Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Jan 1885, p. 8

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 wC " 4*«Vk. -L^. ., ^•.1«ft5--C!B-«MS»i,.: OFF'ICE OB* THE Ubrit All kinds of Majrlle and IML oniuxieiital "^Voirks, •nch as Monuments, Tomb fables, HeadsUmAs, Ooanter and Table Toim, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized mate, c., e. $a.tista,ctioii Griia,i*a.iiteel in "El-vetry XSespect ROBT. S. ME, v TAILOR, •- -Good Work Guaranteed ^AT â€" ery FLESHERTON. Oall at C!Ei-C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at FLESttERTON. FLESHERTON STATION. -0X0- 1 Full stock of General Goods now on Hand, and will be cosntanlly renewed, in Dry Goods, Hardware, Grockery, Grocer- ies, Provisions, dtc. o 1^ All carefully selected and well bought, ^si ' o will be Sold Low for Cash or Farm Produos. ^o â€" • Oaalk Paid tor a.11 kinds ot d-rain. WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION. P. S.â€"My Sa^r-Mill at Little Falls is in full operation. Prompt attention given to cusiom work, so that owners of logs can get their lumber for return loads. 2a6-S9 U Cures Dizzmemy Loaa 4 Af/p^iie^ JndigeMlum, BiUoutneia, Dytpeptia^ Jaundice, Affection* tf the Liver and Kidnap Pinnies, BtaUhet, Boils, Uumors, SaU Meum, Serifuki, Brysipeias, and aU disease* arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomaeh, or irregular action of the Bowds, PUMPS! PUMPS! Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, AU kinds of Pumps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J.T.QUINN, Successor to J G. Irving, Markdale. srs respiectfaHy solicited The Qndeni|pMd begs to inforan the pnblic that he hw bis SAW UB SniGLE HU. In fidl operation now, and it prepared to saw all kinds rf Lnmbtf and Shmgle fttoff, and gtfe yom. jonr Lnmbeg k Smiigto hone with jon dor* iag Mm winter Wilt saw on shans tfr hr oa^ )asli for Good. Logs. Your* tmly, Inraa. CSttdsfcime was 7S ye«n old #b Hm mSk'Dae, ^â-  '^!SdI Swin or voam u* Wdtte(»*ii. W Ae nmo^ ik not alinqrs w wiitt Jbtondnect. Worn Fo«dar will destaoj thaai. ATfemiltan begger -^Nnan oiitto be worth $2»000. Wonn rften ouim ii^Ml -illnMs. Tb* eatekDr. LQy*eWorm Sjrttt** It dasticsn and ezpdH VfOnu «fffle.i»By. Clarksbarg is to bave a private banli with a capital of $100,000. Foe Tzil Gamrfjoaom. â€" ^For PimplM; Blokbes, T«ii«aiid all itdiing tamors oi the skm, use Praf. Low's Ma^ Solpher Soap. Dr. Griffin of Dondalk shot a large wild cat recently near Proton Station. NO HABM IN IT. No harm can come from asmtr Eagyard's Pectoral Baltiam as a remedy fnr throat, broitehial and long complaints it is always reliable and positively s^e. Messrs. McGri^or, Nixon and Eetchum were elected police trastees for '85 in Dandalk. A GOLDEN 01»1NION. Mrs. Wm Allan, of Actdn, declares that Hagyard's YePow Oil is the best hoasehold remedy in the world fof colds, croap, sore throat, boms, scalds^ and oth)r painful complaints. Her opinion is well founded. Montreal has added, the past jear, two aud a half million dollars worth of buildiQ^R to the city. thU best yet. The best bloed cleanser I.aown to medical science is Burdoclc Blood Bitters. It purifies the Mood of all fowl ho'nors end gif es ftrens^ to the weak. The Kingaton and Pembroke Hiiway is uow open to its terminns at Banfrew, on the 0. P. B. main line. The foeces strengthened. The Tital forces are strengthened and the entire system renovated and bulU up by Burdock Blood Bittefs It acts on the bowels, liver, kidneys and blooii. A Niagara Falls hotel-keeper is reported to have come mto a fortune of $80,000 by the death of a brother ID Colorado. McGfregor Parke's Carbolic (Jernte has be'n tested by years of trial and has been found the most coxivenient and effectual method of applying Carbolic acid. The greatest anticeptic in use for Guts, Bums and Old Sores. Be sure you get McGregor Pake's Carbolic Cerate. Sold for 25 cents by Hill Bro's. 1 J. 6 Mr. Van Horae, general manager of the Canadian Pacific railway^ states that the road will be open and read; for travel from Ottawa to the Bocky moantains by the end of the appr(^h' mg session of Parliament. THE CHEAPEST ANO BEST. On account of its pnnty and concentrated strength and great power over diseases, WuimaAftbylUw Â¥9rk4ilMii«ts m to 1^ niiase ttcwaM^iif tlw ivb* ttabeee «ied to give msiiba their bright tensptiintapMftniiiftt. Now jt %m of th^ ii€ radipo^s. iMd«iie Vied m fipatales »Bfl|ciiM||Ply liuiRr«^ fP' nMtke eaoJay eolMred.