â- P""^^* W.»V J- '^•' 1- '»^4^. â- â- !K?«eias:f'iir"rfi ^if^ ii? I ,1 K^fr |l I 'tnH ^!i^*."'fl»^^wv« aSB HO0SEHQXiP. Ghdioa Iao9^ S^VASH BiBcnn â€" Om Mid oa* hall ohm «f ballad ud lifted â- qoMh. ona-hatfooplf •Dflu, ooeonpofaciddad mflk, oaa apooa- fal of ah ortenfag, aaM^ aad aa» hall eakeol raiBuiMuiI yeaat dJaadvad in a apoonlnl ol coidTwator. and mix la floor till atifT anoogh te aaold. lUlaa orer nl^t, mold, and cat ttMai oot in biaoidtk »!â- • an hata and bake. PSBSntTED CiTBov Melon.â€" Cot the 1 in atripa. raaova tiie aolt palp oan- tiie aeed», and peel the pieoea. Bofl 1 qnaatity of water eaBlainin«{ an •™w of »tain toereiy gallon ol water; wImb tender, drain. Pnpanaayrnp, oains • poandof â- ngir, half a ^t ol water, and two alleed lemona to ercnr ponnd ol melon H^ra tlie ayrap is clear addtlie oitron m«lon; let it boil ono^ then pat into jan while hot. 31AISED Bbowk Bread. â€" Pat one qoart ol ydlow ladian meal in an earthen bowl, pear over it infficient boiling water to entirely moiaten it, and let it oool to blood heat when it iccool mix with it one qoart ol rye- meal, one capfal ol molamea, one caplol ol home-made yeast or hall a caplol ol bakcr'i yeaat, ens teaapoonfol ol salt diaaolved in a attle water, and aaffident lakewarm water to Hiake a aoft paate after thorooghly miz- ug these ingredients pat the doagh into a bettered earthen or thiok iron pan, amooth it on top with a wooden tpoon wet in oold water, cover it with a lolded towel, and aet it in a moderately warm place to rise wlten the anrf ace begina to crack open pat it into a moderate oven, with another pan toned over it, for four hoars or steam it £ve hours, and then dry th* crust in the oven. ' Light Suet Puddikg.â€" To half a pound of flour allow a quarter ol a pound ol suet, woghed after is nas been very finely chop- ped and freed from every pa^de of skin or uber. Add a^ pinch ol salt, mix thoroughly, moistening with as much oold water added gradually as will bring it to about the same consistency as bread before it is baked. Wring a perfectly clean cloth out in water as nearly boiling as may be, and floor well over the moistened cloth. Form the pud- ding into a long shape, like a jam roll. Fold the cloth round it, tie the ends firmly, remembering in both these processes that it must not be bound up too- tightly, A cer- tain amount of room is neoeasary to allow it to swell or the pudding would be heavy. With a needle and tluread catch the cloth together alorg the side. Have ready a saucepan tnll of boiling water, drop the paddug into it, put on the lid, and let it keep boiling for about an hour or an hour and a half. When done turn it out for a misute onto a clean, folded cloth to drain, «it off the ends, and serve it fn a flat dish with a little sif te-l sugar over the top. Hints. Ibe juice of the common milkweed will seaeraily cure warta on the hands or face, ft is an inexplicableand painless application, and much p-tferable to catting thu excres- eeaces out, which will not always extirpate them. It will probably serve the ssma par- pose on the teats of cows, wheie warts otten ccme and cau?e much inconvenience in milk- ing. Hard waters are to be preferred tc soft waters in the teTpot, as the hard waters ais- solve less of the tannin of the leaves. After tea has been steeped in boiling wa- ter for three minutes a large proportion of the valuable constituents are extracted. The raoateflectuU remedy for slimy and greasy drain-pipes ia copperas dissolved and left to work gradually tlurough the pipe. Plaater of paris o.