in Bmrm: SAKBOW ESCAPE. jjov. 17.â€" During the {the iTtli and 18th of August miscreants placed a dynamite |#» • j^e about seven inches long and " a Jialf inches in diameter on I ""'flwro'"' ^- ' Strong's residence T' 5 town, to which was attached a "ribout a foot long, and paper Lateaincoaloil. The paper was d and was abont haU burned !^forc. tbe discovery was made by two Mir. Strong's sonB. The infernal ^cliine was sent to Toronto and jested, and proved to be one of the isiet powerful kind. Tlie case was •jj before the Attorney-General, and jijen placed in the hands of (icvernment detectives, who hare jjjeebeeri engaged in ferreting up the jjjj. It is said that some clue has ieen found, but as yet the evidence is 501 sufficient. The matter has been tept secret up to l^st Monday evening, ften at a Scott Act meeting addressed i)T Bev. Mr. Keefer, tlie public were cade aware of the fact. The motive •jat prompted such a diabolical act be attributed to theprooiinent fjr: Mr- Strong has taken in advocat- •^!T the passing of and carrying into (tfect of "tbe Scott Act. He was the Prebident of the Association at the jmeths Act was passed and this year ;:e Vice-President, and hia services we sometime since recognized by •Jie County Alliance presenting him with K gold watch. There is not a aore respectable citizen in B»rne than Mr. Strong, and he "personally could iiave no enemies. APEOFITABLE LIFE. Few men have accomplished the I ame amount of work and gool in I iis TOild as the celebrated Dr. Chas. lurer 500,000 of his works have been Isoldin Canada alone We want every Ipsrson troubleiV with Liver Complaint, ISyspepsia. Headache, Kidney or I Urinary Troubles, to call in at A. Ilnraer Co. and buy a bottle of Dr. I Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure you. iMedicme audEecipe Book SI. Nov. |Po$tOfiice Robbery At Th«ra- biiry. Tli9 postofBce at Thornbury was I robbed of a number of registered lletters containing a large amount of I money, between Saturday night, the j'ls: Oct., and Sunday morning. The r-ubeiy\Yas at once reported to Mr. â- â- 'fry, PostofRcG Inspector, Barrie, riio, along with Mr. Jas. Henderson, l-ssistant Postoffice Inspector, proceed. jt^to Thornbury and made a thorough lavestigatiou o'f the robbery. The |?esnlt was that they w«re led to suspect Isjoimg man named Fred. Hutchinson, rfle?rapb operator, the telegraph and Ipostoffiee at Thornbury being together. jiesterday they again visited Thorn- l^vand completed their labours, I "aen stronger suspicions seemed to |we rested on young Hutchinson, and I'a'yexpeetedthat he would shortly I "tempt to skip out. To-day he ac- l^^amtedhis employer that he had 1 reived atelegram from St. Catharines 1:^1 IJis sister was dying, and accord- IJ% took th« train for that city. On l^' tram at Allandale statioii Mr. rPO took him in charge and had him remitted to Barrie gaol, where he I « searched and the greater amount 1- »ie money found on his person. I' fff 1°"' '^^°°^ "^P^s pubUshed by liiaV.i f ' i'^*""""' Toronto, are weU i-'s „ ,Ca"adiau schools. They are '--a-t'lV"" f 'â- â- beautifuUy iUuatrated, weU ;_ -lana at low prices. Sendfor specimen are sent free of postage on r^Ws, which anldleTontta â- ""I-eTelHeadol Itbau ?•" ^*' Colonel Fizzletop, klLf "^^^ getting to h« too â- ^r,,^=;^"^J"y thing. He is the laziest |i^'5f'f.*ybe, but he gets up at ..A, "s--trizzletop. NeL '^°,"' '"t 80 h« can have "•ae to loaf." |^t5ttstia,^â„¢f*coming_Book8^ of_ special Ul IWl;:.",^' ^\ Knox 'Co'lleie.TorontoTiSio '"^infr ^^'^^oryof the Presbyterian «-• D. n ^ominioD," by Rev. Professor 'â- •'^Hatt i"" mformation for the work '*BabnL f? y^"s- From the weD- "^evervi*,'""*^'"" Ji« cMe with " S " ^«° verified, and the .v'ofaprelt^f'^^^Uy "«!»