Agriaultunst jattHf Uomes, la rTP««*" â- ;!he P^ JImerican jiQj December, 1885; ^^,,£51 number issued during its ,. .,^tnr,- existence. Itcoutaiiig a ^^"""luiber of full page acd "mailer i^^,.,„uR, executed by Edwin "m B^uiiet" and other well -known â- ' p D- T. Moore writes on ""'-uaLle Duties of Farmers;" "â- " re^a descauts on "Farmers and "i'-.m--' Chester P. Dewey dis â- 'I'm "The Milk Supply of ' •• Tos Harris writes about "Our Vf 'iLu-vest;- Mason C. Weld â- ^" ',,£5 u'ion "Cross breed Beef 'Dr. Cieo. Tliurber contributes '"'"' !ii^ articles on liorticulture. -tr s'lWart writes on "Fruit in ^;,^ States;" Andrew S. Fuller 'â- 'rvr to secure early fruitage from '^ifv^uJ cuttings of fruit trees; D. "?^'j{ "j presents drawings of a cheap "â- ;-. 7aaitu:l fo either village or "" .,,iv Tlie Household and Ghild- '-,. J" Departments are unusually Iior.5'iDg, fi-Kirtmeii!; L;.j; There are numerous illustra- â- .jjjiUiJ descriptions of Farm Con- TT--i;ces, Noted Horses, Celebrated •â- flCP'Ss, Sheep, etc., etc. Terms, ;i,'0 per year; Single numbers, 15 KIDXEi COMPLAINT. "iK.'h IS b'ained upon the Kidneys -i;t:i people are ill and suffer from jKkjiiidp.iinful hiici, etc. If you -- i;,;:t.! tlio Liver and Blood with r-r.i.'i-k I'-iood ISitters, the Kidneys -;;! Mioii rt'suiue a right action. ilnni^'cl; Blood Bitters cieanses the Ti,u/ -vstcU!, Kidnevs included. while exiioses the Humbug several new OnaEification of Voters. The (ma'.ificatioiis of an elector un- (iirtbe Franchise Bill of the Parlia- ieut nf Canada are as follows 1 Tenancy, 1^20 per annum. 2 Owner I'Ccnpant or tenant â€" 1 ;;:ies. §300 towns, §200 counties, :i. S.-«i cf owners, if value of pro- raivsufiicient to other wise qualify. 1. FisLtrnnin owner of real property :,:];i-iiii' aiipiianoes â- â- 'orth $15C. •3. 'i.-.jiiio 0" earnings amounting Loci.slature f f Ontario !9ir Jolm A Man Of ta«ii. The rfforto of our eateemed contem- porary, the Herald, to save Biel, have proyed abortive, for he was hanged this morning. Its last resources, an examination of same of Kbe books ^•on the subject of treason and rebel-" lion in the British museum library by its London correspondents, was no more successful than its numerous editorial articles or the treats of the French sympathizers in Canada. The Canadian Premier must be an iron man to read the Herald through everv morning, as he undoubtedly does, an yet go on as if he never saw a copy of it. But the truth probably is thai he felt, as most unprejudiced observers mest, that a man who has stirred up two rebellions, neither of which had the smallest chance of success, ought either to be made the head of the political community, or permanently removed from human society. Eiel, in his first affair in 1869, committed a mcftt foul murder on an unarmed prisoner, eame near causing a great deaf of bloodshed. and put theDominion to great expense, and dragged a largo n-imber of young meufromtheir homes for t^o or three months. Yet he was forgiveil and allowed to go about his business. He has now repeated the offence, this time getting the Indians to join him, or, in other words, letting loose bands of savages or defenceless frontier settlements. They committed one dreadful massacre at Frog Lake, and, under his leadership, engaged in three or four fights with the troops. The general result was that on the Government side 67 men were killed and 119 wounded. The killed were mostly young business men who were serving in the uiihtia. It a, man ought ever to be hanged for taking other men's lives and making their homes desolate Eiel certainly deserved his fate. To dignify his operatioas with the name of war is absurd. Doubtless the half-breeds have griev- ances, and Eiel is a little of a crauk, but cranks have to be kept in order if civil sofci_ety is to be kept tegether. Any