-rsaments maybe cleansed y covering them with a thick layer of starch, letting it dry thoroughly, and bruah- iDg with a stiff brubh. A room crowded to discomfort with fur- niture and ornaments, no n a'ter how cost- ly, is never restful and homelikp, and always cnggeative of the shop or the museum. A dark and gloomy room may be bright- ened by placing ebonized ahelves over the doers and windows, grouping scarlet, yellow «r gilded fans upon the walla, and placing (iretty bric-a brae and vases in positions where they will be brought into relief by a cheerful background. A correspondent of the Fruit Recorder saya ho haa b-^iled leaves and stems of to- mato plants until the juioe is all extracted, and finds the liquor deadly to caterjdllars, lice, ani many other enemies of vegetation. It doea not injure the growtii of the plants, and its odor remains for a long time to dis- gust Insect marauders. A good hair restorative is a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and castor oiL If the combined quantity ia four ounces, add to tttwo drachms of camphorides and a few drops of any perfume. Colored bote that stain the feet should be thus treated Put them into a pail of boil- ing hot dear water, let them stand until cool, rub them out by hand, and put into hot salt water. When oool, rinse nom that thoroughly, wring dry, and hang out smoothly in the shade to dry. Bliok cotton goods of kinds are benefited by the same treatment thf. first time they are washed, ndng the usual method ol washing with 30*p after scalding. The ottener oarp t« are shaken, the better they last, as the particles of dirt and sand which collect upn them grind the tiireada. Sweeping them also wears them. In putting down stair-carpets,, house- keepers should be careful to taok a ]^e of iolded paper or soft cloth over the edgt ^- eaoh step. It saves the carpet from wear- ing out. All descriptions ol woolen {pods should be waahed in very hot water with soap, and as soon as oleanaed tnunened in oold water and hung up to dry. HootAeepera well know how difficult It Is to have flaoneli and otlter woolen goooa properly washed, so tiiat t^y will not be mmoasly shrank. Use a^tsol taipaatiaato remove grenae ^pots from clothes. It diaMlrea tin ^/ntm, and tiien soap and wattr aor* eaaly re- movea it. Grease asay be zesboved from nndyed wooloi alao^a aolntion ol pearl- ash. Lima spota may ba maHnif reqieved by atnotf vhaagar. Tha vinegar nootnllsaa the Hme, bat daee net. a â€" i wliy affiaet the ookr of the doik. DaA oMh, tta oolor of THE SED QTDIAI8 ^F lEWIOTJlV- n A, a imrawl.;-" is "• •• '• (CtMHaieiL)- Jn 1819 Mr. Peytoâ- ^ doiag a ooMidecabU trade in the aorthan part A tba Waad .-iwa oonsideiably aoaoyed at having loat a large amooat of property* which bad bean taken by the Induuia. Ha determined to go into tlia iirterior aad reoover it, aod at the aaoie tiae if poasihk to do aome trading with tiie Indiaaa ia fan aad aklna. On Sm fifth of Ikaceii, togattiar wMi seven or eight men, he came open a paitry of tlia alwriaineo on a frozen lake. By waking aigaa and tlirowing away Ut anna, ha ' indnc«d one of them (a woman) to stop. TIm r^at of the Insane, however, approached With more hoatQe dis- positions, and it is said tliat oae of^em aeized P^^n by the thrioat with the intent tionol killing him. Tfajs action on the part ol the Indian oanaed some oonlasion, which ended by oae ol tlie Indiana being aliat. The woman was seourad, bat her huslMmd aod an otlier In^an laalsting, they were both killed. The woman was alterwards taken to St. John's, and diristened Mary March, firom the month in which ahe was taken. Here