Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Dec 1884, p. 8

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 f 'â-  9 i i i- I ' Bi The CanaSan Mutual Aid Association. TLElAJy INCORPORATED AUGUST 20TH, 1880. BOARD OF l)IRECTORS VTia. Bennie. Esq., Toronto, President ;. A. Gifford, Esq., Meaford, Vice-PresidentH E. H. Hilbom, E^q., U*rt)ndge, Tieasurer W Pemberton Page, Esq., Toronto, Sec'y" ii. H. Watson, I.X.B:, Toronto, Solicitor It. H. Eobertson. M.U.. Toronto, Med. D'tr; C. H. Mackintosh, M-P., Ottawa Lewis Wigle, M.P.P., Leamington Thos. Menzies, f etfitrhoros J. P. Bull. Downsview; Peter Graham, M.P.P., ««rvrick S. W. Hill, Esq., Bidgeville, Memb. Snpt. The Dtfectors have fikd vrtth the Hon. S. C. WooJ, (Ex Provincial Treasurer of Ontario) TroBtee for the Association. Bonds to the amount of 960,000.00, ws a guarantee for ' the honest Carrying out of the terms of Certificates issued to members. Reliable Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost. The Association wUl do business on the foUowing plan Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon printed f« *ms furnished by the As- sociation, (and applicants must pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted^ a certificate will be issued witbin thirty days from date of aUch acceptance. Membership. ITke paTncnt oi TWELVE DOLLARS admits any of sound body and mind between the age of 18 and 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the apphcation is not Accepted the money is promptly returned to the applicant. Pian of Business. The following table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued by the Association, according to age NAtPWAi, Film ue Mgar eoAtad, mild ha%l thorouiai, and are tfn beU Stomach and LivfT Pill in use. When a tramp tfAs fMr breai 'tTo not giye bim a stone. Set the do^-ou itiin. The JttEcnc Flush, pate Hollow cheeks imd â- |frecarious apetite. indicate Worms. Fi*fee- inati's Worm Powders will quickly and eff^st- ually remove them. One of the problems which puzzle a mnHicinu is hiw to strike a bee flat without getting stung by its deiui- semi-quaver. AFTER TWENTY-THREE YEARS SUFFBBING. Eev. Wm. Stout, of Wiarton, was cured of acrofulonr absce^s that seventeen doctors could not cure. Burkock Blood Bitters was tfee only succcFsful remedy. It cures all impurities of the 8j"Stem. ISo, Laura, no; They do not '-open the campaign With a can-opexier." They do u with a cork screw. Hov? litfle, alas do women know about politics. AGE. Amount at Death AGE. Amount at Death *rom 18 to 30 30 to 31 • .lto32 32 to 3.5 33 to 34 $3 OCO 2 950 2 900 2 8'0 2 800 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 550 2 500 2 450 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 Frcm 45 to 46 46 to 47 47 to 48 â- 48 to 49 49 to 50 50 to 51 $2 200 2 150 2 100 2 050 2 000 34 to 35 1 900 85 to 36 51 ti 52. 1 800 36 to 37 52 to 53 ......... 1 700 37 to 38 ...... 53 to 54 1 600 38 to 39 54 to 55.. ........ 1 300 39 to 40... • 55 to 56. .•••••... 1 400 40 to 41 56 to 57 1 300 41 to 42 57 to 58 1 200 42 to 43 58lo59.... 1 100 43 to 44... 59 to 60 1 000 44 to 45 r Wife â€" What's the matter now, John? Husband â€" Oh, that neuralgia and tt othaclie near kills me. Vtifeâ€" Why don't you go to I Hill Bro's. and get a bottle of Fhiid Lightning? I You know it cures all suca things iis Too'h- I aclie. Neuralgia, Headache, Lnmbat;©, Ear- i ache, Sore Throat, etc. It gives i^istsiut rehef. 0. Jt N. 4 "Pa," ask^d Walter, "what is a Buddhist " "A Buddhist, my son," re'plied pa, "is a â€" well â€" a sort ot horticultural chap â€" you've heard of budding iruits, you know." HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half the above amounts should the applicaut so desire. Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar upon each member wili be made in case of death or total disability of a member, except when there is money enough In surplus funds W {jay said claim. Special Features. 1 â€" Great iudneements to piovide for families in ease of dftatli, at small cost. :2â€" I' benefits to both sexes. 3 â€" Uuifonn asseKsnients of one dollar only. 4 â€" Careful medical examination required. 5 â€" No annual dues or extra cliarges. 6- â€" No large salaries or expense?. â-  7^Tw() hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. S^Eonetits secured at actual cost. '9^Mi'nibers beconiirg totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be- ing payable at death. 