Mi I'm 'a ' 1;^: ^!ill 9^' 1' 5 !t i- ' '•â- ::" ' -J'i Mi Si â- .iiJ I J! l«: GAFTUBS or IfSQ IBSBAW. Aftar tha oaataMof MaaJaby bjG«MnI Pnad««gH« •MRwpoodMfe flffllMLaadda atMidtd aubdakk^niTM mniOj m iim tU* to ttw PaIm*. Of hk ta4^ ud what ha aaw ha writaa â€" Tha Royal OUa, nAiehao oae bat tha Kiag baa vnt bafon naad. waa paaiad thzonoh thacqoally aaorad itain bagrond aaaaadad, aa4 w ttiaa wonad thraogh a lang aariaa of dataohfid boaiaa, tha paonllar- itf of whieh aawDad tq ba that ona aarar waBtatnight froaoMto aaotiier, botal- wan roana oonan and ap and down atain and throwh gataa. For atlar firrMolarity of phaand atructur a I dioold aay tto Maa- daUy Palaoa baati aaythlag arar aiaotad. Iha houaaa thaaualTea aaemad to ba elthar throna rooma ianportad by nmad i^ldad woodea poata, witti iatariora a aombn ^lea- doikr of gold aad dall red, or aiara oothonaca wItiiMBokaofamia of all aorta and lombar. I Bioat exoapt from thia daaniptioa ona or two delicate little iateriora which I aaw hot did not enter, belonging, I beUore^ to the Queen. The exteriora, from a imall die- taaoa, are aimply charming in their light elegance of form, and tiiair rioh gilding, oarrinc;, and colonr. The latter ia fre- quently obtained by what I am relnotant to call iham jewellery â€" little Irregolar colour- ed mirrora are maaaed in a pattern every here aad there ia the heavy sifdiag, and the effect a little way. off ia of gold and dia- monda, emeralda and mbiea. Cloaer the gflding ia rough, and the glaaa ia apparent, and everything locki AS SCBNa-FAINTIKO DOSS 7B0M IHB VmXOS. All above the floor ia, of coone, of wood, and there ia never a aeoond atorey, for Bnr- meae Royalty would Im moat gravely faiaalt- ed were it poaaible that profane feat ooold tread above ite aacrad head. The roofa are the mar y-eaved pyramida of Indo China, which look olnm^ and poor in piotnrea, bnt which, leen ia a bright ann againat the clear â- ky, in their own oonntry and in tiieir own bright colouring, have aa fine an effoot to my mind, at leaat, aa any of the many de- vioea with wltioh maa haa oovwad hia honaea or hia tamplea. After the bnildiaga came a anmber of amaU feaoed eadoanrea, ahaded by tree, whldi, bnt for the fact that loft aoil iaatead of aauwth lawa filled them, woald have beea beaatifal to a dagraa^ aad it waa ia onaof tbaaa, ia a littla laGwd hoaaa, that wt at lait f 9014 CHB KINO AND QiraiK, aad the Qneea'a mother. The Kiagaeat- od at aa opaaiag ia the low platform of the honae, had ao particular rlolmaaa ia hia dreaa, aad waa, aa f ar aa I reaiembar, with- out jewelery, the only Royal q;tpendi^ that 1 aotioed being a hage sold apittooa, ap heavy that it li laid to taza tiro maa to carry it. In peraoaal appearaace he ae^aathMBattha.taMatell T»«lwai« foll^ratlt^rMt af aWitilanii, 'Watly giria, oa loati canyiag baadlta oi baM t a g a aad aa, haav^jaarfaii by tooopa, thia mal- aaoholy preoaaalea of failaagraataaaa atwt- ad for the river. Evea aatotha loadOa atraagamaate iaamad dafactiva, fte. aooa- dianibla lieMr waa aada, 8{ wUah aavaral asplaaatiaaa iltl beaajiraa, Umaioatpro- baUa to my aiiadi Maff that it waa a mia- taka. Aayhoat It waa dark before the Thavtiah waa raadiad, after a weary per- ambul«tioB Oioagli tlia atnala, which moat have beea palafnl to a dagrea