Grey Highlands Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Dec 1884, p. 4

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 r* *• Tha Standard MABKDALE DEC. 25. 1884. OBITUAKY. Mrs. O. M. Stonehouse, formerly Lizzie McLeod, was bum at Blantyre, Euphrasia township, Grey Co. was married in Toronto to O- M. Stone- house, July 13th, 1881. died in Mar- quett, Mich., Nov. 16th, '84, and interred at Forest. Ont. Her end waa peace. TO OUR PATBONS. This is tLe last issue of the Stand- ard for 1884, and we wish all our subscribers the compliments of the season. It is with pieasure we return thanks to our numerous patrons, who have, so cheerfully supported the Standard in the past. The present year has been one of vigorous growth m the circulation of the paper, and notwith- standing the financial depression, •which is universal,' there are a greater number of subscribers who have re- newed for. the coming year than there was any previous year at this date this we look upon as an indication of the Standard's increased popularity among the people. Over 170 new names were added to our list in Au£?ust as a trial trip for the balance of the year, many of whom have at ready renewed for 1885, and we trust the balance may all fall into line. We do not like to loose a suDscriber from our list, and we know our patrons do not like to do without the paper. It is encouraging to know that our effor^^^s to improve the paper have been appreciated in the past, and we hope to keep on improving from year to year. We are specially thankful to our â-  correspondents, who have assisted very materiully in making the Standard ' what it is. and we truat they will not grow weary m well-doing We wish all our subscribers health vand prosperity in 1885. MUNICIPAL. Of the different municipalities •â-  surrounding us, none appears to get up the excitement at election times equal to Euphrasia. The interest in this township commences long before the end of the year and continues to increase until the election is over. We are told that Mr. Gilray. the /â-  present reeve will have opposition in the person of Jas Patterson, Jr. There is no doubt, however, that Gilray •will be re-elected. He has been tried and found true,. an5 richly deserves the confidence and support of the electors, Mr. Fawcett and Mr. Erskine •.are candidates for Deput-reeve, and should there not be a third, the latter • should be elected by a good majority. It is possible however, that Mr. Ellis m take the fiield if he does, it is Jlard to say what the result may be. Messrs. Boyd, Black and Hurd, the present councillors are candidates for re-election they are all stauucli jnea and will probably be re-elected. J. W. Shepherdson is also a candidate. He is a boss Auctioneer, is well ac- quainted tiirou{j[h the township and -will poll a large vote. Should any •of the present council be so fortunate as to loose their seat at thc\ couucil board for '85, Slieplierdsou will be the mail to take it. In Ojprey Mr. Gamey, the present reeve, is to be opposed by Mr. A. Mc- Girr and A. Mclutyre. Mr. Gamey is probably tlia best reeve ever Osprey liaa. and lie will doubtless hold the reins, with iuere.ised support. Messrs. Taylor and Putts are reported as caudiJatos for Deputy-i'eeve. Ill Aitetaesiti there will, not likely I)e any opposiliou tirCoept ta Pedlar iiud Blakeiey. TlitTd is ootLiug new on the pro- £.ri\u\ i.i Gieuelg. Mr. Davis will be re-elected reeve. We expect to give boiiicibing important next week, Mr. CiiiiGi ou wiii- have no opposition CHEESE FACTORIES. The report of the first season's bnsi- netis of Markdale cheese factory may be seen in this issue. After contending with aU the diffi- culties incident to fresh hands at a new business, together with the great expense of hauling a comparative small quantity of milk from a long distance, the results are very satis- factory. Even