Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jul 1886, p. 6

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 Al^ftvl ' ^â- ^^^W M 4 %i ti • I'i Is .a iii n'-\' I' i Imnitanof a* i u« OMfnl In i««»y «•â- â€¢â-  i« Onoga intafiwr pIcMUiK 0«nl to JM» ••w Ja ]K:afdmaaA !•»•â- â€¢ bnldsiy w9ABUMdwiUiinuiae plMli, â- hawtaig d«lldHl*'tnMT« BwdTiai iMlw^t â- tandi affMrd ana^y â- wda of Tuytiig effeoti sf grrapa af pianti Jb parlmr w liMfaig-roeiiu. Otepato â- braid Mvtrba â- haknt, M ttdr «dkh»kMUaM (Am li fvrt, bat be laU «B • npa and ttara bMtoi M tb« bM^ Partanltkaii^tfyud-^nMdlMl â- Â« â- â-  â-  â- ad â-¼Ub« iMttral aUea«x, fat LimsgM, MwbaUnd«d«welb«rlB mMaM iMing* «ilh duunniag affiok. A witabU mUtiut not ana haldhig nur- M« lUtaarj to owwlaaii Um vblla «m of «h«bMt bMbi^rands for gold nd gnw bmm to ladtoD nd. A JapUMMtM-tny of laoqnond wâ€"d to â- dof kMski ^f.dlyi iuwn,| M wh win ._jkto DOTOMiB bMo, witb dMign fai gaU .eokn, and witb Tariad maldMl bardar. rar,piotarafnmas,dUlbn«i alabaratoly dMigBadtoiBjniiobimuwt. Tb«y ata •â- â€¢ paefiJUy appropriate to piotarial derigna 1b thaaame jnatal or in gmpkrmaehe. Wbibt^waftadaoaintilM every Tariety' af tiaftat will, tba anotoata oaed enly two «fDti, ced ODd white, emplajlBg briok olay, witb a traaaparet glaae frem p«wdeted btiokeae.^ It to alwaya well to give Oaatabway wall ti tbe aavetal bteriea a diCareot deoerative iveataimtj atoa to intredooe hariaoi^al liaai^ aa «Mai| greater breadtb and itafaility ofappaa r iuMie. A Bevel hall hatraok, ef ilmple hard- wood fraoM, !â-  provided with protiadiBg and eieetiwato ef nickel- plated wire, aaa ladgDcnt for lilk hate an iooUned half nxeen wire devioe afforda equal aeonrity for lelthata. At a recent Innoh party tbe napkin at aaob plate waa allnpod inte gilded olethea pina; tbe plna were decorated witb tiny boaobea ef forget- me-netfi, reeebada and other imall floweri painted in oil, and were latalnad 1^ tbe gaeate ai souvtnirB. A pretty, bealtbfnl and eoonomloal fintob for oeillnga and walla to made of pnlveriaed â- aapetone. It can be readilj waahed, takea a bigb, fMdbb, to pearl gray in tint, preaeata tbe beat poiaible anrface for painting, either IB oil or water color, and wiU neither crack aer cb^. Tbe tile fadng of a marble mantel abow- ing a oontinnena plant and floral design, in dellcata hnea, on a white ground, pro- â- enta the aovelty cf blrdi In brilliant plum- age, and bright, gandy inaeota, rendered in relief in qnartz grains In metallic oelora, producing a plotnreique effect. The imper- tatioB to from Germany. In a pint of iplrita of wine diisolve' two annoea of lecd lac, and two euncea of white reain. The principal uaa of thik poltob to for the carved porta of cabinet work, luob aa atandarda, pillan, dawt, etc. It should be laid on warm, and if tbe work can also be warmed at the time It will be still better. All mototUTO and dampneaa ahenld be oare- fally excluded. Ohdoe Beoipea* Cbuhpsts.â€" One and one half pints of floor, one-half teatpooniul salt, one tea- apoonful sugar, two of baking powder, one 3;g, nearly a i^t ef milk and cream mixed 1 together bake in well buttered hot gem Irona; serve hot. BiBBON Caxb.