jfir J if â- i n" m Tk Markdale Standard Is inoed cthQt Thursday, at tb* oiBfle, MiU Bttcet, Mukdalc. J tm t a t » " H ^tetyeMr in adTSiiM; tlfiOif net paid wlttiin lliree numtlu. Professional and booiness cards one inch space and ander, per year, t^ 1 TB. C xo. 8 MO. ^Vholeodomn «aO 00 t27 50 flS 00 Half colomn 27 00 15 00 10 00 xJiUrter colamn .... 1^ 00 10 00 6 00 Two inch spoee 7 00 4 00 9hTMiliehspa«e .... 10 00 8 00 Casual adrertisements 8 cents per line first 'initertimi, S cents per line each sabseqaent iascrtion, iMniareil mearare. Editoiial nottees, or notices in local col amn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents faaeh snbseqaents insertion. Mtray animals Ac. aJTcrtised 3 weeks for tl, the advertisement not to exceed twelve SteHcaL J. P. MARSHALL, X.D.S. GBADUATE OF TOBOHTO IklHOOL of Deatistxy, wiU be Htke Markdale Hooae, Markdale, en the Ist and OndWed^ nwdar of eadi month and also at Wnpahaw's Eotel. Fleaberton. the day foUoWmg the third Wedaeaday in eaeb month far theprae tiee of his professimi. ' l«8-47 No paper diseontinned until all arrears «r« paid except at the aption of the pablisher. â€" job~pr1ntinc. â€" The STA]nABD office ha.4 a splendid equip- ment of poster AS well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders tilled with dispatch. EDITOR AND PBOPBIETOK. G. RICHARDS, ABCHI- BUILDSB, CONTBACTOB. ncT, Markdala. IS41T For ink fy HMhr^^ros. GOMMERGiAL HOTEL PRICBVUjUB. Ont. Lar^e and eommodions Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, !^e. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor £.(gal« HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, ^^srcCESSOKS TO LAUBEE HANOS), AKKISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, te. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices IG King Street East. lO'J-251 TonoxTO. J. MASSOR, BAREISTEU, MASTER ANDDEP. REG in Chancerj-, Notary Public, Conveyan' c^r, itc. A KUMIiEK OF rAr.M« lOK SALE. OrrifES â€" Owen Sound, in Vic^tcr's Block I'oiilett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over Mel'arland's Store, on Friday andSajuiday ttfiry week. u7-ly Crcasor A" MTrison, BAllRr -x.ft.SOLICITOES. CONYEY- anfies, C- e, OiTicEs in Owen Sound, Du£Eerin Block, over \V F. Wolf's Store and iu MARKDALE; Over W. J. McFarlaud's Store on Thursday mid Friday of each week. t:arFnndsto lend on reasonable terms. JonN CrEASOR, Q.Q. Du!CAN MoKIdON Markdale, March 15. 1882. 79-lv JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plasterinc. Calsominiiio in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- antee' Orders left at ahe Standard office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. .-?â- 'â- **•-* -i- -7.- .« ,^ larkdale Ri^ ttlls. The sabaeribar begs leave to annetum to Ae ftmnefs of ike sacroaading «n..iiti7 that ha is tnmiag mO. flow equal to any other roller mill. No mora wmikng iriiila tha grist is bmng ground. The foUowii« ia tha acale of ezehaage tâ€" Wheat Weighing 18 lbs. 40 lbs. Flow. •• •« 61 " •• •• CO ** " " £9 *• •• " fiS •' »• «• 57 " with olM in propwtion to amoont of flev. I find the average weight of new wheat to De 6U lbs. to the bnshel, and the most of it. if properly cleaned, wonld weigh 61 or «S to the bnshel. John W. Ford. 60um» Paoifioi aWiM SOUND .. glME TABLiB. "Mciiig ilttei Mamkiy. lfovember24fk 89 88 " 87 " 86 •• 85 ARK DALE. Alexander Broivn. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Lifa. Insurance Agent. (Jommissionei in B. R. c. Conveyancer and Licensed .Vuctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers Jlerehants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- ' tended to and charges made verv moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17.1880. " 1-v Wm. Broinm, XSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. It. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefuUy executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se eiirity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CIT^ HOTEL, John ITIeAlcci' Proprietor. Tliis house is fitted up in good style, sitn- utt'd on Mill street, where the traveilinp; pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo- ih'.tion. Union bus to all trains. I'Ji 1$«AAC STI.