Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jan 1886, p. 5

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 leshert**- ouroun correspondent. .ulidsy season ha. eom. and \l,ft municipal from' .,ud everybody elcetioDB ar« ban again got to the duties of "•' ;„. Sabb^ith Scliool anmver««ry • " with th« Methodirt CSliD*-' Ctl'-U b^re. aQDiial held their New Year's eTening attended. After th« ssrsary on :!!fiv.rx Sooi program w»b "rough; almost two hows bT^fhe pupils of the sshool. ^^wimmtmimmm Wwmwmm f of the eDtertainmMit was .me to the audieaca as the in up par '^.f\liat was given by the u could not be heard at the ' tl,^ cburch. The entertain- 'â- "^as closed by a cantata which fv well rendered. Much to ts'omfort and disappointment of dience several gave their parts low to be heard by those a distance. ViiMiu'U -Monday (election day) •0 wJt and unplnasant every voter a;ir and out in good time .to eiiigmark for who lie or she .ckW to be the Lest man. The Jstin tbi3 and Eugenia ^ards wuncillors was keen. Mr. McK«e at has the confidence of the rate- rsof-N'o. i und wasjeturned by a ijonty of 13 over his opponent Mr. ir. Mr. Pickell in, this -ward ,!,c;edbvaEDajority of 14 over his 'poEect Mr. G. Moore. For Keeve, • Cliristoa stiU carries thb plume, jcined by a much larger majoriiy unthemost Bauguine friends and rters sipectcd (over 250) thus lOTiug I'liG confidence the ratepayers Arteffieiia suil repose in the l)r. iJtiiiis for the present year the fight imJ t]ie composition of our mai i: gf'od tbercfore we may look Tc.sat and good things from them. sMr. Elli'itt -^e hope that from iclargemaimty with which he was ecteiUo stsy at home, he will feel ii;ktablc,-,aB he evidently wished, iiaowtho opinion of his cotstituency :ie na^iiion and the answer is flDsive. Oar Irassband serenaded Ksucccssfni cauclidatea in the even- aitti- which a. large eathering fitBokd in tho town hall and *sies were df^liveredby the Reeve, (Jiu'ist)!?,! and councillor Pickell several otb^^r prominent men. bnys iiinraya act like gentle- B i^nci treated ab such. The aaJ Mr, t'ickell contiibuted liber- liv 10 tbei; hwA on Monday evening. Mr. lxv.-\\\ 01 Thorubury has been ?igei by liie trustees of this section rri'-c'.pal ler ihe Flesherton Public slioolfor 1S8G. We regret loosing- society of our very esteemed friend Sproule, late principal of the tlooL- • Jas. Beecroft has just opened pa very commodious resturaunt in • Piidiardson'g block, where a com- i'ole luneh or hot meal can be had liilliiours. As Mr. Beecroft has a lina green-house on his farm, pes* wantiag flowers can be supplied 'sH seasons at his resturaunt here.' uaamu,- On Satnrdsy moraing last a darttnlly melM took plaoe near Pxoton Station between a family named Rntlierford, wko rxjiit the brick yard, and Bobt NeilBon. It appears Neilson told Rutherford the property at wall as house where 4joth famiUee live, Neilson havmg the right to dwell in a portion of said boas* until a stated time. It would appear that Bother- ford wished Neilson to leave the honse before hii time was up, and notified him to that effect, but Neilson could nut procure, or erect a place at this season of the year, so Rutherford endeavered to make things so un- pleasant that he would be forced to leave for peace sake. Not being suc- oessful, he threatened to "clean him out," aud on the above morning undertook to do so, he and His two sons and hired man, with iron poker and clubs. Neilson's man came t« kis assistance, but both were badly belabored by the other four, The four were arrested and taken to Owen Sound on Tuesday, where a maitis- trates court was to be iield yesterday. fc rw ACSE8 iIHrtfa of lot No. 1«, eon. M,0\J 8, Bnphrasia, 100 aciea cleared and under enltiysticn, 60 acres of which ia fit for reaper and mower, ferced with cedar raila, well watered, log honse ami frame ham. The lUMdearediHurtion is hardwood, wltti