â€" I like tbto reolpa very Bincb One and one- half cups of sugar, one- half cup ef butter, ene-hau cup of milk, three rggs, 'one- half teaspoonful soda one teaspeoiSul cream of tartar, two cnpa flour. Bake half of tbto In layera. To the re- mainder add onebalf cup molasses, one cap flour, a littie soda, and fruit and spice to taatCi Bake tbto in layers and put the whole together with jelly, nalog first a dark layer, then a light one. CoBK Stabch CsuM Pie.â€" One pint of Bi]k scalded, two tablespoonfuto com starch, three tablespoonfuto sugar, y^lka of two egga. Wet the starch with a little cold Billk. Beat the eggs and sugar until light, and stir tbe whole in tbe scalded imlk. Flayer witb two ttaipoonfuls lemon.. Lfara a pie plate with pto cinst and bake. Fill witb the eream and cover it witb froating made of tbe whitea of tbe two egga beatea witb two tablespoenfuls- sugar. Set in oven a tew minutea to stiffen. ToKATO Fios, â€" ^Take small red tema^eee, â- cald and skin them quickly, breaking them at little aa possible, add one-third their weight of granulated sugar, boil alowly until they are dear, take them out and aproad them on plates boil the juice till It to very thick, pour [it, ever tbe tomatoes, and dry tbem in a warm oven- When dry paok hi layers In a olesn paper box, first sprinkling sugar over the bottom of it and atoo between each layer, pa^ tigbtiy and cover olaoely, aad yon will have a aioa oea- feotlaB fariHBter. I.XM0K PIOKI.B.â€" Cbeoeo a deaea fiae, Bilddle-siaed Icmona, fresh and pesfeotly laand, locapatba ontaida of tham witii a piaoa ef brokea qoart bottle, aad then eat Sem lengthwise dowB late faar quarten, bnt aat qoltaaaaundwr they muat be left sa aa to jnst hue together. â- . Rab tteaa ever with salt oBtEa roagh aatside, aad fill the oata with sah ia the same maaaar; pat them lata a ebiaa ar eartbeawarabawl ttat wiU iuat bald tiMB, apriakle araia oiate â- alt aver IheM, aad toa ttMm omb a day let them lie thai ioardayi. ParbeOtwalTa elavea ef garlio, or anan eabaa oBtlala tbia alioae add to Oaea aa ooaea of vAlte Bogar, a bandfolef white moatel aaed, and aa moobeayeBBapapper aa willlM apea a dima, Spifakla aeaaa aalt aoiaae tkeat, and let timiataadalltita tiaaa tha lemoaa are bi the bawL Thea have a ekaa ataoe }ar nady, take aot tka Iwooa aaa by eae. sqacaaathMB a veiy JIM»* "M " « oSrelBlly iaa jari lay i"^«P«*»«5 abrat tteai. aad tia thaos eleaa dawa; to* th* lanaa away from the SMky dty to ^groen of suburban towafc Wba oaa^aa who go aalaly^jet dot *^Wf]?^^5r of biSaill^nd*aidaabadM^« o« «-fr •wnwitk tba «aairegalto^af-taM aad flowora ttiat ataad ever ready to •* dap tiieto littie baada iaglaa.'l aa Loagleliowwauld say, and never attsr a harsh aeBtimeat abeutaei^ or aamMat) fratt aad oaad ytoia ataad epsa hero aad than j uertniinengsra dhplaytiMfar out leads af oraafeaoloaa to tbe rtdewalk and tempt tbe appetite of the tiiinty atrallar by abowiag a few orwgea partially akiaBod aad with a â- *»•'*• itro â- aqaaMg a dratt ei laa eiBae ne ea bsaea t h, wEiwlaadleatB^af Bafltoh lUo--^«»« erawdaatmidiafreatef ovary pUkhaasa â- â- morBiBidrawaoa,waMiBg fw tt»a »ara toapaa. aad thoae erawda aombar aid wa- jBearyaaag gbto aad Uttla oUdrea who are ae«?