fHB HcDOUALllS. BY Ti Ml B. CHAPIER I. -Love. „n mast not cross the riv«r to yi 7 Ttjey may settle it, of conrae, s«»8"°Lsiiberfzht Bat now, don't n'" do\?t;'ormy«»ke«notf»r i{,Boi^--don .Toicoto,( )TARC| IL! I "!!;,« for no, JcM^e ^J**'"" "P» »°y ^dwhyiorn nig, I, yon • What „nhoM young Yankee blfde. 'rm/com£g"o seeyou. I'U settle ' " ^nlek ' ' and the speaker lifted r«rt «£' "" showed a fist that :it ^^'-llSlovM^ntivA convenatfon E onr Btory opens occurred about of Joo8 in the year of Grace, balk of the mighty St. aanow, poured down ,33giaiiing ontt*' oath " « wilshthen, asnow, po i"'°!!:rtide in placid lakes and roar to the salt aad sounding aea, to be lac" l;,pid3 lorever in its briny depthsc " »L vnnne people stood was on Ihe 1stl5s'sid« of the boundary_line. ;ta States ^_j,_ „,iuc»n of St. side 'of the ;:'fa;;"the Indian vlUge ilegis ..^'f.TTentle reader" know the why L Li,.rflfor8 of the meeting. '"Swart youth called by the giri t ,v' was a young man of Highland f' j...flnt whose full and true patron- "'1' Roderick McDonald. able i cbief was Kjderick, one that would -he sturdiest hesitate before intermed- Cwithhta- 0'" six feet high in hU EiMs and still growtog, with clear gray Ualthy complexion and curly, auburn the looked the beau ideal of ft young 'tell to do Ssotch Canadian. His par- uid his four brothers, all older and I than himself, lived across the St. Law- a few mllos below where the town of liall stands, in the County of Glengar- ladthe reason of his visiting this seclud- tryitJne place " across the lines" was the nitnral and pardonable one of wishing ithe girl of his heart, the blus-eyed, 1 haired Jessie, like himself a Mc- i and of the same, though somewhat L.k Win ta not necessary to go into rhapiodies, iaatomary with story tellers in desorib- lielrherotaes, in rejounting the manifold Li of the fair Jessie. Sntfioeitto say, iihe had the mo2t beautiful and luxuri- fbrown hair, the most bewitching blue L the reddest lip3, the fairest brow and I fflost perfect form ef any girl in the [lij, »t least so the bold Rary thought, i imonnta to the same, so we hope our 1 readers all, including the ladies, will with him, for remember this was a itime ago, and anyone who has seen fpresent generation of bonnie lasses who Lour heroine ai great grandmother will lie likely to dispute Roiy's good taste. [Iinot the intention of the writer, oh I lid reader, to go into the history of the noDB clans of McDonalds and McDonnells tben of whom came across the seas to lerica in the last century, or touch upon Ir genealogical tree, for without even be- Ipitheticaily besought to do so, like the p8a woodman of song we will "spare r ior everybody, who knows anything is e of the fact that the pedigree of the aids extends so far back that the k of man has never yet found its root. lerebno doubt, hotvever, and we give this ^nnation for the benefit of the more arfa- ntic portion of our readers who would irally like the leading cliaracters in the I they deign ta read to be of " good liy,' that the chiefs of both clans, Mo- ii and McDonnell, were, like Tubul i of old, ' men of might," and had ada ot red shanked wasaals at their nd when the Roman Emperor Call- h with his short sworded legions, were fnilit to a halt on the margin of the h this has got nothing much to do with kito^, neither the dignities of the clans tile occnpation of Britain by the am, but some centuries later circum- pi uiie, the merits or demerits of pi it i«not b our province to speak, *^* Batch Prince and soldier visited ;.:rd'BAnointed" from the throne, which wdisg created, to eay the leabt, a ereat »-ity of opinion on the matter. Not a i; while after, when it was a toss up be- linother "wee German lairdie" and H gentleman of the name of Stuart, » the yenng cavalier, alias the Blackbird, «teie Prbce Charlie, it is a melan- Rfiot that most of the McDonalds and """Us took up arms in the cause of ' Pwefol and graceless and flighty ii 1, lv" ^^ ** " ""^y ***«' » certain «-ii noble enrolled a large party ofvol- ,^5°°ipo»ed of these disaffaoted olams- ir*,°g«jorthe Ktag in America that f^ and penalties atsached to the "Ja- J^ were removed from them. 1^' J /.'