Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Sep 1885, p. 4

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 Tho Standard. MARKDALE SEPT. 3, 18S5. THE STANDARD. Tbis week the Standard completes its fifth year â€" bow time flies â€" five ysars ago we left tlie farm and launched our bark on the sea of public journalism, from the plow to the pen from physical labor to mental employ- ment. We question the wisdom of ' oh-en changing from one line of j business or callmg to another, yet j have no reason to regret our change. We were successful in agriculture,' countrj advances in every other re epect, it is a good sign to see our be- lovf d land dotted with churches, and those places of worship should bt ful- ly up with civilizatiou. Churches that are erected now are not built for the last fifty jears, but rather for the next. Our village is growing," and what would accomodate the cougrega- ' tion now would' be quite too small ton years hence, so that it would be foolishness, to build for the present, with a view of enlarging in a few years, and as for being "ostentatious," there is nothing about the new edifice out of harmony with the size and symmetry of the building, or about the cost out of proportion with the ciicumstances and liberality of the congregation. We muat, however, not he alarmed to find that there is one chronic .^ .• i- 1 •., 41 3 grumbler iu the community, but and are qmte satisfied with the dog^ree .^^j^ ^.^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^.^ subscription " ^. I corresponds with his expressed views. business.! T P the I _^ ^•^• a of success which has efforts in the newspaper There is diifieultics iLici;k-iit to life and busiuess of the editor of • „,., ,^, „ country paper, Icuown cii.\ to tiio ' _,^ ,, 1 t I,,,:, ,^. ,,. Deak Sir.. â€" The MarkJale currcspcndent fraternity yet, wh^.t bu.IliCS., 01_ ^^^ ^^^^ i.-i,,i,„ton Advance, in last Friday's calling 13 without Kri .lue slUire ol • ,,,yj^^ ^.j ,(.{g, t^ the new Mc-thodist losses, crosses aad pt'y annoyances â-  ..Irirch now in course of erection, gives forth howfevc-r, the of five years some utterances which eound rather strange, 1 111 ,1.. 11^ ,,,1 '.-^ 1 «," t^ ill this progressiv'e age. He refers to the should be ..lluRblo, ..Kl ^\e hoi. '° i j^et that -Our fathers, the pioneers of the use it, not only In- tlio beueUt ol Uie i ^,,,,„,rv. worshiped in log barns and held Stanlam-, ljit tD t!ifc auvautago of its numerous readers. The paper is a welcome v;ccl;ly visiter iu many hundreds of homcH, nnd it will be our aim to ina!;i.- it indi'^i/fensiblc, not only to those «l;o ure no-.v subscribers, but l^( nuiiifrroiii othors -.vlio shonlJ be. We h::\-i: h'ji:n V.lj!;ia.i.S;d .in poltlicf, seciiirioniira .â- â€¢:â-  i.;:U 'n.ility, ar.J will continue in thi- c\cn tcn'jr of our way, resei vmjjliowcvcr; tnc rijliltucritioisc,' or oven ilonoiujc^, .-iny -purly or feet, from an ii.-d('pi;iid(jil -lunji/oint Vi'hen in our opinion duty Ciills for it. In conclusion, we w juld :isk the fissistauce of all oar i.ain.ns you have each a chance (o hi;'p to improve the SrAxo- Alio, by Hciiding it'nis of news in your vicinity, it rnty aj'poar trilling but whoii all thoso iiiiniu- items of iiPws are juit togother, iti.-; .sl(/nisliii!g how inttri-iitinL; 'lity become to tlie public. t^mtQH\ianiidntB. Nclli i:. \\*j '.v;--li it I tllut Wij do l..;t lioi'l :d\,^ llicoi.inien.-ieMi'fi-- 'd \i' i-':-.;:'.iv utid'r^n.od â- i-., !,rvy:i'U,\ for our corie--i»oiult-ut.^ i.f the SI uld^irJ. Tu till- Edil; Sii:, â€" llaviiig vi-sitod your entor- la-ising viiliago (as -.vnil as others west of ToruiitOj regularly for .some yuars past, 1 beg a small spaco ia the col- umns of your paptr for a lew ' criti- cisms antnt your village. We have (ifton bcuu;' at tlio amount of busmcs.s dune- iu- tills villiagu for ihfc .si/.o of the placit, judging not only from what wo -sec on each visit, but from the size of our order from time to tiiu(-. The villaj_;o is ycry nicely siluatCLl, btmg on cunir.aritivuly b.-vtl, yet n.liin-, -round J us;; utar enough the railway station, {say -io rod) the walir 1-; â-  xt-tllo'it. The citizen â-  appear sullicioiitly divided in nationality, i politics and rcljgioji to make the j society most dtsiraLdo. The churches (I hiivc visited each] are well attended llud just Im-e I might say a little more i towards its erection, and couutry their prayer meetings in rude log dwellings" implyiii(i tiiat their ascendents snould not aspire to anything higher, and tliat these buil""ngs were quite good encugli for the worfiiiii of God. Now I submit that we cannot do anything more pleasing to the sight of God, than endeavor to erect build- iuga, not oulv substantial .in-i commodious, but beautiful to wi.r.