Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Aug 1885, p. 1

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 ES. h ev latest an* kill tier iOL. 5.-N0. 2i ' -i, ' » i,M4#KDALE, ONT., AUGUST 37, 1885. Gopus or TBI Staxdabs I Frrx avsn bach. i « D t) ca ^^ Q O o o o o o o c s c c o c o â-  2 r o :z: o en H O si o o o o c c o o o o ittB|trisl Exlilbition wifi ^i, in Tdtotfto oh the 7th September and clo^U»ftl9th.^v ,. ^m4» Re^«*dâ€" A good cathartic mo^iicmfc Ipbo^l Pill^ will not di^pot yoti. :^^-.l Me. axyi^A^r^, Gajile^ ,of Oakville, have beedthe-RUBstarof Sir. R. Askin the past wdek. Fbecuan's Wobm ^owdehs are safe, sure and speedy to ..remove worms from cliildren or adults. Dh. 8pBoin.B is preparing to erect an addition to his tenement house on Toronto Street. Axx. kinds of lumber for sawed to order at Berkeley Mill. â€" James Lackey, Prop. sale or Steam A Gkntlbican asked a negro boy if he wouldn't take a pinch of snuff. ••N6," replied darky, very respectlnlly, "me thank you Pomp's nose not hungry." Thebe is no business man with an ounce of spunk about him who will pirocure away from home what he can get in his own town or villagj at the same rates. Notices in thes:; cioltuimn intended to lii(in!i:ii(/?u!i' or Society will becJiarffed ten'i nts a lini for tlie I'littt insertion and Jive iiu a Une each subxijuent insertion. Apples are plentiful on the market. Theeshixg machines are now on the povo. The Markdale House is being re liaintcd. Db. Spsoule is havinsj his^residence tepainted. The Montreal smallpox -eiodemic is ' iteaeiDg. TtaE Itite rains have destroyed the aU potatoes. MiKKDALE public ^cliool has be«n JtOTided with a bell. Mb. Douglas' brick house is fast [Pproaching completion. M«s. "Wii. Mason is visiting friends "Bonlton audvicmity. A xcMBEE of farms tor sale see p advertising columns. JinosAL Pills will not Rripe or sicken, "1 we a thorough catfeaitic. THE22iid September is the next ^3lland Council meetmtf, J ^*K^. Conservative, was olect- •"Jii^aBt Durham Tuosdaj. ;, ,. Mks Mary Porter is gone to attend 'â- â€¢formal School in Toronto. and Mrs. John Eeid and Mis â- peareyisiiinginMarkdale.- ^J8s township authorities ftre en- *% ^accinatian amoug children. L^^week-sCUatsworth Ne!cs was ' interesting we haye yet seen. irtL? ^^ ^^0 gets the mitten '«' be guilty of contempt of court. S'fT^^of P"me Salt jubt 'J-R. Trinable's, cheap for Malonet, the lunatic, who stabbed and killed Dr. Metcalfe in Kingston, has been committed for trial. Kbv. tj. W«H), of Maikdale, and Bev. Mr. EdgaUr, of Clarksburg, ex- changed pulpits last Sunday, A Cebtain Youj^ff Musician is so squef^mish that he refuses to play on anything but an upright piano. Fob Bed Suits, Side Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Lounges, and Camp Stools, go to Grant and Co., Markdale. A meeting of the directors of Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will be held in Markdale on the 22nd September. Mb. J. Pinch, carriage maker, is having a dwelliug house erected in the northwestern portion of ttie village. Mr A. Elliott, Sr., an ^d resident, and one of the most highly respected citizens of the community, is seriously Ul. 800,^)00 Shingles for sale at Spar- ling's mill, near Vandeleur, by John Weber. All shingles warranted as re • presented. ledteni Mb. E. O'Bbien, Artemesia, has a colt rising two years which received a very bad eiat in the knee on a scythe in the field last week. Gbave «OBBiNO. â€" A grave in Han- oyer was fecently robbed of the re- mains of a lady which was ttaried thirteen years ago. Mb. McDonnell, Mrs. McConnell, Mr. and Ifirs. McDonald and Miss. Fannie C^eman, of Bay View, visit- ed this ^sbtct last week. m U «'«v Jjvf Soap should be found ^g. ' ^^ cleansing and .,iatt'!?