^v â- pHPHinpi II N. â- ••.aKV**" ##^^3«*" »' rs^i.:. ' Th6 standard. MARKDALE MARCH 26 1886 0Â¥R RAILWAY FACILITIES. alsooDsof onr mosi; WEpected l»dy ~-~ C'tizena, and yn are sure we speak the sentiments of the whole community when we wish them and family every success in their new home. Onr County is making steady pro- gress, and developing in public im- provements as well as individual and local enterprise. Any stranger travel- ling thrcagh our country cannot be but favorobly impressed. The churches and public scbools which dot the country throughout, are shure indications of eivil and religious pro- gress, without which no community orxiation can make substantial ad- vancement. We wish especially, however, to notice our railway advantages. Those "who do not trayel, to any great extent from home, (and they are the great "majority) are not fully aware of, neither can they appreciate, our rail- way advautsges. Many would be ready to deubt yeur word, if you should state the fact that the C. P. R. is the longest railway in the world. It is not only the longest, but the beat •quipped; aud for maLagement all the way through, even to the train men, it is noted far and wide for courtesy and gentlemanly conduct, A person on returniug from British Columbia a short time ago, alter an absence of several years, expressei^ Ills astonishment at our railway ad- vantages; ho said he had heard of a narrow guage railway being built hack into Grey County, bat he found the most comfortable coaches, the most obliging train officials and the greatest general comfort on this line, that he had met with all the way from B, C- Another man we met iu Torento a few weeks since on his way to Markdale from Peuetanguishene on the Mortnem Railway, he said he had left that place, 103 nailes from Toronto, and it took eight hours to reach th« city, and he was nearly frozen to death into the bargain; while Le reached Markdale, 10 miles shorter distance, in lour hours less time and had every comfort besides. Those instances are just given to enable those who have not th« de- lightful experience of travelling on those inferior roads, to appreciate our own line, the C. P. R. parlimentary. The great portion ot the past two weeks has been taken up in the Riel question. The members of the big debating society had a grand opportunity to air their eloquence, and good debating has been done on both aides of the house. A division is likely to take place en this important question to-day, when the- Government will doabtlesa be sustained. UNSEATED. Mr. Howland, who was elected Mayor of Toronto Last January with H tremendous majority over Mr. Man- ning, the ^largest property holder in the city, has been unseated, nut hav- ing the necessary property qualifica- tion. It is vory doubtful wliether Mr. H. can qualify so as to be in a position to offer himself again, while Mr. Manning is about to take a trip across the Atlantic with his family, and will not be a candidate. Aid. Defoe, John Turner and John Withrow are spoken of,, with tlui latter the most likely man.. 65 arj:68pattdattX)B* NoTici. â€" ^wflHsh it distinetl understood that w« de not hold ourselres responsib'e for thn opini«ns expressed by our correspolidonts To the Editor of the Standard. Dk*b S^,â€" There are a fewpersoni who attend the Methodist church, Markhale, who appear totaly void of respect for either the sanctuary or themselves, and make a public exhibi- tion of their ignorance by keeping up a continual whisper m time of service. Should we have to refer again to them, we will give names. Propbiett. young mar* last Sj^i^i^/- ,,p»nSff •?» flamatiff -^•â- " ' ihr^t '(.' »?