Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jan 1885, p. 5

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 .:~a-,-a»i'!»»is !i i i ' W-ii "i»j»»J«*« *°-~-- -^=^; â- .•r#riiia^»»mai»!»'M'^i'f«^-^"'i^ '^w*i*** â- Â«^ :.««»â-  ' i.*^.!*;^ iii] their oW md mtleetmai to annoaQM tit. Dg CO 11 try ibak ai to any otianK le grist is being lek, consistiag of CHAINS, 3S. PIPES, RINGS, etc. ra/s //7 stock. cf Jewellery ;isfaction gnat- pry can prodaco ^ge respectful^. ^ea's block. ATCHES icdflced at Factories. eiVE PURCHASERS THE BENEFIT, SWISS LEAVRS, Jewelles, Silver Hunting Cases, $9.50. LOIN MOVEMENTS, Coin Cases, $12.00 4 oz oz. §14.50 5 oz. $17.00. Ukai ul Simp MOVBMENTS KEPT IN i\ Close Cash Prices. yar ranis and 2 Years, according to Grade, CtocA;s, Silver- ware, and yyedding ^inffs /S k. I'ine ^tock in other lines of goods. Difficult Repairing a Specialty. IVI A K K: O jVL JE- Notices in these columns intended to benefit imj individual or Society icill he charged ten tents a line for the first insertion and five tents a line each subsequent insertion. Artemesia council meet in Flesherton [next Monday. Inbian chief Jones visited Markdale |the past week. CouNTEBFEir fifty cent pieces are paid to be plentiful. A LARGE volume of trade was done \n Markdale last week. Good double barrel Gun for sale. Ipply to Smith the barber. Dr. Carter takes Dr. Sploule's work fn his absence to parliament. Mr. John Clugston is appointed as- sessor in Euphrasia for 1885. Grey Division Grange meets Markdale to-day (Thursday). The Eoyal Templars will have Special meeting on Friday night. Sam Douglas is gone to Mt. Forest I spend another term in the High School. Thk fast week hfts bem one of the eoldetit on record. The cnld snap was general thronghoat the continent. Hcliool B-^olim. a full at^Bortmeot, aiKu a complete Ime of Stationery at the Medical Hall. A. Tnmer Co. We woald like to hear from all onr correspondents ftome of them are doing nobly, while others are ai quiet as a mice. A MEW assortment of frames at Hamilton's Photo Gallery, selling at prices to suit the times. Call anil 8 I a bai^ain. J. B. Trimble's great sale of store goods commences to day and will be continued to-morrow, also next Thure day and Friday. Miss Minnie Bobke left on Tuesday for Whitby Ladies College, she carries with her the best wishes of a large circle of acquaintances. Wh. McLeod, shoemaker, has just opened a large stock of ehildrens and women's ready-made boots which he will sell cheap for cash. Mr. Wm. Bowler has sold his farm (100 acres) to Mr. of Erin townahip for $8,000. Mr. Bowler projtoses removing to Manitoba. A social in aid of the Presbyterian Church will Le held in Bae's Hall, to- morrow evening, Fnday, Jany. 80th, Admission 15 cents. A good time is expected. What the people say. â€" There is no use going to Toronto for photographs when Hamilton can turn out such work. His pictures are wonderfully clear and life like. It's not too late to subscribe for th Standard, ydu can have 52 issues, or 12 months from date of subscribing, take your choice but be sure and choose one of the two, We acknowledge, with thanks, re- ceipt of $1.00 from E. Clark, St. Marys, for the Standard also P. 0. order for $2.00 from Mr. Shelton Knight, Chilliwack, B. C. Mr. Jackman, our foreman, received several letters this week, from vanous places, congratulating- him on hi} marriage. He regrets the fact of the congratulations .being premature. A good working Wilson B Sewing machine, $10 cash, or ten cords good dry wood. Double drawer, extension table, extra attachments. Call and see it at W. A. Brown's Jewellry Store Markdale. m a