HPPI mm T^r .. »»â- «-«**»»*««; Tha Standard. MABKDALE 1 EBBUAEY 18 1886 NEW COUNTY. Applieatiea hu boan mad* to th« Xtgislatare of Ontario for tht f«rni- atioQ of • new oouaty, to comprise three townships froxs Grey, three from Wellington, two towns and tiro villages with Mt. Forest as Comity Town. LHSii week the Dundalk Herald suggested something else, Tiz â€" that Proton, MelancthoD, Osprey, Arte- mesia, Glsuelg and Egremont be set apart as a new County with Bondalk AS th» Hub. Now we have something infinitely 1)ett*r than either. The first obj ection to leaving the eoucty aa it is, is the great distance from some of the out- lying townships to the county town, and the want of railway commuuica- tion the second great objection is the unwieldy proportions which large county councils have assumed,, and Grey county in particular. Now the latter is Ukely to undergo a material change m the near fature, as steps haye already been taken to- wards having the reprssentatien to county councils reduced at least one half, so that this objectioa will doubt- less be shortly removed and as for bringing the outlying districts into easy access to the county town, all that is required is to change the head quarters to Markdale. It may be easily seen by reference to the county map that our to wn is geographic- ally in the centre,, and when, the railway is extended from Durham to Meaford or Thornbury, we will have direct railway communieation through the county from east to west andlrom north to south, thereby entirely re- moving the difficulty of seaching tlie capital. When the ratepayers of this county camly considers this scheme, we are pursuaded that all others will speedly drop into oblivion.. LITEEAKY AND DEBATING CLUB. Would it not be a good idea to organize a Literary and Debating Society in this viUage. There has never been sufEicieut encouragement given this kind of exercise to bring out half tbe latent taieat which lies dormant in the upper ^ory of oar citizens. It is eipeoially valuable to young men, to have sufficient practice on the platform, to enable them, when called on m later years, to give- ex- pression of their views m an intelligent manner, and will further encourage them to think, study and observe,, and thereby store their minds with some thing useful. There is yet time before the winter is over to organize and have several debates. There is scarcely a village ixt tllte district without its debating club, and some of them haye assumed very «x- tensive proportions The Ghatswoith one especially is becoming noted for good management and depth of debat- ing power. MASQUERADE GAfanVAIi. TbM Boiler Bank Uit Thvnday night, on the oeeasion vf the MMqaa rade Carnival, wm fiUad to oT«rflow- ing and, 'notwitfaitamiing the. kzge crowd, the most 'perfect order was maintained throughout the eTeoing. and all present seemed to be in their most happy mood except the fat man, whose nps and downs in life were so frequent and the Rink floor bo hard that the sad, far off look in hia aye might be excused and even looked up- on with compassion and sympathy. The number of masquers was large and, while space forbids us to par- tioulariie, we mu»t say in passing, that the costumes as a rule were good and many of them exceedingly rich and beautiful, and especially so were many of the lady costumes, some be- ing really elaborate^ but then it is difficult to excel the ladies of Maik- dale in anything. Quite a number from Owen Sound were present and some very fijie skaters, notably Misses Doughw and TucKer and Mr. Arnold. The Judges were well chosen, being Dr. Sproule, M. P., Wm. Lucas and Thomas Hill, and their deQi"iou8 were univer«aUy satiHfactory. The prizes were numeroun: and the competition sharp. The list of winn- ers is as follows, viz Best costumed lady. Miss Dundas, special prize. Best fancy costumed lady, Miss Clapp. Best gentleman costume,. John Bichards. Negro costume,. Mr. Steyans, Owen Sound. Best lady skater, Miss Douglas, Owen Sound. Boy skater (under 15), Al. Sproule. Girl skater (under 14) Minnie Lucas Fat man. David J. Shanahan. Clown, Willio McFarland. Lady skater, Mrs. Hill, second. Indian costume, Chas. Bichards. Fastest lady and gentleman skater, Miss Tucker, Owen Sound, and Eudd Matbews, Markdale. Best boy skater (under 10 j, Master Kuapp. Fastest gentleman, skater (20 laps), Alex. N^ster. There was considerable interest manifested in this race there was eleven entnes, and the race was exciting; McFarland's grain buy«r was so expited that, as he came tear- ing down the home «tretch on the last lap, his stentorian voice was heard high above the din of the iipplauding multitude, crying 54 for your peas, what ye got on^ Although the Band were a Uttle late in coming; to time, yet when they did get down to bi^sinftss, they made up in the quality of their masie for the delay. The boys, are doing some excellent playiik^ apd nowhere does it sound to better advantage than in the Rmk. ThjB Eink is racomjng, and desernd- ly so^. «, popular place of amusement, and we are pleased to see it so well conducted and giving svchgood enter- tainments. © avvesyLtmdBntB. Notice. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that w« do not hold oarselres responsible for thit opinians expressed by our correspondents SEEI0U8 FIEE. -Last Tburbday E Kennedy's Wool- len Mills at Traverston was eoaspletely destroyed by fire; The fi^torj was a large frame, and the family lived in the upper portion of the building. The fixe origmated in the roof and mnst have came from the smoke stack, ai the mill was in full operation at the time. It being between eleven and twelv4 o'clock, noon. Every one was busy at his post, and nothing was seen of the fire until the attic floor had burned through, letting the fire drop through. Ji!verything was of such a combustible nature that there was no time to save anything, all being oonsuioed, even to the provisions and fumitnre of the family. There was an inaorauee of .41,000 on the building and machinery and a mortgage of the sama amount, 80 that the family are left vecy desti- tute. Thfiir actual 1(^ will aotba less than $4,90p. Mo«BE«S'T*w5 Nonoaâ€" West's Cou^ Syrap oontaiua lip Opiates, Opium or any^miueinls. and am be jriveu'to thoyfHin|pestandnust(deUeate child aith pprfMt saftity. It it an in- lailible our© f:»r Whooping Cough. A bottle 8hoald|ip»vs be k^^^ooTaiuent as it ia also di^itm earn $ax Coq^, Coldsi Qasaaiattummitamiglj stagM, Browbitifli AMluatt, uiSi0i .Tbtpak Hnd JM14 ftpo^ J5#» «5 «mto To.tht Editor of the Standard. "Farmer" draws an inference war- ranted by my statement of facts, that we can get along without "P. S, In- spectors." This has long been, my opinion^ and from what I know of the opinion and desire nf "Farmer," he has Toiced them pretty well â€" too much monay for too little work â€" ^teo many. sinec,q,res. He says it is "notking to us ifih^her an bitpeetor" c. I did riot attach importance to the mere mispronounciation of MMUes, bat gave 11 and legends and dauxiH as specimens of many other errors, in tha public reading of a pag,e of ihe Fourth Book, and so proving that ha wais not able to examine an ordinary elaiii of pupils much less t80ond«elaiM Teach- ers, in the vary important salgeiet ot reading. I thutk he em slightly too when he wishes a Reform eorreipondent to tell how the change for the worse came about in tIi%l«Dgthening of the Sum- mer holidays. Serenl objectionable features of the^law exist for which both:^^^and Qrit are responidble but it may be pertinent to add th at the lataOhief bopwintendrat, the late and present Minister and Deputy- Sfimiter of Edncaton and the Teadi- ets' Fiovinsud AsaoeiatiiHi, haveleen theehief tstprs used in framing our SdMMlIiawa and ReguhUione^ ' LefeM ^away Reform acd^lJonT naiiiee #hea we enter the Eduealtonal vena,' and ae deeidy intacMiad tex- pajere, try to hare oar irronge tutted vlnlmr may bsrelMio tbwr «rigm. 8) miUteau effort to •»»»»* J^» .pectoratoe, but in •PP'^jW,^ iSiter of Bducakion they didBP* g«« mueh encouragement, bwnf told, in effect, to go home, be good boye^ and thankful for the educational Weeemge they enjoy. Let the bnft-euffenng taxpayers of Grey emphatioaUy teU the Govern- ment that they want the Inspector fraud abolished, and I think they must obtam what they want. The attitude of the County Council on this question showa need for it* re- formationâ€" -fewer and better men to do Its businessâ€" men whese motto la "Woe U me if I permit any thing to come between me and the discharge of my duty." „ F. W., an ex-Teachtr, 50iere aje^riBnoig, of farther troajjle i%tbp North- West with the approach, at ^ijng- Letters from Battleford and other poiflta agtee in the statement that the Indiana are acting in a ftuspioioas manner, and that there is something wrong ilmong them. There i« said to be about 75,000 Indian? in the North West, of wlipjasomie 20,000 are capable of. bearing wms m the field. United action on the paijt ef such a number against tjie power of the Dominion would be a serieus ajatter, and is rendered more so by the possible con- tingency Vhat the enemies of the Dominioii ajre not all within sound of the Saskatchewan. It is to be hoped the Government are on the alert, and that any mdicationa of rebellion will call forth, prompt and decisive action. The Indian, it is said by one authority, seM that he is doomed, and is, resolved to make a last effort tQ,prolong his existenee. Another asserts that ti»e red man's misery has become insupportable. His country is lost to himâ€" he is ahnost nakedâ€" he is poor, wretched, •old and hungry. Death would be to him a welcome change, and it may come sooner and more honorably on the war path than amid the throes of starvation. This last would be indeed a pitiable condition if it existed. There can be no darker incentive to reckless- ness than a feeling of dispair. We hope the poor Indian, bad