% thim anythickK bst safp. It is JQst its sale for cvei^ i»i»And«8Peeiii^4i^Nlr«B tu oeebew "Ihen brillkariwmels. Ifthoymvst eat candy, let it be%he plain nnywrnish ed sort. Thff FittaneitH Enform Almanac tA Bi-itain for 1885, shows how the aristocracy have drained the publie parse since 1850. The uet resolt is that 582 Doble Iramilies of 7.991 members haye hfld 1£^888 offices ih that period, and have received £1081, 614,692 sterling as their pay. No dodbt much of this money has been bonestl]i earned in the pahlie service, and there can be equally 'no doobt that by far the larger part of it has been quite unecessaiy txpenditur-j. The American papers are paying a good deal of attention to Sis John Macdonald's Contedenttion scheme. Comparatively few of them, however, seemed to attach very much im- portance to ib. They ref:ard it as the brilliant dream of aspiring politiciftrtS. We are by no moans certain that they are right in this estimate. We incline rather strongly to the opinion that there id moie in it than many Canadians even are willing to admit, and that the scheme of confederai iot) will prove to be thb plank on which the Oonservatiye party hopes to keep itself afljat at the neit general election. â€" T'^uth. montbly F*^ir8* -Saturday before Flesh -Monday before Dur- Markdale erton. Chatswcrth ham. Dundalkâ€" Tuesday beloie Orange* yille. Flesberton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednest'ay in each month. Priseville â€" Monday before Durham. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each mouth. Hanover â€" 'londay before DiHrham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every mouth. STEAYBD. CAM£ to the premises of the subscriber, lot 17, con. 8, Olenelg, late in Septem- ber, two ewes and two lambs, all marked on the ear and one lamb with a particular mark besides. Would answer the description of stray sheep advertised in one of the Durham Burdock Blood Bitters is the cheapest and*P?^' recently, as being lostm Bentinck, The owner is requested to prove pi-operty. best blood cleansing tonic known for all ,. .i. -* xu disordered conditions of Wood, Uver aud ^P*^ expenses and take them. One of the â-  ewes has nnce strayed away. MOBDOCE O'HANLT. Markdale P.O. OlMialg, Dee. S3, '84. 224-36 kidn^yi. The Ontario Legislatnxe meets on the 28th mst. Man is atrimg; woBuui is besvtifnU Man has seienee woman has taste. Man shines abroad woman at home. Man prevents miseiy woman rdjeyas it. Man has a nigged heart wwman a soft on*. Man hswjndgmant; woman ha«MnsibiIity. Maaisgnstinsetioii; woman in soffleriBg. Manisfcbaingofjoatise; ireman an angrt o( narey. Fatax. Aocmmy.â€" One day last week, as Mrs. If einnis, wife of Hagh MoInniB, near Annan, was' engaged in sembbinR the kitehen, aha left the little chiU of abont eighteen months, ^yittg on ihe floor. The stove was between them, so that she oonld not Me, andheanng all quiet for a little while she went oyer and wai horrified to find the ehild had fallen head first in a tab of water, life being already extinet.â€" O. S. Timet. Are yon tioaUsd with Boh Bhenm, £oii|^ Hands, or Oli Botes of sny kind that eannot bs heeitit Bw thoegh it bs of yMra standhag MMngor A PMw'a CaiMio Ccnte will ears it. Bqroad the dndow of a doubt it is tbs bast hsaling emnpoand mn known. BoOs, Fsstarings. Frost Bites. Bntns or at^ Skin Troabls, sra alike sored by it. Sold at SSeenUbgrHOlBto's. D. *J. 4 BuionMK. â€" Ux. Alex. Maekensie of Eeppel,(m ToeadaT evening went to work at acme neighbw's place, and did not retam till evening. When he got home, he aaw the boose dark, and his wife miraiiig. A aevtit soon re- vealed her lilcBB body feuigii^ from a beam ia the barn: The poor wopwn had bean of mamfsiA mind, and was fi|r%sb«tttimem the asykim. On that iBOiui^ ^le aeem«d ^aeter and k^t» thaa nsoal, anl^lMr Imi^aod had no stgpnU tnmms-^tkm he lilk PRINTING! Posters, Streamers, Dodgers, Circulars, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Calling Cards, Bill Heads, Statements, Funeral Cards, Shipping Tags, School Repor^s, Aud all kinds of Municipal Stationery done with neatness and dispatch at this office. Wayns, ta Psfa Ca^ IIUaalB, MAS IMPORTED PROM PRANOK TSfEi CEIT if AU HmSEt •Sb^o IB 1 N0BL]3. MARKDALE GENER'LBLACISMITH HORSE SHOEI NO ' SPECIALTY. Also aftffftt for t)i4* nelebrat»-d CHATHAMI WAGONS. HACYARdS#! PECTORAL?! BALSAM "r? Hm n9 Mual for the pu-nuinent cure 0(' Ceaslu, C«iaa« ftant Throat, Ari-^him, Cronn. Vffeooi^lli Coaiflif Br»ackl(Ui, aad â- II Imuk Maeaaeii. J^ Everts botde' euaranteed t« give satisfaction. T. MILBURll CO.. Pto^rletors Toioiitc. HARNESS EMPORM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. TH08.limHEWS,Proprietor NotbiDg Lufc good B^ock used aud the best mechanics employed. A. stock of l)ouble and Siugle, Heavr and Light Harness always on liand. Also Whips, TrnnKs, Va'ists. Blankets, Bobes, c., always ia stock. Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BIU0U8NE88, DIZZIME88, " DYSPEPSIA, MDIQESTIOM, JAUNDICE. BBYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And waiymttimm cHMntorad CJVER, BOWEUOtI DROPSY, PLUTTERINQ OFTHEHSMft' MIDITY OF THESTOMAOR, DRYNESS OF THE 8KUI, of diMM* arMMt frum T. lILBaSH CO, ..^•* â- Â«' IA EUGENIA 6nst,SaÂ¥aiidLatliMilIs Having mad* aqtmsiv* improTements i» my Qxitt IfUl I IMI oonftdent I can give BOQd MMMkm. GOOD FLaUfttt.#AYS ON HAND Ckt^pingP(m§ Every Day. ^^nrtoB ftratef nd Billa TUIed on (he ttOmSt^ I^ ALWAYS

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