Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Apr 1886, p. 5

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 SiE^uiiE] UPED FKOM LA8T WWt*. ,vouid be empowerBd him be I rc« "" him" any prerog»tive6 she now The leligiooa disa- tJ f' ' ,1,1 puiov- 10.*'"' 1 whu-li makes homa* office would be re- td iu tiie 1 to the jnilges who bad administration of tbe •"^^"""'u In'il"" Her ilajesty might, • ""n « br Order in Cooncil ^5rEDiTE THE PENSIONS -t.diiar judges. In future tb« i^« ItybTapPuiuted by tbe Irisb Gov- ' '"l* .aid out.ol '.lie consoUdated fund, â- "'• «i;ie oalv.on tb« joint address "'""" lei s The constabulary would •""^the present terms of serviae ' ""'"tLeir present aatbprity. The â-  "';-f,|,econstnbalary,w^s,pQW £1,500,- '"'"i anatiie speaker felt confi- " f*^ ir»n'e would be redueed, but for tbe EBLIEVE THE IBXSH â-  1 „!v of ad expenditure fe-om tbe '^fl^ lu *:.cess of £1,OBD,OUO per â- â- "' J le Government had no desure to 'fim peacu of Ireland in reference to "' 1 Miitiun from the ultimate control ""irili k-i=lative body. Tbe speaker, "' " ^orsv uiJou that subject, as tbe "r,ri,iin" f^'r the ordinary security of, :^D,Uerty^as the first duty ol A LOCAL GOVEBSMENT. I .--.â- . req.ect to the Civil Service the uieut did not think their case was the "â- tlatof the constabulitry, and tbe "••'„! t'if Cml Service to the legislative ""' ' " â-  great economy "" i^be Knaoiaei lawB. we wantiddr :.^ii.Cf^^'^P'n»«9»^*«:-: v^ 6-..-. Mii ParUMwatiA.lnigth a^aOlM iUtj M- aBonableneaa«C tliM'pBAsifle^, *Tk^]fwipi. (nftLB.hM oow.»ojnf( |yinf to us froa» af^OM the sea^uid the Hbnsa]^ now to xffii^^ wjlietber ,ii is »pplie»^i{)^ ciuc of^lwl^ncL • ~» • • Wenow st^ndf9(^,^,^qsriih what is terme4 'fiish natif^fJ^tT,' venimg itself in a denumd fprtblj^neral seU-goV^sm- mcntin Irish, not in £np^rial afl^ofs.' '}h conclusion. Mr Qladstdne 'said:â€" "I hbld that there is such a'tbii^t asfaicafi^tijotinti, which in itself is. SOT BAD Birr ooOs. (Cheers j The Welshman is fuA o£ 'local patriotism. The Scotchman is fnJ of local partiotism. No Scotch nationality is as strong as ever was, and if the need were to arise I believe it would be aa ready to assert itself as it was in the days of Bannockbnm. {Chflers.JIfI BEAD IRISH HISTORY ABIOHT, misfortvine and calamity have wedded her bons to their soil with a» embrace yet dcser â- MS 40 BlpMt^. Phnp lw. BoOb, BniptiiHM; Tb^ man, AfafOMWH,. Bad .CflmptaadoB. Low YitaUtg),^«»r^2iNblatioar etc. Aalapwa Bbwd Hid Poor ianiiUtHm,i aafMeat to* MoaenMrly emijr disfeaiw, tne Symptoms matt vaiy aflcondine Jto ifa» Qfguu mort affected. He QIHSE 8«"l"» GoDstitntion or rf^Trffrft Hendituy Taint in theqmtem, Bad hxt, ImpToper liek awllfaBDer of Lin- ing, Bad Drawage, Inaetire Bowels and Eid neya. Weak lionRs, Torpid Liver, and many other obvioos icansas; including want of CleanUness. As imperfect Organic action â-  â- . c ,. Combs, 9ni8lie8« Toilet ArtlcleSi And Perfumery -AI-â€" tb#n is knowpielsewberc, and thfi Irishman l °"^«« ?^ 1^°^ *.° ^.^' »}o^, »V^â„¢ is .till mote ptofopuUy Wsb,Mtit.aoes not °^*'» i°»P«rfect action of ev eiy bodily Organ, follow that because ,his Iqq^I pajt^otism is ^,,_ „. _^* ^, „ ^, CIIRF Observe strictly all tbe Laws of SSsSls.