Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jan 1885, p. 1

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 Ill C^i"-: LA • mm, 'Z9i»]v â- hiti.s, atitl I'S. ive »atiifacti~r.. rinors lutufttf. ipn Tements in but 1 au giT*- Filled on tli» ALWAYS f -No. 229. MARRDALE, ONT., JAN. 39, 1885. CoriBB or Tin Staitoas Fits cski^bach. \n iii;,iii.ud.0 biSfludrfl J -,.».-•â- .. [Tekm â€" I y t I'lll 1 '-^ itjl-:J ,l.' roii's-ioiiiil arid Be ami .uj-..L-r. u •on â- y it tile office. Mill â-  "i- iiiice; 1.25 if I ' cards ineb 1 \K. 6 MO. 3 HO. S27 50 Slo »; io (K" lit W 10 i 6 00 4 0» 5 00 lo'e c •iu.'ii;) .... ilf column 27 (U! larter column .... 1' 00 ro inch space. 7 no liree inch space .... To (lO isnal adveitiscraenls 8 centf^ per line first sertiiiu, 3 cents per liie each subsequent Bertion, nonvareil mfeasurt?. toiiiil notices, or notices in local col- an 10 cents per line tirsi i iscrtioa 5 cents eh Bubsequents insert i.^n. [stray animals c.. iidvertised ;j weeks for \, the advertisempnt iioL to.txceed twelve les. |No paper discontinued until all arrears paid except at the aptio'n of the publisher. â€"JOB PRlNTtNCâ€" BK Standabd office hsc a s^plendid equip- ent of poste"' as well as fint jxb type Spe- attention to orders hy mail. Orders ed with dispatch. EDITOR AND PR' PRIETOR. IANDSdE.PERRY, (SUCCESSOKS TO LAUDEE HANOs), â-ºi.;;RISTERS, Solicitors. Proctors, No- taries, I ouvej'ancers, e. Money to at~4owest rates of interest. Offices i King Street East, (-251 Toronto. -J. .TIASSOI^, »ARKISTER, MASTER ANDDe1.«EG in Chanceiy, Notary Public, Convfeyan^ c. A NUMBER OF FABMB FOR SAIB. FFicES â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block lett St.; Branch office in Markdale, oVer Garland's Store, on Friday and Satrnday week. 57-ly Creasor Ar 91" rrisen, ^iLRRl" xvB.SOLICITORS. CONVET- â-ºaupes, (fee. e, ICES in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, W. F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; ,W. J. Mct'arland's Store on Thursday Friday of each week. 'Funds to lend on reasonable terms, Creasor, Q. 0. Duncan MoBEJOK larkdale, March 15. 1882. 7Mv A lexander Bro-wn 3UEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei R. etc. Conveyancer and Licensed Btioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, ^chants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- iec. to and charges made very moderate, rioeville, Sept. 17.1880. 1-y Wm. B^awn, 3SXJER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. K. c. ponveyancing in all its branches promptly ided to and carefully executed. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se ity. Mm HonsE, MARKDALE, ^s. Bryan, Proprietor. ITY HOTEL, m:ar,, IB McAlcer, Proprietor. this house is fitted up in good style, sitn- on Mill street, where the travelling pub- nay depend on the vury best accomsao- ton. Union bus to aU truns. 194 ARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONTi ItteHf 111. J.t MARSHALL. L.D.S. toEIVTIST, GBADUAT3E Ot" TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, wilt be «\ BatledgeS Hotel, MarkdtUe, ton ihe 1st and third Wed- n^dayof each month ana alsoi^t Mandiaw'i Hi^tel. Flesherton, the day folliOWing th« tMUti Wednesday in each month idf thd prfec tifi% bt his profef'siou. l22-4ir f S. RUTLED GE, PROPRIETOR. Lsliioiia,lle Tailor*, OVEB MACrASLAin's 8T0UB. teRF CT FIT GUABANTEBD. K W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCEI- T«CT.â€" Residheucte on jlill Street, Mark- dale. lS4ly SA.TlCTEli WARDELIU TTTELL DIGGER AND DBIIJiER. ALL V V ord'-rs promptly attended to. Rei»i denP4 â€" Sniders HiJl Owen Sound 1^2-35 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVHjLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af Cords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH 6IBS0H CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken for all kiDds of BRICK IND STONE WeRK, Plain Ornam«tital PlasterinR. Calsominin^ in all Sluides and Colors. Charges nioderate aad satisfaction gsar- anteeH. Orders left at ahe Standabd ofEtee, will receive prompt attention. ' 126-ly. ISAAC STlJySON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone v'ork. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-6m* MARKDALE P. O. CHATSWORTH HOUtt (late MOKBOW JHOUBK,) CHATSWORTH, Ont. TUCK McLEOD Pbopbstobs. MlMi|iftfB1ewUpthePar* Hmaiit Houses. SudVi^Whtte Tower inL9ndon,Eng. SEVEHaL TERRIFIC EXPLOSIONS. The best brand of liqnors and eigKors al- ways in stock. Good meals and eittrfortabIe rooms gnaiMvteed. Good stabling ana at- tentive kostjxir. 