she remaind several moctha, and was tr«ated with great kindness, and attraeted a good deal of attention by her modeot and intelligent demeanour. She remained in S6. Joim'a until the ensoing winter, whan she waa sent back under the esoart of Lieut. Bochan, with numerous nresents, with the intention of opening up friendly communica- tion with her people, but during her stay in Si. John's she had coatraoted sickness, wliich finally led to consumption, and, un- fortunately, before the enterprise could be aooompUshed, the woman died; her body waa j^aoed in a coffin and toft on the mar^^ of Red Indian Lake, where it waa ahortly afterwards recovered by her own people. The subject ol her capture and death in 1819 is very neatly versified by Barrington Lodge, ol Albany,, N T. as lollows :â€" MAKT HABOH, The last of the yew'oundiand Indiam, who died in captivity jU St. John's, 1819. In T«naNoT»'a land. By the atUatic'a atnod SlMTed a S^xon band Three-score yeara »%o. There where the ted oiitta riae. Up to the northern Fkiea, Iheae brave men aoujcht their prize, In flelda.ot arctic anow. It waa a winter month, When, with its hungered tooth, It deaolatta the oorfh. Near the E sploit's water. Piqued for a racquette run, Arme^ with theaealing tun Theae heroaa aooght the fun Of nomad aliUKhter. It waa the break at day, Whan they espied their pray, Fleeiogf like deer away Into the foreat FoUowiae taat behlod. Faat aa the fleet-foot hind, Faat aa the atorm whipped wind. Had tor the cocqueat. Bunnlog with Ughtninir apeed, Over the ice-bonnd mead. Following' the chleftain'a lead. They aaw a womanâ€" Who, haggard, weird and wild. Bearing an Infant ehild. Exhausted bad to yield To man not human. For thia bold heartleaa crew. Who fear nor meioy knew, Ware not in mood to woo. Bat mthleaa capture. Aa well tbe dove might find The ahrlek of eagle kind. Or the fierce night hawk blind, Or thiraly vulture. Under the anow bent tree, Tliere upon herding kneea. Awaiting their orgies 8he bared her boaomâ€" 't Hoping the man within, Each heart ef cruel sin, She by thia act m'ght win, To manly custom. Dg hei Pleading wltti upraised hand, Lite from the Saxon band. Back ome the chieftainâ€" Who with outstrttched pahn. With frenzied esse, yet calm Chanting an Indun paabn Begged them to refraiiv Catching her alender form In hla great atalwart arm. He with a look of Ecom, Made for the cover. When the maiander'a aim The anow with blood did atahi Marked oi^ bis brow the pain Of more than lover. There lay the hel^leaa cUy, Left for the wolf a prey. And with her tribe at bay. She bad no power. Then with a ory of 'Hef, Over her fallen dilet. The hllla retold h r grief, Aa abe did cower.. They tied her paUed handa. Tied them with hempen banda, And with fierce oommanda Th. ir mute oaptive led. Far from her foreat home. Where 'neath a atately dome. Her fata ahe did bemoan Her oaptora dread. From homes ot gentle love. Kind mationa daily atrove, laeir love, and pity prove, Bnt triad In vafai. Hope from her heart had fled, Hrr chkt and (diild « era dead. The past her memory fed. And oraaed her braia. In vain they tried to oalm. In vain they tried each bahn. Chanting an Indian paahn. withfranUorele She amota her biaia and breast, Weald aeitherdaapaor rest AtlaatSaath-akfadbahaat Bet free her aonl. ^^.^^^..^^J^*^ nnmbera decreased very last. IMvenom their hnntinssroanda poraeooted on aU aides by hnatenTand tran- SS" "^liS?* tte rid. fnrs whidi we^ l£L'^£JS.f2nii!?'"«»^SS?t OBoe powerful taoe exists ia NewfonmUand Where once waa haami the ""»»""• i-oe-rS;^ ;-S. ^STtivriuSS" by tim .quaws, an aotto behearfTno^SS? Om rapids Is now s^ '*ootbrs;tflS^4â„¢Jâ„¢ «^«^ngni*ad lonvar. .bijn^^^!