Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Feb 1886, p. 7

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 -f'^*'****?e«***'*-^»a«»~«--«»«»^*i^^ â- "^^r*ffsgf^^lffrimoKrjif,m^-f .il-^- HEALTH, Dietin ByA.AaNOT^ M. • raa^ena In the prevention 'â- ^PfiSlie more in the dbreotien '"'^f Its causes than the dw- ' Heroea m great m any ttion OS. "'.Kn^ies of those who died of ,tbe bodies «^^ this object in r" teh h« been accompUshed- in WT^le the most extravigant ,forthefot««j^ class of diaeaaea '""^."Shnotso fatal, are yet the ^•"**'!?t Si of snfifering and Im- ^*lne8sm which we do not P*' i roiie 8 We have made vast 'l the iW ly "f disease, in which we ".be causative agent to hi. lair, feAfeed him, and breed and ^Kits and ditcoverhia vnlner- '^.whilT in various aflFectlona ' „.nn in the conditiona of .%e wahayo advanced Uttle Iff^ieofAbernethy. f*lCn^tbese conditiona fa tte " When we consider the in- L*!f ISe food on the flesh andprodacts i^W« aoifflfls, my we not infer te el ta the vegeUbYe u it^ well knovm that a tree fed on "â-  ii wiU produce healthy, well-de afruT; whUe that of ^ta neighbor, leen fed on some badly-drained TflU be small and frtquently spotted Kaons such as these snggeat ttat \av sometimes be a cause teMnd Sous germ, and without which It Zt be able to survive. It certaWy jteithe importance of a oaretol atady idiily bread. 'nuiiiojeof this paper fa merely to Ujt several disorders of the system [their origin In the consumption of [litrogenous food than the c«nstitntlon uttnoes of the person require, and ,„u.ntly that the regulation of the ot of slbumtoouB food oonanmed, fre- ely constltntes a valuable and definite Matic resort. ., „ P food may be said to oonafat chiefly tea, starch, fat, and sugar and it iieem evident that the first principle jeteUca should be the knowledge of to increase or decrease any of these iiDti. A great deal haa been done in \la, but much still remains to. be U, The effects of diet in the treat- ^3! diabetes, Bright's dfaease, aoorbnt- ., nrnmpt the hope that the treat- ickasebya skillful regulation of rguy be still further extended, and 1 1 corresponding deciease in the use of ill dmgs may ensue, lieisquire what becomes of any ezceaa taken bto the system beyond ita meats, we find that if an exoeaa of loriUrchy food be taken, it may be litedasfat. If too much aaccharine r be indulged in, it may be deposited It or carried oS as a temporary gly- lii but an excess of albumen haa no f oatlet It demands a plentiful supply ;g«ntofitit for elimbiation and if, igh aedentary habits, dfaeased lungs, Iher caose, this be not forthcoming, the is flooded with ofTenalve mattera itlltheemonctories of the body are Inicientto remove. The breath from llimiii under such circumstances haa a n (dor, the skin becomes dark-colored, |e«sjaiictiva yellow or muddy, with sJl well eogorged- The prophbt Daniel irered long ago these tmtha and it ^be that if vegetariana had aet them- hi to discover the preofae conditiona oall- I lei neb a diet, rather than goin^ to an idiztent, they might have conferred ilbtaefit on humanity. IMbow, as shortly as possible, men- It tew clinical facts that seem to aup- kthe theory that too much albumlnona