^tbT«ff '« ««• ««^y'« »*«• " 4e Bot come oa their own aooeant. we bear, by tiia way, of a deep depreaaian over aU 'Groat Britab, but we forget that imney enough to dmafc la beer, whiakey and gfai m a aiagto day to provide en^feyment for aU thenoareftbeKiagdamfaraweek. Dm first Soaday I speatfai Leadoa I took the apportuaity of bearing Spugeen, theoeUbrated Baptist preacher. He bad been lU for a long time and bad iuat reap- peared ia bto pulpit HedldBotleok--toa atranger at leastâ€" aa if he were anffarlB{b far he baa a oorpulaat figtee aad a round and pleaaant Ebgliab face. The tabernacle waa crowded as usual All seats not oooa- pled ten ndnutes baf ere the time of starting service asay be appropriated by atrangers. I got a good seat in the body of the taber- nacle, and witb a saa of fases aU round me waa rdapalngjnte refieotiana on the loneu- nessef being fas a strange oburch, feeUng that one to fai aemebedy etoe's pew aad sur- rounded by a multitude witb not one familiar face, whenâ€" lo I up bi the gallery near tbe preacher's chair 1 beheld Mr. of Toronto, while a few seata in front d me eat Mr.-â€" and Miai of Niagara Falto. I Immediatoly fdt at home. Mr. Spurgeon en opening tbe service referred to hto Illness, and bepsd that if hto voice was net as strong, or hto sermon as dear as it ought to be, they would knew tiie reason why. Hto sermon was founded on the incident of the Samar- itan woman at the well ef Jaccb, or rather the conversation which takes place between Christ and hto disciples when they return frem tbe town witb food. " In tiie mean- wUIe hto dtodples prayed him, saying, maa But he aaid unto them, I have meat to eat that ye knew not of." The dto- ciplee had been charged with gressness, for their incapadty to see any ether than a phyiiologloal meaningte cur Savionr'a words, but tiie preacher thought these worda were quite natural. No man could live vritheut eatlhg, and be thought men abould devote a full share of their ezertiona to pre- vidfaig their tables witii bedthy food bnt what be wlahed to show waa the enthuaiaam ef Chriat in tbe work he came to do. Tbto Samaritan woman, whose past life bad been none toe good and who had come out for water at an hour when few people were about, waa the firat convert made by Chriat. Step by atep, in the oonveraation abent the water ef tbto life be had led tbe woman up to a degree of realization of tbe sonroe ef spiritnd Uf e, and aa be looked into her aoul and tawthe first evidence ef her wHlingnsaa to reoetve the new gift of God," a new en- thuaiaam filled hto awn 1001 and aiade him forget for the time hl| awn bodily wanta Mr. Spurgeeh'e bearera might think it waa a great thing to be able to preach before a vast congregation and have hto sermons re- peated In papers read by milUone, but he as- sured them he felt a greater sattofaotlon and deemed it a greater honor to have some per- son come quetly and teatify tiiat he had been saved through hto preaohlag. He never felt a deeper joy than when he read one day in aame paper of a West Indian who had been oonTorted by reading a tranalation of one ef hia sermcms. There wae more bon- er in doing the abeoore work ef Christ than In making a publio noise. Tbto first sermon of thf greatest preacher on earth waa preach- ed to but eae person, and thaia woman of doubtful character, whom many a preacher of these days would