calculating the cheese at a very low yield per amount of milk, and figuring butter at the very highest market price, there was a respectable balance in favoi of cteese. This will doubtless have the effect another season of encouraging others to sup- port the factory, as well as inducing the present patrons to add very ma- terially to their present stock of cows. We are strongly " persuaded that this country will not prosper as it should, until the whole district is dotted with cheese factories, and ail vigorously patronized. The soil is well adapted to growing coarse grains and pasture, while the water cannot be excelled in the world. There is fortunes in it for farmers, and the sooner they adopt this system of agriculture the better. There are counties in Ontario, where the average soil is far below that of Grey County, where 80 cheese factories are in a county and all well patronizoid, and the tanners there are getting wealthy. The soil is yearly becoming rich in fertility, besides the labor for both male and female is greatly lightened, and the great expense con- nected with grain growing is reduced to a minimum. We certumly beheve there is a prcsperous time coming for those who turn their attention to dairying in the ail/ove manner. ESTEAY ANIMALS. The law requires that every person who takes in a stray anima,l must notify the township clerk of hio municipality of the fact, in addition to advertising it, giving as mitiute a description of the animal as possible. The clerk is requested to keep a list 0^ all such animals. Persons failing to comply with these provisions of the law, make themselves subject to very heavy penalty, and besides can- not collect expenses for keeping etc. ©arrespa^dBat^B* Notice. â€" ^We wish it distiuctl understood that we do not hold oui-selves responsible for thK opinions ex luessed by oar correspondents Flesiien»a* fVian our own eorretpondent. Allow me, Mr. Editor, to wish you this week a merry, merry Xmas, and many returns of the same. In this vicinity plenty of snow now, good sleighing business brisk. Our business men here seem to have about all they ara able to do. On Wednesday evening, the 17th inst., the number of ladies and gentle- men seen wending their way in the same direction, with tneir latest new hat of bonnet on, with ail thmr other fine Sunday clothes, made bystander inquira, why I where are all these people going? when in order to have a better view, taking his stand a little further round the corner, he observed that none passed the palatial dwelling of J. H. Heard, Esq., when shortly after, he was informed, tuat in that same house two would shortly be made one. The work being intrusted to the skilful hand of the Bev. D. C. Mc- Dowell was successfully completed. The happy couple being that of Miss M.E. Heard, daughter of J. H. Heard, and Mr. David Blair, carriage-maker in this village, who were pledged to each other in the holy bonds of wed- lock. The youngs couple intend resid- ing here and have settled down to house-keeping, and we understand in- tend having their honeymoon trip a little later, at least not till the weather becomes warmer. The Howard Clifton Co. gave a first-class entertainment in tne Town HrJl here last Monday evening. The evening being very stormy there was not a very large turnout but all who were fortunate enough to be present enjoyed a treat -Mr. Taylor, in the different characters he represented, excelled, ♦{specially in that of Uncle Sam, the farming man, Simple Simon and Sarah Walker, he fairly brought down the house. Ail the others per- formed tiieir parts well. Mr. Clifton's imitations on tiie concertina was well done also some very difiicult feats in ventriloquism was well done. JTIarkdale Cbeese Factory. Vandelsur, Dec. Slst, 1884. To the Editor of the Standard. Dear Sir, â€" That I may give public denial to an infamous slander that has been giyen