Eiometimea produces dfaease. pttentioawas forcibly called to thfa w when studying certain forma of Nnia. Some of these, I noticed, Jwmpletely cured by a diet from li albamtnons food was almost entirely Ned, and histead of the patients' mn- Vownaad becoming weak, in several they gained in weight and Inoe instance the patient gain- ieen pounds in a short time after age of diet. Of course, outdoor might have answered the same bat that is a prescription whioh 'b?l.,iu objections. '^*modic asthma and bronchltia, I there it no therapeutic mea\me that P* greater sa iaf action th. n I iianfng '^Boant of albnminous food oooaumed. "•ifiections are sometimes curable by l"*rare alone, even in caaea where â- fWtary tendency thereto fa dfatinot- 7*M. I might cite several auch oaaea, ,«onenifB5e. wu very asthmatic, as were also Ir.S, Us brothers. Hfa ohUdren, when ^«»g,were severely troubled with ?«« bronchitis, and I waa often aum- /J"^* night to some of them who 'Waring from tiiat affection. Thfa ^«»o or three years, and I frequont- i^vhi II it most oontinne daring r»BoieUv9j. In truth, it had gone on PS »• greater part of the life of the iwno was now a pretty old man. h irequeetad them to try fae experi- « leeatng their chUdren chiefly on 111 *^ ' ^^ ^«m tiiat time I waa i ^^moned to any of them for a k^^^M. when accompanied with a ^Jfnse arteries, and a depodt of r? o the urine, is very much benefited n2!"" 0^ «»"« *be oppoate ritai^f^^met with, where an ex- F-Wtn\ °*^" " 'Mt and gencrona Vd^li,?*^e" selected caaea will 1 BfJJ/"5,'ery satisfactory reanlta. "â- ,th«!i! ""^ase. whetiier acute or j^diet shoa d not inclnde albn- â- Jttst«. 'ewons for thfa are so toij'w farther reference need be affeo- thu diet Not IsBgage »fii fr^n^'i^"' *« «y »«»» '««n5'**^y^°"«dbythi "^KiS^"diobe. lfctl«_ j^^tth a vigorona apoetite for »Tth.'** *bo had bM0tt»-4 I^Cpb^^th, waa entin;^ oniod nyliatof wan oand In I Bt^tnaDy Mid reut* mon oMMi th»t the aame w»y after madliMl iafled bat enough haa been aold to the drift of my opinion on *hi« inpoctMit anbjeot. Ttau very morning a yonog muia an aathmatio patient of mitie, called to tell me ^at one month of thu diet had drae more for him than all tiie medidne he ever took that dorlnj t! e month hi had on'y tMted meat race, and tiiat night he had aymptonui of the return of hfa ola trouble. There fa an abanrd notion prevalent that a penon will grow weak under thfa regime ao far fa thfa from being troe, that I have had patienta nin aeveralpoondiiln weight- Get weak, indeed, on a diet which haa pro- dncad ao many splendid Sootolunen smd Irishmen, and enables the Arab to travel from fifty to aixty mllee a day, and undergo the greateat hardahip I Albaminoaa food fa a true atimalcnt, causing increased v^or and pownr of en- durance, and the want of it fa c^irti inly felt by tile patient but we must not take aenaationa for reality, nor the patient'a feel- ings aa our guide in preaoription. Nor moat we forget that if more coal fa pat Into the f uma 'e than fa completely burned, the grating will become choked with too much waato. â- "«*'«ie.-#»iJ«P«»».35W*r, -«S»»irP'.T' .THAUTE s^ASJ, â- Â»Â»-»â-  '.