-OL. o.-No. 2(y. MAKKBALE, ONT., i!^OV. 5, 1885. {Ckam or xh Stamdasb Vra OBKH BACH. I 1 \lleiÂ¥ Goods now in. (lerican Watches, IClocks, Jeweller)' Silverware, [pECTACLCe, fosical Instruments and Strings. Its' Warrants honestly kept (roods or work. W.A.BROfH, The rehable Jeweller: local and Otherj terns. Notices in these coluinns intended tohenefit I indifidual or Society will be cliarged ten \iU a line for the first insertion and Jive lis a Un'-ren'-hsubiequent insertion. IHon, Edward BlAkis is 52 years Ths Tax collectors are on th« war Itb. Ik. C. Beiden has $50,000 to loan, lore or less. Good horse for sale. W. Jackaon, jtASDARD office. I A GOOD pair of Horse Blankets for 1.25 at McFarland's. I The Siandaed to 1st January 1887 mew subscribers for $1. cash. 80 deaths from emall-pox in loutrtal is reported for October. I The ne\r Methodist parsonage at Beathcote was opened last month, Fabmkks look here, you can bay a M Root Cutter for $10 at Jackson's. Me. Kowland and Mr. Allison, of fweu Sound, called on us last w«ek. TH-^sKscmisG day has been changed Irom the 7th to Thursday the 12th fiovember. Markdale Methodist S. S. anni- versary will be held on Thursday, the f2th November. As unoccupied building, near the tingenia Hotel, was burned last Satar- p»y night at Eugenia. One car load No. 1 Coal Oil jnit !•- |teiv€d by W. J. McFarland. War- snted non-explosive. For Bedroom Suits, Sidttboarda, Upboardf, Lounges and Cradles, go po Grant Co., Markdale. lun!" BhijiNEE, W. J. McFarland'i IMilhner, is turning out very stylish panties, Bonnets and Hats. Thb stores in Markdale will be Jiosed on Thursday the 12th Novem- I "a, It being a public hobday. Look Heeb.â€" First class cooking I TOves No. 9, trimmed and complete |»r 116.50 at Walker Bro-s, Markdale 10.^' "'o^^^ °^ *^« Seldon House, |^»en SoDDd, died suddenly on ^^^7, the 25th, from heart diseaa*. Always leave weights, key and ball j^,'""*e when bringing clocks to me Stkr* ^•^^^°^' Jeweller, J' Shingles for sale at fifar- nSb* • ^^^ Vandeleur, by John jjjg^-.^! siiingles warranted M »- /m?*""**' ^® Orabge Concert this (Thursday) eveuing in the Orane* Hall. " PoTATOM. â€" Three or four car loads of good dry potatoes wanted at Hill Bro's. Da. Low's WoBM SYKDi?willr«moTe all kinds of Worms from children or adults. Try J. R. Trimble's 5 Ibsw of Tea for $1 cash, former price 80 cts., or 6 lbs. for f 1.40. Try it. FaxEMi^'s WoBM FowDCs are safe in all cases. They destroy and re- moo Woriifs in children or adults. Tkachbb WiNTBD, for S. Section No. 6, Holland, for '86. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Standaso office, Markdale. If you are too bashful to pO0 the question, just ask your gu-1, if ske will go halyes with you in baVing a marriage licenfae. House and lot for sale on Gaorga Street, Markdale. For particnlars _^ apply to Peter McArthur, Travera- ' 0., or to this oface. 266-tf Peof. Low's Magic Sttlphbb Soap. â€" Healing, soothing a cleansing for all eruptive diseases ot the skin. De- hgbtful for toilet use. Mb. H. Allen, agent for the History of the Upper Canadian Ee- bellioD, is in town. This is a very interesting book of two volums. National Fills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. Two YEAS old Bull, with ^liiodigree, for sale, cheap for cash or good mark. B. Freeborn, one mile from Williama- ford. Also two good Colts. 268-tf James Masson, Esq., has been ap- pointed Q. C, and the appointment cannot but give general satisfaction to members of the legal profession. He richly merits the position. Mb. Geo. B, Pennington, general manager of the Frovinoial Provident Insurance Institution, lectured in Haskett's Hall last week. He aecufed fourteen members before he left town. Shiloh's Cobe will immediately relieye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x YaUdb REdJiiVED Waltham Watches, 14, 17, 20 dollars. 