^ tteirwhawaboats; ooly. few i^STSS .tiMRdoaof ;anb oflivr Maioh has ort •lifc^ «g*« been kMl^ aad n tthfba ii^piMM «*« that in Haateaadlaad ta^r« not oM«ia|^ iadi^oal of tka raoe exists. THE UME-KIUr GLU •! eaat sea dat FisC. TnmsB JeliasMi am in de haU to-ni|^t." said "BnAnOttA- neraehalookedapaDd dowa. *1s fade am, I didn't 'saotiy 'qjaot ha wo«dd *•• Sar- tin events bev oooorted to render his absenoa aneooaslty. Do Sookietary will torn to his name oo do roll an' Soiatehik off, aad writs across it in red ink tba word 'expelled.'" When the Sccretuy had earned out the request tiie PMsiaentboBtiaiied "Up to a y'ar ago Prof. Johnson was ao active, lespected member ol dis dnb. He was not only a worker in oar oanse, bat he was indostnous as a man, II he oonldn't get work at a dollar an' a ball a day he got it fur a dollar. II he oonldn't Inv roaat dook for Sunday he pat ap wid a Ifeef-bone aonp. His family had plenty to eat an' to w'ar, an' when rent dar oum around he had do oaah ready for his landlord. ".fist about twelve months badt some white man told do Professor dat he had jast aa good a right to a pianer, gold watoh an' span of horses ai a rich man. He was told datdearis'ocrasy warooiidn' money ont of his labor. He was made to believe dat de pusson who wouldn't pay two dollars to hev a kitchen oeilin' whitewashed was an oppres- sor. It was ponnded into Idm dat, if he sot en de fence all summer an' talked agin de blue blood of dis kentiy, somebody would furnish him roast turkey all winter. "Many of you saw how he was affected. He begun to hate honest work. His monf begau to grow bigger. While his dose grow- ed seedy ids importance inoreaaed daily. When his wood-pile grew low he cussed Vanderbilt. When his flour bar'l was empty he reviled Jay Gould. When his children becum ragged he ripped at capital. When his wife hccum bar'-fut he swore at de aris- tocracy. When hie landlord bounced him for non-payment of ren^ he howled an' raved about oppressors an' tyrants. "De climax ctmi las' nite. I heard dat he had bin boastin' dat de rich must divide wid liim, an' I conduded to watch my hen- coop. About 'leben o'clock de Professor showed up. I had twenty-two choice bona. He had none. He waa swine to divide wid me an' take 'leben. My firena, I can't 'zaotiy diseribe what happened arter I got my paws on him, but I know he went away empty- handed, limpln' aoie an' in de handa of an officer. He am no longer a member of dis club. Ifdar' am any odder member wid socialistic ideas now would be a good time fur him to make a grab fur his hat an' back downata'rs " A deep silence followed. Not a man moved. BASE IMPOSTORS The secretary announced the following cDmmunicatioBS Halifax, Nova SconA. To the Prerident of the Lime- Kiln Club Deab Sibâ€" I am instructed by the Amal- gamated Whitewash Society (colored) of tiiia city to inform your club that two color- ed men representing themselves to be mem- bers of the Lime- Kiln Club are now ia this city collecting money and curiosities for your museum and have succeeded in obtain- ing quite a large collection of cash and curios. They give their names as Exodus Bourbon and Wltanagemot Crawley. Please let us know through the press if they are bona fiie members of your dub. Among the curiosities are Asketoh of the (prop-8ed) dry-dock, some cabin fit- tings ot the S. S..Micmac (very rare), a copy of the revised statuses, a bottle of water taken from the dockyard where H. R. H. the Prince of AVales landed