-«Mnu vij^Mfmnot* r.f J ISiJ i/. '-J i f -n.' TEE LIME-KILH CLUB. When the meeting had been duly opened the Secretary announced the death of Brother Gilmartin Cox, of Mlaalaalppi. Samuel Shin moved that a reaolution of condolence be forwarded to hfa wife. Sunset Jackaon moved that Paradiae Hall be cloaed for 'the apace ot tiiirty daya. Pioblsa Smith moved that aome member be aelscted to deliver *a eulogy on the dead brother'a character. " Why sU dfa 'citement ober de death of a member T" aaked Brother Gardner, aa he looked up and down the afalea. " We knowed de dead brhdder aa a poet an' a leckturer. We can't toll whether hfa wife am grieved or re juiced. We doan' know whether he waa atrictly honest or a great raacal. He may hev had a tender heart, an' he may hev bin a brute in hfa ways. He may hev bin sober an' Uwabidin' and be may hev bin a hard drinker an' a law- bre i. r. "Befo' deliberin' an enlogy en a dead man we ought to be posted aa to what he waa in life. " Moaa' grave-atona am aUentlhra. " Moaa' eulo^ea contain four fafaehooda to one troof " Moaa' of de tears abed fur de dead ont- side oar famliea am worked up by a fo'ce- pump. " If a man am honeat an' upright de.fack needn't be pfaeed on hfa grave-atun to make people remember It. • If a man hsu had oiiarltyâ€" if he haa bin forgivin' â€" If he haa aimed de reverence and reapeot of men an' women, yoa kin leave hfa grave unmarked an' it- will be hunted out an' remembered. "Be oanal emblem of aorrow will be tied to de doah-knob fur de apace of ton daya, batbeyand datplntit will not be pradent to venture. BBANCH LODGE BIFOBT. The Branch Lodge at Findlay, made the following report FiNDLAT, O. Secretary lime Kiln Club. The Plum DofGs, No. 3, ' FIndfay branch of the Lime-Kiln Club," held their month- ly meeting at the Gat Well Hall, Saturday night at 12 o'clock, the new hall having been completed ainoe the Deoember meeting. The meetioK waa called to order by Da- maacua Joy, Chairman. After roll oaU the minateaofthe laat meeting were read by Hsadlight Petora, Secretary. Treaaarcr Anthony Smith moved that sm aaaeaament of $10 a head be levied to re- plenfah the treaanry. He aaid that he ex- pected to pay a viait aoon to hfa oouaia In C»skda, and might need the money. Mo- tion not aeoonded. Poker Winteraon waa called apon, and delivered hfa kctare entitled, "Nataral va. Sever Gaa." He waa tendered the re- celpta of the collection hat, bat de cli ned saying he preferred the hat^ Maj. J. Sly having been detected digging • tunnel from hfa.cellar to the atreet to tap the gaa inaina waa fined |104 *and aaapend- ed for four montfaa. The election paaaed off qoietiy. Town- ship Maraton brau elected ever hfa oompet- itor, Bo^ Ganushers, by a majority of 16 votea. Hie waa immediately eaoorted to the ohair and aeemed very much at heme. One- eyed Orinson waa elected watohman for the ensuing year and Perpetual Motion Barker waa elected doorkeeper. The derriok having been removed, and thereby patting an end to the loekont, a motion to biiild a watdi tower waa oairied, the naoesBury glne to be raiaed by a leotora by Midnight Sorkina at $5 per ticket on hfa rmowned aabjaot, "Sore Thinga." Jack Planatead waa Mitborfaed to have poatara printed umooiiaing the aune and to aend bee paaaea and