to Thebaw. to aappoae tha Aip ia aow wdl en her way I Rangoon. The Friacesse de Lunballe. Oaa of the m •• traglo atoriea tha Freooo Revohitloa la Uiac of tha Prinoeaaa de Lam- fcalle, the wifeof agraatgrandaoa ofLooia XIV.,- and th« oherlaiiecr friend of Marie Antoinetta. Left a widow at the age of nineteen, aha devoted haraalf to the queen, aad engi^gad in varioua charitable aohemea. A contemporary deacribea her aa being a "aweefr, kind, o liging womaa, iacapaUe of aa evil thoaght." Whaa tiiaaLMk cloud of ravoIutioD and aauoiiy deaoaadad npoa tha kiudom, Uie priaoeaahaateaed tothe aide aftta queen, having been prevloualy with her father-in- laW in the country. On the evening when LoDis XVL took flight with his faaSly. the alao took flight, oroned theohaanal to Dover, and went thenoa to Aix la-Chapel!e, where â- he remained to watoh the progreaa of evente The newa from Faria became more hopeleaa, the qneen'a lettora more deapairing, and Miadame de Lamballe made her will, and aet out fox France. She had now iitevocably caat in her lot with that of tha royal family. Haviag ao reoeatly Deea ia Germany, where it waa auppoaed ahe' had carried on oommuaioatioa with ttie exiled aobility, who were there plottfaig to iavade their oouatry, ahe waa from ttie firat aubjaoted to the auapiolont of the Republican party. When LouiaXV., with hia family, quit- ted hia palace, to seek the troacberona pro- tection of the Aa8embly,Madamed« Lamballe accompanied tham. With them ahe waa placed in the priaon of tha Temple, whenoe, with two other ladiee, ahe waa taken to the Hotd de VitU, to undergo an examination on tha charge of oanying oa a lecret coirea- poadeaoe. TThey ware thea tranaferred to thepriaon of La Force. The ead waa not far away. One morning thepiiaeaaa laT'trembliagia her aolitary oell, whaa the door waa tluowa opea, aad two roaghlookiag mni !• fte uniform of tha National Guard, toteired, and ordered her to get up aad pranare to aooompaay ttiem. Leaaiag oa tha arm of oaa of tha gnarda, â- he deeoended to tha priaoa hdL where the --- ia«h!^2idik«l«lwaMlk aightaCtkasMwd kaaiiMafyMlalHr.l f«naSl«r,aaa^faIl laataatiy aha iMaivad att %ha b«id a Viaw frama bInd«Mm} 4^ WM fdlowad hf* â- Iroka froma labra, aad thb by a laia of pika-thraali^ wUok htaaglit bar Uaodiag to the grooad. Tha hBl acaM la tha aad tmgidj wm tha diaplay oatalda tha qoaaa'i wiadaw, by the mad popalaoiL af tte Priaoeaa da LaiahaTla'a head, boiBO alaftca a pikai TV- telligeat, bnt if aaythiag I dioald indae I w-j- 5'"** axacutloaara, whoae him*SV good-huS^ sr "^l a,Sr ssf-.«.:?^"*i-r'" i^r* oertaia qniet dignity about liiai, I thiak^ and which I auppoaa Mvea yearn of abaoTute power mnat give any one. The really Inter- eating figure to me, and I tUnk to all pre- aant, waa the Queen, who oroaohed behind the King in the orthodox Court poaitlon of reapeot. Only two European men were known to have seen her. Mid innumerable iiad been the atoriea we had all heard of her. She had been credited with uncount- ed execntiona, many of them of her rela- tiona or her rivals â€" and the two are here Snonymoua â€" one of the moat horrible being e tale, well or Ul founded I cannot say, that she had caused a poor girl, who had attracted Thebaw'a attention aad was en- eUnte by him to be beaten to