in 1S60, a boot- jack once fired at a cat by the late Hon. Joseph Howe, eleven hairs pulled from the tail of a horse owned by a brother of McAs- kill, the Nova Scotia Riant, a birch switch used by a son of Gen. Williams, ths "hero of Kara,' to drive the cattle home with, two skulls of Evangeline (rare), a bnnghole once toe property of Sir Charles Tupper, a sen- dble and unperaonal editorial hi the Halifax Herald, supposed to be unique, two feet of the Snort Lme Railway, ana othera too nu- ' merous to mention. It Is now generally supposed that these men are frauds, aa Ex- odus was aeon a few nighto ago serenading Gov. Kichey, while Witanagemot waToff f°1"f '*S "'«'" •* ^ly Coomba' trying to trade off one of Evangeline's skull fora glass of beer. • Please let us know at once if they are im- postm or not and relieve our suspense. Yours truly in the bonds of color. " JOHN THOMAS BULMER Ti» r. Sooretary A. W. Sodety. BROTHkKGABDNER, ' Detroit, Mich. The Secretary waa faistructed to telewaDh a night message to the effect tiiat both men were impostors of the basest sort, and to offer a reward of $25 each for and conviction. JrST THE SAJIK snlMilis by a Thaki|fBiJ9lrlMa« telasMlMMifiBtlia ofl«U0Mitoslofad rok* ior tts isoodaha had'oiiasait«ftw\anli(wA«n. On iDotioB«f CUIgiapti Saitfa «i»«l»Bki land ink, aad «ii«a mm. anMik njittdaii thatsnlnpsalarkadbasBpabliolj aspoaad aad prb^srly lairarM. MSiBT-BElDlVG 8CSVBL I'trlld JJ*o!a 0. se on the SSL**' 1^« »kathat.h.ooddS5?»A'T havamwatedacSdJi^Vi TTFTtlf^'f their arrest Shindig Watitins secured the floor to ask mLSSr***"t He wanted to know " t member must feel perfect confidence in an- other member^ ^o,dwheatradi^g~hâ„¢. fay'^wo"""" "«* 4ltr; ••Brudder Watkins." said the Preddent i» r«7 ff-JJ'.tonos, "dar am no doS?l frj^ temal feelin' among members of disolnb In rase you wanted t7borry ten mnts S W« â„¢i».now.nraas,aB'raduce ds timS^^ rf de saâ„¢ djurAwiB kf;i;,i";ii ZST ms ta a hoss-trads. â- »' ~rf"«- ^- -i^ â„¢ 18-y'arole beast di ooontasanoe. doaa' hop. far too' midnS^- ^fa. a society mos^ oompeaed of dH- SIBVBD HIK BIGHT. The Secretary of the "IWl Ember Cadets.' a bBBDOh bapMsaaaseat fbr Ulb Ike Beatcaee Faseed â- paa Bliht aiea CalUjr afBaveâ€" A â- athert Vaapcakakle CMef. TlM sosna in tiio Coart room at Ottawa the okhsr day when Jodga Rosa serteaoed eight men to Penitsntiwy for Ufa for tna hainoas orime of rape, will foravar liva in the qiemaries of these present at the tima. The outrages, fall rsports ol whioh were pabliahed at tiie time, ware the moat revolt- ed in Cnadian criininal liistory, and the poalahment, though severe, is aoknowiedg- ed by all to be just. THE JUDGES CHAB6B, After the ooansel for the defence had ad- dressed the jary, his Lordsliip delivered his oliaige. He instrootad the jary in tiw in- terest of jostioe and of the prisoners, to dis- miss from their minds any inflaanoe that might affeot their j dgment to oonsider wlMtherornot the Crown had proved its case stated that the prisoners had a right to tlM benefit ol all doubts, and defined what doabt consisted of. Alluding to tlie Queen's proaeontor's raferenoe to lynch law, tbe learned judge said, it might do for ycnng oonntoies where they had not had time to organizs oourts, but in oonntries where these were daly organized, justioe was calmer, and as sure. In referenoe to this case it mattered not whether it were the commonest strumpet, or the most modest maiden who ever adorned a household, who was the complainant. It was always a sad thing to see a woman fall from virtae It had been aaid "Man unto man so oft