Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jul 1886, p. 7

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 ""jiiiV aA.-»T»»^- »»fc^ m ^r 1 •*•«» -caattifiiia JJL t boor Igor* i"'..tl_ .iiMD an bon j^'*Y«^ite ni'thert breast. »«^S» to quiet rert. ^^mother. u she b.eBthed t [^ down, the gates ot day were riliiiliioiiAtLast. IV.â€" (CoKTnriJBD,) VZtvttmi' ofBMthere Bay. Oe- r^lSrtinbad declined to deaoend !r toe glad to undertake the '"rfihe lady It waa a held rfLrt. tnd an opaleaoent ahimmar* Telther ilde of the bay pr«lplt- ji out the btzj iky, their jpra"!- iiund here and there with --^ or tufted gra». HaM way 'T^ » white oettage nestled in a Note single saO broke the "iiiitacwit mirror of the sea, wkese HSiwtth the faintest mnrmur In me fZmv ripple on the shore. There S no riga of Ufa, save the bine trimoke from the cottage above. !thB»nd was undittnrbed by any Tbot their own. The martins fly- St te ud fro and a orimson bntter- ri^tenly oihot animate oreatnrea tn Itwu a charmed solitude. -itrolHng a UtUe way. Argent sat %ygitherlng the silver sheila that Kitterad like pearls on the sands. I wfteyea were fixed apon the level k'lf wftter. a dreamy light in their .jiptiu. Sanding by her side, his lifdling upon her graceful figure, and irt beating with a very passion of In- ildrt, Ceoir* thoughts were busy. i lie ever find the key to this girl's i! Wonld those blue eyes fill with I meet tremnlons beams for htm T ji%i pale fair cheek ever blush, and L«Iin pnlaea quicken at his approach T [slie inYolontaiily asked himself these iai hii heart sank. The bright hope • I ef a few hours since seemed te be ling and slipping from his grasp, lippan which had seemed so real and Lappeand in the far dhtaooe. even if Lily loat. Should he ever win her 7 Lit net proverbial that men rarely get (le prize en which their hearts were ' ibonld he bean exception to the The tender silence of earth and sky him, and the tnurmtir of the sea Ihin with v«gue Indefiaable melan- Why did Argentsit there se mimov- iitill, and so forgetful of his presence T I ahs 90 oold, so proud, and se nn- iUyfalr! ,iisvbeantifnl it is " exclaimed Ar- and the young man started I lotmd ef her voice â€" he had net ledofhtr breaking the ions silence I hid fallen upon them. With tbe i,hii donbts and his gloom vanished, Klape imlled es him once more. ptii indeed," he said, seating himself (lids, "I have net been down here !,sd did not expect to see such a ^little bsy How pretty these shells -taking one In his hand. " â-  Wlut Is It A learned man Coald give It a olumay naime. Let him name It who can. The beauty would be the same,' " JTh," said the girl, with one ef her inniles; "they are beautiful 1 "I iilongatrhigef them at home. lam IMr, Stene robbed the mermaids for ' Stene again," thought her cempan- »«ely; but aU he said was ' Ne the mermaids would forgive the I date Bay they abound about here. tthe full moan trails her white gar- vu aoreiB the tea, and all besides is 'i in alnmber, then I can fancy a I them out on yonder recks, combing [gelden hair and singing songs that ithe blosd with their eerie sweet- ottnroed her fabr face te him witii I in'erest. if one cenld but hear and see tttatwonld be death." Um 1 How fond you are ef that ?! T.