not think it worth while to waste a word upon. And yet Ohrtot's highest skill of Uluatration and hto greatest tact were thrown Into tbto convereation, and the reception of it filled his whole heart witb joy and anttoipatien ef the future of hto goapd aa he pointed to the crowd af Samaxttaaa tbeacooung up aad said " IJft up your eyes and leek on the fields, for they are whito already to har- vest." Tbe whole sermon waa *n encourage- ment to thosa. who are willing to do tiie solid and unostentatioua work of Ohrfatianity in tbto world. There waa no ooltoctien but Btrangera,= aa tbey came to the perch, were hwded a little envelope Into wbfoh, if they wish- ed, they could put aemetiiing far tha new coUaga. Spurgeen'a to tiie eloqueaeo ef idain worda, he usee no flowery oratory, bat* like Moody, aays what he meaaa la warda titat aay «r- dlnuy man auy oadentand. Ibis, with btoeameetneaa,btheaearat efbtopoveb Yeaterda* a frlaad took aw to haar St. Joaapk Parker at tha Ceagiagatleaal oharoh knawnaaaa City laaMla, la Hi^Hd- batn. Dr. Pteksrhaaa laaiain thaOea- gregatiend CSinreb of Tj^gj***^ oaKaapend- faig to that of Dr. Wild in Canada, except that Dr. Pa^ar'agifta are aat of Oapra? phetio erdar, Hto takat to fothat la tiia draaiatio liaa. HababoakfiOyearaefage, ia phyaiqae, aad mg^f^ail^ la veioa, hooaUaHaary bviag to nad at aaaa. If he had not baea a pfaaabar ha woald have beea a mleadid tragediaa. The oburch waa wall filled, aalap^poee It d- waya is. The latsrisr to vary naadaeine 1 having a gdlery aappectad by odoasaa witii ooriatblaB ouitala» aad jnit eaeagb al gilt aad ^t ederiiw abeat ttaas, aad tta otter deoaratleBa, to salieva It ef tiM aoabia- i i' mult Lsaim nhwrdiea. Ifchaatta •TtrlaallBgilBlBod |laH ea an tha wMawi. Ia pnadiiag w «• *^?^'*$L^ BolatlBflSB pert waa that •*«•â- Â»â€¢Â«' pert waa »ai tiiaj(peeohaf â- d'Job of iadalgbg IB^ «"»* *J*^^S^ Idtoamayonhh awa ^Mam,»adhMnV S aSSSw Bgb» tbd. aeoded, bh in^ Sg bawha oaold do ttte flaMdag of tta worii BihsMing iddiaiBaB wo ooold art far«tti»t»%M nfeMkar wha waa WM?to be £a who â- aw vtoioM oad lud a torn for apbttaaUni BOdad, *• Sbahlto, SJrvarJiSbttrHtorawre.ead phltoeoply d tha day, aad Zaphar, ia hia maone^ nprweatod tha oeatompevMMoaa thaagbt dtbo time. Xheaa mm oaald aot bo^ ttfaUBg, Bi waaaatoial ta th aa tiwt Job* toThto aafleriaga. l«d oaBualttod aama â- aorat orfaae wbloh ha ooold aat oeoleaa to tha warid. Jab, di «»• edwr haad, ap- lalndtabaTaBlbBBdenloed thatoadilBg d htotriala. So much for the sermoa. .Before Um oeagregation bad ohaated aaa d tha fainUi- ar^woh of England flhaata, jdaad tbey la dagiag tbe plautlva â€" •• Btofol. sifbiac «B to Uast. Booad, aad loneiar to to tree, Weaiy. wahtoa tor my •••• Loid to voAifol to mo." The effeot d aa Bq^ib aengrogatlon's singing to that of a mdodeea, compared with the tbfaiaer piaaorgaa saoad of a Oaaa- diaa oengrcaation, I fancied. Jnit bdoro tbe oolloetiaa the dootor ra- mmded us that the ooatrlbutbaa woald be la aid of tbe aaaud Sunday School treat, and they proposed broking the oUldren down to tbe aeaaido and give them a breath of aeaair, arompentfaaMa abore, or adlp ia tbe aurf. It waa atoo proposed to take a few of tha poor old menâ€" and thadeetor lingered pityfaagly.on the "a" till tiia