-h.p Uim in. .\nd as all «â- â‚¬ poFsess has been received from the hand of God. \Yhy slioulil we not give back I to him a portion of that with whicli He has tle»rsed us so bouiitifi'iiiy; and how could we lielter show our gratitudL' to him tlian in I ilie erections of .snc)i jilaces of worship, i wliich the correspoudeut regards as too ex- I l'e!l^ive, aud which v;ould f-;race a city, but ' too goud for tlio inhabitants of a village or Country to worhii in. Is the worship of the jii-."|do of thu country or village less ac- I ccptab â-  God, wlien it is offered up in 'SubstaLitial, commodious or even beautiful ' cli-rcli, than it wou! 1 be in a city or in a ' log barn? I think not. 'When Holomcn ' erected the temiilo and adorned and beauti- lied it iviih the offerings of His chosun people. lid God lefu.-e to vouch safe his presence iher. did he net come and visit and fill the ' tmnplo with His glory, thereby sanctioning ihe efforts of His people in erecting such a house in his name? 'The gold and sUver are the Lord's and the cattel on a thonsanJ liiU," and will tiod esteem it an injustice of the"peoile to return a portion of tiiat which is already Hi.*. Why nbould a compara- 1 tively costly church eugeuuer prido 7 I havo j witnessed inore rial liumility and sincere, I earnest worshiji, in some of the cathedrals I find large cliurclies in cities than I ever did ' in log burns or less iiujiosing placns of wor- sliip, Why w..uld not thi correspondent or I tliif well-to-do farmers be content to live in ' the original log shanties or dwellings, in- stead of building brick or stone, as soon as j their eiicunistances allow them! And should we be less gci.erous to Ciol than to oursel- I ves7. The entranee into a beautiful church, dedicated to tlie worship and service of God, is calculated to inspire with a feehug of awe j and reverence, t'onvspoudent says it will i burden a generation vet uuborn to pay for it. It v,-ould tell very badly for the enterprise as â-  well as thij piety of this community, il it i would eviii take half a general ion to pay off a deln of a few tliousand dollar.^. I fear Correspondent is like many more, w]io, when they do not want to giye towards. an object or enterprise, tiud all miuintr of fault and 'thus excuse themBcIves. I am happy to say that not only the members of the con- gregation who will worship in the church, but also the leading members of other .churches in this village have given nobly I am pursuaded CorbcttvB. The laying of the corner stone of a Presbyterian church at Corbetton (a small station on the C. P. B., 8 J miles south of Dundalk) took place on Friday last, 28th nit. There were present Eev, Mr. Mclutyre. ETange- list, wko is now laboring at Dnnda»k; Rev A. Wilson of MarkJale, Kev. J. Ross of Dundalk. and Mr. Madill who ie at present laboring there (caletta.) There were many of the congregation and friends present, to witness th« ceremony of laying the stone, which was perlormed by Rev. Mr. Wilson of Markdale. Immediately after tlie stone was laid, EeT. Mr. Melntyre gave an impressive and appropriate scriptural address, this was followed by suitable addresses from Eev. Mr. Ross, Rev. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Ma- dill, after which as many as ton per- sons stood up for the priyers of God's people. The interest so apparent m this place is doubtless owing to the very earnest labors of Air. Madill, whose work God is owning to the sal- vation of many. Short addresses were also given by others, after which the benediction was pronounced, and congregation di.spunsed. Free wi'l of- ferings amounting to §18, was taken. The church will, when finished, seat 300. Com. MAJtUKDALE. FU Wheat «0 80 to Spring Wheat 78 to Barley 50 to Peas 55 to vfttS â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â-  •••••• £9 O Butter iO to Eggs 10 to Apples 50 to Potstoea 30 to H«.T 00 to Pork S 00 to Floor 3 76 to Wool 17 to •0 89 6U 67 53 13 06 76 40 8 00 00 1 26 18 Notiea »/ Birtlu, Mamagei, and Deatlu, twetnty fivi cent*. DEATHS- Moffatâ€" In Markdsle, on the 27th, nit., Mrs. John Moffat of Osprey, aged 67 years. J J DALTON. pvOMIXIOS TOPOGUAPHICAL 6TJB giuecr, Chalswortb Out Whstt we may Expect. Better harvest weather. A great breadth of fall wheat sown. The hum of the threshing machines, and the usual accidents to happen. Fine fall weather. Show Fairs in abundance. Markets to rule low, and times dull in consequence. Winter weather prophets, making sad mistakes, a? usual. A pleasant time at the Social. More big fish stories, but none to beat A. Mci! Kiel to escape the gallows. A wedding in town shortly. James G. Russell's NOTED JEWELLERY STORE. F lesher-toin. Is the place to buy Waiches. Clocks and Jewellery. A large assortment just to hand. A i-Solid Silver Watches, Full Jewellefl, from |8.50 np to $26, worth from $10.50 to $32.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to oomo twenty miles to have yotir Watch or Clock repaii'ed by Eussell. IS* Satisfaction guaranteed every time. 217 269 JAS. 8. RUSSELL. Spectacles and Eye-GlasJ ^ABE THE ONLY ^F GENUINE ENGLISH ARTlCLcj THERE IS NO EXCUSE. There is no excuse for the many pale, sallow, weary looking females throughout oiir land, when Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate their troubles and renew their health, strength and vigor at so small a cost. FOR SALE. A GOOD horse for sale, or exchange for cat'ie. For particulars apply to W. J. ANDERSON, 2G0.63 Orange Valley. YenTeJsT^ SEALED tenders will be received np to noon the 30th day of September for the purchase of the old Methodist church, same to be removed from church grounds on the completion of new church. Apply to G. S. BOWES, 260-63 Markdale, P. 0. Store to Rent in Markdale. THE Store in Beynold's Block to rent. Application as to terms can be obtained from John Lyons, Varkdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vincent, 143-tf. Strathnairn, P. 0., Owner FARM FOR SALE. SPEING AND SUMMER. Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. No Spring Medicine equals it. Jt stimulates 'the Liver aids digestion, and Mfifies the blood. Large bottle and Eecipe Book, $1. Sold by A, Turner Co. 'Sept. attention to strangers would bo an im- provement. I Wits very favorably im- pressed with fho get np and general tone of your local paper, v/liich is one of till.' most desirable acquisitions of n couutry village Iu fact I have not scon its ecjuai in a place of the avaq of Marktliilo in Western Ontario. There is however one thing which 1 deprecate, and tliat is mouopulies wlioiher it be of a national ehaructcr, a city corpor- ation or coufmcJ to a country village. I lind iu JlarkJiile, one merchant es^iecially who apparently end-oavors to run the whole mercaniile businoes, having in stock dry goods, ready made clothing, groceries, boots and "shoes, millinery, hardware, tiuwaro, crock cry, books and stationery, nitdicines and I do not know what there are people enough, living withm easy distance of this village, to fill three churches of the sams capacity. Had the people of the past ages lield the opinion of ccrre.;pon. dent, no stately edifices' or lofty cathedrials would ever liave heen ereeted in which to worsliip, and Isaac Watts would never havo given us those hcautiful lines: â€" "These temples of his giace How beautiful they .stand. The honors of uur native place â-  And bulwarks of our laud." Tliankiug you for this space, I remain Justice. A Hint to Agi-icHltnral Societies. FIcslierton. Vrom our own correspondent. EuNAWAV. Onh dot KiLLKii. â€" An acci- dent, the result of which proved fatal, oc cuneil about hall way between this village patent i ^^^^ I'le-sherton Station, on Friday evening j last. Two boys, cauh about 12 years of ..,^«^ xr T T .1 j age, returning home from Eugenia with Mr. more. Now I contend, thai in a Hogg-Btcan,, and haying but a single board place of the size and dimensions of on the wagon to ait on, the board 6lij)ped Markdale, that this kiud of thing is I for ••ii" upon the horses, causiag them to having a very injurious effect on the â-  """• ^^â- heu_d8con3ed (.