â- •' Mr. M.Smith* Bon'i. IllW ihir pedi from Wr«, 20O cords' of broom handle timber to ^Central Prison, To- ronto. Also six eorda ahoa last timber. Miss Donglai, M«monite, hat been I holding meetings at Crriffios Oprners and old Williamsfow* for soaie tmw. A spelling school is held in »ur vil- lage every Monday eveaing» Missea. Horton, Smith aud Mow* are Uadmg ehai acters. On Tuesday there was shipped from here for Winnipeg, one cur house hold eftects and 8 horses. They were from near Hanover, and saved $18 on the bcrses by taking this line. Mr. Lyman Anderson has bought out the Berkeley shmgle factory, and is moving the machinery to Holland Centre. Berkeley i f^t coming into our eorporation. To the Editor of the Sxandabi Dkab Sib, â€" Before leaving Markdale I wish to return thanks to the people of the village and surrounding district for their liberal patronage during the four years I did business in Markdale. I very much regret leaving your prosperous town, and sociable kind-hearted people, and would not have thought of doing so, had I not had the misfortune of getting burned out. In my absence however, I shall never forget the many kindnesses which we have received as a family from all classes, and e3pecially during my wifes recent illness. With kind re- gards to all I am respectfully c., D. J. Shanahan. The Irish QaestiMS* ftT#- Cteing^ t« Penetaag. Mr: D. J. Shanahan has purchased the^axttfisive carriage manufacturing Audi harness bnaioesa^ from Mr. J. Muody, of Penetanguishene, and leaves Miftrkdale this week for that town. Mr, Shwftban has been fiye y^ears in our' visage, durmg which time ho Ii?6f.h; olose apphcation to bnsinrss. excellent workmanslup,. honoiAble :4ealiDg and cumm^cdebl*' enterprise, Vuilt up a trade sswmd th.^nne ii). the iGonatj, «nc| kaffc it pot b^eu for the 'fin «f t«^n BieBtli8 ^ig which coh '^imfl8^1fi|,|8i^:^fr5as Works,; ^mi ela4witiiCylM4i8tpl^'.of material foe •tiMjoUsilViBg' '«^SOD» OPWAtitH^S), Mr. l^'itMiM'lit*^ pe ideST' 6f I^ajrug Kimberley. J^rom a Correspondent. There was a meeting here last week to have a talk on our polities, quite a number turned out. William Stuart was appointed chairman. He said the meeting was: called to discuss the political situation and to see if we could devise some means to put a stop to the waste of the people's money and the resources of this country. Our fathers left us as good a form of Government as any on the faee of this earth for an enlightened people, but altogether un suited for half civilized nations. We have as much liberty and power as we geoerally make good use of by our votes, we can drive any Government from power and every man has a vote that is worthy ot it. Now gentlemen let us see if the pre- sent system of conducting our busi- ness 18 satisfactory. In 1877 our Dominion debt was seventy-five mil- lion,, xn 1886. it is two-hundred and nine millions beside; we iiad some fine lt»nd and timber, we have not much of that now; What has become of it? given away to companies, fxieuds, supporters, kc. Mr. Hammond was the. next speaker. He confined himself mostly to- provincial extravagance. He de- nounced expenditure on the Lieuten- ant Governor's residence.: Mr. T. Carruthers gave, the expen- ses on Governor General and Ridau Hall, amouiitiug to over two milhon dollars in the last sixteen years. The sallery grants was. discussed and condemned in severe terms. The following resolutions were past: Resolved that this meeting pledges itself not ta be influenced by partisan consideration m choosing our futurere- presentativ.e to Patiiament, but that the wishes of tne people shall be the guide to our representative. That the meeting protests against the expenditure of Ontario Lieutenant Govetuor'a house, and favor the com- plete abolishing of same, and further expenditure incurred by paying Depu- ties in the different departments out of the public funds. That this meeting is "in favor of tlie abolishing ot.the Dominion Senate as it is a. useless and cxpetsive body. â€" n » • Hollap^ Centre. (From our correspondmt.) Mr. H. Mereer has bought out the stook from Hill Bro'.., and intends to continue Lnsmess here on his own account. Glad to hava him, and .have no doubt he will prosper. Tow^8hip Council met on Saturday asthers Thers were two accounts laid on the table for reoairing Dr Oldeham's cuttw, botti wS» got a SIX month's hoist. sy :^.