Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jun 1886, p. 1

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 n M-M y -» i r ri " 'f;;^Ti -i-;-T;r-^â€" ^^;;;;;^j^';^-^*!';fT ' '"' â- _«« -â- *i., "«*. IttOf. 1147- i^oami 121?«^ i228H ISM" 105 Jtaif CHUBCH. inesdavcTeninKu ^o«, Pastor; \Vb «nt. JRCH. '.^P- m. 9th, iO:3() •:^ and 7. .TOti, '• 13th 7. 2nth ^v. Jag. Ward, In. 9ol 2:30. J. I'HURCH. at ]0:.30a. m anJ at 2:30. Prajer vemi)gfrom8to!t. ing from 8 to 9. tor; W. A. Brostn, allies' Aid in con- cretary. Ctt0Vtl* o. 78. meets even at 8 o'clock in thei: Visitirg bretlireu j No. 141 meets fc )ck, every altematr dck. visit from- id^es solicited. 1 045 meets in their re fnll moon eadi stei-W'.J.Blakelj RECEPTORS, Markdale L. 0. L. ich month. Visit- [come. DIB, w. ?: .lOTx, Begistrar. V, V. Sm nf Ontario Collegt- Horses ex»^^ 'inedforsonnd- Jknessandcerti- pficates given. tand Daptmtd- 3EBATB., ATTENDED. Siandant OHice. il own Bâ„¢ 3k a(ST .S*" WOtl^^ 1^^ htSiJ^ »rit " .fit .:^fi;i^JCid»*^ i. Jift^ija:. 'vol. 6.--N0. 302. MAJt^KDAUE, ONT., JUNE 24, 1886. COPIBB or TBX SXAXDABD Fm ourrs each. I flAMPDEN WATCHES. lOmovemeuts, witlimy own name on gee tliem and get prices ere yon purtbase. Also usual stock of WALTHAM, ELGIN SPRINGFIELD WATCHES at close prices. Two doz. assorted CLOCKS to select from, spring and weiglit- If pays to have a large stocK •oliiiy fioiu. as you get styles and iirices !-u.;iil uoalers can't give. Practical and careful watch repair- in(T a sptcialty. Goods and work will be as represented. AV. A. Brovrn, A Reliable Jeweller, Markdale. Lceal and Otlier Items. Notices in my MiriJu centf 0. line ihei'e columns intended to benefit ;? (ir Society will be cJuirged ten for. the first insertion and five (•flits (1 line each subieqtient insertion. Ovn new druggist, Mr. B. L. Stephen, has just completed Dr. Brodie's office in the rear ot his drug store, where he and the doctor may be found night or day. We had a friendly call last week from Mr. E. McGowan of Priceville. He is pushing the re-bnilding of his flour mill with all possible speed, and will have it in uperatioa thi« fall. Bev. W. Casson will preach his .farewell sermon next Sunday evening, and altbo' the pews are mostly rented therd is provision made for Btraagers, and all are welcome on this as well as on all occasions. The annual Sabbath School pio-nic at Walker's appointment will be held in Mr. Edwin E wart's grove on the 1st of July, A collection will be taken up in aid of the Sabbath School. Come one, come all. K, Walker. Tanbark Wanted. â€" The subscriber is prepared to buy any quantity of first class tanbark, delivered at any station on the C. P. E., for which the highest cash price will be paid. Ad- dress, Jesse Eetchum, Tanner, Dun- dalk. b Bev. Thos. Gbandt left last week, being stationed at Bellwood, near Fergus. Eev. Eobt. Hosking is his successor. The latter is a young man with an enviable reputation as a christian worker. Wias married this week, we believe, and will be on hand next week. We hope Holland and Glenelg town- ship councils will see after that dang- erous "ind notorious piece of road known as AUen'd sink hole. Better spend something in the shape of mak- ing a permanent job than to have to pay heavy damages for life or property. It Pats to But the Best. â€" ^The Oshawa harvest tools are acknowleged Unitbd. â€" Mr.Bobl Mercer of Arte- mesia and Ifiss Mary Stinflonr of Euphrasia, two of an most respected yoang people, entered into partnership "for better for worse" on Wednesday last. About 85 couple were present on the occasion, ^ft evening was goi^eoQS, the moon fiill, imd the whole party adjourned to thb oien air whrn:^ the marrijoge ooremony was performed. We Wishtiie lii^py eoiq^ik joyoDs JOTTINGS FROM ABROAD Beveage is the prerogative of the bmtsB. NAXioaAi. Piuui will not gripe or sicken, yet are a thoroofcb eatartie Miss McColeman, datighter of Mr. Neil MeOoleman M. P. P.. died last Friday, after prolonged illness. Con- gnmption was the disease. and prosperous JourneHh.«Hsfr^ii«r|^^ Jj^^ Lamp Light. â€" We^JiM^ the pie: ~â€" • The a;i\s are again growing shorter; See Vv A. Brewa's change of adv. something important. Mrs. ^Y. J. McFarland is visiting in Toronto and eastern points. A profitable investment; the Stand- ABD the balance of '86 for 50 cents. ,, ,,.,., ,â-  1.1 1 x /by all to be the only reliable harvest The fuueval of the late Michael tool in the market. Haskett Bros. SuUivau was very largely attended. gay they can and will sell them at a 5 steam whistles to people to and from So less tlian blow Marlidale work. OuK 'n-ass baud now play in open air every Saturday evening, weather permitting. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mason, of Harriston, spent a few days last week in this vicmity. "Keteibution at Last," is the name of a good story commenced this week in the Standard. Miss Laura Robke left this morning for Toronto where she intends remain- ing for an inaefinite time. OfR rstecmed friend, Silas Hill, has returned .0 ilarkdale, having accept- ed a sit. i.i r^IcXea's planing factory. OvR eorrespcndents will please re- member to forward their budget-so as to reach r 3 ou Tuesday for that week's paper. MEs.Bb. Gilray and Fawcett, reeve «nd deputy of 'Euphrasia, went to Owen Sound ou Monday to attend County Council. Capt. Geo. Pickell, formerly of Artemesia, cliecl suddenly in Detroit ^iich., on the lOch inst.; further part- Jcalars iiest week. â-  " â-  Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Haskett re- wrned la.t Friday from visiting in loronto, Louaou, St. Marys, and other Vvj^tGvu towns. .JMr. Geo. Ieeton, Glenelg, says he '5 prep;.ied to make a substantial and permai;.:nt job of -Allen's sink hole." iae council would do well to see him. John M. Da^s shipped, on Saturdav '8st, a double deck car of fat sheep "i^ct for the Old Country. The farm- «js are well pleased at prices given by -*"•. Davis. Some cf the Markdale House board- !f '^onipl^iiu of being awakened in the mornujg by the ring of Dan. McFar- Dts biuclisnaith anvil,â€" not before ^eveu however. less price that you can puy inferior arti- cles, usually kept by other dealers. Call and see for yoarselves. Tendbbs will be received for the erection of a dwelling house on a vacant lot in rear of Beyere Hotel, Markdale, up to July the 20th. Plans and specifications can be seen by ap- plying to the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Daniel Blanet, Markdale. Wb are gratified to be Able to an- nounce that Eev. Jas. Ward is so far recovered as to resume his work. He is a vigorous, systematic and efficient pastoral worker, and it is a great pleasure and satisfaction to his num- erous friends to see him so soon on duty after his serious accident, and almost miraculous escape from death. Quite a number have been enquir- ing if Eev. Geo. H. Cornish, successor to Eev. W. Casson, is not an aged man, being superannuated. This idea has doubtless arisen trOm the MaiTs report of the stations, putting him down as superarvnxuited instead oi super • intendsnt. Mr. Oomish is a vigorous man in the prime of life, a little over middle age. Mil. a. S. Bowbs has opened an office in Haskett's block, where he will do conveyancing in all its branch- es, also general fire and life insurancCi He is commissioner in B. A. for Grej county agent for the celebrated Doh- erty organ, and will do a general laud agency buginess. We bespeak for Mr. Bowes a good share of publis patronage, sa he is well and favorable known. Another Sunday will close the pastorate of Eev. W. Casson in Mark- dale, and it is with deep r^tet that bis manr friwids and congregation give the fwewell greeting. »Mr. Cas- son A covY of the prize list of South ^rey Agricultural Society's Fall Show ^0 baud, for which we have to thank Keczie refer t "-i. secretary, M?, Arch.Jfc- am. Pmrties wisbii^.tp so at this office. oi visiting W. H. Har^idy'MlAniP.M^ tory in Toronto last w^, and was bo^ snrpnsed imd delighted at the great success of the "Harvey Lamp." Mr. H. yisited Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati recently, takmg orders for 100,000 lamps for this season's manu- facture. He has also a standing order for 500 dozen per month from a ^rm in New South Wales, and has sold the patent for England to Hinks Son of Birmingham, the, largest wholesale lamp firm in England. Mr. Harvey has facilities for the m^nfacture of a large qustutity, and is taxed to. its ut- most capacity. The 'Harvey Safety Lamp" is downing everything and is certainly meeting with the success it justly deserves. Factory and ofiKce, 169 Queen St. East, Toronto. Pbovidence Chuch S. S., New Eng- land, held their IStn anniversary last Thursday. The weather was some- what variable, but a Tery pleasant, time was spent. The edibles were abundant and of a superior quality, and were served in the bush, where several swings were also up. for the amusement of the young. Owing to a shower the company adjourned to the church where Mr. Hieks, the superintendent, took^the ^air, and a program was gone tibtough consisting of music by the school, assisted by Messrs. W. A» oWn -and 0. S. Bowes of Markdale, dialogues and recitations by ^e 3^dren and short addresses by Messrs. 