un- just, to woman always so," and were tiiere no means by whioh a woman who liad onoe made a fall could return to the path of virtae, then indeed death would 1m the natural reference. As to the oommission ol the orime the evideno if true proved the full orime. The evidence had been heard by them, the young woman awore podtivdy to the three. In condtuion his Lordship told them as a matter of law that a verdict of guilty waa the only one they could return on the evidenoe unless they saw any good ground to dialMlieve the evidenoe, in wbioh case they would give the prisoners the benor fit ol the doubt. BETUBIONO TBE VBBDICr. The jury retired at 4:20, returning into court at 6:15. Clerk ol arraigns â€" "Oentiemen, an you agreed upon your verdict t" The loremanâ€" • We are." Clerk ol arraignsâ€" " GuIIiy or not guilty T" Foremanâ€" "Guilty, with a recommenda- tion tomeroy," After her examination Mlu Graham was BO much exhausted that she suffered Irom convulsions lor some hours. She did not recover until nearly 5 o'clock. Throuahout the trial the oonrt waa deasdy crowded, large numbers ol people thronging into court, during the judge's summing up. The greatest order was maintained tturough- out. PASSING THE SENTINCE. Alter the verdict had bean returned in the Theodore street case, his Lordsliip order- ed the eight prisoners to be placed in the dock. This teing done his LordsUp ad- dressed them as loliows "What say you why you should not be sentenced 7" Blackâ€"" I am innocent ol the oharae laid against me." McHngh-" I have nothing whatever to say, my lord." His Lordship then said:â€" "I am rather sorry to hear your declarations ol innocence, because after the verdicts, in which I quite agree, yon are guilty, ihe offrnoe itaelt ia of a most heinous character. Standing as you do, convicted, I can see nothing but the recommendation of the jury to save the sentence of the gallowa being paned on you. Trained m orime till yon are nnaUe to restrahi your pasnons, you must ba treated as dangerous beasts, and put away for the sake ot our daughters' virtue. Sympathy. " "**J{.^ "**y ^*^' '" y«n butlam a ju^e. The sentence of the court upon yon and each of you is, that yonba oonfined in theprovmdalpenitentisfyforthe term of your natural lives. The dread sentence fell on a deadly silence, during whioh one gentleman seated by the soUdtora' table put down his head and wept bitterly, whilat surprise waa de- picted on every face in oourt, and the prison- ers turned ^deathly pale and motionless. Then a short, enthusiastic burst of applause came from the seats on the jadoe'e riaht. anumg which Miss Grahani, of S victims, was sitting. This was at onoe sup- pressed aad was sncoeeded by A HBABT-BKNDWG SHRIEK, as Mrs. Goodman, mother of one of the condemned men, wfldly wringing bar hands and incoherentiv. talking fca perfect mJ^I?* judges^ware seated. Befo^ Mrs. tfoodman could reoover artionlation About haU an W^'tV^ waspnmoZrfliy^^, «»««rt whom mfchft««N/ S?J^i^"IH'y removed from tiie oeurt, ti^'r *lI*?!2M? *^ »H»wevar, and addresi relief to most present to haar Jostioa Rose calm, «d jndioial. th^ wSS^SS' sursd the uaharay wanuHb "My heart bleeds far M^ Vnt I am here aa a juK! I have only d«aa mj dnty, aad wliaf torou the pobUo means of aoossa. Shm aasin she besought eadi and avi^ranaimmL to render her V^Hm a sMlrtT in SSi^i* ?EL***Â¥*- Cw't^nahdp tnniad from aaa to mmMm^hS^ --«-i»a wnom mighic,"^! {•"•â- broken IriS^iJvi* W tiie mothers of the^otte vajjaefertteseethMrll? I*»««MP. MdbyMlfe byUmi them. «»i exeonttve for the^Ti^ war, for some hours. a«ji **. pass the cordon of5Si5«*W Je attempt and reSj^'S? dty tiie news of theiSLJSk wherever two or thrMnS^t*?