\SON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Si one vork. Estimates given. Ail work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-iim' MARKDALE P. 0. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GENER'LByCKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. A.lso agent for the celebratRd CHATHAM WAGONS. New Butcher Shop. The best meats the country can produce kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED A share of public ^patronage respectfidly solicited. Remember the stand in McNea's block. W. K. RUTLEDGE. A RAfiE CHANCE. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. rOU CAM SUBSCRIBE For any of the FOLLOWING PAPERS AT THIS OFFICE: Daily or Weekly Mail, Toronto- Daily OS Weekly Globe, Toronto. Daily ©r Weekly News, Toionto. Daily World Toronto. Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. American Agriculturist, Monthly. Farmers' Advocate, ... Monthly. t^S" Subscription can commence at any lime. STANDARD OFFICE MARKDALE- SEEDS SEEDS â€" IMPORTED FIELD AND GARDEN SEEBS MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all kinds of PUMPS/ Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron Flumps Supplied Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Also Agent for Sargent's PATENT LOAD LIFTER For Glenelg and Bentinck townships. IS* Orders bv mail promptly at- tended. ' â- 219 OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS GOiNQ NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Toronto.... Leftye 7 20am Cardwell JancUou 9 07" CharledUm 9 ^T. •• Oi-ange-i Arrive.. TiUe Leare... 9 60' 10 05 •' Onuif^Tille Jun.. 10 17 " Sbelbarne 10 45 " Dnndalk 11 10 '• Fletdierton ll'^36 " Markdale 11 51 " Waiiamsford i303pm 12'28 " ChatBworth Owen iSoaud. 1 00 " 4 40pn, " 6 27 â- â- 7 03..i,5jl 03 7 32 " 7 34- 8 04" 8 30" 8 55 " i 9 10 '• 9 22 " 9 49 •• 10 20 '• 3 111. I 4{«v 433w 63?. OOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. Exp. Owen Sound 520am Ghatsworth 5 50 " Williauisrord 6 05 " Markdale 6 27 " Flesherton ...... 6 42" Dondalk 7 06" Shelbame 7 31" Oi-angeville Jun... 8 00" Orange Arrive... 8 12 " vill».. [Leave... 8 35 " Charleston 8 55 " Cardwell Junction. 9 07 " Toronto Arrive 10 i.-) " 1 Mail. lUi^l 2 4.ipm 3 1.5 •• 3 .HO " 3 52" 4 06 " i 4 31 4 57' 5 23 5 3.5 s 5-5 ' 13 ' G27' 8 35 ' 6M 72.v.f 75i.[ 835 â- • 9«.. liUi" 12 lopn I 12 40" 1 %•' 2 03 'I The pilace to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, DrugfStore, DURHAM. J. J. IRWIN, Veterinary Surgeon, GRADUATE of the Ont. Vet. College, Toronto, has opened business in Mark- dale, and is ready to attend all calls. Office and residence opposite the Markdale Hoase, Sydeuliam St. IS' Chabgxs Modebate. 238- if H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, de. NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed tore. JUST RECEIVED 3 Ca Heads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qoar ries in Vermont, 'Will be sold at prices which defj competetioD. SATISFACTlOn 0UABAII/r£ £D. N. B. â€" Beware of Monntnenls and Heild stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H,B. HASBISON. EOBT. ASEINJ Has opened out a P'irst-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMEflTj Au(^ tbereiure has suppliPtl n want loug kit, COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHUOUDS, and iWi FUHERAL FORNISHIHSS sapplifed on the sliortei iiotiuu. -A. Silend.id. Hearse tifr hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinda of- MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. THE undersigned havinglost his health, wishes to dispose of his Saw and Shingle Mill, which is situated 4^ miles West of Markdale. Th^re is an abundance of splendid limber very convenient to the mill a good bu:iiiess has been done, and an excellent chance is in store for a good pushing man. Tli« mill is mostly new, being ereeted three years. Machinery in fine condition. Steam power 30 horse. Teims easy. For further particulars apply at this ofiice, or on the premises. J. A. DUNCAN, 230 tf Markdale P. 0. Having just received a Choicee. Fresh and Select STOCIt OF Teas, JSixg'ars, Totoacco, jc, Whieh uill be sold VEKY CHEAP. I respectfully solieit the public's patronage. i»3 J. PLEWES. m iBfffirfc ^^^^^^ B LOOD i n. J i TTERSj WILL CURE OR REUEVE BtU0U8NE88, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY. INDIQESTION, FLUTTERINQ JAUNDICE. oftheheaut: ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMAL HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE aKIK, And evcTY species of dlMM* arialnv from dUordered LIVER, KIONEYa 8T0MA0M. BOWELS OR BLOOD, "~*" T. HILBORN k ga. "^p'^SShto. PICTURE FRAMIII6 Done on short notice^ ROBT. ASKIN. J. X^ ass hi on able Tailor, OVER m.