~^^'^« away with a frewn. *» I Well, there is one word of "iun very much fonder." Mt ia it t ' asked Argent nnsnspi- «y. answered Cecil, his voice ignnfamiUarhi his own ears. It toie, graceful and calm, yet With «iad9w-8»\8o he fanciedâ€" en her 'It aurt be late." she said. " See- .•"Bgnalling us." J^^" ^°°8 ^*J*« handkerchief S "8 frantically waved but, • Mr v*"^^*^ Bemewhatless vfgor- 1 Veriston and the clergyman •liuftK l*^' "" remembered tiffl'LH' ^«' He held his dit? •' -:*ita ^E*«ity • Av'"" asBfatanoe was a d0**!r â- ^Sai,:^ tle soft clinging tench ef 1« lei b!,ff ' **• "«1« 1«« ooW "d dewirST" **» before as they "^»h«te?^°«« «»• heatherj 1 ^^ blL^* b«es were bowning ia '4« Bo»L 5u fluttered laiDy •STbC*;^* gl«riensd«ie«f *Pn! o7^V*»' '^Mlawted tli* l^*Sudsky^ Itaown i^mry Hi ^15 itad «T«y AftarwMrda CsoD spM boar la tta* ^drawbg-tw •Ida. iMvbig left lh« •!« tiieir wla*. Bbm mX aate wmi tnaaall m nsnal, lialf bnried la a large «rBilUt|l||. loagaidty flirtiaga peaoeok Zaather iaato and bo. Tk* evaaiag was waim aad nlssa. aad til* wiadom ««M mgmtt ' ' poMlU* bnon. Htm abadaWi af tta aatrida fliekarod aorosa ttia girl's hair aad white diaas. Sha laokad as aal as a spirit^ ansnbrtaatial as a thaaaht iaa diaaB-.'A ipiaadid aagal^MiHj d r sMsd aava whigs, far Hsavaa." Tkapsr- faaia at lasea ttola latotha raaa, ila q aial brakaa aaly by aa oonaaieiial wwd from aaa ar othar «i its ooenpants. OaeUwaa lao draaaiHy happy ta speak mooh aadAr- eit waa always alaw to apaair- silant to a it, soma paapla wanM liava said. Whaa Mr. Graham left tha Mara Haaaa, whlah ha did early, having Importut lat- teia to wxito, ha paiaaadad his oamnaaiea to walk thraogh tha gaidsB with him oa tha ptatoxk ot ssaiag tta snnaat. A alraaga sanaet it was altera dagr M aaft aad oalm Tha soa aaak Uaed-rad, ttai^laakywaa oerarad with sferaaka of orimaaa, fadiagto porpla ia %ha east. In this atraaga un- aaittly light tiia hoasa atoad aatrad aad thraatoai^i Tha laaraa flotlaMd radlj, and the ftewan iotk each a damar floA, a riohar rosa-hne, whUa tha diataat aaa miagled wifli tha glawiag waat. '• Whatawoaderfol annaat " axolaimad Oeeil, aa Argaat paoaad at tka gate. â- * Thara la aemstUng almeat awfal abaat it, something emiaans ef I kaaw aat what." ' Aa if tha vary alameata waia aa fixa," sopplamaated Argeat, raisiag liar ayaato the glowing vaalt above. "As if the last dread day ware dawniag apon OB," sail CsoQ solamaly. Tha girl draw tha shawl sha wara mara oleasly rooad har ahoaldara with a qoiok £ itiire. " Are yon oold t" he asked, taadarly aax ions. « Na. only " "Only whatt"-4tiU mora taadarly, whiM she paused. " Oaly I mnst go in now," sha aaawarad abruptly. "Oeod night." •• Must yon T Good night, then "â€" praas- lag her hand as warmly as he dared. " This has been a happy, happy day one I shall neverferget I Have yon beaa happy, Ar- genti- ne uttered her name tremulously, his lips lingering en its soft syllables bat Argent's thoughts were evidently far away. She merely said, absently â€" "What? Oh, yes J" Then he was fain to release her hand and depart with that last stab for company. Before he entered the path wliioh led out ef sight ef Veriston, he turned round for one last look. And there, while his heart beat joyfully at the thought that she should watoh him thus, leaning en the gate, her face turned towards him, stood Argent. In the crimson sunset her golden hair and hex white dress seemed, as he looked mere closely, to