0. W. BuUedge, W. A. Brown, G. 8. Bowes and Geo. Steer of this village. The latter gave a very able and appropriate address which was listened to with great at- tention. Thus closed this pleasant anniversary. The G1.0B10UB 12th.â€" AS fieur as we can learn, there is to be about thirty lodges cf Orangemen celebrate the coming 12th in Markdale. This will mean at least 5,000 people in our town on tliat day. Now, it will be very de- sirable that the best possible accom- modation be provided, and that the multitude are not allowed to "go hungry away." On a former occasion of a similar character there followed serious complaints owing to the inade* quate provision madei for visitors, in the proper Eupply of tiie wants of the inner man. We trust this will not be repeated, and from what we learn there wiQ be no danger. The. hotels are making immense preparations, Mrs. Caswell is preparing a gorgeous dinner Mrs. Hollingshead will serve dinner in the Agrioiltoral Hall, and will no dnubt be largely patironized, and other,s wiU entwtain guests, so that we tiiink tl;ierefsieed be no fear^ that sH will be abfrnjamtly served. Abont ijfJOO '-pwiAt attended the Blake demoBstratiofl in Ovren Sound last week. Pbo. Low's Sclphob Soip is a delightful toilet Inxary as well as a good curative for skin disease. ?B termr- has been one pf peace and proqoe^ his sermooeiar above^ilie sreragif aeeoring tthxonghont luge and ^a^reciative anSences. His bettor half, whose cheerful self-sacri- fib^'^birpesitifo and untiring energy snd ,^ for4iMiKefaiugeh,^iiderii% her Juiitlj Tfitrpeirteil """ esteemed by aU. Wq wish;ttiw» »TCxyiJao9eaB in thmr; '.nespiield of labor. C(»fSTJMKEifll R3BBD. An old 't^TBiBiaB; ^fiiei iram practiee, hav^ had plaoed in hiS, hAiB by an East India missiooar; the ' loRniila of a ample yegetable,remedj fpftb^m^edj apd.pamtaa- ent core d Censttipptioa^M»a chiti «,CirtKaii. Asthma and all throat Lung AUttetfpar, also a positive and ifi^kl mae for nenrons Bebilityand all NeryoiB Qemfli^ti, after having tested its wcgadoEbJoaxative powera in Ihonsands of cases, make it known to Actuated by tim Tpl^e immaii ^affej charge to alljirboi ' German, Frc|iebM tions for ]p^p$xifKgmi b/addzeannR with W. L, Notns. 14S Fi A Few men have amonnt'of Work and thecelelitsttA Dn his wftAe^taye been We,wi[ai~evay paiaoa tJiituuT^mUeii/ to «i Go. tand btiy i^botflfr B^fl.oS Soldby Dundalk is making a move in the direction of incorporation. What is Markdale going to do Ix Cam Do No Habx to try Freeman's Worm Powders when your child is ailing, feverish or fretftd. Bichmond Hi!l has voted a bonus of $10,000 in aid of railway connection with the Northern. Cbodp, Whoopiko GouaH andBroncbitis smmediately rebeved by Shiloh's Core. For aile by B. L. Stephen Draggiat Markdale. A Durham is troubled with clothesline thieves. Sleepless nights, made miserable by tba terrible cough, Sbilob's Cure is the remedy for you For stlo by B. L. Stepnen, Druggist, Markdale. A The Flesherton brass band will appear in their new uniform on Do- minion Day in that town, ' Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con- sumption. For sale by B. L. Stephen Drug- gist, Markdale. A Mr. D. Jackson and Mr. J. H. Hunter and lady are on a trip to the Old Coiuitry. â€" Review, That Hackiko Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, MarK dale. A If mankind were obliged tew giv their gifts sekretly, they would look upon it as a grate hardship. â€" [Josh Billings. Will Tou Suffsb with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shilloh's Yitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by B. L, Stephen Druggist. Markbale. A Litellect without judgement is what ails about one-half the smart people in the world. Shiloh's Vitalizeb is what yon seed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 1, and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist Markdale. A There is a grate deal ov resolushun in Gin, but kussid little judgment. Dandys andblujays are alike, both worthless without their feathers. Two reasons are given why some people don't mind their own business, one is that they haven't Xub business, and the other is that they haven't any mind. /Ah! yon flatter me," lisped a dude to a young lady mth whom he was conversions. "No I don't, "was the reply. " ifou ooulden be any flatter than you are now-" "Have you, asked the judge of a re- cently convicted man, "anything to ofier the court before sentence is passed?" "No your honor," replied the prisoner; "my lawyer took my last cent." Tele(bbne wires are being run