soffident cedar for fencing porpoaes. ' Soil clay loam, and afanoflt free from atone. Thia is a de- â- irabla farm and will be old on easy terms. Church and school convenient. Distance from Markdale, 9 miles from Bockljn, 5 miles. For further particolara apply to I JAMES BOTP, 273-tf Becklyn P. 0. FVliS AND SmS. Store to Rent in Makoafe. rriHaS store ia Beynold's Block to rant, .X. Application as to terms can be obtained frem Johr Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vinteat, lU-tf. gtrathnaim, P. e.. Owner I WILL paj the highest price for all kinds of Furs Bkina and Wild Game that is â- hipped to me. Send for price-list. GEO. W. OOERNFIiOi, 373-2m Hamilton, bnt. terkiid NEW GROCERY STORE IS CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore.' Having just received a Gfeoicee. Fresh and Select STOCJIt OF" Tobacco, StOn Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respeetfully solicit the public's patronage. 193 " J. PLj^WES. What they are Sayinff. We're your daddies. â€" Lucas, pslett and Davis. 1 Hid'Dt understand the business. â€" Wid, buL am left all the same. â€" Fgias. ilieythiuk I'm I Jnd that I'm rather dry.- \sbuclt it rich.â€" Belaud. Jot so here.â€" Elliott. ijem Mai-kdale fellows did it iJatB wbat I say. ijjf" can't depend upon thsm.^ Js beats me.â€" Sullivan. "«"' as 1 expected.â€" Brown. l»«ot particular.â€" Dunsmore. "en mcorporateâ€" Markdale. too green yst»Tâ€" -Mathejfrs. di -Moffat. TO SCHOOL^TBUSTEES. The nndwsigned is manufacturing H cellcnt assortment of Scliool K'umitur'e, Consisting of SC OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHEB8' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trastees and Teach- ers, fer cheapness, oomfort and compactnese, whercTsr tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send far catalogne to Chatswerth P. O. Igl AMDSSW MoGHUk EMPOEIUM. IN BERKELEY. Mrs. ThoB. Brown wishes to intimate to the inhabitants of Berkeley and sorrounding country, that she has opened up a first-class Grocery Store, and hopes, by strict attention to business and selling away down below others in the village, to get a fair share of the patronage. She has on hand SUGAES ot all descrip- tion TEAS of best grade TOBACCO, aU kinds also No. 1 COAL OIL, SPICES, PICKLES, BROOMS, PAILSb OYSTEES and CANNED GOODS in srason. and eveiy« thing else kept in a first-class Grocery. Come in and see for yourselves, and be satisfied that I mean what I say and will do what I advertise. Mrs. T. Brown. Berkeley, Dec. 29, '85. Mrs. Williams has a new stock of Stationery and Fancy Goods in FOB service «t McBride's, near Barrhead, mills. Terms T5 oenta if not M paid. 375-80 eaah or 91.00 BOBT. MgBBIDA. Bemember I give ycu all your small wheat home with yeu, which is eoiisiderable. no w. J. Rowa. FARM FOR SALE. MARKDALE PAPER, f\ /~v /^ A.CBES, within one mile of JWil- /^\J\J liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39. 43 44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Eoad, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 9'.) acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 fi.; kitchen IS.z 24 ft., well finished; good frame 'bam, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 8 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running through it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at once. For particulars apply on premises i if by letter JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Out. BRITISH WORM SYRUP. BBITISH WOBM BTBUP is the best womi exterminator. It ia pleasant to take, re^mirea no puigajtive, safe and^fTeota- al, and take* bat few doses. Sole igeat, H. PARKER, Druggist, Durham. Canada's Comic Journal! MONEY To Loan on redi estate aeonri^. Simple Intereat. low rates, and easy terms. C.W.BUTLEDGB, 375 Standard OfBee. ENVELOPES, PENCILS, J'SoBthiy Fairs. jDg6vilie-_The second Thursday *^'^a month. ^andalk^Tuesday before Orange- ||«siierton-Monday before Orange- ^j^atkdale-Saturday before Orange- L^tam^Third Tuesday in eaejb "s'crth-Monday before Djir. nts^Qj^l^ Centreâ€" Saturday before ^^e~-Monday bcsfore Durham, w,r^^"~^onday before Durham. "^Jerton-.Last 'aonth. Wednesdv *^ M» H;o;r*^T^..w«*»?