3 grades, 8 oz. coin^cases. Warrants cover breakages fot' years 5 p.c* off for cash. W. A. Brown, the reliable Jeweller, Mark- dale. A Nasal Injectob free with each bottle of Shiloh's (Jatarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Bold by A. Turner â- Co. W. McLeod is doing a fast in cress ing business in both readymade aiid ordered work in Boots Shoes. The' peuple say it is the cheapest place in tewn to get booked. Call and be con- vinced. Maekdals ^eatfie faur tm Saturday, the 7th November, This will be one of the best fairs of the season. Some of the outside buyers hare already en. gaged cars for that day, with a view to heavy porehases. Spbingfteld Watchesâ€" fine move- mentsâ€"fully guaranteed for 2 years, 8 4 oz. ooin cases, key and stem wind, 14, 18 21 dollars. 6 p.c. off for cash. These aie close prices. W. A. Brown, Markdale. No DOUBT the fjirmew will be pleased to see our genial friend, Mr. John Richards, tm the market again this winter for his old employer, W. J. McFarland. Jack will make things lively, and don't you forgetxt. The new all rail Canadian route to Winnipeg and the Boeky Mountains via. the North Shore of Lake Superior msMVBd for ptfWnger traffie Monday, 2nd Notember: Caw wiB be^nm thioogh to Winnipog without ehing^. DON'T B]$ DECEIVED SexLOS's (JATABBH ReMEDT-â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthrie, Mid Canker Mouth. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Any quantity of monej; to loan on real estate on the very best terms. Low rates, easy terms, and dispatch in putting through loans. Bnsinese strictly private and confidential. Apply at the Stahaabd office, Mark' dale. Why Will YotJ cough when Shiloh's Cure will ftive immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 60 d»., and $1. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Wm. Stttabt, Esq.. of Eimberly, in authorized to issue Marriage Licences, and is also a money lender on real estate. He .is. an honorable ttiata ttA will doubtless receive a good paWnage. See his «ard in another column. The Rev. Geo. Thateb, of Bourbon, Ind., says J "Both myself and wife owe our livfes to Shiloh's Consumption Cdbe." Sold by A. Turner Co. x Babbhbad Mills. â€" Both the Grist and Saw Mill are now in full blast and in a position to turn out better work than heretofore. Farmers will do well to remember this, for no per- son is more honorable with his custom- ers than is W. J. Rowe. Fob Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed 'guarantee on overy bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Mabkdale S. S. Anniversary will take place on Thursday next. Tea in the feange Hall itom 5 o'clock. Chan: liken at 8 o'clock. 'Splendid program. Addresses by Rev. W. Ayers of Flesherton and the local ministers. Admission 25 cents. Gome. Abb You Mass miserable by in- digestion. Consumption, Dizzuiess, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin Shiloh's Vitalizer is a ositive cure. Sold by A. TurnM A Co. x If you have^ a Waltham, Elgin! Swiss or English Watch, cut of repair, leaTe it with me. I have lathes, material, and 16 years practical ex- perience, and will guarantee a satis- factory job to all who intrust me with work. W. A. Brown, Watchmaker. Mta Robeb's pupils are making very satisfactory progress in music, and particularly those who' are taking lessons in drawing, Miss Rorke passed through the Ladies College at Whitby, carrying off many of the highest honors, and we would be pleased mdeed to see her make her mark as a teacher. The Presbyterion Review, a weekly paper, pubhshed m Toronto, only $1 per year, is now on a trial trip to the majority of the members and tidher- ents of the Presbyterian church. We have no doubt that a large number will be added to the subscriptioa roll as the paper really deserves the «op- poti ot all true Presbyterians. CimifsiiDABLB. â€" Mr. Jenkins â- an- nounces his intention to close the Chronicle office at 8 o'clock every Saturday in order to let liis employees have a chance to "'shine up" for Sunday. We often let our staff off early Saturday, bat cannot always adhere to this desurable practice owing to work of an urgent nature. J. R. Tbimble has just received a very large lot of fine J^'urs in Ladies' Gents' Fur Coat* Caps, and La- dies' Fur Sets in endless variety. We willgive you extra value in those goods for spot cash, as we hold the lai^est line ol fine Fora in Markdale or the County also a large stock of Ladies' k Gents' Kid Gloves ft Mitts in stock. ••Oof .LfTitiS OMta."