Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Mar 1885, p. 7

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 i^4^uiJij».,^piMPispipqpippH rmm\ d not I ier of it^ a, mllit ceuVre to ^^ no conflow^ gallant WM^f » by the mmi i its ezee^ which hji^ ation aboat ii^ general ooi len decidinff hia force to Metema;^ ch over," and a^ th«n some I froni a Wean id, perhapB,T7 ^oleeley ia J^Zj bis kind of » a ne many daringj^ has aUaya ^n^ 8o-n?.!led better i Y-ars ago j*^ y n:enar' 'MlMtJ IS in dealing iii The little cxp '-•ea to prove u, 1 rash, and leat 3 which ordinal* j .uld indicate a^i have I known u, army scoff at tbj ioers, forgetting immander who ' '^ery poasible tingency ia deej atraBge contr*ri, is generally thiiM% en who are finti uieof cffie-ra who] gh rashnte^ or' I who live atl ritica'ly the actkn] a would do well to 1 mild before lOrd Wolseley hajl 10 possibility of i ttacked in the ed for not having i I if h-; did foreHiT t !t mjy be allowed j iinbera he could vrr.nta h^ croldnij )oI and reserve uip*; was cf nfcsml it the ri£k had to I u^h the I eavy [•3i, tha sr, 00638 dj put beyond doubtj liicn-, Kaa been q 1' sin of tha iq Gvn. Hamley, th»j military critics, L 1 Lave done better] ;LiR. Br.; then 3 who have hedi CO cf fi^htiagj h« vri h fiaall ba y have given d Si e;. art adoptedj an thas of the I ye been surronndfl ii; y bs furely all Alt iiiacio what he( he btst dijspoBitio io fcifoe v.ith a t-izotioiis to settol th as HttleloaaofI t'jrrible lush of I ;;sing the fear of eer wtijjht of ni cquire, and alt 3 vccTc ki'led toai d iitavily. Bat i" ed tne remi t, '.lie thm red! h ;vi; beei: awtjptij ti:a*. Sir HerbertT to bj a tinting] uieuts Dry [iptons. |f t!ie Yale p, or some of |g'ij into tronble( aa manifested taf to tht ir studies, j IS iciths ntsighll [early a. month exposed for ooen ar.d â-º e Tith fear. I house iii qae |dical school, Mwj btome poBsei |d to have it ' il fi-jld giasaei i dy object at |at and small tha bonea. emanate i Is in the vio 5re will prol |oa:d of Healti o der to t"ife| iT the iaiot^ mat endure jiy sights. It Lse of many) Idczenstadc II who dry tl Imanner. â€" £S 3y entered^ 15 cents* [Eyed ided: iwaymeiit' 3A of titer • ^2of.D«et8 in g«ii««ilf .to- '•" -?^Apra. the .te»dy wind P"'^ii^h it the dtn«, volume, of '!°ihri elowlf collect m d«k ««j- ' ,A M thf y approach the oontm- »';fjld Jb Peak in the W of j^t along the Eistem »nd *:„S»ut» and the NilgirlB. erery "Saadingout dear and sharp fV« .kv Darker and denser be- "the cloud maspes the horiaon as- '.Theuvylead appearance, some- kindling into a innd gl«o--Mi. JZ the sense of oppreesion. both JS^aad phjaical, wbish accompanies llhe^t/osphere becomes "close «id »«iA al'ka to man and beast but heat is borne with patience, for re- *. hand. Flames of lightnmg play a cloud to cbud.and haavy thunder tberafes through the heavens the I aaddenly eprings up mto a tempset, IftloDZ the shore the white waves are Id 'n fo?in against the rocks or over rbuming Band Then a few great 1 of rain falU lite balls of lead, B the apparently leaden sky the led lightning Ib changed to sheets of It and suddenly the flaod-g^tes of ien are opened, and not rain, but Its of water, are poured forth, re- jpg the parched earth, carrying fer- r over the surface of the country, fill- Ihe wells and natural reservoirs with (sh Btore, and replenishing the dwind- rivers and streams. The whole b seemi suddenly recalled to life. petaticn may almost ba seen to grow, ffrom the baked mud of the liver Ls emerge countless fishes which for \b or months before have lain there brpor. Eating Off Gold. ^t. Aator's supper to twenty of her nate friends was riven in New York 4oud»y night. On this occasion the Us service of solid gold was used.. iie yellow dishes are seldom brought ffrom the Astor vault. They cost p,C0O, it is said, th JUgh I have heard rfignies