Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Mar 1886, p. 1

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 SPiPfP^ â- wmik' VOL. 6 -No. 2b6. MAiiKDAiiE, O^T., MA±M3H 4, 18»6. Copui or tarn Stasdabs i FXTB CKHTS BACH. K 3 LINES OF ilERlCAN WATCHES T- WARRANTABLE GrADES. l^eiji Thomas Clocks. ,« ASSORTMENT 8ILYER- ' WARE. ijillSiCAUNSTRUMENTS. m Pel)t)le Specks. Nationai. Pills aot promptly upon thp Liver ret^ulate the Bowela and a* a purgatiTe are mild and thorough. An item of expenditure m Gletielg Gou)Jcil mimutes last week, for Work on the town line of Holland read $8.75 when it should have beetj $3.75. Fsseuan'b Wobu Powdbbs require no other Purgative. They are safe to remove all varieties of MoMBAT evenlAK last Mr. James I A GREAT AWAKENING, nieeeeded in organizing a singing I There is a great awakening of the class in Walker's church, Holland. sluggish organs of the human syrtem Oihsr Lines of Jewelry, etc. 18 K. WEDDS^i RINGS. fioeds Wsrh Warranted, f/A£ BEPMING A SPECIALTY. I BROWH, A reliable Jeweller and sure Worms. Sch-ool Books^ Blank^ Account Books, and several lines oi Stationery just received at Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Pkof. Low's Sulphur Soap is high- ly recommended for the cure of Erup-. tion, Chafes, Chapped hands, Pimples, Tan, c. Wantkd, a large quantity of good Basswoed Lo^s, also Maple and Birch at once at Barr Head Mills, for which I will pay cash. I mean what I say. W. J. Rows. $2,000 worth Colored Silks, Black Silks, Colored Satins and Black Satins opened out at McFarland's, Direct Importations. A GiEL at Wiartan (over 60 years of age) last week vainly endeavored to brine; an action against a rural swain for breach cf promise. Be sure and give ns a call at our new furniture store when you are in Markdale. Will bo pleased to have our citizens call as well. Coleman Hamilton. The discovery of the instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quietly followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantaneous remedy for ».ll acute aches and pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Kheumatism, etc. This valuable remedy is called Fluid Lightning, and is sold at 25 ceatB a bottle by Hill Bro's. 2 |So-u.Ofrov.- eveinug. ,,,.,' ,, A Social conducted by the young New Goods every wpek at Morrow sij^ ^^ ^j^^ Presbyterian church, Ibtore, ami sreat slaughter in prices, ^lark^ale, will be held at the house Fle:keston- Station people are Lj- j^jj.g_ podds, Sr., cf Glenelg, on lnjitatiu-, for a school at that place, Wednesday evening March 10th. astonishing Teams will leave the village at 8 LialandOtli^riteins. yvi, !:s i.'i //'«'•-(â-  cdlnmn'iintendedtobenefit tmi! :.u:irUiii«I vr Societii will be charged ten ' â- :,! lih!! for the liist insertion and Jive |.p.;, ,, iini'.i'hch Sinhiequent insertion. F.cho is mueh im- The VViiirton |iirov-.J rcceiitly. " 'â- ; i!NK cfisf Earlv Spring Shirts loppurJ iit McFarmiuVs. Tin:RE wi"l be an eclipse on the sun A large No. joined the class and all present were quite enthusiastic in the matter. Mr. James speaks in high terms of the warm reception given him and the kindness shown him by the friends of that neighborhood. A very successful term is anticipated. He has four classes already. Beqnisi- tions ar^ coming in from varioas parts of the country for hib services as Teach«r. It is a fact that can be varified everywhere that West's Cough Byrup is the only eompound known to science, that can eradicate the seeds of Consumption in its early stages, and completely cure Coughs, Golds. Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung difficulties. Sold by A. Turner Co. Druggists. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. March 4 DoNB wrtH Tobacco. â€" I am twenty one years old and have used tobacco about six years. I came to the con- clusion from what I read, and the advice oi friends to abandon the filthy and worse than ueless habit, and have not used it in any shape for over two weeks. I feel much better without it, though it took a deter- mined effort to break away from the habit. I have no desire for it now, and would recommend others to do as I did. James McGrogan. whenever Bnrkock Blood Bittere are •taken. It arouses the torpid liver to action, regulates the bowels and the kidneys, purifies the blood, and re- stores a healthy tone to the system generally. just Teas rucI fine goods at [low prices at Morrow's. Eev. a. Bkown, ofWiarton English [Cliiircli, is to remove shortly to Paris, m. i WONDERFUL All Wool Twist Twesd |iortb §1, for 55 cents, at McFarland's Mk. Wm. SpEEEs.of Tars, has rented iMontgomery's bakery and will open ishortly. McFarland's Ginghams are selling lilt. Big variety to choose from. Us. DuNDAB has moved to his new lliremiges on the corner of Mill and Y^HXi etreeta. 