people amiled aympathizbglyâ€" aad it waa remarkable whea It waa m ea ttoi ad to the few poor old people, how many other old peode had turned up dnrbg the week and said, *• they bad heard of it." In oonse- quenoe tha oammittea bad mora to pra- vidofor than thay axpaolad. Ibo apped waa made with perfeot art, aad I-hatioed a goad aamber d gold plaoea fas tha odtootien box, whenit came round. I had bad a penny in my haad, bat whea ha brooght oat that pityiag o-ld I brooght oat a rirpenoa ia- atead. If I had beea ai^thfaig bat a aewa- papsr Biaa I wodd have made It a aevor- ei^ A Boene in Bummer* Turn out of the way a littie, good aobelar. towarda yonder high boneyanckle hedge. There we'll tit and aing while tbto ahower fdto ao gently upon tbe teeming earth, and givea a yet aweetor smell to the lovely fiewers that adorn these verdant meadows. Look, under that bread' beech tree I sat down when I waa last tbto way a-fishing, and the birds in tha adjoining giove seemed to have a friendly oontaatlea with aa echo, whose dMd votoe seemed to live ia a hollow tree aear to the brew af that primreao hill. There I sat, vkwing the silver streams glide silently towarda tiidroeatro, the tom- pestnous sea, yet sometlBiea opposed by rugged roote and pebble atones which broke their waves ^and turaed them lato foam. And sometimes I beguiled time by vtowing the harmless lambs, tome leapfaig seourely Ia tbe ooel shado, while athara spotted tbemaelvea la tbe cheerful aaa, aad Okw othen cravlag comfort fmn the woollen uddera of their bleating dama. As I thus sat, thoM aad ether slghta had m fully pea- teased my sod with content that I thenght, as the poet has so happily expressed It â€" " I waa for that time lifted above ei^th. "f ^^' And possessed joys not promised in mj birth. " As I Idt tbto place and entered into tbe next field, a second pleasure entertained me. It was a handsome milkmdd, that had not yet attained w mooh age and wto- dom aa to load her mind with any feara of many thinga that will never be, aa too many men tea ofton do but ahe caat away all care and aaag like a nightingale,â€" Jzoac WaUon, Having Fun Witb a Baake. During the noon bear among the workmen employed in ImpreTomente along the rail- road weat d Sterlbigtoii, Ala., atatlea, one of tbe boaaea nctieed the other day that a gaas d Italianahad found aeme amaaenient in t^drahaatyiriiieh kept them fa a oea- staat state of hilarity, for aearly tbe ea- tire hour. Just bdere it was time to' re- sume work the bees walked to ttta shanty to aae what it waa that 'exoitad .the merri- ment ef tbe Italians. He faond three or four ef tbe toborera with stidca aix or aeven inches long in their handa. Ooa d them stepped to one side ef tha shanty, tiimst hto Btiok qoloklv at aomathfag ea tha grooad. aad jumped quickly back, at wbloh the speotatara laughed heartily. The boaa made bfa way threugb ttia bmb to aae what It waa at wUeh the Italian tiiarathiBatiok,aadeaaioiBdght d it aa eae d the maa had made a thruat, aad inapad baok just ia tfaaa aad tu eaaaab to eacapatiia faaga d aa aBonaooa rattieiZaka, whiehapraagatthanaB,aadthMi qolokbr ;ofO^ •â-  »• gtoOBd far aadhara^ m aa al h a r ItaBaa advanead. ^^ ^^I'if^!:' ?yy glitteraa wltti nga. liad IS SSSJ?