* Health Keep tbe Skin Clean tbe Bowels and Kidneys in perfect working order to carry off poisonous matter Avoid High Living Livmg; Have access to pure Air and Healthful Kxercise Eat Hain Nourishing Food, and take IS strong ^e should be incapable of ap Imperial patrioti^ip. -There are two anodes of pre- .sentiDg %\ifi subject whichl l^ye.rgued- One of them is tbe4)re3ent M'bat we npw recom- mend as good, and the ptber is to ^present i tas a choice of evils and tbe least among the varied evils with which as a possibility we are confronted. Well, 1 have argped the matter as if it bad been A CHOICK OF EVILS. ' ;! have uecognized as facts and as i entitled to attention jealousies which I myself do not I have argiifld it on that „L'iilii efitct a ;j,,c uioivht It ^^'onld be wjse to autiior- ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ j_ ...civilsuvauts new seizing to claim ^^^^^^ ^j^^^^^^^^ .^ ^^ „„,.;.,n. that would be "le to Jhemupon ^^ ^^^^^^^^^Ci^'Z^ only to a mixed audi- tory, but to the public mind.Qf the country thit cannot give minute investigation to aU portions of this complicated question. I do not know whether it may appear too bold, but in my own heart I cherish tbe hope that this is not merely a choice of the lesser evil, but that it may be proved to be ere long l,.ik'iitipii"f tluir otike:j provided tuey vuars in order be Mr. to v.n parli^imeiit 10 pi;!;vi:nt in-cosvesience „, J j^piJi trasibition of the service, and at "jC-,. ol that tiiuL' both pa/ties shonld "o ut..',(tiate afresh. That was is;„iie rtatfd. that he had to say on the v,-t ot the ut'W Irish Constitution. The r,riou of tho iniperial U.irdens which he fiViiropo^e thai iieland should bear was ounetu. He thought the. new ouglit to start witli a ..a-to its credit, but the only fund that wi'nH haye if left alone would be the ;tarv£2n,000 from the, Irish Church fund. itieiv 110 way of providing THE NEIESSARY IIOKET :pt by craving it out of this year's ui'vt, and he proposed that in the luture elffid should pay cue fifteenth towiards the erudexpenditiiie. He went on to speak Li* iiuuh Inland would gain by exporting Ktsto lireat Britain, and how much Great naiu would lose to Ireiand by the flow c f â- nev fiom one to the other. As the.result icaiifuhrniuiry, ho stated with confidence, :a.s an actual demonstiation, but as a liter of certainty with regard to tbe far ciier portion, that the IRISH ItECDII'TS WOULD GAIN from Great Britain a sum that would onut to no less a total than £1,400.000 per mim. He then entered into an elaborate xaiation of tli(' total income and expend- re.f Ireland, in the cou^^e of which he ltd that the total charge to Ireland as an I'ciial coutriliutiou would be £3,242,000 [annum. He stated as an instance of the INTENSE llEMORALIZATION tiie present Irish administration, that, ti'.i'^ilie I'O^tclUci' iu P^nglaud shov.ed a prrt surplus, in L â- .iiim it just paid its ex- Hc the totrd expenditure lOiireland, inL-ludu;;,' a piiymeut as "a sinking fiir the Irisii p.).uion oi the national at £7,'.l4^,|ioO per auDum. Against iLeic wiis a tttal iucouie of £8,350.000, SVP.yLVS TO TEH GOOD f'£!iU,OW. "Ir ha-^ naturally been said in isdaiiii fiid Scotland," continued Mr. Glad- tie, "tha; for a frv at miny years past we Li'tbcen stni}.';liiit,' to jass good laws for rJ, and that we have scrificed our time, Lfi.tcted our iuterists-, and paid our money. ti'feliaTe done ail this iu the endeavor •^"'je Ireland j.'ood laws. Thatis quite true ^t^'sprd to tht t-'eueral course of legislation. say o! those laws have been passed under inf nence which I can hardly describe any per than aa the IKFLCEMCE CF FBAR." Ijith regard to the history of the land ques- "on, no man could Know that untilhe had I .â„¢' it from year to year, begining with K^.^^pn Commission, tbe appointment of l^h, in the speaker's opinion, did the high- l»ionor to the memory bfS^ Robert Peel ~,CDeers)â€" and then to, examine the mode " ?5!? '^^ ^^°^® labour of tjie Commission I been frustrated by tbe domination r I or SELriSH INTEREST^. Ifwie'Jite cheers.) He did not denv the « intentions of the British Parliament to |jS°*"lla^s for Ireland, but, he said, in |T|?