death. Many of theae atoriea of what took place in these inner rooms are inventions, aad let as hope that thia at leaat ia so. That she haa poaai- ble rivala ia certain, and only the other day I waa speaking to acme of her half sisters (the moat dangerous of possible rivals), who atill wept and SHVDDBSEI) WITH THI MOST ABJSCZ TKBBOB at the mere mention of her name. She haa a rather fine forehead, good eyea, a noaa not aa straight In profile aa it might be, a rather small cluB, to which tha aide liaea of her face slope rather rapidly from the â- lishtiy prominent cheek-bones and broad forehead. She looka both young and clever, and but for one featara would, I think, ba good- lookins. Thia feature, it is scarcely neoea- sary, I suppose to say, is her moutii. Her lips are thiB aad promiaeat, and a strong onrve gives them a liard look, which spells the rest of the face. When animated, aa she mostly was when I raw her, for she was eagerly whiapering to the King nearly all the time, she gave one the idea of much onaalag newer. The Queen's mother, one of the wlvea of Thebaw'a father, the only one, I suppose, who haa eaoaped death or impriaonment, aat near her, and waa aa ua- interaatiag lookiaa old woman, who iaaaid, however, to have been the King'a moat pru- dent counaellor and whoae advioe if follbwed woidd have averted the preaant catastrophe. We retired after the iatervlaw, leaviag Thebaw to make his PBSPABATIONS VOS THB JOTTIUrST. I took advantage of the epportoaity to look about the deaertod palace, and found tha wUto alefdiaat oloaa to the great threaa room. He waa a very ordinary aaimal, maeh like any other yeaag elewaat, bnt oloaa iaapeotioB showed a oaupfe of small dirty whito patchaa behind his ears, which aoaatituta, Isuppcsa, hia right to hia title. Above him. In the t^ golden houae, waa a white embroidered State canopy againat tiie pillara atood great gold umbrdlaa, and aaar him a great hemiapharical silver vesaal three or four feet ia diameter, from which I auppose he dranlc Itwaa mnpty, aad aa the aacrad alephsat had, like tha klag, beea abandoned, I filled a braaa bowl with water and o£bred h to him. Whether he waa act aconstomed to water, or regarded braas as aa Inault, I do not know, bat tha gift pro- daoed a coaaidarable outburst of temper, and the bowl waa roughly treated and final- ly atamped on by hia Ssnstity, whom we lefttooooldowatoaseaseof his aew posi- tion. I hope the c ~ming regime will respect him. At lancth the klsg came out, after caua- log a V a t of *e meet prolonged kind. Ar â- xaagemente had not been made for tha traa- â- port to tha ateamer of bimaelf aad family until the farterrlaw, aad the suggestion ttat some dooheo, snob aa tha wounded are car- ried in, were avaCabla was regarded aaa Koodmie. Bventaally, a rataar OOKMON MVUJOCK. OASaiAOl •f hia own waa entered by the King, tha Qaeea, aad her mother, aad aattll ooaamoa with blood. From the gateway oama the rears of the mob. caDlag for frssh victims. Twioe the poor priaoeaa fainted before she could be miade to undergo an exaoolnation, which ran thus "Year aaato 1" "Maria LouIm, Princeoa of Savoy." "Yeut oondition I" "S^rjfUeiMiante of tha queen's house- hold." "Were yon aware of the conspiracies at Court on the tenth of Anguat " "If there were aay coaspiraoies