^ â- ^•y.' tha Bdaaaf iteTlteatieBa. The baaa ahaatad to aa Ua- g?wt.^a ad,sald a few warda b ItaUaa which jS» -ukrwSftS^vIi^aSR '^^^^ ludistndid I? eTSaS; Mtaaaaf'lfa^ eaaciaeaby na, oarSavioariaa krid^t atadaariklB ropsaaaaftag talkhw to tha aaittaa waoaaa at tha welL tha weoaa la hd|^ sadtfrttiitiM 1 ihava with paakngUilf Mf ihailliBSii f- °-^^ â€" ^T^ for ^itas dyaamM ^dtoda ItafB ordbwy SnraTwh^taijaatbaaa triad aaooaadd- tylaSaaFiaaeiBea. A Utioa sealas baa lavaatada farm bar- BOH that wdgba )mm thaa fifteaa pauads, •ad does awi5 with whifiaetraea, tn^ aad BUAy d tbe oambsnome aanvi and baoUea, MoravecltladMap. Mn. John Wallaoa of Enerrflla, Tsbb., â- toDPed t» tha gato to look for bar five-year- ouTSmt, aad at tiiat maaMata raaaway hMMdMhad by. Itia thoaght that she sapBOiad«hatharbajhad beaa raaavar, lor shafeU to tba gMoad dead. SaporlBtoBdeat Avpa of the Stur aad Craaoaat Fiaoriag iOUa d Chleag« b a tooch fltaa. Ho waa oaagbt la taa bdtiag dSaMOls tha oth« day, wbbrled over ttraa palleya, tbiawn fldaatly to the flrar, aad yataot a beaa was brokaa, hb oaly la- jorba bebg a few flaah waaada. Mra. Catfaorfaw "WagpMT, aged 111. aad heraiBtor-ia-bw, Mrs. K-beoca Waggner, eoad 109 yoaia, liva wittaln algbt of each etW, air Ssrtaravllle, Ky. They have aavar seea a lallroad, aad eaoh baa had for flfto yoara a ailk drsH laid away iawhloh to ba Inirlad. Tha bteat rapertad faating girl to Jdb Harrb, tha twdve'year-eld daugbtor d a Metbodlat mfailater bear Fowlee S:atioa, Texaa. She b sdd aot to have eatea any- thing fai farty-aix daya. She waa unnaaally fat whan ahe began her self imposed fast welgbfasg 180 poonds. She Is greatly re- duced in fat now. T George BaU cf Hartford baa made a water bicycle. The rider dta on a high acat anp- pertedby two long, aarrew floato rigged oatamaraafaabba. He propela with hto feet a Urge whad wUob gearing eperatea a littie screw at tbe stera ef the craft. A few teiab ahew the bbyde to be faat and easily maaagad. Mra. Robert Skoodi of Csral MIoh., after beading over tbe waab tub until tired, aat down to root taking her baby bey on her lap at the time, ehefdt falat, roM to go to aaother room, fdated dead away, droplag the baby lato a tab of water aa ahe fell. Her hoaband, aemiBg fas aoea after, found the mother unconaotoua en the floor and the littie oaa diowaed la tha tab. Mra. MaHn Farraw of Ceatid aty, III.1 to 76 yaara old. A yaar age aba gat the coa- traot for dalivcrifg tha mail to the Peat Offioa at $5 a maath, aad all through the wlater aha aavar miaaad a day. Her dutiea require her to bang tiie mall penob oa the oraaa attha depot, aad oaoe, daiag thb, she fall aad br»a aria. Now aba to well aad, theugh aot aa effendvo parttoaa to a veryfdthfol (ffiaial. William L ^eyea aad Jamea B. Madgett farmera of Blcbmond, Yt., quarreled over tbe ownership of a parcel ef grain, and Noyes punched Mudgett with a pitchfork, making a slight wound. A dootor was oil- ed, ana when Noyes saw him «o to Mudg- ett's hoose be became very much oxicited, and, saying to hto wife, •• I will kill myself," went to the bam and shot himself three, times, dying dmost inatantiy. A farmer, living near Luvema, la., asked a butoher ef the same place if he wanted to buy a fat cow. He said he did, and that he would go dter it