Proceeds of Mr. Jam£s Allen of AUenfoid spent few days with friends in this district Recently. We had a call from Will Eutledge, foreman of the Dundalk Herald, on [uesday. Mrs. Popham of London, Ont. is isiting her father Mr. Wilson Benson this town. Minutes of Euphrasia and Glenelg )uncil, also Kimberley items to late r this issue. The snow is light and not deep, [et the country roads are badly drifted many places. For Sa,le. â€" A first-class ae-horse sleigh, new, cheap for cash. Turner Co. J. R. Trimbles sale of horses w.' [irgely attended, many from a dis ice was present. Markdale Methodist saeiramental fervices will ue held next Sunday )mmenciLg at 1C:30. Mr. W. G. Pickell returned on Juesday 20th from Manitoba whether le went 7 weeks ago. Big Stock of Rfcjuvenator Bitters hand at Smith the barber's, and loy are selling off fast. The Markdale Presbyterian church being seated and will be re-opened Saturday, the 8th Feb. There will be an Oyster Supper at Mansion House, Kimberley on lursday evening the 6th Feb. Mr. D. Irvine ot Osprey has become [resident of Markdale, he and Mrs. nue having moved here last week. Mr. John Mercer has return^ from titish Columbia, and is highljy pleas- limate. proposes removiug there i he can prc^^efij^'lieve t^ ad.TAf)- The Thombury Venture has donned a new name, in future as the Beaver Valley News. The office has been recently moved to Clarksburg where the paper will be published, we wish our cotem abundant success. Sleighs Cvttebs. â€" The balance of our stock we will sell at reduced prices, we have on hand a number of cutters, pleasure sleighs, market sleighs, and lumber sleighs. D. J. Shanahan. Our Markdale school is in a pros, perous condition rapid advancement is being made under the able manage- ment of the liead teacher Mr. F. Porter, who is fast becoming popular both with the pupils and the public "Good goods are put up in small parcels." Wheat, oats, Tieas, barley and pork still booming, and the little blonde who stands on Mack's comer says he comes from a far land and takes the little Hills with a hop, skip and jump. Alsebt Butledge left this morning to join his brother Ed., who is keeping Store at Tgnace, C. P. E., which is some 180 miles west of Port Arthur. Albert will have to go via. Toronto, Chicago and Winnipeg. We wish him success. Our two new roller process flour mills are doing a rattUngfine business. The water power is abundant and stiU they, are taxed to their utmost in supplying the demand. W. J. Rowe is also doing a steady business with the old process. The Presbyterian church will be re- opened OH Sabbath, Feby., 8th, when the Eev. Mr. Scott of Owen Sound will preach isoraing and evening. There will alscr be an entertainment on Monday eveniog 9th. For farthw particulars see posters. Fourteen tenders- were opened yes- terday for the supply o^ briek and stone for the new IBfetocBstohazeih in this place by the bnlBiing committee with the fdlowing result. Ifr. Bdw^ er sullies the brick, Wm.TattleioIuis hank 100,000, and Weidey Bowler 60^000, «ud Bobt. T^Difias hM seem ed.the eontoust for AefOMlv of atmie' whieh 9n\o ^%^ f uuxM Api|Ood foek. ' " 80CIAI.. â€" A social under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methudist! cbnrdi will be given at Mr. Eobt. Torry'Si two miles west of Mai'kdale, on Wednesday, the 28th inst. Teams have been engaged and will be ut McFarland'K corner at 6 and 7 o'clock to convey tliosb who wish to go. A good time is expected. Admission 15 ce ilP. The Snrgeo s o ttie Ontario Saniia nan, Tor«»i to, t'»ft largest me.iical association ii: C;in ]», may le con- sulted Free of Gh\kge, at the Mark dale