on the tenth of August, I had no knowledge of them." "Then awaar to lova liberty and equalfty, and to bate the king and queen and reyal- "I will take tha first oath, but aot the Uat- It is aot In my heart." Here some one standing near whispered,â€" "Swear, then, or you're a dead woman l' The prisoner made no reply, and one o the judgea gave tha usual signal for dismis- sal, sayln«,â€" "Let madame beset at liberty." Two ef the men oaught her by either arm The Eazl7 Ezperimenti of a Onal^iiiMr. When about tea yean oldj Bads' lUber fitted for him a amul workahop, aad there ha ooaatmoted models of saw-mills, fire- ensinea, steamboats, steam-OBgines, eleotrl- cafandotlier maidiinea. One of tiia paat- tlmea of hia ehlMhood waa to take ia pieoea aad put together i^pila the f aaiUv olook, aad at twelve years ha waa able to do tha saaia with a patoat-lever watoii, with ao tools Imt liis pouatkaife. When tlilrteea, adsfor- tuae overtook his father, aad he had to withdraw fram school aad work hli owa way. His paranta want to St. Loals la 1833 aad ha weat with them. The ateaater waa burned ia the alght oa tiie way there, aad he landed bare-footed aad oo ati ea s oa the very spot aow covered by tha abatateat of the great ateal bridge which hsidailgaadaad built The only opeaiag la the way of baal- neas that offnred, was to sell apples oa the atreai, aad by thia means, for fftw mmiths, he sastalaed himself aad assisted ia support- ins his mother and sisters. In time ba ob- tained a situation In a mercantile firm, where he remained for five years, Oae of the heads of tiia honae haviag aa axoelleat library, gave him access to I^ aad he used his opportanity well to studv subjeota beu- ing upon meohaaioa, maohmery, olvU en- gineering, and pbysloai sdenoe. In 1839 he obtained employment as a elerk or paraer oa a Mississippi River ateamer. Ha agaia made the beat use of his opportuniW to ac- quire the complete knowledge, of the great river which he was aftorwanl able to turn M such good aooonat la the aoble aatwprlaea he so fortnaately oarried faito tBaeH. Ia 1842 he coastracted a diving-bell boat to recover the carsoea of aunkoa ataamara. Thia was followed with a beat of larger toaaaga, pro- vided wHh manhiwery for pamphg out tha sand and watsr aad liftiag tta eatire hull aadoargo of the vesseL Aoonmaaywaa formed to operate ttds davloe^ aad It soea had a bualnfss that covered tdie eatlie Miw- !*ti;;i River, trm $«»« to Qaisst. aad evea braaehed bto soma of Ite tribuiariea.' By his methods, a giaat maay valnabla ateamen w^n let afloat aad reatored to naa- fulaess which It would aot pravloasly have beea poadble to aave, aa they would have been buried very sooa beaeath tiie river- aaads. It waa whUe engaged ia this bnafaieao that he gafaied a thoroagh kaowUdge of the laws whioh ooatrol the flow of sUt-bearbg rivers, and of the MiuissippI he was able to say years afterward that there waa aot a rtretoh in ite bed fifty mUes loag, batweea bt. Lnuis aad New Orleaaa, ia whIoh he bad not stood upon the bottom of the atream beaeath the shelter of the diviag belL In Alabsmath«y chew the tassels of the fir trees aa a aabatitate for tobaooo, "which," aaya a oarrespoadeat, " reminda me of the adage, 'be firohewen and you will be happy,'" On the door-plate oi a Brooklyn reaidenoe may be read: "Mra. Oibba, elocutionlrt. poetess, waaher and inner." The waaher and itoner probable support the eloontioalst aadpoeteas, .