**"" °=«™8 out with General I« »od dlathisuished themselves (In the 'J? the gor Plains of Abraham, when kF^Tu*?' '^^^ ^d Quebec teken from Ffei**' l"»t It was only In the beginaing l«2»»nt osntnry that Jessie's father CdR. " *^« '"d ot tbe heather to f^^}^ "" doughnut., and it must Iw i .♦ **** "^^ man was as sUnnch, Kefti^'i??,^*' Jacobite and a greater 1^ iS ,fi«°vertan" than ever? tttll^ **?*" **»** although Rory's JlZ y""" *e " Meteor Flag" of ril*Sl'^««ie'« nnder the folds of the T» s!" "«k« etther poUtioe or the biwll *»ther iJ f^ tte yonng people mw r«"!!^ *** "••" And new "Oa, W?.*^?" ^« rtarted. I JiST^ " dreaSul newi " ',^«gm MnT "o^Pt. perhaps, that •^uJv"?^ thrashS reS Peter j^^„»Mt Monday, and they say that U f Thev\l^* nieai anything like n*tt»«8v« •?"«°**f to be war •aa.es and everybody here is In • great state of exeltemeiit. The are bamialiing and oOing tiie leeke ef their rlflsa, aad thera'e nothing talked of bat war, war 1 Besidee, they tow rmnt- ance on all Britishers, aadâ€" andâ€" yoa'ie one yon Imow, Rsry, ud all, oh " â€" aad tiie pcor girl laid her weeping laoe en Rory'e broad and wDliog ehonlder. ** See here I' said the yoong man, " Jessie, don't cry, like a geodgIrL Fm not afrild of all the Yaakees in New York State (good boy, Rory Jessie hears yon) bat If this war you speak of happens of ooane It won't do for me to oome here, for that might bring yonr fclks Into tronble, and see hare, Jeesle, If the war doea oome, I â- appose I'll shoalder my maiket as I'm in duty hoand to do. Everybody etlck np for his own ooiers, Jesde. yon know. There, don't cry pniiape Jts all talk, bat any way Its high time for me ta cross the river, and now, Jessie, give me a kfsi to remsmber you till we meat again," and Rcry jumped into hi* skiff and wae otL "Till we meet again," said the disoonee- late Jessie. It was a long time before they met again. CHAPTER II.â€" Wab. Rcry hadn't long- to wait the coafirm- ation of the ramors spoken of by hia inam- orata. On the 18th of June, a feW weeks after the interview by the river, war was de- clared by Unole Ssm, and some 25,000 regulars and 50,0C0 volunteers were called out for active service. We will not go into the rights or wrongs of the war, whioh have nothing to do with this true atory, merely remarUng that the assnmption on the part of Great Britain that she had a right to search American, and ii^ fact iJl " foreign " vessels on the high seas, and take tiierefrom, nolens voleni, those of th^ crew bom under the British flag, under the plea onoe a subject always a subject, did'nt go down with the Yankees, who vowed that they would stand It no longer hence the advent of that gory monster, " Orim-Tlsaged war," among the happy and peaceable Inhabitants of Canada ana the States. In Upper Canada at this time there were about 3000 regulars, and some 1500 In the lower province, so of coarse the regular forces b^ing inadequate to tackle the Ameri- can troops a call was made for volunteers. Immediately after war was declared, that xoeedingiy stnpid and witlial incompetent oi£oer, Sir George Prevost, then command- ant in Canada and shortly afterwards got consumedly thrashed by the Yankees at Like Champlain, issued an order that all Americans should leave British soil wltldn fourteen days. The war feeling waxed exceedingly hot on both iidee, and soon the ball commenced. Among the first regiments of volunteers raised in Upper Canada was the " Glengarry Fenclbles," composed almost altogether of McDonalds, McDonells, Erasers and other Highland clansmen or their desoendacti, under the command of CoL McDonald, and a strapping, not to say hostile looiung lot of stalwarts they were. Of course our friend Rory wae among the first to enroll himself in the ranks, put on his old red "coatee" and shoulder a venerable " Brown Bess" mere remarkable for Its kicking qualities than Its reliability to fire or its accuracy of aim, and In a very sliort time he found Umself en the Niagara frontier doin " sentry ro I" under that valiant and meritorious cffiser. Gen. Sir Isaac Brock, who, as every one knows, fell while leading his command to " glory" on the blood-staued heights of Qaeenaton. Rory, after