be dyed in blood. It was a strange and terrible sight I l^lke a cloud over his newbem joy a dark Im- palpable shadow of foreboding descended, not to be thrust away and perfectly superatltien-pToof thongh he deemed him- self, Cacil Graham tamed hastily away with an hivoluntary shudder. CUAPTER V. The days went en, eaoh laden with ita dreams, ita hopes, ita flowers of promise, ita pastienato love, ita attendant sorrow ' and the poem progressed. In it Cecil poured out his Bcul. Ita hero uttered all the elo- quent love and longing the author dared not yet speak. In it Argent Veriston mov- ed, a glorified vision ef ideal womanhood. S3mething of the odors and flowers of sum- mer-time breathed through ita pages, and something ef the wild storms of summer too. Cecil felt impelled, in splto of him- self, by that steange power which governs the poet's will, to bring Ills poem to a sad and monrnfol close. He read soma of his vanaa to Nellie. MHI as they sat together In the jsssaminw-roofed arbour in the little garden for good Mn. Mill, now that she knew her ledger better, made ne ebjedtlon to an oooaaioaal diat and Nellie's tears had fallen tbiokly and fcwt over the poem, uatll CeoO had to soothe and pet her like a child, her tears flattering him net a little. Pleased with wluht he ohose to consider har appraoiatien, he read her mere and mere, never thinking how dangerously sweat these readings might be to the young nnsophistioatad girl. Even thengh madly in love with another woman, he f atud it pleasant to ait with Nellie when he oenld not be with his Idol. He found it pleasant to watoh her changing color and her heaving breast, to saa tha qoiok toaia starting, and to read in her ayes tne deepest awe ef an Intolleot so vast, the meet impaasloaed admiratioafar agaaiiu so miraoulenaâ€" ay, and a leva Strang aad fervent for himself waa there too, only thia he did not see. Foolish little Nellie loved tha young peat, who was so far above and beyond her tn every way. Her wild wrath en tiie day ha left her to turn baok aleae had all avapwat- ed in tears. Here was a weak, aadisuplin- ed, paadonato natnrer qalokly roosad, aad quickly soothed. She had reasoned herself blindly into believing that OeoU oared for her, altheagh aha knew of Us dally visita to Veriston. She suffered herself to float ilka a flower severed from ita root on tha f ab^ sparkling current, unresisting, hee dl ess full of heps, and fall of pleasureâ€" on, en j but whither 7 Tha rain waa falling with a aatt aooad on the quivering foU4ge that darkfaad with greaa gloom the windows of tha dim draw* mg-room at Veriston. Tha dreaohad flow- era bowed their haada beneath tiia faafc-oaoi- Ing dropa. It waa going to ba dark early tiiat nit, and akeady twilight ahadawa were fiuling. ... Oeoll Graham and Argent atoad ia tha deep TMeaa af ana a( tha windows, wUoh was wide epea, tor thara waa no w^ aad theraia oenld not toaoh thabaaad dlL Im- mediately balaw, the bade ware oevarad withwhAa aaraiaBi, whOa tsU Aaoaarioii liliaa stood on dther aide ttia air was heavy with thaii iwaat *r«i»g pwrfama. ArsaHtaaraaaadoaeafttasoIittas with har ffllght fiaganii aa «ha ataad laaaing giaeafal- lyagalaataaamar afiha massiva windaw- n^nab haaaaif a 'wy inaaKaaHsM qg wa '•flawar ai Saawaa i" aoai laaat ' -^uai^ har. HsrwUla BnaflMr hahiad"Mir 1 hi^-aals laaa aiaa the mifx tit