°?" Whatnots, flat l*»k(Ui^^^^sgotoGrant Co., John Were BoNNEUli, in town of on J?fe^°'*f'„,S*^ Balusters, Moffat Bbos., of the Markdale foundry, have several handsome pattCTDB for cresting, and are supply- ing the neighboring towns. J. B. Thmblk, of the Mammoth House, Mariidale, will sell you goods for eadi elraaper than any merchant doing business in the Coonfy. The Financial District' Meeting of the Owen Sound Methodist cbarch to be held in Flesherton, is postponed from the 2nd to the 16th Sept. FouB papers in Grey Co. have decided already to reduce their size, leaving mly those in incorporated towns laifer than double demy. School Books.â€" A com- plete assortment of new Readers and other School Books just received at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co, Mmsbs. John Ob», of Glenelg, and Wilson Benson, of Markdale, will leave on a trip to Ireland next week. We wi»h them a pleasant and safe trip. The fall show of Collingwood, East Gre\ and South Grey, aU comes on the 29th -nd 80th of September. Wonde? how this grand mistake was made. Thb H«cnc Jg£nOT, pale bollow chee!Biandpredfeious^petibe.mJoate wonM. Fwemaa's Worm Powders will qtuckly and effectually remove them. „ a Ma mad Un, W. J. McFarhwd sUrted on a trip np Ihe h^s on Satnrf«y. They pnipose caltaig at ^08 points between here and Port Ait|ii|r. pAa» lot in Markdale fdr sale BaantiftU location, will be #3^ xeaKwabU terms. Apply to*f««?- 026 tf Db. Lawbbnce, of Honeywood, near going into the cultivation of pepper-mint and has procured a still to extract the od from the herb. So says the Free Preta. The C. p. E. will issue return tickets on the 2nd, 8rd and 4th Sept. in connection with Owen Sound races, good to return up to 5tVi inclusive, at one and one third fare. Notwithstanding the existing bus- iness depression the growth of the A. 0. U. W. steadily continues. Members reported in £{ood standing in monthly statement for July, 9061. Otje Mr. Jackman leaves to-day (Thursday) on a trip to New York and will visit other places of note before returning. We wish him a pleasant trip and safe return. Mr. Dbinkwatbb, the notorious appletree agent, has been arrested in Chicago. Mr. Deleree, of Walter's Falls, left here on Monday last to identify as well as witness against the above agent. Still Anotheb. â€" The brass band serenaded our respected citizen, Mr. Wm. N. Haskett, last Wednesday evening, and were treated in a very hospitable manner and also presented with the customary V. Whebe moth and rust doth not corrupt,' is where to lay up treasure the farmers hay« missed the mark this year in regard to spring wheat, which a month ago was considered a valuable treasure, but, since has badly rusted. Dr. Oldham, of Chatsworth, and Mr. BamagC; of the celebrated Chesley flour mills, were in town on Tuesday last. The latter eame to stte Mr. Plewes' new patent wheat cleaning machine, leaving his order for one. They both returned same day. How some business men can have the gall to accept a gratuitious notice of tneir business, and the first traveller comes along give him an order for their letter heads and any other printing they may require, is more than we can understand still they do it. The fitst quarterly meeting for the present y«ar of the Eupkrasia Metho- dist Mission was held last tiunday in the Providence church^ The congre- gation was large, and the meeting throughout was a time ol refreshing coming down from the presence of the Lord. The phrase "printer's devil" owes its origm to tiie fact that the first errand boy employed by William CVxton, the first prmter, was the son of a gentleman of French decent named De Ville, or Deyille, and the name thus came to be applied to printers' apprentices. Ill Luck.â€" One night recently a two year old colt belonging to Mr. John O'Brien, of Euphrasia, being tied with halter shank to sirsingle to hinder his jumpuag fences, got its hind foot oyer the strap and became so used up in its eflorts to get extricated that it died from the effects. John McNassar, Bondhead, writes "Whenever I feel out oi sorts, billons, or mv liver not working wright, or racked with a headache, Itake Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Lirer Cure. There is more real benefit from one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some medicines." wpt. A LABGK stock of fi«e linen pa^er for letter heads, also envelopes, dip- ping tags, c., at the Sxaw)aw office. Our business men who requirt any- thiiig of this kind will kindly remem- ber when a cityitrayeller ealla on you and solicits your order, ^that we 0^ and will do tnem as dieap poA as weU, besides you hate a ri^j»t to patronize home. ..'