House. Mark ale, on Thursday, Feb. 12th, ai.ii at the Flesherto^i Hotel, on Fri(U' Feb 13th. All chronic «nd lingering diseases, which haffl" the skill of ordinary physicians treated. Tlifi pui!u; bIiouM bear iu rain I that tie Snrgeous of the Sanitariai] nr-- ail residents of Toroiito and havR no connection with any Yankee institution. A GOOD sriRT. â€" The Ladies Aid Socit^tv of th' Methodist churt-h gave their first social of the sr^ason last evening CWedn'-s Jay) at the residence of Mr. Itobert T"rry, Gleneisr. which WIS well atfci^nded aud a most enjoyable evening spent. Mr Torry has erected a fine substantial aud very cnu'.oit able brick house the past su'.ntu' r, the room and other accoinndatiovis were the very best, Mr. and Mrs. T. have the uiiani'iious thaulss ot the society for their generous liofpitality. We hope thpy may long live to enjoy tlmir priseut comJorts, thft result of industry and economy, social oyer $17. The Standard is regular as clock worK, each week and it is a rare thin£; to hear a subscriber coajplaiu of his paper not coming to hand regularly; even those hundreds of mils distant, often communicate their gratification on account of the regularity .of its weekly appearaijce. The reputation the ?^TADARD office enjoys for liisp.itch iu filling orders for job printing, whether by mail or otherwise, is also most satisfactory both to our cusroiaers and ourselves. We shall use ur best andeavors in future to merit a cou- tinuance of that generous patrouage and friendly business relationship which now exists. The Flesherton Adiancfi of last week says: "Our northern ♦nend, of the Standard, is disposed at times to be rather critical. Last week he (?) wrote a letter to his own yaper, iu which tie compared the msirket re ports as published iu The Advamce with those published in the Standard, and finds that there is a difference in favor of his paper," c. How the Editor of the ^l(/ra7ic« can manufacture a lie and publisli it with so little con- cern would appear strange to some, but we have become so accustomed to seeing this class of literature in the AdvanoetiQaxQ constantly expecting it and are not therefore surprised. The letter above referred to was not written, or dictated or suggested by us, and we knew nothing of it until it was sent in for publication. Are yon troubled with Salt Bhenm, Bough Hands, or Old Sores of any kind that cannot be healed? Eyen though it be of years standing McGregor Frrke's Carbolic Cieratc will cure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is the bost healing compound ever kaown. Boils, Festerings, Frost Bites, Bums or any I Skin Trouble, are alike cured by it. Sold at I 26 cents by Hill Bro's. D. J. 4| OOOS AND CNDS. â- !»^ U,i I H .^pâ€" .^jJi •AXBS3CB nem wtvaAsnn Meaford is again threatened with a flood from Bigbead River. The Scott Act has been eanied in Guelph. Mt. Forest is to have another paper. Meetings are being held in Melancthcn to discuss the propriety of seperating tL. township and making two muux-palities the pro- ject is not apparently gaining strength. Sheep Killed. â€" Mr. Wm. Bitohie of Glenelg had seven sheep worried by dogs recently, â€" lour a few weeks ago, aud three last Sunday. The dogs was followed aud destroyed. â€" Grev Review. LoNGEvirr.^^Mr. Simon Liddell of the towship of Osprey claims to be the oldest man iu Canada. He can pr'jve, be says, that his age is 108, and he can still walk, read aod eat as well as mostgentlemen of less advanced years. The Canadian Pacific railway have completed in Montreal what are said to be the Buest stock-yards on the c^mtinent. John Wright who lives near Heath- cute, lost a valuable horse on Mouday niitht. The horse was all right on Monday night and was found dead on Tuesday moining.