exaggerated to $250,000. Ihow, there is no great extravaji^nce ^em, for the metal can at any time be ted into good bullion and only the koiarship lost. I have attended many le Astor entertainments, but never [then the gold utensils were diBilayed. piend who has had that estimable liege declared that she didn't enjoy Experience very much, after all. I In the first place," she said, "the bles were completely OTorcone and acited bf the plates on which they J served. The daiutiesb mrrsela ^ed to have no flivor at all, and after ile I fancied that ttiey became im- natad with a peculiar metallic taste. I then I got it into my head that the I sitting opposite me was a detective uguise, placed there so see that I I't slip a plate into my bodise. He |after«rard introduced to me, and I reason to believe that bis covert pa had been purely sfntlmental, but [spoiled my supper a'i the same. No, ' you, fine china ware is good enough Qe." Vartyr for His Beard's Sake. Persecuted for Wearing his Beard " is inscription on the tomb of Joseph aer, who died at the age of 84, at alaster, Mass in 1873. Palmer, in |tion to other eccentricitie«, wore a and flowing beard at a time when ?ono (Ise went smooth shaven For jhe wai " persecuted, despised, jeered egsrded almost as a fiend incskrnate |known far and wide as a human mon- 1 and with his name mothers used to pn theur chlidren when they were Jy.' Clergymen, and, among others, [George Trsk, the anti- tobacco re- ler, labored to show him tha scandal fa course, but to all who asked why ersiot-d in making himself a ' mon- ity " he 0£.ly 3 epUei that he would I if acy one could tell him why some I wocl.l. from 52 to 3G5 times a year, pe th ir f^c?3. At one time he^as sed by a v irty of men who propolBd M^e bia w:r.hoat his consene, but de- ed himself vigorously and. regtdsed- ssailants. For this he was thrown pil, ;.:kI there again was forced to 1 to i't serve his b^ard intact. |ght in His ©mi Death Trap. V.m V.'uifner, of Shusliam, N. Y., -fcc.i bothered by chicken thieves A fiw night;^ ago he set a large â- /ap uc rile entrance of his chicken acor Ha a'so loaded a shotgun pjTTder hne ealt and placed it at ^^â- ^-' I f :he c )op, so that when the pf33 opened the gon would be dis- Y^, ana the intruder would receive pontents in hU body whUe held in the lottte ateel trap. The same day inencs of Warner's came to vUit iney drank cider all day until late le evening. When the visitors were L« fv ^l Warner went to help them less the horse. They broke a strap. Kr„ » i.""^® ' *^e chicken coop. "S ^^" l^^ trap and the gu^, led .L'^.""" *^* "««'P- When h^ led \. u^T °^ *^« hen house he iSe^o "*?•, ^^« g" centos, fbr'kehu'f ^°^^^ "de. TlS JM^feehisleg. He will die, ky 'ioviai*!^ difference between a â- iylT^} ^T'i" *^e sale of a bo- M other u a sold hole. """««» poIio»;autioof 6»im^j vifht: **Too]rt^^ is after 10 o'flbofc." iSdiIi*tMtilMiil; rt^ to tiM tiiMlN, acd tatUafi §m»9 «ik^ sooMT^'Mid fhetnaip,iiiio bMtj^ a bed in aaotlMr stafeioa. In JuBfl Isrt the Laccejk saidtrf den. OordoR: *^fiifo^i»aft:|pnBas«myatat7 sa hia ehuaeter. Hit plty^eal eadviaaea in the desert would be d fficalt to under- stand in a strong man, bat is a man with angina pectotia, snd with a hcrror of meals, it is simply a kind of muac^e.*' Persons addicted to the habit of stick- ing their tongues oat while working, should take warning from the experience of an Ali«ghsiiy man, who, while ehop- ping wood a few da;s ago, was struck on the chin with such force by a fragment as to a.