as his condition may be, is not yet reduced to utter hopelessness. And we trust the Grovernment will use every meuia possible to allay the natural resent- ment of the man,' savage though he bo, who sees his inhsritauce pasaine irrevocably into the nands of an alien race, his peuple fading from the, e^trthto make room for the^tran|;er, his huntii^ grounds dbliteiatsd, himaeU an intruder and dispised in the land which once was all his own. We are bound to take care of him boimd by every dictate of honesty and humanity, and there can be no doubt that He who created the red man as well as the white will require an account at our hands. If we myade his country, take possession of his heritage, wrong him, teach him evil such as he never knew, (£shonor him, despise him, and leave him to die in his wretchedness and dispair, the Great Spirit who watches the fall of the spai^^ow will not allow him to.j^rish unavenged. L^t US not fight him then until every other alternative has bam tried. It is cheaper to proyide food for him, and perhaps ufider a better 8} stem there is yet hope of hi re- clamation and civilization. It may b^ that all this is visioauy and impraoticable, and that the law of f oree is the only law he has any respect for. But we would fain hope that his good traits might be cultivated, his vices repressed, his conscience aroused, his religious tendencies rightly directed until he has at last attained to some measure ol gronlh in the direction of Christian li^e. â€" [Trip Hammer. It is shaking the Town and County, from centre to circ^j, ference, and' completely pulverizing and paralyzing all competition. We are all bound for To find out' the cause of such a commotio^, j^js generally sup|)Osed to b.^ve been crea,ted by th^_ Outrageously Low Prices! AT WHICH WIU^fMS SE*5J»G T^ IMMEJ^SE STOCK OP â- »â- New and ^aewed SpJ^ W.J. Blakely, Markdale, 3ftarch '87. -; R. Bigger, Markdale, Ji^i, '87. Haekett BroV, Markdale, Jac, '87, ' W. J. MoEairlandi Markdale^ Jan. ' 87. .,-•"•â- -â- A. Tarner, Iforkdale, Jan. '80. P. Lyone, Harkaway, Jan. '^. W. Carbert, Harkaway, Feb. '87. Wm. Ti»roer»i)wen Seund, Jan4 '88. Wm.Noitpn^Walter'e I'aUa, Jan. '87i B. Wallaoe, juily Qak. Jan. '87. Martha Weiker, ^tthel. Con. (New) Feb. '87. BIRTHS. Cw«^-InJW^ ^^^ the wife of Mi. Bdwia CnUia, of a son. Qysfers by fira GiHon. Canned Goods of all kimis, Aand evegrthing kept in a first-class Grocery. Which, he has just received. He ha? gooda that will gladden the hearts d theYpnng, the Old, the Bich and the Poorâ€" every.oody, infact-andtke gladdening process don't cost mneh,, either. Bfi sure and call at KM A PR'S, for he will not be undersold.. IS" Remember, HANBURY'S OLD STAND. :^ Spectacles and Eye-ijlasses -ABB THE ONLY- GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES -IN THlfl- c-a.iv^iia:x jmarket Re£|l Pebbles oc^ kept in stock. Tests, a^re given to Purchasers to prove Genuineness, o _â€" They are recommended by and testimonials have baeii rei-eii^ed from w Prefiideut, Vice-President, Ex-President and Ex-Vice-Prosident of theMejW Association of Canada tha President of th^ CoUesje of Physiciaus and Sofi. geous of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Lavnl Uuiversity; » President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Couiicil of Nova Scotia, 4c., «• jfawiKt ite»»»t»r HAKKDALE. Fall Wheat .....fOTO • ^mg Wheat 7.5 t» ***?'_•• rfr*" • 'J* ..•• 6S ta ^* ••..••••••••â- .•..,. 48 !• S**' ••"•••' 10 to .;S^Ky ♦.•••••••.• •...«,•' '18 tA wifi* • ....*.,.. ' io t* j!»w*«e- ......1. U 15 te yy «••••*••... .....10 i» %^ •♦•,^W •*. *7 |e f0 80 080 6 00 80 IS 00 iBO S5 Q 00 f f 5 These recommend^itione ought ta be sufi^sieat to prova tiiair but it farther proof ij^ needed, call on A. TURNcR aCo.,, Chemists and Drugs'i^ The only place in town where they can be obtained. B*" Spectales fitted on scientific principle. Farm for Sale. 1 Kil *^CSES^ Nortb i^ Jot No. 18. eea. A OXJ 8, Bophiasia, lOQ.aeree cleared and under coltiyation, 6paore^ of diioh is fit for reaper and mower, fenced with cedar raik, well watered, log house and frupe bam. The oucliBued portion is hardweed, with raffident cedar for iencing purposes. SdU 0U7 l«iam, and almost free from stone. Tins it a de- sirable farm and will be «old on oa^y teima. church and school oonvenieni. Distance from Markdale, 9 miles from I^»okIyn, 8 miles. For further pactioolars appte to S73-tf JAMES BOl. Beoklyi^P.O. TO RENT. MON1?OOafBBT'8 BASRKY -,^__.w vaeant, owing to the death q| file am* pneter{ waibohesadi â- Thaiiaa eaei apeii- ingfor a]^adUiie4Bttt. o: ./j .; T Foif «tms and yaitieakttei aif^tei er lBt9.M0KTfl01IBST, i,'-^-,- '.. Mari^ale. HEW GROCERY DI CONNECTION WB Phwes Hour and FeeJtiif^^ Having just receireda CholcM. Fresli ni^ f STOCK OF TecLs^ Which win be sold VBBT C^^, ,, ,•_ -«i;«it *• P^ a88r5 • '..iii-i'i eh win be sell ***•*' I respeetfuUy soUeit »• r- patronage. .«-cl iM J- •*â- •*, ^â- "" -^'^^ i t.