oom^imantary tioketa to the offioera of the LUne Klhi Clnb. AMiIloatiena for memberahip ware reoelv- ed frmaeven brothiata, and they were laid over for the Febroray meeti. g. A hnoe wreath bearing tiie motto «f the order. " Keep In the middle of the raad," waa leoeived and placed over the Preaident a chair. Donshnnt Henderaon aroae to make » mo- tion and waa fined $5 for not having on the leather medal voted him at tho.faat meeting. Preaident Townahip Maraton, after re- oaeating each member to be on hand early JtSe^ merting, -»8^ ' pl«totien sons, whioh ao affaoted l3m that he r^iMed JTe K impoaed uid dfamfaaed tiie "**^El«roeotfully aabrnttted," ]6EADLiGHT PETERS, Sacntary. On motion of Givaadam Jonea the report waa aosepted wad phoed on file IKDBnNmLT PO^TPOHID. Whalebone Howker annonnoed ttait fte 1..1 Mi^iTad ateifeal eurd from Indian *, to £e^iSi?f*.Tj^*h«ireigh» Smitii. rfKSSl5r.who^rtod for I-h;«* month! •»• *» d*«^ •â- ^•S^H.^bS! ].iBieKitt01nb,waata Jidl. B» hW pian iSJed on Miipfolon «*»^»^*-jSS S^ fSTtl-d «d .xp«*4 â€" Llme-Kiln Clnb woold at iiauBirr atapa to ofauhk take ttM Md lymiwiBhto make r^MftlTiraalMdti any **Dee8 de eoM V eoMy irqniMd ••Yee, aah 1 I moehnae dat we gtt ont." " •Ie jnoahnn oan't prewail, Bradder H«fr- ker. Indefoet plaee, we doM* kaowde Parfeeacr,«i'inde laat plaoe amfoat- rate weather for diggin' outer jaU. De hall biBMaa am largely poetponed.' WILL 60 BEQtnST^tiau from fbnrteen oolored oitiiena of Ka lam a wo rrqaeated the Llme-Kihi Clnb to oae ite faiflaenoe with Cn«reaa to hAve the name of Nigsnr Shosd, Lake Haron, changed to Gjlored SkoaL Afao, to have Coon laland, at the month of De- troit River, changed to Bruce Island. The President replied that the influenoe of the Club would he ao need. The Preaident then aaneonced the follow- ing: Joe Johnaon's Boom Mckinley, Ala. â€" Sakretary ob de Lime-Kiln Club, Detroit, Mich. On'oonnt ob dejnany Chriatmaa frolfaka de attenahun ob de moat Intelligen' portion ob de cntl'd popnlaahnn of Cantral ATaNt"' hey been deoliouBd attay from de. outside wotld, and de recent ackahnna of Bradder Gardner in punfahing oonapiratora hea juat come before de cull d ' popalaahun of Mc- Klnley Beat fur Ito eatimaahun. Da following am de proof- aheet ob de reao- lushona I am directed to aend to yon by de puato£Sce aa ebidenoe ob sympathy fur de cull'd pnaaona ob de North TFAereeu, Da high Iianded perceeding ob Broddef Gardner, Preaident ob de Lime- Kiln Club, in osmmnnioatin' with conspira- tora em recently reported to de ci^l'd popu- lation ob McKmly Beat, and Wheneu, Aooordin' to our beat estima- ahuna auch preceedina am unbecoming a gentieman, now,n)e It Beaolved, DjA auoh demonstraahuna on de part ob Brudder Gardner am ebidenoe ob too much centralized power, and if de mem- bera ob de Lime Kihi Club am looking artier der beat Intereate day will purvide de necea- aary Impoalahan for oona^raoy at der next meetln*. Beaolved, D^t a copy ob dfa reaoluahun be aent tothe Sekretary of de Lime Kihi Clnb wid de reqneat dat It be read In open meetln' to ahow to de wnrld whether de cuU'd pop- ulaahnn ob de North am allowed freedom of apeeoh. P. HUNTER, Secretary Joe Johnaon'a Clnb. The ireeting then adjourned for