mi 10 charges double I think theue IB au am inclined to inuendo iu th^ liialitie' \ggists. la. ' --i' ' "^^^'"" unJer^tooa A «f^ remark against the prpbi^ty pf ^ij^iionfide^ '--^" ,,iV..ir~. ivus re^ponsiWe for our Mr. Price but, a frieyd suggggts the wav in w ^•"';;--oliyuuicoriespoiidentS|rhatthe "double" is attributable to form Gevern tne â- '"" (.lard. jwc 10 be our I the distracted state of the mental J visiou of tbe Editor of the Chatj^wprtli ,,i.i.iic 25tl) lust., 1 -V-ws. as 'Irust'res. ciuty that our .vatv" I ,j^- pLlloiUlPcl. ".\tem t' ussiuue a knowledge " ilk of ies[)ectiug school i c:ili upcn you to L- cliii'ii.e" are "runn- ihfe btixets " also, the ,,tcii:i not bHidiiig their uie rciu'ol in Markiiale. ,ur caiht:»t convenience o'lligt, as we do not wish iiif "iiriiatatiou of negkc- sehoul matters. 13. COl^EMAN, THOS. HILL. JOHN LYONS, ,:,er Miii!ii'al bcliool. ce ti) the above evasive, the writer would ;V lU Ho next gives a siroke at Mr. Mercer; who, he says, is running off "baukrM^ stock" and that Ijugh, is still on the "bottoiprung of thejadder." Now, Mr. Mercer is not 8e|liug rut goods, nor was he ever down in the scale of society to justify the odiupi of a morbid, splenetic desire to draw moral worth down to the level of those who are especially^ conspicuous for their absence of morel and intellcct^u^l worth. Yjours, c., DiOCSNKS. March 1, '86. To the Editor of the Sta,ni)aei). Dear Sir, â€" In the 4'^aance of the ISlIi of February, my attention was called to an article headed Military Discipline, now Siij I will not take _nc letier, ,H-ii-e. iiijil at the same time ,. • -, " jj jj^j;y j^,t notice of the first pait of said article â- . ;,, ui till- tnistees. 'ec'i^iuv for us to point out ",= wh" liiil to comply with ,. i Aft, ill the. matter referred ivieiioD wiih their ejes open â- ut';ijoraiit of the fact that h. ikii'tii f}M uot attend Bchool Id tLc n quivenients of the "',;ir aui' last Jauuitry the â- \. ;t 3lui\v(3a thai 80 children ..,!â- •. ii v.xre lialjlf! to he fined ..•â- uiiuuiicL' and the last re- ,., iih. uL o in the same I: i Will known that the t. u 113 to perform a uuiv ue- »j i, •â- ,, " jj. jg jjqj as It does not deal personally with me. So will pass on to where the Editor of this diity sheet starts to heap honors or tries to do so, on the head of Andrew Campbell, fur his untiring vigilence in bringing me before Squiies Eiehardsou Armstrong^ And for what, the writer of the articli says, I refuaeil to go when requested to the annual drill, (just stick a pin there to hang that lie on) I was litsver requested or/jtiotified to go with the company and had good evidence if they ' ad been called to prove that I was rrady and wilimg to go when notified, 1 was Luisy at my Imrvest and had no time to go looking for posters calling me away, but a post card vv'ould have found and took me good hearted whole souled lot of men as ever enrciied their names on a roll book or leaiuc'd the drill under a stuttering instructor, uu the othef hand it looked as though Campbell Fields did not want me, for the night before going to camp some of the boys said in hearing of Campbell why not: ,::iV-iiiiiii;nt money drawn is V!!iJi:i kccordiii;,' to the tiiiil it iiity or one hundred ;,;fc:i.I(!V.'