Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Oct 1885, p. 4

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 '^-"^eWfomtf^^'V^^':* m. f Mil ThB Standard. MABKDALE OCTOBEE 8, 1885. GLENELG FALL SHOW. A DECIDES 8UCCE8S. Glenelg Township AgricaltHral Society held its Fall Show in their gronndsMarkdals on Thursday and Friday last. Tha weather was all that could be desired, and the attend ance wae largest yet seen on such an occasion. There were a greater number of entries than any previous year. Though everything passed ofE orderly and very aatisfactorly to all concerned, yet one thing was lacking, -and which in our opinion should not have been so on any consideration, viz., the presence of our brass band, the band offered to play the afternoon for $10, and we have no doubt had they been engaged, and adver- tised to that effect, the extra gate receipts would have paid the amount so that it would •cost the society nothing, as it was however the receipts at the gate amounted to $87, being rome S22 in excess of last year. There were a large display of horses, and a constant speeding was kept up through the greater part of the day. In cattle the exhibit, was small though some fine animals were on the ground Thos. Brady showed a yearhng bull which weighed on the morning of the show 1,420 lbs. Shepherdson of Euphrasia had a very large exhibit of good sheep, and carried off about all the prizes in that class. Mr. Mason had a number of fine carriages, and Noble of Markdale and Pulford of .\\[aIkerton had a fair displayof agricultural implements. â-  The poultiy was a leading feature of the Show. A yeiy convenient poultry house was erected a year ago. and onlarged this year, yet there is not room, there being this year 53 pens of the feathered tnbe. K. _j, Montfromery of Markdale had a very credit- able exhibit having 34 birds which carried off a largo number cf prizes. The hall was well liUed, and should be enlarged. W. A. Bj'own, .lewellar, liail a line display of Silverware, timepieces of various dimentions c., Fred Moffat of this village Jaad a handsome display of scroll sawing in various forms, one clock case made of 140 pieces was very handsome and disp'ayed great taste and ingenuity. We uudcrsland J^'red intends exhibiting at Toron to Industrial next year. Thos. Moffat showed sjjlendiJ specimens of pencil drawing, also pen and ink drawing these were very much a Itnirod. The ladies' department was indeed creaitable. James Hamilton had a large and ' very fine display of photos. In fruit the ex- hibit \Yab small, but the quality good. The quantity of butter was average, and the qiiiility excellent. The roots and vegetables' were much better than we expected to see, in fact in this department the show aston- ished the spectators. We noticed in one jjoition oi this class the exhibitor had taken the trcubio to mark the name of the exhibi- tor on the entry tickets, thus breaking the rules and doubtless throwing himself out of a number of prizes. The grain, except spring wheat, was good, though not very largely exhibited, only two entries of spring v/heat was showed. Tuos. Mathews exhibited a number of sets of harness which showed flue workmanship. LADIES ONLY. The complexion is often rendered unsightly by Pimples, Liver Spots., and Yellowness. These it is well known are caused from an iuactiye Liver and bad blood. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See Eecipe Book for for toilet recipes, liints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. SolJ by A. Turner Co. Oct. Kimberly. From our own correspondent. Times are lively, and building brisk. \Vm. btuart sold four village lots last week in two days, subject to build- ing. The long talked of Valley Eoad has been finally settled, by the most inter- ested parties building the bridges and giving most cf the loan gratis. Municipal matters ar quiet. We think as each corner of the township lias a councillor and the Beevo in the center, we cannot mend matters much. Mr. J. Thurston found a bee .tree. He is quite an expert ia the business. Mr. Samuel Gandin, our school teacher, has been sick this last week and unable to teach. He is getting something better. Eev, Mr. Wilson, Presbyterian Min- ister, preached tere on Sunday of last week in the Methodist church. We wish he could visit us frequently. linPORTAlVT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. ElOeant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re ducad at 51.00 and upwards per day. European plan, Elevator, Kesturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. FamiUes can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other fiist class hotel in thd city. LOST I How many people of both sexes are suffering from lost vitality, all broken down, and on the verge of Consumption that might be restored, as many have been \|ben given up to die, if they would use Burdock Blood Bitten, which restores lost vftality and «â-¼Â«â-  ««v Tig(w (^ tiie debi'i^tMl ij^i^ Flesiicn«B« A case of theft was tried before J. W. Anaatrong, J. P., on Thursday afternom boni; ti»t of obai^ of home thdFt prefexred by one Dayid McMollen against a Mr. Whitby of Engenia. Jkbr. Whitiiy claimed to haye pnichas- ed tba cfAi from some tin pedlars. After the hearing of the case the magistrate committed Mr. Whitby to stand his trial at assizes. Constable Field escorted the prisoner to Owen Sound. The Temperance, Convention held in this place on Friday attemoon last, was not as largely attended as was expected and desired. Mr.- Provincial D. D. G. M. of the Sons organization was present to assist in the organization of County Districts or Divisions. In the evening the Fledierton Division ^aye a free enter- tainment consisting of music and short addresses. There were a good number present, and an enjoyable evening was spent. R. Fawcett, Esq., performed the duties of chairman in a very creditable manner. The Educational sermons m con- nection with the Methodist church here on Sabbath last. The Rev. Wesley Cass an, of Markdale, delivered a very impressive sermon in the morning and the Rev. Mr. Howell, M. A., of Owen Sound, (District Chair- man), delivered a very carefully prepared and eloquent address Irom the words, •' Am Imy brother'skeeper." Called Home. â€" Such can be said of the late Joseph Hind who died at his residence here onjSabbath eyening at the ripe old age of 85 years. Deceased was among the first settlers in this township and endured many of the inconveniences Of the pioneer. Retiring from farm life a number of years ago with part of his family be- came a resident in this village. Under all circumstance he was always happy and cheerful, and ikltho' for the last few months a great sufferer, he maintained that same happy cheerful- ness to his last moment. Having lived the life of the nghteous, he died the death of the same, and passed peacefully away to an inheritance which fadeth not away. A cottage social, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid, held at the residence of Mr. Wm. Neal, in this village, on Monday evening, was fairly attended. Quite an enjoyable evening was spent in various amuse- ments. A SPEEDY CURE. As a speedy cure for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Colic, Cramps, Sick Stomach, Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and all forms of Summer Complaints, there is no remedy more reliable fhanDr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Dealers who sell it and those who buy it are on mutual grounds in confidence of its merits. S« Ws A V^oman's l^ant of Pockets. How amusing to notice, as one walks the crowded streets, that nearly every lady carries her pocket-book in her hand. But for the well-known fact that they generally have very Hitle money in them, and are mainly stuffed out with recipes for cake, memoranda of articles to be gotten while, shopping, bits of poetry cut from newspapers, and such trifles, valuable only to the owners, we can think on no greater temptation to the street thief than to snatch from their slender fingers the lightly held articles. Then, as though women hadn't care enough about the'r clothes, they generally carry a few small packages besides. It is almost a rarity to see a man go along the street with his arms fettered with bundles it is almost an equal rarity to see a woman entirely free from them. Hence a walk usually inyigoratf s a man and fatigues a woman. The main differ- ence is in pockets. Every possible nook and comer of a man's smt that can be utilized has a neat safe sub- stantial pocket in it. He puts his watch, his money, his handkerchief, kniff, and ithej little personal con- veniences sately away in these he has no other concern for their safety. He is not constantly asking, "Did I lay down my purse here " or, "Have you seen my handkerchief?" HIGHEST PRAISE. The well-known drug firm of N. C. Poison Co., of Kmgston, writes that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has long been considered the best remedy for Summer complaints in the market, and adds tliat tlieir CDstomosspeaUt m the highept terms ctf its mwits. Wild Strawhai7i4tb best known remedy IblrGbolimlfM^as,' DjMnt«^ Mid «U Boirel Gonilaints, "Who's the new boarda oypr the way " asked Mm. Bloff of her hus- band r "I don't know," he repued. "Is he married?" "No." "How do yon know " "Oh, I know." "I thought von said yoo didn't know him." "I don't." "Then how do you know he isn't married " "I heard him singing 'Heayen is my home,' as I came by last night." MARVELOUS. One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are waiTented to cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Biliousness. Sold by A. Turner Co. Oct Monttaly Fairs. Orangevilleâ€" The*second Thursday in each month. Dundalk^Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton^ â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Markdale â€" Saturday before Orange- ville. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Chatswcrihâ€" Monday before Dur- ham. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Chats worth. â-  Priseville â€" Monday before Durham Hanover^Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Notices of Birtlis, Mamagei, and Deatlia, twetiittj five cents. MARRIAGES- McLachlan^McIsnes, â€" On Wednesday, ihe 30th Sept., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Eev. D. McLeod, Mr. NeU McLachlan, to Miss Mary Ann, daughter of the late Donald Mclnnes, all of Glenelg. deaths- Lambâ€" In Glenelg, on the 5th inst., "William Lamb, brother of Mr. Joseph Lamb, of this village, aged 26 years. Kebb â€" ^^A.t her late residence" Euphrasia, ^p the 1st inst., Mrs. Ann Kerr, wife of the late James Kerr, aged 62 years. PBESBYTERLiN CHUBCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesdav evening at 8 o'clock. Eev. A. Wilson, Pastor; Wm. Brown, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:.S0 a. rd and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening from 8 to 9. Eev. Wesley Casscn. Pastor; G. S. Bowes, S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- nection Mrs. T. HUl, Secretary. Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meets everj alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their HaU, McDougall's block. "Visitirg brethren welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W. No. 141 meets in their Hall, McDougall's block, every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'cloek. A visit from brethren of reighboring lodges solicited. MabesaleL. O. L. No. 1045 meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each month, Thos. Elliott, Master; W. J. Blakely, Secretary. -:o: FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. LOT North i 16 on the 11th concession, Holland, 100 acres, 70 acres cleared, SOaeres in good state of aultivation, the balance hay and pasture. There is on the farm a gooillpg house and frame kitchen, a good well near the house also a log bam. School and Post-office on the next lot. Will rent for a term of years and 'take improve- ments for rent, or will sell on «asy terms. For paiticnlars apply to JAMES BBUCE. Lilly Oak, Or to William Steele, Ionia, Michigan. LAND FOR SALE. THE north half of lot nambor 15, con- cession 11, H Uand Townidi'p, County of Grey, eontaiuing 100 acres. This lot is all heavy timbered with beech mapkt, ^m, basswood and hemloek, and is situated about 4 miles from Berkeley, 6 from Williamsford and 9 from Varkdale stations, oa the Toronto. Orey aod Bmee Bail way. For terms acd pbtksidarB kodW to GEO. S. BOWES. Esq.. Ifardaia, or to the jmAmt. Prepp-ratory to taking'in a partner and reorganizing J business, I haye determined to reduce stocks to the h^A point I shall therefore from this date sell for CASH ONLy the whole of my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, h,k, At prices hitherto unheard of. My customers and the] public are invited to give me a call at the TORONTO HOUSL Oct. 8th, 1885. WM. BROWN. 265-tf Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. -oâ€" Treats all Diseas- es of Domestic Animals. -o- â€" 0â€" Horses Examjnej] for Soundness aii Certificates Given. VETEBINABX MEDICINES KEPT DIS PENSED CJftl^LS PROMPTI^F ATTENDED. CHARGES MODERATE. Offfee Infirmary SYDENHAM ST., Opposite Markdale House, MkMUll $t^ir##t Cook Stoves, ^16.50 Trimmed Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves, Box Stoves, Alrequally low. Hardware, Lance tooth Saws] Buck Saws, Hand Saws, Axes, Nails, Glass, Putty c. At bottom prices. 5:^' Intending purchasers will do well to give us a call as \ye cannot be: undersold. WALKER BRO'S, -j^ Markdale. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses -ABE THE ONLY- GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THKâ€" CA]VATIATS' MARKET. Real Pebbles are kept in stock. ^^ Tests are given to Purchasers to prove Cenu They are recommended by and testimonials ^f^^tpSS^M^^^^ President. Vice-Presideni, Ex-President and i^x- Vice ^f*- ,^.1^08 and Sa^ I Association of Canada the President of the College oirj ^^.^^jgjty; f I geons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty ^}^^ g tii, 4c., m President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of Ilova tlieir «r These recommendations ought to be sufficient to prove but il farther proof is needed, call on A. TUmiHl SCO.. CAem^f.W/'" The oply place in towjr». where they can oe IS- Spectales fitted on scientific pnnciple. ualitiieJ ills U.i,' i\ ^^!TTr;L-r -^ 'vWS "â€" • [take this means of inform- Ithe public generally^ that \ve opened in tABEDALE In Agency for the sale oi [famous ONERTY ORGAN And world renowned »» fhe Doherty stands at the [of the list as either a Par- ol Chapel Organ For fn^th and variety of tone, yell as beauty of finish and ibility, it stands without eer. 'he Singer Sewing Machine lownall over the continent :he most perfect and dur- machine in the market. ise who anticipate purch- ig anything in the above will consult their own best Tests by giving me a call ore closing a bargain else- ere. ice in Dunlop's old stand, Irkdale. HOGfl WILLIAMS. \Store to Rent in Makdafe. -J- Store ia Reynold's Block to rent, ipplwation as to terms can be obtained IJohp Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent, Strathnaim, P. G., Owner lESTBAY. luti*^?*® premises of the subscriber 1^1 i 14. con. 10, Holland, about T^fue.of July, a red yearlmj? steer. pwneris reqaested to prove property, ^Ottges and take him. BOBT. BBADLY, Lily Oak, P. 0. \^Mt FOR SALE. â- oweiknt farm in the township of loTif' V^^'^^y-^ao^ as Mount to L fi *?^.118, con. 2. north-east wa Sydenham Gravel Eoad, coa- ^100 acres, 80 acres cleared and in efi^t«°i °?^ti^tion, well fenced in «r^^ .!i^*â„¢ through the center, hndw^Jr^'**^ "^^^ large frame KdfSn^^^' frame driving house rSSSfirl^ ^°^^e' never failing injSfl?* «'«s fall wheat. Thil ^»»rfe^It^^*'**°^ Flesherton, For pMWiCBlars apply the premises, or A. NODWELL, Jtfarkdale P. 0., Ont. fjt Auction Sale ^^ tillage Property. j2^ ^W by PaWio Auction on '•*»i?ftl^^*" 18«5, at 3 o'clock ^p^^«^op«rty: One-half acre itofe^^^. Street, opposite the ^^Mjwmng Hfll Bro's Block, ^Si?" " *e Post-Offioe. ^^. inKq»erty, and suitable w M*e or fOT private dwell- lt^J^r"«« in one parcel or S^nMooith of purchase T2?*^ •â- K balance to be ^^*^»ri payments from ri|K^^?*8er to be secured "â- "â- ^^aHe. I'or further NOBLE, Aaotioneer. 1^ nm liMps^iiiiiiiilMliiUi iiiiliiii

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