25 lbs. of Golden Syrup for $1.00 bS White Wine Vinegar, at 80 cts. â-  gallon ai Morrow's. AcoMiiiiKicATioN without a name |Rc»Ted, but cannot be entertained jlithout the proper signature. ' A. Brown, Markdale makes « ipecialty of cleaning and repairing "»»tches and fine work, This's no better ptactical watch li« in the county -than W. A. Rown, Markdale. MB3.McGRBao«, widow of the late P- McGregor has removed from lilitiwoith to Winnipeg. Mr John McDonald, Division Court I^W, intendi building an office the ^cmg summer, in Chatsworth. iBK proposed new county, l«' Forest as Co. with been as Uo. Town, has "e'Tfid for an indetinite period. • Ranted, 50,000 feet of Baswood .l' Maple Logs in exchange for ApiDly to Geo. Grant Co. "•, -Low's Worm Syrup has re- ' ri"!-'^^ tforms from 15 to 80 feet '"'gtb. It also destroys. all kinds Au. kicas o'clock. Admission 15 cts. a good time is expected. McGregor Paeke's Carbolic Cerate is invaluable for Woundu, Sores, Salt Kheum, Cuts, Bums, Scalds and Festers, as aheaUng and purifying dressing. Do not be imposed on vyith other useless preparations, recom- mended to be as good. Use only -oGregor Park's Carbolic Cerate. Sold by Hill Bro's. 2 BiawAT Smashot.â€" On Friday last, a freight train of twelve cars left the track near Fergus, where the em- bankment is about 60 feet high. The engine and twelve cars ran down the bank and was badly wrecked. No person waa seriously injured. The ice on the track is supposed to have derailed the train. Gbamt's Clearing Sale for 80 days only, of Furmitore to make room for our Spring Stock. We will dispose of everything at whelesale prices. Chairs 32 cts. kitchen sideboards, $4.00 childrens high chairs, 60 ots. bedsteads, $2.00 washstands, $1.00; four drawer bureaus, $5.00 fall leaf tables, $2.50. AU other goods m iproportion. Kev. J. G. Fallis, Button, certifies.: "For Bome years my wife has been troubled inth Dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after ano^er recommended but wijfli bttie or no effect tiU advise to give cGregor s Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking the ^first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement, and can vrith confidence recommend it to be one of, if not the best Dyspepsia. Implbmint DspoT.-^Mr. Wm. Jackson has, not only became a resi- dent of our town, but has 'opened an extensive agency for the sale of farhi and other implements. He is the authorized agent for a number of tbe best manufacturers, such as A. Mc- Gill, Chatsworth: Fleury, Aurora; J. 0. Wisner aon k Co., Brantford L. D. Sawyer Co., and Geo. Wilkinson Co., Aurora; whose implements and machinery, together with repairs, he will keep constantly on hand in their season. We can cheerfully recommend Mr. Jackson to the public as a man of sterling worth and undoubted integrity, and bespeak for him a large share of public patron- age. His wareroqms are directly opposite the Standabd office. Tba-Mkting. â€" The Holland and Euphrasia town line people are noted for givmg good entertainments at their annual tea, and the otie last Tuesday was no exception to the rule. The edibles were abundant and rich. The program was ably sustained, Mr. John Lyons was called to the chair, and a capital chairman he is. The choir discharged their duties with credit to themselves. Several recitations were given in a very creditable manner by children of the congregation, Bev's Grandy, Wilson and Casson of Markdale addressed the audience, Mr. Wilson gave a particul- arly interesting and appreciated ad- dress. Mr. Joseph Hawken came in a little late, but fully made up for tardiness by an eloquant and forcible speecn, Mr. Hawken is one of the most popular and whole soul'd men in that district, and it is always a pleasure to meet him either in private or on the platform. We counted 18 from Markdale, amongst whom were three Ministers named above. Govern- ment Inspector, Dr. Irwin, Lawyer McCnllouh and ye editor, and what perfected the evenings enjoyment, at least in reference to one load from Markdale, they had a genuine upset on fhe way home, when ten heads and twenty feet went sprawling in the snow, nobody hurt. Proceeds of tea $81.50. We thank Mr. Henry Hamilton for his kindness in driving ten ef us out to above and especially for the capsize. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT. There is no one reliiedy offered to .suffering hmmanity whose use is so universally and frequently required as Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for rheumatism, neuralgia, colds, sore threat, deafness, croup, lumbago, and aches, pains, lameness and soreness of all kinds, when internally and axtercally used. " â€" ««* â-  Almniiiain. valuaUe of all metals and tbe man who invents and patents a method of making it cheaply will revolutionize industry and beeome a rich man.â€" [^yangttlisti IN GOOD REPUTE. James MtsMurdoch, writing from I Kinsale, says â€" 'B. B. B., as aremedy I for diseases of the blood, liver and. kidneys, has an excellent reputation in this locality. I have used it, and speak from experieno as well as ob- servation. It is the only medicine I. want, and I advi^ie others afflicted, to try it." IVe«* and Renew^ed Sabs. r=f picture framing done, r?ro--"^^ ^Q'i cheap, at HamUton's Gallery, over the Standabd I'Slo ilt. Forest *^'^acie.s last Confederate went jij^- â€" ' 'C.OI, week over the ilj^^' i"^spccts of a new county, Bat "' "e Diin:laik fi^raZfi -camly states medicine extant for ^vBuci,o.». This invaluable medicine for Lfver Compbunt, IndiRCstion. Kidney Oom- plaint, is purely vegetable. Sold •* Hill Bro's. Trial botUes given free. a A Mabkbd Change â€"There has been a marked change for tbe better in the conduct of newspapers m the last five years. This change extends not only to "^. daily but also to the weekly press. Tbe days seem to gone by when long editorial homi- lies or verbose local comment are '^- manded. The public now crave the news xn a condensed and concise form. Editorial opinions which form- erly consumed a column must be boiled down to teii or .^^^'^7 .^^^' must be bncled into the The same de-« all ittoi^°"^r '^^ l^een received from the ao ,, -/GeDeral, that there will be ^^" tl in us session on the All news fewest possible words, rule applies to local mtelligence Jhecoiity press. Those papers which fail to lecoinise this popidiurdemand I wiU shortly l«ttn then: mwtek* "What is good for a cold ' is a question often asked, but seldom satisfactorily answered. We can answer to tne satisfaction of all, if they will follow our advice and try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, a safe, pleasant and certain throat and long heder. Sold by all dmggisto. VoicB-CouLiuBE. â€" ^Wwiled 600 pupils to take lessons in Yoeal Mus. Elocution. Tbe best coitnre ob- tainabls given. The NewestThought k Best Methods gaaranteeed. In Y. Mua. both the Tonic Sol-fa, and Staff Systems taught. Eloqation tavght on th same principles as used in the ' H. Sch. of E. O..Phila. Pa. ft Lewis Sch. Elo. Toronto. Special Courses for churches. Pub. Schools, Lodges, Families, Private Pupils. Full Conrus in Voice, Theory, ftc, for those that wish to teach. There are 1,000 Vocal Teachers needed im- mediately, in Ont. alone. J. H. James. 100 pupils wanted immediately to join the Juvenile Singing Glass, held in the Pub. Scli. Markdale, every Saturday afternoon. Lesson from 2 to 3 o'clock. The class is being taught the Tonic Sol-fa Methcd, which has m Eng. Scotland, made more note Singers than all the other Rvstsma togetherâ€" This System i» jrrowing rapidly in the U. S. and Canada, and is the only rational, practical, and Scientific Method, for the Vocalist, extant. It is also applied te Inst. Mu3. all kinds of Mus. are printed in T S-f from the symplifit hymn tune to the most Complex Oratorio. Expecting a largo class I have placed the fee so low (60 cts. for 13 les.) tliat every child in the village and vicinity can atterd Ages (jvpproximately) from 5 to 15 years-â€" The term begins next Saturday â€" Send the children. Notcis the time. The room will be warm and ready at 1.80 o'clock p. m.' J. H. James, Teacher. Wm. Bowler, Markdale, Jan. '87. Thos. Freeman, Markdale, Jan. '87.