'WBp^»"»^"?^?lW The Standard. MAEKDALE MARCH 4. 1886 jjatal railway accident. A Bcrioai Railwoyaecidtot^emrred -on th« Northern near Thommll last Friday evaring, caac«d hj a ruDaway team of horses which dashsd izito ttie train at a croseing^ Thshaggage car, mail car and coach were thrown from ths track, one of the horses killsd instantly, a news boy Bamed Willis was killed, and eleren j»arsons more â- or less injured. The accident hap pened at an embankment of twei^K feet, and the mail car polled doins 4ook fire and was consumed, but the most of ihe mail matter was saved. The baggage car was also a wreck as well as the coach. The driver of 'IheTunnaway.team as alao the .one ahorse -were unhnrt. FIesherto«. From our own eorresponi/ont. Abm Bbckzn in Two JPlicbs. â€" On "Thursday aiternoou laat Mr. Eckhart, traveller for the Pure Gold Co. of Toronto,- met with a sad accident at Elesherton Station. He had bo%rded the Duf^am stage and was leaving the station when, iu the turu, the pleigh upset a trunk falling upon Mr. Eck- hart fractured his arm in twoplace6. Dr. Hixon was iin mediately summon- sed and soon set the broken limb. ' At a Cottage Social heldat the resi- dence of J. E. Moore on Tuesday evening last. A very enjoyable even- ing was spent. On VVedne^ Jay evening last a large gathering of young people assembled at the residence of J. W, Armstrong, Esq., the occasion of a farewell party giyen to our gbuial friend Mr. John Bannon, druggist, who has made many •friends smce liiis coming to our midst. Mr. Baunon left on Saturday mornuig to pursue his studies in the School of Pharmacy, Toronto. SuDDKN Death. â€" Mr. James Bryce, of the 4th line Artemesia, ene of the old pioneers qf this township, died very suddenly at his own place on Wednesday last. Deceased was in his usual health, and after partaking of a hearty breakfast went out to the yard to chop wood when, after a short time, his wife missing the sound of the axe, looked out to see what had become of her husband, and to her sorrow found the body ot her husband laying across the leg he had been chopping. De- ceased has been long and farorably known in this township a man of quiet, retiring.habits, had many friends and no enemies. His remains were interred in the ,Salem cemetery on Priday afternoon. Mr. John Brown lost a valuable .mare a few days ago by a broken leg irom a kick by her mate iu the stable. Mr. James Brooks, having sold his lately erected dwelling and lots in connection tLerewith to Mr. Thomas Osboru, now contemplates buying again and at once commence ' opera- tions on another new dwelling. This will be the third building for Mr. Brooks in Lis brief citizenship here. Mr. Brooks is too valuable and enter- prising a citizen to loose. Success to yon here, James. Miss Beriie Philp, daughter of the Rev, S. C. Philp, formerly of this circuit, is at present visiting with friends in this village. A pair of youths, purporting to be fruit tree asents, were in this yiilage on Monday last, and afttr perpetrat- ing a fraud on one of our citizeue, itbe magistrate and constable were set on their tracks, :but:the wily lads evaded their grasp, and we suppose they are now in greener pastures. bu aoAcl* saeb a Iwk* htUtt in the ice 8ai«ly Bome of *them will follov ius, «xamf4e ant do iikewiM. Mr. D K. Freston kas «eceiv«d ibej cobtcaet for the «»nryjng of tiie mail between Maxwell and Dantceon f(^ tne coming year, cemmeacing April lat, thus leftying tJM present driver. Mr; Taylor^ at home, who haa filled the position for several yeais. Mr. Wm. Arnott, Sr., an old resi- dent of Osprey, passed away qaietly on Saturday last. Inflammation of the lungs was the cause of his death, Isaac Morris, a colored man, who lived near this place for some time, took a moonlight excursion a few nights ago and parts unknown. Phiz. THE WORLD'S BEST. It is certainly remarkable the woEuerful cures effected by West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment. This remedy lias not an equal in the world for the speedy cure of Rheuma- tism, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises and all diseases requiring external application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co. Mar. Bpect ihe woric^vMf Uj *• K^^ for^wfd, »Bd to lie paid » -atey « f 4«i)0 fw end ecnriocs. ^j -^ The Beere Depntj-fiawe «b* Ml^ Boyd, wow appointed a Oeawmttee ta get the agraemeat And Bonds for fli« erection of the HaiB d«ly filled «m» aoA signed. xu The Reeves order wm isaaed «a tbe Treasurer in fcvor of Mr. Hunter, Chu-kshurg, for $l-fiO payment for diSwing bonds for the purpose of binding the Contractors to complete the Town Hall. The Council adjourned until Satur- day 27th Feb. inst. ROBK^ DUXLOB, Tp. Clerk. AN AGE OP DISCOYERY. We certainly ought to appreciate the fact that we are living in an age of progress and discovery, this is especijiy appreciated by all persons that have been afflicted with Rheuma- tism, as West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment is a positive cure for Rheumatism. It is invaluable for Cuts, Sprams, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, and all diseases requirmg external application Sold by A. Turner Co. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Feb. Farmers' Institate. CENTRE GREY AGBICTIl-TnBISTS IN COUNCIL. Kolland CaubciI. The council of the ^township of Holland met in Holland Centre, July 20rh, 1886, for the transaction of busi- ness. Members all present; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of former meeting rsad and approved. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr, Galbraith, that the report laid on the table by the Reeve and Deputy- Reeve with regard to the. Trea's security be adopted. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Shute, that the bill of A. Mc- GiU John T. Spears be paid. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the Auditors' rsr port be adapted and engrossed on. the minutes, that tie Auditors' be paid the sum of ten dollars for part of their services. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, that Robert Shute be appointed arbitrator in tbe matter of U. S. S. No. 1, 2, 3, Holland and ifullivan. Moved by Deputy -Reeve seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that the taxes re- turned against lot 40, con. 8, E. G. R., be placed against lot 40, eon. 8, E. T S. Road. Moved by Mr. Williseroft, seconded by Mr. Howey, that W^ 25, con. 2, E. G. R., be placed on the roll to Mr. McNah. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. Willisci^oft .that the roll be adopt- ed. A petiticm :iras presented by Moses Smith aiid 49 others with r^fi^d to building ibridge over river jaear tl;ie, mill in the village, be laid ovei for further considera^op. me»cnoea me best method of greeting » Moved by Mr: Galbraith, secondea jfcjreamery, by Mr. Shute, that Geo. BIytbe get THE '•^ifi-3 It is shaking the Town and County, from centre tQ ci j fexence, and completely ptilverizing and paraly^j^^^ all com petition. We ^re all bound for' ' Tp find out the cause of such a commotion, h- generally supposed to have bepn created by the Outrageously Low Prices!! AT WHICH KNAPP IS SELUNG THE IMMliSSE STOCK OF Oysters by the Gallon. Canned Goods of ail kindi, Meaford, Feb. 26.â€" The Meeting of the Farmers' Institate was held here on B'riday, the 26th of February, and was attended by many farmers of the neigj^borhood, not- withstanding the extremely cold weather and the terrible wind-sorm which had raged all morning. My. Brown ocpvipie^ the ch^ix.. FOBESTBY.. Mr. Pbipps, of Toronto, delivered an ad- dress on forestry, giving the priBciples of that science and their «pplicabiUty to the country round Meaford, with information as to the kind of trees most valnablc, the methcd of cnltivat'ng them, and the means of pro curiufi young trees or seeds. The lect.ire was received. with great attention, and many questions were asked at its close, which Mr. Phipps answered, tnd promised to send special information to those desiring it. Mr. Palmer followed, endorsinethe position taken by the first speaker, and giving as his opinion that of the two questions immediately before tbem, forestry took the first place, for ed decidedly thought that if thyy did not attend to tree -plarting- and forest encourage- ment they would eooa not be able to get gras; for their cattle at all. Several faimcrs give it as their opinion that there wa9 no presarving a piece of woods if any number of (^ttle were left in it. Mr. Ptupps took the oppbr^unity to quote Mr. Sargent, the chief American authority on foresti7, who had stated in the (ate United State; census that "all the injury done to American foreits by the axe or by fire has not equalled that caused by the browsing of cattle." BUTTEB KASnia. Mr. Moyer delivered a lecture on butter- making and the advantages qf the creamery system, wjjjch was received with much approval ^nd .wbioj^sioutained much valuable infoimation. The lecturer ili|i8trated a method fiiot yet in general upe of separating the water, oil, and caseine in jjuilk, and j astertaining the qualities of wch. He also ^described the best method of Aand everything kept in a first-cb.ss Grocery. Which he has just received. He has goods that wili gladden tbeheartiol the Young, tl|e 01 cl, the Rich and tha Poorâ€" everybody, in factâ€" and the gladdeniug; process don't coat much, eitineF. Be sure and call at KNAPP'Sy for he will not be undersold. "" irS- Remember, HANBURY'S OLD STAND. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses â€" -ABE THE QNLYâ€" GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THE Maxwell, From our ovh Corrsspondent, As it has beeu so long since Max- well has beeL. heard from, some peo- ple are beginning to think that "Phiz" lias been aslesp, or t Ue htj must have resigned liis oflS;;^ as correspondent: but nay, and lu order to eate the minds of the general public, we have resolved to grind a few items this week And let the public know thnt all is well. Bridget (my wife) has recovered her isei'ions illues." and we are happy to gay slie U in a thriving condition. Mis^s Ida Sykes, of Bob lioy, is visiting trienus m tins pl.ice. Mr.'l). A. Molmau « f tlm Big Boot broke tbi) ic for the eld bachelora of t^his i^tiupe st^« lime xv" ai-d tookun* to i«iWljf |i j^wtftfr iu life iu the ^qv- son-w^'fllj^^- t*»«flUi faM UoJrojrd.af Fov«it;-»tt. dbi*ljbrt:e "frrf 8o luany j^acL. lvis iu cur vic{ji»ty and asp. j the printing at the amount .Qtf his' tender. Moved by Mr. Sh,ute, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that .all pathmasters are notified to leave their road lists io ^ith tbe clerk befora the noxt meeting of council. Moved by Mr. "W^li^iroft, seconded by Mr. Howey, that â- iwe adjourn till the 20th March, wbenpathmaster will be apppin.ttdi for the year 1886. Camboh Fbicc, Tp. Clerk. BOAD JOKING. Mr. Ling read a paper on roa^ making, and an -animated discussion followed as to the desirability of abolishing statute labour, and introducing a system of money taxation instead. The Chairman in closing said these insti- tutes were doing much good, and that the Local Government was conferring a great benefit on the farmers by sending speakers, and encouraging expressions of individual opimon. Votes of thanks were given to the speakers, 1 and the meeting adjourned.â€" G lobe. Tests are Real Pej^bles are kept In stock. given to Purchasers to prove Genuineness. They are recommended by and testimonials have been receiv£d from " President, Vice-President, Ex-President and Ex- Vice-President of theMediwl Association Qf.CjJanada the President of the College of Physicians and Snr- geons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval University; m President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia, ic, »«• Enpbrasia Couacll. aa- a son. The Council met pursuant to journment at Dodson's Hotel iiockiyn on Feb. 18th 1886. Member all present. Minutes of last Session of Council read and confirm2d. The Clerk was ordered to notily J. G. Perry to remove his fence from tbe road allowance (24 25 side line.) ' *^etMy five cenu A grant of $15.00 was made for the' relief of R,Kobiu son who is bow in indigent circumsUtnces. W. Mc- Connell, Esq., to expend said amount. Thb Reeves order was issued in favor of Samuel Jefferson for $5.00 payment tor road work. The Treasurer was instructed to remit to Messrs. Eusgpjl Hutchinson $30.97 payment for stationary, several sealed tenders for the erection of Township Hall were handed in to the lieeye during the forenoon session of Council. In compliance with previpus notice the tenders (tea in number) were ofened at the Council Board at 2 o'clcek p. in^, the teud^ of Yeoman' Little of Hiorubury. :^as accepted amount of tbe tender .^jju $167£3o which was the lowest t^der made and etherwve satisfactory, the Con! BE ON YOUR GUARD. Don't allow a cold in the hsad to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few application will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure clironic (Catarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 5s6 cents per box. ;Sr/„!!:!'"'^«"^«*"'«'«^ j'-*^. "if/'~^?^^*T"i'^«' "»"»« l8t inst.. the wifeofMr.J.T.Qainn.pa5ip makeV, of SuLLtT^â€"In Markdale, on tbe 83rd nit ^the wife of Michael SulLvMx!^fa!S;^hter: ^^tot iuji^». Fall -Wheat.... Spring Wheat.. MARKDALE. Barley Peas Gate Butler Eggs. Apitles Potateef Hay Pork • • • • *.."â- • M •^.••-•••-•^•. • •0 70 " « 73 40 63 .. SO 10 18 *0 i *•*••• tract«r« to gire satisfticto;;; S^cuSL Iw-^^" ••*•?• --l^ "»ejt«e^pwtioaqfth,,o4. "^^ 5;j^ •:-::;•:*â€"•â€" " V V? 1 to to to to to to to w ^. •C80 80 65 Od 80 13 00 60 K Q OiO iys r i|These recommendations ought to be safiuiant to provo t'asir qaalitiei but it further proof is needed, call on A. TURNER Cq., ... Chemists and Drug, The only place in town where they can be obtained. tS" Spectales fitted on scientific principle. JACKSON'S Implement Depot, â€" â- ^t^ â- I have opened a general Implement and Machine depot, where the, following articles, together with repairs, will be k^pj^ constantly on band :â€" r .- Papers, SuUsy SaJbes. SDrill and Seeder combined. Section Sprihff 2ooth Seeder. Sp ng â- /, y Cultivator. So np o â- ' Marrows. Xron Marrows. Tlows (/O different kinds). Ganff 'Plows. Zu7'nip Sowers. Saucers. Xa. I Sollers. Soo€ Cutters. Straw Cutters. "Grain Crushers. Grain Threshers^Steam and Mor§epfwer. School tOfiih. S^ool ctndtl'arm Sells. tr^ttbarrows. Saa^S^ra^ers, Zp ^-:;.iv, -^;I'"*fl*-'P«y **»tt^paiofc^8^ t© see my f^ «ew 3#tiAd get jpfoet bdl^ze bmit^ â- 4* â- iiiii