114 Farm for Sale, LOT 13^ eon. 13, Olenelg, 5 miles from Maa-kdale, 97^ seres, bash land, con- sisting of hardwood, hemlock, cedar. The lot adjoins Duncan's saw mill and the timber is worth the amount asked for the place, for particulars apply at thds -efiB^e. 224 MARKDALE FHMITURE STORE. STOOC COMPLETE -IH- Send six cents for postal^ and receive free, a eostly box I of goods which will help all, of either sex to more xaaosj than anything else in tills wqrid. les await the workera abaolately sore. )4d^ess Tbob*G6., Ai^uta, Ifaine. 1B7-SB9 /urn CLOTH SU/S, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEI^ MATRASSES, E^nraoek, Sidft. Center, B\dl-leaf and Kitchen Tables^ Siciebnurd94)rd8S- ing Cases, Loonges and €ntdl«8, Ac, Ao. li m liave^nt what jcu want we can have it on short notice. â€" ALBOâ€" Lumber, Bash, Doora. Dow Frame*, Kewel Posts, Stanrs, Balusters, Hand Bailing, and afisnehat GRANT 4 CCS, {Ftom the Mail.} London, Jan. 24. â€" A little after 2 o'clock a tremendous explosion occurred in the fionse of Parliament, the fine pile uf build- ings and the Government offices being shaken to the very fonndations. The report of the explosion was heard for folly a mile round, and Kirrible excitement prevails. Vast crowds of persons assemblea from all parts of the city. Downing street at the present moment is literally packed by excited people, who are clamoridg for something to be done by the Government to protect them from these periodical outragob. No doubt ijs entertained that dynamite is the terrible agent. The explosion occurred close to the House of Lords, near Westminster hall. It it reported that the explosiye was placed in a crypt under the building. One police- man was hurt. The force of the shock was tremendous, and felt at a gieat distance. The damage done was very great. Rumours are current that another explosion occurred at two o'clock this afternoon at London Tower. The excitement increaseb with every moment. The city is filled with flying rumours. There w^rc two exploRi^ns a. t the ParHamenthoaKe. The second came about three minutes after the first. One was near the House 'Of €(»nmon8, apd the other at Weetminstet hall. One man has been arrested near the scene of the explosion. The detective force is hard at work seeking foither deveVpmeut8, which are anxiously awaited, particularly by people in the neighbourhood of Westminster hall. rax KAOHINE MOXICSD BT A IiAOT. One lady was seriously injnred by the ex plosion in the House of Commons. Immense damage was done in the lobby. The masonry, decorations, and sculpture are utterly da stroyed. The place is described as literally blown to pieces. The shock was felt in Pall Mall, and persons in the vicinity say the eaxtli shook. Sir William Harcourt, the Home Secietary, and Lord Hartington, the Secretary of War, are visiting the scene. Another account of the explosion at West- minster hall says the explosion was more disastroas than at first anticipated. Four persons were badly injured, including two policemen, who are probably fatMly wonnded. A lady who was in the hall spied the infernal machine and called the attention of Potice- man Cole to it. The officers mshed to the spot, seiza^ the machine, and attempted 4o extingnish^ihe fuse, but was not 'qniok enough. The fuse burned so rapidly that the officer became alarmed and droppKcd it. The explosion lollowed almost imuediately. Half of the hall was wrecked. The explosion in the lobby of the House of Commons occurred three minutes later than the one in Westminster hall. It came from directly under the strangers' gallery, and very dose to the seat usually occupied by Mr. Bradlaugh when visiting the Commons. The lobby was completely wrecked, vhe gallery torn down, the Speaker's chair destroyed, and tne massive stone work displaced. PAKAOE TO IHX CHAMBXB. The %lass roof of the House of Commons was oomidetely shattered by the explosion. The clo(^ in the House stopped at precisely 2.13. A heavy beam, whidi formed one of the supports to the gallny, «nder which Mr. Bradlaugh usually »ta, was projected into the Speaker's cbair^ seriously injuring it. Mr. Gladstone's seat was torn to pieces. WHBIS THX BXHiOSnri WAS PLACED. It has been ascertaaied tiiat a large quan- tity oi exidosive matter was placed inride Ihe great ornamental gates lealing to the crvnt under Westnunster 'liall. The