â€" iiear^r FaU«j rimes. MARKDALE. â€"THIS NBW Patent Process Flouring Mill Is now completed at great expense, on the IVIost Al*I»ROVKr plans, and with the best' ma- chinery manufactured, mak- ing it, in every sense of the term, • Mel H|||,if 1 am therefore in a position to give the public a Superhf Wide of Flour. A fair trial respectfully so- licited and I have no fear bul" the result will be eminently satisfactory. Cash paid for good hard Wheat. IS* Flour, Bran, Shorts.etc, etc, for sale wholesale retail. „. AiaUS PLEWES. ,, j Soiree.â€" The Orange Soiree held on Thur'idav I ^^ l^"^^*^^"'y' " Vn^a.y evening last, ii_:„" A i 'â- 'as a grand success. The proceeds amounted to ab^ut $50. Mr. John Hurl hurt occupied the chair. Messrs T. Gilray, T. Low, Alex. Hall and N. MuColman were the speakers. Mrs. Buchanan fuiruished the music. â€" B. V. Times. Petty stealing is indulged in at the Thombury skating rink. The Orangfcville Methodist church has b*^!en re-opened. The Scott Act was carried last Thursday in Guelph by a majority of 169. The total vote polltd was 1,191 ihe largest vote ever polled in the city at any election. Guelph is the first ciiy in Ontario to accept the Scott The Scott Act is declared by order- iu^Council to be iu force in theconuties of Bruce, Huron, and Norfolk on the expiration of the present licenses. The late snowfall has caused a renewal of activity in the Upper Ottawa lumb.-riug reagions. Price of lumber are likely to rise, in consequence of a .tecrease in the cut tJiis year. The Canadian Pacific express which left Toronto on Friday night was wrecked at Smith's Falls at four o'clock Saturdrj morning, the bagg- ageman, Martin McDonnell, of Toronto, and an Ottawa man being instantly killed. The oxa caught fire and were consumed, the bodies of the dead men being buret to a crisp nearly all the baggage and all but one destroyed. of the mail bags were also â- Â«i» Worms often cause serious illness. The cure is Dr. Ley's Worm Syrup. It destrcys and expels Worms effeci-ually. NEW DEPAR TURE Commencing Feby. 2nd. 1885. the following editions of The Dailt ez-OBS wm W^aile* no -..â€"-.-.. to subscribers throngboat Canada, the United States and Great Britain Daily GLOBK-^Momlng £dition .. 3mos.fl.7o 6moB.t3.5a Daily Globeâ€" 12 o'clock •• ..." 1.00 •• 2.09 Daily Globeâ€" 3 » " .. » 1.0O " isn Daily Globeâ€" Saturday Morning Edition •• 35 » 65 12 moa. 97.09 •T- 4.00 â- Â» 4.00 « 1.25 THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP-TWO MONTHS We want to increase our presmtUuve list of subscribers by ten thousand within the niex;t 80 days, and for this purpose make the above Ubwal and unprecedented olTer. â- k adiUttoH to the »b*re ItbenU •flDer we make tke foUvwIiiK Anyone senb^o cs 75 cents and 5 subscribers will recelre an extra copy for two months free. 1.50 and 10 subscribers will receive an extra copy for five months free. I e.25 and 15 subscribers will receive a copy of Biogmphy of the late Qporge Brown. i 3.00 and 20 subscribers will receive a copy of The wsekly Globe for one year free.' ... 