â€" ^Hie Novem- b« iMuAtiK(if e BBigKt' is to fai^ «i«^^of sborfr il^iitrited siorM* whieli araealeidaM iiitnert aBdioakuci the yosng meilbin ot the iuaStf. The eldldisni lodHi etRW^ The accident which happened to Mr. John Tbompsen, of Holland, while threshing at Mr. Howey's, near Massie, resulted lAore seriously than was at first expected, and on Friday last the two Dr. McCullougfas and Dr. Denhart amputated it at the Icnee joint. Very Uttle hopes are entertain- ed of bis rescoveryt-^Chatsworth Nam. New Stobt. â€" The Standabd is noted for the excellence of its seriels, and the one commencing this week is one of the best yet published. New subsoribsrs for 1S86 who send in their names any time this month (Novem- ber) togctliej with $1, will have the paper supplied from eommencement of this Story, and their subscription will not expire until the 1st January, 1887. Convenience.â€" If yon wish to subscribe for or renew your sub- scription for any of the following papers, you can dp so at this office and thus save the trouble and risk ot mailing â€" Globt, Mail, News, Daily World, Montreal Star, Faf-tners' Advo- cate, or American AgricnUurist. The balance of this year free to all new subscribers for 1886 tot any of the above weeklies or monthlies. Peek's Sun published ot Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is the most humorous paper in America to-day. Geo. W. Peck, its editor and proprietor stands without an equal as a humoiist. He believes in making people happy, and na one can be otherwide wlio reads hiii most excellent paper. Our readers are invited to read the prospectus of Peeks Sun, in another column. Sample copies mailed free to any ad- dress. Mebchants should be careful in selling to children without a written order from their parents. In a suit in the Division Court. Here on Saturday His Honor* Judge Mac- phersoti refused to allow the cla*m of a merchant for goods sold to children without a distinct order from their parents. It is all right when no objection is made otherwise it is all wrong â€" Chatsworth cor. to O. S. Ad- vertiser-. Fabmbbs' hsTiTunou. â€" At a well attended meeting at McAllister's on Tuesday of last week, for the form- ation of a Farmers' Institute, the following officers were elected, each of which are authorized to receive cub- scriptions .D. MeNichel, Pres. Geo. Binnie, Vice-Pres. Wm. Irvine, Lamlash, Sec'y-Treas. W, Young, R. Watson, jr., J. Hastie, D. Mc- Dougall and A. McPhail, Directors The entrance fee was place4 at 25cts. â€" Grey Review. The Dnndalk Btrald has come out inanenlaiged form, being now the same size and make Up as the Stand ABD. This has been done owing to increased advertising space, which may not continue. We are glad to nee this sign of prosperity in the Herald, and hope Mr. HaJl will have such practical 'sffpport as to enable him to continne ihe Herald in its present size. It is one of the best papers in the County. HAtxowx'EN. â€" The boys acquitted themselves very ereditably, not doing anything like the damage usually done on such occasions. The parlia- ment building in rear of the Mc- Dougall block was upset, and the boys gathered on Monday night in order i^i replace the building but, notwithstanding their commendable offorte, they were unable to pst it in position. They onght to get one 3f Mabee's patent loal lifters. Cube fob Smallpox.