^cfabland's stokb. A PERF CT FIT GUAHANTBED. SA:»IUEi, WARDEL.L., TTTELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL VV orders promptly attended to. Rcsi deiiM -Snider's HiJl Owen Sound 122-35 MARKDALE HMNESS^ EMPORIUM ESTiBLISHED 19 YEARS. THOS.UnHEWS,PraprMor Nothing but good 8*ock used sud the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double aud Single, Hearr «iiil LipfUt Harness always on hand. A Iso Whips, Tnmks. VaJiaes^Unkets, Eobcs. ic, always in stock. • FARM FOR SALE. LOT 22. etm. 11, Glenelg, about lOOaerea, mostly cleared and nuder cnltiTa^toc. This farm is three miles from Markdale, and will be sold on vety easy terms. Fo r iuB particulars apply to Geo. S. G. ^ETHUKK, Toronto, CHaS. KING, Shelbume, or GEO. NOBLE, Markdale. 3S4 EUGENIA Grist, SafandLatblills Haying made eqtensiTe improTSiiMnta in ray Onst Mill I feel ooaAdent I «»n gire good satisfaetioB. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS OH HAND Chopping Doiie Every Day. Cnstom Sawing and Billi FilM on' ilia sbortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND, ylr:^' Cherry, Bal'.jmnt, White Ash, lBb«^'AiIi Basswood, Pine ^md Hemlock Legs inuiitml 9Iy. II. AKITT, Eugcnti. OJPFICE OF" THE ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR Sydeii]ia,in Street, MARKDALE M bsk AUltiBdaof Ma-x-ble Aod Monttmental 'Worlr* well as Monnmcnte Tomb Tables, Headbtonw, Counter and Table Tom^ m Ainencan and I^n Marble, and made m short notice. AkJ iSlea in MarUe and Marbeleised Ulate, *c., 4:e. -*«m «»ui*«» »a.tAsta.ction;Oi»a,raiiteect In Blvery Regixct flKTIJEIill Ptilfi l I R. ft. LAND8 I lit MhiMMoia Noroi MMs, Mwr- t am i, Malio, Was lil a gtow ant Ortgon â- a lAk* fesipwtav • facet SowMi. M Brices rsagiae chiefly frsM 12 ^te «B fpr»2t an B te 10 jears'^tlme. TW« k ft* itSjfi^ ler tacwfng Ceetf Homee iiewepen tor aeHfement. â- AUr op all the Public U»iidV4ispoMd of i n !»»! ware in the M orUwrn giicMcesistiy. Books *»â- lUUnoSK. Uad Cesi'r.SrKl. K.. St. P*ml. JO* TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. ^-Jfe^ Blotches, !boii«i fliomw, SOi Mham, SmOiS. JermgedJSiomgch, ortrr tJ^BmiiA, an ex- The vidwsigned is nnnniactaring cellent assortment of Sksliool' "Fiiniiture. Gbnsiating«f SCHOOL SEATS and PBSi^^ l^EAtiBEBlt; DESKS, etc., of tae W«»^ [design and bm* vppaneA pattern. Bigw JMMuaended^Si^oeATniBteeaand Te»^- ets.for 9Mpnaaa,ooiBfort and compactne^^' TOeteyet tried. An aawrtment of I'arin 7' Qehoel Bella^tiavaja on hand, tiesd lo^ oatiUoguB to Ci^orth P. 0. '481 ' ANDBEW McGftI" U 5. Id and Silver Case tfiizes.Waltbam,. Ind Swiss moveml fg .Jewelled. CM lants cover all br^ 1 years. \2FINE Thomais 6t iWNO RINGS, L Coin Case, Elg 'Bal.,1112.00. Jgood -Swiss Watch Ir Case, $9.50. \wrtise Actual Pi [am in a position L time or cash, th |er in this section of IfttioBs, comrare wi lemy statement. I to sellâ€" very oftei ation watahes. I ht Ihonest representati Vie, and give no war 2 years. Cash discoi prtli considerable to mULT WATCH RiPAIR IL WORK FULIiT GUJ A. Bite seller, ical and Otbe kncEB in iliese columns ii fndividual or Society tH I a Une for the first in I a Une each BubieqiieAt ukdaleacattle feir i 9th May. lEeaford roller rink hi opening lastHreiak. Ib. H. D. Ibwik loi ^eon Bnndtty'last. and Mrs.. Turner ig friends'in Hami foR Lath, Lnmfaer, aes wd Mouldings, E 24th of Hay comes 01 loencethe soiroondin Itoodebrttis that en l(26ai). [oB Bedsteads, On *««»«, and Spri irant Co. nas[ around the m( »nd a ring arou irfaWow. ;i*rgejlot'tif Dried J andSp^idl ibury's. «n«8»wantiM Shin btt at^Van '«l8ewhere. Spence McFash "TO. and trim ;»«J t«k.Hyk8. 'lteson4w '*oji»«t«li«ttofl« '«n8Ml in iuaoer c ^IWgCa«», AJttpboaida. Lc aCcMarkdi "'^^'^^^ t Jo?^"» Ml