^; Wayne. Da Page Co., "»â- â€¢Â£Â«â€¢.-,__ HAS IIKIPORTEO FROMFRAJICB 75 PEI CENT CF AIL HORSES miPORTEP TO Alifcltlw^ GBEAT IMPBOVEMEN T8 FOB 1886 1 The .aim of "GEIP" is to set forth, in an impartial and indep^ent^umer. the pass- ing evcQts of Canadian polttieal and social life. Its Cartoons speak mere definitely and more pleasingly than whole oolomna of edi- torial. In this pungent, easUy appreciable, and artiatio style of presenting a aabject, the whole situation is revealed at a glance. The success of Grif shows \how well this fact is anpreciatedâ€" its Cartoons on the passing political events of the country being even more eagerly sought after than the chaste and humorous letter-press of the paper,^- though the latter if equal ♦I'Jthat of wy similar publication 3n tiie cdiitent. The publishers of Grip are making ex- tensive impcpvements for 1886. The old cover is to be ^carded, and the jonmal will hereafter comjwise IS pages, and be printed on heavy toned and calendered paper, â€" every number being so artistically executed as to compare favorably with the. beat papers of the kind en the continent. The advte. will be compressed and more systematically «- ranged; while silMlK "«»P'^«™«°** " " made as to the l«*t*r-pres8. A new axA handsome design will adorn the title-p^; whiia the Cartoons will cartainW not suffer fromflxtensiveimprevementelftthe artistio department. â-  â-  -^ mo ' The price of Grip will hereafter be |8 a â-¼eir which is lower than any paper of its kind in Americii.â€" moat of them sdling for as. Single numbe' of Grip will be 1 eente. Twice a year at Midsummer and Christmaa, a beautiful rpeciai number wUl be issued, the number of pages" being iheroaeed. and nleaaingfeatmes introduced.â€" rarticular* of whiohwill be giren in preceding i«ine«. Theeenombera wiU be pieeentwl Bcribera wiihoat extra ^arge. GBIP'S PltA TFOBl C _^^ Oaly f S m. Ye«r, Pwit^^Frec Oamtn^, » ♦ f8 wt fitwi* We^ Tiwwloi^ief" flcdUMrloeal SLATES. PENS, HEW GROCERIES. RESTAURANT HOT MEALS. INK, SCHOOL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, lasuea, to aab- FANCY GOODS, TOYS, c., c. Head quarteis for the cele- brated i( The uiders^ed has much pleat ore in in- forming his old friends, and the public gen- erally, that he has opened out a general 3-xocer3r Stoie^ where all kinds of Groceries C4uxbe obtained, which for price and quality caniMt be under- sold. A trial will convince. In connection with the above. Hot Meals will be served at seasonable hours; .and Lunch at any bnsines period called upon, thus giving free will to choose what yoa please. A call is respectfully solicited. Canned Green Fruit In avery variety. OYSTEBS served, either hot or eold7 either by the quart or plate, at prices whicn wUl astonish those who have dealt in thosei^ luxuries in the past. ^â-  17einpera.nce Ixiiiks« Cigars, Tobaccees, of the beat brand; PBEMISKBâ€" Opposite Mansion Honse Hotel Sheds, Bydeidiam Street, Markdale. MRS. S. MORROW. Markdale, Dee, 10, '85. S76-77 i»-^ litil i^^-i Auction S9le Of Valuable Pn^rty. Under and by virtae of a,poirar o{-eele toatavted to a eetbdn mortgage idiieh be moloMl at tnie time of laJe, th^ will be aoAen Iwra^yt-the 14 dij of Jannaiy, laaS, atTOVilisk.ia ftto Blte^^ by Geo. HeUie, A^etiotieer, \A'Xb» Bevero Hoiue, i TiIla«B of Harkdale. Lots Nos^ 74 and 76 la the tiii eon«e^^ N^ppi East if^^. ^^traotbaiid B^denhamil^ in OMJTe^rBsl^p of HoOaiiit in ttee Connl^ 0{,Xta^, eoptuiMiig SlyaineiMiraerleBa. ' T«ia)ilir20B^4«ith olthBy ba trt iii i Miy •:,A .MAau'-^-^ •:-â-  t..' dtiiki^iiSk

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