this engairement, was promoted to the high and dignified position of lanoe corporal, he being by this time well op In his drill, havbig served with Brock en the Detroit frontier where Hull, to the Intense disgust and Indignation of the Americans, surrendered. After Brook's death. Gen. Sheaffe took command of the British, and In spite of the many energetic attempts of the Americans usderGsn. Smith topermanentiy occupy the colony, managed to hold his ground. It is not necessary or advisable to follow our hero through the different hard marohes, bivouacs and battles that he underwent In hia two yers of bloody experience. He was among the Highlanders who checked the Americans at Burlington when the latter attempted to get possession of the military stores there, and who afterwards visited Toronto, where they not only succeeded In blowing up the Britisher's works, but some hundreds of their own peo- ple, indading their brave but onfortunate commander. Gen. Pike. Nor do we Intend to relate the manifold adventures of the bold Rory when on picket duty along with the unrelenting and savage allies of the British, the Indians, under their cruel smd bloodthlnty chief Joe Brant, or how often he risked his life to save that of some unfortunate woonded Yankee, whose illluok placed himin the hands ef these infuriated and nnforgiving savages. Bui one night Rory had an adventure that he remembered until hta dying day, ae It resulted sometime after In seoamg him the happfaieas of hit futore life. Rorywas^iow full corporal and In eom- mand of an outiying pleket some two mllee from the main o^np, near the rapids of the tumultuoos Niagara, and, ai he tad his comrades, placed at intervale, were peering through the onderbmah or travernng the woods on the line of ont-posts, they were startied by a sound that often before aad since that time, struck terror to the heart of the Dale face, the dread war-whoop of tiieDndians. •• Close up, boys I" ahonted Rory, "ad- vance i Let's see whaf â- the row a bont, the redshavecMgfat somepoordevO for oertnin." The party oloeed and advaaoed a few Tude. aad tiien, with hie arms pbiened firmly and • palnledand Udeou lo^teg Ghispewa en elSn ride, tomahawk la band leady to bralahlm,they beheld a we o nd e d A aw ri ey effioer. HewailalaliBglt«nle«ief Meod, experare aad fatlgoe, aad ae the pioket oame np he tuned hie bee^eo hhig ofM on Reryi^oh plainly wM, "Deatkttiiem mnrder me," an«» U to the {{nmnd. Thelodlaaew.^ oneaooord raised tiieir tomaliawka, aad la a fnomeat It woud have beea aU np wltti their prlwHW. whijn E«^ â- boated, ••Hold I Stop f ' aadhta litHU ojm- maad nuhed WB wHh fixed bMoaeta while the ChtopewM dropped thefr mudwons haadeaidioowledattteredoeato. ••J^o,iio. Cam winl earn win," ni^tdV» nvagee fienely. ••Taakee «w pclMner, moit ooBM with Indian â- "KVnUIUny.kaowim fthatapitoftd nd limripg death WMdd be tiMAmsrioM'k ftitoif iher ever ge* him to their oMsp. ••N^ aok we waat Urn with ne. Lai him gel" "Caw wim, mieki. Sha-gornaiu," yelled one « liM fierce eavagee, wheee temper, aot eae of tile iweeteet at aay time, got beyond hta oentarol, "Cmu wbt," aad he hurled hta toma- hawk at the head of onr hero, whioh, had it "found its Ullet," wonld have doeed hta oarser aad thta story inetaater. Bat Rry, aatidpatiag eudh a ealufes, jast managed to dodffs the hatohet, aad big Aague Fraeer, without more ado, ran hta bayonst through the ladian'e body, whUe hta dusky oomradee with a yell that fright- ened tiie rqulrreta for mUee around, jumped like a greynonnd tot the cover of the woods, and dtoappeared. Big Angus, like many more, had grown rather ctUous during the war, and he re- mariced to Michael Doherty. ids rear rank man " She's a good runner then, MkhaeL' " Faith he ta,' replied his ohum. •* Sore a beagle ouddent ootoh him. Be me i nrl, Angus, 'tis a shame fok good Olirtattansloike me and yon to f eight be the soldo of suih mnrdherm tldevee T" The American wae soon unbound and brought to head quarters by Rory and hia detachment, (Rory, by the way, aaying nothing about the death of the Indian) and as he was badly wounded he was soon ex- changed and sent over to the American camp, Rory