thaJaSirihaKaii, tmj fsasd wttUaatilaflaidaakaart. Bahad old aaly reedy to Ilstaa to eaavsataa aalaana, ph O aaa p hy, aat. batalaa, havfaga kaowMga af aabjseta wUeh iatoraatadhfa hoat, ha oapaUa of jsiaiag ia aad affariag new id far eansidaratif. Bat Ola was aaly ' tha t#a wara fdaaa. WhcMm Mlai YailH tea waa prsssat a aariaaa sUaaoa fall apaa tiM yaaag maa. Ha aaawarad abaaatly aad at raadam. He waa alwaya watehing har, alwaya aa tha look-oat to pay har attaatioa, to fonatan har a^htaat wbfa, aad to graH fy har alightaat faaay. Heart aad aanl ha gava hiaiadf ap to Uia wild wnfitip die ia- apiiad. Was iha eaaadaoa of It t- Ba osald aM teU aMl laaa it aha raolprooatad hia feel- ings ia tha very leaat degtaa. Sha weald aftoa aasila apaa him ao w, a aadle olaar aad oaidaaatoiitehft. Sha would talk to him aa aha aavar did to har laihar, waald Uatoa withaemaaawaat af iatscaak wlMst CaoU read ala«d ta' har; Yat her ayaa aarar hrlghtaaadk har hand aevar tramDlad« aad har oaiaBr aavar daapanad at hH apptaanh. Oftaa whaa ha oaezpaatad^f aial' har Ida heac«waaldthrab tlUhaooold hardiyaaa, aad hia Uaad wenld oaarsa awifHy bat tha firataaaaali af har oold low vaiop woidd atrika Uka iaa asi hia vaiaa. Mauf » tim« ha bad baaa aa tha paiat ri tdOiag har iM hia tela afiava; but ' an hia with Ihair laawto Mathai^hanii mr r -...^ tin. OeoD Graham I la ^to af goad- aU wan toima abaak, aad his p«tV«hpad»^Md pwtootjly-' ' lastaadF e^lii^hir aiegaat la^" Madfs h«d raad aoao- thasiaaHBaBy, a Itttia pmip i^ aearaaly a aUM, daifc-hafaod. ahoirily aad oavarad wIMi Maahiai, aama awkwardly from bahiad tha ahallsr of OaeU'a taU igara. Thara waa a lodk el aaasa a* Oaollia'a haagkto iaae. Ilia. Graham, iaaiag all disoratlaB in har wasriar, betat aat wnh â€" " Why, CeoO, b thia year hrlda T I thanght yaaaaid she waa tall aad lair T" ••Thisiaaqr bridal" iatamiited OeaO, with aaiaaatia abraptaaaa. " Nallia, Usa year eistcra-ia-lam' Upea thia Madas â- sthe had taraad Iram red to pale, aad anm pala to red, with a vialasit affwt teak tha tramUiag gWa **Ii0ok eatas, yet blaad, I shUl not knew. I win ael nndoislaad." the werda died aa his Ups. Ha maat wait, ha told hiogMal^ with a' sigh wait laager yat. Bataow tba hear had aome. Ha wat going baok to tawa, ao he told Mr. Veria* tan, whaaa regret had been aidalgnad; Glaaolngat Aigaat aiha aaid it, ha had surety Oaaght a glsam of interest ia the quiet iaoe, an nnmlstakabla shadaw had dimmed bar eyea, and har veloe had a ring.ot sadaaas whaa next aha apaka. His paUanoe, thai, had aaraed ita reward I His leve had atlrrad tha placid daptha af her.girllsh aatare at last I Now waa the time te put eat his hand and grasp the pearl, to pluok the IDy aad wear it en his braast! ' I am gaing away," ha aaid, at length, abruptly, when the girl, having dropped her flower, was apparently absorbed In watching the rain. Will yon m!ss me a little. Argent I" " Yes," she answered very gently. " Are yen sorry then "â€" coming a little nearer. Argent dapjed her hands before her, and looked out thrdagh the thick laavea to ^he troubled west, where a bar of amethyst light parted tiie gray donds. " Am I sorry ' she repeated dreamUy. " Yes, I suppose so," righljg a long soft^ sigh. That sigh set his heart bmtlng wildly and, before ha could go an, aha said, ' But you will oeme again soon â€" soon?' Cecil paoBC^ a