*orkeut the purposes of Govem- ini there is something more in this world |jJi'"'*Uy required tLan the passing of i.^iaw3. (Hear, hear.) It is sometimes |L!w"' °°' only that good laws should be I" ' "°' also that they should be passed BT THE PROPER PERSONS. |i L^^T " ""'" °°°^ l*^s is not enough fotfri ® ^^" 'â„¢'^!? instincts of the ad vl!^"^°" '"'^^â- " of character, situation, if'oi^b^" 'â- Â«1'""«. not only that these laws Burdock Blood Bitters The Great Key to Health, which unlocks all tbe Secretions by acting upon the Four Cardinal Points of Health â€" the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. In this manner BURDOCK BLOOO BITTERS makes pure Blood. FARM FOR SALE. 1 /^/^ acres^eing lot South J lot 8, con. Tbe Nef Drag Store. Yoa will not make a mistake if led topurcbsneat THE NEW DRUG STORE. Come and Look at Them Anyway. FbESHERTQfl* A BeauiiM Stock la Select from. /o o e o '^^ o b o o c d o o o ooo It IE a fact, as every one says, that KUSSELL is the man|. i-epair yoar Watch or Clock' properly. sa I to ooooeooo oooo s^z. lock| b of GIVE HIM A TBIAIi. Every job warranted to give satis- fftCtiOD, 217-269 JIS. 6. RUSSELL. ,n,,^„ 800(1, but that they should proced "^fgemal and native eonrees. and ' ^te being g„oa laws, they IHElR OWN LAWS. that should be A OQDDIN ITSELF. (Loud cheers.) There is, I know, an answer to this, and what is tjtie answer Tbe answer is only found in the view whiSk rests upon a basis of despair, of ab.solute condemnation of Ireland and Irishmen as exceptions to those beneficial provisions whi:b bgrve made, in general Europeans, in particular Englishmen and Americ: iis, capable of self-government that an Irishman is a lusuis nature that Justice, common seuse, moderation, NATUBAL PBQSPEBirr have no meaning for him; that all that be can understand and all that be can appreciate is sti ife, perpetual dissension. Now, Sir. I am not going to argue in this House whether this view, this monstrous view â€" (Irish cheers) â€" is correct one I say the Irishman is as capable of loyalty as another man â€" (re- newed Irish cheers)â€" but if his loyalty has been checked, why it is because tbn laws by which he is goyerned do not present them- selves to him as they do to us in England or Scotland with a native and COXGENIAL ELEMENT. I have no right to say that Ireland through her, constitutionally elected members will ac- cept the measure I propose. I hope they wiil, but I have no right to assume it nor have I any power to enforce it upon the peo- ple of England and Scotland, but; I rely on the patriotism and the sagacity of this Housej on a FRFE AND FULL DISCDSSIOX, and, more than all, upon tl-e just and generous sentiments of tbe two Briti-b nations. And, looking foiward, I ask tbe House, believing that no trivial motive could have driven us to assist in the .work we liave undertaken (work which we believe will re- store Paa-liainent to its free and unimpeded course) â€"I ask tliem to stay the WASTE OF THE PUBLIC TBEASUEE under the present system of government and admiuisteration in Ireland, which is not waste only, but waste which demoralizes while it exhausts â€" I ask them to show to Eiuope and Aruerica that we, too, gan face the political problems vphicb America had to face twenty years ago, and whiob many countries*2n Europe have been called on to face, and have not feared to deal with. I ask that wo sbf 11 practice as we hare yery often preached, and that in our own case we should BE FIRM ASD FEABt^SS in appljiug