*! convicts, and every ILJ* approval of the severe ««2! No one thought or ti,JS^ ' ^t hi. LTrShlJ "Nli wm. tamp that so?toT5£;jJ was the general vordioi"" The sentence for r^Tw. :. j Jnstioe Roao m^S^Mk oommendations of th?2,'^fW| lighter sentence. " ** " A fact which even polhiod aptoforgetistiiatViSrl of profit u not the odyeZS? success tiie aggregate Sy^- the year IS of farlreator iZ*? of profit than outd's-hJhS: the increased bur-- â„¢' ptioe gives rise to. uwu^^^ that Messrs. Tuckett 4 Sob iSS the Itwai, ducing their now famoai •• m^. 2S:tdhrri*^*i^i^2s wuue winerea. ihis ii one of th i ?*y t*" Pwple of Canada an best tobacco whioh can ba Jitd no^tS2st^„^rs^^^^ in length, and the sail, rig andlail be a matter of fancy to the owiw. 1 A Cube foe Deunl.. morphiue and kindred lubitT^ treatise sent free. ThemedkbttZ given in tea or coffae, withonttW ledge of the person taking it, if a j Send two 3;. stamps for fall p^- aod testimonials rf t'aoie wbohi] oared. Address M. V. Lnbu, ip Wellinj^too street east, Toh)Mo,0 The Manchester Gallery of Pi be lighted with e eotricity. Imperial Cough Drops ill Positi^re anil Instant Belief tottoaril from Colds, Hoarseness, SonTtagn and are invaluable to oratonaniM For sale by dmggistB and oonfecBil R. T, WATSO», Taronto. *M V" ~OI» NANE,~ADDS^vi»Klij mailed BeDgooga'a dhortluiia ud I Inatitnte, Toronto, will brin^ oopr Shorthaniier, beat joomal in Ameiin, Send for Calendar. MXOH i K E R T~FdR 8iLE-)DJaai| Boilers, Saw and Staioi^t Millie lUi taty Oatllta, Stare and Htadiag KhIM whaela, ObcqmiDt; Hills, ete. Send fa i oataloffne, and mention what tou wuI this paper H. W. PSntlg, BiMtl(iri.(ia J Bif3 DPPER To inir» on liaJj Diva urrcrs j,iy, iWATUi] Opentlac Wuhisg Uiebico. IIn» •end nt row nvore P. ^Dlaqmiii THE yaTfoiraL oo., 23 DfrBi.Ki. A ^l%1 RUGS SXTOOB AQalMSX ALL i WilTiama- Sue Water hai pnialliiij who hnTe naed it tcaordint to diirai) «te onraibie.ai will be Heabrlhi eartiflcatea It cured me, 8rcanUiiid,M O. TotUd it hat ened me, oecnUit iDcU â- Alexander Wand, 6 yean b ind, Cbii. lanll SUe Iafonr; 33 jtm bod ud M^lf^ Ijeerciz. Ask your dnvilBtB tor IL n* m an Bo na k Co.. gj St. Fanl St. IbotaiL Beiu'i'ul Colnri ' Flow^ Birds i El«%, piloted on f to be worked io i* 1" Wbolesale and letaU Unre 6"««»'ll andAgenta Send to manolactiuerioc^ R. W. BOSS, CufjjM JAMES PARE PopkPaokew, Tor L. 0. Bacon, B«"«L ^P^!^^^* OlaaMw Beef Hama. 8n»r OwdBi* "B Bnaktast Baoon, S«»J««'.f ««^JIr3 ed Xontrura, Cheee^ Famjt,«'5»'l " Tubs ud Pans. Ibe Best Biaadi « ' Dairy Salt in Stook. BUY TBI IMPROVSD COSBflJ] AS THEY ARB TMlMgj CONVENHafT, AMBMOSl^ TOPINTHBMAB»*J^ teeic are ever **^S^!iP*'l Teas MOW la aae. "J^ ' ' saOiHBMttwa «baa aay^' The manohetarer of ^^ Oaiflage Ttops, o*" »27S'1 provaments, and ?*'""^i, Uum vaj oliher firm » **^J Untted States. Vti» «»' THST ABB lOB 8AU ^ggtm OABBIAOB BUttDBBS Al «^ BB SOBFASSBD «« ^zZu Ffibotory and _^__ bridgaat La- ^I^^^Qph hava been let RsBvny Company, la the Idirtoiy "^vam M liM*» as was tiie ^^TvMwin bridge soma twen- ~%mm. ]ha Vlotoria B.'idge not f^S^^ootMto tlia sea for i2«e«Mb aa sea the year '"£ Srid« wiU break the ja k. ahe Ocand Trunk as the ^^ZiMttmotim the St. Law- ^^^ irlth t^ addition of a _± oesB^ots tiie Canadian --_j witiioat a break from ocean ^asiM* of angiaeeriog work i^wot bii^ to compare with â- % aastscpisoe^ the great tube a fa ir^tii, cnoe one of the won- ,wM; bat will baa more satis- j^asabridflo. It is to be an ner, rarting upon deven pieia, f wb IB langth from aimtmrnt to ^bo spans, witii the exception i Met ohsand spaas of 409 feet rt emparativdy short, and, r!