one week. A OUBIOirS DBEAM. â-² rendoa Lord Kayor's gtery of tke Dick 'Wlttlnsten Class. We icay, perl apa, be pardoned for here introducing an amuaing ansodoto concern- ing a former Lord Mayor of L'ndon, whoae (arly life waa connected with the tonn of Uxbridge, namely. Sir Wm. S'»faea, who waaLondon'a chief magfs'-rts in 1801. He atartod In life ai a brick ayer'a laborer, and at city banquete, witii gD at glee, he used to fatrodnoe the following anemlote Wh( n he waa a yonngater, he was employed in re- miring the paraorage loite at; Uxbridge. One day, goLn j up the ladder with hu hod of mortar, he waa accosted by the parson's wife who told him that she had a very ex- traordinary dream She told him that ahe bad dreamed he would one day become Lord Mayor of London. A«{onitihed at auoh a prophec y, Siainea • ould on'y acratch hfa head and thank her for auch a vast promo- tion. He aaid he had neither money nor frienda. Ihe parscn'a wife, however, waa not Eo eaaHy to be turned from her progoo • tioatf on, and thfa dream had evidently left a great impreaalcn. Her mind waa now Iwnt on young Stainea, fend Lord Mayer he ahould be. The aame dream occurred again, and the tame communication was re- Sated to ' liim that he waa to be Lord ayor. The natter paaaed off, and young Stalnaa left tiie paracnage house an Uxoridge with no other impret8.on, thtn the kind- neaa wUoh had been ahown and the notioe which had been taken of him. It woa not until he became aheriff that hfa dream came to be talked about, though there fa little doubt tiiat the dream n ade a laating Im- presaion upon hfa own mind, aad was an in- centive to laudable industry thron{|h life. The Uxbridge (arson had by thfa time be- come old, but he lived h ng enough to be e^apla'n to Stelnea when aheriff, end he died during hfa Shrtevalty. TonnK Cirls- are at a critical period when they are about maturing and develoidng into women. Ihe lack of watohfnl care at thfa time vay re- anlt In fixing Irregnlaritiea upon delicate organa and entailing a long list of " female weakneaaea." All thfa may be avoided, and the yonng woman come through thfa period clothed in all the beauty and atrength of a perfeotiy healthy organliation by the aid tt Dr. Pieroe'a "Favorite P eacription," prepared especially for female troubles by one of the most snooeaafnl phyaloiana of the dny. It to neoaaaary to have at leaat four wlvca in order to find one In good health and gentle hnmoDr~[The Koran. • • • Mftle weakneaa and loaa of power ad. Book, 10 cento in atampe. ipenaanr Buff U The mo-t beaatifnl girl in the wocld can only giv* that whioh abe h«B.â€" [CJhamfort. Bnasell Sac« fa a weUkiaown operator in Wall atieat, who fa generally ocsttMered â- â€¢ '"np to snufl." Hence, it may n»Te been quite natural that a oonntryman who reada tnepapenreontiy Mlled at hfa offioe and aaked for a package of Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. Hediaeoy- ared hfa miatake, bnt he naie nomfatafce to tiM artiole oalled fw. Thfa Benaedy, whan ^Ibd with Dr. Pierce'a -Naeal Donche," tAU anrely and rapidiy eradicate «}•»«« •ggravntod eaae of o^tarrh, wrth aU ita an- pMaent and daagerona aceompanimenta. Maater of the Henae-'l wbh yw J^jM call me early te- morrow momisg, isnogei. Bridgetâ€" "So I will, anr. If yeVil wake me up. Slngalax that while ao many woeun want thelSlot, there are jnetM mamnienwho " rr. oe. tlMe^-KjM •m 'erld'a Dupenaanr Me ^ibU Aaaoeiatiov, 663 Male St Buff li, N. \. TH. â-  ' ^K. a«: pMiertiMballit. [Fi jAe.! ... They never bewy • /-__,*.