soon. When the butoher arrived at the farmer's he found that tiio latter -had no fat oow, bnt had been jcking wttii him. The fanner woa't joke that way any more, for the butcher brought sdt agaiast him aad obtalaed judgment tat $5. While a gang ef ptitonera were waiting en a wharf at Philadelpbb tor the arrival af ' tbe police beat to take them to the Houm ofCerreotion, Moaes Kelly made a daah and jumped hito the wator. Hedtoappeared and waa thoaght to be drowned, but care- ful search revealed him in the month of a sewer sixty feet from where he went under. He waa dragged out witb a boatbook, hi much the same condltbn as Jean Valjean aftor hto famous wade in tbe Paris sewer. A dtizen d Detroit baa had hb faith hi human nature rudely »h*fcT W. One day when the rdn waa falling faat he saw a young man and a young woman paddling tiuongbtha wet. umbroUdesa. fie was near his own doer. So with rare philan- thropy, be thtaat hb ailk nmbrdla bto tha kana of the aatonbhed yaons maa toybg. *• Take thb you haTa a lady with yea. Yea oaa brbg it baok to-morrow to that beuM there." The young mail took the nmbrdla, and the good dtizapi of Detrdt haan't aeon it dnoe. C. L. Badl^, a netoricua negro gambler of Nebraska, waa abet near Crawford the other day. One ballet hit him ia the baok of the bMd, teuiiig off tbe eutor plato of akull, aaother weat lato hb eye, aaother bit hfan ia the farehead,and the fourth weat lato bb right arm. Ho aaver lost oeasolous- nesa, aad at last aoMunta waa alive. The four wouads make Imllat soars; be bears tweaty-five. Hewaawooaded four timea fai a fig^t la^t whiter, aad oarriad a buUot fai hiB tongnea week bdora ho found out what *â-  fdt so curious." I«t the tfanid woman wha ara faidlBsd to jusp from a oarriaga every time tha hoTM prbkaap hb eara read thb story da W«t- field. Maas. gfarL She waa drlvfaw a aptab Itedberto, when tha hoadataU broke, and «•"*««»• •ntafhbmoaUi. Of oaoraa, ^J^ J^ «*'*• parfadJy powarleaa to laatnbhlBi, aat upright hi bar aaal^ wbfle Oa fi4ghteaed aaal raa wfidly through UMatraab. Shaaevar add a word, evaa oUmbadiBto tiia boggy, tHUj ti SaihSm- â- 2ii'"..P^^^«¥*'»gW- Buttiib â- ddadwdghthdpad, far altera half-mOe "f"»*»«»_WMliW!4««igb toadmitd UabdcgoaaghVaodtha gfi jompad oat "VM buggy, aat maohfrighteBod, aad aat a DR aartk oaald. Harv.""^^*?^ their*Stht?2l?!!?^Sli!?^ «i»ythdrbh,i;j^'JSfl?S oa a spree, retunSl" L^| loaded sp. 8*7Z*« •» »kb*Hi l-^vbgh^iwSrtoltSyfe^ were toon na^oJA i^l t^^rHi Harvey btSferSf^'i^ .,g' K«fcW|h«»ia».irfao kav. thdr l!!^!K22*J!!t ""^^ •' darit aad aavar etoft dr dSdrea. a asaa dti»t aart SSiSShSK? ». iii^ahi^MMiSS? Steve replied ^. n 5.** CiS^ Harvey, who Ui:ilt**nk long lorded it ot„ uf *• o2r the gmd old-faahisaJJi *« fill a revolver, whfch \u,Z^1' 8»3I big •• Hirvey wanJ'f^baSSH tbto I am ItolJle t;^*l«.S?5 B^gerbg woS.'yfttaj^ij between the ireth«r!rJ"*^ bily tfUnegotlooaeandbsSSS^S in the presence,! Zb^'»*»vt foUowbgwitht^^^tTja ^Stephen, standing bALj ^*, ttio parlor while Hiv«T.* «d ting room said •• Kb. 7" WkZ] wadeyoub«tafii;;5'-*^51 good oni-." ""• •• 1 tID "JL RanddlwMstandbgcU,v bg around behtod bL ftLit U hem hto Docket the re»5U £?,i^ given to RandaU enly » l!