^Mr. Perry » .tffl noible fe "Phat de ye think av the Oirish Home Rule, that the papers have talked so much abute racintly?" said Dennis McTosey, as O'Phesey gather- ed up a tray full of glasses, which the crowd had juat emptied. "Home Rule is it?" said Phelan, as he scratched his hairless sconce. "Well, gistlemen to tell thft onest truth Oi can t say much ip: regarrud to that, for Oi am not v#ry well post-, ed. Yez see Oi have me hands so blamed full, trayia' to rule me own home, that Oi can't foind tcime to luk afther the affairs av theould coun- try. No man in this country has a deeper affection for. the ould sod than Oi have, but me own home, demands me attintion lo. such an extint that Oi am Bomephat rusty on the affairs av me native Oisle! Betune you an, me, gintleraen, if the Oirishmen av the United States wud pay more at- tintion to their families an' less to dynamite, ther^ wud be fewer av our woives and childer goin' abute the gtrates pickin up stove wood. Only lasht aveoing. Qi came heme fhrom worruk, an' ther-e was moy son Ed-, ward the dude, dhrunkei ',than an Oirish picnic,* trym' his portiest to learn his mother to play penny ante. If Oi had been half an hour late, as Oi sometpimes am, there wud bave been no supper an the table, an' Ed ward wud have had all av Mary Ann's money. As it was Oi appeared on the scene roighs in the midst av a jack pot an' brc^e up the game." Wh9 may Tote at j^lunicipal Elections dec. ASSESSMENT $199. $100. $199. qualified John Fish own^r JamesGibb) owner John Fish owner. JaoiesGibb] tenant John Fish tenant James Gibb] tenant Some say a tenant la where an owner js qualified, but it would seem strange if $100 would qualify an owner and tenant- whils $199 would not qualify the owners Sec. McGregor PARKE.' Of Hamilton, Ont.,are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying com- pound known for Sores, Burns Cuts, Scalds, Salt Eheiun, Frost Bite?, etc. It is called McGiegor fe Parke's CarboUc Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate sold by Hill Bib's, at 25c. a Lex. 5 AN OBSTINATE CASE. "In the spring of '83 I was nearly dead, as everybody around my neigh- borhood knows. ' My trouble wag caused by obstinate constipation. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me entirely." This sUtement is made by Walter Stinson, of Gome, Out. BIRTHS. ^â- TT^s.â€" Iu Creemore, on the Hth iait., the wife of m. s. Plewis, and daughter of D. Speuoe, Esq., of a son. ' MARRIAGES- ^^KS7P°f'»^\-^* **»« residence of the bnde's father, by the JSov. J. Fotherine- ' .** T *?' ^fS^ ^*- ^- »• G. FleSS, son ot John .Fleming. Em' .T p ilfl merchant of BerkelS!o5?t;,4I-LyS B dRughter of m. Jiunes CopeUnd, hrte of TownshiD of Priton. hear I^dalk. IS ^f SummMberry. K. W. T. "'TD^tJ^ JL Q:P'S R 1^0 C k. ENVELOPES, MOTE PAPER. PENCILS, PEMS. INKS. FAMcr eppp^ TOYS: UTavket it^«rt«; IfiLRKDAliB. Bpnag Whest.,.,^ *wSW t-mti. ^a-itk â- J^*r'*lrJ .•*â- i|jy^4iwpkhoim. to^lKiSir-22, -to' |C80 To the Pepple of Markdale rounding vicinity: and sur- Having opened a Stationery and Ft),ncy Goods Store in Dunlop's Block. I hereby so^Ucit a share of public patro- nage. Hoping that our iptercourse ixmy proye both ^pleasant and profitable, I-am. vouTB truly, MRS. CLEMENT, DICE BiSCciijI A call respectfully solicited, MRS. CLEMENT, HAVE YOU FELT THE I It is shaking the Town and County, from centre to ciiciiiii.J ference, and completely pulverizing and paraiyzinc all competition. We are all bound for xi:ix AP 5 To find out the cause of such a commotion, his generally supposed to have been created l)v the Outrageousiy Low Pnoesl| A.T WHICH Ki^APP IS SELLING THE IMMENSE STOCK OF Oysf ers by the Gallon. Canned Goads cf ill kiiids. Z-iIQTJOES, A^nd everything kept in a first-class Grocery. Which he has jast received. He has goods that will glaJJoa thelieartfoil the Young, the OH, the Rich and the Poorâ€" everybody/ in fact-uil gladdeniuc PJocess don't coat much, either. Be sure and call at KNAPP'S for he will not 1«| unders'jld. IS* Remember, HAISIBURY'S OLD STAND. Spectacles and Eye-Gl -ARE THE ONLY- GENUINE ENGMSH A rtiole* IN THE RmI Pebbles are kept in stock. Tests are given to Purchasers to prove Genu TMy^re recdmrnehded by aiid testimonials have been receij jfejjl hysic n%h9 Meaicai D-acuny """/^ Lm, of'tii* Medical Conncil of Nova o^ PreadeQf «{^ llx ' "^^^?^"'^^'**'*^'**" '*^"**** s»Sfioient to prow to iÂ¥Cia\esni if a til " "• â- " â- ' tiair f â- .fis Chemists ,i^-V" .-'»' i to »ai3i: jT!mTw ^-^'ivthil-^liti^t^.: 'i'oai I "^- " " •Hnrsv iatta b*d «3f.: