mm wmm ' ?i lt?l ThB Stettdard. MABEDALE OGTOBEB 15, 1885. 65anra8pxmd^w)a Honouâ€" We TOh it distinottr «»4«|[»**°^ thst\radk not hold oanelyes responMOiieJm theopixiiMwextKeawdby oxa corteepondmtB OBrrUABY, We are called apon thia week to chronicle the deatii of an old and highly respected resident of Artemesia, in the person of Mr. Thomas Elliott, Sr., who passed away on Monday evening, 12th inst., age 69 years 9 months. Mr. Elliott has been a resident of above township over a quarter of a century, and was one of our most successful farmers. He was very unassuming, and kind in disposition, while his character was uuspotted. He was taken with eau' cer in the month about two years ago, which continued its slow but sure and painful work, in the under part of the, mouth towards the throat, causing great suffering, the last week especially with the above result. His wife passed on before in January, 1884. Their family, consisting of three sons and three daughters, all sttrvive them. The funeral on Wednesday was largely attended. TIM omxasa of SBCnON pobtfoiii ..^^ Panfie BAND CONCEBT. As was advertised^ the brass band of this pkee gave a grand concert in William sford on Wednesday evemng, the 7th inst., consisting of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc. financially and otherwise it was a suc- cess. The following are those whose names appeared on the programme, all of whom did (heir part admit ably Well Musicr by the Baud; Becitation, Miss MeDc^;' Song, Miss Dnndas; Trio, Messrs. JFones, Jackman and Armstrong Song, W. J Benson Becilation, Miss M. Dundas Song, Miss L. Borke Mtisie, by the Band Song, Miss Armstrong Becitation, W. J. Benson Duett, Miss Master Dundas Quartette, Messrs. Benson,. Lyons, Jones and Porter Becitation, F. Porter Crod Save the. Queen, by Band. The members ot the band wish to tender a vote of thanks (passed at their last meeting)) to the ladies who so ably assisted them, at the above. C3ncert.. THE SHEPPABD- LIBEL SUIT; Mr. E. E. Shepgard, editor of the ' !toronto News,hs^owa commendable '-ability and rare honor throughout his â- recent perseeution.x In the first place he conducted his own case with a de- gree of cleverness that would do credit to any lawyer, and, had the trial taken place -^Heia the shadow of justic was possible, would have won it and, in th^second place, he respectfully de- clined proffered pecuniary assistance in the shape of subscriptions to defray his heavy expences in the suit, and also declined demonstrations of sym- pathy further than that which was so enthusiastically given him on his re- turn from Montreal after tne trial, when over 5,000 leading citizens o£ Toronto assembled at Union Station to welcome him and to present aoi ad- dress. The sympathy of the Domin- ion is with Mr. Sheppard, and public opinion echoed and re-echoed through the press in a manner seldom, if ever before witnessed. The independent and outspoken stand taken and caixied oat by the Neics, is giving it a position hi Canada which no other leading paper occupies, and if cnntinutd (as we have no doubt it will) will be th*- Leader of public oninion. Sc*tt Act. To tkt Editor of the Standard. Dkab EnrroB,â€" I am anxious that you should carry the Scott Act m Grey, hence I ask the privilege of saymg a few words of eneouragement. There is no use wastmg tune now in scolding for past mismanagement. Be sure you're right this time. Do not be influenced by the cry of "failure' It certainly is failure to the hquor tttiffic, and that is what we mean. Intoxicatmg Uquor stands in the way of the moral and spuritnal wielfare of hotel keepers and their families. It cannot be otherwise, for God says, "Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drmk, that puttest tliy bottie to him and makest him drunken." Do not blame them so long as they observe the law. Do not even blame those who make the law. The electors are responsible for the eixistence of the law which licenses the traffic. "Vote it out." Here in Bruce the Act is doing great good. 1 am with- in five miles of a village which was notorious for drunkenness, now it is a model of society. In our own town, according to reliable testimony, there is on an average, about $30 per day less realized from the sale of Uquor. I do not say there is not considerable sold secretly, nor that none are seen drunk. But the bar trade is killed, and that means new life to hundreds of homes. There are dijfi.culties in, the way of enforcement, but they are becoming less. Hitherto the Govern- ment has not assumed the re- siwnsibiiity of prosecuting unless security for costs were forthcoming. This is no longer the- case. The Government cheers- aie instructed to spare no effort in loyally and faithfully oarrysng out the provisions of the law. "The new erder- in council;" which has caused so much uneasiness,, cer- tainly does, not "faoijitate" the opera- tions of, the Act, yet it does not in ueality weaken ii The order simply allows distillers to sell (npt in Sqott Act counties), in quantities, of 10 gallons.. Hitherto they were not per-- mitted to take out of bond at any time less than 40 gallons. The Scott Act totally, prohibits the sale of hquoir {in counties where it is in operation, except by those who are hoensed ac- cording to its pronsions;. and any distiller, or any other persondisposing. of it iui Biich counties QAQ be prosecuted^ Gheej: up frieDds in Grey. "Is not the Lord gone out before you " Many eyes are on you, and many prayers are going up for you. "March on nor fear to win theday." Yours sincerely, I Gbebve. PofibElgio, Oct. Sth, 1885. The Canadian Burnt P^^^ tended oWT^ C««^/ ^2^ route hi the norfli show of LjM Superior to Winnipeg «» ^^JTao oS. but have decided not to do io Torder that they mB,jJi^ye^ ^d ^mpleted and in perf-ci «dMr Wore opfnmg the passenger wm^. It will, however, be open for fr««ht teX on that date, and for P«Meng« 5Sc on the 2nd Noyember. the time mtervening being taken up m^com- pleting tiie road m the nunutert details for the comfort of travelers JkHWOyWCJEMENl n f.' if*" â- S^- Noticu ifiBirth», Mamaget,M^ JfeMs, twetnty five cents. BIRTHS. THOKAfl-ln Markdale, October 9th. the wile of Mr. L. J. Thomw, of a son^ MARRIAGES- BBowK-BuTMDGB-On ibe 6th October; in Sson Kan.. Mr. L. f^-^^J^l^, Marv E. Ralledge, eidest daughter of tue late William Eutledge„of this plac*. AT«BiLi,-McKE.-Cn the Uth in.t., at e residence of the bride's pMents, by the Bev. Wesley Cassou, 3^. Fr«J_A«r^. of Mjss Susan M., eldest daihVerof Mr. Hugh McKee. Glenelg. i Preparatory io taiifig in « partner and reorganiz business, I haye determined to reduce stocks to the h^^. point I shall therefore irom this date sell for CASH ONLt] the whole of my stock of Dry Goods, dotliiiig, Boots Shoes, k,^{ At prices hitherto unheard of. My customers and thj puhUc are iaviced to ^ve, xae a call at the TORONTO HOflSf. 0€t. 8th» 1883, WM, BROWN. 2!l5-t| deaths- Elliottâ€" In Artemesia, on the 12th inst., Thos. Elliott, Esq., aged 69 years, 9 months. MAJJKDALE. Fall Wheat .*0 75 to Spring Wheat 70 to Barley .••• 3^ to Peas *8 to Oats 25 to Butter ............... 10 to, Eggs • •.• ^* *** Apples .•.•.•-• 25 to Potatoes 2P to, Hay ...•••.5 5Q *0 Pork....... 6 00 tp. yiour 4 00 to. Wool 17 to 9C80 85 56 62 27 12* 0(J 40 25 6 00 t 00 4 75 18 Hoflorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. treats allDiseas- I es of Domestic Animals,^ Horses Examine] For Soundness uii Certificates Giren. â€"0â€" VE-TEEIHARX MEDICINES KEPT «Se DISPENSER CAI^LS PH^MPTIiX^ ATTVJK DED. CHARGES mODEkTE. Offee A Infirmary :â- SYDENHAU ST.. Opposite Marktfa/e House, M ARKDALL Slt^v^Wl ^i^r^9 » 'â- â- Gook Stoves^ ^i6.5,oTrti«med Parlor Stov^st^ Coal Stoves, Box Stoves, All equally low. DYNAMITE IN ORANGEVILLE. TWO BOCSBSi nAlfOXB On Wednesday morning,, tkft 7th inst., about 1 o'clock, the residences of F. Monro, Piriiae Magistrate,^ and Thos. Aoderson, License Inspector of Orangeville, were badly shattered; supposed to hare been done by dyna- mite. It appears thai one or two cases of infraction of the Scott Act were tried before Monxo on the preTio.n8 day and it is thought that this was the cause of the dastardly attempt to de- stroy life and property. The town has offered a reward of $600 for the detection and convietioa of the guilty parties. MARVELOUS. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Core viUcom Siek HMdadM, DiszineH. m4 Boor StoHML. 1 lo S boMM •M wamotad toMM LifwrComkuaL IM jMioa aaa BOMMTlSiC A,Aw»*Oow Artemesia Fall Sb«ir« Our Township fair, which was held at Prioeville last Tuesday, was a very successful affair. There were a large number more enteries this, year than last,, the worthy Secretary.^ Mr. Jas. Brodie, being obhged to. use a large number of blank entry tickets besides the printed ones. This shows a healthy state of things, and is due in a large measure, no doubt, to the fact that such sfaiunch, enterprising men as Bobert Ohver and Jas. Brodie are connected with the management. The attendance of visitors was large. The exhibit of horses in the various departments was nnsxceptionally fine â€" the speeding in the ring as usual forming one of the principal features ia connection with the ex- hibition. The show of cattle, sheep, and hogs^ are really good, although there was rather a small array of thoroughI»-eds. The poultry exhibit- ed attracted eensidemble attention. Mr. T. Conkey exhibited three very fine pair of Hamburghs. For full partieulara see prize list next week. The exhibits m the hall were numerous and good, roots particularly; ako big pumpkms and squashes. We Boticed some fine cabbage and celery. Horseshoes were plentiful and good. In the ladies work, there was as usual a good display.â€" iJdconc«. linPORTABrT. Wlw yaa ymt or leave H«K York City, save BaH-geExprew and Canisge hire and •to)^ at the Grand Union Hotel, oppositt fitted np at • cost of nie million dollan. r* doeed at fl.QO tad nrnntif per day. S^JT* f»»^. B-»«Wi»t «ippliid ««1«» mmm al the Qumi Haifsa I take this means of inform- ing the public generally^ that I have Qpen^d in MAREDALE Hardware, Lance tooth Sawsl Buck Saws, HandSa\rs,| Axes, Nails, Glass, Putty Atbolitomprices.! Intending purchaserSi yi(ill do well to give ua^calUM we cannot be unde^^old. WALKER BRO'S, -m Markdale. An AgenQy for the sale the famous 61 "DOHEItn ORGAN" And world renowned The Doherty stands at the top of the list £^« either a Par- lor or Chapel Organ. For strength and variety of tone, as well as beauty of finish and durability, it stapds withaat a peer. The Singer Sewing Machine is known all over the coiitinent as the most perfect and dur- able machine in the ma^-ket. Those who anticipate purch- asing anything in the above line will consult their own best interests b^ giving me a call before closing bargain else- where. Ofiice in Dunlqp^s old stand, Markdale. Spectacles and Eye-Glasseii| A^. TEfR ONLT â€" r CmiUINE EMQLI8H ARTIOLE^ ^m THE Tests Real Pebb^est are kept in stock are given to Purchasers to prove Genua? ... â- _ » froiD 'I They are i^Mmmended by vtA tetUmoniftls ^a^*^^"?/!,? SeK«ii^l President. Viw$*«rid«nt,Ex.Pr0iidentandE,x-Yice-Pre«dentoiw^g^^ Association oTQviada the PreaidenV of the CJollage of P^J'^^'^^ij; geons of Qaebe« j tha Oeui of the Medical Faculty of Laval un"?^^ i^^ Preddent and IJ^-^nrnkntB of the Me^ieal Council of Nova bcou their 9 A, These reoompiMdatbnB ought to be safiEioient to prove but it farther pnwf in needed, eall on TUBtiiM AQi., Cfiemists and The only pUce in town where they can be obt^ f^Sp^taaes fitted on scientific principle- laiBi* Rnnlu I Dismm, Im$ of Appetite, Indigestioji, i?«7iw«**l orirrtfularaetianefV^^" H«. .t--. 1 iIU pps lE The prises irere below. S^«a dea^ral Alex Lilbura, Jam Spaa Oarriaj^e Hoadersoa, Joliu BoLggfRui^.â€" Siiille tfor^eâ€" J Mare, foal hy h Elliott. Spring Gait, geu Wm Douglass Spring Colt, ro Freeborn. Colt or Fiiljr, 2 £ichard DoiigluHs, Colt or Fillr, Wm Sargeut, \\'in Colt or Filly, 2 Sproole, Bobt £11 Cult or i-"JJy, 1 Jas Kelsciij. Spetidiiig in riu;: Ed Large. Tiios El Ball OYer 2 r.-a l"addeu. Bull uiidec 2 yea Elliott. Darkam Oav: O'Briau, 1st and ti Grade C«w, girii Davis. Heifest. St jesirs- Buiton. Heifer, 1 y^^râ€" V Spring Calfâ€" E ,\ Yoke Oxea â€" Hhj: McBride. Pair Steers J ycgj Pair fcstoers 1 ?t s arid 2ad, CULSS o, â€" S Aged Earn â€" Wm Slietjrliiig Raittâ€" and. P«ir SJEearlia^ I Ast and 2Bd. Ram Ifsmitâ€" R'ki Pair E-wnl's. '1 .•-.ydsoR 1st «K'l Slid. Pair E.v^ Lauii. «nd 5ud. €i.Ass i.â€"9. -\KPd Kauiâ€" llrcs SliPar2ui£ EfjK --' Pair t'lfjailiti-s I^"' KaiB Laaibâ€" rii'.: Pair Ewe-;, raisoj Wm SJ5epi'ei(l.x;ti. Pair Ewe Ltiujl-.s-- M-Akttt showed a pair of lopshire Ewe lambs highly som- ^ed but were too late to receive a 8 Judgesâ€" Thos Paul, A Lyons, /Parker. !; Class 4. â€" Swine. j perkshire a?ed Boarâ€" R Ohver, ' I Bwanton. Berkshke Boar Pigâ€" j INijon, Geo Nixon. Berkshire " I Sowâ€" D Stinson, Geo Swanton. ahire sow Pigâ€" Geo Stewart, D Hon. Suffolk or other white aged Boarâ€" Jacob HoUey. rngâ€" Geo Stewart, D Stinson. I Sowâ€" Jacob Holley, W Barn- e. Sow Pig^D Stinson WBarn- N. Judgesâ€" Thos Paul, A Lyons, p.Parker. \} Glass 6. â€" ^Poultry. w Brahmas- r. Montgomery, ntgqqaery. Vibite Lsghorns- [Mentgomery, W Barnhouse. r* .r*^.?^'°^--Bnncan Campbell. »oth Bock-^^fli Fletcher. B f Uwson. Black Hamburgâ€" W|t r w-V, •^" pencUled Ham^ i ^MoGee, J McGee. Houdans- i ^tes, J W BaUs. Game Black â- 7 _# Montgomery, E Moutgemery. i " JiJantoms black redâ€" R ' I^Sfy* John Lyons. Aylesbury "jH^hasBeUamy, W J Gooey. f nndsDucke-W J Gooey. Geo ' _J«e8eâ€" Jm Beecroft, Jas rurkeysâ€" S Stokes, W J â- »«â€" GaAiKSKns. fISJJheat-Jacob HoUey. J»FaUWWt-TB Carrutheri Lj^,. OAerw.FallWheat^ 7ti??*^J«*- Gksgow » tSv^T" Stinson. Russian ^«^M Stewart, Tho. â- ^J^' Spang Wheat-J **ney 6 rowed-,r Brodie, Stinson, l^St'r S^N^ Brodie, KS ^?^ C3n white-H fcST'w^^iJorn yellow- P«^ Ij^jSeed-JBrodie, lnX- ^Bean^-J Brodie, â-º^li Butledg, other Tarietyâ€" ' Collection itoUBkek. Bellamy. niiwn, W ^Mob 11^, '*-4iir J, V I J b G I k ii s I u A A \i Jk n u Ii! ti y\ F P C li M P in ai B II â- '«' ifii