Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Feb 1886, p. 5

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 FieshertoB* /r«« ""â-  oitn eorretftndent. «""'",, on Sunday mommglasfc, Ttl Ke-' Wesley -Cassoi,,- of Tiie Fl«sbertou Brass Bani?. is how lintr ippid piogrePB in music, under rXlfnl leadership of E. Vftnant. f aeveral new instruments have making, in After a few ue,;added to the Band, i sisteeD instruments. ontlis practice the boys will not be SraJt; to ccmpete wiib any band in ,jje county of Grey. pr Armstrong, eldest eon of J. W. iriD=tro:;g, Esq., of this village, has beeu witli his wife spending a few l-olidaj'B ""^^^ ' parents here previous jl^ljis leafing for an extended tour airoagli Engy^nii, Ireland, and S«ot-' land, Tlic Dr. left here on Mondaj ifieiiiooa aud expects to sail about â- be iiOtii. The people of this locality are i„;j]ii]j(TfnnT£rd to having an joitellftc- iiul Treat, on Sabbath jeext and HoBtlaT evecicg following, when we jre to be favored with the presence of jnd a sermon from Eey. Dr. Suther- land ou Sunday morning, and JIJjsioHary address .en the Monday {veDiiig following. â-  The crdination and induction of .the p,£V. Tlios. Watson to the charge of the Baptist congregation here, was iiekl in the Town llall on Tuesday afternoon last. Eev. Mr. McEwan of Owen Sound, addressed the people, and Eey. Mr. Dunlop delivered the tharge to the minister. Eev. Mr. Grant of London, delivered a very loul-siirriug address. In ^he evenins; a tea-inegting was held in the same place; there was a fair turn out. Space does not permit us to report the proceedings in full. The evening's entertaiament was one ol pleasure and profit. M. Richardson, Esq., was Toted the chair, and filled his position therein more than his usual happy manner. The first speaker was .Eev. Mr. Grant of London, who choose for the fouudation of his sermon aa old Testament Ftory from the Book of Judges. Mr. Grant is a logical, /orci- ble aiid happy platform man, and with Simple tnitfces, held his audience spell-bound for rearly an hour, and everybody sorry when he sat down. "We can safely say Mr. Grant will be favored with a lull house if he ag«i visits the church in Flesherton. The second spealier was Mr. Thorn of Meiford, who was brief and to the point, addrefcsiug himself to christian workers. Eev. Mr. Barker of Cape Kicb, next followed, with a short ad- dress OB punctuality. Then came Eev. Mr. of Owen Sound, in Ms Usual kindly and forcible manner, deligbtfd and edified all wlio heard lum. X?xt foliowed. Eov. Mr. Van- 'ickle o! Morley, an easy and pleasant 'P'aker, and deliyered eome well chosen remarks. Eev. Mr. Ayere, who li«d been absent from home, entered Jlie Hall near the close of the enter- iUimnent. Before closing he was called upon, and for a ehort time, in 1 lew irell chosen remarks, made each one feel that aftej all the best of the 'ine was not given ail at tha begin- ling of the feast. The Methodic church choir and also the Flesherton ilee Club, rendered some cbo],ce ee- 'wtions duriDg the evening. Soloe »«re also sweetly sang by Mi«B Ij^-nstce and Miss Maud Eichardson. Jill! closed one of a most â- ueeeBtfai tw-meetings, intellectually, apiritually jnd I presume financially. The Bap- '"t friends purpose commencing oper* »fong ou a handsome new brick «itirch here early in the spring. Holland Centre. {From our correspondmt.) BincBs is again brisk, and -„ „„^ the jerry bells are heard. The return « Blwghmg after the recent thaw, hue in»n fresh vigor to the cordwood, tie "'dsquare timber business. 6pm» of our local wood buyeri are """It be cautious will "•^r. We donV^"nt they get into hot bnn,." " ""OB-^want any more "^8 or scalds this winter. ^\T- Foster has been prostrattd Ulvr°^**^o°of the luDgs, but '«'J«beh,^e,onthemend.' ' -Sfl" ' .