â- =on of Mrs. Sinclair, growth of the place some one will ask, why ' just ju this way a person is looking for an openuig in any of the above minor lines, say the stationary very well, nearly all the merchants dabbles in stationery and school books, and while this is the case the prospocts for success to a man ni.iiang a specialty of that line of business is very poor, in fact so poor that 1r- will not venture the experiment, and while this keeps another business jilace oat of your midst, it also deprives the citizens of a place where tlioy procure what they want in that particuLir line, as none of the mcrchauts keep a full stock; This will apply to any of the various lints which shoald be classified and divided up, giving community a chance to procure what they reqiiire without huutiiig arountl from shop to shop and then have to go without, and making an opening for various lines of busiuess in adtlition to what you b«ye. A Tra^-ellek. To the Editur of the Standakd, SiE. â€" I noticed iu last week's Ad- vance, the Markdale Gorrespondent to that paper makes a pitiful uhine about the new Melhodist church, now in course of construction in this place. He says, "Our fathers, the pioneers of the country, used to worship in log barns, and hold their praj'ermeet- iug iu their rude log dwellings," NVe would ask the writer, where he would have them worship? They had no churches, aud simply did the best they conld under the circumstances. They (the ijioneers) have since built for themselves, frame barns and britii dwellings, and are now desirous of having a comfortable place of wor- ship, and why not? Was not the ancient temple, which v.a.' built un- der the supervision of the Almighty, the most costly and exquisitely grand edifice of either ancient or modern histiry? V.'e eonsiile;- (; a: as the widow, of FUsh^rton station) was thrown from luH seat, the wagon wheel passing over hi? body, nnd after a tew hours suffering ex- jiired. The other boy, son of Mr. Whit- tatcr, managed to retain his seat on the wagon until the team was stopped by his father at tlie station, ho escaped unhurt. The bereaved widowed mother aud family have the sympathy of many friends. The garden jiarty under the auspices of the ladies aid of the Presbyterian church, which was held ot the residence of Mr. Geo. Stewart, last Frida.y evening, passed off pleasantly, tho evening was rather cool but a'J aiipearud to have spent a |pVeasant even- 1 ing. The Flesherton brass band enlivened ith" proceedings by. several choice selections; j our baud boys de.-.crve more than praise or th.iuks for their always willingness to con- tribute for the pleasure of all on all such oc- Icasions. I Mr. Earl Strain has retired from bosiucBS i here, having gone to Cullingwood to undergo a course in the Collegiate It stitute there, I?Iax\vcll. The Highland Scotland) Agricultur- al Society has adopted the following system of judging animals at fairs â€" Three judges are to be appointed, ocly two acting, however, the third being iu the ring ready to pass his opinion in case the other two do not agree. It will be decided by ballott which two shall act iu each class. The ad- vocates of this plan claim that "by this system no exhibitor can tell beforehand which two judges will judge a particular section, and it will stop all attemps to canvass or influence the judges beforehand it will have an element of fairness which will commend it to exhibitors, which the present system does not always do and each judge will incur more personal responsibility than when three judges act, as exhibitors and the public will know on whose should- ers a particular decision rests." LOT 19, Con. 12, Glcnelg, containing 100 acres, 30 cleared, fenced and under cul- tivaticn, balance chiefly hardwood timber; 4 J miles from Markdale sa^v mill convenient also school. The farm is well watered and suitable for cither a dairy or grain farm. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. I'or further particulars apply on the promises to JOHN GALLAGHEB, 247 60 Markdale P. O. LAND FOR SALE A FRUITFUL SEASON. The fruitful season of the year is prolific with many forms of Bowel Complaints, such as Diarrhoea Dysen- tery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, c., as a safe-guard and positive cure lor those distressing aud ofteu sudden aud dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable medicine Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, THE north half of lot number 15, con- cession 11, Holland Townsh'p, County of Grey, containing 100 acres. This lot is all heavy timbered with beech m,'iple, elm, basswood and hemlock, and is situated about 4 miles from Berkeley, 6 from Williamsford and 9 from \rarkdale stations, on the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. For terms and particulars apply to GEO. S. BOWES, Esq., Markdale, or to the under- signed, GAKEOW PEOUDFOOT, Barristers, 253 tf Godiich. A SURE THING. A Sure Cuke for Summer Com- plaints. â€" Procure from your druggist one 37^cent bottlj of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawb;rry and use according to directions. It is infallible for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Canker ot the Stomach and Bowels, aud Cholera Infantum. FARM FOR SALE CiNADiAN Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, August 3rd, 188S. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Toronto Leaye. Cardwcll Junction. Caledoii Orange- r Arrive villc. [Leave... Orangeville Juu.. Shelburne; Dundalk Flesherton Markdale Williamsford Ohatsvrorth ....... Owen Sound Mail. 7 20am 9 07" 9 2.5 " 9 50 '• 10 0.5 •• 10 17 " 10 45 " 1110 " 1136" 11 51, " 1 i212pm 12 28 " 1 00 " Exp. 4 45pm 30 " 6 45 '• 7 03" 7 22 " 7 34 " 8 04" «30" 8 55" 9 10" 9 32 " 9 49 •• 10-20" GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound Chatsworth Williamsford ' Maikd Je Fie horton ' Dundalk Shelburne Oiangcvillc Jun.. Orange 1 .4nive \;!le.. JLeave ' Calcdon Caldwell Juuclion... Toronto. ...Arrive. Eip. 5 20am 5 30 " G 05 " 27" 6 42" 7 06" 7 31 " 8 00 •' 8 12" 8 35 " 8 55 " 9 07" 10 45 Mail. 2 35pm 3 10 '• 3 30 " 8 52 " 4 06" 4 31 " 4 57" 5 23" 5 33 " I 5 55 " I G 13 " i G 30 " 1 8 20 " Special Steamsliip Express leaves Owen Sound on Tuesday r;, Thuri'days and Simdavs for Toronto and I'oinis East, on arrival C. 1' H. S'teamshii from IV.rt Arthur and Points in Manitoh-i aud North Wist. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. iRYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every spec disordered LIVER, BOWEL.S OR DROPSY, FLUTTERING OFTHEHEAKT. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, s of disease antlna; frofll KIDNEYS, 6TOMACIC â€" BLOOD, Pro?. Low's Sulphur' Soap ig a cheap and handy form of obtaining th? healing virtues of a sulphur bath. A DANGEROUS CONDITION, One of the most dangeroug conditions IS a neglected Kidney complaint. When you suffer from weary acking back, weakness and other urinary troubles, apply to the back a Burdock Poroup Plaster, and take Bnrkock Blood Bitters, the best system regul- ator known for the Liver, KidneySj Stomach and Boweli. â- â™¦Â«Â» General Gordon. From our oun dirrfspondetit. Peojile have been wondering what has b«- came of '•I'hiz" that he ha^ not been heafd from for several weeks. Some think he hi L'one out of existence altogether, they complaining greatly on a.jcount of not h: ing had any good news. But the probh can be easily solved. T^ere has been «o good news, the people ha^e been very qui^t lately, and it they did have any fun thjy kept it to tliemselves and did not tell Pj A lot of the boys are gone, some girls haVe;^ gone, the mules have gone, and the Jtssack has gone, and John went witn them, so cnr fun ha^ not been much. The wheat crop is not very good ou ac- count of rust, but the other giain is a fair crop. Fruit, such as apples and plumbs, are scarce: bute choke cherries .ire iu abundance and wo had the goo.] luck to share ia a pie of this kind a few days ago, while at' a friends house for tea. Choke-cherry pies are very good if you are a -slow eater and have them in a slack time, but^ for the bar- vest it will take up too much of your time to sift out tne pits. Mr. A. Sharp, I understand, is away on a visit to Ottawa, probably he will find .some pretty little daisy, to accompany him on hi« return. Hiss Aunia Dnmiond and Miss Ella Kerr, left this morning to attend Collingwood high school, Dunk ii back and intends spend- ing a couple of weeks with us. Pniz. A. CXUEF THAT EK ESCAPED FROM EHAB- lOUM TO THE EQUATOR. London, Aug. 29. â€" The belief is growing amonsr military aud other friends of Gen. Gordon that he really escaped alive from Khartoum and succeeded in fieeuiK to the equator. So strong has this faith become that a miEBion has been organized to ssareh for and rescue him. on A ^^S, within one mile of Wil filKJxJ liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 fe 41, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Boad, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 acres cleared, well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 'iU; kitchen 18 x 24 ft well finished good frame barn, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard ol 3 acres of healthy younc trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 ti^re is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running through it; balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Gootl