^mo6t completely sever his organ of speech. The very remarkable statemeLt is made in the Medical Times that Ir. Fleischl, of y leima, has diacovered tJut the hydro- chlorate of cocoaine, administered hypc- dermi sally in doses of from one- twelfth to one-fooxth of a grain will cure morph- inism, alcoholism, uid similar habits within ten days. A Cincinnati printer, who brought suit to compel a telephone company that had removed bis telephone because he used profanity in a message tiirough it, to re- place the instrument, has b^n defeated in the Supreme Court of Ohio; the Court held that the company had the right to remove the instrument. The Royal Academy cf Turin will, in 1886, award a .prize of f2.400 to the author of the best work that appears be- tween 18^3 and 1886 on any subieot on- nected with physics, chemistry, physiol- ogy, geology, geography, or atatistice, or to "tJbie author of a bnlllant or useful discovery." The prize is open to com- petitors of all countries. A young Englishman has had his left I^ specially exempted from the insur- ance granted him by several companies, whose losses through the sadden weak- ness of that limb had led him to be wary in the matter. Hence dauses in Ida pol- i provide that he oaanot recover unless Eroof is made that his injuries shall not ave been caused by the faulty member. A thief who snatched a satchel out of the hands of a lady who was about to be photographed in a Chicago gallery fell a a victim to progressive science before nightfall. The photographer, hearing the noise while he was adjasting the camera, pulled the ttigzer and took an instantaneous photograph by means of which the thief was arrested later in the day. He was identified by the 'subject," and liad some of her money in hia pocket. ' Italian papers are bewailing the extent and intensity of imagration fever among the peasantry. They say that the alip loads of emigrants who are taken from Italy to America are draining Italy of its most productive factors. The tide of emigration they say, is assnmlng'propor- tlons which is calamitous to the State, and they instance the fact that one Pre- fect alone Usned last year six thousand passports for emigrants to America. The telephone system' is likely to be soon developed to a great extenton the Continent. The Belgian Cabinet has aiked the Governments of France and Spain to allow Mr. Deubenski, an cffioer in the Belgian army, who has invented a new kind of telephone, fitted with a micro- phone, to make experiments between Madrid and Brussels is nearly a thousand miles, and, should Deubenski prove the capabilities of his telephone for inter- transmitting messages at Madrid and Brussels, we are probably within g mea- surable distance ot the time when we may converse with the Ameifcin colony in Paris. The Mudir of Kassala is a soreiy tired Hj has been besieged by the iKMl^iSoiBtfiw hnUdnBc tlio noweaaHomwo dKntfd ba in expesiiut enildrai to the eontsgioo, a case is ei^ of a lady who, hting attaekad hy the dis- faae^ sent her duidren to ^le eoantcy. ^ffap s|m h«d leoevend, the i^tan m which siw had been tseaied was dishifecfc- ed, newly papered, and left with iha win- dows wide open few tte weeks. The ehildiiBn wwe tbra bnmght home, hat within* week one of Uiem waa seised with diphtheria and died. 1% iHvpeiM. We fmm ttfekuBp-ehiaaef* kektowHaa win aov blow flevwr Waa m* twtaMera. man. Mahn'a forces for nine months, and, as if this were not enough, he has hjul a number of wild beasts in captivity thrown upon his hands ^y the d »th of their o «rz: er. The trade in acitnals ft r menageries and zoological gardens has develt^d greatly of late years, the Soudan and Nubia be- ing the main hunting grounds. Oae of the principal providers ef wild animals for shoff- wasa Jew of Vienn nanaed JCohn, who had brought to. Europe at various times from Nubia a large nnmber Of lioiis, giraffds, antelopes^ snd ostriches. He had collected anumbeir ,of ti^ese short- ly before Kisaala was invested, and had them in the town at the time of the at- tack by the rebels. After athbrt time he died at the age of 72, and history has not yet recorded what becaitne cf the beasts. Frarce has followed t3ie example of Germany in