•" • .,â- - ^i â- The bUssful elaatiolty of spirit "which a self-made man ia supposed to possess, is des- pondency ItseU compaied to that ecatatto bnoy«ncy of soul which permeateethe beinr of the street arab who haa learned to play a tone on^the mouth organ. FEUOIl^ :) «iaS8fl2iiSer Wm Wdrt W Sir LaaaaidTUlay taesiTof *N«w T*ar^ taifcsyteaiafrisadiBQ«bcethal Unaad tha aealao at twaaiy-ail^t paaadr. Mmbhu Paoha» wha will qpand aiaat «f htatlaaaiaKagiaad, haareeehred tha privi- lege of " the entree " at coart for Ufa. Oaoiga Baacroft, tha hiatoriaa, aow 88, aadGaeiga fl. Calvert, 8S, ata Oa oalj Amarloaas Uvlaff who avar saw tta graat Goatha. A. Pooi who olshM to bo a ooaiiB of Edgar A. Poo^ Is omployod lathaaapoolleal aad axoaedlagly praotiaal work af taaohbg fai a pablio Bohool at Glaawood Spriags, CoL Mr. JohaW. HCaokay'o graadwai, oallad tha "yoaagPrInoeColoBaa,"lBtoboehrls- teaed la graad style at a oost of |600, which, says the New York Worid, Is said to be mora than the ohild'a fatitor reoelvea la ayear for aarvlag aa aa offioar ia tlio Ital- ian aimy. Mr. William Edgar Marafaall, the artist eagraver of New York dty, la aangad apoa a portrait of Coaf ederato General Lee from a aagativa takea la Riohmoad daring the war aad daolarad to be, by General G. W. Caatia Lee, tiie cnly profile negative of his distinguished father in exiatohoe. Mr. George Augustus Sala makeo Bag- liah readers of Ms letters from Malbonrao anoomfortable l»y deolarlag that labmiog men ja Aiurtralia «ani right ahiUlaga for a Jayi' work of aight hoam, jtat auat tfaraa timeaa day and have ae State oharch to support or State drones to feed. LOy Maoallstor Langhtoa, regent of Mount Yeraoa AssodatiOB Is olaimed to liavo " the amallait and most porf aot form- ed foot la Amerioa." Slie also haa her seo- oad haabaad, aad it la related that just be- fore her aianlaga aha gave oae of her alip- pers to a oharltaUe fm, whaa It waa raffled for. Tha laoky aambar waa obtalaad by Biahon Potter'a aon, Frank Potter, who need Ua pnze aa a watoh case. N. Floquet, who waato to be Prealdaat of the Freaoh Republio, haa for his wife oaa of tho moat ohaimiag womea ia all Europe. She Is a womoa of affairs, too,«Bd is kaowa ia the crowded coraera of Paris aa a gMd wife. " Wharaver aho shows hOraalf," writea aa admirer, ** aha Is greeted With a hum of admlratioa. I aaver aaw a finer qaallty of loag, saiooth, jet b!aok hair thaa hers, and her olaar oliTaoomplaxloB, saMOth skla, black expressive eyes, rosy Um, aad smflinf ejres speak poffeot health," There died h Bngiaad a fow wocdtt ago, aged 89, a wealthy old harridaa ia1i|^ la the peraoa of Lady Rollo, who, ia cffraa- tery aad imperloaaaaos, oat-Kawod Lady Kew. Although aho exeroiMd moat aato- cratlcsway aa a hoateaa, aha waa oa oae oc- caaioa, at leaat, ooaiplotaly outwitted. AmoBS her gaesta waa tho dauf^ter of aa Irlah Earl, a very frisky damoaC The men In the honae ware aot to her taato aa part- aers, yet she felt like daadag. She whis- pered her wlahea to Bome other yonag lady gueets, aad foaad them qalto of har mlad. Preseatly tbe soaad of a waits drew Lidy Rslle to tha rooai, whaa, to