^ J*^^ rorsde keeping. Ti^^^^H in quick sucoeuien ever tl«rI2*5' • One^pasaed through tha hwU^^ witiun two faoh!. ef kt{»?S picked up on the floor bftft^^l second protruded frem the bST^!^ removed with Uttle trenbk^. IS.^ fltoted but a sUght SS "iiS ^\ keptendeavortogtorasArgSbS the corner. Stephen thraatSdTa agabifhe came an boh fnuL H was no need d the threat. n»Z 'H tiie floor btoedbg. *^"M a Phyaictons were called, bat aiu. to be done bnt adndftter «toZ?iL vey, who waa in rebut h«lth/ai" shock remarkably well, but el S' said that there waa net eae jlZ^ theosand for hto reoeveâ„¢. SwTd shooting, went to Areola ud nVul u^ tumint; over the deadlv tmhek! officer, but ptoyfnlly aakbg to toS three empty sheila ler kamakei. it rdeased on $3,000 baU, HeiigMdSI name to the bond, and it b go«d bt times the amount. The mother of the baji nvHiILbti nottiy to interfere. She lUdiWh one ot the boys waa booad to get bnti way. Steve waa pretty foil it tit t himself. The next day .he aid kin they would hurry np and get thmikiB the aheoting acrape beoanM he vtisl get baok to tbe farm and bou lih toi Hia happy apirita found vent b liiihii arloualy, 'â-  I am gathetiog imn f mother's grave ' Stephen hulwaunl bat a montn. He ia very « ell efi, bni inheiited a 300 acre farm from hh f ' estate. Hirvey is equally veil off, U is barely 21, and Harvey lisbatt 35, â€" m â- !• fc He Would Argne With the flighnjn Mr. McRoberta, new ditw ef tbla (England) Mercury waa at oai tJuii porter b San Franoiaoe. Be wm tbn argumentative, and, at the aae ilai,i calmest man that ever itnok tkt tonl He would atop work at a fin te uga llil McRoberta was on hto way heae 114 sa mombg, when an Ameri^ oitlzniwal ly popped np witii a pistol levelled it 1^1 hoM, and aaid ' Threw up yer handa I" " Why " asked Mr. MeRebetb dt| torbed. •• Threw them np." "But what for r ^, "Put up yer handa," baWed to 1*1 •ad, shakbg the ptotol. «WlUy«d»fW| tell you?" „ 01-1.1 "That depends." aaid Mr. MoBetahi " U ye oan show me any reaim WV-I^II Eit upma hands, I'll no say bntwbit I**! nt yer mere rcqnalat wad be n. joitBai tien fur me te do aae abanrd a thing' ajl why abodd you, a oimplete itraBgeii »l me at tbto oor o' the mornin on a F»l atrtot, tae pntup my hw^*' „«_,l «,^h you 1" cried the robber; "Kr* I don't qdt gabblto' «"!/»»?,„«** "1 blow thetep of your head effi J •• What Faltii,man, ye »"« "„ j yer heed. Come noo, pnir ^1Z\ nr- Mni^Aiwpta. Mothtoslyi oeeiiy *wi f », aoothtogiy. w»ny*S| vreatlfagltdthaq-WW; ,n's band;"ooine,«H,e Mr. MoBoberts, the pistol and wrestling I out of the man's band, "-.,_. rU show you whore theyU tik «« » Hedi I Dtana ye try tae 'wb*- " J" dioot ye. By the ^^'J.^'^id put up yer ab handa, mo JW "" » l me.^ W's It. Trndg. .w^J^S, ^%^:;ffibeabad««^P;;tt ^JS!«n^' ward walk. ^,, m 1 " Ara1«lGameofO«^^ I Thomaa Tarley, .gjj 'f *2* W City, was •d«»«tt«*,*»/uf3«?! td. b tiiat dty, on 3uo»J^ ib|I» rf*rSSedhisrIghtribJ5.Jj;.sJ told Turley tiiat he """' ». rfj hoepitd Shterj ana row g, I 'TkBkmmit4 The atone nre «» """"A. tu* ' fnined from teUbg *w Jg, ^t w*^ SSSr bdoro becno- ^J^llg^ J ^Uoeman, »* "li"34^bJJ by at first ••'•"glfSiJ" aid did net rsdtoe bia «•â- Â» matisa had set la. -^ d«*i*iJ Thodi«s««fWrj!r'bii«»** ouidwb»l»«*fe£r â- iok It oaa â- aketo*"

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