craulw who has sense enouijh to head an armed revolt has sense en- ough to he hanged when he does it twice. • Farm for Safe. 1 '\C\ t^^^ NortbTof lot No. 18. con. Xy V/ 8, Bnphrasia, 100 aerei cleared and under cultitation, 60 acres of which ia fit for reaper and mower, ferced with cedar rails, weU watered, log house and frama bam. Tha Tinoleared portion is hardwood, with sufficient cedar for fencing purposes. SoU clay loam, and almost free from atone. This is a de- sirable farm and will be sold on aasy terms. Ohnrch and school convenient. Distance from Markdale, 9 miles from Kocklyn, 8 miles. For further particulars apply to „,, JAMES BOYP, 2'3-tf Rocklyn P. 0. m STITIOISBT -AND- FURS AMD SKINS. I WILL paj the highest price for all kinds- of Furs Skins and Wild Game that is shipped to ma. Send for price-lis*. GEO. W. GOEENFLO, 273-2m Hamilton, Ont. Card of Thanks. Friends in Need are Friends in deed. I BEG herewith to return my sincere thanks to the citizens of Markdale and vicinity for their many expressions of deep sympathy and practical assistancs in my late misfortune. Toms very respectfully, MBS. H. GILL. EMPOEIUM, piari;^-s are entitled to Flouring M/7/s to Rent THE well known "Speeton Mills," witliiu one an a half miles of Fleshertou, to rent on very reasonable terms, â- -^ Apply to the executors, JOHN W. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM CLAYTON, JOHNBOLAND, Flesherton, Nov. 2i. 1S85. m m I. i'.vrry hoi;s(;LolJer. i:!v.Lcr, toniujt auil occupant I auJ towns assessed for ,S3()0. :). Owner tena)'t or occupant I ;GT2siiiY.s and villages $10, 4. Ail sous cf owners or tenants .cities or towns assessed for $400. •" All St ns uf owners or tenants ti'.vu^hipa 01 villages assessed for Incomes assessed for §250. Wage eai-uers, §250. A LIVING .QUESTION. L'ucstiouâ€" -Is tliis life worth living?' lAijwerâ€" 'Ic all depends upon the •â- er?' If torpid or inactive it causes •'lull, tough, languid feeling. Dr. -rasa's Liver Cure gives health and 'â- ^7'^ncy. Sold by A. Turner "â- â- ' Dec. "faUiing Pjgs in a Uogsiiead- A LIVEE CUKE. One single trial of Dr. Chase's 1 Liver Care will convince the most skeptical and confirm better than thousands of testimonials that it is a sure cure. Medicine and Recipe Book §1. Dec. Store to Rent in Makaale. THE Store in Reynold's Block to rent. Application as to terms can be obtained from Johr Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vinsent, 148-tf. Strathnairn. P. O., Owner BRITISH ~~~'~~: WORM SYRUP. Mrs. Williams has opened a new stock of Stationerv and Fancy Goods in MLOP'S OLD STAND MARKDALE PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENCILS, SLATES, PENS, INK, SCHOOL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, c., c. SavE MoneT By baying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Pipes, Ac. JAS. ^RUSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Se/ect from. ooooooo. oo o cooooooo It It a fact, ai evtry one saye. that EUSSELL is the man to repair your Watch or Clock properly. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction. 217-269 JAS. 6. RUSSELL. Head quarters for bra ted the cele- FARM FOR SALE. QAA ACKE! witbin one mile of JWili /^\J\J Uamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Road, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 89 there is 90 acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good frame bam, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells ordeard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running through it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title; and possession given at once. For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING ' WUliamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont- Brown Crushed. â- ^i;o-slitad or hig harrel, ia often -^biiuifst thing a farmer has to â- Oi;i hit; J igs iu. When it is inclined â- ono j-niu. and the pi^'s are slid into â- "O'.u a wood sled, used for a scraping -b. It woiks very well,-but the small ;ia:itT of \v;itt.'r 'it will hold when â- -^ms iHisiiioii soon gets cold, or too ^•â- ^.