to the public by a man in an exalted position, I appeal to ^ou for a short space in the columns of the Standard as it is the only medium through which ordinary mortals in this part of t/ie cpunty can hope to obtain a fair hearing, and knowing your practice to be "give every man a square deal." At a public meeting held in the Methodist church near here on Wed- nesday, the 10th mst., the Bev. Mr. McDowell of Flesherton made this statement concerning me: "I believe you have been no friend to our people in th? past (Canada Motbodist). I was informed so shortly after you came here, in fact I was told by a member of your own church that your feeling towards myself was so bitter you could spit in my face any hour." I wrote to Mr. McDowell demanding the name of his informant to this reasonable request he gave me no re^ ply, consequently I must hold him re- sponsible for the slander. Now, Sir, I defy any man to prove that I ever have, at any time, in any place, by word or act, shown the slitrhlcst spirit of animosity towards any denomination of the christian church, or any ill feeling towards Mr. McDowell or any other minister, more than this, I favored the Union move- f meiii from the first, and supported it to the utmost of my ability. For proof of this, and regardius: my char- acter previous to settling here, I refer t'j Eev. J. S. Corcoran, Hepworth, Unt., late of Markdale. Thanking you for this favor. I DiaiiJ, Sir, respectfully yofirs, Jaheii Hanson A meeting of the patrons of the above factory was held on the 13th iijst., iu the Orange Hall, Markdale, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., to wind up the business of the past year and to appoint officers and directors for the next. The President and Secretary gave a statement ,of facts and figures re- garding the past season, which were received by the meeting as entirely satisfactory. re- in llojl utl. Jdessrs. Shnce and Norton will ajraiu take the field for the D?patysiiij3, and the vote will likeiy be close. There ara several new naives mentioned fis candidates for councillor, but nothing definite is yet antoonced. Vie «vonld ask onr correspondents to seud iii the ne^s early the next two wtsuks so that we may have ieii£b.'e is-porls t give. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The bd*t Salve in the world forcuts,bruises sores, nlcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coma, and all skin eriij)tions, and positively cures piles or MO pay required. It is guarantead to give perfect salisfaction. or money refonded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. THE SECEET OUT. The secret of success of Burdock Blood Bitters is that it acts apoix the boweU, the liyer, the kidneys, the skin and the blood; removing obstructions and inpartiEg heatth and vigor. The auditors' report followed, and testified to the satisfactory way busi- ness was done, when by resolution of meeting, reports were accepted and adopted as entirely satisfactory. It was then mpVbd in substance by Edward Butledge and seconded by Wm. McLoughiy, that although this being the first year of our factory, and as a conseqaence not so good from many causes, chiefly want of milk and an unfavorable fall, yet when we compare the result, we would haye, if we manufactured our milk into butter and sold, say at 18 cents per lb., which is a high average for this season, with the result we have netted from giving the same quantity to t^e factory, we find there is a handsome balance m favor of cheese. Be it therefore re- solved that we give the Markdale cheese factory our most hearty sup- port in the coming; and following seasons. â€" Carried unanimously. Some minor resolutions were passed as to regulatins: sale of cheese, etc., when the following were elected offi- cers and directors for the neiit year B, Coleman, President. H. D. Irwin, Secretary. John