her rage aad auiazemeat, ahe beheld Lady H. wUrilng round la the embrace of a stalwart ud handaome powdered footmaa, wliUe her frienda followed her la the arira of â- itnii.ff gallaata. Two Ra g ll a hm a a weat to Boston, the home of Americaa onltare, to get aome in- tellectual faispiratioa. This Is theb story â€" " Whoa we arrived la Boatoa we hlr^ a cab, aad told tho driver to ahow as tiia pria- oipal sights. He jumped up oa Us hex with ahMTlty." I'U take y«a firat." ha Mid. " *o," J- L. SalUvan'a honae." " Who ia he r we It quired. "Never heard of J. L " responded cabby. " Why, where do yon haU from " P«,m England," was the re- ply. Naver heard of him tiiere why, he s our great fighting man." " Rubbiah t" â- aid my Iriead Tmpatieatiy j " we oome to TH i^^tl^ «^* ««»teUeotaal oeatra, and tte firat thing you piopoae to ahow aa ia »«i.°"f ^If ^*^ P*** fighter." Cabby muttered tiiat tiie houaa la qaeetioa waa a tteSIkS" "W^*^ "J'*^ "to Aprop«| of Lord Caraarvoa'a mmoiadre- JUB ia Eaglawl to tiie Secretaryship of Statofor the Coloaiee, tiia Herald nmas i-.rS *^ «ffiLo«iBeaooaafield's Cab- iaet tiiat he resigaed oa a queatloa arisiag ISLlfa? ^S-Tarkidi ^. He wm? saoosaafal mfailrtar oa tiie whoJo, tiioagh he sSS ?J* ^*^"' •• ooafedorato tiie the cSlLi!"' 8r**^°' State for tk! V "« ^f^r"**^ *• •«» ooafederatiag tiioBntiah Nortii Amarloaa Ookolas teOio ham MQuT i!?*^^ ----oaofterpaJSi^SL* -^toS::"'^**." â- oatharlyof«,,*^5*;«5T} wppoaed to be uaffi? ^I^ hM beea ahowa^Vte^'-Nfi thorns. "' » •*«* tiLS IJ-WggestdiaBciidhtt. • wUdi; PMtofthi] tTSSf *t1!? n *•»• »°»P«~ «« the dispato be tweea the Dominion aad tiie Province of jewels. It weishi 1 Sto '"P l-bete.tef'TS5i-rSj wUchrefe.taa««,dSa?£C Th.g,eato8toat.rH,t|ntt. " of Niagar*. The IT«l^?'***ii Canadian side hi! » " wTJ ofl58feet. XVtTC«5i » 167 feet. The H^JLji" t'S ri" • I»rger volume TS^. "^i eriMn fall, is about eooJSlH J«d.fromtheC«.WS:f5] The greatest wall ui the »»rU lu nese wall, bunt by the eJ,SJ*!I» dynaaty, about 220 B. C ^.•** •gainst the Tartar.. hti^jLL^ jrn boundary of CUn..iS?Su tte highest hni.,thronghftfS' leys, across rivers, and everv.tL?* obstacle. Itslen^hSlSSl" tte Manhattan, belonang fa, tt. Mattem in Borneo. Ti,rft.\. weighs 267 oaratB. wd Urf 2?* dented at tiie thick eni ^i^l about 1760 at Landark. STboiL beenthocausoofa.igiSij';^ the Eaglish crown jewels watt. tertedaiamond, ihh^^^ rate. When hi po«won7S Aoraagezbe it was rednowL iTu. mutiny it was captured br Bnlhl aadprsseatod toQieen VIotorh 6 roon t aad aow we lghi 106 1 6 eink 8tnuu;led by u OottpiK Aa American travelliag ia Enrn i ten years ago obssrved in the hmIi biles of Paris and Vieau,iDdhtliih liag halls at Monaco, Mr. C-, mH fellow couatrymen, a Hhohriy, nns whoae tastes aad rpnmiti fa Bb, si his work, Uy wholly b itady iidna "What oaa bring hfan al^tiftti to such places! He loob naotnliltiiL ed," tiie stnnger asked of in Aaaiaj obd, "He is the victim of is Mtopi,ji tte jesting reply. "Hii wifs h mf soft, oling^B, absolately ttlfiA who wrap thenuelvei aboot i bb^I aad bead it to their wiU, itiflb|t(ali lag all tte strength ont of hb ml, pa as the devil-fish weald oot of tii I Mrs. C chooses to lives fat, d lUe, aad she forces her hubudto i her ia it by her incaisiatosraMi iiif testations of affection.' A