title and possession given at onco. .For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING, Wilhamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont. FARM FOR SALe7 LOT North half of 2, con. 7, Euphrasia, containing 100 fccresmoreor less, about 80 acres cleared, balance hard wood frame bam and hewed log house Well watered vrith running spring water: fairly fenced' soil, clay loam well adapted for stock or grain. Situated 5 miles from Markdale an important station on the C. P. E. ' For further particulars apply to D. C. CBAWFOED, 358-60 T. filLBD.RN eO., '"?ga TORONTO, '31Va)ldVIAI 1 (0 u s b. â-  • u X cd (0 o •*4 •sojg jay/»yjf Ag a/Dg joj Alton P. O., Ont. TO THE RESCUE. "When all other remedieg fail" for Bowel complaint. Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, etc., "then Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry comes to the rescue." Thus writes W. H. Crocker, drue:gist, Waterdown, and adds that "its sales are large and iBcreasing." POISONED. Scarcely a family exists bnt that some member is suffering with bad blood and poisoned secretions from constipatioa Kiving rise to Biiemn- atism. Scrofula, Eruptions, Catarrb and other complaints indicating lark- inif blood poison which a few bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters wonid eradicate from the system. Speddings Speedy Saw THE GREAT ONE MANS PAW, IT HAS no equal, average weight 351bs., a boy ten years of age can run it. One man sawed 3 cords ol hard wood in three hours and for* minutes. Afents write, for parti- culars and secure territory at oncX Address SPEEDY SAW WOSKS, Byng. f .0^ Ont. June 30th, '85. 152-65 Lumber and Shingles. THE undersigned has constantly on Band all kinds of lumber and first-class cedar shingles for sale. MUl 3i mUea North of Markdale, 11th line Euphrasia. 250-63 FOKD STINSON. inPORTAlVT. When yon viait or leave Now York City, save Baagage Expresa and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. El^ant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million doUars, re dnecd at »1.00 and npwaida pes day. European plan, Elevator, Ucaturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed raatoad to aU depots. Famifies can live better for less iiioner at the Qniod Union Hotel than at any otha first chus hotel in the'CitT. monthly Fairs. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatswtrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalkâ€" Tuesday before Orauge- yille. Flesherton- viKe. -ABE THE ONLY- ENGLISH IN THK- Tests Real Pebbles are kep in stock. are giveiT.;to Purchasers to prove Gem uinejy.' uM^^ Sthii'.VhVee Uionth ,1 !i';d bu-ines.- .rti^emiJits tf ck [3 cunts p« hi.o Bonparc.I measure I notices, or not. nts per line hrst ir auents insertion, iimals Ac, advert!^ [vcrtisemeut not t ,li«continnod 111 fecpt:it'"^»l"'""" jiiiBi ollioe has a i etc-- as woU as (!ne „„ to orders hy lispatch. Mil TI.1 roil AND I'Kon; They are recommended by aud testimoni.als liavc lieen received f President, Vice-President, Ex-Prcsident and l';^-Vicr.l'ro6i,lcDtoftl, V' Association of Canada the President of the C.ilk-e (,f P1,t,H,c,;- geons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty u[ Laval Iw^: President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Couucil of Nova Seotia I ' o ' â- â-  These recommendations ought to be suflicieut to prove their but if further proaf is needed, call on echlin" Essons TO i..u-m;i; .j'l.^)iS, Solicitors. CoHVoyancor..; ife^t rati s if iiiti li Blfices 1( Kin;: Slna A. TURNER Co.. Chemists and The only place in town where they can be obtai ;T1:I!S. SDl.lClTiii r.3* Spectales fitted on scientific principle incG, liw.ii Si'und. ill V ,; ilrauth iliii-«; in M. ..; Stoif. OU rriariy of Man.^iV' !.ii-ii-,* malice .Vl'i-iiI. t'l tc. (\.:iv,y:ili(cr ;l' fur till' (-â- cninty,.fUrt uiid I.iiiul Sa!. J' 1^-'i'S i:i:hU- \:i S-pt. 17.1S.-ii. Win. tte'»^fi. M.iKiii.vdi; i.ic inner in 1». I». A--, leini; in .-ill its hra'i'\li' aud raivfnii ..MTiit..-. to Linil on i;« al -Monday before Orange- Or^mgevilleâ€" The second Thursday in each month. Prreeville â€" Monday before Durham DurUamâ€" Third Tuesday montlnC Hanoverâ€" If onday before Durha: Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. Mount For«st â€" Third Wednesday in each month. HACYARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAirS WORM powders; AnpkaaaBttotake. 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