i I IS. f S 1CB£E-W£8T TOPICS. Baflway, iBdIaJM, ctCi J. Wi^I«7,«f1lwHad«m Bay OMDpMty, wko b now la th* PrvrinM, WMipokw to the oilier day by i^ert i with ngard to North- Weet nutten. " Are the WlBDipog peepU deabMU thet the Hndeen Bey rsilwey eheald be baSt T ' aeked the reporter. "Ohy«e," repUed Mr. Wrigknr, "the Winnip^ peo|^ heTe greet uith in OeiMdieaie. They think it la jaHwhetia nqiiired te give thmn eeey aoooH tethe eoeen." " Do yoo think the echeme preotieeble?' " Well, I oeanet apeek from perwnel knowledge. The whole thing aeeau to hinge on whether the Stntte ere open for eny oonridereUe portion of the year or not If the Streiteiftre only open for a ahert time aa aome aMert, well the aoheme weold liard- ly be a anooeae, for the ooeaa taraTsl ia what it dependa on. If, howeverj the ooean oenld be readily reached why 'that would alter the oomplexionof tblnga materially, hot the length of time that the Stiatta are open ia a matter of diapnte." " What kind ef a ooontry woald the pro- poaed road traverae ' " The oeontoy ia iMrren and inhoapitable. It ia aimply a mediam for reaohlos the aaa. There ooold nerer be any looal traffia." "What length would the road be, do you think " ' ' Well, I can't asy. but the dlatanoe be- tween Winnipeg ana Fort York ia aomething orer aix hundred mllea." • oawying trade o« Lake wla«lMfc WMfc- Imprerameoti aeirfheleari BOB and tiw towu aerth oceariNif»aa aa» Ml tak« advMtafa •CawMmmr, tad wmM haTeto«naap«rtaUfnicU hjna^lih* atop th« Aim ngivanfth Altor a finall of da^doriMwUA he exUbitad •lithe q«alltiaaof»fiikciaae GMMral, muMag eflan aa r aae • reMleea eeoatcy aa hmt aa Ae Sepeya ia retmat. he aotoally dxarethe three regiaawlB~2 400 traiaad wddiereâ€" In beadlMc lUght oat ef Bengal and brenght baok hia feroe withoat mm ride man or the leea ef mie etephaat. And thee beeaaae had net aneoeeded in hia fall iatan- tioM, whioh waa to daolrev the brigade, be oSwed to pay for hie ezpeoltioB ont hie own pnree. Ha had never been a aeldler, andrelied'mily on hla banting experieaoe; --- « w- 1- -rr -r-f^" _-. u but of the Eoropeana who rallied at hIa oalL_tho ItaM. The^ hanl Jo Um lake pert weald ao mie donoted that if the Sapiqr bHgide bare to be madaby »h»a P.R. «* ee far mMth ef ttie'riTer or al kwA to Srildrk. Uadar aodi oiroamataaoae the HndaoB'e Bay Itaofrem the bead ti Lake WfaB^ptg.to Fort Kelaea werid bo olver/ Tatae to th« aouthem pwi«n oOiaBitoba, aad weold of- fer no temptatiBD to^cain •hippoteaenth of BO oaa doBtited that a the Sapoy bHgftde had Tentured to turn on him, or haid obeoked ite flight far twelve boora, it wonld have been deatroyad. It waa a matter of life-long diaappointment to • Um that the Sepoy'a thought ao, too. THE INBIAIfS " la there anything la the rumora of a riaing amongtt the £idiana of the North- Weat!" " There are many rumora about the In- diana, and in aome caaea the time ia actually fixed for the riaing, I think thia ia abaurd. I do not believe there ia any plan among the Indiana for a riaing, but I think th«t a riaing amongat the red men might take plaoe at any moment. You can never depend on the Indiana' temper." "^f a riaing amongat them did take place, would you oonaidar it aerioua " ' Meat decider ly ao, nnleaa it waa oruah- ed out promptly.^ Any playing with the trouble or red tapeiam would be dangeroua. If a riaing amongat the Indiana took plaoe, and waa allowed to run for any oenaiderable period unchecked, then the trouble would be far more aerioua then ever before." " Have the Hndaon Bay company aettled ap with the Government yet " " The company'a bill for transport aer- vioea haa been paid. We engaged tranaport for the Gkv8mmant, but received nothing further than a oommi^ion for our trouble What we got from theGkyenimen* we paid, to the people we employed. We got no- thios but a commiaaion on the aervioe." "You have aome claima against the Government for loa?ea in the rebellion " " Yea, thaae olaima have been duly pre- aented, and will doubtleea be aettled aatla- factorlly." Mr. Wrigley ia ohIy'« abort time a real- dent of Ownada, and haa already wen hia way into the confidence and esteem of the Hndaon B«y company c^ffiplala, who apeak of him in the highest poaaible wav. â- mtim m A Bodi Soldier. The death is announced ef S'r George Udny Yule. He waa only an able Bengal civilian ef the older smd mere active type but he once did a wokderfnl thing. In 1858 he waa a cemmiaaioii^r in Bengal proper, when three regiment^ ef Sepeya, breaUng late into mutiny, marahed aorosa hia diattiot to join the inanrgent army in Oade. Mr. Yule had no troops, no mlUtory authority, and no reapenaibility in the matter but the impudence of the afEalr waa too much fer him. He ^aa a hunting man, turned out hia hunting equipage, borrewed more ole- phantabom native friends, collected righW European plantera and plerka, and a amiJl force of native 'guarda," and determined to Hndsoa's Bay Bailway Oonttraotioa.