didn't even know hta name ner^ faith, did he care much what It was. (lO Bl OONTINUEO.) â- â- â- S â- ! SEASOKABLE LaTJQHS. Young man, make a note of thta. Gran widows are not green. The first flowers of springâ€" Those which your wife selects for her Easter bonnet. We disapprove of broom-drills. The average woman can wield a broom too well already. Themasville, Ga., is called •'the garden oity of the South." Ittathe seediest place In that section. Paper b being used as a substituto for wood. It ta alw) being need as a substituto for railroads and mining companies. A renowned circus olown died recently In Troy. He ought to have been one of lita own jokee, then i,he never wonld have died. Society ta just like a pie. There ta an upper crust and a lower omst, but the real strength and substance lies between them. A recent writer says that incineration of the dead ta common In Alaska. An ice- creamation must certainly be eastar there tlian bnrlaL Chicago has a young woman who sleeps eight days in one Innini;. Some women will do almost anytUng to escape bailding the kitchen fire. Flipkins was passing along the street and saw a trunk outside the door of at dealer, bearing the legend " Thta sizs for $10." "Sodo I," saidFUpkins. A Halifax woman is said to have poured hot water into her husband's car. Sime husbands wonld not object to such a pro- ceeding providing it deafened them. " A seaman washed overboard," exclaim- ed Mre. Fangle as she read a newspaper headline " but he perhape was so dirty they hadn't enough water on the ship." " My dear," Bidd a photographer to hta wife, as he scoured hta plate with hta nap- kin, " I do wish you could teach Bridget to wipe dishes by the dry-plate process." Familf Phyaie'an: "I'm afraid that you have bee a eating too much cake and candy. Let me sea yonr tongue." LUtU Oirl " Oh 1 you oan look at It but It won't teU." Women are Ikble to make many mtatakes, but not one of them, at least no white woman, ever gete so far wrong tiiat she puts pulverized charooal on her face instead of pearl powder. An old women fainted a few days ago at her first sight of a locomotive and rail- way train. The sight of a fashionable woman's train womd- nndoabtedly have driven her craze. " Is there any danger of the boa constric- tor biting me 1" asked a lady visitor at the Z 9ologlcal Garden. " Not the least marm," oried the showman. " He never bites he swallows hta wittles whole." "Mother, whet ta an angel T" "Mv dear, it ta a little girl with wings, who flies." " Baft I heard Papa tolling the governess yeat«rday that she was an angcL Will she fly?" "Yes, my dear; she will fly away the first tiling to-morrow." JftM Hamilton •• And so you enjoyed your tour of Europe " IftM Toronto " Oh indeecrfbably." •' Did you aee the squeducks in Rome!" "Yes, and they swam beautif ally." "Swam 1 What swamr' " The aqna-duokv, of oonrse." J7e (spsaking of their marrlace): ••I think they both made a very good matoh." She " How can yon eay so Why, she's brimstone peraenlfisd, and he's a perfeet â- tick" He: " Brimstoae and a perfeot stickâ€" preotaely the ei ential s to a good matoh.' Public Speaker (to report r)â€" You told me that you took all the prints I made in myepeeoh yeetwrday, and here yon have only got two Unee. elmply aaying that I nddTMeed the meeting. Aad I epiAe at least aa hohr." Reporterâ€" '•I asaure you tir, that every poiat yen made ta la my re- port." The wind ta alwan tompered to the â- horn lamb, la the bleak dUmato of St, Paul, where an editer wenld naturally freeaeto de«th eeveral timee each winter, Uad Pievldsnoe iadooM hta â- absoribere to bring libel â- alii to warm him up. One paper in that oity haa foorleen â- nita, and the editor works In hta ahirl doeree on the ooldeatdaya. I V she was teTcd From days e( agny aad disoemforb not by ^iaSpNiU but byttyuw of tt. ^y eaie-pop eom enreâ€" Pntnam'e Pkia- laaa Com cxtnMlor. Tesid«r, paiafnleefM are removed by ita UMia a lew daya, witt- uttl Mie â- llgbliMt iltaniaifitft Maajenbati- laHaiattemaAolBiikell i i iiiiâ€" r y that •oly ••Putaam'a" â- hoald be nikod loc and |iik«i Safe,fafe, XHIMtOUOHLT TAUOHT BT FAYOBTEE AC«b.