.il lurr.ii the streets •t -liii" III school it decreases ' iilut^gnrnt while it does ^^'^l^Ws whom I respect as a ihe cobt, ii running the .11-* â- vhut the amouut has to Le l.v I'ua section, and if the .v.uosj! lnu.iiu.ss it is to look :=f miifvcrs. fail to do so, then n ::.c^ or.r duty to jog their :t; m.d while doing so last :.'ir5iiid it in a friendly spirit i. vkw to assifcting them t;-aiuiKUs aiul thankless labors, [£Tir,i,- the attoiition of parents to s, aiiJ the consequences of to cumply with the pro- send Hanley word, and the brave captain said let him stay at home^ j. that j;heya^re. really great men a reform, Tjz, to, t^prjorc, to mak« better. I have long ceased to have nee in political p/urtiu, and Uich uur profeesedly Be- ,Gevernmcut Las used us in:r« gard to pur school holidays, is quite i enough. to show that they have not the tyue principles of reform ».t heart. As .to ^4;he ,, attitude of onr County C9uaGil.i I aui not at all pleased w:th it, for I understand ihe object with spm^ Ik to dicchargGMr^ Ferguson and Mr. 0ri.er,aind have only two thorough- ly quajijfied gentlemen â€" one for North Gi;ey and one for South â€" and give the tyro, AS much raonpy as the three have just, now. The two to ,be appointed m^s^ be highly educated gentlemen, you know. !, and of course-inust be paid aii^s.uch ^ntletnen. should be paid. This is ail, vary well for talk, but in another jear we would find to our c,ost tliAt these two highly aogomplisb- ed geutlem^en would rebel as being over- wrought, and a third oi; perhaps a fourth alsq, would need to be engaged to fulfil the requirements of our much boasted ^bchqol law and ed«ieational advancem^ent, and we poor ratepayers would need. to pfiy the piper.' Allow ipe to make *,few remarks on Dr. Christoe's letter iu your issue of the 4th ult. The Dr. seems to be anxious to table a \oi. o{ excuses for his stand in regard, to these Inspectors. Now, if he (the Dr.). is. only conscientiously discharging a public duty, as a public man, there is no need of so much of partizans, c., no explanations of this sort.is necessary wo don't want per- sonalities. The, Dr. says they (the Inspectors), "are mere fossils of a re- ceeding age." Will this not apply to old dectors, old lawyers, and others as well as old Inspectors I3ut with this wfl have nothing to do what we w^ant is retluced expenditure consistent with efficient ediication but we have not time to follow the Dr. through all his arrjumerits, wo will just take one other sentence and it is a ouotatiou from the Minister of Education's speech at Owen. Sound; it is this, "that water cannot rise above its level, as is the teacher so will, be the scholar." It is by, statements such as this that many are carried away beyond "their debth" and because a; big gun like the Min- ister of Education says something they ,_do,notqifit« comprehend, they think without them altogether.jind do away with legislatie; grsjits and county equivalents and let our Hi^h Schools, by wbatsver natne they are called, be supported by them wlio use them â€" them who get the benefit, and let TruBlees and Teachers stand m'the sagto relation as employer and em-^ ployed, or if you will, ae^niaster and servapt that is, let thesQ two parties makethiir own bargain,, uot only as to salary, but;Al80 as to lijblidays, c., e. Farmers, ulook to your own interests Teachers are watching over theirs. •A Fabheb. SavE MoneY •liy baying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectaces, Pipes, c. AT r â€" JAS. G. RUSSELL S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. New Fnrnitiire Store, NeXT DOOR TO THE BANK, MARK DALE. oooo.ooooo ocooooooo KS" It, IS a fact, as every one jsaJfB, that RUSSELL is the man I to repair your I properly. Co O C "o"o-« "0:0.0 Watch or Clock o o o c o a o o o Having just opened a large stocl^ of all kiods of FurnitBre. ipre hereby give the pub- lic, generally. a cordial invitation to call and examine for yourselves. Whether j'ou are in need of such or„ not we will be pleased to have you call ^nd see our stock and get prices. Our inbention is to keep the best Furaitfiire manufi^ctured, and sell at rock bottom prices for cash. COLEMAN HAMILTON, 286 ly Markdale. NOTICE. GIVE HIM A TRIAi::. Eve»y job warranted to irive satisfaction. 