gat^s were blown off the hinges, «11 the windows on the north and soatii sides of the immense building were Mown to atoms. The con- oossion «ho(A down from the roof the ac- cumulated soot of eentwes. Thus make sach a dense cloud that the officers became banned and feared to enter the room. la the lohbgr tba splinters were for a time thick MAakesM « blinding snow storm. They were ^oreUed in many eases with a dangerous fb«ML Tbegr cot and ripped the leather frrm tbe eMts and tore out and scattered the koiM itair BtofBnga all.oyor the Honae. The •tatoea of King William IV. and King OeoBge rv. were orertdned. ASUST OT A CAHABUa. The tfazong of peq[de aboot tiie Parliament boildings etrntinaes. wcA is tmnnhiioas with esdtement. Tbtb polieeman most waatmAj iajnrad by tiM asploaion'is ainldiig rcpidltj, and all hope of his reeoraiy Bhaniinned. Of ^tiie ««o after he eadoikm m. 4)9 ^*V9 hasnring â-  ne js a bhi «I the inlliUM Wi^ w4m aa sla 4 ACoouMT or ix RB-wmnBa. An qre-witneas of the Parliament honse explosion sbts â€" ^After the Bt explosion he mtoed Westminster hall and found three eooataUes prostarsted upon the stairs leading into the eiTpt under the hall, all of whom wareserioo^ injnred. Near by a gentle man lay stretiihed npon the ground com- pletely exhaasted. whose hat and clothing were torn. He has also received severe in- juries. THX IKICAUTT OF TBX BXHiOSIOM. The locality of the explosion in the House of Commons is in a deep shadow, being directly under the gallery. The perso n who deposited the dynamite was thus less likely to attract notice than in almost any other part of the Honse. TSB nUOBBD COMSTABLBB. Police Con«tablts. Cole and Gox, who w«re serionsly injnred in Westminster hall, were still unconscious at 10 o'clock this evening. Their reoerery is considered absolutely hope- less. â-¼ISITOBS IN THX COlOCORfl. Over a hundred visitors were m tiie House of Commons when the explosior occur led in Westminster haU. Most of them rushed out of the building to ascertain the cause of the report, and thus many lives were saved THB rOBCX 07 THE EXPLOSION^ Remarkable force was shown by the ex- plosion in Westminister hall in a downward direction. Holes were scooped in the ground large enough to hold a man. Into one of these holes so formed Constable Cox was violently thrown, ani from it was extricated in a bruised and battered condition. Two other policemen, wlu were near the scene were not so seriously nurt.but were thoroughly stunned by the force of the shock. A farther inspection of the locality of the explosion in the House of Commons shows that the floor- ing HAS driven clean through to the basement. The floors through the building are littered with debns of broken chandeliers, glass, and other objects of a fragile nature. The gas fixtures were wrecked, and it was impossible for Col. Majendie to continue his investiga- tion for lack of proper illumination. The damage will not delay the assembling of Parliament. A WOHAN StISPXCTXn. The fact that an unusual number of ladies visited tbe Parliament buildings to-day has given rise to a suspicion that the miscreants who peipetrated the outrages were women or men in women's disguise. The attendants say parcels were carried by many of the women and they seemed to bestow tmosoal care in guarding them. A SUPPOSXe CLUE. A clue to the perpetrators of the outrage is thought to have been discovered. Just before the explosion occurred a man and woman, the latter carrying a hand bag, engaged a cab outside Parliament yard, and drove rapidly away, givmg no directions as to their destinatioi^ They nad not gone fax when the explosion happened. The cabman stopped the«ab, when the MAN AND WOHAN LEAPED OUT and hastened away. The cabman pursued the runaways, who were overtaken and arrested. The investigations made so far by the police lead to the conclusion that the explosives used in the attack on the Tower were handled by persons who gained access as sightseers. The ruins show that the explosives were operated from a point seme- where on the inner bastion or on the es- planade near St. Thomas' tower. The re- port was terrific, and was beard for miles up and down the Thames. The prevsdent belief is that the destructive agent was con veyed into the House of Commons by some Saturday visitor. TUESDAT. The excitonent over Saturday's explosions still continues in London. The police are active in their investigations, and haye ar- rested an Irish-American named Cunning- ham, whom they believe they can connect ino^e or less directly with the plot. The total damage done will amount to $70,0CO THew EniTland Grange* IB The following officers were elected for 1885 in New England Grange No. 812 :â€" D. B. Ellisâ€" Master. J. Ferris â€" Overseer. P. Harris â€" Secretary. James Morwood â€" Lecturer. G. Morwood â€" Steward. John Buskin â€" Ass. Steward. Geo. Hutchinson â€" Chaplain. Geo. Lawson â€" Treasurer. Wm. Guy â€" Gate Keeper. Mrs.