«. to Iha 'iennki- \. """i^i^'ion. *« have no i!l^'«f»rT .t "°° °f *^* work wiU prom r^UcK t ^^ y«" The pablidiw • e»d r^ 8lad to hear of ardiabl* .flIf.iTi. -^Vl^«. • ..o" iJi.r -.1 5,... I- From tht ToroHtd Although Bev. Dr. Wild can be heard any Simd^ for nothing, there was a big crowd paid a doUjM- each to hear him lecture in Bond street Congregational church last night on •'The British Empure." The reverend- ioctor IS evidenUy very popojar. The chair was qccupitd by Lieuten- ant Governor Bobuason, whose ap- pea^^ce was the signal for enthasi- astic applause. The lecturer began by saying that there was an advanta£e m belongmg to a great nation. If he had been asked before his birth what he would like to he he would have said, •' want to be born m the British empire. Protestant faith, 19th century, reign ..f Victoria Dominion of Canada, province of Ontario, city of Toronto, to become the pastor of Bond street Congrega- tional church, and to preach to the audience before him." He then pro- ceeded to eulogize the British empire and everything connected with it. Under no other government were the working classes more prosperous or better wages paid. The vast streams of immigration are flowing to the "Saxon circle," the United States and Canada, where they are sure of perfect freedom. Britain is not atheistic, and the proper course was pursued when Bradlaugh was not ad- mitted to her parliament. Hers is the most tolerant and equitable of all governments, and the late Pius IX. said that in England Catholics had more liberty than in many a Catholic country. She has prospered by being a Christian country. Her power is not waning, for since 1881 she has added 2,000,000 square miles to her territories; she is opening up vast regions "of trade in South Africa; and justnow she is about to annex Burmah. The lecturer here called on the choir to sing "Bule Brittannia," which, was enthusiastically received, after whicU he launched out into his favorite Anglo-Isreal theory. The teachings 01 the prophets showed that thei e was going to be a great federation com- posed of the British empire, the Jews, who will then be gathered in Palestine, and the United States. By this fed- eration Canada will be more independ- ent. She will have less danger and more security. Her expenses will be less, because she will have no senate and no governor-general sent her from England. Ireland, England and Scotland will each haye local parlia- ments. Federation is oure to come, though it will be years before the con- summation takes place, and when it comes all custom houses will be swept away. The chief factors of a nation's growth and future prosperity are land â€"of which Britain has 10,000,000 square miles â€" climate and mineral resources. A chief factor was good government, and Britain has a crown- ed democracy, which is vastly better than a republican form of government because it does not cost the millions spent on election of a ruler every few years. In speaking on this point the leeturergave figures whieh, he claimed, proved that the support of the Queeu, the Prince of Wales, and the royal family cost nothing. Religion was a factor, and Protestantism would yet rule the world. Bace was a factor, and the" Saxon race was ahead ol all H)th«rs. Language was a factor, and the English language is spreading and will yet prevail over ail ethers. Tlio ehoir rendered several patriotic songs in splendid style. John Hewitt, Bei;kefej, Jan. iB7. Jan. 87. ,V ' Ti J. G nbaior, "^Vnfasalar Harbor, (ubw) May 'ae. V Jae. Bitchie. Markdale, Jan. '87. tihnon HcCaUam, Fkeherton (new) Alex. Smith, Markdale, July "85. Bobt. Bradly, Ltty Oak, July '85. Alex. Mercer, Markdale, Sept. '86, Wm, G. Guthrie, Markdale, Jan. 87 StandanI Sale Besister. KS* Parties getting their sale bills printed at this office will receive a free notice similar to the following in the Stamdabb. Saturday, Dec. 12th, at Queen's Hotel, WiUiamsford, valuable village property, grain warehouse, o. Geo. JMoble, auctioneer William Lucas, trustee. Tuesday, Dec. Ist, at 1 o'clock, on lot 120, 3rd, west of T. 8. Boad, -Artemesia, four miles south of dale, Mre. Bobt. Brown will horses, 12 head of cattle, 16 c., c. Terms, 12 months on sums over $5. Geo. auctioneer. Friday, Dec. 4th, at one o'clock, Mr. Tbomas