag maobfae whbh her worthleaa hna- bead carried to a liquor adoon and raffljd off. P. S. Mildly, of Boston, aged twonty- raeyean, has aavad botweeo thirty-five and tarty peraens fnm dnwning daring foor- *?^ y*"*. Th« Maaaaohuaetto Humane Booioty has jnst givea him a medd. Tho naino ohapal, as applied to prfatfaa tbe fact that the firat printing preaa fa Eoff- *?*T".^" ^^» »»««pfikoed fa the ohapd of Weatminbter Abbey, dthonsh it waa not, aa a matter ef hbteriod faot The fam^of tiw fate Brigham Young n- ^L't^^'S^J^ -fahty fourtii aaniver. ""'I^.v*****^. Three hundred per- sons of both aexes won present, and many mambonwon aaaUe to attend. At thb rate the aaaocfation will aoon be oompeUed tohinaHdlfaiAbhtoheldlta nuSbu. AnArkaassifamor writea that loat year â„¢jJ5JJ •Jj^jjjj" *» "" ««»«old, he withwUdTto wlTthlmf ^mffiSS^ morafaglefOBBdhb ibid fall d aleepfag ~-"i. He adviaea the aae d merphfae fa- dalaryohafaab It ia well to lean tiiem ttili».ii.J aaeaof devolopmmtanieZJM ferent forma and colon. ^^ In my bayhoed dan I AmiI toMher ef a oonntry lohool mS 1 and ahe at onoe exclaimed. « W J. â- beauty! Where did yoB get hi I?,V fact gem, I never ni,\vm»\ W5»tJaitt"Itwa,al«o2h2 and ahe had aeen acrei of it The yoang aa well m oid„ prompted very mnoh by tht u£bu1 ward of their labors, sndBnMnH J atimulated to farther efferh. A father I once knew told lib old son that if be wenldplutuia for an aoie ef com be might fai d team, teolt, land, seed ml tlu k That boy faitbfdly pwfsmud Ui the cantnot and new b tht adaii and chbf manaj^r ef i WeaternNewrerk. Seme yeara a^o a wQd bo^ h I who had been famiahed with taL sapply of packet money, vutidUi I to buy him a new boggy, Hit fai plied, " If yon want a baggy, tiki tbi j team and pntb a pieoa ef vlui^d( you one." The wide-awake bey wnt it lt,i forty acres, barvestd 1,000 bnhik,B for a good price, bengfat « boggy, pSJ reat of the money in a bank, ud ita r time began to work fora hnuifUiii and to-day he is the propibbc dif farm, and a naefnl Ohriitba no. It b a mlatake to think thit "aflj Is good enengh for a bey benow b i do B^uoh any way." If anythmg will make a b«j#l derkdiip it ia an old-faihlonalir-^ of a acythe. If anything will make a b« hb i itb dragging In a bot day witk ids team and a crotch drag. A feeling ef preprietonhlpbvni thfag to anyone, eld er ysnog. If "Mary hai a little lunb," mi it, let It ba M try's sheep. If Sanh baa a little c*U ud oiiN «l let it ba Sarab'a cow. i If WilUe haa a oolt and oini WH it became Willie's horse. It don't sound joit right to i« ' "bub'a ateera have grown to bebW" OB." I am confident that w«»"~J would do fer the young, '"»"• *l1 and love of home, mnit degin wi»r J amples, purity of toooght »»4W, dnateionB habit! and strict IntagrHf"" aotor. To Prevent LampJ?e^i!i- Bothfa eonatniotmg«l»»P"J,l the following rnla."!. oareof it knowi4[. tor onooiBHj, â€" andfbrkeepfa5jltfa^«J«;jfcl kiViriJteVfar obooafag, !»«!»•* -fa go. 1. That portion of the wick -JSf w**^'**^^'â„¢*^*'" oommita â- oWde. Hernngi and otiier fishes have gfjjkJjMfak bf libsratdy mirdifa^ aSSSrtL^.^^ I» fauBOBse olouds Bbanyoanbo gjattngwhta Iw fiiot •daVond sal- porfsoMjr dry_ the h safaUS 2f 5S!*!f*?^= Ifc«,»*m^daota oa theoHreaerveIriheuldbesD« of tiifa abeet metd, open aiw* in a cylinder of fins ^fl'S^i* uaed to mtoer's safety U"' "' meahea to one bob). i i 2 The ell reservoir ibww" nther tiian ofJoU" «'£!u h»« •* 3. TheeUreierrolritanWw^y ing place nor •P«*'« 'fJ^Jrf *•* ihi fate which the upper P«rt« b acrewed. ,. if 4. Every bmpsboddhaw i tuHjulabhg »PP«».%wn •** 5 Every lamp •l""' J '•;^wiX.h.uidb. •«»-*•" dried at the fiwbefj^**^ g Wbka should "VjJ^ 10. The Tamp wj^^ii^' anddl ohiinij^fg*^ witiiatwtotedUmpMgJ^ be firat *»^JSS V'L^i 12, Lamp" *lr he «*^s»- !jJ??f'b^Stl^^ SetepdtiM