217^^9 JAS. Q. RUSSELL A LL NOTES, drawn in fovor of W. H. Rutledge. late of Markdale, will be found at Wm. Lucas Co"s Bank for colleo- tion. W. H. KUTLEDGE, 286-8 Acton, Ont. we will attend to him when welcome fiitii law. Bohosninn Oats. No mau;' kuovfs ;,fc.etter than does JDr. in several parts, of the i:v iL(iuite as to the so-called "auUats," and about the."Co."' lu ktliiug them. The old M» ' oat, was fome years ago -ifrilie uauie of "Bohemian," tareuitinmed that the gram " is similar. The Skinless »'cry u!d variety, that is valued F' but has not met with I*- '.;ol'c-ss iu tliis country. The -titst in these Bohemian 'ts'j mucli iu their iutriuf'ic 'siaiuKrop, as iu the manner ;iity are b'4d. The agents ^lUt tlie ceuulrv selling these â- â- ^--.^;!i^ ;t biibhel, induce â- '-ici.uic by a promise t'o I- ""'.a, ti-oui tlitir ithe tarraer's) 'â- 'â- -5 :-uui!y l.i'.sheld as they !•' tiiL' Siime nrice â€" ten --e ^aniifr la iuduced- to buy 'â- •â- ' " 'ii' ii:its for one hundrt d •.heii, p„ Mf selling twenty â- •^' 'Wu huiu;i-(_.j duiiars, and â- â- i"t Uiis IS guaranteed to I' I a." givf-ii him by the bona m sjnte of its " i'l'Cfii and red inks, â- •" itial I inteiiJed to look \,' ii ouiy Dutch metal), /â- I ^:u"iiaLure ol a secretary, ;• Jo-called has no more ,J V '"" uiear memor ""^liieiica-d Agriculturist for i..iS back, and then the morning that they Chr\stoe lij^w easy it is, with a little left to go to camp one of the Voluptcors spft Sfiap, to draw the web over the asked Fields where I was and Field^ eyes of tha^nafire illiterate of pur class.; said, he wished to God. he (Hanjey) would stay at home and some other very loud language which I feel aboY6 quoting, now I had men to, prove what I am saying who heard thes^ honorable officers express the feelings of their hearts. The "^riter says Campbell nad a right to prosecute, not from personal motives. Oh ^o; but as one of his duties. Now Sir, if it was not personal motives why ^id he single me out from ..qthers who stayed at home, did ihz Worthy Colonel not think he was foverstepipg his furlong when he sent him.. ^hat letter which Igade the b^ld captain shake in his boots. Then Sir,, he says I expected to keep the clothing now that is fal^e. I wanted to leave my cloths in^.^'hen we came from drill in 83, hut Field placed a guard on the armoury and would uot allow a ?uan to go in to change his. clothes, I cai^rove that to. So I took them home and kept them.clean and safe ready to put on when called fnr, as to making the clothes my, own I never thought of such, a thing. Perhaps the caretaker cf tho armoury John ..Field wanted them to clothe his family or make bed quilts of, he has as go jd a d^ht to do this as to flood,' the thrill NOTICE. A LL parties indebted to me, eilher by XJl_ note or book account, will please pay the^ame to A farther notice. Turner, I.Iarkdale, without T. S. SPliOULE, M. D. monthly Fairs. tic animals. 'fpres('iuation. â- -'â- â- T AND.,r.D._itiB always a 'â- ";- .-*" ^^ic inhabitants of -•â- â- ' -^a;.inr to hear the com- ;-^u meiiibors of the Press ::_\'^f'HfLr the ^honors of a .,'"i:"^; .-' short time ago, -~r;^-Kuial outc-rea our town " -;-:-; lu bis baud an im- commenced inspection" He :j ^u he came to the ^i^'^^i 01 Qur worthv Mr. •-:" l^r^;.'