^ S. Morrow, Markdale, 'Jan. '87. ' W. H. Moore, Markdale, Jan. '87. John Moore, Markdale, Jan. '86. Duncan McDonald, Markdale, Oct. '86. H. McEee, Markdale, Jan. '87. James McGrogan, Markdale, (Nuw) Aug. '86. John l^lcNally, Markdale, Jan. '87. D. O'Hanly, Markdale, Jan. '86. Wm. Stephens, Markdale, Feb. '87. R. Stunnell, Markdale, April, '87. Robt. Walker, Markdale, Jan. '87.' W. J. White, Markdale, Jan. '87. Rev. A. Wilson, Markdale, Jan. '88. Joel Warts, Fleshertou, Jan. '87. Joseph Henderson, Vandeleur, Jan. 87. S. Wiley, Kimberley, Jan. '87. Peter Harris, Kimberley, Jan. '87. W. C. Handley, Maxwell, (New) March, '87. Jas. Stewart, Eugenia, July, '86. Alex. Martin, Traverston, Aug. '86. David Brown, Walter's Falls, Jan» '87. John Findley, Walter's Falls, Jan. '87. John Cameron, Arnott, Jan. '87." Jesse S, Mabee, Castlederg, (Mewj March, '87. j Alex. Bell, Lindsay, Feb. '87. J. W. Whitby, Providence Bay» Jan. '87. A. J, Thomas, Saudfield. Jan. '87. Frank Averell, Newtonrobinson^ Jan. '87. Henry Silverlock, WiUiamsford^ Aug. '86. John Montgomery, Markdale, Jan. 87. tnTy, t. Amecbanioal engineer prophesies that the metal of the future is alnmm- nm, that in a few years it is to displace iron and steel, and revelution- ize the industrial arts. Iron is recon- ed the commonest of all metals, an alaninum compratiyely rare. But aluminum is the most plentiful of all metals. The world contains more of it than cf iren. It is everywhere, •very elay-bed is an aluminum mine .Its tensile streagth is mere than three tons to the square inch greater than that of the Bessemer steel, and is by far the best metal known. A cannon made of it would be three times as strong as one made of steel or gun I metal. It is very stiff and rigid, too â€" three times as rigid as the best of bronze. Another important thing is that it will not- tarnish. Neither air, nor water, nor salt, nor^acids, nor corrosive gases have the slightest effect upon it. Neither does intense heat change its eolor. It is the best conductor of heat known in the world, alt!o of electrieity. It would make the best telegraph wire?, having t^ue the conducting power of copper, with only one-third of its weivUt and lasting practically for ever. It is very ductile, and can be worked easily either cold or hot. It is suitable ior anytbiui; that iron, or bteel, or copjier, or brass, or broiize, or gold, or silver is used for, from the wheels of a watch to a monster steam engine. It is by far the ligutest in weight, compared with other metals, being little more than one third the we^t of oa'st iron. To he exact, a cubic foot.ot aluminum weighs onty 166 lbs. The same siz« block of cat iron weigbs 45Mbs of wrought iran 487 lbs; of copper 554^ lbs of lead, 709 of brass, 528 \\)B and of gold, about 12,000 lbs. In brief, it is the lightest, easiest work- ed tuoat durable, and" generally most HANDY TO HAVE. Every household should keep som» ready remedy at hand for painful diseases, sudden attacks of inflam- mation and accidental injuries. Such a remedy is best found m Hagyard's Yellow Oil for internal and external use. It cures rheumatism, sore throat, croup, neuralgia, lamis back, sprains, bruises and bums. A SOURCE OF GREAT TROUBLE. Probably the most prolific source of chronic ills is indigestion or dyspep- sia, caasmg unhealthy bluod. Yet taken in time it is positively curable. Burdock Blood Bitters has cured some of the worst cases known, even of 16 years' duration. If troubled with in- digestion try it. If you want to buy or sell a horse, or cow, or any kind of stock, advertise in the Standard ;%onl3' 25 cents a week per article. CONSUMPTION (JUEED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in Lis hands by an East. India missionary the formiua. of a simplw vegetable remedy for the speedy and peiman- ent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all tiiiv at and Lung Afflictions^ also tt positive and radical cure for Nervous liability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested it.s wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, Las felt it his duty to make it known "to Lis_ suUering fellows. Actuated by tLis motive aid a desiro to relieve human KuSering. I will' send free of charge, to ail who desire it, this recipe, iu Gepnan, France or English, with full dii-ections for preparing antl using. Sent by miiil by addressing tritJi staiap,. naming tins paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Fower'x Vlock, l.oclieiter, NY. Advertise in the STANDABD. /;'i- i('i ,JLa."^*?^A'i' :*' aijiJH i» iS-- 1 ill •m .1 iV:' if win). ar;^ in .r i-':\ I -%'â- /

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