|f|kiag ftotora will be theijrise W|r In these spans alwve the uSs almtmants tiie track will be rabsre the water, and a somewhat Ltoie of the stone work is the ih- IfoB panda on each dde *of each Ihsiitag tiio MRBS of the provinces, a has iMOh oonstructed from J Station ot the Canadian Pad- la itfw mfles of the site of the Uge, and it ia tc le carried acr iss [l^aak line aad tl e canals with- 1 sagineering feature. Upon ;ef the river a Un°. ia to be I with the South-Eaatern at .sad thus a oimnaetion is to be I all points south. From West iMfheSoutii- Eastern, a conneot- |bs made to LennoxviUe, there to t the line of the International I the oorporation last devoured by Faoifio. An almost perfect ^01 thus Im completed between 1 the Maritime Provinces. The [Qoebeo Short Line, for wliicb a I slnady been obtained, is to run k's Falls to St. Ann's, where it Ottawa altmgdde the Grand I psaring through St Genevieve tajono'ioa with the approach jei^onthe high level. When aU depsndent upon tho bridge, itsd, the Canadian Pacific will r the shorteat rbnto from Toronto I Winnipeg to the sea by way IS Provinces and the oomple- I Credit Vallay from St. Tbomas fait Rirer will complete their line iitor of the Grand Trunk in al particular, and they will have I of an air line. nttiiu^ with a Vengeance. e most extraordimary contests so classes of people in the same Jaow m progress in Ireland, ac- Iv the usual exhibitions of hern- " oonspibaoua in the contentions i-lksarted and mercurial people. I say that the government 'finds I fighting this boycotting with the li.""' '*â„¢ddable and vexatious the resources for the praerva- P«aoeof the conntiy. This is Bvable when it is understood that â- 0 have tdcen land from which Bti had been evicted find it not • to work it, bnt even to ob- B*r ""â- ** lifo from the ebop- |mSTiginage. oddest forms wldch tlus system -I has assumed b the refusal of «»ra assodaticn of Manater to • Kokand in tiie vessels of the 1^ company, onlesa the com- ito slup cattte boycotted by the *J2- '•«*i the demand U that ••Wod unless the sUppercan â- nmaate of league membership, •put of this procedure is that "lowers of the company are lln^"**^'^j'"^**y of them MjpoUtios. This gives color to ?WrpMt«ia*tBeoatttiedeal- f^l^ttieee demands in the I drcnmstanoe b this mel- â- is that the boycotters are thT^ "SMMt tiia interest of mtb* oooatov. for tiie reason J*â„¢ »«»t shipped the values " In tlie country must Ca tr w hi sa Pt ar wi Pr or go th mt fee IjJbgthathMpens with such Ms^ about yiidoh there is C^Tfay JwU« summer. LT2«""«sstd_as often as it .yâ€" ^.râ€" often aa n r biSfai. iL?" i^UM summer ijrjwjd. Dariag ttie sum- ^^«*» bo time of the ac^ Sz^? *M equinox there are .^gg *• aortham hemi- ^j^^^*WM cold rain aad TiuSSTâ„¢* «rfaoeof ft a5â„¢X*« Wt from tiie ^^2*rtl»o.jrhar» h is ra- r^ «^ idly evaporated, gSJww Its peonllar blue, l|affi?52!?^ beat of the ii12SL^*» "" oanses the ^oftlieliidiM, sum- i^w^a^teafS* ddightfal i^SS^**^ "» Ootobe-, sia.^^^'^Bwt ooaio until nl^oflQBgerdar- _wtiM0MSt,uida- '*^ in tiia Interior, l^j^onr Indba s^ ;•" Daoember, j-^*°* long sea- l^ffS^^tfcsOUoMwfira *****S?a.i«d5rbe- â- ^Mp witii tiie «*t*^»a wiater. j wi d. roi ma at giv in^ wo ins del J of am ien An Fo mo Iti td to lea ofl illc as or ont th ne' the fou are be th all wh me dis pin ren me nei del son h^I ing chc wh sho Fai of â€"1 gOi ado Mn wel Al tak laui tol pen aftc ofl moi £ Ch. bd( Co. Loi tiie aen( valT are yon c aT into he^