*^ attributes the ,.,., "'•sirg business twice %}^^, ;^'^e commercial trade ^»^^c-oinffiercial trade and .»ti ir ,., J- â- *â- "« question arises shed eveiy winter fyr a skating rink even if it is rotting the timbers, they can be replaced, tlie .Government is a strong Firm, and the money got from the youth of Flesiherton helps to keep hiaiself and farhily from,abj|ectpoyerty. He says in his sanctimonious judas like way, I may thank my stars that i escaped 20 esasly, they were dared to their worst but could do no more than they did~ Soyou.69.e I don't thank them, thea ha says it will have a good effect on the otlior Volunteers. I agree with him there as a part oi them has handed in their resignations 'and more of them intend doing so. Truly Yours, Wm. C. Hanley. Marcha, 1886. .-•'ii-".u-dwood, '.-our of 47id: •t lOUg "fuu* J'°""' meaning "~s5ra-titi "'*^iBhments To the Editor of the Standard. F. W., in your issue cf 18th, ultimo, refers to mv iisiug tiie word Beformer in my letter about School Inspectors. Allow me to say to'Mr. F. W. that by Reform I do not meau simply /^e- form or form again No, I m.e4.n ,to make better, such as wo say of a man who was once a confirmed drunkard but^ who has now bfcpmea total abstainer, of hiin we say he has reformed, and or, is it, that he such only can with propriety be oaiiea truly, it is easily done else we would no^ impeach ^he Dr. with it. But let "lis l,odk at this most remarkable seni- tence, so^ riOfpaikable that even Dr. Ch,ristoe. quotes it, "water cannot rise above its leyel." Uf course net, neither can, fin apple, falling from a tree, fall upward both pre regulated by the lawâ€" fixed lawsâ€" both are material, but.^raind is not material so to,flt- temjjt for a nioment to compare a material substance with that,.which ,is immaterial is out of the question, and no wise pi^n will ever seek to do it, "fls .is the teacher, so will- be the s;holar," just so Mr. Minister. Did Dr. Cliristoe.^Ufcver knuje? a pupil go away pver so far ahead of^his teacher? Of course he has, and is it not a fact that, in all our scnocls there are pupils who^ cannot If^arn. at all, wlide there are otliers who "drink in" education as fast as the teacher can "pour it ouf' for them and many of our most learned men never -vf ere lawjht by man, and why is this Simply this, that the mental capacity of one is by no means measured by that of another, but God has given to some ten talents whde, others only have one, but with the Dr. and with the Minister of Edu- cation it is all "the Teacher," but let us look away frona Doctori.anJ Min- isters of Education and try and do something for ourselves. F. W. tells us truly who our rulers are iu thi» school business, and until we as farm- ers resolve to do our OTvm business, we shall continue to be just what .we now are, Berfs to every, other class in the community. We have heard itsaidf that there is only one teacher in, On- w^" ^cu»^ tario for every three or four hundred inhabitants, and yet this sm ill min- ority rules this large ujajority. It seem » that we lorm at least t^o three- fourths of the entire! po,pulati(;xn yf Oo- tarion. Well, what proportion of ,t,hu Legislative Assembly yr ot lUO; House of "commons are farmers? ^TvU us who can, and the^n ,^ye..shall. see liQW the lists stan.i. lipjite agree with.F. W. ihat we shonlrt ^mg aside all po- litical feelings ;wlieu we.comH to deal with matters of. such gjeat importance and let farijiers Jiuk .together for. their eomnopu good, in school matters, jln all that has .beep _Buid about the Jn- spectors it has not once he^.u kmm that tJieir iijcompetency .ha8.c*use4 any loss or.iqjury, .hfiuee.jf .t^i^.ar^ intfompojent and no,injury .h^s.