raising micrpbiolc-gy to the rjink of a recognized science. The estab- lishmeiit over which Dr. Kcch presides in Berlin is th6 completest and best eq'oip- pedinEnrop?. He hi^ fotur army sur- ge na as assistants, and some sixty or eighty students, among whom are not a few aaoifUi of standing, we daHypxuwamg their researches in his laboratorieB. Dr. Koch, who was a modest veterinary sur- geon in Breslau four years ago, and who has never l^d a regular acad,.inical train- ing, was looked upoti with some distoast and jealousy by the German universities when his studies in bacteriology brought him into prominence and won him the support 6! Prince BSimarck and thefators of the Government, but the opposition to his theories has nevtly UtogbtUKSubiid- ed, and he has bees nasvad Tcofeasor in the medical faculty of Beriin. In tiite €hzzHU^Hapitdviitfr. Bsndu ffivesthonam^of cases of diphtberit in Ptaia in 1880 at »,«00, «a enoraaof* HAYB ASIOLE. A forged checkâ€" Shackks. A pitched battle â€" A baseball game. The marrJed woman's sphere â€" A ball of darning cotton. Frigid comfort fK a hungry tramp â€" The cold she ul er. Called backâ€"That part of uacontigcons to the spinal calumn. Honesty Is the best policyâ€" outeiJe of a certificate of insurance. Strargeasic may seem the editor's pocket-book is often a blankbook. It's very seldom that the umbrella gets left. We know whereof we speak. When a policeman plays poker he al- ways smiles if he draws a pat club flush. If your mother's sister usea only one kind tf perfumery is it making.^ game of her to say she is a 'one scent anty?" Recent despatches from the seat oi war in the Soudan have arousod a suspi- cion in the minda of some cynical observ- ers that General Wdsedey is beli^paidby the day. A wit who wais asked what he had ra- ther be during the three stages of life, re- plied "Till thirty a pretty woman, till fifty a Euecesafnl general, the rest of my life a cardinal" A Virginia white man, accused of steal- ing apple brandy, chose to be tried by a jury of c lored men. He Uiought his chances for "justice" would be better. A new dictionary of the Chinese lan- gu ^ge comprises forty volumes. When a Chinese editor gets stuck on the spelling of a word, he hM to delay publication for a week or two in order to consult the lexicon. The wife of Wdliam Black copies his manuscript in such a hand that one page of his makes four of hers. Black may be popidar with the novel-readexs, but you can wager that his wife is a great favorite with the printers. On one occasion a friend of Lord Al- vanley came for advice under the follow- ing circumstances "Mr. â€" â€" has threat- ened to kick me whenever he sees me in Eooiety. What am I to do when he comes into the room 1" "Sit down," replied hislordship. Confessions of a Lowell jourralist Wha} was almost a plot for a good ghost story was enacted in the e iitoml-room of this paper late one night recently. One of the staff came In in the dark and to his horror found himself coufronted by a strange white shape, motionless, but full of terror in its ghostly phosphorescence Starting back, he hastily struck a match, and then at once the mystery wrs solved It was the clean towel we had given us for Christmas. A f AW weeks a«:o a gentleman entered the office of a well known insurance ageiit snd, tossing a paper on the counter, said to the clerk "That's run out.and I want tog^tit renewed." The clerk unfolded the document and with a smile inquired "Are you sure that this has run out?" "Oh. yee," Bhidtbe gentleman, "my wife told me it run out jestervlay." "Well, I am sorry f.r yna, bat we are not fediing that kind of risks now," 2e"poQded the clerk a^ he handed it bask to him. It was his matriige certifica e. Attniched to the staff! cf a Prussian gen- eral Ib a young officer, 'T»ho is ordered oil special duty to Eg;;pt on bidding him goodrbye,; ' the