Boland. Director. Wm. McLoughry, " Edward Butledge, " James Wrif^ht. " Wm. Jackson, Jr., '•, Wm. Brady, •« John Hutchinson, ' E. W. Moore, •• Thos. Boland, •' 572,623 lbs. of milk were manu- factured into' 59,117 Jbs. of clieese, and sold at an average of 9^ cents per lb. 9G6 lis. of milk rjave 1 lb. of cheese. This spe-iks well for the manufac- tures and this section of country, as being highly favorable to the manu- facture of cbeese. H D. InwiN, Secretary. A "WIDE aWAEE druggist. Mr. A. Turner is always wide awake in his bu^ness, and spares nd pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New DisQortdry f or Consumption. The only ceitain care known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever; Bronchitis, or aiiy affection of the throat and lung::. Sold on positive guaran- tee. Will give yon a trial bottle free. Bega- lay KUie 11.00, 8 Boral Black Freceptary jfleet- ing* At the last r^ular meeting of Vic toria Boval Black Preceptory, held iu Markdale, D«i5. ;12,- 1884, the follov-- iug Were elected officers for the ensu- ing year. â€" J Sir Knights James BxodMft, Wi P^ e- ceptor; Wm. Brady, D. Preceptor; Jbnn McFadden, Cuapiit*; John Gill- espie Begistrar Jas. Elliott, Treas mer; Thos. Gihay, 1st Lecturer; Jas. Bryan, 2nd Lecturer George Bitchie,'lst SiandarJ Bearer; John Carson, 2nd Standard Bearer Thos. Abbott, 1st Censor Joseph Gbsoii, 2nd Censor Richard Abby, Pursui- vant Thos. Elliott, Tylor. Committeeâ€" Sir Eniyhts William Butledge, Thomas McConnell, James Erskine, Thos. McArthur, Jas. Carson, and James Trigger. This Preceptory meets on the second Friday of eacli month in ^he Oiauge Hall, Markdale. Com. Sale Register. Tuesday Dec. 80ih. Mr. John Wilson, lot 12 con. 9, Euphrasia, will sell by auction, live stock, iru plemenis c. c., sale »t 1 o'clock, usual terms, Geo. Noble, auctioneer. » tm t Fluid Lightening. Fluid Lightening not only cures Toothache instantly, but also NeuralRia, Headache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbagoand Sciatica. Pain of any kind cannot remain one minute where it is applied. When you hear of Fluid Lightning you hear of one of the greatest marvels ever known in the way of a medicine, as it never fails to cure, and not iu a week or a day, but the instant it is applied to the effected part. Sold at Hill Bro's. G.N. 5 ^^-..^â- ^^^^^'^^•'^^^.^^^^â€" ^^â€" *^^â€" â€" " â€"^^ Noilces of DiiUis, Maiitaye-^, and Deaths, twetiitij five cent' BIRTHS. Bbownâ€" La Markdale, ou the ]7th inst., the wife of Wm. Brown, Esq., Merchant, of a son. Hill â€" In Markdale, on the 18th iut., the wife of Mr. Solomon Hill, Merchant, of a son. DEATHS. Stonehouseâ€" In Marquett, Michigan, Nov. 16, be'oved wife of G. M. Stonehouse, aged 2'2 years. 9 months and 2 days, dau^;htbr of Donald and Elizabeth McLeod, l.^itft of Markdale, Gnt. She was buried in Forest, Ont., Nov. 23rd. MABKDALE. Fall Wheat. $0 64 to $0 00 Spring Wheat.. 64 to 00 Barley 40 to 55 Peas' 52 to 00 Oat 2li to 00 Butter 15 to 17 Eggs 20 to 00 Apples SO i» 75 Potatoes 18 to 20 Hav i...' 7 00 to 8 00 Pork 5 00 to 5 60 Flour 3 75 to 4 25 m WORM POWDER AniAaaaaattotake. s; A4^ â€" I-MPOUT, 1) FIELO m^ QiROEH SEE .^ SIJBSCKIPTIONS. Subscriptions received at this office for any of the following papers to the end of 1885 for one dollar in advance each, viz Markdale Stanobd, Toronto Weekly Mail, Weekly Globe, Montreal .Star, Montreal Witness, or the Farmers, Adeocate. Now is the time to subscribe and get the balance of this year free. STBAYED. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, lot 17, con. 8, Glenelg, late in Septem- ber, two ewes and two lambs, all marked on the ear and one lamb with a particular mark besides. Would answer the description of stray sheep advertised in one of the Durham papers recently, as being lost lu Bentinck. The owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses and take them. One of the ewes has since strayed away. MGBDGCK O'HANLY, Moikdale P. O. Glenelg, Dec. 23, '84. 