^,[ delays are often caused •_^:|'-y 1 i^;s are to be scalded. To ' -^ Ui!s delay, and use the -hogshead -an v^nic-iit position, a lever may be â- r-eu:!„o a w.ll sweep, using a •j"t-ed stick for the post, and a â- Jougpole for the sweep, a white ' sacsâ€" such as every farmer who 'J " • su, should have laid up to r^""" â- 'â- '"3 ii'ou rod on which ihe â- â- «]' moves, must be strong and 'â- •-• A trace chain is attached to the ;-'l« '--:.d, and it the end of the chain ;^;_^ "ug instead of a hook it will be ^."6 " cf'u yenient. In use, a table ;!' 'irovia;..,',^ unless a strong one for Uaf""^** is at hand, and thii is set v-wf" '•'"el. A noose is mad« ,;7"^? chain about the leg of the ^^' lie is soiisbd in, going entirely ^ater, lilted out when the h.ri *^"'^er is made ready.â€" â- "'"' ^qriculturittfor Decembtr. â- â- I FLUID LIGHTNING. "'eiftu^^^'^f^^ frt."i the terrible torment, â- ; 1 sjj,'..' '^^' ^^ made Lappv in one moment â- '^ilntlK.-'^^'^^""" " ^^^' Lightning «as"anv V " **" painful parts, and without '-*"liuv'"'S^"'"S medicine day after day l^cute,o"^«'^° ^*'"^*- Fluid Lightning • ' ^^taaUy Toothache, Lumbiigo, Yesterday a constable found two stylishly dressed young women and a young man fighting on Queen street and lodged them in No. 2 police station, where they give their names as Fred and Maggie Collins and Jennie Carlyle, and this morning they were each fined $1 and costs or thirty days. As Collins had about $60 with him the magistrate sent Detective Brown into the corridor to warn Collins against keeping the company of the women if he wanted to keep his money. Brown rushed into the corridor, anJ grabbing Mr. Collins, remarked, "Look here, young ftjllow, you want to steer ckar of these women or you may get into trouble again." Maggie eyed Brown curiously for a moment and sweetly lisped, "Sir, he ith my huthband." Brown was cruehed.â€" Toronto Nem. BRITISH "\Y01Wr SYRUP is the best " ATorra exterminator. It is pleasant to take, requires no puigative, safe and effectu- al, and takes but few doses. Sole Agent, H. PARKER, Druggist, Durham. DOHERTY ORGAN i» TEACHER WANTED. FOR S. 8. No. 16. Euphrasia township, duties to commence 1st Jannary. Ap- "pUcations received up to noon 5th December. State certificate held and salary wanted. D.R. ELLIS, Kimberley P. 0. 271-73 Sec-Treaa. RERKSHIRE BOAR HORSEMEN, ATTENTION "When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply McGregor Parke's Carbohe Cerate. It is undoubtedly the finest heaUag and cleansing application for it. Be you get McGregor 6 Parke's, pci- box. at HiU Bro's. Sold for sure 25e. 1 BiEE!IiI-:-lllLLS Now in Full Blast. Havins; raised my mill-dam five feet and thoroughly overhauled my grist mill, I am now in a position to turn out all work in a satisfactory manner. Bring along your logs and we will give you your lumber home with yon; also Shingles cut on short notice. Gristing and Chopping done better than heretofore. 270 W. J. HOWE. KEPT for service at lot 18, con. 14, ArtMnesia. Terms â€" 75 cents at time of service. Sows returned free of charge. 270-77 J. HANSON. FOE SALE, FIRST-CLASS Driving A FIRST-CLASS i;nving Mare, eigbt years old, sound and true. Apply at Medical Hall. ^^^^ ^^ BERKSHIRE BOAR. Health is Wealth! Da. E. C. West's KsavB asdBbaih Tbeat- ininT a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits. Nervoas Nen- ral£ia Headache, Nerrons Prostration caused "" T a T»„v.h,'TP bvthe use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakafnlneas, HATE jnst purchased » fine Barlsaira p ^^j^^ Softening of tha Brain Boar, 16 months old, for sarvioe at my j ^^^j^j^ iiinsanitT and laadiiw to mismfi decay and death. Premature Old A«e. Baii». ness.Lossof Power in aitiier mz. Involim- tarv Losses and Ppannatorrhma eaoMd by premuies 273-77 Charges, 81.00 cash. B. COLEMAN. osnts STRAYED, cow wiih piece cut off both homa jre« old bull spertcd red «»d^ whiU; T?