year later Mr. C â€" M*aiil rupt, and soon after lMthliT«iMe,ulil| a few montts he died. AooleaM poadente writing homeihttedtlattiei waa unknown, u hii domalionli were moat Iwppy. Bat thoia whetaall best, said ttat he had been "rtM ir| ootrpuB." Lavator declared that etohkiuM bore a likenen to some uiloili iut% dexed the character thni "*fl some men the featnrei tnd qa*I»" *J lion the mutiff, or the wolf; w â- ? woman thoie of the rabbit, tbt m\ cow, or the serpent. J If we follow out thii wtimmm may slau many hnman beiofi •â- *] clammy, bloodlenootopni. Xh«y«»«^ men or, more often, womm of f »' leoto and Indomitable will, »«• consider tteir own «""" "^i,, life, and who have foimd wheedW^J tie manners and oaresael tho va* success. Such women THE BEiB AID THE SETTIIG HES. H^^S7u'° " ^»'« ' » Setting ga to a ^mio, and he would hatoh out her Brttitt Columbia, anaough tiio ao called ^A^itS^^r'^l' act tiie Ool- fa tK-rtS^*^/" ^^^ CaraarvoB ia still ill tte prime of a statssmaa'a life, havtos SSrj'|.?iSSi^'«-- Seerotary, U A Warn PUlow. liii^k-*^ *â- f .?^*^ *•*» Wt her ohUd la bSlSSP ••"•t.ppedlato a hoase on SSrTi., '^^ â- •»• "»«• out, horae. buggy aad child were aowhara to be foinCSJ trace waa dlaoorarad aU through a U^rlv waadered iatotte •oma bqya, saagly aleeplB """ ^-3£«5«,iro^'lHttS neSTlig oae of the anlmala IamI... vuTuL^ tte on had.vMâ€"S^jlL!?"" TiwUttieoae •w! ^J u ^^ ^*^ tt iii»ke It set up. ±:'JS*.^'^,-*^ tt.«g«rioa.SilmSi shonld romomlw Jj soft words and fond •M'»'«»'l5.i but action,-work, hearty and MJg j word, the fulfilling of *»» l»».Wi| us saroriflce self, itrwigtt. )» ""â- otter*. ^. .hMi We desire to hold np to »«:^l ttem, ttat ttey may •« "Jj^h real selves. The core fa inf*^^ Even in the old Greek tMm,i^ who had degenerated Into »», anima?s ooufi regain »!»•«' '^Jr*! ahap by watohfalnees and pt«7» tte Greek fables aroftrne^^^^^^ HowBoyalB«jV«»lJJl^ A ourioas atory of »• **^„| i bade were made aome hn"*^! hasjnrt been pabUihei woj j,, ofHenryVIT,wi*««»J«»2;i Sheen, it had *« »» ".fl.eirW'fl faahion: " Fi»t of aU tojj;^! be drawn, and a g««««»S?5 *3 together, Th«. two Siiur-_^ ^J Then two ite ^g«i to puoeit'wrthi5T;;:d •» .« ssi- T;rSit£r^^"i;s "^^^ Kir5oS^M^«2iaiSj:i 8"»'*iitâ€" *• I have hMta M.t.1.1 *^~2-. «4 1 •h}ertfcS5,Thi:rdh «**«d tijaoaaoa.? ProfMoor r"ii?i«"'*» '*•*«â- ' 'srss^iS!^!!S^£ :sSd.tWb5'.h..j.«j5»r. Orowa at tte bed's '••»' "S ftiaftl werelssdonthecarp.t»W^lJj tte palliasse were »•«»»*- j^ *a erdsithe yeomen h^.*"/^' *l «« and 'reelhlmnpaiid w*;;;^ Utter. FoUowlngthliW* ^iHi • lay down the canvas Jj^ orbed, and beat it f^Zo* "fl •adsmoott' ^%*rJBj!i took tte fusa«. ^J^^»*ii] wittout w»y w^^, die y»H samefahitn. Fto^XSi^Sjj beat tte pIUows and tl^' i*fl squ'iasto l»f,*r„rf ^W adght pleaae the fM^i? dotteswere •» »^'l,^5J'ij pretty weU up to th» P^ (^ dowa the space 0/ ""J^fca'^J gracious ol»»"wf? *lui*(ia^ ?«» several fnnfw^pS' behind tte curtain *»* 4" and had a drink all ro«»* roi Iff ATI sr roat Oat9 on 1 ^fifteen Mr !!anDfa |v.i8hlrg fj ^7 doliig I k»ell to-di piri sge J P'" grow] 'Working i •»y boy ha, nber that! 'inbadi ^8 Oould^ J^y JohnaoJ K*"!* Henj •n»tEdd iordioa. •^fteklnl Jâ„¢ *»oi€r \**ooll ' â- ymn » iteonaski .*?«ngaL'f â- he wa" " »PUyi Mid ^Istmei MMflal Nthei ^•«nat I*'*»yea,