^ ^*« so^d his old itore tilW f ^® " occupied in th« inZ!rT °**° froâ„¢ Meaf«rd for CL u°P' This will be the secnad "oeTa ^^.,'" town. Our preMiii Pl«nttwj° workman and getting ^« Dest he gau for himself M ' olt(^*° and nod used to dot Jiind 8«I»ortofJi»y and^Mdin* ni \^J^y^- S^ intends *io jM tench i Plming eenuiliuiil «^Mri( aco st M«ici«rHiit'"-^^,*^. • «W W^i Sfaodat' ptttlars iri^ 4ietmiisiD» firm^rfl lufoand Brio aod Acton. ^, CBOTCHES BEKDBEleD U8BI,Ea«, The poor -erijntt who has to twe entteh^ee on aeeomxt cf Bttfafaatism. stiff ud nrdBm joints, omtnMttiBtt eords, and ©ther aches. pamsand kmeittss, inav throw aside hi* 5'?J'ilL"'"*^*^^»«y»rf'B YeUow on faiaafnfly. That Mi, Forest Index Jhas donned • new head gear. V, 7 Mr.Chas. Anderson of Owen Bound died sMdcafy i«Mw««^, TJlBfii^ENEI BikGEB. Inthe|KlJ"-^84 Kandall Miller, of Maitla^d, %kJ$.. was prostrated to his bed widiiftn attack oi incipient co^rampfioD. f CoUgh remedies all feiled. Hewpidl^ grew debilitated, and friends dispared of his recoveiy. He tried Burdock Blood Bitters, with immediate relief, followed by a speedy cure. Kellj Bro's Boiler Bink in Kin- cardine was destroyed by fire last weejk. Loss $8,5!p0 insured for $SQO. West's tJough Syrap is a positive and certain cure for all lorms of Pulmonary Compjaiuts, it relieves a Go^gh almost instantly, and is admit- ted by all who have used it to be the best remedy ot the kind ever placed before the public. A. Turner Co., Druggists, are Agents for the above Medicines. Price 25 cents, $0 cents, and $1.00 per bjttle. A" gang of counterfeiters have feeen broken u^ in St. Catharines. The new C. J*. E. elevator at Montreal, with a storing capacity of 600,000 bushels, has been opened. WEATHEE PEOB ABILITIES. The probabilities are that we shall have much damp, chilly, sloppy weather during the coming geason â€" just the weather to contract sudden colds. Be prepared for them by having on hand Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, a safe, agreeable and speedy cure for colds and their consequences. John B. Gough has had a stroke of apoplexy, and lie^ m a critical con- dition. Ex- Mayob Dudgeon, of CoUingwood, has been presented by the citizens with a gold watoL aud chain. ' THE J^ AITH CUBE. This new theory of cure is rapidly growing in fssliion but is illogical in reason and science. FaitU without works is dead. Those who have faith in Hagyard's Yellow Oil have its good works to assure their faith. It is an nnlailing external and internal relief for aches, pains, lameness and sore- ness. â-  The proposed reduction in the tarll^ rates of the United States will i;educe the revenue about $20,000,000 a year. The outhouses and .haras of Geo. Oampbell, of Craighleith, were des- troyed by fire on Wedjpeeday, lOth inst. Insurance $1,125. OF VITAL IMPOBTANCE. it is 'ust as essential that the human body should have pure blood, as that a tree or plant should have sap to ii?,jigorate its growth. Nearly aU our bodily ills arise from unhealthy blood l^rdoek Blood Bitters purifies this fountain of life, and regulates all the vital qrgans to a healthy action. Petitions for a daily mail between Chatsworth and Durham have been forwarded to the Post office Dep. at Ottawa. A WOBD OF E3pPLA]f ATION. The liver secretei bile to move the bowfrkt the kidn»j« geerete nrint, to carry off luio acid, '^j^ich woald poison the blood the atoaqj^ aeeretes gastric juice to digest or dissolve the tood, ete. Burdock BloQd Bittere acts upon the«|i ojFfanB and pHrifiea the blood I9 cieiuing tiXL the secretions of theijstem. The Sjpring As^es will open in Owen Sffignd on Tnesday the ^^ ilarch, M Juetiee Armonrprtiiding. A 5,000 roller skating rink was destroyed by fire last Saturday liindsay. COHSUMPnOljS OUl«I An old physiciai' tettred faom jnaetioei having had oUce a his hanji M so .««« India missiOTUBy the jfihhiA of a.snnpl- vsgetaible reswdy for the speeayto^ l!!â„¢g* Asthnia snd^ tinrcat tM Long Aftetwns. also aiKw^^ sadrwlkia^ JW ««TO«" in thoaaandi of cesee, hu i«#; ff 1i « to make it townm io J" S^fMS?^ nlie^ Winaiisnl^!. 1J*»^**«« nufgenitil«^TIie«eeoiid QSmadMr in eadiiBoiith. ^DfflMUdkâ€" Tuesday before Orange- yill».^ • J^Asbeftqn â€" Monday before Onuige- ville. Itarkdale â€" ^Saturday before Orange- vnle. DarhaiQrâ€" Third Tuesday in eaeh month.. Chatswcnhâ€"Monday before Dor- ham. Holland Centres-Saturday before Chatsworth. Prioevilleâ€" Monday before Durham, Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkertonâ€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forestâ€" Third l^ednesdoy in each month. Mr, Jul], of Orangeville, has sold his railway snow plow patent for Oaiiada, to a Toronto man for $16.- 000. • HEADACHE BILIOltSNESS. "Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious, my liver not working right, or racked with a headache, I take Chase's Liver Cure. There is more real bene- fit from one dose of your Liver Cure thau in many bottles of some medi- .Qine8."