.-' .;.:. '-â- â- .- Poisoned. â€" On the 18th John B. Holden a child 4 years old, son of B. Holden, of 10th line, Osprey, was poisoned. by Bough on Bats which had been put ou the window for fly poison. Coming in he drew his finger across the plate lioked it off, and died within three hours. â€" Collingwood Bulletin. A WoBLDLY'WisB ExHiBiTOB at a late agricultural show divided a bushel ot peaches, entermg one half in hie own name, and the other in the name of a gentleman of some prominence in the place. His own half was unnoticed, but the other half bushel took the prize, proving that there is something in a name. Accident. â€" Mr. Hamilton Malcolm, sawyer in Webster's saw-mill. 9th line Euphrasia, happened with a serious accident on Tuesday last. It appears he accidentally backed against a circu- lar saw, receiving a severe cut of nine inches in length in the flesh part of the hip. Dr. Carter was sent for and dressed the wound. The Markdale lodge of A. 0. U. W. is in a healthy and prosperous con- dition. They were out in force last Monday eyenicg at the regular meet- ing, when a pleasant hour was spent. Mr. B. H. Byers, of Bochester, N. Y., and Mr. James McDougall, of Fort William, were present, being old members of this lodge. Some of the ladies of Markdale have kindly consented to giye a social in aid of the Bible Army at their barracks on Thursday, 27th inst., when the General and other officers are ex- pected to attend. Befreshments from 7 to 8 o'clock. Admission, adults 10 cents children 5 cents. Come one, come all and have a good time. Pboblbms oÂ¥ Nature. â€" This is the- name of a paper published in New York semi-monthly at $1.50 per year. It is devoted to scientific discussion and investigation is well printed, ably written and deeply interesting. It cannot fail to be highly appreciated by the readers. H. B. Philbrook, Editor, 21 Park Bow, New York. The Durham ChronicU says, Me- Alister gave a barrel of his fine old ale to a party of five, last Monday morn- ing. The result was a fight, after which the whole party lay down in the shed to sleep off the effects of their debauch. We were almost forgetting to add, that they were vig», but they acted much the same as men under similar iafluenoe. "He knows how it is himself." A PABAOBAPHlremthe Weekly ^«w« â€" "The week'« aews, as compressed in The WeeSUT, is complete. The Webklt, together with your local paper, will give you all the doings of the world. While talking about local papers, let me tell you to take your country paper whether yon take The News or not. A man who is too poor to take a local paper is either too poor or too mean to keep a dog." Wabning. â€" Here's another warning for our farming friends. Two strangers meet at a farmer's house to stay all night, and during the evening they get up a trade between themselyes, which requires a witness, and the farmer is asked to sign the papers simply to witeess the trade. If he does so he soon finds that his name is signed to a note which he has to pay. The law does not appear to touch these cases, and farmers should hang tLe first man caught at it. Mb. John Hopkins, saddler here, when living at the Sauble some six or seven years ago lost a small white mare, and although diligent search was made for hsr he heard nothing of her until a few weeks ago, when Mr. James Flemmg of Kilsyth, drove her into the village, ifr. Hopkins and several others who hadformerly known the beast at once nioognized her, and Mr. H. proceeded to trace out the yarioQS hands through which she had passed whtti he discovered that she had beeo sold by an Indian for $2.60, and had several timej since changed hands, falling into Mr. Fleming's possesdou through a trade. Mr. W. B. Simpson was armed with a wanani and4ait Tuesday he brongi^t her to 'Clbakinirorth and, dielivered heir to the propel^ owner.