moment to oemmand his voice. How beautiful, how sweet, how pure she was I And all his own, he knew it now I Stilling with a mighty effort the mad throbbing ef his pulses, with a pauion- ato movement he took beth the fragile huids into his warm grasp, pressing them against his breast and, widla she stood looking up at him, pale and sCatue-like In the gathering gloom, with yer eyes, full of some new emotion â€" ^was it pain or pleasure! â€" fixed apon his, he said, in tones that ahook her to the soul â€" ' Argent, Argent, I wlUoama agda'if you bid ma for I lovis you, darling, my darlfaig 1" OHAPTBR VI. "Well, have tha travellers arrived ' asked Madge Graham, throwing her hit aslde^ aa diaaaak lato a ohair, i^^pariotly qnlto overwhelmed by the heat. "No," responded Cedlla, one af h«r sisters, oeldly. " It would be a relief to my mind if one of them never did urriva. YHiy oenld not Oeoll have married aome one In sodety ' "Lady Mary Grainger, for instance," marmared the third suter, who wta fan- ning herself langaldly in the depttis of a luxurious lonuge. ** But ef all thinga that he, with his refined sithetio taatea, ahanld have tied himself â€" In this rash hasty way to aâ€" to a mere oenntry bumpkin I" "Oatrageous I" ezotaimed Oeoilia. " My dears," remarked Mra. Graham mildly, " yon forget that your brether da- sorlbea Mlaa Veristaa as beiiig a most beantifnl and aristeoratlo young lady. He wonld soarody be likely, yen uow, to admire a oenntry bampklu." ' " Oh, don't toll me I" replied Csdlia sharply. " It b just year high-flawn genloaea who do all tha moat ridiouleus aad oatrstbiags. Hawooldget aeme rabblah Into his haadvaboat this girl, and fanoy har parfeotfaa, no doubt I" nfteally, Oia," atiad Madga. "your iaflgoaga b dagant r " Yea have 'got rab- bish,' aa yea term it, into yonr head Why^ Cadi dasorihaa her aa ala^ fit Upi d«uMa» tlasiiA aikt of fth* â-  wtHd if van Uka j Md aeaa the vaiae isr^ tluil Ha says"'pal]iag a letter fremher paokfl^ " ' Sha b na lair, aa graoafal aa a lHy, foldaa-haiAdiMBva whan first ' Oh, needn't read an that I"â€" amiUng to her- self. "Letmaaea, 'Thab faa^ily baaata a maoh grea t e r aatfqaity tbaa aora. The hanaa aaid park aio magaifiodit I I ahaald lika yaa.toaaatiiam j and. I am aota aa mMoaaldh^i loviag Argeab Thara I"â€" â€" triamphvmy. Mrs. Graham alriiad aantsofadly • aran CaaiUa wiaa ailant tor a toaaMat, J'l waadar iriiat aha wOl ttiiaJc af oar bifag in town bowâ€" aotoally Aagaat f nM Oaeffla. "Bvaiyb^ gsaa;aad wa^ 'tor pspa'a laoUsh wUm, bit vtgmUbtg haca b tha haa* aad bafodoik r "Wall, wan I Bat do 1^ ma a OBp at tea ffasaloiadMadfay haryiaahar haaia a mass of ataphaiMiS, Hm olli^ tt aama »1 moM ia thay ara aaia to ba ban aaoo." Aa how or .ftwalat«r, jostaa ham, asalMT, waa)grawtog tor hta delay ad diaaar, thata waa a had dMii Mr. Gxa- "Yea are waleeme I" aha aaidt nad thaa, " I wOl take you to year laam. Diaaar b laady, lai papa daaaa*fc like to wA; aa doa't ahtai year draas.