„ Niagara Fallaâ€" it !â- (»• etenelfd Wegot tUe frean the back driver who get ear po^ctbeek. 7«ta«* Owe. Me saaaoe wlqr yee daj. MaeyflaaaacleaiHfkof «M eefi bf a sIbkIo lielUe ot Oua. ABDni^sb It fa ineoBvenient to be a widow it it neoaaaary to reanme tiM nedeety of a yoong girl wKhovt being eUe to feign lier ignor- [Mme. d'Heodetok. Imperial C«afli Dmm wiU give Poaltiveend Laataatfieiief to thbae aoflwing frMa'OaMa,HeeTeenaea, 8ereTtaeat,eto.,and •reinvalnaiifatoeratoraandvoaaliata For â- ale by dmggbta and eonfeoiionera. B, A T. WAIS^, Maneiaotoren, Toronto. Ontario. Oloee oonneotionaâ€" Buttona. Theteis bo exoosa for your waBattag may longw Imn OatM Hr h BcoBoiilUa, eto., wIimi you oaa cat a remedy goMMttaed to onre, and whioh Is perfcottr â- ate. Dt. Oanon-S Oatanh Core ia a phaiaaS and efleelaal remedy Ask yonr Dragglaa abool tt. When onespeaka of women, there fa a weapon more terrible than calumny â€" tiie truth. â€" [Leopardl. • A.P. 268 WANTIDâ€" IO.OOD milmen and oibara Intefeelad in maohlnery to aend name and address for a copy of my No. 12 lUosiratad Catalonia sent fraa. H. W. PBtBIB, MaohinM and Oenaial MaoUne Dealer, Btartfoi d. Ont. AfiEMTSWAMTVB FOB TUE BMVTBKLV. Ilffi Patented Artiole In Canada to^jt. 86 cents for 8ami4e and Agents' Xenu to Co., Onalph. DnoucHi 1C«NEK X^ Jolatar, oheese bsz, vanaar, laathvr KNIVES. 8TAVK CUmR, SlATK spUMag, Eookblodan. moulding, tanoning, and other madilne knhrea 0* beet qnallty, mauDfaoiured by Paraa Hat, Gait Machine K«ifa Works. Oalt, Ont. send for price Usi, POBTABLB SAWiaLI. FOB SAU C3BAP' mounted on. tracks; oui ba letdown ready to mn In two' hoars' Una; spaolally adapted to b« driven with a thraahng enirina Addraaa, E Chastub. Walland, Ont: CI I If CDCC i 4' Faeov-work Daaigns, ise alLIV rilLC 1 CracyStItohM,and5SkalBaof Orienial Ksnalngton Silka aaMrtad oolor*. All for lOo; 3 lets 86 eta. postpaid, by Parsons Co., Boston, A BI6 OFFEB.â€" To introduce them we will GIVE AWaY 1 COO SiU-opaiatinc Washing Ma- chinea. If too want one sand ns yoar name, P. O. andexp.«siOffloaatonoa. TSE NATIJNAIi 00 83 Day 8t J»T. Y. WILD LANDS rOB BALB-i 81.0ON0Ba8IOB 8, Nottawaaaga, etmooa Coonty 100 aoias 1 one mOa fiom Staynar will make a fliat-olaas gialn or dairy faim alao lot 88. 8 Yaepra 100 aoiaa wUl be told Qhaap also lot S6, north bonndaiy Staphaa, HunmOooBty; lOOaoree; wlUbesiddohMpb Apply to T. Bsa, Barrister, Toronto. s H«BTHANI TAUGHT FBEB by mail. Btu- I danta tnoioaghly pnjparad In Shorthand. Type- wrItInK, PanmaniUp, Ifookkaeping, Arithmiailo. Grammar, Olaados. Hatrlealatlon, and CIrll Sarvloc examinations, by attending our Aoademy. Studeati helped to tItnatlDns when proflolent. Bhorlhand books and periodloaliwholesala and retalL Immadl* ataly â- ddraia. Tha Union ShorlhanderS' Commercial Academy, A woda, Toronto. GNXPH BDHinEW C!eUJMiB,«nel|Ai^*n That man only la rightly adaoatad who knowi how to use hlmsalf who poaMssas sndi pimotloa knowledge and snoh manual akOI as wUl auabla hln to eompato â- uooaastnlly with' his fallows In tha InMl- naaaof Ilfa. To impart snoh edocatloB, to prapart snoh men la tha daalgn and paipoaa of thislnstita tlon. For tenna ato., call at the collage or addtett M. lUoOOBinCK, Piloolpal. GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FBM FOB 8ALI Obaap.