gener^ atiii t.o theiSide **BriBg me lack a mummy." The alde- decamp returns in about fix months. "Weil, w^^re's my mummy " '**rrejg'ot it, general. It is down-staire." "Well, let us go and see it." The swcophagds is opened the general and his aiide ni;- roll the bandages- Wbea.the mummy, is at last fxpoieed, the intelligent Dutchntak exclaims "Why youy ^coiifoanded old mummy is dead 1" Tbe Busy Bee's Occupation Goile. The spurious honey is now pot up in little square boxes, which sell for from twenty to thirty cents a pcrand.. It looks like boney. am^ it is said that it takes an excellent judge to teil that it is a fraud on the bee. The comb is manof aotnred with such skill that but few can tell it from l^e genuine article. Itismadefcompataffine or beeswax, and til^ honey hf blown into it by maddnevy. Another kind is pot up in i^aas vfeasels liko «dinaiy f el^ i^dc- ages, .the centre: of which ccwmtua piece of honeycconb, and tho iipnay^ is pade by ponaing about sfac pszts. of g^aoosjS: aroand one part ol. hoD^ in the comb. Some^ofit is admtersted iritlt g|tBcow, some with 0i^e8iqpir,w^tIiB s^nn^ of invoied caneaadiolfcers terlwiaHwgqgii- naiy si^ir oStli in «eid M^it i' 're- sembles honey sod to matartiimaiBtAlum its flavor and-oder. ^[ H UKMighttflBay iieag^ Ik ten tisaslf dat h» hsjitfoce a nuHlt an* dat de faehw el d^t dule will plamaailin' Ifanlndf WMte^teasiM} Tbe |«t n«ft ficwd^wbidi tbe Bank feTirspringartarli^^^UiONrAl- j of M b^iisf-ffdrar «ns^atof pjle, or Qtvesdam Jocee, or Jodg?^ i Ansrn BUIw«:Il sndhis scoon^plicee. On C«dayer,.w»eeii'thiadeftfb»4o^fara»} «b«;i^4pri)» ^^72, Au#a Badweil ar' personally oomianed Iwsiib to in^ bsEM i^ii a f ax*or mated ^ih ei^ in dalg»in a few resssxb inregsrd to die j SaxiUejrow, and uuder the assumed name habit. 'T v^ l^iiWwen gave bm a handsome ord^. " I verily believe dat de foolishness dF OaMay_4thhe }«io Mr. Grein snotber sartia parents in tyin' names to deir off- springe has bedpuded an' wteclced ms3y lives. De ole man who waa avovellin' snow nex' doah to me de odder day wss named Henry Clay. It was en de ideah dat he would make a mighty smart man, but de minit he .gat old ^nuff to realizs who Ul' what Clay was he pnlld right back. He couldn't nebber git dar' an' he kno wed it. Instead of bein' addressed as- Henry Clay, ebeiybody caih him 'Hank Dirt,' an' he's gwine to be called dat till de c!ay kiT^rs Us ctffiu. "Seme y'ars ^o a nay bur o' mine nam- ed his baby 'Wd^hington Lincoln Grant Smith.' Ha war*^ bound to fill dat boy chock full o' military genius an' states- manship, but de chile wasn't fa' y'ars ole befo' he realized dat it was too steep. He hadn't reached ten befo' he was athief an' a liar, an' de odder day he went to prison for burglary. De name was too long for de public to grapple wid, an' so he was called 'Wash Grant.' Loter on it gob to be 'Washboard,' an' by de name of Wash- board Smith he am registered on de pri- son books. "I has seen Prime Minister Jones drawin' a swill cart around, while dus be- hind him, leading a yaller dog by a piece of old clothesline, came Mortmcrecci Stubblns. I has seen Qaeen Catherine Bivins at de washtub, while de Princsas Beinville was a' hangin' out de clothes fur her. I has whitewashed on de eame job wid Caesar Jackson, an' I has blacked stoves idonside of George de Fo'th Bones. "De white folks am jjrt as bad, an' it really does me aood to sea by de papers dat 'Hortense Victoria Clark' has skipped out wid 'De Lide Fitzhue Brown,' who was a purf eshional toller skater loafer on a sdary of $6 per week. Ebety day de Police Ju JIge am sendin' Z Mbariah Chan- dlers, Rosooe Conklings, Thomas Jelfer- sons and Henry W. Longfellows to de jug, an' ebery day de good eld names of Jane an' Betsey an' Sarah an' Emma an' Lnoy am growin' in contempt wid de fe- male sect. " Speakin' fur de cnll'd race alone, I