* Ohr haw the grandeur of the Pioaadiny maasfon avMrwhelmed the little aaaatqr girl I S'm aaaroely darod^to tread ea tha velvatjpUa oarpats, or glaaoe at the pow- dered tootmaa i atOI bai oaald aha atammar oat a ward to Ihoaa aoftvaload, aatla-rabad bdlea,wha aaeaiedto har Ukatha iahabi- taata of another woridi Ib a whirl of awa aad narvaaa azdto- meat aha fellawad har aktor-in-law npa wide atairoaae to tha apartmanta whioh wtd beaa prepared for the bridal-palr. The bed- reema wara adaraed with every peodbla comfort and laznry aod a atifled exolama- tf m bant Iram the young irito'a lips as aha aatered. " Yoa like year roama " asked Madge, opening a deer into a pink-lined neat. " Thb b yamr bondolr. Y^nr dreasing- rooma are a^^ta. I luqpe you won't miiM ht/km oendemned to town for a fortaight longer t We oannot psranade my father to leave before then." " Oh, no I" repUed NelUe la a bnahed tone, soarody understanding thb speech. Madge feroed back jt sigh aa she looked a moment at har brauier'a oonntry bride; than, witii a mnrmarad "I wOt aand yanr maid but please don't obangs your dress," she left the room, and Mrs. Cadi Graham was left alone. A most nnosmfortabb dinner waa that which foUowed. Caoll, totaUy nnUke him- self, was sHent and abstoaotad, replying in monosyllablee to hb mother's endless quae- tfeninga. Haseemad lika aaa in a dream, whaaa heart aad thaaghti wara far away, aet indeed like a man iri» had woaand wedded the woman he had ohpsen eat of dl the world to be his wife. The bid!B» lusher traTeUiag-draas of brtt- liant hues aad: ooRntari^ n^aCet har face ex- oeasivdy flushed, her hands trembling,^ psOnfnUy nervous and gattehe in manner, fdt herself to be the ebjaot at mnto oriti- dam oa tiia part of har new rdativas, as waU aa tha aervanta, af whom ahe ateod nearly as much In awe. The knowledge did not tend to improve either her manners or her appetfto. It waa easy to sea that one and all dbappreved of her, thongh the disapproval was vdled by a great Aow of politeness and the fill's heart swelled within her with woimded pride and vanity. As for Madge, she knew net what to make ef it. G^ere mnst have been aome dreadful mbtake. Thb little oenntry girl was not in the least like the graceful, gold- en-haire^ oreature hb paadeaato adoration of wham Caoil had confided to hb faverito dstor. Plainly aaoagh Ceott was miserable â€" ^plainly he did aot oara aa atom far hb brlda. What waa the salatf on af themys- toryt Madga' had a harrihla fading af tha worida being aat of joiaM as she sat through the lem atatdy duuer, pdnfully dWtrto a|U ther f/amikertu af her brether'a wlfa, paiafoUy altva to C sailia'a frown and aneer aa tha bride aaid " Ne, dr." to her tother-bi-law. Later to the evening, when one ar two pacplahad'oemeto ara oonveraatioa was golnir mi fifdy, Madga fooad an appertani- tyof drawing OeoU addat, into the empty osnisrvatory. L»yli^ her hand on hb arm, with a loving geatare, aha add taartolly^ " 0b, C Mdll Ten ma, dear, how aU thb haa hippened.^' x " AU what t" ha asked, a frown darken- ing hta iaoe for a momsnt. "Yon know, Caoil. Dan't pretend te mbnaderstand me. Won't yon oonfidO in your own Uttie sbter I oaa't bear to see you saaibarabb I*' Caatt sat wearily down on an artificial reoky-OMt and, groaning, he hid hia face in hb hands. (TO IftaOONTIHVaD.) â- ^a-^»e^*-^^ â-  Bossiaii FdMant Oonitship. When aooa a paraoak (yeaag Koasian peasant) with his parant'a oonaent, of coarse has aaade np hb mind te marry a eertain girl aatUag can make him go baok on hb way, he is as firm as a rook In carrying oat hb parpose. Whenever an oppertanlty ef a. atag the awaet ebj s^ oSen itsdf to h*m It b generdly taken advantage of, and thus somathlog Ilka aoenrtshlp springs npbe- twesa