â€" Loti 63, 64, 64, 66 and 60. Maitland OonotHlon, Godarlch Towoahip, Huron County con- taining 884 aorea, 6 mUas from Clinton; 860 In onlttratlon 84 aerea in heavy hardwood timber 1 wail watered by an arm of the Maitland rlvar frame house and bam areotad. Pxloa, $23 par acre If toM before 1st Harch 1886 Apply to TOOius Jaoksou, Clinton, or to T. Esa. Barrister. Toronto. Axle and Machine Screw Works â€" :o: â€" UHTON, I.AKE A CO., Mannfaetoraia of all klada of Oarriaga and Wacgea Axlra. Iron and Steal Sat and Cap Soraws, 8tad for Cylinder Head*. Steam Chests, Pomps, ato., OALT. ONT. Bransa Medal at Iiidustrial Exhibition, 1885. Price Uat on Applloatlon. FABH FOB SALE â€" 200 ACBES â€" IN EAST Fremont, SanOao Co., Michigan 176 aorea oaaiM, acd balanee In down ttmbsr land: well drainad; all well fenced with poat and rail u 10 and 20 acre fields well watered with a living tprlne run- ning aoreaa one forty ranaarad honaa, r0x42, tha wing 16x22 stone oallar uedar tha whole building two bam*, one 100x!6 tha other 62x62 both 80 fast pota young oithaid cf 8ii0 tieas this picpertr is well altnated ' n two main roads, in an axoallent naighborbood good ichool within half amlla near- est ohnroh two aiilaa nearest market and railway station bi miles 26 mDaa from Pitt Huron For ful partlcnlua addraas to Bamcil TnsHoieBiJC. Bast Fremont P. O. Sanilao Co., Mich. It for tba abova dlsaaaa by tta f tba wont kind and of long Ismrfkia IhaveapoutlTaran eta ttaooiaiida of easaa of (tsadln Iniual togatbarwltl to aay aafferar. OIt* azpreu mnd P O. sddrc it. -^ B.T.A.8IiOCU]I,lUFMrlSt.,H«wTa(k. Uiur hava baan cored. I ndaed. *a itronEla mrft â-  •fleser.tbMIwllI aandTWO BOTTLES FR] ebor with a VALITABT.K TBBATISB on thli dlaa CANADA PSRHANBN LOAN SAVINGS 00 INOORPORATEO. A- ftAseribed Oapilal.. Paldn^Oaylla] AMSOTVO bOAQb a*a««eaa*«*aa»«i XOvAl AMBlla aaaaaaaaeseaaaaaa OFFICE: .1835. J -18.000.000 8.800,000 ....1,10 .000 8,6t.0,000 Commuiy'8 BnildingB* Toronto St .Toronto. The Company haa now on hand a larga •mooniof Eni^iah money whioh it fa pre pared to lend on firat-olaaa acooritiei at lew mfeaa ef intereat. Apply to .1. â- BBBBBT HABOV, Managing Dueetoi Snof Drift I FAVORITE oi;^|6iillDgPaf(l()r Powder Oe.. BraaMesd. Oea» Drift TREES- Ike BlUliMC ont an4 Pseklas for Nanery* nsen and Beeien » l^ednlty. Undsk in large quantMsik nlsad on H. H. Hnrd'A JodTtDCCO â- iaton Knnery, I R T T 11 BwrUnstoB, â-  Ont. â-  â-  â-  â- â- â- â- ^we Annâ€" DUTLBX. Mannfaoturais ot the Oa'abrated i*^" QUSLPfl AILS W0BE8 T. FEPPBR CO., Onelph. Ont. Our Duplex Axlaa aia all to ba had at all the principal flatdwara Btotas In tha Dominion. -CELBBBATEDâ€" Crocker Roller SMes. Ona Million pair lo naa in Canada and U. S. Simplest, stiongaat. Tightest and aasieet running. Send for Catalogue. IJtanl Indnoemants to parties