the doctrines we have often incul- cated on others, that tbe concessinn^ef local self-gover^iine^t is not the way to $ap and impair, but to strengthen and consolidate Uiiity. I,^sk Igiat we should learn to rely les s on mear written stipulations and more on those better stipulations wr.tten on tbe heart and minjl of man, I ask that we shonld apply to Ir'daijd the happy experience we have sained in England and Scotland, where a courss of generations has now taught ns, rot as a dream or a theory, but as a matter of practice antl of life, ihat the best and surest foundation we can find to iiuld on is the foundation afforded by the (lotions and convictioDS anjd will of man, and it is thus by the decree of the Almighty ^t, far more than by any^ther method, we may be enabled to^ecnre at once the social happines s, th9 power, and the permanence pi the Empire." Mr. GHadstona finished bis address at 8 o'clock, haying spoken three boars and twnnty-fiTe minutes, and resumed hi^ seat amid'bnrsto of enthnsiastic cheers, Tbich were sustained for several minutes. 12, Enphiasia, 60 acres cleared, balance hardwood with good sugar bush, 40 seeded down, well stoned. The farm must be"sold; possession given immediately, terms easy. Apply on tbe premises to ELIZABETH LAKE, 192-5, Markdale.P. O. FARM FOR SALE. rOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, J 100 acres. Will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on tbe premises, or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 100-tf. Pomona, P. 0. 5fore to Rent m Makaate. T nHE Store in Reynold's Block to rent, Application as to terms can be obtained from Johr Lyons, Afarkdale, or JOHN WHITE. St. Vincent, 143-tf. Stratbnaim. P. O.. Owner FOR SALE. DIAMOND OYES/JIAMOND DYES AND Diamond Easter Dyes, EACH Package Containing 4 Colors, ONLY. 10 CENTS. Buy a package at once, and get a beautiful EASTER CAED e/V£/lf WITH EACH PACKAGE THENEWDRUe STORE. Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs Generally at the NEW DRUG STORE. Yonrs respectfully, R. L STEPHEN. THE GENOINE SINGER CARSON.',S Implement I beg to announce to tbe public tbat lam this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and Machinery. I will keep on baud Self-Biuders. Beapers. Mowers. Sulky Rakes. Steam and Horse Power Threshing Machinesi Grain Drills, Single or Combined. Plowe, eight kinds. Sulky Plows. FanuiMg Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. Spring- Tooth Harrows. " Iron Harrows. Lan^ Rollers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kinds. Root Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. Boad Scrapers. Wagons. Democrats, Open Top Buggies, c., c. Office at Markdale House, 291309 MARKDALE. AT30P0UGHBBED Trotting StaUion with pedigree, in good condition, eight yeai;? old. for furtbei" particulars apjily to JOHN G-\ULEY, "Williamsfcrd Station. P- C, Ont. 3 W litsnfc '-^' ^^" I doubted whether l«I)«a^ ^.^'"' ^^° "llv developed, and l*akl b^ » ' 'â- "'1^^' *o Ireland. If doubts PaSion tW ""' '^^°"*» *^« ^^^ general l^nrii,,;^-' "^i^not now be entertained. nji^o^"/^^^^ "^id i°^. I o^ not I "^tr ?• ""^^" exceptionallv. It is • ^.Pnnciple npon which within ay MONEY To Loan on real estate security. Simple Interest, low rates, and ea?y terms. C. W. BUTLEDGE, 275 Standard Office. New Bakery. I would respectfully intimate to tbe in habitants of Markdale and surronnding £onntry tbat I have opened in MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, BUNS, Of my o\Mi mannfactore, also BISCUITS COMFECTIOHARY. ORANGES, LEMONS. BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of pnblic patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and clfne attention to hnsiness to merit your confi- dence and sapport. My motto is No Credit. Yonrs respectfully, 291 W. M. SPEER- THOSE IN NEED OF A S EWiNC -:- MACHINE Should be sure and get the c' 6 c ooorocoo-o :cc GENUINE NEW YORK SllteER c c oooo oooo so ooo The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the bes*^. SCONS, CAEESPASTKY 290 C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, Markdale. Peerless Oil! Ahead of All Gompef if ors. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. THEY ALL SAY IT I Golemas Hamilton's I'Oimtrrpl' !° '^* immense advantage of the I J. i^aniainent has not only altered but V^C J^^^^' office at the l5?'^h^tH°'° ^«^'»i°«-rtreet. The "inflict with conntries whieh had i(8. We had eontiana CONSUMPTION CURED- An old physician, retired Irom praatice, having bad ulaced iu his hands by an East India missionary the fcMrmnla of a simpV*' vegetable remedy for th§^ speedy and po?^- ent cure ol Consumption, Bron^hws, CataErb, Asthma and aQ threat and Lung Afflie^cms, also a pontiTe and radical cni» for N9nna Itebility and aU Naryons Complaiiita. aft« having tested b wondofid cinstive powen in {hooMiids of eases, has fclC it his Aity to make it known to his mdkoog ffkmf. Afstoated 1^ *»"â-  looim and a daito W relJs»ahiiiaMiBiifloiig,Iwffl swd^0e Fl ohtage. to ^J-^HiJiS" i^lJ Oermaa. ttanea '»l5»*. *%J?i dizeetions for pwfiing aaimttg. M^ Is the cheapest place in town Parlor, Diniwsr roimt. Bedroom Kitchen FURNITURE. for and MlUIESSSSOr. E. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- ronnding count! y that he has opened a geneial haruoss shop uu King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS, long and short tugs. STRAW COLLARS, WEEIPS, COMBS. BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL c. I will use only first class matenal and those requiring anything, in tbe harness line will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing doue with neat ness and dispatch. Soheiting a share of pnblic patrorage. lam respectfully yours. R. CARNAHAN. 190 WEAVINC, ^^ Having returned to Markdale. in order in he more eouveniaat icr my oostouen, I beg t» sianoBnee tbatrlamnow orep^ lodo i^ l^ids. of Ctkkfoot Wearing. Residenee ptd stand, oppos^PkesliDtcrMui Church. 283 ARCH. ROYS;. " Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ask for PEERLESS and be sure: you get it, as there are imitations. Tlie genuine is only made. by Queen City Oil Works, TOBONTO. ONT. MONEY mLOAt ON real estate sQcnri*^y, at, low rate of interent, no coxamissioo changed. Busi- ness Strictly ConildiWtial, J. S.BliiACK,' 190 Pomona, P;0.' UNDEIi T AiUNCa ~~^« HaTiigifMMii$«dk^fl radeiMiiag QOLEMMU IS!"" MMNCPM,E 6 BBEtSENT. i a tr ,ii on Farni orTovu TtttpiutyiLiltiwaiilL ratM Oj^ i|tfttret^t. Aifyh/Jte-,' â-  â- -•r- "â- "â-  â-  â- â-  »da i.-i n^-gtt- ' "" 'Cbfirejriiadn' mi^ ' " PoaoMster, Fkali«itou.. FARM FOR SALE. «. ;. â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  â€" BEAUTIFULLY sitnated within 4 miles of thd thriving Town of Meaford, being south half lot 2( eon. 7, St. Tincent, 100 acres, 65 aims being cleared and in a good â- tate of cidtivatioa. There is a good joiitti â- â- â-  orchard, an abundance of good water, with suitable bnildings. Price very low.- Terms ' easyj For ps^ttealars apply to. ^;^|;.^. JOHNSTON,; R.*^^P||aULE, tJoi|v^ji»e«'r, A|}irai»7r Valnato/ hA Muuey Ltu*trtr, DpeAn, Murt- gai^es. li«iu|f K iii|l W.iJl^i dfawu.^ nn auOci tidfm^HiUM., uv-^iOw 0(4; ttbiurtert uo^. Chinges yery^lojy, Afyiy-tu ^fv^ *;r .a?ict|

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