the yaang lovers. Thb, however, b ef na. long dnrsMan, and b of thaslmdest oharaoter. The parabok frequently loslta hb dyavka, bnt thb Is genelrdly dene when thapareata of the Utter ara b tiia bad of drauBi. A atabb ar a j^gdiad, a ograar of whkh batten found to be acoupbd by a peaaaat gbl aa a aummec raridt noa, aaaw«ra tiia parpoaa af a reospUon room or parlew. It u thwa in tiiat Itnprovad parlavr wkera yoBBg bran reveal their haarb to aaoh A laxafi maa taUa ,thb chaerfol tab af tiia azpariman^l aghad of madioba " A wamaaaama toa|nwBilaant phyddaa aad asked tor a raaiedy fm har haabaad'a rhaa- in t lhiu. Tha dootar gava him a praaeria- tioa aad aidd, " Got that prapaiad at drwgstsra aad rah it waO over yoar haa- baad'a baak. Uitdaaaaaygaad, bimakaaw. rvogatataaah of iJKi WILSON'S FLÂ¥ FOtSON PADS. S9hm BY PKWCBHW Story Kpe»Tafeâ€"lgWoafcK^a5k stoiieabyfhemiMittalentedaidbors ineaoh Issnek A nomber otintereeting Cktmaleto Talesotliovek Bomanee. utd^kdveiituze, ^oioe Poet^ Sbon- SketcHim, Honsehold Beeipee, Soienoe, wit aoft Humor,, etc., contained in each issae of Tlia nMeMeWoekhr. 6o.pereopy;car,with.«»«r «fco â€" â€" Jt-etoa fcto e e «i rf the day, JfcflO par year; six months and iMpi«eeBmaai '" months and !.• pieces. rnvBio, "' â- â€¢w. Aj " " mission. Wxaszix;IB ATaaaHenA Doriar Heildaye a js, by h-^^^^ Iiaohtis aad raiolaif. Aflwho dsly tot spsdsl r, Anade. 6 TOUBC ler posMoBS Oallgnph ot â- iBo PmvlaoM year: giatfnatas plaesd ta OaaaOa and tbe tTaHad Isei m isew w ollont; iBStrai M. IIMCK»1II0K. Priae^ML f^VMos ft 00., muwudBn* â- ffomraKits. J3I B«riin,Ont.-8olemBaiilaotaMiehiClaaMtaaC antomatio enginea fimn S to U k. p. aataaaUe on- ginea tor printinf oOoss; h|rh ^eed aatoewtte ea gbMB |or eleofario Ughtiaff antomatle eafftass lot oheese^ bntUr, and BHOBafo I sa^stai, ev aay .ether parpose ;i^eie a Usbt and oMap power Is r««dted For prioe list and othM. paitlialan adds o as as above MONEY TO LEND y Frodnctiye Town, YilUute Farm Fioperty. ». imCHEU. HcD^HAISk Bantoter, • Valen Blackâ€" Xocoato Steeat â€" l^iaata. GUELPH CARPET WORKS. J.A.ABDdSTBONaGO.» tuHurAoiDaaaa or WOOL, UNION DAMASK CARPETS, Of new paMena and doaiaiiat fiaeiah.*at. H. WIIiMAMg, FeltSlateKoofer. MaantaotatM and dealer in Tkned Felt, BooAnx Pitch. BnildiBff Papers, Oaipet snd Deaf anlar FaMb Keady Roofingt e* for Low prices address H. WILLIAm, 4 Adialda 8 B.. toieala BRANTFORD C old WATER RICESp^ H NEVER FAE LS. I ABRIACB WAQOH MamtaotaieiB^ the Oeiabialsd S (fUSLFH AXLE W(Hlll Si T. PEPPKR 00., Oaelph, Oiit. Out Dwiex priaoipal Haid^ Azlas anaUtobohadelaU the Iwaie BIOBM In tto Somialea. ELM CITY HARNESS OIL THE MOST 1 .SUPERB "^4r/ ;SN*® IN THE 'SS DPV^ WORLD BASED ON NEAT5F00T OIL. SOLD BY ALL HARNESS DEALERS. LDfTON, LAKE CO.. Gait, Out. Azia^nMA* CHIVa SOBBW WoBKS. Oar. riam A Wacoa Aziaa. Iran and Steal SekAOap Bead tar Cataleaae. TENTS, FLAGS, HAMMOCKS, AND CAMPmG GOODS. Macnair's, »•» ""•'â- tSLw, Wt*^ aaqnlry cbeaifony answeiad. i lAKlB KNIVkB, aZATB OCSBB, BIAY olMaae boz, TSBaer, laalheB spUIHar^ monldlBf tanonlng, aad otber martihie kaivas o* beetanamy, maDOtaoliiMd by Pana Hat Ml MaeUae bUa WoAs. Oali Oak i ssadior pslee Msl _- Bmggj and Carriace Oearss VHP xDlllAirOE. !e:te Jaw t^^i^pS^lSrS^tSS aatksaswljfe asdhaiy tiieeStf Bead jSTi ^j^aatmitimiaLiu

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