^rw^M therefrom. itioUoyics cMjy that .we cftp do without thegi. Well, [etus do Orqi^gevjlkâ€" The second Thursday in each. month. Duudalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton- Monday before Orange- vjlle. Markdale â€" Saturday before Orange- ville. NEW GROCERIES. RESTAURAHTi. HOT M.EAL8. The undersigned hag ijiudi plearure in in- forming hio old. friend.s. and the public gen- erally, that he has opened out a general 0-rocsr37- Store, where all kimls of Grocerie.5 can be obtained, which for jirice and quality canudt be .under- sold. A trial will coin incc. In connectipn with the above. Hot Meals will be served at seaf^cii^blo hours and Luneh at any- busines period called upon, thus giving free will to choose what you I please. A call is respectfully, solicited. Canned Green Fruit In every variety. OYSTERS served, either hot or cold, either by the quart or plate, at pri( 's whicii will astonish those who have deal e. in. those luxuries in the past. Tempei-aiicje Orinlss, Cigars, TobacpaeSj.iOf the best brands. Pr.EMISESâ€" Opposite Mansion :Honae ' Hotel Sheds, Sydenham Street. Markdale. MBS. S. MORROW. Markdale, Dec, 10, ;85. 275-77 -Mojjday before Dor- Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Chatswtrth ham. Hollijud f Oentre â€" Saturday before Chatsworth. PriseviUe â€" Monday before Durham, Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkeu'tonâ€" Last Wedjijgsday in every month. .Mount Forest â€" Ti^ird Wednes.day in each month. LAMP FOR SALE. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, T t n J- «« Horses exam- Treats all dis- jafe-^^ inedforsourd- eases of domes- r^MSla^L ness and certi- T HE north half of lot. number 15, con-' cespion 11, Hplland .Township, County of Grey, coptainiBjg JQO aer^is. This lot is all h^avy timbered with beech .maple, elm, bassvf ood and hemlock, and i^ situated about 4 miles,froHi^erke],ey, 6 from .Williamsford and, 9 -.from Markdale stations, .on thfe Toronto,, Grey and Bruce Eailway. For terms and perticulars apply to GEO. S. BQWES, .tjsq., Markdale, or to fee. .under- signed, GAEBQW. PEOUJ)FOOT, Barristers, 253,tf Q,o,4iich. ficates given. Veterinary Medicines Kept and Dispensed. E0RTHE MILLION. .CHAHGES MODERATE. CALLS PEQMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INPIRMARY, MILL STREET. Opposite Standard Office,. MARKDALE. To any .address in America ipr ^i.oo per .year jf paid in ^advanq.e. Thr^e jjaPjnths tor MARKDALE BA.IERY, The undersigned have opened a new BUTCHER SHOP Opposite Noble's Bkcksi^ith Shop, where we have constantly on hand the best meat the count-ty can produce. A share of public patronage respect- fully solicited. Orders filled promptly, and delivered in any pa;t of the tawn. NESTERSPRjDULe. I .- __- Clover Seed^ Medium Eed, Large Eed; White Dutch, A.sike, Lncenue and Pellow. rFQR-^ BREAD, CaKES AND BUNS, AT RSASONAliLE EATES. BI8CJJITS AND CONFECTIONARY 9f all kinds on hand. SOIRKSJ SURPRISE PARTIES ^Supplied on tlje Shortest Notice. Weddbiii! Cakes a Specialty. -A cajl id respectfully solicited. Bread 4feUvered iu all parts of the town PREIillSfiS' ' Ne^t JKppr to ttac KoUer Biak. •86 EDWAI^D 5PUOKE. CI?ASS SEEO, Meadow Fe .cue. Meadow Pox Tail, Eng- lish Kyc. Timothy, Canadian Blue. Eed Top, Ytillow Oat. Import of Field and Garden S2cds to ar- rive from England .early in March. H. PARKER, For Sale or /p Rent THE warmest l^oure in Jfarkdale two acres garden iu good .«.altivatiou fine ^aUe and hen hoi^se good 3eUar young )0;hard, choice fmit nt all kinds young Btra^fj^ny b|@d. JCarms easy, MBS. E. punvis. • i