say dac de fadder who rises above Moses or Samuel or William when huntin' fur a name fur his boy baby am coaxin' biles and bunions to grow whar' dey doan' need to. De mudder who can't make a' selec- tion from Chloe, Catherine, Violet an' Sarah Jane needn't feel riled if her gal runs off wid a buwlegged stote-blacker an' ends up her days in a garret. Let us now attack de teg'lar porceedin's." DIDH T BESOLVE. Waydown Bebee begged to offer re- solution asking the Legislature of Michi- gan to enact a law to more fully carry out the provisions of the Civil Rights bill, as applicable to the colored population of this ^tate. " Has you bin denied any of your rights lately, Brudder Btbeef aaked the Pred- dent. " I can't say as I has, sab, but I has heard complaints from cuU'd men dat dey hain't treated as good as white people." " Name a few."' " I has bin told dey can't stop at first- class hotels, an dat dey am not wanted at roller rinks." "Brudder BT^bee, kin you tell me why any cuU'd man should want to pay f4 a day to stop at a fust-class hotel kept by a white man ai^ freqaented 4y tony white fd^ses, whei^hekin be Dil4o4p^oiim at a tiivLip kept by a cnlVd tt^uu fui 4s be^er fis;^f (xUdi people,' at cae^qtittrt^ d|; price 1 vi J.. '., i •*• 'i- .ir^, "Not'zactJy, sah?" ' 'Do you know why any'^respectab!© cull'd pusson should w%nt tojrew a*ay his time an' money wU^iljnilksetf 'rOMld an' 'round a rink ' jfeti^nnSM By "sill^ gals, soft-headed- i^men fm*' evil-minded meii?" • •' "No, sah." •?: "Neither do I. It would, be much mo' to his credic tu go out ad*' ^tmd snow. Yuur reaoluahun am decided no cause for ackbliiin, sb ydnjiiill at once »i6t doViir De laws of dis kenlry am big '*ncff and* brdiid 'nuff to giri ebery "Trnan "iii" it, no master what his noe orcu^e^dlde r^rhts he, fin take keer of.'" -^ " ' "' f â-  JrO BELATICHT. • ^0 Secretary announced an inquiry from Utah in regard to the Lime- Kiln Minsttela, at present giving performances in that country. He was instructed to answer that the club had no Sncb band travdii^, and bad not aathorised ai^ person or peraona to aiop^i the name. B£BVIHO BBOIHSa VAXKOni. The Committee on Rdicf repo^ that Shinc^ Watkins waa confined co lus bed with alever, and recommended that be be allowed the som ^»$6 .^NMa the relief fund. r. • fi' "jUo yoa know whaliils Bradder Wat- kins t" asked Uio Presictent. "De doefeah caUs it sewer gas." "Whar* from f ^^ **Dinaie, sab." .;ivft5?!fc-.^»n?!5ty.. .. **I goess yoa doan' 1 /All liKiFeeWer-gas uood' Jifa beae kia be bottled Up layer eyel What ails Beocfaler W«||dMam t^rbt'toliftatfOpeaad ipribdatna' on a betefy^^'oiatB. |t«stndaedbisb»^ an' blMfi Us Um oat of jllUnl^ aa^ all tbeiNJIsI be gete noii eb wtai^b^ip yisit. Hf was then professedly on hia Wify ^^'^l^^d, and having about ^im a ' Iacg9 soon of m^uey asked Green to take chaiii^e of i!i curing bis absence. Greea hentatcd to take tbe revponaibility, but remarked that the branch Bink of Eng- land was in Burlington gai dens, dose by* and offered to introduce Warren there. Thi« waa done, aud Wan en opened an acocuas by a deposit o* £1,200. He gave his name as Frederick Albt*rt W»rren, and hia address as Golden Cr^es hotd. He paid in ai:d drew out monr-ys toa con- siderable amount, ai.d Ehorily began to offer bills for ditcunt. Thty bore the best of names and were disonnted with- out hesitation. On the ITsh of June, 1873, a bill of Rothchiid's for £i,600 was off «rod and waa discounted in due course. Haviig thua ga!ntd, by traoaactions in genuine bills, ihecor^fiience of the bjmk authoiities, the uppc«ed Wrren com- meizc^ operations vi anjther kind. Bills came in t.!ick a^jd fast for discount, still bearing the same firat-dass names â€" Rothechild, BIydeustein, Subp, and Sil- beth etc. but they were now cleverly- executed forge lea. The bank continued to diecount Without