Campbell will sell on his premises adjoining Markdale, a large quantity of live stock, farm imple- ments, c. He hat rented his farm, and -will sell without reserve. See posters for particulars. Geo. Noble, auctioneer. Mark- sell, 6 sheep, credit Noble, 'zs anr DiBxcT Belief follows the use of Hagyari's Yellow Oil, m case of Pain, Bbeumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and all soreness of the flesh. Yellow Oil is an internal and external remedy that should be kept in every household. |ttHÂ¥J»t ^ei»«rt«* MAliKDALE. Fall "Wheat Spring Wheat... Barley Peas Oats Butter Eggs ?0 80 70 35 50 ...... 25 13 17 40 to to to to to to to to to to to to t« «C85 85 56 55 28 14 18 60 25 00 i 00 4 75 18 an • • ' 20 9 00 4 75 400 IT TENDERS. SEALED tenders will be received at this oflce, up to noDn the 7th December for Sexton for the new Methodist Chnrch. Specifications of duties may be seen at this office. The lowest or any tender not neeeiiaaxily accepted. C. W. BUTLEDGE, 271-72 Sec.rTreas. E STRAY. A WHITE ewe lamb came to the premises of Samuel Douglas, lot I, con. 9, Eu- phrasia, about the 20th October. The owner can have it by proving property, paying expences. SAMUEL DOUGLAS. 272-74 Markdale, P. 0. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had nlaced in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple ve g etable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all thuoat and Lung Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervons Dability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderfml onrativo powers in thonaands of oases, ]UM felt it his duty to miAe it known to his suffering fallows. Actuated by this motivn »i»d a desire to relieve human snffering, I will send free of charge, to aU whe desire :it, this recipe, in German, J^enoe or English, with fml directions for preparing and using. Sent by maU by addressing with stamp, naming tins paper, W. A. Nona, 149 Pmeei' Block, Bophater, N.Y.- WHY EMPLOY DOCTOES. Consult a doctor, for a 6 or 8 o«. bottle of medicine flâ€" consult A. Tamer Co. and he will give you a 12 oz. bottle cf Dr. Chaae's Liver Core for $1, and a valuable Kewpe Book free. ' T By an arrangement with the pujlishere of the Rural Canadian, we are enaUfi to olrt that valoable farm jpninel toall fV^J^ Msribers to _^« "^m^ for the smaH "«»m\^ J^' tta.eireethigaeoi«^etg»j22L2J 5 the Jiiiwrf^irff far Hl e iiM ^gf m» Flouring Mills to Rent THE well known "Speeton Mills." within one an a half mUes of Flesherton, to rent on very reasonable terms. Apply to the executors, JOHN W. ABMSTBONG, WILLIAM CLAYTON, JOHNBOLAND, Flesherton, Nov. 85, 1885. S TRA YED. «if^^ lewdlry, Spectacles, PIpeSvAc. -a- I take this meanis of inform- ing the public generally^ that I have opened in MARKDALE An Agency for the sale oi the famous ii DOHERTY ORGAN" And world renowned "SiaserSsviigMse." m, ^. RUSSELL'S FL^HERTON. A Smatiful Stock to Sthet from. 'ooooooooo o e o o o o â- I p » o o o\ It If a faet, as every one I says, that BUSSELL is the mant jto xepair your Watch or Clock f properly. ^ooooooooo ooeoo 0,Q^ GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to' give satisfaction. JAS. 6. RUSSELL. 217-269 FARM FOR SALE. The Doherty stands at the top of the list as either a Par- lor or Chapel Organ. For strength and variety of tore, as well as beauty of finish and durability, it stands without a peer. The Singer Sewing Machine is known all ovtrthe continent as the most perfect and dur- able machine in. the market. Those who anticipate purch- asing anything in the above line will consult their own best interests by giving me a call before closing a bargain else- where, y Office in Dunlop's old stand, Markdale. HDGHWILLIAfflS. TEACHERWVNTED. MALE or Female, holding 3rd class certificate; duties to commence 1st January, 1886, for 8. S. No. 7, Holland. State salary. TH03. J. SPEAES, Sfic "Trfifts Williamsford Station P. O. TEACHER WANTED. FOB S. S. No. 16, Euphrasia township, duties to ctimmence 1st January. Ap- plications received up to noon 5th December. State certificate held and salary wanted. D.E.ELLIS, Eimberley P. O. 271-73 8ec.