10 â€" Ladies acc('ited in this Association as well as men. For narticulais apply to S. W. HILL. Membership Snporintevidcnt, Itidgeville, or to W. PE.MBEKTON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOE MAEKDALE, THOS. MANN. Also Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. FLESHERTON STATION. You are llie architects of yonr awu fortune. Bely upon year own strength of body and souL Take for your motto, Self rdiance. Honesty and Industry. For Vour star. Faith. Per severance and Pluck, and inscribe on jour banner, "Be just and fear not.' Don't take too much advice keep at tiie helm and steer your own ship. Strike out. Think well of yourself. J? ire above the mark yon intend to hit. Assume ybur position, D^n't practice Lumility-, you cau't get above the levelâ€" water don't run np hill- put potatoes in a tart over a rough road and sm.ill p(»tatoes will p' to tlie botlr.m. Euorg.y iuviucil.le â€" ieter- mination with a H«ht motiveâ€" are tue leayes that p'ov^ the world. The sme artof commahdiug is to take a fair share of the Work. Civility costs nf thing and buy*? everything. Bon't drink, Doo't "smoke. Dou't chew. Don't swear. Doii't gamlde. Don't lie. Dou't riteal. Doii't d'-ceive. Don't tattle. Be Polite. Be g u-rnuv. Be kind. Stud v Hard. PL.yU.rd: Be ill earnest. Be self-reliant, llnui good books. Lov»- your f-llow iiiaii as well as God. Love yi'mr omutry and obey the laws. Love truth. Always do what your conscience tells you to be a duty, and leave the con- sequence with God. ALEX KAY MiUStreet, larMale JOHN NOBLE MARKDALE ' GEER'LByCKSIITH HORSE SHOEIi^o SPECIALTY. Also agent for th«? celebrated CHATHAM WACONS. -0X0- Full stock of General Goods now on hand, and will be constantly renewed, in Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Grocer- ies, Provisions, c. ffS* All carefully selected and well bougliL. .^^ Will be Sold Low for Cash or Farm Produce. Ja,slx F»a,icl for all kindi^ ol Grrain. WILLIAM HOGG. FLESHERTON STATION. P. S.â€" My Saw-Mill at Little Falls is in full operation. Prompt attention given to custom work, so that owners of logs can get their lumber for return loads. â€" Good Work Guaranteed â€" -AT BulmersPlologTapliGalery FLESHERTON. OclH Sit, C3riC© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T-£^s. :B-crL2s/i:E)2B'3, FLESHERTON. =*ut»,Ttjtfiaeiaa£;fl!^ iMSii Cures Dizziness, Lv6^ of Appetite, Lidijcsticn, BiiiousnoiS, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affcciiuns of the Licer and Kidneys, Pimples, BMcJies, huHs, Ilmwrs, Salt Hheum, Scrofula, Erysiprlas, and all diseases arising from Ivipure Blood, Deranged Stomach, cr irregular action of the Bowels. A HUMANBAEOMETER. The man with rheumatism can feel the Approach of bad weather in his aching joints. Halyard's Yellovv Oil cures rheumatieni, afclms, pains and injuries. Srtid a lady to the famous actor Garrick: '•! wish you were taller." "Madame," replied tlie wit, ••how Ijappy I should be to stand higher in your estimation." COMPELLED TO YIELD: Obstinate skin diseases, humorS bf the blood, eruptions and ild sores are cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, which purify and regulate all the secretions. "So you call tnat well water T" remarked the stranger, spurting tho offendiug liquid from his moutli, ••Great ^cott how must it liavt- tasted when it was ill V' Fluid Lightiiinfj cures Neuralgi.'S in 1 minute. Fluid Liglitniug cuies Toothache in 1 minute. Fluid Lif^htuiuj^ cures Face Ache in 1 minute. FluidLightniug cures Lumbago in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning relieves Bheumatism in cue minute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache instantly. I'riee 25 cents per bottle at Hill Bro's. 0. N. 6 • In putting up your screen doors and windows be very particular to have a little hole in one corner so that the fli3s can go out of doors when they get tired inside. TO OUR READEliS. If jou Fuffer from headache, dizziness, back ache, biliousnessor humors of tlie nlood, tiy Burdock Blood Bitters. It is a guaran- teed cure for all ii regularities of blood, hyer and kidneys. "Now, then, Patrick," said the merchant to his new office-boy, "sui)po8e you go for the mail." "ife's. sor an' what kind of mail wud ye be wantin, sor â€" Indian male or oat male?" liVPORTAIVT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re- duced at Jl.OO and upwards per day. European plan, Elevator, Resturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can hve better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. Twenty-one freshmen were lately susptned .from an English college because a professor could not find who placed a tack in his chair. THOUSANDS SAY SO. Mr. T ^A' Atkins, Girard. Kan., writes: "I neyer hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively care Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and n^ulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hun- dreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at fiftv cents a bottle by A. Turner Co! 3 ' "You look as if you had been kissed by a breeze from Northland," said a poetic youne lady to a pretty friend, whoes cheeks were glowing with color. "Oh, no," was the laughing reply, "It was only a soft heir from Balti- more." IT SHOULD BE REMOVED. If the longs are obstructed by phlegm, caused by cold, do not wreck them by cough- ing, when the cough and soreness can be cnred by Hagvard's Pectoral Balsam, the re- habie throat and Iodk healer. Facts Relating to the Horses oi France. Draft While some people in America call all horses imported from France Noimaus, it is a fact that there is no breed in France called by that name by the French pebi)le.; the name Norman, theie fore, ia purely American. The principal breeds of France are known as Percherons and Bdullanais. The Percheron.s are the most highly prizedofall French races, and all departmfeuts of Fiance go to the Per the for stall'^ris to improve their local breeds. The Pe'icherou Stud Book of France is published under the authority of the French Government and admits only animals of pure Percheron crigin and birth, established by their peiJigrees and the pedigrees of their an- cestors for geaeratlons. The fact that no recar'led pedigrees can be furnished with any of the moie common breeds of Frareo, ex- plains the eagerness of many importers in insisting tliat all horses imported from France ave al'ke, and that pedigrees are useless. It i? a well known" fact that what a man gives for a horse over from $500 to 80l â€" the price of a good gradeâ€" is paid for purity (rf blood and where ihe seller is not able to give the recorded peiligree of the animal sold by evicieijce of additional yaliie, he has no right to ask it. With these facts bef oiv iiu; no inteUiijent man will buy a horse imported from Fiance unless he is recorded with his pedigree in iul' in the stud' book in France, and the importer lurnishes with h.s bill of sale the French certificate of registration, as this is his onln guarantee of safety, a large number of horses of unknown blood beii g ' imported to this country and sold as pure ' bred. 128 'â-  Has no equ;il lur irit ir.uiai.Mii ^u. ,,. Conschs, 'old.(. Son' Tliroji!; is.- iii»:i. «rmii, H'hodpinK 'oiii;li: Br^nchiii;, aun " all I.UHX OiNt-as^rii. iy Every bottle guaiaiitetd to j;i\e satiifrriicn T. MlLbUKN CO.. Proi-rietors To.o.uc. MARKDALE HARNESS^ EIPORIUM EijTfiBLISHED 19 YEARS. Tiios.BiATTHEWSyPrGprlfor Nothing but good the best mechanics stock of Double and and Light Harness s*ock used and employ G.l. A Siuglc, Heavy Rlwav.s r:!i liand. Also Whips, Trunks, Vh I i.-' s,B!ai Eobes, c., always in stcck. kits, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS. DIZZINESS, Berkshih Boar. ALL parties wishing to improve their swine will find it to their interests to u.*e that thorough-bred Boar belonging to j th,-- undersigned, and bred by J. G. Suell; Edmonton, Ont., eighteen months old. Terms â€" ftl at time of service. See pedigree. JOHN BOL.A.ND. Lot 15, Con. 12, Vandeleur P. 0., Ont. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OFTHEHEAHTt ACIDTTY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, "Mr. Jones," said little Johnnie to that gentleman, who was making an afternoon call, "can whisky talk?" ••No, my chad however can you ask j Buch a question " "Oh, nothing ' only ma said whiskey was begiunmg ' to tell on you.' » EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Glass UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt COFFINS, ' CilSKETS, SHROUDS, and all; FUHEML FURS ISIIIieS supplied on the shortea notice. And every species of »â- â- â- â- â-  arhing from disordered LIVER, KIONEYSi 8TCMIAOL BOWELS OR BLOOO, T. fllLBURN 0a, Proprietors, TORONTQi |H Ed A. Sileiidid Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€" AU kicds ofâ€" PICTURE FRAMHIG Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. O PATENTS BiuwH ft CO., of the SCncjjTrFie Amenn^iw .»» and SdrraitifleAneri ^»^c^ssis^S^;^«ss EUCEKfA Grist, Sawandlatlililis- Having made eqtensive impvovinu'!i'..=^ "' myGnstMill I feel confident I cnn gne good satisf action GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS. GN HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttomut, White Ash Bass wood ,~Pine and Hemlocl: LokE' vautea ';j9iy. M. AKITT, ]^vg:^ r^ ^^^'â- "^-â- "' • • â-  '

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