from Guelph to Fergus, and on to Arthur, Harriston, and Walkerton, from Fergus to Elora, from Arthur to Mpnnt Forest, and from Harriston to Listo#el and Wingham. A CntioBmr. â€" Mr. John Allan^ of Egremont, had a mare which recentiy gsviel birth to a- CQlt which had only tinree legs ttwobehmd and one in front, the animal was otlierwise well devel- oped. Mr. Allan killed the colt as be did not propose to gp into snow business.. â€" [Grey Beview. Dxolabbd IncttbablbI. E. C, MeOovem, of SyxaauSiM. Y., who is a wdl-knowa^iaaidfeiit of that plSoe, was 'l^dedaiad ineuraUe by hixp^ieiant th«^ de:*^ A, rease being a cawipliMtion ci Iddney-and liver- or oomf]^iBt. Inteo-dqrB he looad relief in V^^ ^f g Hy.llj pwU)ck Blood Bitters/^ tlad in cue month er Co. Jane lie entirely recovered. BUSINESS LOCALS. Tixr*iip Seeds:, fresh and pure, a large variety to chose from, at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. For sale a new Wanzer C. Sewing Machine, neyer been used. This is a first-class machine in every respect. Will bftspld cheap for cash or on time.. Wm. Mason, Carriage Builder. Foflameback, side or chest, me Shioh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For ^sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A^ The largest, best and cheapest stock of scythes, snaths, forks, rakes, hoes, etc., is to be found at Haskett Bros., Markdale. "^Vizard Oil for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. The cheapest place to get your Buggies, Democrats, Wagons, and everything in the carriage line, both new work and repairing, is at Wm. Mason's Carriage Works, because he gives a guarantee. Is- you want a good reliable scyth, one that you can depend on every time, go straight to Haskett Bros, and get it. Insect Pow^der, Insect Powder At R. li. Stephen's. Carriages and wagons, stylish, dur- able and cheap at William Mason's Carriage Works, Markdale. To regulate the stomach and purify the blood Eejuvinator Ditters takes the lead. Sold by Smith, the barber, Markdale. Bear in mind the best place for fine carriages of every description is at Wm. Masonls Carriage Works, Mark- dale. Mtirilis dtyto suffering feUows. anda desire to wiB^end free of it, 4bii xt^f^XiA Seaa^sriafl TMtiwiTitT thitt. nttnar. ^^^â€" â€" â€" â€" .0 â-  " l? ^X â-  -.• 'cUSfoeft, .BodkoScr Bejuyenator Bitters Smith, the barber. for sale by JOeelobore, HeeloborCf At R. li. Stephen's. Like a bad penny, they alwas re- turn. McLeod keeps all his customers and is adding new ones every day. Why Because they can't do as well any place else in Boots of any shape, make or quality. The Imperial Parliament has dis- solved and a new election is forth- coming, as a result of the defeat of the Irish Home Enlebill. Be sure a.nd buy a package of Be- juvenator Bitters to keep you well, as it is a sickly time. L. Knapp sells the cheapest and best Whiskey in the county. Wonderful is the instantaneous effect of West's Pain King in relieving cramps, colic and all bowel difficulties. Worth its weight in gold and costs but 25 cents. Should al- ways be kept in every houehold. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggist, The Twelfth in Markdale. â€" This year the Twelfth will be celebrated in Markdale in royal manner. No doubt our hotel accommodation will be crowded to their utmost capacity^ Mrs. Caswell has the reputation of getting up the most princely feasts on such occasions, and will be patronized accordingly. Her bounteous table saved the credit of our town on a similar occasion a few yeard ago, when the jest was made tbat Markdale was noted for its tough beef and lettuce as the principle articles on the Bill of Fare. â€" Adv. Paris Oreen, Paris Green« net it at R. 1.. Stephens. No Physic in Mine. â€" A good story comes from a boy's boarding school in Ipsalanta. The diet was monoton- ous and constipating and the learned* principal decided to introduce some old style physic in the apple sauce and await the happy results. One bright- led, tlie smartest in school, discovered the secret mine in his sauce, and push- ing back hi4 plate shouted to the pedigogue "no physic, sir, in mine my dad told me to use nothing but B, F. Churchill's Eejuvenator Bitters, and they are domg their duty like a charm purely vegetable. Sold by Sm^, the barber, Markdale. Bemtists ioform us that, va may expect 'â- A vicit tlH8RjBuuiiierfr0«Ui}ieterx-iblAteourge.- dioiara.. Weay»giiiitfgi»y in the rtmefly \o keep. KM.jstiAij'^tkA' Ruddeh attack. Pri«s25 c6^,;^ScM li4' Tnn;er and Co. Druggists. :fr- MMM iMMMiliHiii iiiiliiiiili

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