- P. Harris â€" Ceres. Mrs. Ellis â€" Pomona. Mrs. G. Hutchinson â€" ^Hora. Mrs. J. Buskin â€" Lady Ass. Ste- ward. Geo. Hutchinson â€" ^Delef^te to IXvision Grange. â€" Auditors, Morvitod and J. Buskin. This Grange is in good working order, and in number and finaneial standing is second to none in the Division. DOES THIS BEFEB TO TOU? AMjeatieoUad Willi biliooaneM, #y pep ai a iiTHrorkUiMjeoaq^)amtB,orbad Ubodr U aoyoiiwttJiaa eiKlsin ena itf FIcalierMH. Fnm omr own eorresf OHdeKt. On Wednesday evening, the 21sfc inst.. a large number of scholars and t teachers of theFlesherton Presbyterian Sabbath School assembled at the resi- dence of J. B. Anderson, Esq., wben Miss Anderson was made the recipient of a handeome purse and address in recognition of her kind services as organist in the Sabbath School. After tea bad been served a very pleasant and social evening was spent in tarious games and amusements. On Friday evening last a social was held under the auspices of the Pres- byterian Ladies Aid Society at th« residence of Mr. Wm. Hogg, Flesher^ ton Station, whiioh was iu every respect a decided success. The house, which is very room and well adapted for auch gatherings, was filled to over- flowing. The various games and amubements. provided for the evening, was entered into witn a zest by all. Friday last beiug court day there was a large number of people, as usual, ont courting, who, a person would thick, might be old enoas;h to give up such notions but, from their fre- quency in the dock, we suppose they are fond of it. East Grey Agricultural Society. At the annual meeting of East Grey Agricultural Society, the following named persons were elected office bearers for 1885 â€" Thos. Kells. Esq., re-elected Presi- dent John Abbott, Esq., 1st Vice- President; D. B. Ellis, Esq., 2ud Vice President. Directors â€" William Hewgill, Geo Bichardson, S. Douglas, S. Damude, B. Oliver.Geo. Glazier, S. Stokes, Wm. Norton, W. G. Pickell. Auditors, J. I. Graham and J. Brodie. At a subsequent meeting of the board 8, Damude was re-elected Sec.-Treas. The Auditors and Directors reports were read and adopted. The Auditors report show the amount received,. $1887.95; amount paid, $1889.66^' and all due liabilities paid. The Secretary was instructed to confer with Prof. Brown of the experi- mental farm Guelph, in view of hold- ing a farmers institute in Flesherton at an early date. The meeting was one oi the most pleasant and instructive held by the society, being evidence of satisfaction and prosperity. The Fall Exhibition will be held on the 29th and dOth of September. â€" Com. Holland Centre Agricultural Society. The above society held its annual meeting on the 20th. January, when the following officers and directors were elected for the current year â€" President, Patrick Hamilton. Vice-President, John Crowther. DIBECTOBS. Bobert Clark, Thos. Anderson, Peter Bow, James Bruce, John Murray, Thos. Sowerby Wm. McKay, John Atkinson, Frank IJurton F. Kempt, Sec. C. Price, Treasurer. IMPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York Oity^ save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Gnmd Union Hotd, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooma fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duced at 91.00 and upwards per day. European plan, iSlevator, Besturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for lees'" mon^ at the Grand Umon Hotel than at any other first class hotel iu the city. War Against Djrnsunitera. A BILL IMTBODUOBD INTO THB UNIf STATBS SBKATB. WAJsmKOTON, Jan. 25. â€" Senator, Edmunds has introduced a biU making it an offence to make, buy, ser» mamiCMture, ot compound within th^ United States Miy explosive substauca w^itttent or knowing thai such shall be* used either; witbm the United or any foreign conatryforthedestmettoa of proper^ or life. Baeing siwir ex- elplave on boud way ship is aljH^ MnM l;. iMiiMiiiiiMllMI ^_*Ji»«=' MMiMflMi

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