-^ CbatBworth 2\riit. Mb. and Mrs. D. E. Wright, of Toronto, are yisiting friends in Mark- dale and Flesherton. Gabdbn Pabtt. â€" On Friday evening last^ the Presbyterian garden party was held in the Agricultural Grounds, and, notwithstandying the yery heavy rain in the early part of the day and threatening aspect of the weather through the afterpart of the day and evening, followed with another down- pour in the evening, a good number turned out and the party was a success. The band was in attendance, and all enjoyed themselvei, having taken shelter in the hall. Proceeds $24. The ladies wish to thank the^band for their attendance and appreciated aid. Thebb are many deaf and dumb children whose parents are not aware of the Uberal provision made by the Province for such afflicted ones. Every deaf and dumb child in Ontario, of suitsble ago and capacity, may haye instruction and training in intellectual culture and in some useful occupation, by attending the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Belleville. There were 240 pupils in attendance last session, but as a number completed their education and left in June, there will be room for all for whom admis- sion is desired when the Institute re- opens in September. Abe You Made miserable by in- digestion. Consumption, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Yitalizer is a positive cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x The Gbip Pbinting and Publishing Company, of Toronto, have just issued two magnificent lithographs, printed in five colors, of the Battles of Fisli Creek ind Cut Knife Creek. Thej" are v mpanion pictures to "The Capture of Batoche," and having been compiled from the most autnentic sources, they can be relied on to be true representatives of these memor- able engagements; Every Canadian who takes an interest in the history of his country should possess a copy of these plates, which will be sent post free by the publishers upon receipt of price, viz 8O0. each. The Toronto ^ews Co'y are wholesale agents. Fob Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on overy bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by A. Turner Co. x Municipal matters in Euphrasia are, as usnal, commencing to be agitated several months before election time. Mr. Myles is spoken of as a probable candidate for the reeveship in opposition to the present reeve, Mr. Gilray. The latter is just getting the finances of the township into a cood shape, and we think it would be very unwise to remove him from his present position. Mr. Shepherdson is men- tioned as a candidate for deputj- reeveship, also W. J. Black and Henry Hurd, any of which would be prefer- able to the present one, Mr. Fawcett no doubt the latter is a "jolly good fellow" but this stamp of men are as a rale mere tools in a public capacity and Mr. F. is no exception to the rule. Since the aboye was put in type we had a conversation with Mr. Black, who stated that he has no intention of seeking election to the deputy-reeve- ship the coming year. The admmistration have taken a very necessary step to secure the safety' of the settlers in the North- West by putting in force the measure pas6cd last session in reference to the sale of ammunition to Indians. Any one selling fixed ammunition or ball cartridges to Indians without permis- sion of the Superintendent-General of Indian afiiairs is liable to $200 fine and six months imprisonment. ThU provision of the law oaght to be rigid Sy enforced, and it is to be hoped tiiut the granting of the necessary permiis- sion will not become such a farce as the giving of liquor permits by Lieat.- Govemor Dewdney. Anybody can obtain a whiskey permit by paying for it, and if the business of supplying the redskins with powder and lead is worked on the same principle, the only effect of tbe law will be to pub moatfj mto the pockets of government officiius. il- 11 .^i â-  A ,i: iteU'f •' ,1 'yv.! wmmmm

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