suspicion. Naturally, howeve-, it paid in ita own notes, of which the numbers were rec'-rded, and which, when it was discovered that the bills were forged, would be difficult to realise. BtdwuU, in order to dispose of the^e and to di i'iniah the chancea of ident.fication, opened an account in aut.tbtr name (Hurtoa) at ths Continentd bank. Here he paxd in the notes received at the Bank of England, takirg French and Gterman m^nef in exchange, Hiils â€" uuder the name of Noyes â€" aciirg as his clerk» Sometimes, by way .t varie'-y, Hilla chmged notewinto gold at the Bank of England itsen, all«giig that the coin waa fur export, but the gold he obtained was brought back again by Macicnnell and exchanged for fresh notes, which, thus «. btained, would have no obvious imec- tion with the tri^inal fraud. George Bid well undertook what may be called the manufacturing department â€" namdy, the preparation of the plates and the Srlntiog of the bid foimi ta the forgei ies. ly thus dividing their labors, and wirk- ing each in a distinct department of (be fraud, the gang ho^ed to evade discovery until they had made what they regarded ae a sufficient huut, when they would doubtless have retired to ft.rcign dimea to enjoy the fruita of their labors. How much further they would have gone it la impossible to say, fv.r they had already t ff.;red forged bills to the amount of over £102. 217, when a h«ppy oversight led to their detecti n. Two bills for £1,000 each, professtidly accepted by Mr. Bly • denstem, and payable three months after "eight," were not "s ghted" â€" ^that ia, the date of acCdptance'wAB not Inaerted. A derk of the bank was cent to Measra. BIydenstein'a to get the cmieaion rectified, and was met by the startling information that the bills were forgerie:i. With seme little troubi 1, the whuie of the E^ang were arrested, and, after a trial laa'ing eight days, were convicted n\ senteaced to penal set vitude. â€" Seio York Corrimereiai Advrtiser^ ' Imitatiou ia Birds. Iremembor distinctly hearings thrasher often relating in its madcap abng some noteB'Aewtto myyear^ wtiicb could'nal, be asciltKil to at-y l^chign bird of my ' ac- qujaiuta^e j- Aft^ pt^ieoitly watting for r BOOM tialB ii»ihe,4{Saring SBb -of a .4ii^t June day, I heard ^he notes so plainly th t I was tht roughly convinced they wei« aiw imstatiom af the b'^ni of ihe iBdtiltt^^ll^bbAâ€"t^e^'fl^uck-wili'a widow," so callel^ t^pebt^ allied to our whippoor-, will,, audv ,n»iued-?:as .in. oorr familiar Norilit rn representative of tha *9inlly^- from the'iwutds so plaiuly uttertd. Thij^ thru .h learned, then, tbe notea of the cbuck-will'a widow atleaet §00, snd pro- bably quite a thonaand mi^es from IVIichi- g»p, aud jg^uf^^ep^aoduced them so dis- liuculy that one ooulct easily drs^in^uieh tliem, and fibm "mere dcscript 6ns in book|9^ftjfB0t^ta||J^ n.uxie of the bkd imitatVd. v\ .-'vHVf '^S ' â-  Here; moun'ing to ths^teirc^f the tallest tree ear its ncet, it poww forth ecstatic melody, executing the moat diffitmlt Btra'ns with the same eaae tbat itdelivers the simplest notes. Ail noises are at- tempted the schoolboy's whistle, the Wk of a dog, or tlie bleating cf a lamb are equally well executed and issue from its tluoat in a continuous, barmmuooa strain, frequently of an hour s duration. What wonderful mimicry 'nhat a con- trast to the beat attempts of ventrOoquiste and imitators, traveliiDg through the e mntry to r^rcdaee before smttences a few mumUed soundaW attempts imita- tions vi the soands and notps nt-*ered by birds and mammals.â€" fDr. Mortis Gibb.. **A sbort abseoee," says IGrabaao^ 'qa^okaDS lore « long abMnea kilfs iL' H* i tJtan^M fdlows -mho b»ve been oat of oSie twenty-fcHir yesrt have no deaba whatever to go in. Thafr'a abcmt as aandi MJa.SMadunaeaKddb*fi9ii^ted to know aboot pdities. bricaft'

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