«AI.T. ixle ud Kaddne Scnw Works. Carrteaean«Wasen Axm, boa and 8led Sol and Gap Bonwsi ele. UsI oa appUoattoa. lew Orleuis Road Cart Go't SNOWDRIFT iBAKiNGPOWDEe wai Oa^. -MASOPj Winters' Patent Road Cart, Bvsi^M, (teTlacMi Sleighs, e. (or Oatalogna. J. WIMTBK8, Maniwer, «a1t. Ont. SEEDS [RENNlFS SEEDS ARE THE BEST] mwtrated Catalocae for 1880 ntaining desciiptioa and prices of the choic [ELB, OASDEH ft FLOWEB SEE] tiled free. Eveiy Fumer and Gardener sho re a copy before ordering seeds for the com; ison. Handsomestcatalogue published in Cana Wy RENNIE. TORONTO. CONBOT'S CAKRIAGE TOPS Ate the Bm* and Ohtapest in the Markal Oidar OB* fMm yonr Oarrian* Mtker. Take no other kind. Baal lor Catalogueâ€" 407 Kbit St. W., ToBOsio, i nMES VOB maaim. Along the Una Of tteCkleac* and Rertkv BaUway Im Central Itaketa aaA Mertfceem â- ebraska. New seoUons are befaig openad np aai lapidly settled hi thw wendertnUyjwedac nolens, and the "flist .oomais" win hare " oboloe " M looaUoa. For taU hiformatiaa fwfaloh will be sent yen (ne •! duttge) abont the tiee lands and ohaap I to J«BIH.H«KIXT, Wasteni Oanadlan Pass. Agent, 0. k H. W. By., K.B.HAB. 9ToikMMTeiaate,Oal. Qeneial Pass. Agent, Ohloaro, IDs. I CURE FITS When I aay care 1 do not mean merely to atop them for m time and then have them retom again. I mean a radical cnre. I have made the disease of 7IT8,EFn:.EP8T orFAUr INO SICKNESS a life-long atudy. I warrant mj remedy to enre the worst cases. Becanse others hare tailed Is no reason for not now receiving a enre. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle ot my Infallible remedy. Glva bpress and Post Offlce. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. ilddreta DB. H. O. BOOT, fira]iGfi(lce,37loiii[eSt.,TorontOa* Peerless Oils. Are made only at the ^neen City Oil Works* Bd have reoeiied dnrinf the last three years SIX GOLD MEDALS. Bend tor sample barraL It it does net prove satisfactory we wUI pay frelf^t both ways. SAMUEL ROGERS GO., SO Front St. E., TorontOs DRUNKENNESS! Optvm, Morphine, and Kindred Habits* Vahiabla treatie sent free. The medicine may ne given In tM or coffee, without the knowledire of the person taldng it, if so desired. Send two So. stamps tor full p*rtlCTlar« and teatlmoBials ot those who have been cured. Address JH. T. Luban. 47 Wellington St. Bast, Toronto, Canada. Steafly Progress. 1845 to 1886 Gash Assets, $67,000,000 Aim'l Income, 16,121,172 Old M EeliaMel The HEW TOKK UFE Is one ot the lABgasT. sraOHessr um ist ' MAHAesD Life Oompaales la the worid. IHE BUSIKESSIMAirS two greatett objects to be secured by Life Insurance are 1st. Protection to buginets and family Interesti in case of premature death, and certainty of an ample provision against poverty in old age, Snd. A profitable inveetment. The Best Form of Policy for IntendinK Insnrera is the INVESTMENT POLIGY -or ffHi' For It cenablnes UTe Insurance aadHeney at Interest, hethftortkeFoniermeeef One* Its increased popnlarlty has been proven by its Inereased bosiaess. GREAT STRIDES IN 1886. Inereased Its Income nearly • â- • • â- Increased Its snrpInsnndiTldedvrefttfliad)eTer â- â- Increased i'B assets OTcr • • ^^ â- â- â- Increased Policies In Force oTor â- â- â- â- TOTAL FIGURXS DBC. 81, 1885. CasM snrplns nndlTlded proOts • « â- Inceuae for year 1885 â- â- -^ â- â- • cnaliAsacUFnndstnTested) â- â- New reUcles Issued • « â- â- â- â- Total Pellcles In loree • â- â- â- â- â- Pleg»f cent Kesnlts Attained.â€" Pnrhig the feity-eae years Hhss been hi evts te n e e the Kew Toifc jjfi^ t!^ fm!ITprsrpS3SfBSBm!m{an.ooo.Oim nln'.ty.fonr mllllon dollaiSL Fnr ititsllifl Infnimstlnn sililrsssL W. â- . BHSET, M.»M Inspeeter, Ontario Bran A Ofleet Hall Bnlldlns Terento. • «.eee,ee« 3.8S8,ee« 7,580,000 0V|wS9(vSV 0I3.M5.0S3 1C1S1,179 •«,8«4,3S1 «8,5»I,458 Wt,«74,50« NO HOUSE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT :0: The "Bedroom Sanitary Convenience." Keatly made of Black Ish, Tar Dished, Net C^h* 7" $10.00. A Most VsefU Piece of Fondtiires Perfectly iBodorovSs Snppliei a LoBS-felt Wan^ Is Simply Invalaable I 1- m.:wiwi.8in;i.pth.ii.. Heap'sPatentUryEarfliorlBliBBClOHBtff Aetory Skamnem (UmttCd^e ST Adeialie§t.WeSt;i0rOBt0e tmanan i â- 0.6B. m