224-36 FARM mSALE. r\r\ ACRES, being south half of lot 18, tj\J con. 12. Holland, town-line of the township of Holland and Euphrasia, six milt!.= from Markdale and the same distance from Walter's FuUe. This farm is level, soil clay loam, has 60 acres cleared and under cultivation; balance splendid hardwood timber ia 3 J miles from Berkelev station new frame house and log st-ible' thereon splendid well'of spring water beside house. Church, School and Post- Office all less than a mile distant. Beason for selling â€" the place is 8 miles from homestead, making it inconvenient to labor. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN HAMILTON, Markdale P. O., or to this office, for further partictilars. Rooms to Let T'SSH large ronms in thn second flat in Bae's new block, suitable for offices, dress makers. Good Uffht ASd in splendid lo(«tion. Af^ly for lorther pMtlenlars to fr B.S.BAB, 222-24 Markdole. The place to buv youi' Seeds is, PARKER'S, Drusstore. DURHai WANTED^ AN intelligent, Ijcnpst vnung man i„ iJ Clock, Watcli and Jcwel'lerT W1 For first 2yea-p will be )e(iTiiiedtDael«, the mail. TLe ri-lit boy will be j^i^^ with, "^-k. LllOWN.. J /w e)ler, • JiarWs! Jew Bfltclier Sloi) The best rarats the coi'n.ijcajTiroi kept ou h.ind and DELIVERED TO ALL PAETS THE TOWN WHi:REORDr.REI A shure of jiuljlic p.iUon.'jeyevieetf solicited. Iteaiembcr the f-'r.ijil ju McXro'-Uwi 181 W. H. RUTLEME mW FOR SALE. I A Voir., -1)16 p opoiiyof7ore;e!, coajris Lot 4f), find v.- I Ik: u of 42, hi Eu4 T. PiOad, HolLia'I-one ii)'i3- fioia WiEimi- Stiition, the ubee is in good :;.';:e, fit to a reaper ajid mowaj- ;;Ood (ueiifl;u, fenced, picket feuce avoiiiuio,.iiaidandf, of lot wi'h iuj.;)le tvecti yl-'iKod inside, g dwelling houfe, also fejoil Ijaru and houses. Title Good, no Itiusfers froai crown. Foi- iiirther pa. i,"nila)s ppplv oil premi-e-^ to ownei. EOUEIVX CLA AVilliamsfoul St itiou T. 0. .:?09-21L K'IjVK â€" WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWEIB New goods aiiiving every week,w)Dsisti«i WATCHES, CLOCKS. CHALHi CHARMS, SLECTACLES, WPES, PUBOES, VIOLIN STEIXGS.etf. 18 k. Wedding Rings always in Watdtes, Clocks and Jewelh Eepaired by mysell and satisfMtion gM auteeil. " IS- NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOOPl jrive me a Call. James C. Russell, Watchmaker. Jefeilei- 217-269 J'l^^'^^"' M arMaleRoUer 1 The subscriber begs leave to annonw^ the farmers of the siirroiiudiugc"" â-  he is turnmg out Hour equal to anj roEer mill. ,,„,:»( is lie No more waiting while the grw' giound. i„ nf pwlianie: ^The following is Hie scnle of exm Wheat Weighing 6-2 lbs, iOlf CI " ^^ ,. '• ()0 •' 3^ II ' '9 " '^l u .1 -IS " " â- ' " " " " ' 'tcrffio"' with offal iu pioportion to puionu ^^^^^ I lind the a v wage ^volsll.., o' ' j „ De 60 lbs. to the bu^llLâ- ]. aiwl il^^- ' ^jC-2 if properly ck^o led, wonUl « i-ifi" the bushel. v~.»A MW GROCER! Sf OR IK cossECTio-x- mm Plme^ Fhur and F^^ "" Having just receive^d^ Gfaoicee, f ^esS. tti» Teas* Which vfiin^e soU ^^ blie] I respectfully soliot the patroiaage. ^^gg. 198 ' 1 lEl Stock See prices Loca Notices any indivi_ â- cents a Ui, (cents a liiu Spleni Seven girls. .Bulk Eanbury" Me. Ci: this week This is /ovl stomj Miss M Alleiiford A MERR Xfiar to al jjjaye iis a We riia; during th( For Sa] Cows m c Miss M( spent a fe' We ha( Jenkins oi Iflenlli «Qse for hea Don't k .Boot, Iace( The S^:j 4 meriy Year. i. E. Tri on Tuesda at that. What a â- which was prospects DtSDAS Tea for I " tea-pols. Maskdj on Satui-i open du C HA^BtrE and Liqui Mr. J. Assmiboii for snbscr No frie: the bes4 Dundas a Mrs' daughter, are pleas( well. All wl pleased â- w A, BrowE Owing day comii A»D -svill «acU wee) Fbom. I will giv «»eryart tf goods. Markdak

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