^Jno. McNasser, Bond Head. Feb. •i-'V.S, •• mwmor^ff vninwn er vswM Mset of domes- #^B^, bm« aad eerti- Â¥etBHinur jitedieiim Ktpi mml D hp 90 a » d CHANGES MODSBATB. CALLS PB;OMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRIWARY, MtU SrflEEl\ OppnitB Standanf Office, MABKDAIjE. PB»"^MM-*'^i»- Rjr buying your Clocics, «lew«tryf Spectaces, Pipes, ikCm' -AT- For Sale or to Rent THE warmest hoofo in Markdale two acres garden in good coltivation fine stable aiid hdr honse good cellar yonng lochaidj (dioice froit of all kinds yoong stnwbstry bed. Terms easy. MBS. E. PUBTIS. m STITIOIEET -^AND- TheSlandan To any ^^dress in America for $1.00 per year if paid in advance. Three months lor 30 cents. MARKDALE BAKERY, JAS. G. BUSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from.; 0000 00000 0COOOOO'O0 EMPOEIUM. -FOR- BREW, QAKES IND tm, AT BEASONABLE BATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY of all kinds on hand. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on the Shortest Notice. WeddiniC Cakas a Specialty.. A call is respectfully solicited. Bread delivered in all parts of the town PQE^JHISES: Next D«i#'jU» the. Roller Bmk. •86 EDWARD ROOKE. Mrs. Williams has opened a new stock. of Stationery and Fancy Goods in DraiOP'S OLD STAND MARKDALE. PAPER, ©JNVELOPES, PENCILS, SLATES, PENS, INK. SCHOOL BOOKS, ' POCKET BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, c.,c. He^d c[uarters for .the cele- Jpsr^ted "DOHERTY QB6AN" It u a fact, as every one says, that BUSSELL is the man I to repair your Watch or Clock properly. V o o.e'o 00000 ooooocdoo GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction. JtS. 6. RUSSELL 217-269 • HEW GROCERIES. RE8TAURANTAHOT MEAL8. The ondersigned has mneh plearare in in- forming his old £riends, and the pnhlic gen- erally, that he has opened out a general 0-rocex3r Store, where all kinds of Groceries can be obtained, which ior price and quality cannot be under- sold. A trial will convince. In connection with the above. Hot Meals will be served at seasonable honrs; and Lnnch at any busines period called npon, thus giving free will to choose what you please. A call is respectfully solicited. ' Canned Green Fruit In every variety. OYSTERS served, either hot or cold, either by the quart or plate, at prices whicn will astonish those who have dealt in those' luxuries in the past. Temperance Drinks, Cigars, Tobaccoes, of the best brands. FBEMISKSâ€" Opposite Mansion House Hotel Sheds, Sydetdiam Street, Markdale. MRS. S. MORROW. Markdale, Dec. 10, '85. 275-77 UHD FOR SALE. ABSTEACT STATEMENT THB- Treasurer's Receipts and Expenditure -FOB THB TOW/^S)Hip Of SloEJ^EbQ, For tlie "^eax SKidiner 31st Iec.« 18^£»« THE nortb half of lot number 15, cen- cession 11, Holland Township, County of Grey, containing 100 acres. This lot is all hea^ timbered with beech maple, elm, basswood and hemlock, and is situated about 4 miles fronli Berkeley, fi from WiUiamsford and 9 from Markdale stations, on the- Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. For terms and particulars apply to GEO. 8. BOWES, Esq., Markdale, or to the under- s^ed, .GAiBBOW A PEOUDFOOT, Barristers, 8634/ Godiieh. FARM TO LEASE. FOB a term of years, onreasonable terms, lotS^^ â-  Markdal?, 381^ 10, Crlenelg, two miles from lerpairticnlarsj apply J..G. MePVFFlK. ]|ljti;k^ste. RECEIPTS. To AssessmentB i '4 f lOSM ' 16 license f^nniii...-.......; ^-_278 88 ClMgy Bfi*iery!,^rf4«.s.' ;. #,82 Land Improvement Fund .â€".â€"»,.». .p^^A»f!t. 44 79 Interest Iu^[^ De:,^ benture.t....*...."â€"*" :â- , ?4 00 J. P. Fin^."...i..:..v?.. '2100 Non-regidi^iA TfaBbriWXP 268 07 Mi8CeUanet»a»^.:^.....«7i. i.88 00 EXPENDITURE. By B^Vvooe dne Treasnier from last year.. I 18 00 Salati^ and 'Municipal OoTetmnent 644 89 Charttice 78 26 Boads dsBzidges 1011 66 Aoirting, Postage and ' Stationery Ill 77 PaUeetiniBtees Markdale 65 04 fheiMol MooifiB 4947 82 :iBteEeSt on By-law 171. 1900 00 JB»M"g Fund deposited inBank 1000 00 Jl^eBfdlAneoas 61 A) BalljIMe in Trees' hands 2892 05 pamr, W. A. »o*»» .. -:mi:J.^JS^.- F0£ THE ttlLLIOK The undersigned haTC opened a new. BUTCHER SHOP Opposite Noble's Blacksmith Shop^ " where we bare constantly on hand the bes£ meat the country- can produce. A share of pnblio patronage respcct«. fully 8^icited. "' (Men filled promptly, and delivered^ m any pact' of the tswn. HESTER 8PROULE. *l iHir 'v.!.^^ ;ti;!i 1^ f'^. m.i ill Uvi^ i' !- 1 1 « ' U â- 'm lilt- uT'^i

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