*^? heifer, red and a «d »nd i^ bnU «^ Any person giving '^°^£^^SJSr «- lead to their recaveiy, wiU â- • smwv ' Tinnhii»iirr^n Peerless Oil Ahead of All Competitors. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORDjNJHE WORLD. SatisfactionGuaranteed. Ask for PEERLESS and be sure you get it, as there are imitations. The genuine is only made by Queen City Oil Works, TORONTO. ONT. HIGH SCHOOL EKTRaHGE EXAMINATION. NOTICE is hereby given that the next Entrance Examination to High Schools for tlie County of Grej' will be held on IVIonday/.Tucsday and VFedncs- day, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd days oL December, 1885, at the Town of Owcn' Sound, the Village of 9Iarkdale and tha Village of Thornbury respectively. It is requested that the probable number of Candidates from each loc^ity shall be notified to me one month antecedent to the^ first of the above dates. THOMAS GORDON, Inepectcfr W, Greg. Markdale. 27tli October, 1885.- 16-402 SAVEMONEYIOHEAPREADINGL! THE STANDARD AND THE RURAL CANADIAN,. From nov? till 1st January, 1887,; FOR THE SMALL SUM OF V.SO. By an arrangement with the publisher of the Rural Canadian, now in its ninth year of pubUcation, wa are enabled to offer both papers for $1.50. The regular price of the two is ?2. The Rural Canadian is a monthly illustrat- ed magazine for the Farm and Home. The following are the leading Departments â€" Farm and Field Hores and Cattle The- Dairy Sheep and Swine Garden and. Orchard; Bees and Honey; Poultry and Pets Home Circle The Grange Iteeord Bural Notes; Household Hints; Young Canada Scientific and Useful. The music- given from month to month is worth the price of several years' subscription. The Bobeaygeon Independent styles the Rural "The agricultural authority of the Dominion." The Cobourg World says "One of the best papers of the kind published on the contin- ent." 13- SUBSCRIBE NOW BALANCE And get ' OF YEAK FREE. TENDERS. ytn-w ovM-ex«rtion of tha brain, jelf-abusa or over indulgence. Oae box will eare raeeat casas. Each box contains one montti'a teaatmmt. One dollar a b«, or six boxes iat ten doUm; sent by mail prepaid on recey»» A ?«••!*« anaranteo sir boxes to cure any eaja. With Saoh drder received by na ler aix boxee.M ^panied with five dollan. wawiU se^tha Z^j^ora writt«i gMn"**^"*^ O office, «p to noom tha 7th December for Sextan for the new Methodist Chnroh. Specifications of dvtias may ba sa^ at this office. 7he lawaat or aay tender not naceasaiily accepted. 0. W. BUTLBDOM. 871-73 Bee.-TTaB8. E STRAY. AWBITCciMlBBibcamatolhepeiniaea of BaM«elPoii^.lotl, ' phnuria. «waer ei tb* it esB. KMi OttobfT. hy pr««inf The Mifim NOTICE. rr "^HS High School Entrance Examination I will be held at Durham, iu the Public School building on Monday, Taeeday and Wednesday ,^ the 2lBt, 22nd ^rd of Dec- ember, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. each- day. Candidates are requested to send their names to the undersigned on or before the Ist December. iuam WnrnuBoaya, Head ICaiter, Pwhan Fnbli^ School. ,. STRAYED FBOIC the pramisaa of tha eubseribar, last Jma. 3 yasJrUng steers, .two red. ' with Uttia wbita q^ts. one having its earn partly frMea oft the third hrin^b. Any uMsnn li"riH "T"** in^wsffrt^t ** will le^.„ to fiiair xwwj viQ be aaitoUy mnided. W. h BBOWll. ^}*i -mr^'^. I V!i I-- %â- y\- .i t " Ml â- ';:.;'â- !- Ill: â- ^- .-*, :â- r^T :^-^ \. â- IL â- Xi â- ',â- .•â- 'â- .• 1 ' .i:* ' v il â- mi-: "Vt: mm • •-•