- There ia a atrong probability that the oenatmotien of the railway from Manitoba to the Hadaon'a Bay will be commenced during tbe coming spring and that the work will be praaeouted with vigor, and without let up until completed, unleaa when aeverity of weather will compel a ceaaation of work. It ia a matter decided that the work of ooastruotion will commence from the head of Lake Winnipesf and be pnahel onward in a northerly deotfoi until tide- water navigation on the Nelaon river ia reached. The-e may ba thoae who will objsot to this point of commercing oonstruotian, and who think tliat it ahonld commenoe from the terminua in thia province and mi^ve by atagea northward. That aelaahneaa might •ugge^t auoh a oonrae thtfe ia no doubt, and the people of Winnipeg '^more than theae of any other place can prqdacj selfish ar^- ment in ite favor. Batafterallwe believe the projectors of tbe^^^doul are adopting the wise and aenaible oooiwe, and even thoae who aee Immediate g^ in anoUier will eventually be moat benefited by that about to be pnraued. The commenoement of conatmction at the head of Lake Winnip^ ia a wi«e move, beoanae by the construction of leas than half ef the whole road a anmmrr outlet can be aecured, whioh will fnndah aaooroe ef earn- ing te the company in a very abort time, and co«menoe the pi^aotioal teat of the value of the outlet; fer commercial pur- poses. Then the oenraeiafn^iae one becauae it will compel the ntUiatog ot our North-west- em waterways, which hu scarcely been at tempted aa yet, and which will we believe prove them to have a valup, far beyond any calculatieaa hitherto made upon them, and ere the conatmction of the whole road ia completed ahow what a vain -ble auxil- iary they really are to raUway faoili- tiee Then the conrae ia a wiae one becauae it wiU hurry the opening of an outlet whioh if only available in aammer time will be of val- ue te the whole prorinoe irhereas atarting conatmction from Winn peg or aty other point in the province a road would be in pro- gress for several yeara. which ended at no- where, opened up no produotive country of any oenaeqnenoe, and wonld be ef ne mater- ial value to anyone until completed unlesa for the drouladen of money whioh ite oen- atraction created. Thua looking at the pro- gramme of oenstmotion we ^nat aay that from every view point it givea evidence oi wisdom, caution and economy on the part ef Aose who arranged it. But aa we look at the arrangementa fer Dtillzing Lake Winnipeg in cenneotlon with thia Hadaon'a Bay outlet, we naturally in- cline to aak Bat what about the Bed River aa a feeder to thia northern gateway I In almost every oaloulation made ef the value of the Hndaen'a Bay rente the grain carry- ing from Dakoto and Minaeeeta has been ooonted open, and indeed the rente would leeee much of ite commercial valoe if it did not attraot a g«od ahare of that trade. Bat than navigation ef any praokioal value for each a traffic reaohea no further up the Red River than St. Andrew'a Rapida, and from I there north to the international boundary as freight from all aoatli of fiftaoB mHea thb ride of the iBtoniatioBal boaadaty^oia oonoarped, wo would BOt ander the praaent atato of aff*in be allowed to baild a oom- Detlsg line of rail. Ibastbo irholo United dtotea freight by tiw Hadaon'a Bay roato oould be oaally ohoked off by the nianagon of the 0. P. B. There ia no aae in trying to hid* the f sot that antil there la indopaodant oommnaioa- tion betWBOB Manitoba, Minneoota and Dak- ota, the aapplamantai^ trade for a Had- aon'a B«y nrilway framtho two latter will not make the owners (rfaaoh a road woalthy. The cheapaat and beat link of oenmianioa- tion ia by the Red RJvar witii ite obatmo- tiona removed. A matter of a qoarter of a million of dollara wonld do that onthe Mb- Itoba aide, and the efiertabtring pat forth at Waahington by our neighbera in Minneoota and Dakota ahowa that thoy wOl not fall abort in improring the channel of the river within their territory. Sorely priv^e en- terpriae oould take bold of a matter ao amall aa thia work in Manitoba, aad wo might reaaonably expect that the Dominioa Otcv- emment wonld. contrlbnto liberally towarda theaame. â€" Whmiptg Chmmereial. Cheap H^ AtoMrthaUnsaCIhe mMmnir Im CoBttsl MidtyasHledtothses and the ' aflooaUon. aa* Mm oaa 'Mlae epantail op aad Ite tall taifotBulioa (BPfeloh «m to Aaiga) atool «to fie* biada aad Aaap to jmmMm,mmMMt, I have "tMl yoatieeei appb Spot Drill HO BETTEB. Bikjljl '^.1 Crocker RoiiJ tnm mm. ** OMWUlonpUrnn,.^ W. Bi/A I Amut, a H. g. Man. •TeA Bt^ ToeoBto. Ooi Qsoaiai Aaa. A««at. OUoaco. lUi Sbw OrlBiiiinfe iUan Um loial laQ SteamilUjf BalUoc daring wiotsr (ram Portlaad avarv Than day aad'HalUuc every fiatovdiv *o Uvaipool. and li aammer from Qaebeo •nry fUterdsv to Liverpool oaUtav at Londoodany to land mails and pesse n Ker .lOrtootUndaad Irelaad. Alsofiom BUOmore. vi* 'kaUfax and 81 Joba's.N.r.. to Uverpool fortalghtl} dnilDe summer montto. The stoameia of. the OIm gowllMa ean dnrine winter to aad (ram HaUfaa Portland, Boetoo and PhUadelphia aad daring «am mer between aUagov and Koetreal, weekir: 3Hm gowand Bontan weekly, aad Olaagow and PhUadel pUa rtoigtatly. Ite (reii^K pasewe, or other in(onBatlOB Mohr f A. Bohnmaohei- tc Co., Baltimore 8. Omiard Glo. HalUax Shea ft Co., St. Joha'e, N.r.; Wm. Thomr son ft Co.. 81 John, NB. aUaa ft Co.. Ohloaso Lore AiAea, New York H. Bonrller, Xtoroaie AUaiM, Bae Oo., Qaebeo WaL Braokie, Phlla H. A. Allan. Portlaad. Beaton. MontteaL Death of a Fobleman Who Hated Hones. The death !â- announced ef Count Emerio Semmiach, a Hangarian magneto, who waa known in aooiety for hia extraordinary hatred of horaea. Thia averaioa amonntod to a real hippepheirfa, aad it obliged tbe Count many yeara age to tiirow up hia commlaalon In the army. The Count died at an advanc- ed age on hia eatato in Slavonia. He waa a diatingniahad agriouMnrist, aa excellMit landlord, and m all aubjocto but that of hersea, aaaea, and mulea a maa of tonad judgment. Ho wonld not allow any animal of the rqalne kind to come npon hia lamda, BO that viritora who redo or drove to aee him had alwaya to alight at hia park gatea. He himaelf for many yeara oaea a vwiiole drawn 1^ trained doer, butlattorly ho went about hia oatato In a carriage wlui a team of oxen. Hia horror of horaea b aald to have been innate, aa there waa no accident in hia life to account for it. Winters' Patent Wot^ Bend (or Catalo^e. It cortB Ton nothiSs iora m5^, «* Deeds Not Words. ar CHABLM awAoi. K words oonid saUrfr the heart. The heart might flad leas oaiaT Bui woids, like somoier birds, depart, Aad Itare bat empty lUr the keart, a pUgrim npon earth, node o(teii, vImb It needs. The* uonte era as UMe worth As just K many weeds. A Utile taid-aad tnilv aaidâ€" Osa deeper joy impart Then hoaia et «eds, wbldi reaehtto head. Bat never toooh toe heart H The Toloe that wioe Its eonny way, A lonely home to ohaer. Hath oft the (ewaet woids to say Bat oh I these (ewâ€" Aot* deer ' If woiOe ooold saUe(y toe bneat. The wofkl might hoM a (eaat Bat worda, when sammoaed to tha teatâ€" 0(taeMi(y the least !• Like pleats that make a gaudy show. An blossom to toe ioet; Bat wheee poor nasoreoenaotgrnw Onepartioleo((raitl MANUFACTURERS AND MILLERS WILL SA.VE MONEY BY HcGoll's Lardine MacIiiDi! tM Fiji It once and you wOl ose no other. ^a We are the Sole HanHfltetarera of tae Senaiae lardiac i^Alao Cylinder, Eoflrine. Wool and Harness 01b,« gCOLL BROS. C O.. TRT OUR CANADIAN COAI. OIL, "SUNLIGHT" BRAlfn l nr THB MARKET -^ OTXRE IPOE DRUNKENNE3 Oplnm, â- orphine. and kindred habits. Valuable treatise tenttrn. mediotee may be given in tea or oeffee, tritheut toe knowledge of the penottik^i If ao deaired. Sead two 3c. atompa for full partioalars and testimoniiih ef thaei "?«_^P P"*^ A*dreee. M. V. Leban, 47 Wellington St. Best. Toronto, f ' THE EAGLE BRAN FINS BOOTS AND SHOES. Tlie Far Beaclilns. Perfume of a good naam heralda the claim that Pataam'a Painleaa Com Bxtraotor ia a rare, certain, aad paialeao remedy fer oorss. Fifty im ita t iona prove it to be the boot. At druggicta. *«".,/? TJ? Every pair and wW^ bears this «i(it