building rink*. Local arenta wanted. OBOCKEB SKATE CO.. 148 Ehig St. W., Toronto. Ont JAMES PABK SON, Pork Packeni, Toronto L. 0. Baoon, Boiled Splca Bacon, 0. C. 1 1 Glasgow Beef Hanu, Sugar Cured H»qi, Drad Beef. Braakfae* Baoon, Smoked Tougues, Mm a Tork, PlOUad Tongnaa, Cheese, Family or Nav ^ork, I«rd In Tubs and Fails. Tha Baat Brand* of Eng. lUh FIna Dalrr Salt in Stank New Orleiss WÂ¥d Dari. GiTi â€" MAHDrACTDaiBS Winters' Patent Wood Cart, Bnseles, Carriages, Sleisrlust c* Sand for Catalogue. J. WINTEKS, Hanaxer, Calt, Ont. VOB THB MIIXIOH. Along tha Una ot the Chlesgo and If orttweatena WteUwej Im Central Dakota and Nertken Kebraska. Naw sections are being opaned op and raoldly aettlad In these wondertnUy prednetlve TCClens, and tha "flrai oomere" wUiliava "flrsi ohoioa ** of location. For fall information (which will ba sent yon frae ei ohaiga) about the fra laDda and cheap homes, apply to Joan H. nOBUET, Waatem Canadian Fas*. Agent, C H. W. By.. B. B. HAIB. Tork S*:.. Toronto, Oei Oenaral Pass. Agent, Chioaeo. Vlr. Allan LinB Jioyal Mau Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland avarv Ihnn- day ana Halifax arery Batncday to Livarpool. and la summer from Quabao every Ratarday to Urarpool, oaUInir at Londonderry to land mall* and paaaangars for Scotland and Ireland Also from Balumora, tIs Halifax andSt Joha'8,N.F., w Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. Tha staamsre of the Olas gow llnaa aail during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during ram mar between Qlaagow and Moatraal, waeklr Olaa gow and Boston weakly, and Glasgow and PhUtoal pfala rtelghtly. For freight, passage, or other Information apply ti A. Schnmaohar ft Co., Baltimore S. Cnoard s Co. Halifax Shaa ft 0 St John's, N F.; Wm/Thomp ton ft Co., St. John, N B A*lan ft Co., Ohioago Lore Alden, New Tork t H. BonrUer. Toronto Allans, Has Co., Quebao; Wm. Bnokis, Ftdla* datphia: H. A. AUan. Pordand. Rnakta. ilim*fm}. SEEDS latrated Catalocwe for 1880 description and prices of the choia OABOEir ft FLOWZS SEEDSl Iindsomest catalogue puUished i W"RENNIE. TORONTO LPURE FITS! Whan I aar eore I do not mean maraly to â- t*p ttaaa for a tima aod th*a hava them return acidnj SMaa a nuUoaleora. I have mada ttadlaaagaof Win, BH. LEF8T or FAUSfO BICKNBBB a BfaloagatSiKnE warrant my ramady to oora tha wonteaeaa. BManae othara hava Ciiled lino raaaonfor not now r*e*iv]Mra Band at oneefor atraatiaa anda FieeBot^ai Qtva bpraaa and Poat OOaa. AddnasDa. H. O. BOOlTllS FaartSb, VawYork. DRUNKENNESS Thfl •VinBt â- omlOne, and ktedred habits. Vahuble treatiae aent frae. medieine may bo given in tea or coffee, wtthont tbe hnowledge of the peraim takmg it. (f ao deaired. Sand two 3c. atampe for full p .rtloulais and teefimoii*Ia of thoae wh«| iiAve Iwn oured A'tdrtna H. T. Lebau, 47 WelMngtonSt Eist. Toronto Caeadaf Peerless Oils Are made oa^ at the. 4|aeen City #11 ^Ollu, jmd hfve Korhwa during 'Alt Inak .^'ree yeara â-  " " -- â-  -^ isr- 8fX ISQXD MEDALS. lisaL B tt eca net psora satWaeteiy we wM i a aK% H t alfc s hi sl SAMUEL ROGERS CO., 80 Fnht St liK, ftrooti. k â- â- !!â-  '.v^ ill ^i l.ii rr« i-.f-' i at' ~it

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