â€" A well-known correspondent of the Liverpool Mer- cury writes as follows: "I am willing to visk my reputation as a public man if the worst case 61 smallpox eanhot he in three days efhotually eured, â- UQfily liy cream of tftrtar. (hie ounce of eream of tartar dissolved in a pint of boiling water, to be dttnk when •dd At ^rt intervds. It has cured In looking for the latest improve- ments about town, we notice that Mr. J. E. Marsh, of the Markdale House, has greatly improved his hotel yarda and sheds by grading them up with graTcl, makm^ the yards and sheds high and dry, and really a pleasure drive over and into. He has also made extensive and thorough repairs on his hotel stables, and they are now warm, commodious ahd in every way first- class. It is live, energetic men wa want in Markdale, then our business intraests will all be upheld and con- tinue, to thrive. Tak Quarterly meeting of the Eu^ phrasia Mission was held Sunday, Nov. Ist, at Mount ^ion church. The attendance was good. The services were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Grandy, assisted by Robert Dnnlop, who very ably addressed the congre- gation firom Isiah 6drd, Ist verse. The business meeting was held on Monday, and financially was the best ever held in the Mission. Through the able and good business system and earnest devotion of our esteemed pastor and the blessing of the Lord, we are look- ing forward to the time when we will become self-sustaining. â€" Com. WttT, Mrs. MoDonald, have you tried that tae called Triumphant, that the Standabd puffed so much about in last week's paper. Indeed, Mrs. Mc- Carly, but I have. Yon know the tae I mean, Mrs. McDonald. It is pat up in a nate little tin box, and och, bich nice printing and pnrty pictures as there is on it; and Mrs. McDonald and did you loike it. Loike it t ^o, no; who could loike sich great i;aw, eoorse stuff as that. Give me Jim Trimble's 86 cent tae in preference to all their fancy taes m tin boxes and fancy printing, and all sieh other stuff as that. Jim Trimble puts it into a nate little common brown paper bag, and you don't have to pay him any fancy prices for your tin cans or fancy printing or siteh other stuff as that. Why, Mrs. McDonald, dear, the beau- tiful fresh, fragrant smell you get through your house firom Trimble's taej just does the children as well as if they had been drinking a bowror two of any other taes I can get there in Markdale, and of course that gives the ould man and mysell an extra bowl or two. Och, dear Mrs. McDonald, but that Jammy Trimble does giye you the bargains for the ready money. Indeed and Mrs. McCarty I shall take your advice, and more than that 1 shall pitch all that rubbish of tiae on! in the gutter and go straight tc Trimble's and buy enough Tae an Sugars, and Dry Goods, and Boots k Shoes, and all the other little nic!:- nacks I want to do the family for tl^ next twelve months, fori reaUy b'elievi from what you have tould me, aij i what I have seen myself, that he do:t give great bargains for the read^- money. It is wonderful how he dcc^ it, but he does do it. Friends, go a::! see for yourselves. StadMtard Sale Regiater. m Parties getting their sale hi printed at this office will receive free notice similar to the following the Standabd. Importaot SNictieu Sale on Friii: 6th Nov.. of village property in Mai i. dale, comprising lot No. 6, Qneeuli opposite the residence of Mr. G. Bowes, and lot No. 4. Brown St.. .â- . posite the residence of Dr.,Spru ,: M. P. There is on the former :? n commodious concrete dwelling l} and on the latter a large i/n.. residence. Wm. Eoagb, Owen 8 owner Geo. Noble, auctioneer, posters for full particulars. Saturday, Nov. 14th, on lot 24 9, Euphruia, Mr. Wm. Curr v B^l his stock, implemcnte, c without reserve, faaviog leascvi farm. Sale at 1 o'eleek. on sums oyer $5, IS months on rM^royed joint notes. Sheph^dson, auctioneM*. â- â- â- â- lo::); ill. 11-J liiiK: i.i:: â- â- •â- â- Si 1:1 illifi vm\ w:i itj i I â- M m- -S'K .â- ^r â- " 1 -m !#•â-