4.50 and 30 subscribers will receive a copy of Saturday's Daily Globe one year free. fTJOand 50 subscribers will receive a copy of The Daily Globe four months free. 15.00 and KM) subscribers wfll receive a copy of The ;Dailt Qlobb one year free. iBks^tte mum mmA. aceare repwto vT iMth rarilaimts tor aBly IS ccata. TUC /2i r^RP has apeoial arrangements lirwldoh^ possesses the sole righ|to.Ci;ii- I n C \a^V D C aAa oC publication of new oovcds by most of the lending w»ters of flotkm. sncb_a8 WlUdte 4MttM,'MiM. KraMM. Jhis||B MMvtky, B. I. KarJMpl, 8«mk A atmy of enthralling Intoest, entttied WTUABBPS WEMIB. kv Hiss .KhmMs, i^^W in. The Daily and Weekly Globe, andjrfllbeoQntfimed tfll by a atanr fram the ppwertol pea of JVsm â- eCAinW* ai. ,,_ is oompleted there will foBow mm 2rain.B. L FABJMail, the famous novdipt. npleted. tn the laalTia^firl XnaddttkiBtotiiemnlaroontbiiMasUity, theraaraalwamimBnliMrintlielSaodiao^dpek g( Daily, aadS Tas WBBa.TOi.0BB one or aMxa'additionaraafcdaJI^ f|iaion of wodirwlderq^ota.. Inthiai rraadan gat five or six i^mplwte novds each ycyo' Usu Igricnlliirii 100 Columns and 100 Engravings in saeh issue. 44th Year. 1-60 a Year THE RECOGNIZED READING PERIODICAL OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. 100,000 CYCL0P/EDIA8 FREE. Every subscriber to the Ahebican AobI. CDLTDBisT, Old oe New, EugUsh or Genaan,,., whose subscription for 1885 is iHia]tuxxi.T â-  forwarded us, together with the prioe, tLSO per year, and 16 cents extra for postage on. • Cyclopaediaâ€" making 81.65 in allâ€" will re- ceive the American Agriculturist, (Engjish or: German.) for ah of 1885. an* be presented L with the amebican aobicultdbiSt faoolx CYCLOPaimA (just OHt), 700 PAGES A»D OTBB 1,000 engbavinob. strongly bound in doth, black and gold. PBOM THE TENTH CEN8US,VOL. 8 JUST^DBLISHEX). "The Amerieaa, Agriculturist is especially worthy of. montioD, because of the rt-mark- able Bucoexs that has attended the unique and untiring of6»is of its proprietors to increase and extend its circulation. Its con- tents ardtQ)Iicated every month for a German edition, whidi alao circulates widely." Send three 2-C9nt stamps for maiUng yoa specimen copy American Agriculturist, «n elegant forty -page Preanium List with 200 lUuttrations, and specimen pages of Family Cyclopsedia. Canva^ers wanted everywhere. Address Publishers Aaierlcan Affriroltnrist. DAVID W.JUDD. SAM'L BUENHAM, Pres't. Sec, 751 Broadway. New^.York. ESTABLISHED 184 jThe most popular Weekly newspf^er- devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, ^SGOveries, inventatibns and patents ever pUhUshed. Every number illustrated with Bgleaj^d engravings. This pubheation. ftijrai^hes a most valuablo encyclopedia of iaformatibn which no person should be with- out. j The popularity of the SciEWTmc AtTEBJ Oj^ H is-site'h.^t its circulation nearly equaldi^that of aU other papers of its class comj^ined. Price »3.20 a ye«-. Discount to Clubs. Sold by a)! tuewsdealers. MUNN ' COt,' Pubhsheis, No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. M M ffl^ §M â-¼ A Munn Coi have al.--o r|l I. C II I Oa bad Thibty Sevek YEAfts' practice before the Patent Office, and have prepared more than One Hpndbbd THocsi^'D apphca^ions for patents in tEe United States and foreign countries. Caveats, Trade MiirJcs, Copy-rights, Assignments, and all other papers for securing to inventors their rights in the United State-!. Canada, England, France, Germany and other fore^u canntries, prepared at short notice .^d, .on rsaiiopable terms. Information as to obtaining: .patents cheerfully given without charge. Hand- lioois of information sextK!5ree..., J^atentM obtained through Munn jfe Cow 'are noticed in the Scientific American free. The Advantiige of such notice is weU understood by all peisons who wish to dispose of their patents. Address MDNK CO,' Office SciESTinc AjqpiCAN, S6 1, Broadway, New York. iMOCmSTORE' IN COlQirBCTION WITH ^^ ' flpur and Feed itore. Having just receiy«d a rrolMMSdOv -?..^Tt .^ Uil?5 I xapeotfti%] Mdwft.tlie jinUieV.^ «U:ptiKWPi».;. i 199

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