-Treas. BERKSHIRE BOAR FBOM the premises of the snbseribef, last June, 3 yearling steers, two red, with little white spots, one havini; ib wn partly frozen oft the third brindte. Any person giving such infoimabon as will lead totheir recovery will l»e soitably rewarded. W. J. BBOWN, 27X.73* Harkawey. P. O. EPT for service at lot IS, -con. 14, Artemesia. ' Termsâ€" 75 cents at lime ^^ jj^^^j Canadian, now in K of service. 270 77 f)AA A^CBES, within one mile of ;Wil.r fC\J\J liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron^ to Sydenham Boad, township Holland,. Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there^is 9 J acres cleared- well fenced, and under good cultivation; a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good frame barn, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared.. well fenced, with good stream running through it balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at once. For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 20, con, 10, Euphrasia, nine miles from the floiirishin g village of Markdale and one lot from Post Office. This farm is: well watered, solid clay loam, contains 100' acres 45 of which is cleared and under cultivn- tion and tbe balance fine hardwood timber, also a frame bnm 36x56 thereon. Terms easy, for part^'culars apply to THOS. MUXLOW, Goring P.O. 26.H-72 Adjoining the premises.. HIGH SCHOOL EHTMIICE EXMINITIOH. NOTICE is hereby given that the next Entrance Examination to High Schools- for the County of Grey, will be held on IVIonday.^Tnesday and H^ednes- day, the 31st, 3Snd and 33rd days ot Derember, 188-^, at theTownof On"en Sonnd, the Village of Markdale and the Village of X'bornbnry respectively. It is requested that the probable number of Candidates from each locality uhall be notified to me one month antecedent to the first of the above dates. THOMAS GOBDON, Impector W, Greg, Markdale, 27th October, 1885. 16-402. Sows returned free Of charge. J. HANSON. SAVEMONEYIGHEAPREADINGL.t THE STANDARD AND THE RURAL CANADIAN,. From now tiU 1st January, 1887i FOR THE SMALL SUM OF %1.50. By an arrangement with the publisher of â- its ninth year Store to Rent in Makaah. THE store in B^ynold's Block »« «m^ ApidieatuHi as te terms can be obtamed iiocn JJ» Lyons, llifcrkdale. or JOHN Â¥rHIT«, St- Tiaoaat, 14S-tf Stimaia»ini.^P. O.. Owaer Peerless Oil Ahead of All Gonipef H ers. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST REC ORD IN T HE WORLD. SatisfactioDGnaraiiteed. Ask for PEEBLESS and be snre yon get it* a» there are imita^oos. The gcuoiira ieoQly made by siinsitiL, Queen ;iliF OU Works. WILLIAM 9TUARTn KllttSMiEY, laarfiat Ueeaeik '.^'liaanr, -lia w- of pubUcation, we are enabled to offer both papers for (1,50. The regular price of the two IS (2. The Rural Canadian is a monthly illustrat- ed magnzine for -the Farm and Home. The following are the leading Departments â€" Farm and Field Hortes and Cattle; The Dairy ' Sheep and Swine Garden and Orchard Bees and Honey Poultry and Pets Home Circle The Grange* Kecord Bnral Notes; Hou(ehold Hints; Younjf Canada Scit ntiuc and U:3eful. The music given from mouth to month is worth the piice of eeversl years' snbscriptioB. The Bobcay^eou lndeptndciit styles the Rural â- â- The ugricnlinral authority of the" liorainiou." The Coboorg World says "Ono of the best papers of tbe kind published on the coutin- ent." ^^SUBSGSIBB KOW BALANCE JMdg.«l OF YEAB FJE£EE. rf^£ffi Hif^ Sdiool EutranoB Examiitation JL. iiriU bttifaeia (it Dortiaaii^ia tbe„l'iU»ia yelKMlbiQUii]g.«pa;.2loDiiiy, Tnesday .ancl^(: Wadnaadaf^theSia. SSaddc^ ^iil ot ^w-^,. iember, eBnMaiiiiMi»iea*.»'»'clqeka..m- eaeb dajE. CwwMetigs aw rnuMte^JtoMnd ibakt, s iwii *~ ^^J}' n V'â€" 'b"« V**"' "*â- â- lwiem^ti«a* let P c eem b e r* ^- " rwliBn Tfihmt. -^7 II f'^:^tfl•?^; n^ J 1. ;! ,V".: I- n? Isi^iifi I? ;^;K-'I!l, li bir' n â- 5/ "' tiff i'r Mali .â- ;s;S«(i.-